BTS discussion thread


Jul 27, 2017
“Meeting with the Devil at the Crossroads”

So today I wanted to talk about the significance of crossroads and why they are used a lot in concepts. Crossroads go back to the legend of Robert Johnson, a young man who supposedly went to the crossroads to made a deal with the devil in exchange for music skills.​

According to legend, as a young man living on a plantation in rural Mississippi, Johnson had a tremendous desire to become a great blues musician. He was instructed to take his guitar to a crossroad near Dockery Plantation at midnight. There he was met by a large black man (the devil) who took the guitar and tuned it. The devil played a few songs and then returned the guitar to Johnson, giving him mastery of the instrument. This was a deal with the devil mirroring the legend of Faust. In exchange for his soul, Johnson was able to create the blues for which he became famous.​

Johnson would often, write songs referencing to how how he made a pact with devil etc​


I’ve noticed a lot that bts love photoshoots/concepts involving members standing at a road, which I think references to having had made a deal​

Especially with yoongi’s first love, which I think is very symbolic​

So at first we see yoongi using a brick to smash the windows of the room with the piano. He then illegally forces himself in. The room being locked is symbolic. I think this represents how beforehand yoongi didn’t have access to music ( remember how his family was financially unstable and couldn’t afford to support his dream of being a musician? Then after entering he plays for a bit but stops midway...seeming rather broken. Then yoongi hears a whistle, which he follows. (There is a polish legend that whistling conquers demons) that is why there is a superstition that we shouldn’t whistle at night​

The whistle leads him to a dark road ( crossroads) a “black” car ( remember Johnson’s met a “black” man aka the devil at the crossroads) charges towards him, but he is left unhurt, but then we see blood smeared on the road, there was theory that it’s jungkook’s blood. So does that mean yoongi made the deal, but in the end a blood sacrifice of one of the members will occur? Aka predictive programming?​

Then we see a scene with a bathtub, remember how bathtubs represent rebaptism into the occult? Anyway yoongi runs away only to find the “black” car has smashed into the exact same room where he was playing the piano...but notice how the car made a bigger impact...all the windows have been smashed, so does that mean yoongi now has a larger access to music? Now that he has made the deal. Also notice how the piano is on fire, remember when yoongi made a deal in their fire MV, the black figure caught on fire?​

Anyway the whistle begins again. The MV ends​

And then look at the lyrics of their song​


Hidden Track #9, 길 (Road) Translation

It started with Eminem, Garion, Epik High​

I exceed imitation, I write my own rap then carve them in​

Now that I see, I've somehow gotten to Hongdae​

All of my life savings at the time all the teacher​

but we dunno , we dunno, we dunno the future​

Allowed no time to breathe and tied me up while I was dreaming​

The trap of an abandoned reality, Oh the trap of one's youth​

My fiery heart lost to my cold head damn

While I had blind faith that my choice was the right one

something that I can't identify as an angel or devil says

“Wouldn't you like to rap properly

Yes or no, there is no time to hesitate”

I, who didn't want to make an even bigger idiot out of myself came to this place and 3 years have since passed

Remember bts love having double meanings in their songs that appear innocent to normal people but have a different meaning to you and me​

Faust pact with the devil

Faust is the protagonist of a classic German legend, based on the historical Johann Georg Faust (c. 1480–1540).

Faust is an erudite who is highly successful yet dissatisfied with his life, which leads him to make a pact with the Devil, exchanging his soul for unlimited knowledge and worldly pleasures. The Faust legend has been the basis for many literary, artistic, cinematic, and musical works that have reinterpreted it through the ages. "Faust" and the adjective "Faustian" imply a situation in which an ambitious person surrenders moral integrity in order to achieve power and success for a delimited term

Bts has referenced to Faust before

( Foust = Faust she just spelt it wrong )

Sorry if this was long and stupid
Long and stupid?
This makes everything for those of us who don't follow this thread regularly a lot more clear. I've stated before, in this thread that k pop has a ton of blatant imagery and a lot more open not trying to hide it at that.

This post is crazy interesting


Jul 7, 2018
Guys its sooo fcking scary, idk why i am thinking about this but this is my theory bc of SPECTRUMS death of 1 member
136406_m.jpgspectrum.jpg so he just died with 20 years and this is crazy, he is so fcking young! His entertainments name is wynn entertainment and in their logo is nothing BUT SPECTRUMs logo is a fcking pyramid:

and now i want to introduce u guys a girlgroup that has not debuted yet but their entertainment has a lot of money: LOONA (Girl of the month.). This is a 12 member group where (actually not always) one girl was introduced each month and each girl have an own song and mv. its created from BBC (BlockBerry Creative):

and blockberry creative is the "daughter" of polaris entertainment, the entertainment of LADIES CODE where also 2 members died.

