BTS discussion thread


Apr 1, 2018
Hey guys
Sorry for the absence AGAIN
i was seeing negative signs that told me to leave for a while
but i found something today that might be worth talking about
and its store brand water... you know like that branded water you get instead of drinking straight from the tap..
(i'm gulity of this.. sorry)
well my father bought the brand named Deer Park today instead of buying the store brand...
If you don't know what Deer Park water looks like heres a picture
So my stomach is really sensitive to chemicals so when I drank this water i started getting hella stomach cramps... not to mention that this water tastes like chlorine school-filled water
Well I put this water back into my fridge (bc lets be fr whos actually going to drink water thats causing someone physical pain)
and i went on google.. you're not going to believe what I found
Screen Shot 2018-06-26 at 7.34.25 PM.png
Yeah.. these brands contain fluoride and if you don't know why fluoride is harmful here are some symptoms
Screen Shot 2018-06-26 at 7.35.31 PM.png
So yeah avoid those brands if you wanna live a happy life and not die when you're 53 or something
and before you buy a water brand i'd check the PH levels because some brands contain acid as well

If you're wondering what brand I drink I mostly just buy the store brand and I haven't had a problem SINCE
So yeah you're welcome for me saving your asses :)


Jun 11, 2018
Ok so to address the luciferian issue. This is how luciferians believe. Now I will say that no matter what they claim, in the end satanism/luciferianism/occultism are ALL the same, different name but the core, the main core is the same. Each one differs in various ways on the surface but under the surface, they're the same. Most luciferians will say it is not a religion but more of a philosophy of life. luciferians do not associate themselves with satanists, as they see anyone that worships anything as evil as how satan is portrayed as pyschotic. That's why the see lucifer as "good" the angel of light. Luciferians DO engage in rituals of various sorts.

The Luciferianism is not a branch of Satanism,
and its main difference is just the focus that it gives to
rebellion, the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom,
the individual growth, pushing the limits and self-improvement,
self- discipline, spiritual excellence, independence and mostly freedom.

Luciferianism is an affirmative doctrine that seeks the virtues listed above,

instead of mere opposition to the way of being of Christians that characterizes Satanism. His followers do not worship Lucifer (seen by them as an Angel, or an archetype and not as the embodiment evil in Christianity), but see it as a reference to achieve Spiritual Enlightenment. Given that the origin of its name means Bearer of the Torch .

Luciferians strive for balance between the primal instincts which motivate our designs in life (darkness); with self-determination in maintaining self-control and applying our ability to use reason and logic (light). This symbol of unity of darkness (instinct, emotion) and light (intellect, logic) sparks the Black Flame (inspired imaginative consciousness and potential towards your True Will). This is represented as Liberation, the conscious act of logically destroying restrictive dogma, especially if uncomfortable to gain new levels of insight and power; Illumination is the achievement of the insight of the experience.

The Luciferian philosophy is easily defined as the self-determined path towards potential with a balance between actualizing results in material and spiritual aims. Luciferianism advocates seeking knowledge for a goal-oriented purpose, gaining insight from experience and power from evolving and becoming towards a potential in self-excellence. To challenge and question restrictive belief and dogmatic religion requires courage and a path to the knowledge you seek. This is called Liberation, breaking the chains of ignorance. To seek knowledge to apply towards gaining insight as well as goals is called Illumination. To become aware that you can shape your life by your Will, Desire and Belief is continual Apotheosis.

When I became luciferian what appealed to me was that they didn't worship any deity, but that was just on the surface, once you are indoctrinated, initiated into a sect, and start moving up it becomes clear that you do in fact worship lucifer. It's very very decieving. Freemasons, and Eastern Stars (female group of freemasons, as only men are allowed into freemasonry) are indeed luciferian. In the Order of the Eastern Star, you do the same as Freemasons.

