BTS discussion thread

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
I have watched david blaine a long time ago.. And also another magician who levitates in air without supports and walks on water.. I reached to the conclusion that they were mocking and portraying to be God themselves
.. Which they can never be of course ..

You get a really dark and satanic vibe from David.. Like it's literally there with the visible eye.. His eyes are empty ..

And also this david guy is said to have this area in his hand.. Which u can say is like a tunnel type with no blood flow.. So whenever he pokes anything into that same place.. No blood comes
I watched Now You See Me last night and wow they were so obvious. For those who don't know the movie it's about 4 magicians called the 4 horsemen. They each receive a card with the eye of Horus on one side a tarot card pic on other. They even flat out say it's the eye of Horus and they are being recruited into this society called The Eye. So ya in your face stuff. Guess what came on after, National Treasure about Freemasons. Lol

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
Good observations thanks..
I didnt know he had a tattoo of the eye
Hes definitely one of them
Im shook
Found it
View attachment 11603
It looked like the eye on the hand of the demon in Pan's labyrinth if you saw that movie

Wonder if btz members gonna get 1lluminati tattoos as well as time goes on.. hm..
About tattoos this one got a tattoo of btz
That one isn't bad, it's not a name, just a flower.


May 20, 2018


May 20, 2018
I watched Now You See Me last night and wow they were so obvious. For those who don't know the movie it's about 4 magicians called the 4 horsemen. They each receive a card with the eye of Horus on one side a tarot card pic on other. They even flat out say it's the eye of Horus and they are being recruited into this society called The Eye. So ya in your face stuff. Guess what came on after, National Treasure about Freemasons. Lol
I will give it a watch..
They aren't afraid to push their agenda openly now..

And by this i kind of remembered this tweet by suga
Only the words have changed places but now you see me is still thereimages (22).jpeg


May 20, 2018
I think he joined them. He wasn’t like this before. He’s a fairly new actor. He just randomly started the symbolism and putting out music.
The fun part is.. It's not the same eye in both pics.. Differently designed specially for 2 different occasions

And in the first one.. Black and white hoise at the background .. The black parts on either sides of his head give the view of him having horns ...

Imagine later at home he taking off the gem stickers one by one from his forehead :D.. What have these el1tes made such men into.... Smh


Dec 25, 2017
I wished too X)
Of course but sometimes i do it uncounsciouly and it gives me headaches (hope someone on here would be able to help for that )
I usually do it on a close distance (Europe ) but lately i can relate to a far distance so idk
I don't claim i'm one btw (i'm just working with intuition,energy and emotions since i'm an empath sorry for hiding secrets btw X) still shy )
Are you clairvoyant btw ? :0
hiii :) I've been an early member from the original illum1n@i kpop forum and have just casually lurked here. I've also been able to sense others emotions and anticipate behaviors for many years (since I was young), but have always attributed it to personality - introverted, perceptive, empathetic... I'm wondering if you took the 16personalities quiz what your result would be. I didn't know there were others like me and thought I was strange :). the headaches come when I'm very invested in something/someone (even unconsciously- I relate it to an almost Sherlock Holmian degree of perception. everything happens really fast without rarely trying.) and I find that my brain overworks. teaching myself to not care abt others' feelings as much has helped me.. I won't derail this thread but any questions u can def ask me through dm.


Dec 23, 2017
Hello everyone!

So I've only now sussed up the courage to make an account, even though I have been following this thread since it started (I was an original lurker on the first Kpop thread and switched over once this one was created) and have read just about every single page. I'd like to start off my first post with a very corny thank you and huge compliment to all the contributors: ya'll are amazing. There have not only been so many well-written and incredibly informative posts, but the general vibe of this thread has been fantastic (bar the recent bout of trolls I guess). I used to laugh at some of the hilarious stuff you guys posted and cheer you on when you dealt with the haters and agents of disinformation that found their way here. Bravo, folks. My story for finding this thread is very similar to many of yours -was an ARMY, would actually defend these boys to the death if anyone said anything bad about them, randomly ended up on some BTSnakes illuminati vid (I think one of the users on this forum actually made it), piqued my suspicion so I began doing research and BOOM. Here I was, on the verge of tears finding out about all this stuff but kind of addicted to learning more. I don't stan BTSnakes anymore but my heart still hurts when I think of what the boys must be going through if these things are real. I hope and pray for them to get out of this alive and well, but I hope even more so for their obsessed fans to wake up and realise how unhealthy their obsession is, like I realised mine had become. Seriously, thinking back to how I used to be, I'm just like:
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Aaanyways, I'll shut up about myself now. The real reason behind my post and the thing that made me actually want to create an account to share this with you guys, is this theory.

