BTS discussion thread


Apr 1, 2018
I am muslim but I felt quite the same. All the time we spent looking for all those satanic things are may actually be a good thing for Sa+an. He still kind of make us use our time to look into bts (no longer in terms of music and being a fan). I feel like we are still attached to them.
If you feel attached its best to take a break for a few days reading this forum


Apr 1, 2018
Agreed with the most popular ones being the most harmful for your health.

I read somewhere fluoride is actually good for your health. In fact most of household brand bottled water contains around 0.5% fluoride.

Now I dunno what to drink.
Drink the store brand, they're the most pure kind of water
i've been drinking it for a while and i haven't had a problem


Apr 1, 2018
Well i drink tap water (i'm french so idk if they put some in it i never had a problem)
Fruits are from the garden or farmer market
The only dangerous thing i coule eat would be the gluten free snacks or cans of vegetables and also the meat but that's a harder thing X0
Is it dangerous to open your third eye ?
They are monsters smh
Hope you guys will find interesting things while i'm gone/taking a break
Its only dangerous if you haven't been mediating for a while or balancing your energy centers
If you open it without warning it can scar you for life i've heard


Apr 1, 2018
Guys this sh*t sounds far fetched but I tried using my clairvoyant ability after shutting it out for a long time again. Head hurts like hell. Straight to the point:

-saw dark shadows in a circle f*cking dancing or some sh*t with vibrant violet/purple and red colors all over in the center.
-Also saw a serpent. Specifically "ouroboros" the snake that literally eats it's own a**
- sounds weird, but circular rainbows.
-Saw the color red, deep as blood color in center. And violet misty backdrop.
-Blonde Ta_e with thick and slimy black substance covering his whole face. Eyes were yellow. The whole background was red and black.
- Red and black outline of Jay_K.
- I felt like I was also encountering some sort of blockage idk, like I couldn't push further to see more. Something was fogging me.
- I called out to Jay_k and I saw him running. Idk. Definitely not from me but from something. And him following someone hand in hand. There was a sense of danger..idk. My head hurts. Imma stop. My whole body hurts.

Take all this with a grain of salt please.
If you need to see more go ahead and listen to a frequency for crystal clear intuition
I'm sure it'll help you as it does for me lol


Apr 1, 2018
Tbh I don't know too much about this ability. So i cant tell u how many ppl have it. And nope Horsy Hope was not seen. He is too cloudy. R-M makes me sick (literally, physically sick), Yg is cloaked by something evil and it taunts at me for being unable to see pass it.

Sounds cliche af, but I've seen shit since I was a child. I had a vision of my aunt's mother committing suicide in the forest, and it happened two days after the vision. I was scared af. I still feel like shit about it. She was a good and generous woman. People had to suffer a great loss because I was too much of a pu$$y.

I grew up believing I was an abomination to God because of it, and I pushed it all away.

The ability comes and goes, like certain times it will spike up and cause me to be very withdrawed or moody.

For me it's not dream like at all. I can see it literally. Vividly. Eyes closed or not. I hate it. Fucking scary and terrible. I hate it so much. And yet here I am using it. Also, how did I do it? Just relax bro. You will feel all emotions flowing into you like a vessel. Negative or positive. It can be overwhelming.

This is very rare for me but from time to time, I can hear other people's thoughts. Im surprised I haven't encountered weird shit yet. I can also absorb energy from others. I was what you can call an energy vampire, sounds gay but yeah. I enjoyed sucking off of negative energy, so I yeah I did some bad things to people to get the energy. I am ashamed of myself. I've stopped but it's like addicting and it's tempting shit. I pray to God for resilience.

Sorry fellow user, too much info for one bite lol. I still can't forgive myself and this ability is bullshit because it's a more of a curse than a blessing.

Edit: the other members
Brother Jamal: too effing chaotic, I don't even wanna try. I feel like it will pull me apart. Truly a magnetic and darn right sexually alluring individual.

No Lines J1n: Sad and vacant.

Alien Tea: Sharp intense emotional pain deep inside. Too dark to see much. I don't know if he's aware of his own suffering or just pushes it away.

Playbo1 J-kay: this guy creeped me out when I first saw him back in the old days, and still do sometimes. Because I've never seen eyes so empty before. He looks so out of it. I sense a lot of disassociation. Almost an idenity crisis and seeks to do many things to fill in that emptyness. But he is now my boi because I recently (a year ago) sensed some strength in him. Now idk if he still has it.
The more you embrace this ability the easier you'll be able to see shit
Just relax and be glad you have this ability


Apr 1, 2018
Did you learn this clairvoyance thing by yourself or a spiritual practitioner or someone like that?
Cus I used to have a classmate like you. She acted normally most of the time but sometimes she could feel agitated. She even said cryptic stuff.

Also, I've got no idea that someone could be an emotional vampires or whatever that is.

Btw, I thought I was the only one who thought jamal has very alluring aura. Instead of being sexually attracted to him, he gave me an intense feeling of nausea.

