BTS discussion thread

May 24, 2018
probably what everyone else thinks is really not far-fetched at all... that's so blatant even 9th graders will assume the same way (just kidding) but imagine what would go through the "sponsors" mind if they see those pictures of jamal tho, gross.
It got me curious... Sponsors are convinced probably.
What going on in his psyche idk.

(Poor) Jamal does he know what he's doing?

BK alter probably.


Jun 20, 2018
It got me curious... Sponsors are convinced probably.
What going on in his psyche idk.

(Poor) Jamal does he know what he's doing?

BK alter probably.
we're overanalyzing it, clearly he did it based on mere concept, nothing more... *wink*
now i'm questioning the sanity of that one thirsty armii who edited that vlive to focus on jamal's lips sucking on lollipop. i cringe.
just kidding. armiis are never wrong. they have all the rights to sexualize these boys.
May 24, 2018
we're overanalyzing it, clearly he did it based on mere concept, nothing more... *wink*
now i'm questioning the sanity of that one thirsty armii who edited that vlive to focus on jamal's lips sucking on lollipop. i cringe.
just kidding. armiis are never wrong. they have all the rights to sexualize these boys.
Even cropped out the face... He's become just some lips for their viewing pleasure.. They have the copyrights to do it and B`gheat;)

Thoughts about this..
MK Ultra Trauma?
Victim getting accustomed to abuse?

Skull logo Anyone think Chicago Bulls logo looks
? Especially how they made the animal red..
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the world is a stage

Mar 28, 2018
Rings and their meanings

The ring is the symbol of the power of great men and gives legal authority when adorned with the seal that grants it.
In Greece, Zeus authorizes Herakles to free Prometheus on condition that Prometheus wears an iron ring on his finger in which a chip of rock from the Caucasus is set, as a reminder to his submission to Zeus.

Crowley summoned his devils with an amethyst ring.


To obtain a ring is like opening a door, to set a ring on one's finger is to protect oneself.
Many legends of humanity tell us about ring-talismans.

The hand
is a powerful part of your body, not only because it allows you to reach, grab and select, but because each individual finger is a conduit of universal energy, flowing from the cosmos into or out of you.


Your right hand rules your masculine energy and your left represents your feminine side.

Each finger is associated with a specific ruling planet. If you wear a ring on a finger you will amplify the planet's beneficial or trouble-some energy - depending on your own destiny and choice of stone.

the middle finger: is governed by Saturn, often refered to as the great teacher of the Zodiac.

the index finger: is ruled by Jupiter, planet of expansion and oppurtunity.

the ring finger: represents the Sun. It's linked to the authentic self.

the thumb: it is rooted between Venus and Mars and rules the ego self, will and logic.

Ring colors
Colors deliver messages. Occultists choose ring colors based on the energy it provide for their mind, body and spirit.
Colors have distinct energetic properties that they invoke when they need support.

Blue is often connected with spiritual studies and meditation. Magickal practitioners use blue or purple to represent the water element.
Blue is also the supreme color of Masonry.


Red represents destruction and the power of the evil.
Red is one of the most important colors and is associated with the color of blood, power and possession. Red is also equated with Mars.
In the masonic system red is the symbol of regeneration and the color assigned to the Royal Arch Degree.

TaeTae wears a all-seeing-eye-ring.

Black represents sophistication, an air of mystery and the cycle of death and rebirth.

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May 16, 2018
makes me think that all the groups that disbanded..disbanded quickly after kpop became so heavily influenced
.......did the groups not agree with what was coming?
Yes I 90% sure Minzy of 2NE1 wanted to go out of the group because she knew what’s coming ( apart from lack of promotion from YG ) since she’s a devoted Christian. Imagine being at the peak of the game ( even 2NE1 was a bit slower at that time because of CL’s solo activities, they already recorded a new song or probably an album but Minzy had enough ), if I were here, I’d hold on and stay being in the group!
I think that is the biggest reason why Minzy left.


