Freemason Royal Ritual


Jan 22, 2018
So in their 300th anniversary celebration they virtually gloat over how they control society with money (their eye on the back of the Dollar bill), their grip on the throat of politics (all politicians lie) and music (Don't forget the music).

It was all about how they were going to create a new society with Masonic values and the general feeling you are left with after watching it is that they are pretty happy with how things are progressing.

Now into this little gem. In this film we get to hear about the problems our society faces, the irony of it is that each problem he highlights in this call for a revolution is a problem the Freemasons are responsible for.

This video is a clear example of how the problem, reaction, solution tactic is used on the public time and time again.

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Jul 9, 2019
My dad is a Freemason, so was my grandfather and great grandfather, who was from Scotland. My dad is currently a 5th degree, Perfect Master. Lately the Freemasons have family days and open days to visit the Grand Lodges. You can apply to be a Freemason and then you go through a string of interviews to determine if you are "worthy" and then they will have ballot. We even have a female Lodge. I asked my dad why they have these open days an he said that the number of Freemasons in our country is declining, thus they are "recruiting". Maybe the decline of numbers is due to a lot of people immigrating.

I also had the opportunity to see their "handbook", as my dad cannot read the small font, so I type it out for him in a bigger font. It is difficult to understand though as the English they use if very different than we know and there is a lot of blank areas.


Jan 22, 2018
This video accurately describes what role Freemasonry has in bringing forward Messianic prophecy.

It may market itself as a benevolent and philanthropic society but this has no correlation to the orders real objectives (see Georgia Guidestones)

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Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
This video accurately describes what role Freemasonry has in bringing forward Messianic phrophecy.

It may market itself as a benevolent and philanthropic society but this has no correlation to the orders real objectives (see Georgia Guidestones)


It is interesting that Freemasonry at its highest levels reveres Lucifer, and rejects Adonay (Jesus). Satan is quoted as being the Father of Lies and the relationship of the Lodge to the long term plans on their “Grand Architect” reveals a lot about the way lies are used.

Satan knows that Bible prophecy HAS come true, and I would presume to think he has no doubts that the prophecies relating to the future will come true as well.

An architect designs a plan which takes in the fixed elements of a building or a landscape and works them into a plan that makes them look intentional.

For example, if Damascus is destroyed overnight in line with Isaiah 17, Christian Zionists, Trump and Netanyahu will be blamed!

It seems to me that the self-styled “Grand Architect” will have been about the same business for some time. As each milestone on the road to prophetic fulfilment occurs, he has made sure that he has had one of his own people in the mix. By doing this, he is able to effectively build a counter-narrative that the Bible calls a “Strong Delusion” where ultimately people will be able to look out on a world straight out of the Book of Revelation and not see what is before their eyes.

I studied Renaissance tragedy for a while and the common thread was an element within the make up of certain people which, given a certain set of circumstances would lead to their destruction. It got me really depressed for a while, but it did make me think. Tragedy itself was a narrative on reality that took a deterministic view of human nature. In the end I rejected it’s message as I believe in free will. I don’t think it is futile to stand against sophisticated lies in the hope that some people might see through them.

In the same way, I hope that at least some people can see through the expert poker player revered by the Freemasons who is the enemy of their souls.
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Jan 22, 2018
For example, if Damascus is destroyed overnight in line with Isaiah 17, Christian Zionists, Trump and Netanyahu will be blamed
Have you considered that if Damascus is destroyed overnight it could actually be the work of Zionists, Trump and Netanyahu who carried it out in line with Isaiah 17 who then blamed it on God? (I won't post Going By The Book by Jonny Cash again but you get where I'm going with this don't you?)

I studied Renaissance tragedy for a while
I'm currently studying a modern day tragedy and forgive me for being blunt but Zionists seem to be at the heart of it.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Have you considered that if Damascus is destroyed overnight it could actually be the work of Zionists, Trump and Netanyahu who carried it out in line with Isaiah 17 who then blamed it on God? (I won't post Going By The Book by Jonny Cash again but you get where I'm going with this don't you?)

I'm currently studying a modern day tragedy and forgive me for being blunt but Zionists seem to be at the heart of it.
Thanks for your reply.

Please accept my apologies for drawing you in over Isaiah 17. I think it raises some very interesting questions as well.

