BTS discussion thread


Apr 22, 2018
Remember when one eye fly guy blamed his culture for his colourists behaviour?
Well we have a fan here on youtube who recognise their disgusting personality but blame it on the Korean culture. My My, it seems like bts is no different than any other successful person.At least they don't keep a humble facade in their lyrics.....( other than that they are the most humble kings )



Apr 22, 2018
I've been watching these videos that show sacrifices' link with gematria etc.

So I thought about Jin since for example aiwass mentioned about his sacrifice because he's a moonchild and born to a masonic family. Also Love for Lucy mentioned about his life/future having a big X and also that he was born into the occult.

View attachment 10984

View attachment 10985

"Saturnalia was a festival celebrated by the ancient Romans. Originally, this celebration was held annually for a day on the 17th of December, but the festival was so popular that it was extended to a week (December 17-23). "

"Fertility rituals were performed at the temple of Saturn, including sacrifices."

I forgot to circle but the Satanic one is also both 466 (link to the calculator)

Which site is this and what does it tell?


May 20, 2018
Tbh I don't know too much about this ability. So i cant tell u how many ppl have it. And nope Horsy Hope was not seen. He is too cloudy. R-M makes me sick (literally, physically sick), Yg is cloaked by something evil and it taunts at me for being unable to see pass it.

Sounds cliche af, but I've seen shit since I was a child. I had a vision of my aunt's mother committing suicide in the forest, and it happened two days after the vision. I was scared af. I still feel like shit about it. She was a good and generous woman. People had to suffer a great loss because I was too much of a pu$$y.

I grew up believing I was an abomination to God because of it, and I pushed it all away.

The ability comes and goes, like certain times it will spike up and cause me to be very withdrawed or moody.

For me it's not dream like at all. I can see it literally. Vividly. Eyes closed or not. I hate it. Fucking scary and terrible. I hate it so much. And yet here I am using it. Also, how did I do it? Just relax bro. You will feel all emotions flowing into you like a vessel. Negative or positive. It can be overwhelming.

This is very rare for me but from time to time, I can hear other people's thoughts. Im surprised I haven't encountered weird shit yet. I can also absorb energy from others. I was what you can call an energy vampire, sounds gay but yeah. I enjoyed sucking off of negative energy, so I yeah I did some bad things to people to get the energy. I am ashamed of myself. I've stopped but it's like addicting and it's tempting shit. I pray to God for resilience.

Sorry fellow user, too much info for one bite lol. I still can't forgive myself and this ability is bullshit because it's a more of a curse than a blessing.

Edit: the other members
Brother Jamal: too effing chaotic, I don't even wanna try. I feel like it will pull me apart. Truly a magnetic and darn right sexually alluring individual.

No Lines J1n: Sad and vacant.

Alien Tea: Sharp intense emotional pain deep inside. Too dark to see much. I don't know if he's aware of his own suffering or just pushes it away.

Playbo1 J-kay: this guy creeped me out when I first saw him back in the old days, and still do sometimes. Because I've never seen eyes so empty before. He looks so out of it. I sense a lot of disassociation. Almost an idenity crisis and seeks to do many things to fill in that emptyness. But he is now my boi because I recently (a year ago) sensed some strength in him. Now idk if he still has it.
That's all i can say...

And jh0pe is becoming more and more interesting.. Too cloudy
Love 4 lucy also said this type of thing that he has some magic shield.. Can't see through that... Wow.. What is h0b1 up to ... Must be top secret


Jun 20, 2018
Hello, another lurker here. I've been religiously reading both this thread and the kpop one since two weeks ago and i'm amazed, you're all so clever, open-minded, and always respect others' opinions. Previously i was holding myself back from joining the conversation until i've read every single post here (which is really hard because everytime i finished a page, 10 new pages appeared lol) and i actually kinda hesitated to join after some things that happened to this thread in the past few days, i'm afraid i'd be accused for being another spy/troll who would try to derail this thread because i kept liking your posts while i remained silent... lol sorry guys. I'm excited to finally join the discussion, though i'm sure i'm going to be the useless one here since you're all so smart and my tiny brain is nowhere near to compare lol i'm looking forward to the upcoming posts & theories! *sorry for my broken english*