Feb 23, 2018
It is so creepy to read about mk ultra!!! I want to belive till the end that this is one of the false theory but I can't, there' too many proofs. It is so scary to think there's people who really can program somebody and make alive robots. It give the people from this industry no chances to get out, if they really can be smbd else just hearing one word :C
Mar 24, 2018
More about Taehyung

(A lot of information because there's an entire book about this and I took the info from the book, so I tried to minimize this as much as I could I definitely recommend reading it because there's so many connections to bts, so I'll try to write more theories)​

The Illuminati is programming such vast numbers of children, they need everyone of their able members to help. Moriah's (Illuminati’s) total membership worldwide numbers in the millions. The Illuminati regimen for their children is far more controlling than the CIA's programming. Not everyone in the Illuminati gets their mind-split and becomes a programmed multiple. However, everyone does get some type of mind-control.
Monarch slaves are mainly used by organizations to carry out operations using patsies trained to perform specific tasks, who do not question orders, who do not remember their actions and, if discovered, who automatically commit suicide. They are the perfect scapegoats for high-profile assassinations (see Sirhan Sirhan), the ideal candidates for prostitution, slavery and private movie productions. They are also the perfect puppet performers for the entertainment industry.

Monarch programmers cause intense trauma to subjects through the use of electroshock, torture, abuse and mind games in order to force them to dissociate from reality – a natural response in some people when then are faced with unbearable pain. The subject’s ability to dissociate is a major requirement and it is, apparently, most readily found in children that come from families with multiple generations of abuse. Mental dissociation enables the handlers to create walled-off personas in the subject’s psyche, which can then be programmed and triggered at will.“

The objective is for the victim to follow directives with no conscious awareness, including execution of acts in clear violation of the victim’s moral principles, spiritual convictions, and volition.
“The basis for the success of the Monarch mind-control programming is that different personalities or personality parts called alters can be created who do not know each other, but who can take the body at different times.

Some of the most common internal images seen by mind control slaves are trees, Cabalistic Tree of life, infinity loops, ancient symbols and letters, spider webs, mirrors, glass shattering, masks, castles, mazes, demons, butterflies, hour glasses, clocks and robots. These symbols are commonly inserted in popular culture movies and videos for two reasons: to desensitise the majority of the population, using subliminals and neuro-linguistic programming and to deliberately construct specific triggers and keys for base programming of highly-impressionable MONARCH children. Some of the movies used in Monarch programming include The Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland, Pinocchio and Sleeping Beauty.

Love for Lucy:

" V is like me. He's born "into the occult" and is and indigo soul. He sees the hidden and communicate with them.
Seokjin was also born "into it". Every moonchild bears a mark that only people like me can see
Yes, moonchildren exist.
Jimin's soul is interesting, very deep colored and splitted. He could be a moonchild too"

Step 1. (of creating a mind control slave)
Preparation of the Children by Spiritual Preparations & In Utero Traumatization-- The Moon Children

The preparation for someone to be programmed also concerns the ability of a person to be demonized. Generational satanic families are sold out to Satan, and their children belong to Satan in a way that non-generational children do not. Because of the generational curses, because of the genetic bent toward the occult, because of the generational demonic forces, the Illuminati children are very good candidates for Monarch programming. Part of the programming includes the layering in of demonic forces, and the participation in blood rituals in order to draw in the most powerful of demons. An indepth review about this important but controversial subject is in chapter 10.​

The Moonchild rituals are the rituals to demonize a fetus. However, the demons that are invoked are not the small ones but very powerful ones. In working with victims of this programming, it is clear that high level demons were placed within these people at very early ages, many of them it is believed were demonized before they were born by rituals like the Moonchild rituals. Blood sacrifices and human sacrifices are always required for this level of magic.​

In the book Moonchild (written by Aleister Crowley), the villa used to produce a Moonchild was called "The Butter-fly-Net". The Monarch Project then which is named after the Monarch butterfly is also an allusion to the Moonchild project where Butterflies are an allusion to souls (what Christians call demonic spirits).​

There is no "real" person, just as if you smash a mirror into a thousand pieces, there is no single piece that is the "real" original mirror but rather simply fragments that can in turn operate as mirrors. However, there is still a primal self. Early splits are led to believe they are the core. The cult will hide the initial splits beyond recognition.​

The programmers set up various alters to pretend to be the core, and the core’s protector. The real core is quite hidden, and not placed within the regular grid of the alter system’s chart. It will take some explaining to convey what happens to the mind, and what the real core is.​

It is important to traumatize the child early before it has a chance to develop its ego states. By the way, when the child is placed into a small box with spiders or snakes, they will often be told that if they play dead the snake will not bite them. This carries out two things for the programmers, it lays the basis for suicide programs (i.e. "if-you-are-dead, then you-are-safe" thinking) and it teaches the child to dissociate.​

