BTS discussion thread


Jun 1, 2018
I feel angry too at most of them but I can’t not care for V for some reason Ik he’s not perfect and I try to forget about him but I honestly feel so sorry for him and a few others in the group
I dont feel any anger nor hate. I just feel sorry...i truly feel sorry for them and for the people their company had fooled.


Dec 28, 2017
Guys do you think B+s or the staff of B+s follow this theard or maybe are a member in this theard?
I ask my self every time if anyone of them read this theard, because this theard have over 200.000 views.
Imagine that a member of B+s is reading this theard if he give us a hint i would sh:eek:ck.
I dunno about staff but I definitely think many English speaking kpop idols have lurked in this one and the other kpop related one including N@mjo0n.


Dec 22, 2017
Beehive got me believing she still relevant. Her Coachella performance was talked about so, I wasn't aware their shows aren't selling well...or the music. Maybe that's why the two fandoms had to unite? As a result, beehive fans are liking B+S music now.
not sure if they are really liking it or just pretending so armys keep streaming lol
But of course you have some fans on twiter saying BTS are the only kpop group who has decent music



Jun 1, 2018
I feel angry at Namjoon no one else in the group he’s the only one who seems to enjoy this and I honestly hate how he manipulates his fans he may be super nice to his fans but it doesn’t change the fact that he looks like he loves this life Finding out he produces their satanic songs took the final ounce of respect I ever had for him
You don’t manipulate fans like that and push disgusting and horrific agendas him and his company know what they’re doing to these young girls and carry on
Not to be a joon stan but we never know for sure if he’s the only one enjoying all of it :(
Mar 24, 2018
Not to be a joon stan but we never know for sure if he’s the only one enjoying all of it :(
We don’t but he seems like he is he seems to know the most and apparently three of them are in higher status and it’s a high possibility he’s in that three idk like you said we don’t know I don’t hate him I just feel disappointed as I thought he was this amazing leader who looked after BTS and fans


Jan 16, 2018
not sure if they are really liking it or just pretending so armys keep streaming lol
But of course you have some fans on twiter saying BTS are the only kpop group who has decent music

Lol. Yeah, I read somewhere they are really feeling Outro:Tear. (I won't lie, it's my fav off the album.)

It's all usury on both parties. I dont know whether to laugh or feel sorry for them.


Apr 22, 2018

I've been lurking on this thread for I while, but I think the time has come to comment and clarify a few things.
Who I am isn't important, I can't say much, only that I was assigned to follow the thread.
Many things you've written are true, some are simply wrong. There are different types of sacrifices and all first-class stars know about them.
To become a celebrity you have to be part of a satanic cult like the Ordo Templi Orientis or the Thelema Society. Occult knowledge and sorcery are taught in these secret groups.
I don't know much about bts, but I see with my third eye that they're dominated by childlike sex-demons (like Michael Jackson).
Anyway, I'm not here to talk about the music industry, but about religions. I also belong to a secret cult in which we learn about religions.
After "graduation", we are introduced to churches and other religious institutions to work there as pastors or priests. Our job is to mislead religious people and bring them closer to paganism. I tell you all this because I've broken some rules and must expect the imminent death anyway.
I know that many of you - especially the Christians - will call me a liar, but I don't care. There are things that need to be said.

I will delete this post and my account after thirty-three hours.

The Christians in this group always claim to have the only true religion, but in fact you are the one most misguided. You analyze whole music videos and pictures, but never get the idea to question your own religion.

The main task of the Church is to spread the message of God delivered through Jesus. In reality, they spread false teachings that shouldn't bring us closer to God, but to Satan. I know that, because that's exactly what I'm learning.

The message of the Messiah and the teachings of the Creator were used to shift the distribution of power.

Judaism, but especially Christianity, are distortions.
Go back in time! The story repeats itself. The Pope is an occultist. The Vatican has made it through cheating and murder.
Have you ever wondered why Rome, the Vatican, is understood as the basis of Christianity and the supreme authority of all churches?
Because they follow Lucifer's doctrine, not Jesus'.