Jun 20, 2018
Idk if any of you have seen these pictures of park jamal from their concert in japan last april... What do you think about it? Cropped shirt with floral see-through sleeves is soooo cringeworthy imo, and his aura was so feminine, if i didn't know bt$ i'd totally think it was a girl smdh. And their makeup become more girly recently, it's no longer a subtle eyeliner or brown eyeshadow but more like pink/purple/mauve smoky eyeshadow. Df_NIT4UEAA687S.jpegDf_NIT4VQAAOLsb.jpegi think they really don't have any say on anything related to appearance, even their body weight are controlled. Poor boys.


May 20, 2018
Hello, another lurker here. I've been religiously reading both this thread and the kpop one since two weeks ago and i'm amazed, you're all so clever, open-minded, and always respect others' opinions. Previously i was holding myself back from joining the conversation until i've read every single post here (which is really hard because everytime i finished a page, 10 new pages appeared lol) and i actually kinda hesitated to join after some things that happened to this thread in the past few days, i'm afraid i'd be accused for being another spy/troll who would try to derail this thread because i kept liking your posts while i remained silent... lol sorry guys. I'm excited to finally join the discussion, though i'm sure i'm going to be the useless one here since you're all so smart and my tiny brain is nowhere near to compare lol i'm looking forward to the upcoming posts & theories! *sorry for my broken english*
Hiiii.. Glad you joined..
Ur english is goood..

And do share your thoughts too.. Don't hesitate ... :)


May 20, 2018
That's so interesting because it's similar to what Love for Lucy saw. She said that "Jin suffers from depression and has suicidal thoughts. " Min Yoongi is evil, evil, evil and worse than Namjoon" and if I remember correctly she also said she can't see Jhope. And "Park Jimin need serious help, he's about to break inside"
Yeah exactly my thoughts


Jun 20, 2018
I wonder who drew these characters ... I don't want to believe that the members drew them...
Even if they show members drawing these... I bet that would be staged...

And van is their caretaker.. Their robot and their vehicle.. Van as in the vehicle van maybe.. Then how is ot supposed to be representing army...
As a robot only.. Yes..

But as a caretaker and a vehicle... No
About v#n being "caretaker & vehicle" for bt21, i think it could refer to arm¥ too... Because arm¥s are always there to protect them from scandals/rumors and they always praise the boys no matter what, they attack people who said anything against their favor & accuse those people for defamation and malicious comments... And arm¥s are also the ones who gave bt$ free rides from one award to the next, look at how those boys always thank arm¥ in every speech saying that they would never made it this far if it's not because of arm¥ (of course, who else would robotically stream their songs 24/7 using every available device in their houses if not arm¥s...)

So yeah if you look at it this way, v#n could represent arm¥, though i believe that v#n is actually a representation of illuminati and not their fans especially with the hidden two horns, one eye, artificial intelligence, duality symbolism, and the meaning of the word v#n in hebrew. The people behind b19shit are so clever and hardworking huh, making up a whole different concept to cover up their actual concept.
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May 20, 2018
Is this the one?
I haven't seen all their performances so idk if that the right vid.
And if they are pushing these hologram perf.
Seems like the transhumanism agenda with robots replacing humans or AI merging with humans.
very sketchy.
Yes thissss is the one.. Watch it pls and share your views ..

1:46 to 1:50 the robots..