Traumas to split the mind are not just high voltage, or natural phobias, but encompass the full range of the emotional and spiritual being of the victim. The victim is eventually stripped of every spiritual or emotional resource by a variety of traumas, such as "blood orgies" where male and female genitals are cut, torture sessions on all types of medieval torture machines, staged events where actors imitating God, Jesus Christ, police, and therapists curse the victim, reject the victim, and even "kill" the victim in simulated drug deaths.​

There are many traumas which can be carried out, which leave no physical scars, but do leave the child with the deepest emotional and spiritual scars. This is often necessary when programming young children who the outside world will see soon after their programming session.

One way of describing the split, is to say that the child’s mind is saying, "This isn’t happening to me, its happening to some one else" and a split in the personality occurs.
The new split will have the characteristics of what it split from. The programmer will ask the alter being tortured to create something in the mind when the split is created--such as "I want 12 white fluffy kittens." The programmer, demons, and the child’s creativity work together with the dissociation to create alters. Those 12 white fluffy kittens will have the characteristics and memories of what they were made from. However, they are separated from each other by dissociation, and they will be given their own script and own separate identity by the programmer.

Each section is walled off from another section by amnesia. Each trauma has an amnesia wall built around it. Each trauma memory is sectioned off. That walled off section is a piece of memory that will be identified, and a hypnotic cue attached by the programmers that will pull it up to the conscious mind. And further, if the programmers so desire, it can be given a history, a name, a job, and developed into a full-blown personality. It’s important to grasp that the entire mind is not sectioned off into parts. Some areas of the mind, such as the area that holds skills & talents, is available to all the alters who want to access that talent. The talent doesn’t belong to that alter but to the System.

The alters created to be fronts to normally hold the body will be given lots of programming to help them hold onto certain denials, so that they will find it necessary to ignore or reinterpret dreaded associations linked with dissociated memories. For instance, a Christian front alter is sincerely very righteous and holy. The thought that this person (technically the alter’s System of persons) could have done the most horrible savage demonic activities is inconceivable. The memories of ritual are safely ignored, because the reality would undermine everything the person is.

(from my previous post)
The creation of the Moonchildren within the Monarch Project involves high level magic by the circle of Illuminati black magicians who are involved with a particular individual’s programming. It should be noted that Grande Master and Grande Dame alters will understand demonology, but the sections (levels) of alter above them, are not informed. One of the biggest secrets kept from most of the slave’s alters is that their system was demonized while a fetus. First, this would give religious front alters the information they need to get them on the right track towards healing, and it could also adversely affect the programming lies of some of the front alters who don’t realize how premeditated all the trauma and torture is. The front alters of victims remember the cover story that the moon children were produced via torture in cages as little children.

A monarch slave as a child will be allowed to bond with a pet. The child will want to bond with a pet anyway because people are terrifying by this point. Then the pet is killed in porn to traumatize the child. This happens quite frequently.
^this can explain why there's a puppy in Stigma short film.

The puppy comes after Taehyung gets beaten by something invisible:

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Then Taehyung drops a mirror that breaks in another scene representing the mind splitting.
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The charismatic branch of the satanic Network (such as the Assembly of God churches) uses porcelain face programming. This is done by using wax masks upon the victim, and giving them fire torture. The person actually thinks that their face has melted. At that point, the programmer pretends to be a god & a hero, and tells the person he will give them a new face, a porcelain mask. These new faces by the way, look like the ones sold in so many stores. The memories of abuse are then hypnotically hid behind the masks. To take off the masks is to abreact & burn again. If anyone touches the faces of alters with porcelain face programming, the alters will feel a burning sensation because their masks are not to be tampered with. This means that these alters have via torture & hypnosis lost their own faces! This is part of the dehumanization process which chapter 10 part C talks about. As long as these alters stay in denial of what has happened to them, they do not have to face the burn torture memories.
(Aiwass mentioned about in her posts that Singularity has signs about his abuse)

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Love for Lucy also mentioned about Taehyung being an indigo soul which makes sense. Here's one of the signs of an indigo soul. He's often been called an alien.