Eastern Star symbol
View attachment 10940

Hope this clears up any confusion. Most atheists will lean more towards the luciferian doctrine as they "claim" no deity.
So are you supposed to do nothing ?
No religions,no improvments i'm getting so confused omg X0
I was kind of a buddhist but now evil is everywhere so idk what to believe in
(Still seeking an answer :'0)
I know only that there is a God and he protects us despite everything and that children and animals are the most pure things on earth (except snakes and spiders )
But maybe i'm going crazy y'all (the break is much needed i guess XD )


Jun 11, 2018
Hey guys
Sorry for the absence AGAIN
i was seeing negative signs that told me to leave for a while
but i found something today that might be worth talking about
and its store brand water... you know like that branded water you get instead of drinking straight from the tap..
(i'm gulity of this.. sorry)
well my father bought the brand named Deer Park today instead of buying the store brand...
If you don't know what Deer Park water looks like heres a picture
View attachment 10944
So my stomach is really sensitive to chemicals so when I drank this water i started getting hella stomach cramps... not to mention that this water tastes like chlorine school-filled water
Well I put this water back into my fridge (bc lets be fr whos actually going to drink water thats causing someone physical pain)
and i went on google.. you're not going to believe what I found
View attachment 10945
Yeah.. these brands contain fluoride and if you don't know why fluoride is harmful here are some symptoms
View attachment 10946
So yeah avoid those brands if you wanna live a happy life and not die when you're 53 or something
and before you buy a water brand i'd check the PH levels because some brands contain acid as well

If you're wondering what brand I drink I mostly just buy the store brand and I haven't had a problem SINCE
So yeah you're welcome for me saving your asses :)
Fluoride wtf ?!?


Apr 30, 2018
wonder if there is an english version of this. they are reacting to their FL video and it would be interesting to see what they have to say about it:

also some fans are saying they will have a repack albuum soon and they might go to the VMAs to promote it? just speculation

I wonder what's the meaning of their highlighted hair :/
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May 20, 2018
Hey guys
Sorry for the absence AGAIN
i was seeing negative signs that told me to leave for a while
but i found something today that might be worth talking about
and its store brand water... you know like that branded water you get instead of drinking straight from the tap..
(i'm gulity of this.. sorry)
well my father bought the brand named Deer Park today instead of buying the store brand...
If you don't know what Deer Park water looks like heres a picture
View attachment 10944
So my stomach is really sensitive to chemicals so when I drank this water i started getting hella stomach cramps... not to mention that this water tastes like chlorine school-filled water
Well I put this water back into my fridge (bc lets be fr whos actually going to drink water thats causing someone physical pain)
and i went on google.. you're not going to believe what I found
View attachment 10945
Yeah.. these brands contain fluoride and if you don't know why fluoride is harmful here are some symptoms
View attachment 10946
So yeah avoid those brands if you wanna live a happy life and not die when you're 53 or something
and before you buy a water brand i'd check the PH levels because some brands contain acid as well

If you're wondering what brand I drink I mostly just buy the store brand and I haven't had a problem SINCE
So yeah you're welcome for me saving your asses :)
Oh.. Thanks for sharing


Apr 30, 2018
《When I look at Jamal, even though i'm a man, I can't help but think he's very sexy. He's flexible when he dances. Among the members, he has a smaller figure and a doll-like face, yet has muscles. He's really attractive.》- One eye fellow
who's that one eye fellow ? the one who is in need to heal his eyes due to fly infection ?


Apr 30, 2018
OHH. Great catch. They have a pyramid with sixes on the sides making the 666 mark of the beast.
Wow they are just so shameless now...
View attachment 10880
Vl!ve Pyramid with 666 sides

You're welcome and good luck on your studies. :D

when I thought sometimes we're being too far reaching about the numbers, Run showed us that even numbers found in words are also countedmm.JPG

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
So are you supposed to do nothing ?
No religions,no improvments i'm getting so confused omg X0
I was kind of a buddhist but now evil is everywhere so idk what to believe in
(Still seeking an answer :'0)
I know only that there is a God and he protects us despite everything and that children and animals are the most pure things on earth (except snakes and spiders )
But maybe i'm going crazy y'all (the break is much needed i guess XD )
Everyone should want to improve somehow in their life. What luciferians want to do is become god like. Be their own god. They take it to a different level than most people. We live in a world where occultism is taking over, that's a sad truth but even though we can't change that (it's actually gonna get worse) we can still participate in groups like this and be "woke" and help others. Please don't get discouraged. All this (illuminati agenda) is a lot to take in, and can be overwhelming. If you feel this way, I do suggest a break, so it doesn't break you.