"Blockberry Creative (Hangul: 브록베리크리에이티브) is a South Korean record label formed in 2016. It is a subsidiary of Ilkwang's Polaris Entertainment. The label is home to artists like Iron and Loona." ~ Wikipedia

and now think about LADIES CODES logo:

its also a pyramid. like SPECTRUMS logo.

but let me tell you my theory NOW.
so as i said, loona will be debuted and their first DEBUT TEASER was released today:

and as u can see in this teaser, they show us the BLOOD MOON, maybe a hint for us? maybe they sacrificed him for the new girlgroup LOONA? LOONA is like BTS, its a story telling music with hidden things. In every music video of loona their are hints and now for the debut they sacrificed maybe him for loona like they did it on ladies code for bts? its scary and i cant believe it actually but i dont know this teaser is soo mysterious and when they released it i thought it could mean that.. i am an orbit (loonas fandom name) and i also afraid and scared bc of these 12 girls, they are practicing and working for the debut since october 2016 and i can imagine that they contract is so expensive bc they NEED to be succesful and have fame bc blockberry creative gave for every song promotions, mvs, fanmeeting so much money, the girls must pay back with FAME. and that blockberry creative is an entertainment who is the DAUGHTER entetnainment of POLARIS... and ladies code is from polaris... i mean i am scared and sad for these girls that they contract with such this entertainment... i am very scared for them.
i dont know what to think about this theory but i need to stop now and i am sorry for my bad english...



Jun 4, 2018
Guys its sooo fcking scary, idk why i am thinking about this but this is my theory bc of SPECTRUMS death of 1 member
View attachment 13647View attachment 13648 so he just died with 20 years and this is crazy, he is so fcking young! His entertainments name is wynn entertainment and in their logo is nothing BUT SPECTRUMs logo is a fcking pyramid:
View attachment 13649

and now i want to introduce u guys a girlgroup that has not debuted yet but their entertainment has a lot of money: LOONA (Girl of the month.). This is a 12 member group where (actually not always) one girl was introduced each month and each girl have an own song and mv. its created from BBC (BlockBerry Creative):
View attachment 13650

and blockberry creative is the "daughter" of polaris entertainment, the entertainment of LADIES CODE where also 2 members died.
View attachment 13651

"Blockberry Creative (Hangul: 브록베리크리에이티브) is a South Korean record label formed in 2016. It is a subsidiary of Ilkwang's Polaris Entertainment. The label is home to artists like Iron and Loona." ~ Wikipedia

and now think about LADIES CODES logo:
View attachment 13652

its also a pyramid. like SPECTRUMS logo.

but let me tell you my theory NOW.
so as i said, loona will be debuted and their first DEBUT TEASER was released today:

and as u can see in this teaser, they show us the BLOOD MOON, maybe a hint for us? maybe they sacrificed him for the new girlgroup LOONA? LOONA is like BTS, its a story telling music with hidden things. In every music video of loona their are hints and now for the debut they sacrificed maybe him for loona like they did it on ladies code for bts? its scary and i cant believe it actually but i dont know this teaser is soo mysterious and when they released it i thought it could mean that.. i am an orbit (loonas fandom name) and i also afraid and scared bc of these 12 girls, they are practicing and working for the debut since october 2016 and i can imagine that they contract is so expensive bc they NEED to be succesful and have fame bc blockberry creative gave for every song promotions, mvs, fanmeeting so much money, the girls must pay back with FAME. and that blockberry creative is an entertainment who is the DAUGHTER entetnainment of POLARIS... and ladies code is from polaris... i mean i am scared and sad for these girls that they contract with such this entertainment... i am very scared for them.
i dont know what to think about this theory but i need to stop now and i am sorry for my bad english...

Also ab LOONA
Idk what it could mean in other languages but in latin and also romanian (my language) there is a similary word "luna" that sounds the same and means "moon".