[Dislclaimer: for any ARMY lurkers or potential "spies": This is pure speculation. Please don't derail the thread to accuse me of defamation or trace my IP adress and kill me in my sleep. Thank you.]

So I remember reading a few pages back that the Her in their songs and concepts, might actually be referring to Satan as they do in certain occult practices. That made sense, largely because the whole F@ke L0ve song and music video honestly seems like they have nothing to do with romantic love. The lyrics are just . . .weird. So that got me thinking, what love could they be talking about? Love is supposed to be a powerful force for good, right? I started to doubt that when I saw XXXTent@ction's newest music video called S@d. I'm not sure if you guys have seen it or not but I think we can all agree that that dude had some issues (that is an entirely different cup of demonic tea but oh well). So the beginning of the music video is a trip. Here's a link: Brace yourselves, children. But there was a specific part that I wanted to discuss. So in the beginning of the music video, there is this demonic entity. It introduces itself as "gekyume", and asks the viewer direct questions, such as what their name is, how old they are, etc. XXX walks up to a casket in which lies . . . himself. Bear in mind this music video was released a week after his death and in the video we have him literally attend his own funeral and have a conversation with a demon. This was the weird part: if you watch the music video, the demonic entity XXX finds himself talking to whilst sat down in a chair . . . is dressed in similar robes to the ones BTSnakes have been sporting recently in their music video/performances. I can't find any stills of the video online but if you open the link I gave to video and go to around the 2 minute mark, you can see it. Almost identical. Later, when you see a close-up of the entity's face, it literally looks like the eighth member of BTSnakes. I would highly recommend watching the music video but for the love of all things holy, please turn the volume OFF. Do not put your ears through that.

The demon then instructs XXX with the following command:
"Here is my demand. You will spread love throughout the world, praise and joy unto my name and change the overall cycle of energy we are digesting. The world is in need of change, humans must learn to love and compromise rather than destroy. Blessings be upon those who have come to this visual presentation with good energy and love rather than malice. And those with negative intent, thank you your energy has been transmuted in the amount of time that you've taken to give your energy. The world will soon be loving, you will see."

Yeah, it's some creepy ass writing. It goes on to say other very obviously illuminati-ish shizz, but the next part that got my interest was when this cloaked figure tells XXX (or the viewer, not sure) that "your demon seems to honour your efforts".
. . . .
. . . .
Um . . . say what?!
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Yeah. So here is the crux of my theory: the love BTSnakes are speaking about in FL, is not the love in the regular human way we know it to be. I think most of us will agree that BTSnakes is part of the NWO and the various agendas they are ushering in, one of which is complete lawlessness. Freedom for people to do whatever it is that they want. Hence the demon in XXX's video giving us a hint that the love spoken of in the elite's terms is a cruel distortion of how we regular people see it. Before I carry on, I would like to add that if you are not a Christian, that's totally fine, no disrespect to anyone else (I was actually agnostic/athiest when I started researching this stuff), but many occultic symbols and laws seem to be a purposeful distortion of Christianity and Jesus. Even if you have no faith or religion, this could be interesting to note. For example, this is what the bible says about love and the law:

"For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." (Galatians 5:12-14).

Compare this to what Aleister Crowley sums up as the law: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will."

It's not secret that the elites love Aleister Crowley. If I recall correctly, Ta3 was spotted wearing an article of clothing with his infamous phrase on it. Basically what I am saying is that it's clear that both Crowley's quote and even the demon's diction in the music video are emulating the way the bible was written. As though it's an inversion of what it says. Personally, I think the bible's scripture speaks about how loving our neighbour as we love ourselves should be the guideline for our law to living: in loving your neighbour, you treat others kindly, you do not inflict harm on them, you won't sin against them. Given that Crowley was known to have raped and commited vile acts like p***philia, I doubt his love bears the same meaning. I think the occultic version of love has to do with love of self, love of our "sinful natures". Love of perversion. I believe the elite will try to normalise all the disgusting things they do behind the curtain under the guise of love and unity. Only through unity can the NWO actually be carried out. Note how BTSnakes's frontman One-Eyed-Joon seems to be very socially aware? It starts with a very good premise of accepting everyone (which I think is a good message), but they start to inject their poison into it and get people to accept evil through the veil of unity. This is why they want to cast out the idea of God from the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism etc.) They try to paint these religions as restrictive and intolerant because they help give us a moral guideline for what is right and wrong. Not saying that non-religious people cannot be good, that's not what I'm saying at all. This video explains it a lot better, might be worth a look . A prominent occultist called Alice A. Bailey actually wrote a book called The Externalisation of the Hierarchy which specifically lays out the elite's plans for ushering in the NWO, and she literally says in there that it will come through love and unity and all those who oppose this ideology, especially Christians, will be cast aside.
The words I've bolded in the original quote from the MV were ones I thought helped link this MV with BTSnakes's many concepts: the idea of love (LY, FL), absorbing cycles of energy (Pied Piper, the fan chant), the world being in need of change (DNA). Also, the music video deals with the concept of rebirth, a motif BTSnake has used plenty enough times as well throughout their music videos (specifically with regards to J1n). The phrase visual presentation also struck me, I know they're referring to the music video but if this thread has taught me anything it's that the elite love working with dual messages. A surface one, and a subliminal one. I feel like visual presentation also ties in with the idea of image, we see artists as iconic and beautiful and innocent like BTSnakes for example but that's just it: it's a presentation. A facade. A beautiful lie. A mask. The fact that the demon was pleased, and the way it was worded, as though the demon had been personally assigned to XXX. I think this may be the case with BTSnakes as well, they've been selected to be puppets for the NWO, the robes sort of affirm the fact that they're placeholders for demons and also shows solidarity with the other international stars who do the same. Maybe they were referring to this perverted love and being the puppets of the elite when they sang:

