Do you see hope in the future? I don't


Sep 20, 2017
I'm 24 years old been in a relationship with my christian partner for 7 years. i've wanted to have a baby since i was a child myself. But this world puts me off the way thing's are going i've recently been prescribed anti Depressents because i'm feeling suicidal and unhappy just because of the world............... i don't see anything positive at all in it nothing seems to make me happy anymore..... I'd feel so selfish if i was to bring another life into this world knowing how it is...... But i would love a baby so much i would love to experience the entire process being pregnant giving birth to a beautiful life........ But it's what comes afterwards that upsets me............. it's worse when people you know the same age as yourself have all been having beautiful babies it makes me very envious and sad :(

Anyway what are your thoughts on the future? Do you see anything good coming beyond the horizon? Or is it just gonna keep getting worse?


Jan 4, 2018
I'm 24 years old been in a relationship with my christian partner for 7 years. i've wanted to have a baby since i was a child myself. But this world puts me off the way thing's are going i've recently been prescribed anti Depressents because i'm feeling suicidal and unhappy just because of the world............... i don't see anything positive at all in it nothing seems to make me happy anymore..... I'd feel so selfish if i was to bring another life into this world knowing how it is...... But i would love a baby so much i would love to experience the entire process being pregnant giving birth to a beautiful life........ But it's what comes afterwards that upsets me............. it's worse when people you know the same age as yourself have all been having beautiful babies it makes me very envious and sad :(

Anyway what are your thoughts on the future? Do you see anything good coming beyond the horizon? Or is it just gonna keep getting worse?
girl I'm about to be 24 soon and honestly I would NEVER EVER actively bring a child into this world not by mistake or purposely unless I'm really fiannically stable, in a blessed perfect partner realtionship, got a house paid for / steady mortage and I am secure in the fact my child's upbringing will be a semi peaceful one. I do not believe in having kids in today's day and age the elites have a milineal agenda blaming teenagers, young adults like us, and all below the age of 30 as the problem for today's world. They can cut that bullshit out cause they allowed the world to spiral the teenagers are just stuck and more hype than ever. It's a brutal world. When I was growing up that era of 94-2008 was the last bit of humanity left after 2010-2012 everything fucked up. The world has changed so much within 2000-2014 even. I'm living in an age where I can say to you "remember back in our day we talked on the house phone? we had no instant way of communicating with friends unless it was pager, cell phone, or aol e-mail over dial up internet? Remember when we unfolded big paper maps and had to use our brain to get where we needed to go? Remember when it was so much easier to talk to people without automatic fear of being shunned or having to be in a clique?"

I feel the same way. At my new job everyone my age and younger or in their 30s all married or have kids already I'm like what the fuck. It actaully made me feel lonely and ailneated for once. Having small crushes didnt mean shit and were squashed cause dude either had "baby mama" or was already married with a kid on the way with a wife. For me I cannot imagine having childern until I become a self actualized person and have the following things down:

By that I mean:
  1. Maturing and being self actualized : By the time I would have a child (on my own choice or just happens) I want the majority of my issues to be known, sorted through or a positive work in progress. I want to be able to conquer or at least realize my fears, clear up some voids, step outside my comfort zone. See the worst and best of my self or look back at it and think about how that would affect my kids and also how would my kids do the same for themselves. I really want to be together as a person majority of the way. We are human. Not perfect. But TOO MANY of us are having kids as fucked up people or a lot lingering issues and it passes onto our kids in ways we don't realize. I want to be ability to be honest with myself.
  2. Figuring out where the world is and what part of the world I want my child in: The world is not what it use to be it is not even what it use to be in the 2000s (although d!kcheads love to act like we're bitching and the world is normal as it always been) and I really want to see the world for what it is and what it can be. I also want to carefully pick and decide where my child would grow up in the world as America is not a sound option anymore unless I want her or him to be naturalized citizen by birth. I know other sides of the world have their problems but Before I ever have a child (I don't really care for childern that much if I have one ok if not whatever*) , I want to be a well traveled person myself. Whether through books and text I want to see the world..
  3. Having a kid cause I truly want one: No shade to most people who have had their kids unplanned but there are too many young teenagers and kids who have kids and don't really bnd or connect with them. Especially young black youth who just have the kids and there main focus is just getting them along and that's it. I want to want one for the purpose of enriching another humans life. Cause again don't forget you're not having a "kid" you are giving birth to another human being who becomes an adult eventually. that's a whole life commitment even when they are grown.
  4. Making sure my kids don't become brainwashed: I mentioned it on a thread once that I see so many parents sticking ipads, cell phones and tablets in their kids face to keep them occupied instead of realizing the damage they are doing. I can't talk cause I was addicted to being on the computer most of my middle school and highschool years way too much, but I was never brought up as an infant or kid that way. I would want to make sure my kids don't expose themselves to social media or apps just because of pressure or following the crowd. Make sure my kid does things that stimulates the brain.
There is so much I could go on about but yeah people don't stop to think about these things and in todays world people don't think at all and are assholes everywhere you go. The world has so much beautiful about it but you have to see a tragedy, disaster, misfortune or really search for the happiness to feel it. I don't think this is a time to have kids all willy nilly. Maybe let's wait and see in the 2020s. But not now. just my piece.