Jesus is and was never the Savior of humanity. He himself has left nothing scriptural. Everything comes from the memory of his friends. And this remembrance is called the New Testament.

The New Testament was originally written in the Greek language, there were more than 5,700 copies (fragmentary copies) and many errors were found in them.

Ask yourself what happened to the original text.

Today's Christianity is a chaotic image of God and not a unified doctrine.

Jesus had to die on the cross to take all the sins of men so that everyone would go to heaven after death. That's a lie. There're texts proving that Jesus wasn't crucified. All high-class occultists know that..

Jesus is neither God nor the Son of God. The four Gospels were falsified. The Trinity is also a lie. If you do your research and really dire into the often untold origins of Christianity, you'll see that much of the Christian religion in fact pagan at it roots.

Christians worship Osiris, Zoroastrianism and Mithraism.

You worship Mother Mary and the holy child, because Isis had a gold-like child called Horus.

Your God doesn't have a begotten son. Jesus was just a prophet.

Ask yourself, why Jesus is often portrayed assuming many occult hand signs.

The ritual of taking communion, with the round wafer or bread is an ancient practice of worshipping sun gods as Ba'al and Osiris.

And why is Sun-day the holy day? Because Christians worship the sun god.

holy water = water was often worshipped in pagan times. Water has a cleansing power, mentally and spiritually (baptism)
It was a small determined group of people that spread these false teachings. And you live after that, day by day.

Ask yourself: Did Jesus ever call himself a Christian? Where does the word come from? Christianity is the greatest blasphemy on earth. That's why occultists like me call ourselves Christians. We can continue our pagan religion without fear of being called heathen. Believe me, every Satanist loves Christianity and Judaism. The occultists have implanted their teachings into your religions.

At the Council of Nicaea there were various debates and votes up to the immortality of Jesus. At that time he was still considered a prophet and a mortal man. They voted about the divinity of Jesus! The pagan emperor Constantine gave Jesus divine magic and made him a God.

Much of what you have called Christianity has in fact occult roots, eg Baptism. No, WE don't copy or mock your religion. It's you who copy US.

Many of you won't believe me and that's exactly what they want.

Judaism and Christianity were infiltrated by the occultists. The story repeats itself. First the Talmud, then the Gospels. Next is Islam. The Ahadith have destroyed islam and made a contradictory and retrograde religion out of it. Bukhary was a Freemason, also Abu Huraira. Their job was to change Islam because they can't change the Qur'an. It's amazing, but no occultist dares to change the Qur'an. Each of them despises Islam, me too. But there is a code 19 that protects this book. Two of my "colleagues" were sent to Saudi Arabia to act as Imams and to spread the teachings of the Ahadith.
We are everywhere, believe me. Even in this thread are people to fool you. And no, I'm not the one.

Ask yourself why Muslims memorize the Qur'an, but hardly know its meaning. Ask yourself why there's abrogation in Islam. Ask yourself has more worth than the Quran verses.Ask yourself why the media is after Islam and Muslims. The media is controlled by the elite and the elite is satanic. They detest Islam because they find it difficult to change it. The Quran contains protective magic.

The elite seeks to deify the Prophet Mohamed, just as they have led Christians to deify Jesus. Ask yourself, why you say the name of Mohammed AND Allah in the same breath while praying. Ask yourself why Mohamed's wife was supposedly 9 years old, according to Ahadith. Ask yourself why Muslims, like Christians, say "Amen."

At the time of the Prophet Islam was modern, critical, revolutionary. The women under the protection of the Prophet were educated, free, independent. There are texts about it that are only shown to us occultists.
Islam is now an Arab tradition, not an advanced religion.

Think. Scrutinize. Use your brain.
A religion that doesn't allow questions should be questioned.

You better believe me and question your "holy" religion. Satanism rules the world. Occultists rules the world. No religion in the world is safe from it.

My lifetime is over. I know what will happen to me after this post.

Are you being serious?