Love you so bad, Love you so bad
I craft a beautiful lie for you
Love you so mad, Love you so mad
I erase myself
And try to become your puppet

And with all the obsessed fans, I'm sure their demons are proud too.

Sorry for the long post. I kind of just exploded off after bottling everything up for so long lol.Thanks to those who made it through to the end. Oh and a final word I just wanted to say for the lurkers I know are there:

Instead of getting angry at seeing theories like this, consider being open-minded and really thinking for yourselves. You know the side of the boys that they wanted you to see, they've always been primed and perfect for the camera. So don't take anything to heart but don't just dismiss these theories out of hand. And remember if you don't like what you see, just move on and block it out of you rmemory.
View attachment 11629
Wow amazingly put! I agree that the “love” that bts promotes is an illuminati nwo agenda one.Just look at their love yourself campaign, opting to “end violence” which there’s nothing wrong with that but when you realize it’s all part of the nwo agenda of bringing peace and a utopian society, it kinda irks me. I also couldn’t understand why they had to announce it to a public platform. Why not in private as it shows humility and genuiness? Goes to show it they were feeding into the media. Anyway when i actually think about it now, that whole v peace sign that they do adds to that not to mention tae dressing similar to John lenon (whom was all about peace and had that hipster vibe to him not to mention him and his bandmates even wrote “Imagine” which talks about a utopian society where there is no war, religion and all that nwo crap. And then there’s Hitman’s bio xxx which is symbolic for the upcoming mark of the beast 666

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
Hello everyone!

So I've only now sussed up the courage to make an account, even though I have been following this thread since it started (I was an original lurker on the first Kpop thread and switched over once this one was created) and have read just about every single page. I'd like to start off my first post with a very corny thank you and huge compliment to all the contributors: ya'll are amazing. There have not only been so many well-written and incredibly informative posts, but the general vibe of this thread has been fantastic (bar the recent bout of trolls I guess). I used to laugh at some of the hilarious stuff you guys posted and cheer you on when you dealt with the haters and agents of disinformation that found their way here. Bravo, folks. My story for finding this thread is very similar to many of yours -was an ARMY, would actually defend these boys to the death if anyone said anything bad about them, randomly ended up on some BTSnakes illuminati vid (I think one of the users on this forum actually made it), piqued my suspicion so I began doing research and BOOM. Here I was, on the verge of tears finding out about all this stuff but kind of addicted to learning more. I don't stan BTSnakes anymore but my heart still hurts when I think of what the boys must be going through if these things are real. I hope and pray for them to get out of this alive and well, but I hope even more so for their obsessed fans to wake up and realise how unhealthy their obsession is, like I realised mine had become. Seriously, thinking back to how I used to be, I'm just like:
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Aaanyways, I'll shut up about myself now. The real reason behind my post and the thing that made me actually want to create an account to share this with you guys, is this theory.

[Dislclaimer: for any ARMY lurkers or potential "spies": This is pure speculation. Please don't derail the thread to accuse me of defamation or trace my IP adress and kill me in my sleep. Thank you.]