Jan 16, 2018
Someone mentioned not from this thread before that R`m seems to be good at english his accent is not like he just learned it from the show FRIENDS which he said he did.
His english sounds like he studied in the us or maybe he imitated their accent
Yeah I also notice he's quiet and they don't mess with him and always on his phone. Maybe he's reading the thread rofl.
Even eating he has his phone on one hand eating with the other
View attachment 10930

Now that I see it,
I might take a break ...

I said that about his accent.

He took his phone out during the Festa dinner too, lol.
The Run 52nd episode (and hell, the Festa too) were a bore. It was so boring watching them trying to escape that room, I lost my attention span. The only thing I caught was the numbers they were given as the clue. I didn't notice everything else. I was trying to make a connection to the Dorothy room and can't believe I didn't catch the Wizard of Oz relation.

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
I belive nAMj00n might be handler. Let's think. The guy has ok background to have nice education and be successful in life and he is naturally not stupid. Why he decided to join the boy band in absolutely unknown company such as bighiiit?! Plus he even couldn't dance or sing and knew he doen't have appealing appearance which is extremely important for an idol. Most of parents against their children going to showbiz cs there's very small chances to become big and than you will struggle in future, even being trainee in big company doesn't promise u even 20% of success..He knew they will blow up, he was writing their satanic lyrics long ago back than and planing concept with their team for all these years. This is explains why he knows eng slang so good, i'm sure there's a lot of eng speakers working for them since it is such a massive project. I think they told him some of them are hardly under control from childhood and taught him how to control them. Have u ever noticed sometimes members can be rude to oldest, to Jin or Hobi, but never to him? Plus some of them admitted they feel uncomfortable near him. I also noticed Jin, jimin and jk often play near him like puppies and do everything he says. But he is a loner among them, and u can see all arrogance in his behavior toward them, he just knows more than them. I dont think he is the only bad guy in their band, but he is the one who doesn't struggle at all. So his relationships with jimin like dog with gis owner. (Discl: it is not fact, just my fantasy and opinion)
When one eye fly guy decided to join it was supposed to be a hip hop group not idol group. Same for sweet boy. Though now that I think about it , it seems like one eye fly boy was one of the first to join bigsh*t. Maybe thats why he is the leader, to be a handler for the others. Hmm got me thinking now.


Apr 1, 2018
Fluoride wtf ?!?
Fluoride is a chemical used to block or close the third-eye and its also a heavy metal
and yet its in most of our things...
the government doesn't want us to be woke or find out the truth, thats why im assuming its in most of our things so that the rest of the people continue to be mindless sheep

This could also help the thread.. bts usually leave water on stage, check to see the brand because brands like Fiji are acidic and brands containing fluoride are usually mind control so that they catch colds easier and lower IQ

Usually the most popular water brands are the worst for your health

I'd also reccomend you check the labels before you eat anything... because who knows... mind control chemicals could also be in that food.. (pay attention to chemicals that have weird names because chances are, you're not supposed to eat it)
Last edited:


Mar 21, 2017
Hey guys
Sorry for the absence AGAIN
i was seeing negative signs that told me to leave for a while
but i found something today that might be worth talking about
and its store brand water... you know like that branded water you get instead of drinking straight from the tap..
(i'm gulity of this.. sorry)
well my father bought the brand named Deer Park today instead of buying the store brand...
If you don't know what Deer Park water looks like heres a picture
View attachment 10944
So my stomach is really sensitive to chemicals so when I drank this water i started getting hella stomach cramps... not to mention that this water tastes like chlorine school-filled water
Well I put this water back into my fridge (bc lets be fr whos actually going to drink water thats causing someone physical pain)
and i went on google.. you're not going to believe what I found
View attachment 10945
Yeah.. these brands contain fluoride and if you don't know why fluoride is harmful here are some symptoms
View attachment 10946
So yeah avoid those brands if you wanna live a happy life and not die when you're 53 or something
and before you buy a water brand i'd check the PH levels because some brands contain acid as well

