BTS discussion thread


Feb 14, 2018
For a sexual comment though? You have all these demeaning fanfics depicting them in all kinds of graphic storylines and they're suing for a sexual comment? What did that person say?? Lol.
Right? ARMYs literally engage in ships and write fanfiction about either the boys being raped or themselves being raped by them. The hypocrisy is real. :rolleyes:

If someone stated this on twitter, I could imagine the excuses they'd come up with.
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Jun 11, 2018
For a sexual comment though? You have all these demeaning fanfics depicting them in all kinds of graphic storylines and they're suing for a sexual comment? What did that person say?? Lol.
Then we shall send them all the screenshots of those dirty fanfictions and be like are you gonna send those people in prison too ?(sure they wouldn't do cr*p about it smh)


Dec 22, 2017
For a sexual comment though? You have all these demeaning fanfics depicting them in all kinds of graphic storylines and they're suing for a sexual comment? What did that person say?? Lol.
sexual comment? but they stalk twitter and that place is literally filled with sexual fanfics and fanart. even some porn videos where the fans pretend the actors are B-TS members :oops: And in youtube you can also find their "moan compilation" and a lot of other disturbing videos


Jun 7, 2018
Saw this comment under ‘The Truths Untold ‘ fan made MV. Comments are full with wattpaders writing their fictions about bt$. This one caught my attention after seeing predictions and videos about V is gonna be sacrifice or harmed in this thread.

View attachment 9904View attachment 9905View attachment 9906

It maybe unintentionally, but why V?
in beeee ts fanfiction world Veee often have a role to be die, i don't know why. For me the feel when i wrote about him mostly have a sad vibe.


Jan 16, 2018
sexual comment? but they stalk twitter and that place is literally filled with sexual fanfics and fanart. even some porn videos where the fans pretend the actors are B-TS members :oops: And in youtube you can also find their "moan compilation" and a lot of other disturbing videos

I'd really like to know what the accused said in their sexual comment that caused them to get sued.


Jun 1, 2018

cute how they ignore the CEO own words when he literally talked about the formula/strategy he used for BTS success
I am literally lol right now! This user tried to looks smart but... I just.. could not... react.. positively...
Let me laugh for a moment.

And oh, what kind of username is that? yikes

i'm wondering how lyrics talking about being depressed and ugly are helping the youth, also wondering why they think BTS don't care about fame and money when all their products are extremely expensive (especially ticket for their concerts)
Bigh!t brainwashing is very effective
This! Sometimes I am thinking to spread a quiz as a little research to know about the B*T*S effect for their fans. The purpose is to get a clear idea about what is the changing on army's life after became B*T*S fans. Are they become more happy? More motivated in their life? Became a better person? Their grades at school became higher for those who are still in school?

Because I was not!

*I missed the morse party yesterday. So much more interesting discussion...


Feb 7, 2018
Hi guys. I've been reading this thread for several days and I think you guys did well. Thumbs up, I hope everyone especially Kpop fans read this to open their mind.

Sorry for bothering the discussion, may I ask something? Yesterday I saw this thread has 340 pages, but then I'm back again now and suddenly it has 333 pages (the number of pages creeps me out lol), so I wonder if some pages were deleted? Why? And the title just changed? Recently I read 31st page so I don't know what's happenning...

Sorry for my bad English, I'm not a native speaker...
May 24, 2018
The UK is pushing a law that makes memes illegal.
Lmao!!! That’s screaming NWO agenda right there. How threatened are they by memes to think of banning it? Smh. Pathetic. Human control system at play.


I don’t like them censoring ppl like this there are protecting your artists and going overboard. They *probably* out to make some examples anyways. In their home side because it’s be messy in the international.
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Jun 1, 2018
Hi guys. I've been reading this thread for several days and I think you guys did well. Thumbs up, I hope everyone especially Kpop fans read this to open their mind.

Sorry for bothering the discussion, may I ask something? Yesterday I saw this thread has 340 pages, but then I'm back again now and suddenly it has 333 pages (the number of pages creeps me out lol), so I wonder if some pages were deleted? Why? And the title just changed? Recently I read 31st page so I don't know what's happenning...

Sorry for my bad English, I'm not a native speaker...
Hi! Welcome to this forum!

Yes, some users deleted their posts I guess after knowing that B!gH!t is suing fans.

We are on page 334 now334.JPG
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May 24, 2018
Ugh can we call this some big booty spiritual warfare. Honestly that is what this feels like. The enemy is trying to break us. And am I the only one bothered that this thread keeps going or staying on page 333.
Funny 333 minute is when j1min comes up in Mvs... hmm
It could also be a synchronicity or angel # .. hmm

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May 24, 2018
I thought it was strange how they announced taking legal action just after BS&T was released & just a day or so before V announced the passing of his grandmother. My first thought was they knew people would connect the dots and start talking so to silence them they did the legal action. It's crazy how BH is the only company doing this. With fame comes both positive and negatives, and a negative is having anti's and haters. Having rumors spread and shit talked about you, it comes with the territory of being famous.
They probably anticipate some backlash or something during those times. Define not a coincidence. This is it.
May 24, 2018
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May 24, 2018
I've noticed something (probably) very interesting.

In 2020, J!n will be 27 (check sum 9)
and Ta€ 24 (check sum 6)
Not only that, notice that they are also 3 years apart.

Both, Ta€ and J!n were born in December (the 12th month of the year and the month of Saturnalia).

12 has the check sum 3

Ta€ was born on the 30th day (3+0 = 3 again)

Ta€'s zodiac sign is Capricorn, which refers to the Baphomet. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the 6th planet of the sun system.
In their music videos, especially in bs&t he is the fallen god Icarus aka the fallen angel and tempter lucifer.

J!n's zodiac is Sagittarius, the 9th sign of the zodiac!

Occult Numerology and the Number Nine (9)
There are a variety numbers that hold secret significance within occult circles. Among the most common are 3, 6, 9, & 13. The number that we will focus in this study is the number 9. It holds powerful significance for many occult groups. Let's take a look at some of the arcane history behind the number nine.

Satanists and the Number Nine
Satanists take delight in the number nine for a couple of reasons. First, Satanists enjoy reversing, mirroring and inverting symbols, letters and numbers. When you turn the number "9" upside down you get "6" which makes up the number of the Beast (666) as revealed in Revelation 13:18 in the Bible. (Side Note: That mean when you turn J!n's number 9 upside down you will get Ta€'s number 6. Why are these two boys always connected to each other?)
Second, Satanists take perverse pleasure in commemorating the death of Christ and the death of Christ is associated with the number nine. Mark 15: 34-37 reveals that Christ spoke his last words on the Cross of Calvary at the ninth hour and "gave up the ghost (died)."

“If you knew the magnificence of the three, six and nine, you would have a key to the universe.”– Nikola Tesla

Occultists place much faith in the inherent power of numbers. No plan of action can be carried out without first determining two things:
Is the timing of this plan of action in accordance with the astrological lineup of the stars, moons, and planets?
Is the timing of this plan of action in accordance with the numbers it will produce?

What do you think?
They both are winter solstice born. And have ties with occult numerology. Idk if this works for or against their favours but they could *possibly*
be moonchildren.

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May 24, 2018
Seriously - we're at 332 now. :rolleyes:

They should be more worried about the demons we've been discussing showing up in their home more than the police, wtf....

Sorry, but we need some humour right now.
Couldn’t agree more. Truth should never be suppressed no matter how un-pc it is. Also the popo are under the control of the el1te this is their way of herding the masses.
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