BTS discussion thread


May 20, 2018
how do you think they were chosen, if so much energy is wasted on them? they must be important? do you think it's the families they come from?

and interesting, cause i've seen that performance and seeing backwards makes sense. is that the case with every video of theirs i wonder?
I wnat to know about backwards DNA song .. Since that's the one they opt to choose to perform filor the first time ever in Amas last year ..

And by energy i think maumta1990 meant about his own energy :D.. I think
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May 20, 2018
For some reason the atmosphere on this thread feels more and more suffocating by every post.

I can't really explain why, and I don't want to mistrust anyone of you, because in the end that's what the enemy wants.
Idk about those 'trolls' and why they point their fingers to specific members? Probably to make us fight each other. Let's not go that direction.
But we should always question who we're talking too and listen to our gut feeling.
There should be a balance between being peaceful but alert. Idk how to achive that balance. (lol)

It's a nice place to talk. No one can fully gain everyones trust and that's normal I think.
IDK what I'm talking about, I'm just a confused noodle.
View attachment 11784
Aren't we all? :D.. (confused noodles)


Jun 11, 2018
The fact that you study and discuss Alister Crowley books is enough to do not attend your classes. Black magic, sex practices and all evil things this idiot left can't lead to any good conclusions or actions. We can make negative judgment assumptions if we see evil things just logically matching facts, it is enough information about a. Crowley to understand what kind of knowledge you learn. Let today be the day and see people as they are - that's my choice. There's a lot of bad people everywhere, in christianity too, but there's common ideas about moral and what it is totobe be a good person wich are far away from what occultist teach and do. Respect is the least what liars like you deserve
Agreed !!!!


Jun 11, 2018
I know I replied already but since it's the topic of Masons, here's a bit of info most don't know. An atheist CAN NOT be a Mason or an Eastern Star. They do not allow atheists to join. You know why, because an atheist can't worship lucifer because they don't believe he exists. No way one eye fly guy is an atheist & mason, and that one video pointed out him wearing a mason ring. Just some food for thought.
Then do you still think one eye fly guy is part of a cult ?
If so which one can you think of ? (Since you have more knowledge abt those things i'm just a confused noodle too ;_;)


Jun 20, 2018
//disclaimer: these are just theories and assumptions, none of these should be taken as facts//​
  • In early august 2017, j1n uploaded a picture of himself holding a bouquet of blue flowers and wrote "smeraldo" as the caption.

  • The smeraldo word may sound nonsensical and has no correlation with the picture as it translates to "emerald" in italian, but the smeraldo that j1n referred to was a type of flower. A newly discovered, nonexistent flower that can be made simply by spraypainting a regular white flower in blue.
  • La Citta di Smeraldo di Oz (city of oz's emerald) is the city name in Wizard of Oz movie.
  • Just like any other flower, smeraldo flower has its own meaning too. The meaning of this flower is "the truth i couldn't tell".
  • Smeraldo flower was "discovered" and uploaded on instagram on June 12th 2013, the very same day as BT$' debut date.

  • Not so long after j1n's smeraldo picture, some arm¥s discovered a flower shop that specializes in selling smeraldo flowers. It was planning to open up in mid september (BT$' comeback was predicted to be around that time)

  • The flower shop's blog is named Te Stesso which translates to "know thyself" in italian. It's also similar to the phrase "ama te stesso" which means "love yourself"
  • Te Stesso blog was created on july 4th 2017, the same day BT$ introduced their new logo.
  • The pictures in that blog had "BT$" as the original file names.

  • on Te Stesso instagram account, there was a handwritten note that is similar to j1n's handwriting.

  • Te Stesso blog/shop owner made a giveaway event asking people to share their stories about sincerity and 7 winners would be picked. He announced the winners on august 22nd 2017 and one of the winners posted a picture of the prize when she received it: a bouquet of blue paper flowers and a notepad with a handwritten note "i'm sending the true heart that couldn't get delivered", again similar to j1n's handwriting.