Cast your mind back to the heyday of ISIS where certain Islamic expectations led them to believe that they were headed for a climactic battle between the forces of Rome and the forces of Islam at Dabiq. All it took was a prophecy and it’s promotion to fire up religious fervour in certain Muslims to achieve this great goal! Then ISIS lost the territory and soon stopped talking about it.

Looking back at the life and death of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels, many prophecies were fulfilled. Could a messianic minded guy have decided to ride into Jerusalem on a donkey? Of course! Could he have arranged for the soldiers to gamble over his cloths? Tricky! What about pulling off a resurrection? I’m sure you get my drift.

Certain predicted events might be ones you could make a case for the possibility of human engineering based on prophetic expectations. What you must make your mind up over (and remember - if you cheat, you only cheat yourself) is which events might be achievable by conspiring humans and which ones might require something a little more miraculous. You are a bright guy and I’m sure you would be able to create your own mental spreadsheet of probabilities on this (should things begin to unfold in the near future).


Apr 20, 2017
@Red Sky at Morning

I am not meaning to interrupt, but what if ISIS were a psyop, engineered by the conveniently called power elite, including some rich Gulf Arabs, to imitate an existing Islamic prophecy? It seems to me that if currencies, passports and Coach handbags can be counterfeits, so too might existing prophecies, including those related to Damascus in the Bible, be exploited, turned into counterfeits, for imperialistic, geopolitical, all too political, ends. Although only through a glass darkly, to borrow a poetic phrase from St. Paul, I sometimes think that is what I am seeing, and it isn't a pretty sight.


Mar 13, 2017
@Red Sky at Morning

I am not meaning to interrupt, but what if ISIS were a psyop, engineered by the conveniently called power elite, including some rich Gulf Arabs, to imitate an existing Islamic prophecy? It seems to me that if currencies, passports and Coach handbags can be counterfeits, so too might existing prophecies, including those related to Damascus in the Bible, be exploited, turned into counterfeits, for imperialistic, geopolitical, all too political, ends. Although only through a glass darkly, to borrow a poetic phrase from St. Paul, I sometimes think that is what I am seeing, and it isn't a pretty sight.
Islam has a Damascus prophecy too.


Mar 13, 2017
Yes. That is why I said "to imitate an existing Islamic prophecy."
I think that the islamists want to make that prophecy come true which is why I said that they have a prophecy too. I don’t know that they are trying to make the Damascus Biblical prophecy come to do you make a city not a city in one day, (I believe it is) and that no one will live in ever again?


Apr 20, 2017
I think that the islamists want to make that prophecy come true which is why I said that they have a prophecy too. I don’t know that they are trying to make the Damascus Biblical prophecy come to do you make a city not a city in one day, (I believe it is) and that no one will live in ever again?
Not to put, well, "conditions" vs. "boundaries" on this, our burgeoning interaction, but are you willing to discuss events, past, present and prophetic, related to Damascus and Syria within the context of the Sykes-Picot Agreement? I ask because I know, from experience, that the two of us usually ignore speed bumps and warning signs until our discussions, or attempts at them, hit a dead end. I would rather avoid that, this time, by maybe agreeing to parameters in advance, and I think the Sykes-Picot Agreement might be an excellent agreement on which the two of us might best, most productively, disagree :).


Mar 13, 2017
Not to put, well, "conditions" vs. "boundaries" on this, our burgeoning interaction, but are you willing to discuss events, past, present and prophetic, related to Damascus and Syria within the context of the Sykes-Picot Agreement? I ask because I know, from experience, that the two of us usually ignore speed bumps and warning signs until our discussions, or attempts at them, hit a dead end. I would rather avoid that, this time, by maybe agreeing to parameters in advance, and I think the Sykes-Picot Agreement might be an excellent agreement on which the two of us might best, most productively, disagree :).
I don’t know if you have time tomorrow to talk about these things..but I’ll let ya know tomorrow if I agree or not. Have a good evening Serve.

Edit: nothing Biblical?


Apr 20, 2017
I don’t know if you have time tomorrow to talk about these things..but I’ll let ya know tomorrow if I agree or not. Have a good evening Serve.

Edit: nothing Biblical?
Thank you, and you as well.

