BTS discussion thread

the world is a stage

Mar 28, 2018
1. If the elite worship satan wouldn’t that also mean they believe in God? (Not worship him but believe he exists) and if they believe in God wouldn’t they also believe he’s all powerful and would be able to end satan and all of them when the time came?

I've read somewhere that they are aware of the existence of God, but are manipulated to believe that God is evil and Satan is good.

2. Why do they cover one eye? I know it has to do with some ECthat eye on the pyramid. But what does it mean and what does it have to do with the Illuminati? What does it mean to them?

In Islam teachings there is the so-called Dajjal.

"Al-Masih al-Dajjal" or "al-Dajjal": The "Dajjal" is one of the ten great signs that indicate that the Last Day is imminent. The Prophet صلى الله عليه و على آله و صحبه و سلم said: "From the creation of Adam until the hour comes, there is no greater trial (fitnah) than the trial of" dajjal "!" (Ahmed 15831)

"Dajjal" means "liar" and comes from "dajala" - "cover up, cover up" because it covers reality and truth with its lies.

The "lies Messiah" "Dajjal is called" Masih "because the word in Arabic is due to the word stem" masaha = wipe ". In a Hadith to Muslim (5221) states: "The eye of the" Dajjal "is wiped out (" Mamasuh "of" masaha "- it is not there) and between his eyes is" Kafir "(infidel)!"

The Prophet صلى الله عليه و على آله و صحبه و سلم has described the "Dajjal", so that one can beware of him: he is a redskinned, young well-built man, hairy with a snake-like head, wide forehead and strong neck. He is short and has O-legs. One of his arms is longer than the other. In the right eye, which looks like a picked grape, he is blind; over the left, on which he still sees, is a thick Hautwulst. Between his eyes stands, so that every believer clearly recognizes - whether he can read or not - "Kafir - infidel", or the Arabic letters "Kaf", "Fa", "Ra", from which the word "Kafir" consists. The Prophet صلى الله عليه و على آله و صحبه و سلم also says that he is childless and barren.

Interesting "coincidence", don't you think? Could it be that it's the Dajjal all these devil worshippers are waiting for? They pay homage to him by covering their eyes.

Does satan control the elite and fill their head with the agendas and carry it out through them? How did they know what he wanted to/know what he wants?

Lucifer only communicate with very specific and very few people. He selects them to act as his deputies. They are the ones who pass on his will. This is what I believe.

4. Why are there different names for him? The Devil, Satan, Lucifer, Baphomet, etc. Are they basically the same? Like the Devil seems like the red guy with horns, a pointed tail, and a pitch fork, and Satan seems like the dark shadowy figure on fire with a really deep voice. And Lucifer is the fallen angel who is supposed to look beautiful, but the baphomet is a goat headed thing.

- because there are many different languages, all of which have a different name for him

- there are dozens of other demons that have their own characteristics and names. When one speaks of Satan, one doesn't always mean Lucifer.

- Demons are shapeshifters. They can turn into any person and form, so you can see so many different pictures of them.

Incidentally, I think that Lucifer was never an angel. This story was invented over time to portray him as the "heroic rebel" rebelling against God's injustices. I am convinced that Lucifer belonged to the demons from the beginning.

6. For people who don’t believe in the resurrection part and just the nwo. Do you think it’ll be too late and everyone will be doomed if it’s implemented?

I don't believe in this "my religion is the only salvation" -thinking. Anyone who does good and avoids evil, prays to God, is sincere and humble, can find his place in paradise. Of course, everyone is convinced of his religion, but in my eyes, God doesn't choose religion. There are countless ways leading to the Lord.
2 + 8 is 10
6 + 4 is also 10
So why should only one path lead to God and all others to hell?
That would be unfair to people who were born into a certain religion and were strongly influenced by it. And God is never unfair.
Everyone, whether Muslim, Christian or whatever, can be on the right path.


Apr 8, 2018
1. If the elite worship satan wouldn’t that also mean they believe in God? (Not worship him but believe he exists) and if they believe in God wouldn’t they also believe he’s all powerful and would be able to end satan and all of them when the time came?

I've read somewhere that they are aware of the existence of God, but are manipulated to believe that God is evil and Satan is good.

