BTS discussion thread

May 24, 2018
I wonder who drew these characters ... I don't want to believe that the members drew them...
Even if they show members drawing these... I bet that would be staged...
From the video:
About the characters being staged, it seems $ugar hinted at that:
He said to the staff:
Don't you have characters roughly set-up for this kind of thing?

And then sugar goes on to say:



Mar 29, 2018
Same here he’s definitely a sub handler I remember when they had that English after school club interview and Jimin wanted to be the MC but Namjoon was all like “it’s my turn to talk Jimin cuz I’m the MC I have the right to control you”

At 4:17

Like I know that can be taken outta of context but damn Namjoon is just so arrogant and controlling I wouldn’t be surprised whatsoever
Right like damn you could even tell j!m!n felt awkward that he just was like I'm the mc shut up and proceeds to talk in English. N@mj00n really has the whole condescending thing going no wonder why the rest of the members feel the awkwardness with him and it must be irritating having to always tolerate him acting like he's better than everybody.
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May 24, 2018
I don't really follow anyone. Usually I like to watch testimonies and whistleblowers who have experienced the things themselves. If they became born again Christians after whatever happened to them, I just know I can trust them a little more too
This guy a dutch banker whistleblower . Somebody posted his video on here and I believe the child abuse/sacrifice bit and the banking bit seems compelling with it being controlled by the elite and all that jazz. But commenters also say in the video he maybe an agent of disinformation and if he knows this much why isn't he targeted or assassinated by the elite yet...
This is the difficulty here... not knowing who has the right info. and what is disnformation
But better to be skeptical of everything anyways.
But still this is the problem everything will seem inconclusive:(
Maybe this is why the elite think they're untouchable
No one can prove anything (they think)... its all talk now.. and the gp will think its all b`s


May 26, 2018
Thanks for sharing :) Now I have a lot of readings ahead of me :cool:
I agree with how marketing is a "mass brainwashing tool"
But I wonder how the brainwashed fan came to that conclusion? Like what triggered the realization? Idek...
But it seems that if some are faced with this dilemma of the bt`z being "fake" to them and only like fans for money it seems some have a violent and deadly thought processes going through them
Very chilling.
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I guess he/she took it too far as a result of isolation, unsolved problems irl and/or constant, repeated exposure to the group. When the brain doesn't have much options on alternative topics, it tends to register what one is exposed to the most and that probably triggered the obsession. That's my 2 cents.

After all the sole purpose of entertainment is to create escapism in the mind and taps deep into one's imagination:
May 24, 2018
I think he died, but I'm not entirely sure. He became a born again christian too after what happened to him, so that's why I can understand and trust him because he sees what I see.

idk if this helped :(
This I found this was in 2017.
I quote:
There is a fake news article making the rounds that was authored by Baxter Dimitry that claims the Dutch banking whistleblower Ronald Bernard died after getting lost in a park preserve in Florida. The person who died is named Ronald Bernard Rodriguez. It's not the same person. I have confirmed that Ronald Bernard is alive and well by corresponding with producer Irma Schiffers who knows Ronald and who produced the red pill interviews with him.
From Jan 2018 (the video upload date)

Here he says why he's still alive
Hope he stays safe.
This is another whistleblower banker,
idk if its a set up though by the elite he may be trusted
he was jailed, he may be trusted
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Mar 27, 2018
Interesting you have this vision about snakes as one of the conspiracy theories is that
“reptilian theory”
. I said it may sound far fetched but I gave it a chance and they have some pretty solid evidence and arguments. Because what if we’ve all been fed a lie and what we’ve been told through school was mixed with bs? What if the dinosaurs weren’t all wipe out? A person made a conjecture that if dinosaurs didn’t go extinct they would be more intelligent and advanced by now... maybe they mutated/evolved... this guy watch:
Also jayk running from someone? Hmm makes me think of the title of their show “run” and their song “run” also who is he walking with and where are they going... hm..
And the theme of red/black which the elite love
And b`t`z also in red/black c0ca c0la ads doing 6 sign, one eye, and literal wearing devil horns
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I guess this is how the illuminati hang out on their spare time with the horns
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He looks like an incubus...
View attachment 10974

Thanks for the info. You’re a trooper. Take care of yourself and don’t push it if it’s gonna hurt you...

Disclaimer: this is a theory. aight`
Thanks and yeah I will try to take care of myself for sure. My head still hurts but not as much anymore. As for the person J-kay was following hand in hand with, idk who it was, he or she idk. Just a sense of truthworthyness and companionship. Both were running some smthing dangerous. I really don't know. Just take it with a grain of salt, because I could just be influenced by the power of suggestion from the thread.
May 24, 2018
Disclaimer: this is just a theory.
Not saying lgbt+ ppl are bad/evil... just in the context of elite manipulation of masses...
Why is the elite pushing this agenda?
For their androgynous free for all society?
Many questions....
So this elite agenda
And this (not bt`z) but this guy had that illuminati ad before posted here
The illuminati ad again:
Them together and the clothe of the mc look like the rainbow pride flag
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Mar 27, 2018
Does only a few people have this ability? How did you vision them? Is it like a dream eyes closed or eyes opened?
Can anyone have that ability ?