To your question, Freemasons, the topic of this thread, I am told, use the Bible as well as Quran and probably even the Gitas in their lodges as "furniture" and purported guide-posts, so some Bible seems admissible, but this is not the forum for a Biblical discussion as such, so I won't enter or perpetuate one. The Religion and Spirituality sub-forum is established for that.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Thank you, and you as well.

To your question, Freemasons, the topic of this thread, I am told, use the Bible as well as Quran and probably even the Gitas in their lodges as "furniture" and purported guide-posts, so some Bible seems admissible, but this is not the forum for a Biblical discussion as such, so I won't enter or perpetuate one. The Religion and Spirituality sub-forum is established for that.
Well, since Freemasons are credited with far reaching Machiavellian schemes and access to boundless technologies it does make me wonder if the very mythos of the conspiratorial canon might be part of that final narrative. @Awoken2 has alluded to both Masons and Zionists making use of prophetic templates to achieve their ends.

Without getting too emotional or necessarily even quoting chunks of the Bible I think it is quite possible to test the likelihood of certain events having “man made” elements. If you picture individual prophecies like pieces of a larger jigsaw, it is possible to take each piece in turn, examine it and see if it has “Made in the USA” or “Made in Heaven” on the bottom.

There is one caveat to this that might be worth bearing in mind. In the example of Cyrus issuing a decree at the time of Daniel, he was actually named by Isaiah. Years later, Cyrus read the prophecies that were written of him and fulfilled them. Could you make a case that because of this, human intervention was primarily responsible or that God had prepared the circumstances of Cyrus’s life to fulfil His purpose at the right time?

An interesting topic to ponder!
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Jan 22, 2018
Thanks for your reply.

Please accept my apologies for drawing you in over Isaiah 17. I think it raises some very interesting questions as well.

Cast your mind back to the heyday of ISIS where certain Islamic expectations led them to believe that they were headed for a climactic battle between the forces of Rome and the forces of Islam at Dabiq. All it took was a prophecy and it’s promotion to fire up religious fervour in certain Muslims to achieve this great goal! Then ISIS lost the territory and soon stopped talking about it.

Looking back at the life and death of Jesus as recorded in the Gospels, many prophecies were fulfilled. Could a messianic minded guy have decided to ride into Jerusalem on a donkey? Of course! Could he have arranged for the soldiers to gamble over his cloths? Tricky! What about pulling off a resurrection? I’m sure you get my drift.

Certain predicted events might be ones you could make a case for the possibility of human engineering based on prophetic expectations. What you must make your mind up over (and remember - if you cheat, you only cheat yourself) is which events might be achievable by conspiring humans and which ones might require something a little more miraculous. You are a bright guy and I’m sure you would be able to create your own mental spreadsheet of probabilities on this (should things begin to unfold in the near future).
I will happily put my case forward on this when I have adequate time to do so but it's time for me to get back on the treadmill, for now.


Jul 27, 2017
My dad is a Freemason, so was my grandfather and great grandfather, who was from Scotland. My dad is currently a 5th degree, Perfect Master. Lately the Freemasons have family days and open days to visit the Grand Lodges. You can apply to be a Freemason and then you go through a string of interviews to determine if you are "worthy" and then they will have ballot. We even have a female Lodge. I asked my dad why they have these open days an he said that the number of Freemasons in our country is declining, thus they are "recruiting". Maybe the decline of numbers is due to a lot of people immigrating.

I also had the opportunity to see their "handbook", as my dad cannot read the small font, so I type it out for him in a bigger font. It is difficult to understand though as the English they use if very different than we know and there is a lot of blank areas.
I think there is a sub group of freemasons that are the spooks behind the conspiracy theories and hold a certain mystique and perhaps power.

Unless your pops has some crazy connections. The lodge freemasons are your standard moose lodge. Just my opinion.
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Mar 13, 2017
Thank you, and you as well.

To your question, Freemasons, the topic of this thread, I am told, use the Bible as well as Quran and probably even the Gitas in their lodges as "furniture" and purported guide-posts, so some Bible seems admissible, but this is not the forum for a Biblical discussion as such, so I won't enter or perpetuate one. The Religion and Spirituality sub-forum is established for that.
I see...this conversation then wouldn’t go very far, thanks anyway. Have a good day Serve.