Freemason Royal Ritual


Mar 13, 2017
Some interesting theories here.

My problem with studying cult rituals lately is the impracticality of it all. Now I realize I'm dropping a very generalized argument, but I think cult rituals suffer from critical logic problems.

Let me try to describe a good example. Take the infamous "love potion or spell" for example. It seems to me it is far easier just learning to be a good liar. So a lot of these rituals are like taking the rugged road vs one where the way has been paved for you.
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Jan 22, 2018
Certain predicted events might be ones you could make a case for the possibility of human engineering based on prophetic expectations. What you must make your mind up over (and remember - if you cheat, you only cheat yourself) is which events might be achievable by conspiring humans and which ones might require something a little more miraculous
Well to start off I think everybody can agree that whatever event unfolds it will be a threat from the sky. So what possibilities are there?

Devastating weather causing floods and storm damage to large swathes of populated areas.

Could this be man made? Of course, they have been manipulating/weaponising the weather from as early as the Vietnam war.

Asteroid or asteroid shower causing tsunsmi's and large scale devastation to affected areas.

Could this be man made? Absolutely, directed energy weapons and holographic imagery could easily simulate an asteroid strike.

Alien Invasion resulting in large scale damage by unworldly weaponry.

Could this be made made? Very much so. Using the same tech as with the asteroids. Trillions of dollars of black budget money is not being spent on nothing..... it's been spent on something.

Oh.....And here is the latest from NASA

I am struggling to think of any scenario which may arise which will prove the existence of God.

Can you think of anything?
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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Well to start off I think everybody can agree that whatever event unfolds it will be a threat from the sky. So what possibilities are there?

Devastating weather causing floods and storm damage to large swathes of populated areas.

Could this be man made? Of course, they have been manipulating/weaponising the weather from as early as the Vietnam war.

Asteroid or asteroid shower causing tsunsmi's and large scale devastation to affected areas.

Could this be man made? Absolutely, directed energy weapons and holographic imagery could easily simulate an asteroid strike.

Alien Invasion resulting in large scale damage by unworldly weaponry.

Could this be made made? Very much so. Using the same tech as with the asteroids. Trillions of dollars of black budget money is not being spent on nothing..... it's been spent on something.

Oh.....And here is the latest from NASA

I am struggling to think of any scenario which may arise which will prove the existence of God.

Can you think of anything?
There is a lot in the phrase “could be man made” - I think the ability to “make a case” for a human element could indeed extend to almost all scenarios. For those events that might fall under the natural disaster bracket, any of these, from huge earthquakes to asteroids could be assigned to natural phenomena.

Even the oft mocked Rapture of Christians might even find a new-age, man made explanation, as a group concentrated of a particular “Jungian thought-form” and created their own disappearance through the “power of negative thinking” ;-)


Jan 22, 2018
Don't you think Freemsonry has now managed to engineer a paradigm which means two of the most powerful men on the planet are so far out of touch with their cattle that they may as well cone from another planet?

You saw it for yourself in their 300th anniversary shindig how they purred over their power and influence. Now if you factor in that the Georgia Guidestones is their public declaration of their intent to usher in their new age utopia and also take into account the resources available to them then this threat is the greatest threat to mankind today....wouldn't you agree?

I'll post this video once more. I don't know why but I believe every word he speaks.

I'd be interested in your comments on this Red.



Oct 23, 2018
Don't you think Freemsonry has now managed to engineer a paradigm which means two of the most powerful men on the planet are so far out of touch with their cattle that they may as well cone from another planet?

You saw it for yourself in their 300th anniversary shindig how they purred over their power and influence. Now if you factor in that the Georgia Guidestones is their public declaration of their intent to usher in their new age utopia and also take into account the resources available to them then this threat is the greatest threat to mankind today....wouldn't you agree?

I'll post this video once more. I don't know why but I believe every word he speaks.

I'd be interested in your comments on this Red.

Charlie from The Way Biblical Fellowship (TWBF) talks about this in his 2015-2016 take on Yitro (Torah portion, Jethro, Moses' father in law). Charlie goes full on conspiracy buff and I dig it. It's about 3 hours long, but it's fascinating. He talks about things I'd never heard of before. Have met both him and JP (other young teacher) in person. They're stand up guys from the UK.

Anyway, I went looking for another take on Jethro and got so much more. The Zevi (sp?) narrative is fascinating and I admire TWBF for sharing it because, to me, it shows they aren't afraid to question things and not cover over the bad parts of history.
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Jan 22, 2018
Don't you think Freemsonry has now managed to engineer a paradigm which means two of the most powerful men on the planet are so far out of touch with their cattle that they may as well cone from another planet?

You saw it for yourself in their 300th anniversary shindig how they purred over their power and influence. Now if you factor in that the Georgia Guidestones is their public declaration of their intent to usher in their new age utopia and also take into account the resources available to them then this threat is the greatest threat to mankind today....wouldn't you agree?

I'll post this video once more. I don't know why but I believe every word he speaks.

I'd be interested in your comments on this Red.

Ok, you have decided to side step this one @Red Sky at Morning .

I would appreciate your perspective on the clear assertion made in this video that Christian Zionism has the objective to undermine the world's religious and power structures using secret societies such as the Freemasons who handle all opposition with constantly divisive tactics with their near total control over the world's media, academia, politics, finance and entertainment?

It further goes on to clearly state that Zionists are just Kabbalists and their beliefs are based on Jewish Mysticism which requires active participation to bring about conditions that would expidite and set the stage for the arrival of the Messiah thus fulfilling messianic prophecy?

