"Soy Boys", "Toxic Masculinity" - what does it even mean to be a "Real Man"?

The Zone

Mar 13, 2017
I fell out of my chair when watching Iron Fist on Netflix, which has a gay actor playing the lead role while ignoring the fact that he is a white male playing the part which would have worked better with an Asian. So, he was doing a love scene with his co-star and in the throes of passion in bed, naked together with sparks flying. And he stops to say the PC thing. "Hey, is this okay?"

It is not some men's fault that society is trying to neuter them into softies who kick ass only in video games while living at home into their thirties playing the victim card which they dealt to themselves by not being assertive in anything other than complaining.

The pansies movement is alive and well with words like toxic masculinity tossed about with ease. Real men will take care of women, be compassionate, yet not weak while using God-given common sense. For those men who get too aggressive of cross the lines of decorum, they will be met with moral men who will right the ship and stop their antics. You cannot blame the acts of a few men as being an example of toxic when you do not equate the whole into a situation.

Netflix is pushing this new agenda of gender confusion and there is a reason Iron Fist flopped and the women were much more bad-ass in a fantasy comic world in the show than were the men. Role reversal at its finest.

Addendum - I would like to add that the hipsters who call some soy boys are right there with them IMO. As I man, I try to groom and look my best, but this overgrooming movement where men take hours to get ready and pluck every blemish while leaning more and more towards accessories is ridiculous. Some of the so-called alt right types like Gavin is a hipster that would not have lasted long in a den of Vikings:) Rant over.
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Mar 13, 2017
What do video games have to do with anything?

The gaming community has a huge female population. And its only growing.

Ask any gamer who is actually good at games and they will tell you. Girls flock to winners.

My first serious girlfriend I met through a video game. I was 17.

The Zone

Mar 13, 2017
I am cool with video games. But not only playing video games. Some just play video games while others live life as well and do physical activities even if it is hiking. You can not have a relationship with a woman in a video game unless you are neutered. There is a reality to deal with as well, where fantasy ends. Surely females want more than someone who is good at video games alone. At some point there has to be more.


Mar 13, 2017
I am cool with video games. But not only playing video games. Some just play video games while others live life as well and do physical activities even if it is hiking. You can not have a relationship with a woman in a video game unless you are neutered. There is a reality to deal with as well, where fantasy ends. Surely females want more than someone who is good at video games alone. At some point there has to be more.
At some point they always want more.
Apr 12, 2017
I fell out of my chair when watching Iron Fist on Netflix, which has a gay actor playing the lead role while ignoring the fact that he is a white male playing the part which would have worked better with an Asian. So, he was doing a love scene with his co-star and in the throes of passion in bed, naked together with sparks flying. And he stops to say the PC thing. "Hey, is this okay?"
Real men don't want women to feel pressured into having sex, and want it to be firmly upon on their partner's terms. Others don't give a shit and will do anything to get laid or "seal the deal" in the disgusting frat-boy-style terminology I heard so often in my college years.

So if you're looking for some examples of toxic masculinity... you already found one.

The Zone

Mar 13, 2017
Real men don't want women to feel pressured into having sex, and want it to be firmly upon on their partner's terms. Others don't give a shit and will do anything to get laid or "seal the deal" in the disgusting frat-boy-style terminology I heard so often in my college years.

So if you're looking for some examples of toxic masculinity... you already found one.
LOL watch the scene, It was all too obvious. You missed the point completely. There are times when an agreement is obvious without asking or stopping to sign an official agreement. Spontaneous, equally agreed upon passion is still okay for men and women. Pressure? Of course not, but when you know you know and that goes for men and women - it just happens. It is okay for healthy men and women to be healthy men and women.


Jan 29, 2018
Lol everyone at my school tried to be preppy in the 90s. Little did we know people call us Stowbillies for a reason. We were all just a bunch of scrubs.
Stowbillies? Sounds like a quality burn, what does it mean?


Jan 29, 2018
No... but that didn't really answer my questions.

How can it be under attack? Men are human beings and can act in many different ways depending on the person, there really is no such thing as a "real man". Dressing a certain way doesn't invalidate a man as a man... that's just sexist and makes no sense. There are some traits that are negative and some traits that are positive that men can hold... obviously people should strive for those positive traits, so they can be a better person.

Masculinity is a vague and ultimately meaningless concept as is femininity. Males and females should be able to dress how they want and pursue whatever interests they have without worrying about what other people think or whether it would invalidate them as a member of their own sex. Everyone should strive for having positive traits like strength, compassion, responsibility, and honesty... those things have nothing to do with a person's sex.
Much of what you contend may be correct and valid.... but that still does not alter the fact that traditional masculinity (I mean TRUE, traditional masculinity, not the macho/snowflake garbage that has arisen since the end of WW2) is under serious assault. I dont think you have to be wrong for what I just typed to be true, they are both part of reality.....