  • There were 7 blog posts on Te Stesso containing 7 episodes related to smeraldo flowers (prologue, introducing the smeraldo flower, how smeraldo was 'found', smeraldo legend, the William Ashbless card, the painting of 'Madame Lenormand and The Flower Card', and 'the true heart that i couldn't deliver') (i'll make a separated post about the stories)
  • William Ashbless mentioned in the story was a fictional character created by an American author named Tim Powers. William Ashbless' character is known for having a profound knowledge of playing cards and for even having designed a card that was influenced by the Smeraldo flowers he discovered. (playing cards were used a lot in the MV for BT$' song Run, but instead of using flowers, they had images of butterflies on them. We see j1n using playing cards to build a house of them, and there is a song in the same album called "House of Cards." In the Run MV, we also see a vase that is filled with what looks to be smeraldo flowers in the background.)



Jun 20, 2018
//disclaimer: these are just theories and assumptions, none of these should be taken as facts//​

  • If you look William Ashbless up on wikipedia, the name of the user who made the file is listed as "Qkdxksthsuseks" which may sound gibberish, but when you type it on a korean keyboard it gives you 방탄소년단 (B^ngt^n S0nye0nd^n).

  • There was also a fictional academy called The Smeraldo Academy that was founded on September 12th 2013 (namj0on's birthday).

  • The first person to join the "academy" went by the username Inbloom BTS (later we found all 7 BT$ members were wearing black t-shirts with IN BLOOM printed on it)

  • The Smeraldo Academy "held" their flower shows in 2017 and the dates coincidentally lined up with BT$ Wings tour concert dates.

  • On september 2nd 2017, the flower shop owner announced that he postponed the opening of the shop indefinitely due to personal matter.

  • On september 18th 2017, BT$ had a comeback with their mini album LY:Her. The album cover is white, with a sketch of blue flower, representing the smeraldo flower.

  • All versions of HYYH pt 1 and pt 2 albums will form an image of smeraldo flower if gathered together.

  • The smeraldo flower shop owner updated their website header just recently in july 2018 after the business went on hiatus for almost a year and the new header features BT$ logo, probably hinting at another comeback in August?


Jun 20, 2018
Based on how each of the events cOinCiDeNtaLLy links to each other, i'm sure that the entire smeraldo flower thing is a made up story that bi9hit have prepared since the debut and BT$ are using the flower to deliver messages related to the truth they're hiding:
  • White flowers represent their true selves, they're hiding who they actually are with "blue paint" (fake personality) so everyone would see them as stood out, unique, and likeable people. Smeraldo flower references can be seen in the OUTRO: HER lyrics.
  • White flowers represent purity, innocence, and sincerity. Staining them with paint means that they're no longer pure and innocent. In one of the MVs we could also see j1n setting fire on white flower petals, meaning they've burnt their true personality and anything related to their past selves to become someone new.

  • White flowers represent mourn and transience (they could be mourning over the loss of beloved ones, or the death of their true selves). Painting white flowers in blue is to hide the sorrows and carry on as if nothing happened. Again, it can be seen in OUTRO: HER lyrics.


If there's one flower that’s bursting with symbolism, it's the lily. Amiability, purity, love, fertility, femininity, unity and transience; it represents all of them.
It's the shape, the variety of colours, and the sweet scent in particular that make the lily the ideal symbol of femininity. That meaning dates back many centuries to ancient Egypt. Greek and Roman brides were often given a crown of lilies in the hope of a pure and fruitful life.
It was really 'not done' to express emotions in the uptight Victorian era. But then how could people tell one another how they felt? A secret language was found to be the solution. By giving every flower a particular meaning, they created the language of flowers: floriography. The Romans used lilies to fill pillows and quilts because of its lovely scent. Lilies thereby became the source of the fragrance of love. If a lady was given this sweet-scented flower, she knew: 'This is my lover'.
You've probably noticed that white lilies are often used at weddings. The reason for this is that - in Christianity at least - white lilies symbolise virginity and purity. The white lily is therefore also known as the Madonna lily. And you may also have noticed that the lily is often depicted as a religious symbol in conjunction with the Virgin Mary.
Flowers are not just a good way of expressing emotions when we are happy and cheerful. Flowers also enable us to say things without words at times of loss and mourning. Lilies are often used at funerals; the serene, pure look of the flower is very much in keeping with such occasions.

