The Science & Entertainment Exchange (SEEX)


Mar 18, 2017
The UK is full of little cameras on poles! What gets me is how many people are paying to be monitored by Amazon Echo etc - have they never watched "Person of Interest!?"

" The Science and Entertainment Exchange (or SEEX) has consulted on over 1300 films and TV shows in less than 10 years, but outside of Hollywood few people know who they are and what they do. Are they merely concerned with promoting science and encouraging young people to take up scientific careers, or is there a weirder and darker side to their Hollywood operations?"

Basically, it connects scientists with film producers and script writers who then get their ideas into our consciousness.

An example of this, is the film, Batman Forever. Not saying the Exchange worked on the film or that it was even in existence at the time but the script sounds a lot like it came from DARPA (Akiva Goldman, who rewrote the script is a questionable man). I thought it was pretty candid about the future and tech. Here’s a scene about Ed. Nygma’s presentation.

Bruce Wayne: “Edward, if you can introduce images into the mind, what stops you from extracting images out of the mind?”

Other quotes not in this particular scene;

Edward : “Yes. TV. Balm to the minds of the masses. The great deadener.”

Batman: “You've devised a way to map the human brain. To read men's minds.”

RIDDLER: “Oh, Bruce, you are clever. How fitting that numbers lead you to me. For numbers will crown me king. My Box will sit on countless TV's around the globe, mapping brains, giving me credit card numbers. Bank codes. Safe combinations. Numbers of infidelities. Of crimes. Of lies told. No secret is safe from my watchful electronic eye. I will rule the planet. For if knowledge is power then tremble world, Edward Nygma has become a God.”

Fast forward, 18yrs later, President Obama announced the Brain (mapping) Initiative cloaked in benevolent “aims to help researchers uncover the mysteries of brain disorders, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, depression, and traumatic brain injury (TBI).”

Ofcourse, the benevolent “Participants in BRAIN and affiliates of the project include DARPA and IARPA as well as numerous private companies, universities, and other organizations in the United States, Australia, Canada, and Denmark.”
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Jan 10, 2019
"The The Science and Entertainment Exchange (or SEEX) has consulted on over 1300 films and TV shows in less than 10 years, but outside of Hollywood few people know who they are and what they do. Are they merely concerned with promoting science and encouraging young people to take up scientific careers, or is there a weirder and darker side to their Hollywood operations?"

Basically, it connects scientists with the film producers and script writers who then get their ideas into our consciousness.

An example of the this, is the film, Batman Forever. Not saying the Exchange worked on the film or that it was even in existence at the time but the script sounds a lot like it came from DARPA (Akiva Goldman, who rewrote the script is a questionable man). I thought it was pretty candid about the future and tech. Here’s a scene about Ed. Nygma’s presentation.

Bruce Wayne: “Edward, if you can introduce images into the mind, what stops you from extracting images out of the mind?”

Other quotes not in this particular scene;

Edward : “Yes. TV. Balm to the minds of the masses. The great deadener.”

Batman: “You've devised a way to map the human brain. To read men's minds.”

RIDDLER: “Oh, Bruce, you are clever. How fitting that numbers lead you to me. For numbers will crown me king. My Box will sit on countless TV's around the globe, mapping brains, giving me credit card numbers. Bank codes. Safe combinations. Numbers of infidelities. Of crimes. Of lies told. No secret is safe from my watchful electronic eye. I will rule the planet. For if knowledge is power then tremble world, Edward Nygma has become a God.”

Fast forward, 18yrs later, President Obama announced the Brain (mapping) Initiative cloaked in benevolent “aims to help researchers uncover the mysteries of brain disorders, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, depression, and traumatic brain injury (TBI).”

Ofcourse, the benevolent “Participants in BRAIN and affiliates of the project include DARPA and IARPA as well as numerous private companies, universities, and other organizations in the United States, Australia, Canada, and Denmark.”
This is valuable information. The way you've tied in the podcast about the NAS and SEEX to the Brain Initiative is excellent. I watched the Obama video first and it took until the end of Seker's article to get the fullness of the picture.