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Thank you this post was so informative and interesting but so sad at the same time All this programming and abuse is destroying the victims lives the pressure and negative impacts it has on the brain is worrying Poor V why would his parents let this happen he said his grandma raised him I feel like he was closest to her and he said he could always talk to her when he was worried now she’s not here anymore so who does he have???? Only God but does he believe
Sorry I’m so not smart I still don’t understand a few things
Is there still his real personality there and is that why he’s sad lately because he remembers Apparently the victim has flashbacks of the things that have happened to them
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Mar 24, 2018
Seems like his pink alter coming through. And the blonde hair re-programmed state. Imho pink is cute but I haven't seen any grown man like it as much as him (anybody can like the colour) but he acts very child-like even making himself kinda part of the maknae line... so this seems more like mk ultra (this is just an opinion.)
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From an article:
Pink Symbolism
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Britney Spears - The leopard print reinforces the sexual alter; Brooklyn Decker; Kelly Osbourne;Taylor Momsen
Ah yh but didn’t he hate being called pink princess as he felt he was being feminised by his fans this is all so horrible why are they so evil how could you do this to someone and carry on with your lives and carry on worshipping someone who will take you to hell without no regrets I believe some people feel guilty but some higher up members actually enjoys this these people are running the world if we think about it we are all puppets having to get an education, then find a job which would pay towards them and they will get richer and carry on with their evil
The hair reminds me of Bl@ckp!nks new song B29EAFDA-2E39-4D4B-9335-83D5C5FAC104.png
Mar 24, 2018
Yeah it’s quite heavy stuff to think about..

I think it’s quite complex what the real personality is and depends on the person and the program.
“The programmers set up various alters to pretend to be the core, and the core’s protector. The real core is quite hidden, and not placed within the regular grid of the alter system’s chart. It will take some explaining to convey what happens to the mind, and what the real core is.”

I don’t know.. he might be sad because of his past or just that everything is just too much for him.. but that we can’t really know
Ahh I see Thank you


Jun 27, 2018
Wizard of Oz​

Frank Baum. The man who wrote the book The Wizard of Oz was a member of the Theosophical Society. L. Frank Baum lived in South Dakota and created The Wizard of Oz book as a theosophical fairy tale incorporating the "ancient wisdom" of the Mystery Religions.

The books have so much material from inside the secret world of the Illuminati, that the few who understand the Illuminati wonder if Baum wasn't an insider. The moral of the book is that we must rely upon ourselves, for we alone have the power to save ourselves. This was part of the original lie of Satan in the garden. Satan has simply dressed up the same original lie into different packaging and is distributing it worldwide as the most popular American fairy tale.

L. Frank Baum explained how he came to write the book, "It was pure inspiration....It came to me right out of the blue. I think that sometimes the Great Author has a message to get across and He has to use the instrument at hand. I happened to be that medium, and I believe the magic key was given me to open the doors to sympathy and understanding, joy, peace and happiness." (Hearn, Michael P. ed., The Annotated Wizard of Oz. NY: Clarkson N. Potter, 1973, p. 73.)

Later in Freemasonry, the Right Worshipful Master would "charge" (meaning hypnotize) an initiate. The occultist Baum, a member of the Theosophical Society, was inspired by some spirit who gave him the "magic key" to write the Wizard of Oz book, which came out in 1900. The book's story is full of satanic activity and satanic thinking. The story was chosen in the late 1940s to be the basis for the Illuminati/Intelligence community's trauma-based total mind control programming. As a way of enhancing the effect of the programming, Monarch slaves are conditioned to place trigger items into their lives.

When the movie was made, Judy Garland, who had lived a life touched by the occult world's abuse, was chosen to act as Dorothy. Judy's later husband, Mickey De Vinko was a Satanist and the chief assistant to Roy Radin, a rich Satanist who worked with the Illuminati, and who controlled the "Process church" covens which had as members mass murderers Berkowitz and Monarch slave Charlie Manson.

These books are still being sold, and are being read to children who are being programmed with trauma-based total mind control.
Dorothy is told she doesn't have a brain if she has gotten into trouble. Dorothy is looking for a place where there is no trouble which is a place "over the rainbow." To escape pain, alters go over the rainbow. (This is a.k.a. in Alice In Wonderland Programming as "going through the looking glass". Dorothy becomes unconscious, the world begins spinning, and then she sees disjointed pictures. This also happens to Monarch slaves. Later in the film, Dorothy states, "My! people come and go so quickly." This is exactly what happens to the Monarch slave whose multiple personalities come and go. When the multiple personalities switch in and out very fast a spinning process can start which can be dangerous if it doesn't stop. Illuminati, when a witch is killed the people have a ceremony. In real life in the secret world of the Illuminati, a scroll is used to certify that the witch is dead both physically and spiritually. (The movie had this in it.)

