I don’t like to talk about this, but I feel that it’s a perfect example of systematic racism. My healthy 19 year old son told me he thought he was having a heart attack. He looked fine-I thought he was joking, but he said he was serious & that he’d collapsed outside. Without another word, I grabbed my keys, said come on & we went to the ER. They took him straight back & a doctor never came in to see him. As a woman who has sickle cell anemia, I have more experience than most with going to the hospital, and have NEVER only seen a nurse practitioner but I was told that was normal, so it may be. She came in & asked a normal battery of questions, including asking if he smoked or did drugs. He answered. But then she asked him again if he smoked or did drugs. And I went off. I explained to her that I wasn’t sure if my 19 year old had ever smoked weed, but I could assure her that’s not what he was doing at home with his momma, so can we move forward & find out why his chest hurts. I was FURIOUS. They took blood, did an ekg, sent us home in a really quick amount of time. But when she comes back in with his results, the first thing that (insert cuss word-I want to cuss so bad), was, “well your toxicology screens were clear.” Who was ever concerned about that!!!! If you know my children, you know that I have some of the most well mannered, well spoken, respectful young men on the planet. And if you know me as a parent, you know I am the opposite of all that when it comes to my children. I wanted to show my complete ass. I cut her off & asked about his other results. I was there the entire time-so I know they knew his entire medical history & mine & his father’s, & everything. Anyway, she shrugged, said his heart was healthier than hers & said she diagnosed him with anxiety, (without asking the first question about his feelings or anything to determine that he had anxiety). I followed up with his Dr. because I felt that woman saw a young black man & assumed he did drugs. Now with two medical professionals stating he had anxiety & no cardiologist referral, we resume life as normal & then one day, while playing basketball with friends, his heart stops. After waiting 5 months for an autopsy I am told that his death was preventable had medical professionals ordered the correct tests that 1 time that he showed a symptom. That 19 yr olds rarely have heart attacks, but can have heart defects & the fact that he collapsed was THE telltale sign. A simple order for a test or referral to a cardiologist could’ve saved his life. Now, let’s rewind to the experience I had with a younger white child that I know was smoking weed & went to the ER for chest pains & they kept him overnight for observation.
This is how systemic racism works. You’re not listened to, dismissed, & overlooked. This is why more black women die giving birth. I suspect it’s one of the reasons black people are dying at higher rates from COVID.
Now let me move on to the rioting & looting that no one understands. The day that my physician told me my son’s death was preventable & that I should sue, I came home & sat in my car & thought about going up the road & blowing the hospital up. I cannot express to you how serious I am when I tell you I meant it. I wanted to burn it down. I didn’t care about who’s mother, father, lover, or friend was in there. I wanted to light it up. It was 5pm & I walked in my house & went to bed-to stop myself from going to jail. I spoke to a lawyer-but the rage I felt at discussing this was so unhealthy, that I chose to ignore it until I could do so without committing homocide. I still would gladly go to jail the day I see that woman again. Racism is more than ppl calling you nigger. It’s getting pulled over & asked whose car you’re driving if it’s nice. It’s being asked repeatedly about drugs you don’t use. It’s going to the doctor & making complaints repeatedly & never having tests done that could save your life when your counterparts don’t complain & get them. It’s being ignored, dismissed, overlooked, & corrected when you’re correct! Its being told things aren’t racist from people who’ve never experienced racism. It’s being told all lives matter, when the country has shown you that your black one doesn’t matter to them. It’s having your entire history told on the news when you’re the victim, but not that of your killer. It’s knowing when white kids shoot up schools & the news reporting them as being bullied, but black kids are thugs & go to jail until 21 for getting in a fight. It’s all the things you don’t know that happen because it will never happen to you-which is why we call it white privilege. Use it to help your friends who live without it, everyday. #nola The NOLA Network #nootherlifeaffected