The language Obama used describing the Brain Initiative was telling: invest, payoff, growth, invest,... invest again lol. The way it's proposed in his mind is for profit first. The initiative is creepy: to "unlock" the mysteries and "break" the code of the human brain. "What if computers could read our thoughts, the language barriers could come crumbling down." Uh no thanks pres, I'd rather keep my thoughts to myself and use a translator. Collaborating with the private sector is also disgusting (for many reasons).

The presentations of the SEEX members (especially Alicia Jackson) show clearly a quality of some scientists that isn't pointed out enough: they are mentally ill. They have no problem tapping the brain or adding chromosomes to make us all into superheros. Not to take away from the plans of higher elites, but I think many of their agents are simply heartless, godless drones. More than a "satanic agenda", we're being manipulated by confused figures who have no conscience or moral fiber themselves. They're not all hidden behind a curtain. These are people in our own families or on social media, etc., we have to confront.


Mar 18, 2017
The language Obama used describing the Brain Initiative was telling: invest, payoff, growth, invest,... invest again lol. The way it's proposed in his mind is for profit first. The initiative is creepy: to "unlock" the mysteries and "break" the code of the human brain. "What if computers could read our thoughts, the language barriers could come crumbling down." Uh no thanks pres, I'd rather keep my thoughts to myself and use a translator. Collaborating with the private sector is also disgusting (for many reasons).
I had actually forgotten about Obama’s Initiative but the film reminded me of it. It wasn’t my intent to watch the film, I was doing something and had it on as background noise, just waiting for the soundtrack (Seal’s song) :) but then I ended up watching it. The wiki entry of the film says the original was a lot darker and they lightened it up to attract a younger audience/family friendly. I don’t see how light the subject of mind manipulation is but I guess that in getting Jim Carrey to play that role, the seriousness of the subject is downplayed.

Obama does let slip, through jest, that its about control…. “my life would be simpler here….we could prescribe something” 6:03-15 mark
The presentations of the SEEX members (especially Alicia Jackson) show clearly a quality of some scientists that isn't pointed out enough: they are mentally ill. They have no problem tapping the brain or adding chromosomes to make us all into superheros. Not to take away from the plans of higher elites, but I think many of their agents are simply heartless, godless drones. More than a "satanic agenda", we're being manipulated by confused figures who have no conscience or moral fiber themselves. They're not all hidden behind a curtain. These are people in our own families or on social media, etc., we have to confront.
I think that some of these people on the lower rungs genuinely maintain a belief in their delusion. Whether they’ve taken their delusional beliefs to their logical conclusion, is anyone’s guess but as this excellent essay shows, with their glorious promises of a technological utopia, they are taking us all on a trip to Nowhere.

Fiction as a Precursor to Fact: Sci-fi “Predictive Programming” and the Emergent World Religion

“In Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future, Bishop Seraphim Rose expands on the role of sci-fi in the promulgation of evolutionary thought:

“The center of the science fiction universe (in place of the absent God) is man–not usually man as he is now, but man as he will ‘become’ in the future, in accordance with the modern mythology of evolution.”

In this talk, Dyer mentions Jacques Attali’s book and the future he envisions. The same Attali who claims that Jerusalem will be the capital of the NWO.



Jan 10, 2019
I had actually forgotten about Obama’s Initiative but the film reminded me of it. It wasn’t my intent to watch the film, I was doing something and had it on as background noise, just waiting for the soundtrack (Seal’s song) :) but then I ended up watching it. The wiki entry of the film says the original was a lot darker and they lightened it up to attract a younger audience/family friendly. I don’t see how light the subject of mind manipulation is but I guess that in getting Jim Carrey to play that role, the seriousness of the subject is downplayed.

Obama does let slip, through jest, that its about control…. “my life would be simpler here….we could prescribe something” 6:03-15 mark

I think that some of these people on the lower rungs genuinely maintain a belief in their delusion. Whether they’ve taken their delusional beliefs to their logical conclusion, is anyone’s guess but as this excellent essay shows, with their glorious promises of a technological utopia, they are taking us all on a trip to Nowhere.

Fiction as a Precursor to Fact: Sci-fi “Predictive Programming” and the Emergent World Religion

“In Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future, Bishop Seraphim Rose expands on the role of sci-fi in the promulgation of evolutionary thought:

“The center of the science fiction universe (in place of the absent God) is man–not usually man as he is now, but man as he will ‘become’ in the future, in accordance with the modern mythology of evolution.”

