You are zealous with your approach,
I enjoyed reading everyone's take on this specific topic and I admire y'alls spiritual acumen!
I agree and disagree with some of your points, VSTGR--I can't dissect everything you posted. The main thing I would have to disagree with is that, if I'm reading your posts correctly, no one that evil should receive forgiveness even though Yeshua was made the propitiation for
all. Do you think it is impossible for a penitent man who is sincere in his regrets for the way he lived his life, or influenced others, to receive total forgiveness for his sins, no matter the level of sin if He asked Yeshua for forgiveness (we know he won't receive rewards)? God could manifest Himself and reveal His true nature to that person in whatever way He chooses. For Him to deny anyone would erroneously prove that He is partial only to a chosen few, like selecting favorites. His gift (Yeshua) was to the world. If they choose to deny Him, then we know what fate awaits them and there's nothing anyone can do when it comes to someone else's volition.
One point I do wholeheartedly agree with: We were all created with an innate desire to seek the Creator. Contrarily, there are certainly those who are born of that serpent's seed.
To keep it relevant and on topic, there is absolutely nothing wrong with people on here praying for these boys to find Yahweh by way of Yeshua. Or to pray for them period. You call it sympathizing when it is simply a desire for the lost or the wicked to escape God's wrath and judgment--including B+ S. Not to mention, the hatred you speak of is not a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Now, I hate this world period because I am not of it. But I can't allow myself to hate people no matter how lost or evil they are. Why? Because I understand they've been trapped by the wiles of the wicked one and have been deafened, unable to hear God's voice. Therefore my issue isn't with evil men. No one is saying you have to love them, but they deserve a right to be given a chance at salvation just like anyone else.
Moving on, I've been praying if He could reach at least one of them if not all, then that will at least be one won for His kingdom. Anything is possible with Him when it is impossible with man. Plus, we don't know anything about them. Nothing. We don't know what they're feeling. We don't know what they are experiencing. Even if they are 110% aware of their evil workings (which majority of us believe they are fully aware), we don't know what really happens behind closed doors. The only thing we know for certain beyond doubt is that they are a part of an agenda and their fandom is a beast within itself that continues to grow. I've been praying for them, too, especially for the weak-minded fans who only find their solace in all things B +S-related. The agenda being fed to them is slowly leading them to their death. (Not a physical death. A spiritual death.)
Whew! I said all of that to say this. Prayer works. And to not pray for any lost soul would be a disservice to Yahweh's kingdom. If we can't pray for those who do evil to do good for His kingdom instead...if we can't pray for them to repent and/or turn from their wicked ways, then who exactly are we instructed to pray for?
Remember: Our battle is not with flesh and blood meaning our enemies are not merely people. We have to see past the vessel. Our battle, our true enemy, is of all things evil especially "the spiritual wickedness in high places." You know.. Ephesians 6:12.
This is who you should direct your hatred to.<---Not an opinion.