BTS discussion thread


Mar 21, 2017
I’ve just been learning and saw a video about djinns too and I think it’s highly likely and it seems like idolatry with these veneration of materialism /hoarding of figures (imho)...and also on another note I was thinking how the word “djinn” sounds eerily similar to seokjin’s stage name “Jin”, funny coincidence? Idk. o_OOne eye fellow seems to like creepy things wonder what’s in his mind?
Yeah funny how the acCident on jayk’s wardrobe where one eye fellow practically tore his shirt like a piece of paper like wut is that shirt made out of really? And yeah “aCCidents” sure...and fyi I was born just yesterday ;):D
This I think was an accident

Is this suppose to be like a Janet Jackson Justin Timberlake thing? Because that was his initiation


May 16, 2018
Wow looks like some BK accessory to me wonder if he had some cat ears...Hm..
What a different persona/alter from the one who was singing here "Agust D":
From the person we see there wearing lacy choker and a pixie green hair cut.
Must be different alters.

And I have to think why Sugar said to fans its okay not to have a dream... What did he mean by this?
So another translation:

낙원 (Parad!se)
Produced by J-H0pe, Sugar (BT$), R*M, Tyler Acord, Lophiile & MNEK
Album Love Yourself 轉 'Tear'

Seems kinda nihilistic to me or maybe he means don't stress out about having dreams too much? Also can mean don't have too much ambition? Just be happy with what you've got?
Also, this lyrics of this song have some more numbers;

42.195 if you add them all you get 21 and (2+1 = 3, an occult number). Or 42. is 4+2 = 6 and 19+5 = 24 which is 2+4 =6 and 1+9+5= 15 and 1+5 = 6 so we get 6,6,6 and 3, for adding the numbers ,all relevant to the occult.
Maybe sugar is referring to himself? I mean, he used to have big dream and his own goals in the music industry, but since he got into the occult he had to let go, hence the lyrics “
Yep, it's to prove their alliegance to him. Yes I'm saying him because I no longer believe Lucifer is a her. Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

God calls lucifer son of the morning.
Blockeu B also have song called Her


Jun 20, 2018
I’ve just been learning and saw a video about djinns too and I think it’s highly likely and it seems like idolatry with these veneration of materialism /hoarding of figures (imho)...and also on another note I was thinking how the word “djinn” sounds eerily similar to seokjin’s stage name “Jin”, funny coincidence? Idk. o_OOne eye fellow seems to like creepy things
yeah, practicing idolatry / worshipping anyone or anything besides God is called "shirk" and it's one of the biggest sin one could ever make according to abrahamic religions, but that one eye dude seems to enjoy doing such thing, he's so wicked.
i cringe at the resemblance between djinn and jin, he could've had a better stage name but the company didn't even bother to give him another one. djinns are very good at luring humans so that's probably why~

the world is a stage

Mar 28, 2018
This post was too good..
And wow i would've never ever noticed tge 13 14 in their logo..

And a little question ...
Who chose these numbers at the first place ? A1iester cr0w?
And keeping a 13 in logos brings goodluck to them? Or money?
And thanks for reading. :)
The most important thing to know is that numbers contain power. This power can be used for bad or good purpose.

In occultism, numbers are used to deliver a message, to curse someone, to praise Lucifer, or to indicate a particular rank.

Occultists, who have reached a certain rank communicate only through numbers. Certain numbers are used as recognition numbers or include particular codewords.

Each cult has its own books, its own numbers and therefore it's own teachings. That's why occultists always try to figure out which magical school certain people belong to.

The largest cults are the Freemasons, closely followed by OTO, the Thelema Society (founded by Crowley) and the Kabbalist's.
Other significant groups include the Wiccan cult,
Astrum argenteum (also founded by Crowley),
Dragon Rouge: Ordo Draconis and Atri Adamantis,
Temple of Set,
Black Order of Lucifer,
Church of Satan,
Atiqua & La Culeuvre Noir
Typhonian Ordo Templi Orientis,
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn,
Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn,
In Nomine Satanas,
Iluminates of Thanatos (IOT).

In their magical schools, they learn the hidden truth about alchemy, hermeticism, practice ritual magic, or read from books like Crowley's Liber AL vel Legis or the Book of Abramelin's sacred magic.

I don't know if the aiwass person was trolling, but I think she belongs either to the cult astrum argenteum or the thelema society, because she wrote backwards and used specific code numbers. And she started and ended her first post with 93. Crowley used to do that in his letters and everyone who follows him have to do that too.
Last edited:


May 20, 2018
And thanks for reading. :)
The most important thing to know is that numbers contain power. This power can be used for bad or good purpose.

In occultism, numbers are used to deliver a message, to curse someone, to praise Lucifer, or to indicate a particular rank.

Occultists, who have reached a certain rank communicate only through numbers. Certain numbers are used as recognition numbers or include particular codewords.

Each cult has its own books, its own numbers and therefore it's own teachings. That's why occultists always try to figure out which magical school certain people belong to.