In this talk, Dyer mentions Jacques Attali’s book and the future he envisions. The same Attali who claims that Jerusalem will be the capital of the NWO.

It took me a day to get through Collin's article. As you said, excellent essay. It's some heady stuff, I had to look up the terms "epistemic autocracy" lol.

The topic of predictive programming, Darwinism, Star Wars, the occult, ufo's, and humanist philosophy, etc., buried within pop science fiction relates perfectly with what you posted earlier about the science exchange and the future these technocrats envision.

The deeper look into writers Lovecraft, Huxley, and (freemason) HG Wells, Bainbridge's "Church of God Galactic" and it's culmination as Scientology is eye-opening. The section about Spielberg's ET and Close Encounters was also packed with information- honestly I'll have to read it again to get the fullness.

What struck a chord with me was the history of the Italian humanists merging with Free and Accepted Masonry. It's a bit unnerving to find some elements of my own faith in God, in their systems. I think they take the concept of God in man a step further than other gnostic beliefs; to them God is Man (with a capital M).

“As nearly as I can concentrate on the question today, I believe I am God; certainly you are, I think we intelligent beings on this planet are all a piece of God, are becoming God.” - Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry

The conclusion is just mind-blowing haha. I can't even put it into words so let me quote the passage. Maybe this will raise the interest level of some other members to read the full piece and give their opinion:

"...The fingertip union between terrestrial anthropoid and extraterrestrial anthropoid represents the religious mandate for the creation of a new scientistic faith. Through sci-fi predictive programming, filmmakers like Spielberg could be serving as “religious engineers” in the construction of a new messianic legacy. However, this savior is anything but the Christ of Christianity.

Consider the following account of Linda Moulton Howe. During a meeting with Richard Doty, an intelligence officer with the United States military, Howe was presented with a briefing paper regarding alien visitation. In its body, one finds a claim heralding the arrival of an individual that the film E.T. has prepared the public to accept.

Howe elaborates:There was a paragraph that stated, ‘Two thousand years ago extraterrestrials created a being’ that was placed on this earth to teach mankind about love and non-violence.”

Was Doty acting on behalf of some hidden “religious engineers?” Was he a counterfeit John the Baptist, appointed to introduce the world to a technocratic Christ? Now, it is important to recall Doty’s connections with military intelligence. He has worked within circles where the Freemasonic myth of Sirius is actively circulated. If such a deception is underway, sci-fi predictive programming like E.T. has helped cultivate the fertile soil of public imagination.

In essence, E.T. is the cinematic rallying call for the reengineering of religions. In Morals and Dogma, 33rd degree Freemason Albert Pike states: “God is, as man conceives Him, the reflected image of man himself” According to the Scriptures, God made man in His own image. According to the hidden “religious engineers,” it is man’s time to return the favor."



Mar 18, 2017
i wouldnt be surprised to see an chinese styled social credit score legislation go through.
Penn State Prof: Social Credit Will Shift Law in the West “From Constitution… to Analytics and Algorithm”
Professor Larry Backer of Penn State University writes in a 2018 paper that resistance to social credit systems in the West could be dissolved when the masses are “socialized… as a collective” and “…the great culture management machinery of Western society develop a narrative in which such activity is naturalized within Western culture.”
Backer proposes that the “great culture management machinery of the West normalize the idea of social credit and sharing private data. Backer writes:

But is it possible to socialize the masses, or even mass democracy as a collective, to embrace this pattern of data disclosure beyond these immediately self-serving closed loop systems? Would it be possible for the state to develop systems for the enforcement of laws (criminal and regulatory) that depends on intelligence by inducing the masses to serve as positive contributors of data necessary for enforcement or regulation? The answer, in Western liberal democracies, may depend on the ability of the great culture management machinery of Western society– its television, movies and other related media–to develop a narrative in which such activity is naturalized within Western culture."

Now would be a good time to be on the look-out for movies and tv shows with this theme. Wasn't there a Black Mirror episode revolving around social credit score? I trust some socio-psychologists from SEEX will be on call.