Sometimes called "the flower of light", one of the meanings of white roses is everlasting love - love stronger than death, an eternal love, undying and all sustaining. White rose speaks of a love that is sustained more by loyalty, reverence and humility than by red-blooded passion. So, in its capacity to worship someone till death, the meaning of a white rose is unchanging loyalty that endures beyond all else.
The white bouquet has been a tradition since Queen Victoria's wedding in l840. It was in this romantic era that gentlemen started sending flowers to their lady friends to denote special meanings. The white rose is the queen of the bridal bouquet.
Here, the meaning of a white rose is something different altogether. A virgin carrying the white roses seeks to assure her loved one of her purity and innocence. Untarnished and untainted - the white rose is the bride on her wedding day. In the "language of the flowers" the meaning of white roses is "I am worthy of you". The meaning of the white rose will not be lost on a groom when he sees his bride's eyes filled with unchanging love and loyalty, a promise to stand by him through all.
A white rosebud seeks to convey a different shade of meaning. It speaks of youthful ignorance, and innocence. "I am too young to be loved", the white rosebud proudly proclaims to the world. Girlhood, immature in the ways of the world, an age that is as pure and fresh as spring, are what the white rosebud denotes. Beauty, youth and a heart innocent of love are some of the meanings of a white rose bud.
The most famous meanings of the white rose arise from mythology. Many of these surround Aphrodite (Venus) as Goddess of love. She sprang forth into life from the foaming sea, and where the foam fell to the ground, white roses grew.
This and later myths about Aphrodite display the dual nature of love: purity and innocence represented by white roses; desire and sexual gratification by red ones. In one story she runs to help her wounded lover Adonis and catches her flesh on the thorns of the white rose bush. Her blood falling on the bush turns the roses red, symbolizing the way innocence and purity change to experience and motherhood.

White orchids are rich with symbolic meaning. From the Aztecs and Ancient Greeks to Victorians, white orchids have been more than just pleasing decorations. Their shape led some cultures to associate them with virility while others associated the flowers with beauty and refinement.
More than 25,000 species of orchids have been identified. Many of these exotic blooms come in white varieties. Angraecum orchids, which have an unusual star shape, primarily are white. Other white orchids have a touch of other colors. These orchids sometimes are referred to as pansy orchids because their coloring resembles that of pansies. Regardless of the type of white orchid, the meanings associated with the flowers remains the same.
Ancient Greeks associated the flowers with virility, and Greek women fed large tubers to their husbands to produce male children. In ancient China, Confucius compared virtuous people to the orchid because both shared the characteristics of a perfectly cultured being, including refinement and humility.
White orchids primarily grow in tropical areas and the Far East. This meant transporting them to Europe was costly -- particularly during the 19th century. As a result, only wealthy people could afford to purchase them during the Victorian era. This economic reality led to orchids being associated with wealth, luxury and refinement as well as exotic and rare beauty. The Victorians were not the only privileged people to treasure the flower; the royalty of ancient Japan also considered them symbolic of wealth.
Although white orchids no longer are associated with virility and are not a decoration only for the wealthy, they have not lost symbolic significance. Today, white orchids represent a number of things, including hope. White orchids also represent innocence and purity because of their color.


Jun 20, 2018
theories on LY:Her album lyrics
//disclaimer: these are just theories and none of these should be taken as facts//​

The universe has moved for us
Without missing a single thing
Because our happiness has been planned
Cause you love me
And I love you
I’m your Calico cat
Here to meet you
Love me now touch me now

"happiness" means the fame and success. The part when he says "i'm your calico cat" implies that he's been programmed to be a beta kitten and the "you" in this song refers to the devil / the elites.