Over the rainbow in Oz is for the Monarch slave to be in a trance, and into a certain area of the programming. To be fluctuating at both ends as an observer and not a participant or to go to the other extreme and become a participant. The theme song of the movie goes, "Somewhere over the Rainbow...there's a land where the dreams that you dare to dream really come true."
These lyrics are a method to hypnotically confuse the brain to perceive that the "over the Rainbow experience" (which is usually horrible abuse) is a "dream". The dissociative mind is only too happy to call the trauma a dream, which is lived as a reality for a moment, but is nevertheless recorded by the mind as a fantasy.

Emerald City (La citta di Smeraldo) is used in programming. Emerald City in the programming will be well guarded and hard to reach. Several important things will be placed inside the Emerald City , including the deeper Illuminati alters. Castles are used in the programming. Lots of castles, either in the mind's imagery or purely demoniac are placed into the slave's mind. Winged monkeys are able to watch in the movies somewhat as spy satellites. Winged monkeys are used in the programming to create a fear of always being watched.

The Flowers used in the movie and books, are also used in the programming. The witch uses poppy flowers to put the lion and Dorothy to sleep. Opium and cocaine are used to tranquilize Monarch slaves. An alter of a slave will get trancy when they enter the poppy field. (Heroin comes from poppies.) In the film, Dorothy says, "What is happening? I'm so sleepy." She and the lion get sleepy for no apparent reason very quickly. Monarch slaves do the same thing. Waking up with snow in the movie is nothing less than an allusion to cocaine which is a common substance given to Monarch slaves to help make them dependent.

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"Click your heel together and be there in a snap" is both in the movie and in the programming cues.
Military Monarch slave models are especially taught to click their heels together.
^they do it in the anpanman stage

Dorothy kills the wicked witch of the west by a sharp blow to the forehead with the witch's staff. This is what is done in the Illuminati, when an elderly witch is being replaced. In both cases, whether in the movie or in real life in theThe following are parts of the Wizard of Oz Monarch Programming, which is a base programming put in when the child is very young. Some of the slaves know portions of the Wizard of Oz script word-for-word.

Of course, having good pictures is an asset in programming, because the child will visualize off of the pictures when building its internal world. In addition to this, large Wizard of Oz theme parks are being built by the Illuminati to provide places to carry out programming and to reinforce the programming which traps the minds of Monarch slaves. The best example of this, is the audacious MGM Grand complex in Las Vegas, although other theme parks around America also use a Wizard of Oz theme.

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Namjoon visited an art exhibition of Alice in the Wonderland. The book that this information is taken from also talks about alice in the wonderland but I think I'll do a theory of that too later. Idk if his visit had any significance.. Lisa from BlackPink also visited it.

I did this quite quickly so it might be messy and confusing.
Now Im 100% sure that Ta3 is under oz programming. Look at the yellow brick road(trigger)on his left and the flowers(drugs).Singularity lyrics are pretty telling too.cats21.jpg


Jun 27, 2018
Yeah it’s quite heavy stuff to think about..

I think it’s quite complex what the real personality is and depends on the person and the program.
“The programmers set up various alters to pretend to be the core, and the core’s protector. The real core is quite hidden, and not placed within the regular grid of the alter system’s chart. It will take some explaining to convey what happens to the mind, and what the real core is.”

I don’t know.. he might be sad because of his past or just that everything is just too much for him.. but that we can’t really know
About the alters, if we compare his behavior on the zombie episode(brave, serious) and the escape room one(scared for no reason), its like 2 completely different persons. Also the room he went to was related to dorothy, maybe that place was made to trigger the victims.


Jun 4, 2018
Hey I am a little confused.. I don't know much about this "programming" but all I know is that once you enter Iluminatti you are programmed or something (idk by who tho..). I also know about that color code but seriously now..
What kind of programming is this when they all have different ways to be and have moments when they are happy, when they are flirty, when they are in love, when they are depressed and recover. They behave like normal people..I belive a programmed person should act in a certain way and be strange at times..

Is this MKultra even real? I hardly can believe that God allowed the complete human mind control to be possible