So I remember reading a few pages back that the Her in their songs and concepts, might actually be referring to Satan as they do in certain occult practices. That made sense, largely because the whole F@ke L0ve song and music video honestly seems like they have nothing to do with romantic love. The lyrics are just . . .weird. So that got me thinking, what love could they be talking about? Love is supposed to be a powerful force for good, right? I started to doubt that when I saw XXXTent@ction's newest music video called S@d. I'm not sure if you guys have seen it or not but I think we can all agree that that dude had some issues (that is an entirely different cup of demonic tea but oh well). So the beginning of the music video is a trip. Here's a link: Brace yourselves, children. But there was a specific part that I wanted to discuss. So in the beginning of the music video, there is this demonic entity. It introduces itself as "gekyume", and asks the viewer direct questions, such as what their name is, how old they are, etc. XXX walks up to a casket in which lies . . . himself. Bear in mind this music video was released a week after his death and in the video we have him literally attend his own funeral and have a conversation with a demon. This was the weird part: if you watch the music video, the demonic entity XXX finds himself talking to whilst sat down in a chair . . . is dressed in similar robes to the ones BTSnakes have been sporting recently in their music video/performances. I can't find any stills of the video online but if you open the link I gave to video and go to around the 2 minute mark, you can see it. Almost identical. Later, when you see a close-up of the entity's face, it literally looks like the eighth member of BTSnakes. I would highly recommend watching the music video but for the love of all things holy, please turn the volume OFF. Do not put your ears through that.

The demon then instructs XXX with the following command:
"Here is my demand. You will spread love throughout the world, praise and joy unto my name and change the overall cycle of energy we are digesting. The world is in need of change, humans must learn to love and compromise rather than destroy. Blessings be upon those who have come to this visual presentation with good energy and love rather than malice. And those with negative intent, thank you your energy has been transmuted in the amount of time that you've taken to give your energy. The world will soon be loving, you will see."

Yeah, it's some creepy ass writing. It goes on to say other very obviously illuminati-ish shizz, but the next part that got my interest was when this cloaked figure tells XXX (or the viewer, not sure) that "your demon seems to honour your efforts".
. . . .
. . . .
Um . . . say what?!
View attachment 11625

Yeah. So here is the crux of my theory: the love BTSnakes are speaking about in FL, is not the love in the regular human way we know it to be. I think most of us will agree that BTSnakes is part of the NWO and the various agendas they are ushering in, one of which is complete lawlessness. Freedom for people to do whatever it is that they want. Hence the demon in XXX's video giving us a hint that the love spoken of in the elite's terms is a cruel distortion of how we regular people see it. Before I carry on, I would like to add that if you are not a Christian, that's totally fine, no disrespect to anyone else (I was actually agnostic/athiest when I started researching this stuff), but many occultic symbols and laws seem to be a purposeful distortion of Christianity and Jesus. Even if you have no faith or religion, this could be interesting to note. For example, this is what the bible says about love and the law:

"For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." (Galatians 5:12-14).

Compare this to what Aleister Crowley sums up as the law: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will."

It's not secret that the elites love Aleister Crowley. If I recall correctly, Ta3 was spotted wearing an article of clothing with his infamous phrase on it. Basically what I am saying is that it's clear that both Crowley's quote and even the demon's diction in the music video are emulating the way the bible was written. As though it's an inversion of what it says. Personally, I think the bible's scripture speaks about how loving our neighbour as we love ourselves should be the guideline for our law to living: in loving your neighbour, you treat others kindly, you do not inflict harm on them, you won't sin against them. Given that Crowley was known to have raped and commited vile acts like p***philia, I doubt his love bears the same meaning. I think the occultic version of love has to do with love of self, love of our "sinful natures". Love of perversion. I believe the elite will try to normalise all the disgusting things they do behind the curtain under the guise of love and unity. Only through unity can the NWO actually be carried out. Note how BTSnakes's frontman One-Eyed-Joon seems to be very socially aware? It starts with a very good premise of accepting everyone (which I think is a good message), but they start to inject their poison into it and get people to accept evil through the veil of unity. This is why they want to cast out the idea of God from the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism etc.) They try to paint these religions as restrictive and intolerant because they help give us a moral guideline for what is right and wrong. Not saying that non-religious people cannot be good, that's not what I'm saying at all. This video explains it a lot better, might be worth a look . A prominent occultist called Alice A. Bailey actually wrote a book called The Externalisation of the Hierarchy which specifically lays out the elite's plans for ushering in the NWO, and she literally says in there that it will come through love and unity and all those who oppose this ideology, especially Christians, will be cast aside.
The words I've bolded in the original quote from the MV were ones I thought helped link this MV with BTSnakes's many concepts: the idea of love (LY, FL), absorbing cycles of energy (Pied Piper, the fan chant), the world being in need of change (DNA). Also, the music video deals with the concept of rebirth, a motif BTSnake has used plenty enough times as well throughout their music videos (specifically with regards to J1n). The phrase visual presentation also struck me, I know they're referring to the music video but if this thread has taught me anything it's that the elite love working with dual messages. A surface one, and a subliminal one. I feel like visual presentation also ties in with the idea of image, we see artists as iconic and beautiful and innocent like BTSnakes for example but that's just it: it's a presentation. A facade. A beautiful lie. A mask. The fact that the demon was pleased, and the way it was worded, as though the demon had been personally assigned to XXX. I think this may be the case with BTSnakes as well, they've been selected to be puppets for the NWO, the robes sort of affirm the fact that they're placeholders for demons and also shows solidarity with the other international stars who do the same. Maybe they were referring to this perverted love and being the puppets of the elite when they sang:

Love you so bad, Love you so bad
I craft a beautiful lie for you
Love you so mad, Love you so mad
I erase myself
And try to become your puppet

And with all the obsessed fans, I'm sure their demons are proud too.

Sorry for the long post. I kind of just exploded off after bottling everything up for so long lol.Thanks to those who made it through to the end. Oh and a final word I just wanted to say for the lurkers I know are there:

Instead of getting angry at seeing theories like this, consider being open-minded and really thinking for yourselves. You know the side of the boys that they wanted you to see, they've always been primed and perfect for the camera. So don't take anything to heart but don't just dismiss these theories out of hand. And remember if you don't like what you see, just move on and block it out of you rmemory.

You are spot on about the occults version of love. It's all self love, selfish love to be more specific. This is an awesome post and welcome!

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
Wow amazingly put! I agree that the “love” that bts promotes is an illuminati nwo agenda one.Just look at their love yourself campaign, opting to “end violence” which there’s nothing wrong with that but when you realize it’s all part of the nwo agenda of bringing peace and a utopian society, it kinda irks me. I also couldn’t understand why they had to announce it to a public platform. Why not in private as it shows humility and genuiness? Goes to show it they were feeding into the media. Anyway when i actually think about it now, that whole v peace sign that they do adds to that not to mention tae dressing similar to John lenon (whom was all about peace and had that hipster vibe to him not to mention him and his bandmates even wrote “Imagine” which talks about a utopian society where there is no war, religion and all that nwo crap. And then there’s Hitman’s bio xxx which is symbolic for the upcoming mark of the beast 666
For us Christians, the Antichrist will come in promoting peace. The peace treaty, unification of everything for world peace. Everyone wants peace right?


Jan 16, 2018
Sorry to interrupt but I took a break for a while and now there’s less active users so did something happen?
I think it is for various reasons: Some people left after news came out about B!gH's lawsuits. Then you have some who are exasperated with the religion "who's wrong/who's right" talk. Of course others are busy with life.
And then B+S aren't really doing much these days for us to analyze anything.


Jun 12, 2018
"They try to paint these religions as restrictive and intolerant because they help give us a moral guideline for what is right and wrong."

True true and true!! That is exactly what they are trying to do. As a believer, we are often if not most of the time considered as backward people, closemimded and full of morals everything our society don't want us to be.
Last edited:


Apr 30, 2018
I watched the new run episode
Here's what I noticed:
They played some guessing/prediction game
At the background look at Tea looks out of it
View attachment 11608
Here is tea again looks out of it//zoned out
View attachment 11609
Talk about "sacrifice"
View attachment 11610
Took a polaroid photo and cover one eye
View attachment 11611
The house has butterfly paintings
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One eyed girl painting and butterfly paintings
View attachment 11613
Here are 3 butterfly paintings better seen:
View attachment 11614

" word of wisdom " Bigshit said

the world is a stage

Mar 28, 2018

Hey folks, short-time lurker, first time poster here :)

As a Thelemite and a person with immense interest in psychology, philosophy, occultism, science and comparative religion, I came across this forum a few month ago and have read every conspiracy theory since then.
I've noticed your thread a few days ago and wondered why it got so many views, so I decided to read the last 100 pages.

I would like to give a genuine overview of Thelema, because I feel like we're back in "burn the witches" times. Guilty: The Thelemites!
So freaking wrong. There are problems in the world but to blame the Thelemites and Freemasons ist just ridiculous. You demonise Thelemites without a single book analysis. It takes years and years to understand Thelema fully, yet so many decide that Thelema is bad just based on what online researchers say.
People tend to blame Thelemites for so many things and demonise them for no particular reasons. It takes much courage to try and understand Thelema. People should stop judging based on one's ignorance.

If somebody thinks that Do what thou wilt means everyone is going to be raping children and stuff, clearly they keep some fucked up company. Granted there are people who have been damaged so severely by the Christianized / lobotomized world we live in, there are loonies who might do such a thing. However, take just a second to study anything written by Crowley on the subject of the law, you would realize that those fears are based on irrational and sexually repressed fears.