Jul 28, 2018
Where do you suggest we talk about these things if it ends up being deleted?
Maybe making another thread?
Telling to everyone to use code for names, because when you're searching smtg on google, the first key words appears ( the most used) I just googled " bts thread forum " and I found the forum on the 3rd link in google (Before my sis give me the link, meantime I closed the page and have google it)

So in this way it can reduce the views, and the risk to appears 3rd link on google (I admit sometimes when I say jeankay or jimmyn it make me laugh a little bit) for the fandom i'll use '' fandom" " arm?" for the boy group b**t$ ? Or otherwise we can reversed some terms too..


Jul 7, 2018
Also ab LOONA
Idk what it could mean in other languages but in latin and also romanian (my language) there is a similary word "luna" that sounds the same and means "moon".
the group name means moon thats right :) look at loonas different mvs, they always show as intro a moon. the logo of this fandom is a moon

also the fandom name ORBIT means " a curve path of a celestial object around a star, planet or moon."

each loona member has
1. a song
2. a colour
3. an animal symbol
and 4 menbers of the 12 girls has also an FRUIT symbol.


Jul 7, 2018
LOONA is like BTS! Just the 2.0 version, i mean a better version of bts, bc they have not debuted yet, they have so much hidden meanings! their official site of loona has a BACKWARDS site: and if u know backwards is satanic, because from above so below, aleister crowley shit etc.. now when u go to the backwards website it comes nothing but their was a dna string animated when u searched it backwards, and the website is calles MOBIUS, it has something to do with the story.. here is the picture:


and this looks literally like an fcking eye, so scary:


and this animated dna string:

what also bts has a song about.
i am so sorry for talking so much about loona but this group is satanic as fck. the group have 3 sub units so they 5 girls as subunit called LOONA 1/3, 3 girls as subunit called LOONA ODD EYE CIRCLE and the last 4 girls as sub unit called LOONA yyxy. and yyxy has the eve story with the forbidden apple and this kind of stuff in their concept story. i can talk about loona pretty long but this thread is supposed to be just about bts. i am just warning u guys, this girlgroup promotes this i mean THIS ENTERTAINMENT is evil! this entertainment BBC has a concept like BTS big hit.
sorry for my bad english but i just wanted to tell u guys about this group..


Jul 28, 2018
I have lucid dreams regularly, but they're far from being just dreams lol. This is why I never consider them as "dreams". They're too scary. I suffer from insomnia (the reason why I'm still awake. It's 6 o'clock here in Germany).
Oh ! I can relate to this ! about insomnia, god, I prayed everyday to sleep well, and never it happens. I suffured from sleep paralysis a lot, I heard many voice, some spirits, or like evil ? ( i hope not) but I could'nt sleep as well.. (2/3 weeks insomnia before my exams , waiting 6AM/7AM to sleep some hours ?! )
For lucids dreams, I think if your are conscious in it you can try seeking more interpretations, but well meanings in dreams are never like reality..
I think if we're still dream abt these boyz, it's because it's the subconcious, even if we try to avoid seeing their MV, etc a part thinking abt them, still here ... We can erased immediatly, but I'm sure by the time, we can manage to..
Dec 26, 2017
"I hated this group since the run/I need u Era I don't know why but I always thought that theses boys were so arrogant, like '' we are the best dancer of kpop '' smtg like that." same honestly my gut always told me there was something that match with me about them. at the end i realized I was literally just forcing myself to stan them and was stressing myself out by the amount of content i have to watch from them and would get mad at myself when i dont watch/complete all their content. thankfully i quite after the fake love era , i said i quite after the dna era in my last post but it was actually the fake love era.
I also starting disliking BTS for this reason, though I don't really know the group before this thread, its like people every where saying BTS is the best thing in the world and every body must like them, and you can't argue with these people or wake them up to realize that this is all planned by the illuminati years ahead, its not really because BTS work hard, but these people are brainwashed to understand that
Dec 26, 2017
I wouldn't call S witzer land a safe place, check out those articles and and there are many more that can be found on the web indicating that C E R N is a sinister place
yes Switzerland is a very very sinister country, and I can say I hated it for this reason, all illuminati planning was done from Switzerland, its really land of satan, but though because of that, the elite are protecting it from ww3 for this reason, so it would be safe in ww3
Dec 26, 2017
damn,about the part of jin's grandma's death,did the other members really not give a damn? brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "real situations expose fake people" cause that's just fucked up and plain deppressing now
and I wonder why fans are not noticing this, its like they don't care to hide it, because they know no fans would question them, they can do whatever they like and have that Oppa don't mean it excuse
Dec 26, 2017
I'm actually a new member that joined this website like 4 hours ago and I noticed on a lot of posts on this forum and another forum people kept censoring bts's and the members' names, may I know why? I'm curious why everyone adds symbols when they mention them like b&$$ts and change the member's names like jeonkayy.
because they are concerned about suing, but there is no chance its going to happen, we are not even in Korea, its ok to write in their real name
Dec 26, 2017
Agreed and then you have those fans starting BS theories and saying stuff like "bts's songs actually contain messages and spread awareness about SuIcidE!!!!" like a person killing themselves because of some "My heart is shattered bs" is definitely spreading awareness :rolleyes::confused:
putting suicide and depict it is very different from spreading awareness, they are actually promoting it to increase not spreading awareness
Dec 26, 2017
B.a.p disbanding is one of the worst nightmares happening to kpop, they're so underapprcciated :( I wish they had half the fame bts has :"(
I understand this thing, many other groups are not getting recognition they deserve, and everything is going to BTS, its so unfair, but at the end of the day, we know that all of the fame in this world was done by the illuminati including Kpop, its not like the fame anyone is getting was really deserving this is almost for all
Dec 26, 2017
yeah other members couldn't even bring up the topic but himchan did it for them. i hope they'll stay together even if they have to change their name, their fandom will still be rock solid for them. if the same thing happened to bt$ i highly doubt arm¥ would react the same way, half of them would commit suicide and the other half would lose interest because bt$ are literally no one without bi9hit's "formula" and the el1te's support. i apologize to arm¥s who said "stan talent stan bt$" but girrrllll there are many people with more talent than your oppas lol
I wonder what will happen to armies when Jin died, I really hope they don't harm themselves and just understand how they are manipulated


