BTS discussion thread

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
Yes I am aware of the symbolism on the dollar. I understands the God on the dollar is a double speak. I am talking about all the unsuspecting citizens who worship what you call the "true God". By keeping it there, they are reinforcing the idea that the followers of God are on the right path, whether they believe in the opposite or not. Unsuspecting citizen: "Look here, my nation supports God, so will I!" If they wanted to turn people away from God, why wouldn't they remove his name any/everywhere they could?
Bacause the word God is not a threat to them. Jesus is. Honestly I don't see anyone believing in God just because the nation supposedly does or them thinking they're on the right path just because of it. In fact the illuminati plans on bringing about a NWO and a one world religion so they need the word god to stay in play for that be possible.


May 20, 2018
I was thinking that it seemed as though some of them might have knew this was coming too with the whole nonchalant vibe they were giving during the v live. I also don’t know how y00ngi’s attitude could just switch to happy regarding the situation I know if it were me I’d still be affected and be bothered that another sacrifice was made, but I guess when you deal with the things you do behind the scenes you become numb to it.
Yes.. Numb...
Like they're used to it.. That it's gona happen sooner or later so chill.. That kind of attitude ..

When they joined the company they obviously had to agree with the terms and conditions of the industry .. So there's no way back until you are under that company..


Feb 23, 2018
I was thinking that it seemed as though some of them might have knew this was coming too with the whole nonchalant vibe they were giving during the v live. I also don’t know how y00ngi’s attitude could just switch to happy regarding the situation I know if it were me I’d still be affected and be bothered that another sacrifice was made, but I guess when you deal with the things you do behind the scenes you become numb to it.
Maby antidepressants? Or some mind control or hypnotherapy? I also cant understand this mood changes from barely showing any interest on bma and being so happy knowing there's a grandma was killed for them. What if they brainwash them into thinking it is good so they already dont see any line between what is good or what is bad?


May 20, 2018
Maby antidepressants? Or some mind control or hypnotherapy? I also cant understand this mood changes from barely showing any interest on bma and being so happy knowing there's a grandma was killed for them. What if they brainwash them into thinking it is good so they already dont see any line between what is good or what is bad?
Seems possible ...
I just remembered how Rm wore that jacket .. Human control system written on itimages (11).jpegimages (10).jpeg


Jun 7, 2018
Bacause the word God is not a threat to them. Jesus is. Honestly I don't see anyone believing in God just because the nation supposedly does or them thinking they're on the right path just because of it. In fact the illuminati plans on bringing about a NWO and a one world religion so they need the word god to stay in play for that be possible.
Very insightful. Thank you.

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
Maby antidepressants? Or some mind control or hypnotherapy? I also cant understand this mood changes from barely showing any interest on bma and being so happy knowing there's a grandma was killed for them. What if they brainwash them into thinking it is good so they already dont see any line between what is good or what is bad?
Well RM sure seems to like Nietzche and here are some quotes, ideologies and info on Nietzche. So it may be that they see bad as good.

moralities of kindness, forgiveness, mercy, peace and fairness -- he terms “slave morality,” and he considers them moralities of weakness and biological feebleness, in contrast to what he terms “master morality,” or the morality of strength, animal spirits, power and the ability to control others.
The triumph of the 'Übermensch' over humanity reiterates the Gnostic theme of man as a higher being fettered by a corporeal prison (i.e., the body).
Nietzsche's own version of Gnosis (revelatory experience) is the "transvaluation of values," and the enthronement of self as the final moral authority.
'Der Wille zur Macht' (The Will to Power), Nietzsche declares:
"A daring and ruling race is building itself up... The aim should be to prepare a transvaluation of values for this new man, - most highly gifted in intellect and will. This man - and the elite around him will become the 'lords of the earth'".

followers of Nietzsche, who provided the ideological framework of terrorism. These philosophers themselves held various associations that prove them to be not mere thinkers, but actual propagandists promoted by the Illluminati.