And didn't u see jh0pe?
Tbh I don't know too much about this ability. So i cant tell u how many ppl have it. And nope Horsy Hope was not seen. He is too cloudy. R-M makes me sick (literally, physically sick), Yg is cloaked by something evil and it taunts at me for being unable to see pass it.

Sounds cliche af, but I've seen shit since I was a child. I had a vision of my aunt's mother committing suicide in the forest, and it happened two days after the vision. I was scared af. I still feel like shit about it. She was a good and generous woman. People had to suffer a great loss because I was too much of a pu$$y.

I grew up believing I was an abomination to God because of it, and I pushed it all away.

The ability comes and goes, like certain times it will spike up and cause me to be very withdrawed or moody.

For me it's not dream like at all. I can see it literally. Vividly. Eyes closed or not. I hate it. Fucking scary and terrible. I hate it so much. And yet here I am using it. Also, how did I do it? Just relax bro. You will feel all emotions flowing into you like a vessel. Negative or positive. It can be overwhelming.

This is very rare for me but from time to time, I can hear other people's thoughts. Im surprised I haven't encountered weird shit yet. I can also absorb energy from others. I was what you can call an energy vampire, sounds gay but yeah. I enjoyed sucking off of negative energy, so I yeah I did some bad things to people to get the energy. I am ashamed of myself. I've stopped but it's like addicting and it's tempting shit. I pray to God for resilience.

Sorry fellow user, too much info for one bite lol. I still can't forgive myself and this ability is bullshit because it's a more of a curse than a blessing.

Edit: the other members
Brother Jamal: too effing chaotic, I don't even wanna try. I feel like it will pull me apart. Truly a magnetic and darn right sexually alluring individual.

No Lines J1n: Sad and vacant.

Alien Tea: Sharp intense emotional pain deep inside. Too dark to see much. I don't know if he's aware of his own suffering or just pushes it away.

Playbo1 J-kay: this guy creeped me out when I first saw him back in the old days, and still do sometimes. Because I've never seen eyes so empty before. He looks so out of it. I sense a lot of disassociation. Almost an idenity crisis and seeks to do many things to fill in that emptyness. But he is now my boi because I recently (a year ago) sensed some strength in him. Now idk if he still has it.
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May 24, 2018
"In Satanic/occult circles, pointing the finger away from the body is known as the ‘sign of faith‘."
Why is V the only one holding his fingers to his temples, as if to make horns?
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This pose in f*ake l0ve... pointing away from the body towards the sky would that be a sign of faith?
I looked up the meaning of the 'peace' sign called 'V'. coincidence that they have a member with that name? and THAT member was the fallen angel in BST?

ofc as with everything lets take it with a grain of salt, since the peace sign has become so common i'm sure we've all done it. It just seems more suspicious when you add it with everything else celebrities do, it is possible they might mean something more when they do it.
and they have a character v'an in bt`2``1
V(V`an); the Nail; secret titles of Satan within the brotherhood of Satanism
V means five in Roman numerals
And Penta-gram; penta meaning five
Five-fold salute in masonry and witchcraft
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May 30, 2018
This I found this was in 2017.
I quote:

From Jan 2018 (the video upload date)

Here he says why he's still alive
Hope he stays safe.
This is another whistleblower banker,
idk if its a set up though by the elite he may be trusted
he was jailed, he may be trusted

He has a facebook group called " Friends of Ronald Bernard". Follow his group it's interesting! :)
May 24, 2018
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Apr 25, 2018
... I just want to enjoy Cypher pt. 2 but when AR-EM says: "I'm the king, I'm the god, where my emperors at?" it throws me off so much.
It kinda makes me angry how some humans dare to portray themselves as a god and dare to think that they are a higher being or something.
And no one even questions it. He says it again in his Mixtape but nah that's just a concept, yea. :(
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Dec 23, 2017
Wow, where's their parents?! This is beyond disturbing.

They're so brainwashed and obsessed that they've considered pulling some Jeffrey Dahmer sh*t. :eek:

View attachment 10951
Fuck no

Remember when someone posted a video of a psychic who did a reading on bts last of the things she said is “your female fans are super unsteady...” And “one of the members will get into a dating scandal and the female fans will poison one of the members...” something like that
May 24, 2018
... I just want to enjoy Cypher pt. 2 but when AR-EM says: "I'm the king, I'm the god, where my emperors at?" it throws me off so much.
It kinda makes me angry how some humans dare to portray themselves as a god and dare to think that they are a higher being or something.
And no one even questions it. He says it again in his Mixtape but nah that's just a concept, yea. :(
He has this song and the lyrics goes:
yo, this is god rap
I don’t have any religion, because I am my own god

whatever ordeals come, I’ll take them with my own two hands
and I say it to myself again, amen