Jun 17, 2017
Anyway what are your thoughts on the future? Do you see anything good coming beyond the horizon? Or is it just gonna keep getting worse?
the future forecast is very bleak. it has to get a lot worse, it appears, to get the masses a-crackin`, and then it will be awful until we finally emerge from the dark tunnel on the other side. on the other hand, truth seekers having children to continue the struggle is very important. after all, we are essentially soldiers for consciousness. we have the most important job on the planet: awaking humanity and breaking our enslavement. so we always need more recruits for the battle.

make sure you are prepared physically and mentally (if you are suicidal, i think you need time) as well as financially and have a stable home for the child. THEN research jeanice barcelo about childbirth trauma and vaccines and all that. thats the problem-- life is very short. have the kid young and youll be young enough to do stuff with them but make lots of mistakes, but if you have the kid later, youll have obtained more valuable wisdom about life in general, but you wont have as much time with them during your lifespan.


Mar 18, 2017
Personally, I still look forward to the future. The world exists as a sort of dichotomy where it is the best of times and the worst of times all at once. I think about the changes that have taken place throughout my life, and sure, there was less technology when I was younger. I used to play outside more when I was a kid than some kids do today maybe, but I think people idolize things like this more than they deserve. I think people really only say that things were better in the past because it is a way to dissociate from the things in the present that make us feel powerless. When we feel powerless to change the present, we try to escape it by idolizing things that happened in the past and assuming that change is creating the problems. Change isn't creating the problems and there are a lot of advantages that we have now as well. We probably know more about a lot of things than they did in the past. It may sound very cheezy, but I love things like colloidal silver and essential oils. Both of which are an example of innovating the way we use natural remedies.

I have two children. I had them in my early 20's. They are both teenagers right now. Looking back, I think 25 to 30 is the perfect age to have a baby if you are going to have one. They say it is easy to have children when you are younger because you have more energy and I didn't understand what they meant until just recently. There is no way I would personally go through with a pregnancy at my age. I just don't have the energy for the toll that it takes on your body, so if you are going to have a baby, like 25 to maybe even 33 is the perfect age to do it. But there are a lot of advantages to having children now as well. Car seats, disposable diapers, washing machines, etc. All things considered, I really feel like I have still lived in a Golden Age as far as having children go.

I would have even loved to have more children. I like to say that in another life, I would have had 12 children. Although, I would want to adopt if I had more children. I have thought about adoption a lot, but it can be so expensive, which is unfortunate. Anyways, children do make life full. If this is something that you really want, I don't think that you should put your life on hold for something that there is no way to guarantee is going to happen on a certain day. We just have to keep going and keep living if we still have the opportunity to do this.


Mar 13, 2017
I'm straight with the future. The present... not so much.

It just sucks when you know what the government has done with all the brain chopping shit. Some guy in a room is like, how the hell do we get out of this mess? And someone else is like, how about more brain chopping?

Can you say genius? Because that's how they get everything done! What I'm saying is the same choppers who were screwing us, will end up being our saviors. Well maybe hero is the more accurate term. I think in our case we really do need a hero though.
May 18, 2018
Hope is a quality that exists between a person and God. It is divine. There has never been hope in time because everything is a mixture of good and bad, and everything in the world decays and passes away.

I’ve been realizing that Hope is a quality that is like the other ones that exist between us and God. They do not change, decay, diminish. Love, trust, peace, hope, should all be like this among others. Any of these qualities in time and the world will decay, but any of them that are placed in God are absolute.

