BTS discussion thread


Jun 20, 2018
Oh they had been roommates mostly.. And j1n respected suga's privacy a lot.. And when suga would come in room and lie down.. Jin would turn of his computer and stuff.. So suga kinda likes him for that...
yes they were roommates, y0ongs is closer to j1n than namj0on. they even have a nickname for themselves "SIN" (suga+jin) and their shippers are proud "sinners" smh :rolleyes:


Apr 1, 2018
I don't know about skul1 and bones but I found the illum1nati has a website:
They even have this ad on the webpage. WUt...I think the NWO is already in place. They're so blatant. The website has their beliefs and is selling 1lluminati merch. like talismans. Wut. o_O:rolleyes: Seems like pure propaganda. Like in a sci-fi movie...

"See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil"
The members can't talk about it. Maybe they can only show it?
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This might be it because in some contracts they sign they have to promise not to say anything
So we might never know the truth unless someone gets close with them
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May 24, 2018
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May 20, 2018
oh for fucks sake
View attachment 11317
A little psychology of 15 yrs old.. I though i might find something interesting maybe why jamal likes them. Maybe they're easier to brain wash through music...

There's a good chance, however, that your teen will think she's ready to take on the world now. And she may insist she already knows everything. That know-it-all attitude with a hint of rebellion can be par for the course for 15-year-olds.

Social Development
At this age, friends become more important. And your teen may begin to express interests in romantic relationships. Many 15-year-olds are influenced by peer pressure.

Your 15-year-old might argue if you try to ask too many questions about his day or what's going on in his life. And while it's important to offer some privacy, it's important to make sure you know what's going on with your teen.

Emotional Development
At the age of 15, teens start to think about what it would be like to live out on their own. While some teens may be imagining college, others may be thinking about getting their own apartment
May 24, 2018
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May 24, 2018
This might be it because in some contracts they sign they have to promise not to say anything
So we might never know the truth unless someone gets close with them
Near close to impossible to know them personally. We might never know the whole truth but the signs they show are too frequent and compelling and seem to be well planned and orchestrated just to dismiss as mere coincidences
May 24, 2018
oh for fucks sake
View attachment 11317
Also if it would apply to the definition when they are still both relatively young and the do not really know each other in real life. If this is the 1st instance and nothing happened really , it be good to give the benefit of the doubt... genuinely giving him a chance here to see that he means good and nothing of it. And just put this at the back burner for now... and we have not observed irl to make a definitive conclusions just an opinion for now
Hopefully thats all it is because i'm not even sure that would be considered legal in korea....
this will remain inconclusive until new information surfaces and if possibility they are with the elite we have discussed the possibilities of what goes on and it is not good at all what all that entails


Jun 4, 2018
"The alters created to be fronts to normally hold the body will be given lots of programming to help them hold onto certain denials, so that they will find it necessary to ignore or reinterpret dreaded associations linked with dissociated memories. For instance, a Christian front alter is sincerely very righteous and holy. The thought that this person (technically the alter’s System of persons) could have done the most horrible savage demonic activities is inconceivable. The memories of ritual are safely ignored, because the reality would undermine everything the person is."

I once read somewhere that the signs of programming don't start showing until their in their late twenties. We don't know them personally either and bighit surely would do everything to hide the programming.

I don't know if everyone in Bts could have been programmed since it starts when you're really young. That's why I think atleast Taehyung, Jimin and Jin because I suspect that they're moonchildren. Namjoon does give a lot of symbolism in his short film for example, but I don't know how they do it if you're not born into it.
I usually try to avoid judging these stuff through my own understanding and reality, because the world is complex and there is a reason/cause to everything, we just can't alway understand or see it. But still critically.
"A big distinction must be made between hierarchy Monarch slaves, and non-hierarchy Monarch slaves. The reason there is such a big distinction is that they are not programmed the same way. Since this book is giving the recipe for how to create a Monarch slave, we will have to cover the distinction between slaves within the Illuminati and those slaves who function outside of the Illuminati hierarchy. It is important to stress that the label "Monarch" is used in this book in a generic sense for the modern trauma-based total mind-control that is taking place. Whether an Illuminati mind-controlled slave is technically in the Monarch records or out of the actual Monarch Program data files kept on computer is merely a technicality."

It's not absolutely complete human mind control, because the victims still have their free will even though it's limited. Many victims have escaped alive through God and there's many testimonies of that. The testimonies are proof to the existence of monarch mind control too.
Yes you might be right.. but there is just one more thing I still don't get.. How they can remember things if they are programmed? They say stories from their childhood and visit thier families, they remember the times when it was hard and they helped each other. I remember V cryed when Jimin told him how much he appreciate V as his friend bc of a certain moment when he was there when no one was.
I know this scene may have been programmed.. but they write lyrics ab life experiences.. Suga said " I wake up every morning feeling that I can't breath" in The Last. There are many many times when they confessed memories.
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