And there is also levitations and super novas.. And moon at the start.. H0b1 playing with some red lights .. The other one playing with blue lights and then at the end they both throw up their lights .. Like supernatural powers and they merge
May 24, 2018
Hello, another lurker here. I've been religiously reading both this thread and the kpop one since two weeks ago and i'm amazed, you're all so clever, open-minded, and always respect others' opinions. Previously i was holding myself back from joining the conversation until i've read every single post here (which is really hard because everytime i finished a page, 10 new pages appeared lol) and i actually kinda hesitated to join after some things that happened to this thread in the past few days, i'm afraid i'd be accused for being another spy/troll who would try to derail this thread because i kept liking your posts while i remained silent... lol sorry guys. I'm excited to finally join the discussion, though i'm sure i'm going to be the useless one here since you're all so smart and my tiny brain is nowhere near to compare lol i'm looking forward to the upcoming posts & theories! *sorry for my broken english*
Welcome~ :D Your english is good don't worry! Don't be sorry. ;)
Mar 27, 2018
Did you learn this clairvoyance thing by yourself or a spiritual practitioner or someone like that?
Cus I used to have a classmate like you. She acted normally most of the time but sometimes she could feel agitated. She even said cryptic stuff.

Also, I've got no idea that someone could be an emotional vampires or whatever that is.

Btw, I thought I was the only one who thought jamal has very alluring aura. Instead of being sexually attracted to him, he gave me an intense feeling of nausea.

Stay strong!
Didn't practice anything. Just saw things and felt things since for as long as I can remember my existence. Tbh Idk if this is even clairvoyance lol. I never really looked into this stuff, it seemed close to the term clairvoyance so... why not? : P


Jun 20, 2018
Not only cringeworthy, dat cropped shirt is unpleasant to look at. Never meant to be rude but If I were to show this pic to my friends, I'm pretty sure none of them would find him appealing in that shirt.

Can't say the same for le stans. Oops...

J!mjum has become too feminine these days. I just can't believe what I am witnessing rn.

Guess boys in girls' clothes would be a common thing, sooner or later.
jamal stans would deadass screaming and crying joyful tears smh... both arm¥ and b19shit always sexualize these boys. it's sad to look at the difference between their debut appearance vs nowadays, they were very masculine back then.
Mar 24, 2018
Fluoride is a chemical used to block or close the third-eye and its also a heavy metal
and yet its in most of our things...
the government doesn't want us to be woke or find out the truth, thats why im assuming its in most of our things so that the rest of the people continue to be mindless sheep

This could also help the thread.. bts usually leave water on stage, check to see the brand because brands like Fiji are acidic and brands containing fluoride are usually mind control so that they catch colds easier and lower IQ

Usually the most popular water brands are the worst for your health

I'd also reccomend you check the labels before you eat anything... because who knows... mind control chemicals could also be in that food.. (pay attention to chemicals that have weird names because chances are, you're not supposed to eat it)
thank you for telling this to us bless you
oh wow theyre doing all sorts now and its going to get a lot worse
May 24, 2018
Idk if any of you have seen these pictures of park jamal from their concert in japan last april... What do you think about it? Cropped shirt with floral see-through sleeves is soooo cringeworthy imo, and his aura was so feminine, if i didn't know bt$ i'd totally think it was a girl smdh. And their makeup become more girly recently, it's no longer a subtle eyeliner or brown eyeshadow but more like pink/purple/mauve smoky eyeshadow. View attachment 10994View attachment 10993i think they really don't have any say on anything related to appearance, even their body weight are controlled. Poor boys.
Definitely lots of pressure on the weight from managers/handlers as I heard the camera adds weight...
And I saw that perf. This song must have some strong powers cuz I liked it a lot. And yeah I agree the make-up, clothes and how he gracefully moves is more feminine than other girls I see if that's even possible? (just an opinion) :
Really his figure is even more feminine now like slender compared to before when he was like all muscly before . And that see-through they're not holding back want to make stans thirstier. And jamal is known for saying he shows skin because its an "accident" but not really...And that crop-top shirt idek anymore
He really is a sly one....Like see:
But about that crop-top I read somewhere the crown prince of thailand wore a crop-top (i think he is the king now...?)
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