The work Ritter started was continued by the German so-called philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (18ĺ44-1900) who founded Nietzscheism. Nietzscheism was developed into Fascism and later into Naziism and used to enable the agenda of the Illuminati to format both workd wars.


Jan 16, 2018
It wasn't my intention to get us all riled up in religion, and for that, I'm sorry. My reason for posting my religious views were to give some background as to why I think WE need to do something about the mischief happening in our world. If someone can direct me to a thread where these ideas can be entertained further, please let me know. As I said before, I'm only halfway through this thread so I don't know if anyone has already suggested we DO something or if it's just more and more commenting on what bt$ is up to. I understand they are what this thread is about, but this thread does no good if we don't do anything with the information. I don't know who said it, but someone here said we are replacing our obsession of bt$ with an obsession of seeing just how "far" they've gone into the occult. If nothing proactive is being done with the information we are sharing, then aren't we just going around in circles? :( If you are worried about one of them being sacrificed, why aren't you asking what you can do about it? We aren't powerless, people. Look what ARMii has accomplished! Enough people demanding change can make change happen. Enough people at a concert can make a difference in those boys' lives.

Two things:

I like the idea of actually doing something about all of this. It's a wonderful idea in theory, but where do you even start? How do you reach the masses that make up ARMYs? I'm happy to have a platform where all of us can come together amongst each other and share our own findings and interpretations. And I'm glad @Maggieca thought to start this thread specific to them. So to me, that is a start. But really, how do we go about going further than this? It seems like such an impossible task!

Ideas were given. Idk if you've read that far yet. Someone suggested sending translated letters by way of someone who is attending a fan signing. Another poster suggested creating a YT channel to do something like a video version akin to this thread. And then you have some that are sharing the link to here. Again, good ideas...will it reach the fans? How do you reach them?

I got nothing at this point. I just think it's one of those things that will come with time.

I get you're your own, free will thinker, so you're not "religious" and don't think prayer is effective. I believe words have power. It's been my prayer for ARMYs to wake up from their spell. It's been my prayer for members to leave on their own terms. It's been my prayer for them to fall from their popularity with whatever it takes (with a safe landing of course like YG said). Seriously, I'm a legit fan and yet I want their engine to run out of steam lol.

Second thing is: I have thought about this obsession many times. Although informative, it is a different kind of obsession. It is something that I hate to admit to having. I said much earlier that I had never thought about these kids like I have lately after revisiting this board. It would be nice to actually put a plan in place to tangibly get to them before another life succumbs to the workings of the industry.

the world is a stage

Mar 28, 2018
This is not bts related but also very interesting. :)

English is a witch language
The first thing you learn when you go to school is how to spell. Words are spelled to create a sentence of terms. Think of a jail sentence or a prison term. The Wyrd sisters in Greek mythology were Fates or witches who controlled the fates of man. In our language we use cursewords and cursive writing. We cuss and dis-cuss. Words have meaning and (are) mean things especially cross words. They can be used to make a point. We use a "con" verse to converse in order to keep us off course in our dis-course as a phrase frays. We use catch words. A story is a spiel or a spell. It is all part of the gospel of the Godspell or God's spell.
spell1.gif spell3.png

cursive (w)riting
Books contain chapters. What is a chapter? A chapter is a secret society or religious order, like the Knights Templar. A chapter contains many pages. What is a page? A page is an understudy and in service to the queen and king, as in pages and squires, a knight who is well versed in magic and is more or less a soldier or trained assassin. To page someone is to summons them. Pages summon demons to enslave or imprison our souls. After all, a page does contain many sentences. A jail sentence is served in a prison ward. And indeed a sentence is created by words that are spelled out by using letters. A letter is someone who allows something to happen or someone who does something for some one else, like a bloodletter.

Most words have multiple meanings and synonyms not to mention many anagrams which the subconscious mind can recognize.
What effect does that have when words with almost opposite meanings are homophones. Think about "know" and "no". Knowledge is considered a very positive word yet it is linked phonetically with the most negative word in our language. So when you say "I know this to be true" are you partiallly negating its reality? Consider the above statement in which the letters of the words have been rearranged, yet you still should be able to read it without problem. This means your subconscious mind should also relate multiple meanings to words have many anagrams. So it shouldn't be any problem to associate God as good, the devil as evil. Now consider the following word relationships: live, evil; god, goat, dog; love, evol.