Mar 18, 2017
@DesertRose originally posted this

Biowarfare Researcher Cracks Joke About Genetically Engineered Virus Killing 25% of Population

The researcher references the film Contagion, which film "did benefit from military support it is perhaps more important for being the big screen debut of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This lesser-known government agency recently released nearly 1000 pages of internal documents on their role in supporting the movie, as well as their PR efforts exploiting its release."

Even more creepy is the researcher's proposal for edible vaccines in bananas, a staple food in the very areas where Ebola is currently raging, given that its the same guy behind the Ebola vaccine.


Jan 10, 2019
^^^How pertinent. Or if the virus doesn't work use lockdowns to destroy people and lower birthrates...

@Karlysymon I saw this article by Tom Secker and immediately thought of you. I haven't read through it all yet but want to add it for reference. BTW I saw Secker did some writing for RT too, good to see a conscious and knowledgeable guy like him is getting his material out:

The Pentagon Spends Millions Invading Christmas Movies


Mar 18, 2017
^^^How pertinent. Or if the virus doesn't work use lockdowns to destroy people and lower birthrates...

@Karlysymon I saw this article by Tom Secker and immediately thought of you. I haven't read through it all yet but want to add it for reference. BTW I saw Secker did some writing for RT too, good to see a conscious and knowledgeable guy like him is getting his material out:

The Pentagon Spends Millions Invading Christmas Movies
Thanks. I'll read it when i can.
Jan 27, 2018
@DesertRose originally posted this

Biowarfare Researcher Cracks Joke About Genetically Engineered Virus Killing 25% of Population

The researcher references the film Contagion, which film "did benefit from military support it is perhaps more important for being the big screen debut of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This lesser-known government agency recently released nearly 1000 pages of internal documents on their role in supporting the movie, as well as their PR efforts exploiting its release."

Even more creepy is the researcher's proposal for edible vaccines in bananas, a staple food in the very areas where Ebola is currently raging, given that its the same guy behind the Ebola vaccine.
I have a theory- that most people who saw the movie Contagion are or were far more fearful of COVID than those who haven’t seen that movie. It seems everyone I know who has seen Contagion somehow conflate COVID with whatever it was in Contagion. It’s like the images from the movie get mixed up with their reality.

That’s how I believe brainwashing can work. It’s not scrubbing your brain in this instance...instead it’s having a subconscious influence over how you process events in your reality because the mind refers to images or scenes from a movie when looking for reference.

What do you all think? Do you note a similar pattern?


Jul 27, 2017
I have a theory- that most people who saw the movie Contagion are or were far more fearful of COVID than those who haven’t seen that movie. It seems everyone I know who has seen Contagion somehow conflate COVID with whatever it was in Contagion. It’s like the images from the movie get mixed up with their reality.

That’s how I believe brainwashing can work. It’s not scrubbing your brain in this instance...instead it’s having a subconscious influence over how you process events in your reality because the mind refers to images or scenes from a movie when looking for reference.

What do you all think? Do you note a similar pattern?
We’re subconsciously affected by our daily interactions. So yeah I can see a pattern.

You and I may be affected. It’s just our personal encounters have us seeing things even if we’re reaching common ground.

There is a thread here called the jingle/jangle effect.


Mar 18, 2017
I have a theory- that most people who saw the movie Contagion are or were far more fearful of COVID than those who haven’t seen that movie. It seems everyone I know who has seen Contagion somehow conflate COVID with whatever it was in Contagion. It’s like the images from the movie get mixed up with their reality.

That’s how I believe brainwashing can work. It’s not scrubbing your brain in this instance...instead it’s having a subconscious influence over how you process events in your reality because the mind refers to images or scenes from a movie when looking for reference.

What do you all think? Do you note a similar pattern?
It was showing again November/December 2019 and that's when i watched it but like you hypothesized, its very possible that all those who watched it post-February 2020 probably got really spooked. Especially if they had watched those tiktok videos of people in China dropping dead in the street.


Jul 27, 2017
It was showing again November/December 2019 and that's when i watched it but like you hypothesized, its very possible that all those who watched it post-February 2020 probably got really spooked. Especially if they had watched those tiktok videos of people in China dropping dead in the street.
So we can blame hollywood and China.
Usual suspects. I agree I think people got spooked