Don’t worry love
Because all of this is not coincidence
We’re completely different baby
Because we’ve found our destiny
From the day the universe was formed
Past infinite worlds

Probably in our past life and in our next lives
We’ll be together forever, DNA

I think this is pretty self-explanatory, not only their success but also everything else that happened, is happening, and yet to happen in this world has been planned by the elites.

So take my hand right now
I can’t believe myself
Words I said thousands of times only to myself
Don’t leave me
You got the best of me
You got the best of me
Whether this is a dream or reality, it’s not important
(The difficulty of telling which one is which, a symptom of MK Ultra.)
Just the fact that you’re by my side
You got the best of me
You got the best of me
So please just don’t leave me
You got the best of me
You’re my salvation, you’re my shield

(Y'ALL IS IT EVEN NORMAL TO SAY THIS TO A GIRL? Those kind of praises should be addressed to God only... Oh, i forgot they don't worship God.)

I just need you
You got the best of me
I need you
So please just don’t leave me
You got the best of me
Just give me assurance
That’s all I want
Even if there are no rules
Laws of love do exist
Who got the best of me?
Who got the best of me?
No one knows but I know me
My greatest master is you

("Laws of love do exist" probably talking about aleister crowley's "love is the law, love under will"??? "My greatest master is you" i literally facepalmed myself real hard when i realize this part, idk what to say, i used to like this song and i was too blind to understand that this song isn't even about love between a boy and a girl smh)

I don’t have it, only you have it
Is that why it’s so hard?
I wanna die fallen in you, I wanna die locked in you
You are my lake
Lake could refer to monsters and mythical creatures such as nymph / lady of the lake. I'm not quite sure about the meaning because the rest of the lyrics are not so suspicious.

(no need to write any part of the lyrics because it's been discussed many times here and we know damn well wtf is wrong with this song, not only the song was inspired by pan / baphomet, but they're also blatantly mocking their fans.)

(i don't see any hidden meaning behind the lyrics as it's just another diss track showing what cocky human beings they actually are, yet arm¥s are still praising them for being so humble and down to earth. the MVs for both the remix and japanese versions are creepy though, with hooded men and a huge shadow with red eyes watching behind them.)

Just break it apart
We’re too young to just worry
For today, just go instead of worrying
If you get scared and say you’re saving, it becomes poop
So rub it all around
They look like they're giving a side eye to the yolo mentality of this generation, but at the same time they're mocking their fans for spending toooooo much money on them like there's no tomorrow. Ahh shady boys.

The world is a complex
We was lookin’ for love
I was just one of those people
Didn’t even believe in true love
Just said I wanted to be in love like a habit
But I found myself
The whole new myself
I’m confused too, which one’s the real me?
Did you figure out that I’m a book after I met you?
Or did you turn my page?
(Namj0on seems like having a hard time telling which one is his true personality which is a sign of MK Ultra, he's saying similar thing in Airplane pt 2 so probably our j0onie is really confused lol poor one eyed guy)

Anyway, I wanna be the best man for you
Of course, you’re the world to me
When you said you wanted to die with me
I promised to be the man you want
God I swore to myself
So many complex
But I’m lookin’ for love
I don’t care if it’s a fake me, if you hold me
You’re my beginning and my end
So you finish me
Maybe I’m your truth and your lie

Maybe I’m your love and hate
Maybe I’m your enemy and friend
Your heaven and hell, your pride and embarrassment
I can’t ever take off this mask
Because I’m not the guy you know under this mask
Again today, make up to wake up
and dress up to mask on
To become the person who loves you
To become the guy who loves you
I quit the XX that I used to love
Just for you
I put on clothes I hate, excessive make up
Because your laughter and happiness
Is the scale of my happiness
This is how I am
Do I deserve your love?
I always make an effort to be the best for you
I hope you don’t know this part of me
Just like always, mask on

Greeting me with cheers, her
I’m your star, I shine as if nothing’s wrong
But the moment I should shine the most, I take my mask off
Lost star, I’m laying down my burdens, enjoying the darkness
There’s no lights to shoot at me as if it’s killing me
Just going wherever my heart goes

I think the rest of the song lyrics are heavily connected to the meaning of smeraldo flower, they're hiding their true selves behind a mask in order to be liked and accepted by their fans. The last part of the lyrics could also mean that they willingly went through sufferings (abuse, mind control, sacrifices, etc) to be loved by the elites / the devil and gain fame and fortune.