If you're wondering what brand I drink I mostly just buy the store brand and I haven't had a problem SINCE
So yeah you're welcome for me saving your asses :)
Thanks for telling. I’ll try but I’m a water snob. I pretty much will only drink zephyr hills because it doesn’t have a taste. I don’t like water I can taste.
Mar 27, 2018
Guys this sh*t sounds far fetched but I tried using my clairvoyant ability after shutting it out for a long time again. Head hurts like hell. Straight to the point:

-saw dark shadows in a circle f*cking dancing or some sh*t with vibrant violet/purple and red colors all over in the center.
-Also saw a serpent. Specifically "ouroboros" the snake that literally eats it's own a**
- sounds weird, but circular rainbows.
-Saw the color red, deep as blood color in center. And violet misty backdrop.
-Blonde Ta_e with thick and slimy black substance covering his whole face. Eyes were yellow. The whole background was red and black.
- Red and black outline of Jay_K.
- I felt like I was also encountering some sort of blockage idk, like I couldn't push further to see more. Something was fogging me.
- I called out to Jay_k and I saw him running. Idk. Definitely not from me but from something. And him following someone hand in hand. There was a sense of danger..idk. My head hurts. Imma stop. My whole body hurts.

Take all this with a grain of salt please.


Jun 11, 2018
Everyone should want to improve somehow in their life. What luciferians want to do is become god like. Be their own god. They take it to a different level than most people. We live in a world where occultism is taking over, that's a sad truth but even though we can't change that (it's actually gonna get worse) we can still participate in groups like this and be "woke" and help others. Please don't get discouraged. All this (illuminati agenda) is a lot to take in, and can be overwhelming. If you feel this way, I do suggest a break, so it doesn't break you.
I'm gonna try not too i promise :)
Even if i do get discouraged just know i'll always be here if you guys need a hand :3
Good luck with the theories you guys are awesome ~


Jun 11, 2018
Fluoride is a chemical used to block or close the third-eye and its also a heavy metal
and yet its in most of our things...
the government doesn't want us to be woke or find out the truth, thats why im assuming its in most of our things so that the rest of the people continue to be mindless sheep

This could also help the thread.. bts usually leave water on stage, check to see the brand because brands like Fiji are acidic and brands containing fluoride are usually mind control so that they catch colds easier and lower IQ

Usually the most popular water brands are the worst for your health

I'd also reccomend you check the labels before you eat anything... because who knows... mind control chemicals could also be in that food.. (pay attention to chemicals that have weird names because chances are, you're not supposed to eat it)
Well i drink tap water (i'm french so idk if they put some in it i never had a problem)
Fruits are from the garden or farmer market
The only dangerous thing i coule eat would be the gluten free snacks or cans of vegetables and also the meat but that's a harder thing X0
Is it dangerous to open your third eye ?
They are monsters smh
Hope you guys will find interesting things while i'm gone/taking a break
May 24, 2018
Oh wow.. So that's how they had hidden the 2 horns... Very well hidden indeed ..
That's what had been bothering me all this time that why does van have 1 only.. It's not like it's a unicorn or something :D..
So there.. Mystery solved.. There are alread 2 but fused..
About v’an horns:
And if he “splits” into 2 horns, v’ans horns are black white duality this is compelling wow.....all illuminati and mk ultra symbology down to the “splitting of the mind”- because he splits at the head and black and white- Good/bad, XO eyes meaning one eye, a machine/robot (a system)—- an AI; artificial intelligence and the Illuminati have angenda for s!ngularity- world domination through robots and people will have a hard time finding jobs because of it—jobless slaves
May 24, 2018
I wonder who drew these characters ... I don't want to believe that the members drew them...
Even if they show members drawing these... I bet that would be staged...

And van is their caretaker.. Their robot and their vehicle.. Van as in the vehicle van maybe.. Then how is ot supposed to be representing army...
As a robot only.. Yes..

But as a caretaker and a vehicle... No
I agree with what u said. And v’an as a caretaker and vehicle seems to imply his Illuminati split persona as he has ability to split his mind and it becomes 2 horns.
And here they are drawing the characters (it could be staged I agree maybe they had prompts on what to draw or influenced in the behinds the scenes we don’t see on cam)

More episode on YT