The largest cults are the Freemasons, closely followed by OTO, the Thelema Society (founded by Crowley) and the Kabbalist's.
Other significant groups include the Wiccan cult,
Astrum argenteum (also founded by Crowley),
Dragon Rouge: Ordo Draconis and Atri Adamantis,
Temple of Set,
Black Order of Lucifer,
Church of Satan,
Atiqua & La Culeuvre Noir
Typhonian Ordo Templi Orientis,
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn,
Esoteric Order of the Golden Dawn,
In Nomine Satanas,
Iluminates of Thanatos (IOT).

In their magical schools, they learn the hidden truth about alchemy, hermeticism, practice ritual magic, or read from books like Crowley's Liber AL vel Legis or the Book of Abramelin's sacred magic.

I don't know if the aiwass person was trolling, but I think she belongs either to the cult astrum argenteum or the thelema society, because she wrote backwards and used specific code numbers. And she started and ended her first post with 93. Crowley used to do that in his letters and everyone who follows him have to do that too.
Oh this cleared up things for me... A lot..

Now i remember seeing a paper that had boxes on it like 9 or 12 boxes.. And insides all numbers in Arabic ...

And there is this old man wearing rags.. who sits in front of the bus stations.. He has with him animals made of silver metal.. Mostly they are fish.. Little silver metal fish.. And he puts them out in the street for sale.. I only look at him from the window while my car takes me home...

the world is a stage

Mar 28, 2018
I found few more connections

Kim SeokJin = 154 (Reduction ordinal)
Ritual sacrifice = 154 (English ordinal)
Saturnalia = 154 (Reduction ordinal)

Saturnalia = 73 (Reverse Full Reduction)
Ritual sacrifice = 73 (Full Reduction)

Kim Taehyung = 53 (Full reduction)
solar eclipse = 53 (Full reduction)
This is very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
Also I've made the amino if you guys are wanting to join
heres the link
I'm sorry if it looks half-done i'm still working on it
It's private at the moment but I'll start opening invitations for outsiders once the rules and stuff are set up
But you can go ahead and join!
Need the invite code to join.
May 24, 2018
Maybe sugar is referring to himself? I mean, he used to have big dream and his own goals in the music industry, but since he got into the occult he had to let go, hence the lyrics “

Blockeu B also have song called Her
Yess I agree with sugar maybe references himself cuz of artists usually base their “art” on experience or some other work like books etc. Like the Damian the songs are meant to lyrically send a message like cryptic many interpretations can be made but it’s not far fetched to assume it is based on the artists beliefs or experiences.

the world is a stage

Mar 28, 2018
Love for Lucy said that Bts is part of the biggest cult in this world, so do you think they belong to the Freemasons?
Could be true.
But RM...he loves to quote Nietzsche and Crowley's followers love to do that aswell. Crowley even mentioned Nietzsche in his books. Herman Hesse, the author of Demian, was a Thelemae but later followed the teachings of the Freemasons. So...bts could be both. Even Crowley was influenced by many other cults.
May 24, 2018
Could be true.
But RM...he loves to quote Nietzsche and Crowley's followers love to do that aswell. Crowley even mentioned Nietzsche in his books. Herman Hesse, the author of Demian, was a Thelemae but later followed the teachings of the Freemasons. So...bts could be both. Even Crowley was influenced by many other cults.
Could they be Freemasons and skull and bones too? I see them doing the Masonic signs and the skull and bones logo on their clothes and the pyramid was also seen on h0b1 shirt that time in the airport. Tea doing baphomet as above so below hand....and one eye fellow with his one eyes and all other members doing the same...maybe they’re part of a number of secret societies?

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
This means that Ta3 is in danger :( something bad is gonna happen to him
I had a dream about Tae the night was weird. I could see his face and he was genuinely smiling and I suddenly felt so sad because he was gonna die in a few days
I see many people trying to link that dog with jjong's death but the truth is that name(yeontan) is popular for pets in sk, exo member xiumin and one w1 member have pets with that name. Besides I doubt SM greedy a55 would make a sacrifice for a rival company lol
It's not just the name, it's the fact that Tae posted on twitter just hrs before Jonghyuns death about his new puppy and it's name. It's more about the timing.


May 20, 2018
The humiliation ritual of tearing his shirt apart? Maybe... I don’t know what happened to JT or Janet did they have a wardrobe malfunction?
I think that was on purpose Jt and jnt one.. Because she had her thing covered with i don't know what they're called.. It it was a malfunction then that wouldn't have been there..

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
Could be true.
But RM...he loves to quote Nietzsche and Crowley's followers love to do that aswell. Crowley even mentioned Nietzsche in his books. Herman Hesse, the author of Demian, was a Thelemae but later followed the teachings of the Freemasons. So...bts could be both. Even Crowley was influenced by many other cults.
Crowley was a 33rd degree mason as well. And Nietzsche has pictures of him doing the Freemasons hidden hand sign which is done during rituals of the royal arch degree. It's also a way of showing you are a freemason. Now this is just a theory, but I'm 98% sure they are indeed Freemasons.
May 24, 2018
I think that was on purpose Jt and jnt one.. Because she had her thing covered with i don't know what they're called.. It it was a malfunction then that wouldn't have been there..
Yikes was it this one? It looks deliberately done to me he reached for and pulled it off... seems like a thing the sick elite love to do . I’m literally like wut was that?