This garden is filled
With blossoming loneliness

I tied myself
To this sand castle filled with thorns
What is your name?

Do you even have a place to go?
Oh could you tell me?
I saw you hiding in this garden

And I know
Your heat is real
Your hand picks the blue flowers
I want to hold it but

This is my destiny
Don’t smile on me
Light on me
Because I can’t go to you
There’s no name to call

You know that I can’t
Show you me
Give you me
I can’t show you my weakness
So I’m putting on a mask to go see you
But I still want you

A flower that resembles you
Blossomed in this garden of loneliness
I wanted to give it to you
As I take off this stupid mask

But I know
This can’t go on forever
I must hide
Because I’m ugly

I’m afraid
So pathetic
I’m so afraid
In the end, will you leave me too?
So I’m putting on a mask to go see you

What I can do is
To make a pretty flower
That resembles you
Blossom in this garden, in this world
Then breathe as the person you know
But I still want you
I still want you

Maybe back then
If I had just a little more
And stood before you
Would everything be different now?

I’m crying
At this sandcastle
That’s disappearing
And breaking down
As I look at this broken mask
And I still want you

But I still want you
But I still want you
And I still want you
May 24, 2018
theories on LY:Her album lyrics​

//disclaimer: these are just theories and none of these should be taken as facts//​

The universe has moved for us
Without missing a single thing

Because our happiness has been planned
Cause you love me
And I love you

I’m your Calico cat
Here to meet you
Love me now touch me now


"happiness" means the fame and success. The part when he says "i'm your calico cat" implies that he's been programmed to be a beta kitten and the "you" in this song refers to the devil / the elites.

Don’t worry love
Because all of this is not coincidence
We’re completely different baby
Because we’ve found our destiny
From the day the universe was formed
Past infinite worlds
Probably in our past life and in our next lives
We’ll be together forever, DNA

I think this is pretty self-explanatory, not only their success but also everything else that happened, is happening, and yet to happen in this world has been planned by the elites.

So take my hand right now
I can’t believe myself
Words I said thousands of times only to myself
Don’t leave me
You got the best of me
You got the best of me
Whether this is a dream or reality, it’s not important

(The difficulty of telling which one is which, a symptom of MK Ultra.)
Just the fact that you’re by my side
You got the best of me
You got the best of me
So please just don’t leave me
You got the best of me
You’re my salvation, you’re my shield

(Y'ALL IS IT EVEN NORMAL TO SAY THIS TO A GIRL? Those kind of praises should be addressed to God only... Oh, i forgot they don't worship God.)

I just need you
You got the best of me
I need you
So please just don’t leave me
You got the best of me
Just give me assurance
That’s all I want
Even if there are no rules
Laws of love do exist
Who got the best of me?
Who got the best of me?
No one knows but I know me
My greatest master is you

("Laws of love do exist" probably talking about aleister crowley's "love is the law, love under will"??? "My greatest master is you" i literally facepalmed myself real hard when i realize this part, idk what to say, i used to like this song and i was too blind to understand that this song isn't even about love between a boy and a girl smh)

I don’t have it, only you have it
Is that why it’s so hard?
I wanna die fallen in you, I wanna die locked in you
You are my lake

Lake could refer to monsters and mythical creatures such as nymph / lady of the lake. I'm not quite sure about the meaning because the rest of the lyrics are not so suspicious.

(no need to write any part of the lyrics because it's been discussed many times here and we know damn well wtf is wrong with this song, not only the song was inspired by pan / baphomet, but they're also blatantly mocking their fans.)

(i don't see any hidden meaning behind the lyrics as it's just another diss track showing what cocky human beings they actually are, yet arm¥s are still praising them for being so humble and down to earth. the MVs for both the remix and japanese versions are creepy though, with hooded men and a huge shadow with red eyes watching behind them.)