Jul 28, 2018
I’ve never had the experience you guys had either dreams etc. I’m not really obsessed with BTS but here’s what’s happening. I went back to watch the BBMA performance a few time and I’m getting this massive headache. My veins are literally pulsing. The head ache goes a way and fake love is stuck in my head. I watch the performance again massive headache. I don’t what it is in the song but I’m getting some serious migraines.
Oh you just remind something similar but in a real physical place lmao. My sister wanted a facemask of DAY6 and a ring so the store is at Paris 13, since I'm living alone in Paris and she was far from me, I went for her to buy those kpop goodies ? When I entered to the shop, I never felt so bad, i started to have a hard migraine, and my stomach hurts a lot, i was cold, chills, and cold sweat.
There were a lot of kpop face poster, and the kpop music in the background playing and passing many kpop hit songs.
LMAO I had to stand at the counter and told to the sellers what i was looking for, she took a lot of time, more the time pass more i felt not good really , I just wanted to get out of there ASAP because i'couldn't stand anymore...

So yes I really think theses industries or whatever CEO and kpop groups doing with their music products, there is something fishy like spells on it ...
Dec 26, 2017
each idol indeed has a specific fake persona given by their agencies. they're allowed to flaunt a little part of their true self only if it's beneficial to the group's and company's image. with b.a.p i hope they just be able to build an independent agency because actually there's no such thing as "better agency" in korean entertainment industry, they're all shady and mean, especially the big 3 + bi9hit.
There is this strange change of persona that the company probably is behind, were they begin as manly then suddenly they become feminine, have you noticed this trend
Dec 26, 2017
I can't believe I hear it from you. I'm shocked and speechless. Suicide is pain, it's broken heart and deep personal tragedy. BTS don't promote it. Probably you dont understand how BTS portray pain &fear in their art, consequences of deeds, butterfly effect and healing from pain.
then if they don't promote it, why do you think they asked armies if they are depressed when hearing BTS music? I heard this in the other thread
Dec 26, 2017
And you judge BTS and ARMY while talking about your fantasies about someone's death. Nice, very nice.
I am not judging, don't you think many armies are going to harm themselves if they know someone died from BTS? well its obvious, and I am saying clearly I hope that never happen, but the Illuminati already decided for jin this fate, if you don't believe it, ok wait till its happen but don't be shocked


Jun 20, 2018
There is this strange change of persona that the company probably is behind, were they begin as manly then suddenly they become feminine, have you noticed this trend
yes i've noticed that, but sadly those blind kpop stans shrugged it off by saying it's only a concept for the latest comeback blah blah blah. it's comprehensible if they only look feminine in mvs, maybe it's just their clothes and makeup, but isn't it strange if they also behave all soft and feminine off stage (e.g variety shows & vlives) ?? it's obvious that the company is pushing their idols to promote certain behavior and trying to normalize it.