BTS discussion thread

May 24, 2018
That's how much brainwashed the Armies are...
They can't say from their mouths that b1ght ain't doing anything.. Neither they are flooding them with tweets or messages ... Because obviously that would ruin the image of that company ..

Instead they are doing the things that b1gh1t should have been doing.. Themselves ....
They do sound brainwashed letting B!gheat walk over them. Not giving them schedules, previews etc. They just let it all slide,. Now they're doing their work for them. B!gheat got a nice slave @rmy now at their beck and call. People should call them out on it. Even the satanic symbolism people should ask more questions about that.


Apr 1, 2018
So this is their F3st@ Manual:

So yeah this manual made them look like robots with specific specs. They have a thing for "main function", "caution", "modes", "how to charge" etc., this may look like an innocent concept. However, in a conspiracy theorist's pow I see this as more of dehumanizing them portraying them more as objects and commodities. They don't own themselves they are being sold-out.

As for occult symbolism, I noticed that:

For j1min, his composition includes striped t-shirt (Note: R M wrote his manual)
7% striped t-shirt. And what I found out recently is "Bees" / stripes is a big occult symbol. In J M's drawing by R M he is seen wearing stripes (like bees?). And his hand gesture is pointing upwards to the sky (like the masonic grand hailing sign of distress).

Also for Sug@r, his composition is "skull on black".

And for the drawings, in V's manual drawn by Sug@r, the drawing has 3 stars on his head.

The type in J1n's has blood type AAA drawn in a pyramid fashion and this was drawn by J1min.

Maybe you guys can see some more symbols in it there's a lot to see.
What are code names?


Feb 14, 2018
Fans paying for a legal team can't B!gh!t protect their own artists? They're rich they could hire a whole security team for him.
Biigheat prob don't care or don't see it as a threat.

Since we were talking B1gheat staff, what you guys think of their manager s3j1n? He's been with them. Could he be in the elite too? I haven't found any signs of the occult for him yet. See this pics:
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But he did have a video where he said they go to the right and they follow him without question. They seem obedient to him. Could he be a handler?
100% h@ndler and gro0mer. He's been with them since they were trainees.
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Apr 1, 2018
In 2014 jk was wide guurll and he didn't even try to hide it lmao. He cameback to his pure maknae image in 2015 because bigshit checked him out lol (he said it himself #savage)

I feel like in groups (worldwide) there's always one member who speak out against the industry and I believe JK will be the one to do it in a few years because he already did lol And he seem to have the best heart/mind in the group.
Yeah like i've said before those with mercury in virgo have a hard time keeping secrets..
especially if they're being bombarded with it 24/7
I know I would


May 20, 2018
They do sound brainwashed letting B!gheat walk over them. Not giving them schedules, previews etc. They just let it all slide,. Now they're doing their work for them. B!gheat got a nice slave @rmy now at their beck and call. People should call them out on it. Even the satanic symbolism people should ask more questions about that.
The movie they took inspiration from.. Is more questionable than anything else.. It should have been questioned by the people... But no...
May 24, 2018
The movie they took inspiration from.. Is more questionable than anything else.. It should have been questioned by the people... But no...
They take it as a joke. Eyes wide shut. The truth is literally staring at them in their faces but they choose to not see it. See no evil, hear no evil speak no evil.

Another thought, maybe why b!gheat not doing anything about the death threats because they like feeding off the murderous energy of people?
May 24, 2018
If you guys want to know what these elite practices are... Check out this vid... This will help you understand

Wow this is eye opening. Maybe this should be on the front page? Along with eyes wide shut and fake love,. Like a recommended list of things to watch/ read. Maybe a diagram of how it all connects to bT$ (maybe someone good at art can do it)
Edit: The issue with J!m1n forgetting V's name could also be staged and they want people to hate him so when something drastic happens to him whether it be an accident or something else then the fans saw it coming (predictive programming) and B H don't address it because they live off of that negative energy.
Omg, the video, Even the Qu3en of 3ngl@nd is in on it. They k!ll3d pr!nc3ss D!@n@. SMH!
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May 20, 2018
They take it as a joke. Eyes wide shut. The truth is literally staring at them in their faces but they choose to not see it. See no evil, hear no evil speak no evil.

Another thought, maybe why b!gheat not doing anything about the death threats because they like feeding off the murderous energy of people?
This is what they want.. Keeping the sheeple busy with only thinking about them and the boys ...
Maybe the threats are self created by the company themselves... To check the mentality of their fandom ... Just a thought .. Could be real.. But just a thought

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
** Watch this video before it gets deleted !

This video shows that b*ts are all secret transgender satanists who are selected to brainwash the public and promote androgyny on everyone and all they want is a transgender NWO where everyone worships Satan.
Well Jin sure does have a prominent adams apple for being a female. Seriously this is crazy. Satanists pushing NWO agenda yea , trans umm no. First we have seen childhood pics of them as boys. Are they at times feminine looking ya but thats agenda pushing. They aren't trans. Whoever did this video does not know korean beauty culture.


Jan 16, 2018
Believe it or not, i always thought that b*ts and all that kpop groups are associated with the esoteric philosophy of Aleister Crowley and they have always advocated and preach the first commandment of his satanic doctrine "There is no law other than what you want" in their mesmerizing words such as a Mind Control, the diabolical "Do what you want" or "Live your life" or "Follow your heart" (You will find it in the lyrics).

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song: O!RUL8,2?