Just break it apart
We’re too young to just worry
For today, just go instead of worrying
If you get scared and say you’re saving, it becomes poop
So rub it all around

They look like they're giving a side eye to the yolo mentality of this generation, but at the same time they're mocking their fans for spending toooooo much money on them like there's no tomorrow. Ahh shady boys.

The world is a complex
We was lookin’ for love
I was just one of those people
Didn’t even believe in true love
Just said I wanted to be in love like a habit
But I found myself
The whole new myself
I’m confused too, which one’s the real me?
Did you figure out that I’m a book after I met you?
Or did you turn my page?

(Namj0on seems like having a hard time telling which one is his true personality which is a sign of MK Ultra, he's saying similar thing in Airplane pt 2 so probably our j0onie is really confused lol poor one eyed guy)

Anyway, I wanna be the best man for you
Of course, you’re the world to me
When you said you wanted to die with me
I promised to be the man you want
God I swore to myself
So many complex
But I’m lookin’ for love
I don’t care if it’s a fake me, if you hold me
You’re my beginning and my end
So you finish me
Maybe I’m your truth and your lie
Maybe I’m your love and hate
Maybe I’m your enemy and friend
Your heaven and hell, your pride and embarrassment
I can’t ever take off this mask
Because I’m not the guy you know under this mask
Again today, make up to wake up
and dress up to mask on
To become the person who loves you
To become the guy who loves you
I quit the XX that I used to love
Just for you
I put on clothes I hate, excessive make up
Because your laughter and happiness
Is the scale of my happiness
This is how I am
Do I deserve your love?
I always make an effort to be the best for you
I hope you don’t know this part of me

Just like always, mask on
Greeting me with cheers, her
I’m your star, I shine as if nothing’s wrong
But the moment I should shine the most, I take my mask off
Lost star, I’m laying down my burdens, enjoying the darkness
There’s no lights to shoot at me as if it’s killing me

Just going wherever my heart goes

I think the rest of the song lyrics are heavily connected to the meaning of smeraldo flower, they're hiding their true selves behind a mask in order to be liked and accepted by their fans. The last part of the lyrics could also mean that they willingly went through sufferings (abuse, mind control, sacrifices, etc) to be loved by the elites / the devil and gain fame and fortune.


This garden is filled
With blossoming loneliness
I tied myself
To this sand castle filled with thorns
What is your name?
Do you even have a place to go?
Oh could you tell me?
I saw you hiding in this garden

And I know
Your heat is real
Your hand picks the blue flowers
I want to hold it but

This is my destiny
Don’t smile on me
Light on me
Because I can’t go to you
There’s no name to call

You know that I can’t
Show you me
Give you me
I can’t show you my weakness
So I’m putting on a mask to go see you
But I still want you

A flower that resembles you
Blossomed in this garden of loneliness
I wanted to give it to you
As I take off this stupid mask

But I know
This can’t go on forever
I must hide
Because I’m ugly

I’m afraid
So pathetic
I’m so afraid
In the end, will you leave me too?
So I’m putting on a mask to go see you

What I can do is
To make a pretty flower

That resembles you
Blossom in this garden, in this world
Then breathe as the person you know
But I still want you
I still want you

Maybe back then
If I had just a little more
And stood before you
Would everything be different now?

I’m crying
At this sandcastle
That’s disappearing
And breaking down
As I look at this broken mask
And I still want you

But I still want you
But I still want you
And I still want you
WOW~~~ Thanks for the theories will be sure to read it all. :D:D


May 20, 2018
They also watch it upside down. Man... just listening to it backwards gives me a headache and now they have it upside down...Reversal..
Wonder if they have anymore trees upside down in their other mvs or other stuffs not supposed to be in the ceiling...
And I was shook tea was in front and them behind this didnt really register when you watch it normal...

Not yet...
Watching it upside down wouldn't be a tough task i think

There has to be an app for it..
And i can imagine watching upside town.. We will see them dancing on the tree.. Which will give more creepy vibes