I’ve been asking God to send me the quality of Hope that never decays, like Paul was writing about. Depression is to have no hope and we don’t need this, because God is always with us, therefore we always have hope


Mar 15, 2017
I'm 24 years old been in a relationship with my christian partner for 7 years. i've wanted to have a baby since i was a child myself. But this world puts me off the way thing's are going i've recently been prescribed anti Depressents because i'm feeling suicidal and unhappy just because of the world............... i don't see anything positive at all in it nothing seems to make me happy anymore..... I'd feel so selfish if i was to bring another life into this world knowing how it is...... But i would love a baby so much i would love to experience the entire process being pregnant giving birth to a beautiful life........ But it's what comes afterwards that upsets me............. it's worse when people you know the same age as yourself have all been having beautiful babies it makes me very envious and sad :(

Anyway what are your thoughts on the future? Do you see anything good coming beyond the horizon? Or is it just gonna keep getting worse?
Life is like the seasons and weather. There are cycles, good times and bad, sometimes famine, sometimes feast.
You are old enough to look back and see you have come through some difficult times that you have learnt from despite the pain. You are going through one of the difficult times now.

I read somewhere the observation that the fruit trees and crops are in the valleys, not the high mountain peaks and so it is with our own life. Look at people who have overcome personal struggles and tragedies early in life, they are the ones who inspire other people.

The people who have it too easy (e.g. born with a silver spoon in their mouth) are often shallow and later unable to cope with problems because they didn't learn how to deal with disappointments when they were younger.

So I am typing to the undercurrents of your message. After a time of pruning the next harvest will be better than it would have been before. E.g. personal depression will produce extreme sensitivity and compassion for others if a person does not let self-pity and bitterness take over. Hold onto that. *hugs from a stranger*.
Mar 17, 2017
With every day that goes by, the world gets worse but on the flipside more truth comes to the surface about how the world used to be. And as it was used to be, so will it be. Once this current power structure goes away, the next and original power structure arises. IMO of course. And thats where my hope lies. Whether people find hope in what that power structure will be is to the individual...


Mar 18, 2017
I think people really only say that things were better in the past because it is a way to dissociate from the things in the present that make us feel powerless. When we feel powerless to change the present, we try to escape it by idolizing things that happened in the past and assuming that change is creating the problems.
Kinda true.
I think about the changes that have taken place throughout my life, and sure, there was less technology when I was younger. I used to play outside more when I was a kid than some kids do today maybe, but I think people idolize things like this more than they deserve.
Idolizing a GLORIOUS by-gone era!! I think the changes in the world haven't been favorable to childhood on the whole. At all. Kids NEED to be outside (lucky ones are those in the countryside/rural setting). If they aren't, they are indoors, staring at the TV, tablet or phone (which I hate to see), which is detrimental (feeling lonely, depressed, suicidal). That's why I enjoyed... much. It does chronicle most of the changes besetting childhood. In one on episodes, Mr. Winston talks about how the "roaming range" has shrunk from a mile (in the 20s?), to mere yards today. So, here we are;

Close roads so children can play in the street like their parents did, say public health experts

Children as young as six calling Childline because they feel lonely

Three-quarters of UK children spend less time outdoors than *prison inmates* – survey

The Overprotected Kid


Mar 15, 2017
We'll be OK, the next generation will probably be more-or-less OK, the generation after that will be in serious, serious trouble, unless the generation before them makes some INCREDIBLY significant advances and changes. The planet's ecosystems are in a state of exponential free-fall, the Oceans are already fucked and at the current rate will probably be outright dead in 120 years or so, the economic growth paradigm is seeming increasingly suicidal, and yet all the people in a position to change it are too busy making mint off of it.


May 20, 2017
The oppressors want us to lose hope and fear them however this is a counterproductive attitude for those who want to check them.;)
Jun 1, 2018
Anyway what are your thoughts on the future? Do you see anything good coming beyond the horizon? Or is it just gonna keep getting worse?
Yes, because I believe in God. The God I believe in suffered the worst humiliation, torture and execution--all at the hands of His beloved!--so that He could swing open the gates of Heaven. He showed His people that He had power of death, but to do that He first had to die.

Whenever I am feeling that the world has dealt me a shit hand, I have to remind myself that Jesus went through worse, for my sake and yours.

EDIT: I remembered you were worried about bringing a child into this world. Let me share a story. My mother was an advanced age when I was conceived and the doctors warned that I could be mentally retarded or suffer some other disabilities. She was (and still is) a very devout Christian and told them, "If my son is just an ear, I would still love him and cherish him as God's gift." I guess my point here is that faith, hope and love in God can give you the fortitude to weather any challenge, which is what we need to overcome this dark world.
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