'father' Jim Sichko


Mar 14, 2017
VC mentioned this 'priest' once: https://vigilantcitizen.com/pics-of-the-month/symbolic-pics-month-1113/

VigilantCitizen's article said:
Father Jim W. Sichko is a priest of the Diocese of Lexington, KY. He has ties with Hollywood and the political elite. Unsurprisingly, he is doing the One-Eye sign on his book cover. Lame.
I looked him up...








[last image relates to this article: https://www.ncronline.org/blogs/faith-and-justice/refugees-and-christians-middle-east-need-our-help-and-support ]

Here's an article posted about the man - the author doesn't appear to think too highly of Mr Sichko: http://callmejorgebergoglio.blogspot.com/2016/12/the-new-evangelization-in-kentucky.html

Bible quote mentioned in article above said:
Take heed that you do not your justice before men, to be seen by them: otherwise you shall not have a reward of your Father who is in heaven. Therefore when thou dost an almsdeed, sound not a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be honoured by men. Amen I say to you, they have received their reward.

May 14, 2017
ewww icky. good research. honestly how could anyone stay catholic after the priest diddling boys came out? i mean how?
I'd wager that believe in any religion for one of two reasons; it's cultural, therefor convenient, or they believe in the teachings of the said religion. If we judged religions by the sins of their followers there would be no religion and we'd all be anarcho-pacifists. Mind you, I wouldn't mind that world myself... But I think a lot of people here would be awful upset to give up their religion.

I'm what most the more pious would call a cafeteria Catholic. I'm not terribly devout in my faith and will be the first to admit that there's all sorts of messed up things the Church and at the end of the day I follow the Golden Rule more than any sect. That being said, I lost all faith in religion and most in God until I read A Theology of Liberation by Gustavo Gutiérrez.

Also, while it's superficial; the literature the Catholic world produced; from Arthurian romances to Tolkien and Chesterton.


Mar 26, 2017
I don't know about anarcho-pacifism, though. I like the anarchist part but I don't believe in pacifism. I believe in pacifism as a tactic but not as a strategy.
May 14, 2017

Indeed! At the very least, it made me feel as if I was a little less alone since it was basically what I believed.

Also, I believe in pacifism because I believe violence is the tool of the State. Using it to overthrow the State would simply create a new empire in the place of the old and I don't feel we need new empires. Furthermore, it seems that the State fears it more than violence... When they hold weapons that could end our world, why would they fear our swords? But if we turn then to ployshares and show them that their authority is false... Well, they might lash out at first but the only reason the powers that be have any power is because we give it to them.


Mar 26, 2017
"The terms tactic and strategy are often confused: tactics are the actual means used to gain an objective, while strategy is the overall campaign plan, which may involve complex operational patterns, activity, and decision-making that govern tactical execution."


Mar 26, 2017
@Corvus The state fears pacifism?

I'm sorry but I just picture pacifists as imagining they're going to overthrow the state by holding hands and singing "we shall overcome".

You are not going to overthrow the power structure by writing a letter to your senator, signing a petition and strumming acoustic guitars.

If you want freedom, you have to take it.

You should read Wretched of the Earth and Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Fanon was right.

I think pacifism is Diet Revolution. It's like Diet Coke- Coke minus the calories. Revolution minus getting shot at, minus personal risk. You can just press the "like" button.

Is the system more afraid of Malcolm X or Martin Luther King? My question is so easy a caveman can answer it. The system loves Martin Luther King and is terrified of Malcolm X even after his death.

The United States didn't gain its independence by holding hands and playing acoustic guitars.



Mar 15, 2017
@Corvus The state fears pacifism?

I'm sorry but I just picture pacifists as imagining they're going to overthrow the state by holding hands and singing "we shall overcome".

You are not going to overthrow the power structure by writing a letter to your senator, signing a petition and olaying acoustic guitars.

If you want freedom, you have to take it.

You should read Wretched of the Earth and Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Fanon was right.

I think pacifism is Diet Revolution. It's like Diet Coke- Coke minus the calories. Revolution minus getting shot at, minus personal risk. You can just press the "like" button.

Is the system more afraid of Malcolm X or Martin Luther King? My question is so easy a caveman can answer it. The system loves Martin Luther King and is terrified of Malcolm X even after his death.

The United States didn't gain its independence by holding hands and playing acoustic guitars.
Armed rebellion will get us all killed. Mass protests and labor strikes could change things but the herd won't go for that.


Mar 26, 2017
Armed rebellion will get us all killed. Mass protests and labor strikes could change things but the herd won't go for that.
Exactly. The real reason for pacifism- people don't want to get shot at.

Freedom has to be paid for in blood. There is no way around this, no matter how desperately pacifists don't want to face this fact.

You can go to your rally and sing your sad, heart-wrenching songs on your acoustic guitars and let us know how the times they are a-changing. I'll be at home.


Mar 15, 2017
Exactly. The real reason for pacifism- people don't want to get shot at.

Freedom has to be paid for in blood. There is no way around this, no matter how desperately pacifists don't want to face this fact.

You can go to your rally and sing your sad, heart-wrenching songs on your acoustic guitars and let us know how the times they are a-changing. I'll be at home.
I'm not a pacifist, but come on what are you going to do? Take on the entire military, the police, the FBI/CIA etc. Any kind of rebellion at this point would be suicide.