BTS discussion thread

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
The fact that you study and discuss Alister Crowley books is enough to do not attend your classes. Black magic, sex practices and all evil things this idiot left can't lead to any good conclusions or actions. We can make negative judgment assumptions if we see evil things just logically matching facts, it is enough information about a. Crowley to understand what kind of knowledge you learn. Let today be the day and see people as they are - that's my choice. There's a lot of bad people everywhere, in christianity too, but there's common ideas about moral and what it is totobe be a good person wich are far away from what occultist teach and do. Respect is the least what liars like you deserve
Right there is a reason he known as the wickedest man to live. I know enough about his teachings from experience and it's root is evil, his literal goal was to do everything opposite of God.


Jan 16, 2018
For some reason the atmosphere on this thread feels more and more suffocating by every post.

I can't really explain why, and I don't want to mistrust anyone of you, because in the end that's what the enemy wants.
Idk about those 'trolls' and why they point their fingers to specific members? Probably to make us fight each other. Let's not go that direction.
But we should always question who we're talking too and listen to our gut feeling.
There should be a balance between being peaceful but alert. Idk how to achive that balance. (lol)

It's a nice place to talk. No one can fully gain everyones trust and that's normal I think.
IDK what I'm talking about, I'm just a confused noodle.
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Basically. It's definitely not the same and it's hard to keep it on the main topic, which in turn is making the thread less informative and entertaining.

@mamuta1990 I don't know what your real issue is with t.w.i.a.s., but why not message them privately instead of writing in your special codes for all to see? Or is your point to expose them? Even so, I don't understand what harm they have caused in posting in a public forum if indeed they are a part of your secret society? Is he/she not aloud to? Can't they just post like any other individual without being targeted?

But if you're here to contribute actual material to analyze concerning B+S, then those of us who came here for that would rather read about them than another poster on here. Just seems to me ya'll should hash that out one-on-one and not digress from what we're really here for.

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
Oh my goodness. Y are all y'all so smart? So the word "cabal" comes from that...
But the male freemasons have higher status than female right?
I know I replied already but since it's the topic of Masons, here's a bit of info most don't know. An atheist CAN NOT be a Mason or an Eastern Star. They do not allow atheists to join. You know why, because an atheist can't worship lucifer because they don't believe he exists. No way one eye fly guy is an atheist & mason, and that one video pointed out him wearing a mason ring. Just some food for thought.
May 24, 2018
I know I replied already but since it's the topic of Masons, here's a bit of info most don't know. An atheist CAN NOT be a Mason or an Eastern Star. They do not allow atheists to join. You know why, because an atheist can't worship lucifer because they don't believe he exists. No way one eye fly guy is an atheist & mason, and that one video pointed out him wearing a mason ring. Just some food for thought.
An atheist CAN NOT be a Mason or an Eastern Star.
They do not allow atheists to join. You know why, because an atheist can't worship lucifer because they don't believe he exists.
No way one eye fly guy is an atheist & mason
Thanks for clarifying..there was some confusion with this
One eye fly guy with his f-ak-e l-0ve and lies~
The L1e by jamal sums everything here
Basically the atheist was there t0 confuse or as a cover up

Yes for Daegu Town.
he even inverted the daegu town

deffo showing some hints there and his predictions....waiting what's gonna happen next..
May 24, 2018
right when that person said they'd seen the performance backwards and reversed, my thought was "will they have something placed upside down" and .. ofc they did.
They also watch it upside down. Man... just listening to it backwards gives me a headache and now they have it upside down...Reversal..
Wonder if they have anymore trees upside down in their other mvs or other stuffs not supposed to be in the ceiling...
And I was shook tea was in front and them behind this didnt really register when you watch it normal...
I'm like 20 odd pages behind. Did anyone mention how YG's hair is now dark red/burgundy?
Not yet...
May 24, 2018
well right off the bat what comes to mind is the DNA video and that move they did with tea and jungk where they move the camera upside down and then tea is surrounded with upside down pyramids.
You got it!! They're putting so many clues of inversion and upside down
The back masking is definitely there not to be set aside
I guess this is how they watch their mvs "privately"

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
Excuse me, but why don't you attend our classes first, before you judge and demonise us? Some Christians r*pe children. Does that mean all Christians r*pe children?

"How would your life be different if…You stopped making negative judgmental assumptions about people you encounter? Let today be the day…You look for the good in everyone you meet and respect their journey."
I was not gonna respond to you at all but I myself am an ex luciferian and was part of a sect of it, who followed your beloved crowleys teachings and eventually I saw through the charade of love and peace that gets spit out to lure people in, that's what happened to me, and saw pure evil. Yes occultism is about knowledge but that knowledge is that of demons, it's evil and to attain the highest levels of knowledge you must do horrific acts. Of course you won't ever disclose the dark and evil side of it, you said yourself , a thelemite doesn't make thelema look bad, so like all decievers, you paint a pretty nice loving peaceful image of it. I mean that's what ya'll do, follow crowleys teachings who worshipped satan, the father of lies. BTW, if T.W.I.A.S was one of you, they haven't revealed anything threatening to you, they just post BTS theories like this thread is for. So what's the point of calling them out. Ya'll keep coming in here interupting the thread with drama. Take it elsewhere. Don't bother replying back either because I'm just gonna hit that wonderful ignore button.
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