Jan 29, 2018
Again - a great observation!

Hence "toxic masculinity" in the title. I think masculinity has been poisoned by lads magazines, pornography, greed, unfaithfulness, sport-mania, absentee fatherhood etc etc.

This is what sin does to masculinity and its failure has been public and embarrassing.

So -

Just what and who were we created to be? Is there more to the question than looking down on guys with short trousers and no socks ;-)
Excellent post.


Jan 29, 2018
Can you stop talking to me.
If you dont wish for people to reply to your posts, you shouldnt post contentions in a shared dialog format. If you wish to submit articles, the site may accept them, but there would still be spaces for site members and viewers to leave comments on them.
Apr 12, 2017
LOL watch the scene, It was all too obvious. You missed the point completely. There are times when an agreement is obvious without asking or stopping to sign an official agreement. Spontaneous, equally agreed upon passion is still okay for men and women. Pressure? Of course not, but when you know you know and that goes for men and women - it just happens. It is okay for healthy men and women to be healthy men and women.
Sure, but there are definitely also other times when consent may only seem obvious in the heat of the moment. There is nothing wrong with making 100% sure there is full and conscious consent when being spontaneous. In fact, that's when it's probably even more important since it's easy to get carried away and overlook any hints of uncertainty that might be present. This approach has nothing to with being "soft" or "un-manly" as you seem to be suggesting, quite the opposite really.
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Jan 29, 2018
I fell out of my chair when watching Iron Fist on Netflix, which has a gay actor playing the lead role while ignoring the fact that he is a white male playing the part which would have worked better with an Asian. So, he was doing a love scene with his co-star and in the throes of passion in bed, naked together with sparks flying. And he stops to say the PC thing. "Hey, is this okay?"

It is not some men's fault that society is trying to neuter them into softies who kick ass only in video games while living at home into their thirties playing the victim card which they dealt to themselves by not being assertive in anything other than complaining.

The pansies movement is alive and well with words like toxic masculinity tossed about with ease. Real men will take care of women, be compassionate, yet not weak while using God-given common sense. For those men who get too aggressive of cross the lines of decorum, they will be met with moral men who will right the ship and stop their antics. You cannot blame the acts of a few men as being an example of toxic when you do not equate the whole into a situation.

Netflix is pushing this new agenda of gender confusion and there is a reason Iron Fist flopped and the women were much more bad-ass in a fantasy comic world in the show than were the men. Role reversal at its finest.

Addendum - I would like to add that the hipsters who call some soy boys are right there with them IMO. As I man, I try to groom and look my best, but this overgrooming movement where men take hours to get ready and pluck every blemish while leaning more and more towards accessories is ridiculous. Some of the so-called alt right types like Gavin is a hipster that would not have lasted long in a den of Vikings:) Rant over.
"Netflix is pushing this new agenda of gender confusion and there is a reason Iron Fist flopped"
The main reasons it flopped were:
- Horrible casting of the lead actor
- Horrible script/dialog as it related to said lead actor
- Lead actors failure to produce fight/action scenes powerful enough to drive the action portion of the series
- Marvel is pulling the plug on its titles with Netflix and other platforms as Disney has acquired the rights and will begin streaming their own, Marvel-based content exclusively.


Mar 15, 2017
Dated ONE? Uhm... Yeeah. Try at least 50! I have REALLY tried!
Damn girl...! You certainly have tried quite a bit!

I am saying there ARE nothing but soy boys around!
Go to a local dive-bar at 5:30 pm, particularly one with an ethnic name. There you will meet a plethora of men no one in their right minds would ever call a 'soyboy'. Are they handsome? No, probably not. Do they have a kindly disposition? I wouldn't count on it. Will they be polite and respectful? Pretty doubtful. But they're real men!

how the elite have destroyed the gendertraits by feminazi, bad foods and environmental toxins. You know, its so bad they're finding fish with both genders now. Maybe you'd like to date a girlboy but I have standards. I will NEVER adapt to this bullshit!
Are we still talking about 'soyboys'? The heavily bearded unboxers and such? You seem to have roamed on to trans/effeminate men.... who typically don't sport big bushy beards.
Is it so strange for you that I'm complaining about the death of men, from a womans perspective? Is it really so strange that I want a mans man and not a nintendo playing little boy?
Naw, I mean, you do you. I'd suggest though, and pardon if this seems crass, that if you've gone through 50+ dicks and not a one of them belonged to a 'real man' to your mind, perhaps you've terribly unrealistic expectations; have maybe deified your father to the extent that no one can measure up, and anyone who fails too isn't a 'real man' to your mind.


Jan 29, 2018