The English language is so bastardized and it's so hard to actually articulate and get ideas across in our language, that don't scare people who already have some type of preconceived notion about this stuff.

Thelema is the greek word for Will, enumerates to the number 93. Agape, the greek word for love, is also 93. So 93 is the shortened form of either "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" or "Love is the law, love under Will."
Depending on whether it's used in greeting or parting. And therefore, 93 93/93 would be both passages.
Love under Will can be compared to the phrase "an acre under oats". This Will is inseparable from love.
The acre is the ground that the oats rest upon and grow out of.
Only very few truly understand such esoteric wisdom.
Most people's action are guided by external influences or their lower nature. True Will is the action based on your higher consciousness. True Will takes many incarnations to develop.

Aiwass, the minister of Hoor-Par-Kraat transmitted the Book of the Law to Crowley. This book will help the practitioner to reduce any energetic resistance or blockage they may be facing in their life. The ritual has been higly effective at reducing inflammation and pressure from my body and environment as well as proving more ease in daily interactions.

I love Crowley's philosophy and outlook on life regardless of his human weakness. He tested the boundaries of self-discovery that would make even the holy mother blush. Sure Crowley did some questionable things, but the point is to study his writings and systems. Not to worship him and try to follow his actions.
Crowleyanity and Thelema are very different. Do as I say, not as I do. So many people misinterpret what he said. His teachings are not something you can just pick up and take it at face value. That is why so many whack jobs are convinced he sacrificed kids. Crowley was misunderstood and totally misrepresented during his own time and still demonised - because he had the truth.

Once we reach a certain rank, we only communicate in codes. Our "language" is a mixture of binary, hexadecimal coding and thelemic gematria. Only those who have been initiated can read and understand it. And yes, you have to be very good at math.;)
We do comminicate in reverse language from time to time, as it's one of our teachings. Not to curse:rolleyes: you, but to train our two halves of the brain.

Thelema encourages us to use logic, be skeptical and test every result. Thelema will take brilliant minds to brilliant places. That's why we occupy positions of high economic status and hold a very high rank in the hierarchy. Lawyers, judges, doctors, authors.
If you Will is to smoke crack all day and watch spongebob or netflix, then you were already going to screw up any way.

By the way: That love for lucy person twisted facts. I hardly believe that love for lucy belongs to us, because a Thelemite never reveal a secret nor shed a bad light on Thelema. We abhor liars and especially traitors. And we all know what happen to traitors. Therefore, I ask all Thelemites from now on to stay away from this thread.

However, some constructive criticism: I strongly advice you to read more and judge less. And one or two of you should consult a psychotherapist for your extreme addiction to these asian guys.

@the world is a stage Since you can read and understand our code, I assume that you once belonged to us. 5536 384763 474 3660 001 7223 00 733 548 211 444 33 0101 7464 583 5997 70 78 554 43 68 89 5557 4867 335 3989 688 212 5656 0000 356 446 1233 111 245 67 001 002 3455 768 466 8989 5554 334 67 468 98855 768¿ 45986 3747 4446 2356 3112 456 111 467 01010 35 6676 245 78 4557 457 46878 3455 5864. 5467 468 5789 7894 78 4677 446 1022 356 4676 6778 4673 7886 4664 4578 4678 578 1100 457 200 110 0010 1001 1001 0010. 9485 6887 3456 357 3578 345 990 54676 5667 4534 3112 346 4678 488 2300 0988 6779 4763 5883 6599 6785 4686 3557 33556 786 1224 4675 34657 6643 7675 765 5 6 689 3466 789 9345 899 576 99028 3873 77 3663. 837 56 00 4655 E35 768 2457 3557 336576 785 0001 22938 4556 6787 A3847 56959 467 87 001 01010 234 467 112 2224 446 086 79887 556 878 6677¡

93 93/93
I normally ignore people like you (and believe me, I'm very good at ignoring) but I must say few things to you.
1. Good you tell your people to stay away from this thread. They're annoying.
2. Don't act like the Thelema Society is innocent. Everybody knows what you are doing behind close doors.
3. You don't know me, so why you expose your code language to me? Your text aka "code language" is full of rubbish. Don't ask me questions I can't answer.
3. "And everybody know what happen to traitors" Yes...You kill them. Simple as that.
4. And NO, I don't belong to your satanic cult, so please leave me alone. Don't mention me, don't write me, don't even try to contact me and don't dare to compare my beliefs to your secret society.
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Apr 30, 2018
The dog energy is ok but i can feel he is not reassured
Jamal's energy is sad very sad (idk where this comes from ) (especially when he smiles his energy switches around )/suffering but he goes along with it i feel (on stage the few clips i saw i hated them he is agressive and not himself/the front alters)
But that's just based on what energy i feel from him (and them ) so take it with a grain of salt since i'm not an expert at all and i'm probably wrong XD X)

I don't get why do they need to wear shirts with the picture of not-so-stunning Justin Seagull's and Tea printed on it. It would embarrassing for the mention fellows.