2. Why do they cover one eye? I know it has to do with some ECthat eye on the pyramid. But what does it mean and what does it have to do with the Illuminati? What does it mean to them?

In Islam teachings there is the so-called Dajjal.

"Al-Masih al-Dajjal" or "al-Dajjal": The "Dajjal" is one of the ten great signs that indicate that the Last Day is imminent. The Prophet صلى الله عليه و على آله و صحبه و سلم said: "From the creation of Adam until the hour comes, there is no greater trial (fitnah) than the trial of" dajjal "!" (Ahmed 15831)

"Dajjal" means "liar" and comes from "dajala" - "cover up, cover up" because it covers reality and truth with its lies.

The "lies Messiah" "Dajjal is called" Masih "because the word in Arabic is due to the word stem" masaha = wipe ". In a Hadith to Muslim (5221) states: "The eye of the" Dajjal "is wiped out (" Mamasuh "of" masaha "- it is not there) and between his eyes is" Kafir "(infidel)!"

The Prophet صلى الله عليه و على آله و صحبه و سلم has described the "Dajjal", so that one can beware of him: he is a redskinned, young well-built man, hairy with a snake-like head, wide forehead and strong neck. He is short and has O-legs. One of his arms is longer than the other. In the right eye, which looks like a picked grape, he is blind; over the left, on which he still sees, is a thick Hautwulst. Between his eyes stands, so that every believer clearly recognizes - whether he can read or not - "Kafir - infidel", or the Arabic letters "Kaf", "Fa", "Ra", from which the word "Kafir" consists. The Prophet صلى الله عليه و على آله و صحبه و سلم also says that he is childless and barren.

Interesting "coincidence", don't you think? Could it be that it's the Dajjal all these devil worshippers are waiting for? They pay homage to him by covering their eyes.

Does satan control the elite and fill their head with the agendas and carry it out through them? How did they know what he wanted to/know what he wants?

Lucifer only communicate with very specific and very few people. He selects them to act as his deputies. They are the ones who pass on his will. This is what I believe.

4. Why are there different names for him? The Devil, Satan, Lucifer, Baphomet, etc. Are they basically the same? Like the Devil seems like the red guy with horns, a pointed tail, and a pitch fork, and Satan seems like the dark shadowy figure on fire with a really deep voice. And Lucifer is the fallen angel who is supposed to look beautiful, but the baphomet is a goat headed thing.

- because there are many different languages, all of which have a different name for him

- there are dozens of other demons that have their own characteristics and names. When one speaks of Satan, one doesn't always mean Lucifer.

- Demons are shapeshifters. They can turn into any person and form, so you can see so many different pictures of them.

Incidentally, I think that Lucifer was never an angel. This story was invented over time to portray him as the "heroic rebel" rebelling against God's injustices. I am convinced that Lucifer belonged to the demons from the beginning.

6. For people who don’t believe in the resurrection part and just the nwo. Do you think it’ll be too late and everyone will be doomed if it’s implemented?

I don't believe in this "my religion is the only salvation" -thinking. Anyone who does good and avoids evil, prays to God, is sincere and humble, can find his place in paradise. Of course, everyone is convinced of his religion, but in my eyes, God doesn't choose religion. There are countless ways leading to the Lord.
2 + 8 is 10
6 + 4 is also 10
So why should only one path lead to God and all others to hell?
That would be unfair to people who were born into a certain religion and were strongly influenced by it. And God is never unfair.
Everyone, whether Muslim, Christian or whatever, can be on the right path.
But I thought God directly said that there is only one way to salvation?


Dec 22, 2017


Dec 22, 2017
Now getting scandals against them.. Will be very easy.. As everyone is going to know them.. The people who might have not listened to them but supporting the president are surely going to become a fan too..
íf they have the protection of influencial people getting into scandals will actually be more difficult
political figures are protected because they have more power and now the president is supporting them


May 20, 2018
Now i know why they were too busy for the Olympics performance and all and didnt care about it... Whil ex0ls were so happy and saying that they were the voice of the Nation ... B4ngt4ns were planning way ahead of the Olympics .. They were getting their feet firm among the influenced...