Stay strong!
For some its a natural-born thing
You can also develop gifts by mediating and keeping your vibration up
I pretty much accessed another gift i had once.. but then it closed up prolly since i wasn't ready yet


Apr 1, 2018
If any of you feel like you're too attached or are developing fear don't be hesitant to take a break for a while
this thread hopefully won't be going anywhere and it'll most likely be here when you get back from your break
It's understandable because of the aura of this forum

If your brain can't physically handle being here because of the worry and drama i suggest you take a break for a while and come back whenever you feel refreshed, it'll most likely help you
and if you want to leave this thread because of fear and attachment don't think about it JUST LEAVE it'll benefit you trust me

im prolly going to be gone for a while as well.. i'll read the posts whenever i come back since its important for me to not get attached because i'm on a spiritual journey so yeah
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Feb 14, 2018
If any of you feel like you're too attached or are developing fear don't be hesitant to take a break for a while
this thread hopefully won't be going anywhere and it'll most likely be here when you get back from your break
It's understandable because of the aura of this forum

If your brain can't physically handle being here because of the worry and drama i suggest you take a break for a while and come back whenever you feel refreshed, it'll most likely help you
and if you want to leave this thread because of fear and attachment don't think about it JUST LEAVE it'll benefit you trust me

im prolly going to be gone for a while as well.. i'll read the posts whenever i come back since its important for me to not get attached because i'm on a spiritual journey so yeah
It’s only natural that it can become too much for some people. The atmosphere of the thread has changed because the more involved the boys get, the darker it’s going to become. We haven’t been holding back anymore on these theories but why should we when they haven’t been doing the same when it comes to their concepts.

We’ve been trying to be curteous by placing things of sensitivity in spoiler warnings so that you have the option to avoid the post if you think you may become offended or uncomfortable . If there’s a current topic that’s being discussed thoroughly that you’re either uncomfortable with or have no interest in, you always have the choice to leave until you’re ready to return once it’s passed. No one’s obligated to particpate or believe in anything that’s posted so there’s no need to feel pressured and cause yourself stress.

Trust your own beliefs - you’ll be happier regardless.


Jun 27, 2018
I've been lurking here for awhile because my eng is not really good, but since something very bad is happening to some of the bts members right now and I noticed that no one is talking about it. I saw the pics of them going to a "private trip"(prob. Summer pack) and J1n&Ta3 are cleary in dissociation state like the typical mkslave(k4nye pic for ref.)



May 20, 2018
I've been lurking here for awhile because my eng is not really good, but since something very bad is happening to some of the bts members right now and I noticed that no one is talking about it. I saw the pics of them going to a "private trip"(prob. Summer pack) and J1n&Ta3 are cleary in dissociation state like the typical mkslave(k4nye pic for ref.)
Welcome :) . Your English is good..

And yes those 2 colors looked good on stage.. But off stage.. They are looking a bit OFF.. Maybe they were tired or something ..

And jh0pe didn't cover his face for a while at airports ..
But this time he covered his face.. With the mask


Jun 27, 2018
Welcome :) . Your English is good..

And yes those 2 colors looked good on stage.. But off stage.. They are looking a bit OFF.. Maybe they were tired or something ..

And jh0pe didn't cover his face for a while at airports ..
But this time he covered his face.. With the mask
Thanks :) But tbh I dont really like that color because it means that the victim was/is being reprogrammed. Reminds me of J0nghyun in his last days :(


Apr 1, 2018
I feel the same way every time I come here now. Might be far fetched but could someone be doing mag!c on this thread (idk if that's possible)? We have had a lot of signs recently with the threats & its been getting a lot of views.
That actually might be possible, i've been feeling weird whenever i leave this thread lol
Be sure to protect yourselves guys! Choose your magick whether that'd be a prayer or a mantra
Whatever you feel will protect you and do it after you leave the thread!


May 20, 2018
Number 13

numbers contain inherent power. Numerology is a key component in astrology, means self-achieved perfection and illumination (6+7 = 13)
The occult calender is comprised of 4 periods of 13 weeks each.

Aleister Crowley referenced in a document he wrote called Liber 777 Vel Prolegomena Symbolica Ad Systema Septico - Mystica Viae Explicande, Fundamentum Hieroglyphica Sanctissimum Scientiae Summae that numbers are encoded into words and pieces.

Let's see.

View attachment 11046

View attachment 11047

Nothing suspicious, right?
Look again. I can see the number 13.

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Now let's analyze bts logo:

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Not only do I see the number 13, but also the numbers 1 and 4. The 4 is hidden in the S.

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13 1 4
1+3+1+4 = 9 (or if you turn it over, 6)

The Number of the Beast as 9/6 in occult numerology
In accordance to occult numerological reduction, strings of numbers are added up until we are left with one.
For example, 9 is a form of the number of the beast as 666 is 6+6+6=18 & 1+8=9.

"And they both keep on infinitely multiplying & adding up to NINE. Satan's number. The number of the EGO, as it keeps returning unto itself. As a study of "The Unknown Known" shows, Satanic Forces work in variables of Nine - Epochs & Ages. Keeping this in mind, also consider multiples of Nine in seconds, minutes, hours, Days, Months {as in Pregnancy, the genesis of Life}, Nine Years, etc."
This post was too good..
And wow i would've never ever noticed tge 13 14 in their logo..

And a little question ...
Who chose these numbers at the first place ? A1iester cr0w?
And keeping a 13 in logos brings goodluck to them? Or money?


Jun 20, 2018
even though i'm new to this thread but i've been feeling the different vibe compared to the earlier pages, i thought it was just me who feels like there's some weird tension after intensely reading through the entire thread for the past few weeks. probably because of the collosal amount of information about occultism here, discovering negative things may cause someone to feel uneasy and uncomfortable. especially for army/ex-army, it's almost like shoving bitter pills down your throat to find out what these boys are up to. i hope everyone here will feel better and happier soon! take a rest, do exciting things and don't forget to pray :)