When occultists say, "God bless you," they really mean "Goat bless you." And who is the goat they refer to? The goat god Pan/Baphomet!


Pronouncing the words has a pronounced effect. The science of cymatics shows how all spoken sounds take on a vibratory geometry or shape like how you can blow smoke rings by forming your mouth into the shape of the 'O'. The tibetan monks show how sound can be used to form geometric patterns in a plate of sand particles. So the spoken word can indeed create reality.


Have you ever wondered why we use the word hello to greet each other? After all, the word can be reduced to hell, the fiery place of eternal punishment and the suffix -o which means "associated with". In Greek mythology, Helios, which means "sun", was the God of the Sun.


Is it just a coincidence that you have a soul and that our sun is called Sol? If so, why do we call those who die in battle soldiers or sol diers? Is that why we say "good morning" when the sun rises -- because it is good to see the sun because it gives us life, but we are mourning those who sacrificed their souls to make it possible. Why do we call our male offspring sons? You are called a person. Is it because you pertain to the sun?

Do some of the letters or building blocks of our language contain within them a blueprint for the control and possession of our spirits? English has Germanic origins and it is likely that the english letters have their roots in the Germanic runes which were used for magic and casting spells.
Many of the letters of the English alphabet come directly from the Germanic Runes which were used for magic and spell casting and for causing 'ruin'. Look at how many English letters you can identify from the Elder Futhark rune set.

The far reaching extent in which the spell our language has cast on us can be seen in the every day usage of cliche. Our languages are saturated with what we like to call killer words and phrases because that’s what they do. Englishmen use the word bloody all the time… bloody well right, they do!!! Some women are considered drop dead gorgeous… and when they are dressed to kill, they are to die for. She was a dead ringer for Marilyn Monroe. If looks could kill they would because she will take your breath away. Wouldn’t you just kill for a date with her? Sometimes she really gets under my skin and burns me up, but if anyone tries to hurt her, they would have to go“over my dead body because I will punch their lights out if they get near her. I’m serious as a heart attack. I’m dead serious. She can be as mean as a snake at times, but she really knew how to kill ‘em with kindness. I was dead set for her. I could have just died right there. I mean, I felt like I had just died and gone to heaven. Eat your heart out. She was a live wire, but at least I would go out in a blaze of glory. I don’t want to beat a dead horse, but she really took me for a ride. Of course, I wore my heart on my sleeve the whole time, but I was scared to death I might lose her because you really have to keep your eyes peeled to find a good one. Not to be a killjoy, but I’m dead to the world around most women, dead as a doorknob.

Why do Christians conclude their prayers by invoking the name of an Egyptian deity, Amen, who had the body of a man and a ram's head when Satan is depicted as a horned god having a goat's head?

Why does Christmas, the birthday of the Son of God, coincide with the birthday of the Sun of God at the winter solstice, the three days when the sun is at its lowest point on the Southern Cross, appears to stand still for three days, and then rises or is born again? Is this why Easter is celebrated during the Spring Equinox when the East Star, the Sun, has risen? Why is Santa an anagram for Satan? What exactly does Old Nick really mean? And what is a jingle bell?


That IT refers to Satan can seen in the phrase "when It rains, It pours." Satan, the goat God, is also known as Pan, the Piper. The word gote, a variant spelling of goat, means a channel or pipe for water and comes from the Old English word geotan which means "to pour"! So when It reigns, It pours.

When children play hide and seek, someone always has to be “it”. All the other children run and hide from whoever’s “it”. “It” then goes roaming around trying to find and capture whoever’s not “it”. When someone is found they are tagged as the new “it” -- “Tag, you’re it!!”