Nothing lasts forever,
You only live once
So live your life, not any other’s lives.

song: FIRE

Live however you want, it’s yours anyway
Stop trying, it’s okay to lose
Errbody say La la la la la (La la la la la)
Say La la la la la (La la la la la)
Throw your hands up, scream, burn it up
Burning up
[...] Jump and go crazy
[...] Set everything on fire, bow wow wow
I’ll forgive you

song: MIC DROP

Haters gon' hate
Players gon' play
Live your life, man
Ya, good luck

View attachment 8945
It reminds me of B*TS's "Love Yourself"..


The Signs is a french series intended to divulge esoteric and sacred information to a wide audience for the purpose of raising awareness.

**This video can hurt people who are not used to the occult sciences. Passages containing subliminal images and satanic invocations through the lyrics can disrupt, so fragile souls abstain, this is also why it is recited at each beginning of the Qur'anic verses of protection (Skip it if you want or if you're not a muslim).

"The Signs - 35 - The music of the devil 2/5"
(I didn't find a video like this in english, it's only in french).
Watch the video at 5:08.


I just want to point out how the satanists in this video all look so dark. There is no light about them whatsoever.

The moment Oprah said "you are responsible for your life," she gestured the OK sign.

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
Nice catch!!!
I also noticed the black/violet(?) cube behind them on the wall with a door.
I don't know which video it was but I remember it being a producer who exposed members of "Sex parties" where they have orgies behind closed doors.
Plus, he also exposed Jay-Z for attending such parties and wore nothing but a robe that looked like a pyjama. Nothing under it.
And if I remember correctly BTS did a pyjama party on that stage as well, right?
S€x parties are huge deal in the occult.It's people you don't expect involved that are. politicians, drs, judges, cops, celebs, pastors, yes pastors. As you all know I was involved in the occult and s€x parties were no exception. :( I'm so ashamed of that.

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
So does it mean that BT$ also are planning to attend or have already attended one of those sex parties? Or is this some kind of ritual for their festa?

Also, remember that time when R M referred to A r m y's chants as a ritual? Starts @ 5:40
Sadly you attend them upon initiation. Also I believe that may be what Jimin is referencing about losing his innocence in Lie.

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
How’d you know they’ve attended those parties?
It's required upon initianation into the occult. Doesn't matter what branch except freemasonry which it is required once you reach a higher level if you are a regular citizen if you are a celeb it's required right away. And they film it to secure your obedience. They threaten to release some parts if you disobey.


Jan 16, 2018
If they did attend it how much would they participate? I'm assuming if it's their first time they would just look around or maybe do an initiation of some sort

If I had to guess, they probably don't have the option to only observe. I wouldn't be surprised if an attendee liked what they saw in any of them, they would approach them. At those orgy parties anything goes, I'm sure.

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
Because, as Aleister Crowley said, it draws the biggest energy and is the most satisfactiory sin. Every freemason is obligated to partake in such rituals. I have no doubt in my mind that they are high ranking freemasons, if not 33 degree freemasons. I mean, they visited Disneyland(JM and JK) and they do have a club called "Club 33".
Not everyone that goes to Disneyland is in the occult.
May 24, 2018
Sadly you attend them upon initiation. Also I believe that may be what Jimin is referencing about losing his innocence in Lie.
In Lie he also says "go away from me" like he wants something to stay away from him> demons/djinns? Also, he sings "please save me, save me". "I can't escape from this suffering". That whole song was screaming for help.

Idk if you guys heard the rumours, but if they attended the sex party. One thing I read about is Jaykay's s3lf-h@rm marks. Some people said this was just anti's doing but he did look down/depressed(?) wore black in the earlier part of this year most of the time. And he wore a wristband to cover his left wrist. I think he wore it in the coca-cola photoshoot and the concert in japan recently. I can't remember if he wore it some other times. This might be occult related.

I think it may have been possible he may have been depressed and joining the occult could've caused him to self-harm because he might've been against it (sex parties, demons, sacrifices etc.,)
Look at his left hand.
See this close up of the wrist band on his left hand (to cover up the marks?)
Here a fancam in Japan concert 2018 he wears a white wristband on his left hand. (It was said that people were concerned and wrote a letter to B1Gheat about it so in this concert, you can see R..M.. wearing a black wristband as well------possibly to make it seem that its part of the wardrobe).
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Picture below Here's R...M.. with the black wristband (I think he's trying to normalize it?). So it wouldn't look off for JayK to wear a wristband on his left hand.
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Here's the fancam in Japan:

Here are articles:
He's like all black in a hoodie. He just looked troubled. (I could find the particular pic where he was like looking down and stuff but this would do):

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Dec 22, 2017
It's required upon initianation into the occult. Doesn't matter what branch except freemasonry which it is required once you reach a higher level if you are a regular citizen if you are a celeb it's required right away. And they film it to secure your obedience. They threaten to release some parts if you disobey.
do children (minors) take part in these type of parties? what about animals? because Ive heard a lot of disturbing things

Bae Yeon Hee

May 17, 2018
If they did attend it how much would they participate? I'm assuming if it's their first time they would just look around or maybe do an initiation of some sort
The first time you are required to be sodomized, regardless of gender by 1-3 people privately. After that you are required to participate openly.The higher the rank you go up or if a celeb wanting more wins or a polititian wanting a win or more power or something the more sadistic and disgusting it gets including children and animals. Those things will be going on at the same party in private closed off areas. I never reached that level praise God but I know someone who was forced to watch it. I know this is a disturbing topic but sadly it's something that is very real and happens often.