Jun 11, 2018
Hello everyone!

So I've only now sussed up the courage to make an account, even though I have been following this thread since it started (I was an original lurker on the first Kpop thread and switched over once this one was created) and have read just about every single page. I'd like to start off my first post with a very corny thank you and huge compliment to all the contributors: ya'll are amazing. There have not only been so many well-written and incredibly informative posts, but the general vibe of this thread has been fantastic (bar the recent bout of trolls I guess). I used to laugh at some of the hilarious stuff you guys posted and cheer you on when you dealt with the haters and agents of disinformation that found their way here. Bravo, folks. My story for finding this thread is very similar to many of yours -was an ARMY, would actually defend these boys to the death if anyone said anything bad about them, randomly ended up on some BTSnakes illuminati vid (I think one of the users on this forum actually made it), piqued my suspicion so I began doing research and BOOM. Here I was, on the verge of tears finding out about all this stuff but kind of addicted to learning more. I don't stan BTSnakes anymore but my heart still hurts when I think of what the boys must be going through if these things are real. I hope and pray for them to get out of this alive and well, but I hope even more so for their obsessed fans to wake up and realise how unhealthy their obsession is, like I realised mine had become. Seriously, thinking back to how I used to be, I'm just like:
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Aaanyways, I'll shut up about myself now. The real reason behind my post and the thing that made me actually want to create an account to share this with you guys, is this theory.

[Dislclaimer: for any ARMY lurkers or potential "spies": This is pure speculation. Please don't derail the thread to accuse me of defamation or trace my IP adress and kill me in my sleep. Thank you.]

So I remember reading a few pages back that the Her in their songs and concepts, might actually be referring to Satan as they do in certain occult practices. That made sense, largely because the whole F@ke L0ve song and music video honestly seems like they have nothing to do with romantic love. The lyrics are just . . .weird. So that got me thinking, what love could they be talking about? Love is supposed to be a powerful force for good, right? I started to doubt that when I saw XXXTent@ction's newest music video called S@d. I'm not sure if you guys have seen it or not but I think we can all agree that that dude had some issues (that is an entirely different cup of demonic tea but oh well). So the beginning of the music video is a trip. Here's a link: Brace yourselves, children. But there was a specific part that I wanted to discuss. So in the beginning of the music video, there is this demonic entity. It introduces itself as "gekyume", and asks the viewer direct questions, such as what their name is, how old they are, etc. XXX walks up to a casket in which lies . . . himself. Bear in mind this music video was released a week after his death and in the video we have him literally attend his own funeral and have a conversation with a demon. This was the weird part: if you watch the music video, the demonic entity XXX finds himself talking to whilst sat down in a chair . . . is dressed in similar robes to the ones BTSnakes have been sporting recently in their music video/performances. I can't find any stills of the video online but if you open the link I gave to video and go to around the 2 minute mark, you can see it. Almost identical. Later, when you see a close-up of the entity's face, it literally looks like the eighth member of BTSnakes. I would highly recommend watching the music video but for the love of all things holy, please turn the volume OFF. Do not put your ears through that.

The demon then instructs XXX with the following command:
"Here is my demand. You will spread love throughout the world, praise and joy unto my name and change the overall cycle of energy we are digesting. The world is in need of change, humans must learn to love and compromise rather than destroy. Blessings be upon those who have come to this visual presentation with good energy and love rather than malice. And those with negative intent, thank you your energy has been transmuted in the amount of time that you've taken to give your energy. The world will soon be loving, you will see."

Yeah, it's some creepy ass writing. It goes on to say other very obviously illuminati-ish shizz, but the next part that got my interest was when this cloaked figure tells XXX (or the viewer, not sure) that "your demon seems to honour your efforts".
. . . .
. . . .
Um . . . say what?!
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Yeah. So here is the crux of my theory: the love BTSnakes are speaking about in FL, is not the love in the regular human way we know it to be. I think most of us will agree that BTSnakes is part of the NWO and the various agendas they are ushering in, one of which is complete lawlessness. Freedom for people to do whatever it is that they want. Hence the demon in XXX's video giving us a hint that the love spoken of in the elite's terms is a cruel distortion of how we regular people see it. Before I carry on, I would like to add that if you are not a Christian, that's totally fine, no disrespect to anyone else (I was actually agnostic/athiest when I started researching this stuff), but many occultic symbols and laws seem to be a purposeful distortion of Christianity and Jesus. Even if you have no faith or religion, this could be interesting to note. For example, this is what the bible says about love and the law:

"For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.14 For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." (Galatians 5:12-14).