The Beatles’ Paul McCartney said the idea for the song “Let it Be” came to him in a dream. He chants the line over and over and we all sing along almost willing it into existence. Every time the song is played on the radio, thousands and thousands are sending forth thought and sound vibrations into the air. We use the word “it” in our language over and over all the time. Could it be possible to manifest a creature from the id, or from the subconscious?

Read more:


May 20, 2018
I don't really believe in predictions but considering how everything has been going for the boys I wouldn't be shocked.

Check out @Predict_2019’s Tweet:
We all here know it's gona be the granny grammy...
What's more special than that to the musicians nowadays ...
And grammy shows are the most horrible shows of all.. Too much scary occultic performances with fires.. Horns .. 1 eyed Symbolisms. Levitationsimages (12).jpeg


Feb 23, 2018
Seems possible ...
I just remembered how Rm wore that jacket .. Human control system written on itView attachment 9118View attachment 9119
They have worn so much weird symbolic clothes for all these years
I always was suspicious abot mk ultra, from one side I belived in it, but from the other side there's a lot of weird facts and 'insiders' but now i'm starting to belive in it more and more. I can't imagine how person in right mind can attend weird sex parties, drinking blood, praying to satan, sacrifice people and at the same time living normal life, go shopping, meet friend and laugh like it is never happened, I would go crazy. This reminds me of some pedos who absolutely shure it is normal thing and really can't understand why people against it, they weird mind see it as something innocent. They dont talk about it in public only cs 'there's weird people who don't understand them'. People cand save animals and make charity but at the same time sacrifice their relatives...maby they really brainwashed thinking it is good since it is for their success.


Jan 16, 2018
They are just ordinary korean dudes, really. The armys alway hyping how handsome they are but really they are just men, there are a lot of boys outside who also have great personalities and look great and treat you well and they won't drinking blood or sacrifice grandma for fame
Really this "they look so perfect, where can I find the men like them" makes me sick. Seriously, when I go outside, I see a lot of handsome men, everywhere I go

I laughed out loud at this part!!

I really never thought about that, though. I knew about such arrangements but not from the point of view of how they choose someone who is also a part of the occult. Good point.


May 20, 2018
They have worn so much weird symbolic clothes for all these years
I always was suspicious abot mk ultra, from one side I belived in it, but from the other side there's a lot of weird facts and 'insiders' but now i'm starting to belive in it more and more. I can't imagine how person in right mind can attend weird sex parties, drinking blood, praying to satan, sacrifice people and at the same time living normal life, go shopping, meet friend and laugh like it is never happened, I would go crazy. This reminds me of some pedos who absolutely shure it is normal thing and really can't understand why people against it, they weird mind see it as something innocent. They dont talk about it in public only cs 'there's weird people who don't understand them'. People cand save animals and make charity but at the same time sacrifice their relatives...maby they really brainwashed thinking it is good since it is for their success.
Ughh.. P3dos don't deserve to live... How cruel can a human be... The mere thinking gives me shivers ..
Children and so innocent and pure.. How can someone be so cruel to them...

And its like in the movie eyes wid3 shut.. First he casts a spell on the cloaked women.. To make them do what he wants...
So basically it's magick.. Black one.. Maybe they wouldn't even remember the next day what they had done ...
But those who take advantage of women under spell.. Do know very well what they're doing.. So they're the sinners..

Do you know about spirit c00king? These celebrities join this cooking themselves being in their senses and eat and drink blood there ...


Feb 23, 2018
Well RM sure seems to like Nietzche and here are some quotes, ideologies and info on Nietzche. So it may be that they see bad as good.

moralities of kindness, forgiveness, mercy, peace and fairness -- he terms “slave morality,” and he considers them moralities of weakness and biological feebleness, in contrast to what he terms “master morality,” or the morality of strength, animal spirits, power and the ability to control others.
The triumph of the 'Übermensch' over humanity reiterates the Gnostic theme of man as a higher being fettered by a corporeal prison (i.e., the body).
Nietzsche's own version of Gnosis (revelatory experience) is the "transvaluation of values," and the enthronement of self as the final moral authority.
'Der Wille zur Macht' (The Will to Power), Nietzsche declares:
"A daring and ruling race is building itself up... The aim should be to prepare a transvaluation of values for this new man, - most highly gifted in intellect and will. This man - and the elite around him will become the 'lords of the earth'".

followers of Nietzsche, who provided the ideological framework of terrorism. These philosophers themselves held various associations that prove them to be not mere thinkers, but actual propagandists promoted by the Illluminati.