....which to the vast majority means the end of the world.....well, their world anyway.

Everywhere I look I see this thing playing out.

Throw me a bone on this at least please.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Ok, you have decided to side step this one @Red Sky at Morning .

I would appreciate your perspective on the clear assertion made in this video that Christian Zionism has the objective to undermine the world's religious and power structures using secret societies such as the Freemasons who handle all opposition with constantly divisive tactics with their near total control over the world's media, academia, politics, finance and entertainment?

It further goes on to clearly state that Zionists are just Kabbalists and their beliefs are based on Jewish Mysticism which requires active participation to bring about conditions that would expidite and set the stage for the arrival of the Messiah thus fulfilling messianic prophecy?

....which to the vast majority means the end of the world.....well, their world anyway.

Everywhere I look I see this thing playing out.

Throw me a bone on this at least please.
OK - here’s your bone, @Awoken2 ...

The most sophisticated liars craft their accounts of reality on a template of truth. Beyond the “elites” and “bloodlines” discussed in conspiratorial websites, there are spiritual, fallen rulers to whom these “elites” themselves are just disposable pawns.

The plans and intrigues of these fallen beings (who will one day burn in the Lake of Fire) are drawing together in such a way as to try to place the hand of the Christian Zionists in the cookie jar of world events.

These “Elites” are described here:-

Revelation 3:9 King James Version (KJV)

9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

It doesn’t take an investigative genius to envisage a time when a group of sold out satanists with a Jewish connection would be active on the world scene.

I read “Lucifer Dethroned” by Bill Schnoebalen a while back. In order to progress to high rank within his coven, he also needed to attain high rank within the Catholic Church. It seems that this kind of infiltration, subterfuge and “discrediting” is part and parcel of their wicked schemes.

A clue to this method of deception and subversion is provided in the Operetta “El Capitan”.

See if you can identify this synopsis in our real world with certain “leaders” we are presented with:-

“Don Errico Medigua is the viceroy of Spanish-occupied 16th-century Peru and fears assassination by rebels. After he secretly has the rebel leader El Capitan killed, he disguises himself as El Capitan. Estrelda, the daughter of the former viceroy, Cazzaro, impressed by tales of El Capitan's daring, falls in love with the disguised Medigua, who is already married. Meanwhile, the rebels capture the Lord Chamberlain, Pozzo, mistaking him for the viceroy. Hearing that her husband has been captured, Medigua's wife Marganza and daughter Isabel (who is being wooed by the handsome Verrada) go in search of Medigua.
Medigua, still disguised as El Capitan, leads the hapless rebels against the Spaniards, taking them in circles until they are too tired to fight. The Spaniards win, the mistaken identities are revealed, the love stories are untangled after Medigua explains to his wife the flirtation with Estrelda, and the story ends happily.”
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Jan 22, 2018
The most sophisticated liars craft their accounts of reality on a template of truth.
As in, all truths are a half lie and all lies are a half truth? Isn't that another pearl of wisdom from the Masonic order? This kind of proves my point do you think?

Beyond the “elites” and “bloodlines” discussed in conspiratorial websites, there are spiritual, fallen rulers to whom these “elites” themselves are just disposable pawns.
Well let's not get beyond ourselves here unless you are going to name names we'll just stick to the elites. We all know they are puppets...but a puppet is only able to keep somebodies attention if that person pretends that they are not watching a puppet.

The plans and intrigues of these fallen beings (who will one day burn in the Lake of Fire) are drawing together in such a way as to try to place the hand of the Christian Zionists in the cookie jar of world events.
But Zionist hands have been mauling the cookies of life for hundreds of years,
by their own volition. Are you saying it's somebody else's doing and the Zionists are getting the blame?

These “Elites” are described here:-

Revelation 3:9 King James Version (KJV)

9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
I think you've reverted to the "if in doubt quote bible" rule again. Your deflecting away from the assertion that it is in fact your creed that is trying to bring forward an end times haven't addressed this yet.

It doesn’t take an investigative genius to envisage a time when a group of sold out satanists with a Jewish connection would be active on the world scene.
....with their ultimate objective carved into stone in Georgia. Go figure.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
As in, all truths are a half lie and all lies are a half truth? Isn't that another pearl of wisdom from the Masonic order? This kind of proves my point do you think?
Not quite - if I were a criminal and I knew the police had certain information which was inescapable, I would form my story around those things I could do nothing about in order to create a plausible, alternative explanation.

Perhaps it is hard to imagine there is any logic behind my words because in your experience of reality, malevolent spiritual forces are not involved in the affairs of mankind?


Jan 22, 2018
Perhaps it is hard to imagine there is any logic behind my words because in your experience of reality, malevolent spiritual forces are not involved in the affairs of mankind?
In my experience of reality it's malevolent men causing all the world's problems. I don't worry about spirits, if there are spirits involved there's nothing I can do about it.

If these malevolent men are being driven by malevolent spirits then the problem.remains the same.

I don't understand why so many people on this forum like making a very simple problem extremely complicated to understand.

The people who really run the world are very bad people.

Those people's plans for the future involve a lot of people dying.

All othe conspiracies pales into insignificance, hence me not being interested in politics or religion.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
A while back (when I could still be bothered playing computer games) I used to have a go on the Assassin’s Creed games. As I’m sure you know @Awoken2 they are pure freemasonry. (“Nothing is true, everything is permitted” etc)

What struck me was the message they wanted to promote in the endgame sequences -

Check out this one from Assassins Creed 2:-