Compare this to what Aleister Crowley sums up as the law: "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will."

It's not secret that the elites love Aleister Crowley. If I recall correctly, Ta3 was spotted wearing an article of clothing with his infamous phrase on it. Basically what I am saying is that it's clear that both Crowley's quote and even the demon's diction in the music video are emulating the way the bible was written. As though it's an inversion of what it says. Personally, I think the bible's scripture speaks about how loving our neighbour as we love ourselves should be the guideline for our law to living: in loving your neighbour, you treat others kindly, you do not inflict harm on them, you won't sin against them. Given that Crowley was known to have raped and commited vile acts like p***philia, I doubt his love bears the same meaning. I think the occultic version of love has to do with love of self, love of our "sinful natures". Love of perversion. I believe the elite will try to normalise all the disgusting things they do behind the curtain under the guise of love and unity. Only through unity can the NWO actually be carried out. Note how BTSnakes's frontman One-Eyed-Joon seems to be very socially aware? It starts with a very good premise of accepting everyone (which I think is a good message), but they start to inject their poison into it and get people to accept evil through the veil of unity. This is why they want to cast out the idea of God from the Abrahamic religions (Christianity, Judaism etc.) They try to paint these religions as restrictive and intolerant because they help give us a moral guideline for what is right and wrong. Not saying that non-religious people cannot be good, that's not what I'm saying at all. This video explains it a lot better, might be worth a look . A prominent occultist called Alice A. Bailey actually wrote a book called The Externalisation of the Hierarchy which specifically lays out the elite's plans for ushering in the NWO, and she literally says in there that it will come through love and unity and all those who oppose this ideology, especially Christians, will be cast aside.
The words I've bolded in the original quote from the MV were ones I thought helped link this MV with BTSnakes's many concepts: the idea of love (LY, FL), absorbing cycles of energy (Pied Piper, the fan chant), the world being in need of change (DNA). Also, the music video deals with the concept of rebirth, a motif BTSnake has used plenty enough times as well throughout their music videos (specifically with regards to J1n). The phrase visual presentation also struck me, I know they're referring to the music video but if this thread has taught me anything it's that the elite love working with dual messages. A surface one, and a subliminal one. I feel like visual presentation also ties in with the idea of image, we see artists as iconic and beautiful and innocent like BTSnakes for example but that's just it: it's a presentation. A facade. A beautiful lie. A mask. The fact that the demon was pleased, and the way it was worded, as though the demon had been personally assigned to XXX. I think this may be the case with BTSnakes as well, they've been selected to be puppets for the NWO, the robes sort of affirm the fact that they're placeholders for demons and also shows solidarity with the other international stars who do the same. Maybe they were referring to this perverted love and being the puppets of the elite when they sang:

Love you so bad, Love you so bad
I craft a beautiful lie for you
Love you so mad, Love you so mad
I erase myself
And try to become your puppet

And with all the obsessed fans, I'm sure their demons are proud too.

Sorry for the long post. I kind of just exploded off after bottling everything up for so long lol.Thanks to those who made it through to the end. Oh and a final word I just wanted to say for the lurkers I know are there:

Instead of getting angry at seeing theories like this, consider being open-minded and really thinking for yourselves. You know the side of the boys that they wanted you to see, they've always been primed and perfect for the camera. So don't take anything to heart but don't just dismiss these theories out of hand. And remember if you don't like what you see, just move on and block it out of you rmemory.
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Hi welcome in the thread i guess officially now XD
Glad the thread help you woke up
Of course the song FL had nothing to do with love for fans or even themselves it's too obvious when you see the MV or lyrics
As someone said yesterday perhaps our one eye fellow and a few membres are "kinda breaking the oath but not really" (showing us what's going on )
If you saw the post about the fingers in their mouth lmao
Spill the tea lmao
Nice to meet you btw
Hope you will enjoy your time here despite the trolls we had
(PS: personally i wasn't even ARMY i was just interested in their "talent" and "music" and a bit of their so called personnalities aka front alters but had doubts already when i saw BST,DNA and N.O i was like wtf ?!? Then i found the thread from YouTube
For religion i can't help you much but some of our dear Veterans have way more knowledge about the occult so you might want ask them help more with théories :3)
Sorry for the rambling
Enjoy reading ~