The work Ritter started was continued by the German so-called philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (18ĺ44-1900) who founded Nietzscheism. Nietzscheism was developed into Fascism and later into Naziism and used to enable the agenda of the Illuminati to format both workd wars.[/QUOTE
You're right
Rm in general likes "great" philosophers and writers who promote ideology wich is far from God. Since he says he doesnt see any different between love and hate he really has some problems with perception what is good and where's the true

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
Two things:

I like the idea of actually doing something about all of this. It's a wonderful idea in theory, but where do you even start? How do you reach the masses that make up ARMYs? I'm happy to have a platform where all of us can come together amongst each other and share our own findings and interpretations. And I'm glad @Maggieca thought to start this thread specific to them. So to me, that is a start. But really, how do we go about going further than this? It seems like such an impossible task!

Ideas were given. Idk if you've read that far yet. Someone suggested sending translated letters by way of someone who is attending a fan signing. Another poster suggested creating a YT channel to do something like a video version akin to this thread. And then you have some that are sharing the link to here. Again, good ideas...will it reach the fans? How do you reach them?

I got nothing at this point. I just think it's one of those things that will come with time.

I get you're your own, free will thinker, so you're not "religious" and don't think prayer is effective. I believe words have power. It's been my prayer for ARMYs to wake up from their spell. It's been my prayer for members to leave on their own terms. It's been my prayer for them to fall from their popularity with whatever it takes (with a safe landing of course like YG said). Seriously, I'm a legit fan and yet I want their engine to run out of steam lol.

Second thing is: I have thought about this obsession many times. Although informative, it is a different kind of obsession. It is something that I hate to admit to having. I said much earlier that I had never thought about these kids like I have lately after revisiting this board. It would be nice to actually put a plan in place to tangibly get to them before another life succumbs to the workings of the industry.
We really need more Arm¥ to wake up and gain enough strength in numbers to even make an impact tbh. I also believe in prayer and honestly had been praying one night about whether or not I should invest any more time into "exposing the boys being illuminati" or should I just walk away entirely from it all. Mainly because by continueing to do so I'd have to watch their stuff, and be focusing a lot of time talking about the occult. I had stopped due to me spending too much time on the boys and occult stuff and not enough on scripture and godly things and felt convicted of it. I have alot of notes and half started blogs. Anyways the next day is when @DarkAndWild found my posts in amino & suggested this forum. I believe my prayer (request for guidance) was answered. It's inspired me to start writing again and hopefully we as a group now can reach the numbers needed to get noticed. Idk if this makes sense. Even if we don't reach the actual members just reaching some blindly obsessed fans is worth it.


May 20, 2018
We really need more Arm¥ to wake up and gain enough strength in numbers to even make an impact tbh. I also believe in prayer and honestly had been praying one night about whether or not I should invest any more time into "exposing the boys being illuminati" or should I just walk away entirely from it all. Mainly because by continueing to do so I'd have to watch their stuff, and be focusing a lot of time talking about the occult. I had stopped due to me spending too much time on the boys and occult stuff and not enough on scripture and godly things and felt convicted of it. I have alot of notes and half started blogs. Anyways the next day is when @DarkAndWild found my posts in amino & suggested this forum. I believe my prayer (request for guidance) was answered. It's inspired me to start writing again and hopefully we as a group now can reach the numbers needed to get noticed. Idk if this makes sense. Even if we don't reach the actual members just reaching some blindly obsessed fans is worth it.
I wish your work reaches the armies out there and i personally believe ... There are many new who watch us daily.. Read our posts silently..
Hopefully all this will have a good impact on many people.. Let's keep doing what we can... An ocean can be made from the drops...

the world is a stage

Mar 28, 2018