Jan 16, 2018
I’m still confused on a lot of stuff so I have more questions. You don’t have to answer all of them, just whatever one or ones you know or feel like answering.

1. If the elite worship satan wouldn’t that also mean they believe in God? (Not worship him but believe he exists) and if they believe in God wouldn’t they also believe he’s all powerful and would be able to end satan and all of them when the time came?

2. Why do they cover one eye? I know it has to do with some Egyptian eye of Horus thing (?). And with that eye on the pyramid. But what does it mean and what does it have to do with the Illuminati? What does it mean to them?

Adding to that why do so many Illuminati things lead back to Egypt? The eye, the pyramid, etc.

3. Does satan control the elite and fill their head with the agendas and carry it out through them? How did they know what he wanted to/know what he wants?

4. Why are there different names for him? The Devil, Satan, Lucifer, Baphomet, etc. Are they basically the same? Like the Devil seems like the red guy with horns, a pointed tail, and a pitch fork, and Satan seems like the dark shadowy figure on fire with a really deep voice. And Lucifer is the fallen angel who is supposed to look beautiful, but the baphomet is a goat headed thing.

5. I’ve seen some say that they need to repent because the end times are near (resurrection?) and I’ve also seen people say the new world order is coming into place soon. So would a resurrection happen during the nwo or after?

6. For people who don’t believe in the resurrection part and just the nwo. Do you think it’ll be too late and everyone will be doomed if it’s implemented?

I think there’s a balance in the universe and if the elite control everything in the world, there has to be an opposite but equal force of good that can fight back. Most likely “the people”. I think they’d fight back once they finally realize no matter how brainwashed they were.

I’m know my questions probably sound really dumb but I just want to know the different takes on it because I know people interpret the Illuminati in different ways, through religious views, as a corrupt and evil greedy business, both, and more.

Oh, boy.

Lol, I'm going to answer the ones I can asap. These are great questions. I'm not the type to debate or try to make someone believe something. Either people can take it, of they can ignore it. That's on them.
These are so good, they have me thinking too.


Jan 16, 2018
I’ll answer question 5 and 6 and no they’re not dumb at all

So the whole point of the illuminati agenda is to distract people from what’s truly going on in the world behind close doors, especially the entertainment industry, people are busy worshiping celebs, or being brainwashed by the media, that they don’t realize that there is something dark going on in the world, which is Satan’s agenda. In Christianity, all of this was predicted in the Bible, God is allowing all of these evil things to happen and for Satan to have control over humanity for a short period of time because at the end of the day, Satan and all his followers will end up in the pit of hell regardless, so he’s kinda giving him the benefit of the doubt lol. Satan knows that he is doomed, regardless of what he does, but he hates god so much with a passion that he tries to bring many of God’s ppl to hell as possible, that’s why he has all these celebs pushing his agenda on innocent people...anyway Satan is working on something called the nwo, where he hopes to create a one world government, one world religion, ( follow him or die basically ), where in order to buy food, go to university ect you need the mark of the beast, it basically acts like a bank credit card (his mark is said to be a chip implanted in you that allows you to get through life basically ) all those who refuse it are speculated to be tortured...or worse killed. Think about it now, celebs have mass followings, fans who adore them and would do anything for them...let’s take BTS for example, if you said to an overly obsessed army, “with this chip, you get all the merch, all the concerts and fanmeets you want, for do you think most fans would react? They’d take it without a moment’s hesitation. Just think about DNA to begin with, they’re already promoting the mark of the beast, which has the ability to change your DNA, and yet fans are dancing, jamming along to the song blindlessly lol

But you know what’s sad, once you accept the mark of the beast/the chip that’s it for you...there’s no forgiveness no repenting, you’re destined to burn in the pits along with Satan’s followers...that’s why many ppl tell others to repent now so that when that time comes, your faith and relationship with god will be so strong that you won’t get tempted into accepting the’s scary when you think about it actually

Well said.

I'm not completely sure if the mark will be a chip anymore. I used to think that, not anymore. However, there are some countries who are implementing this exact technology as we speak: requiring people to receive a chip to enter their employer's office, or buy from a vending machine with a implanted chip.

I do think the mark will have something to do with people's DNA being altered. There's been a lot of talk about transhumanism: people living forever without seeing death. To me this lines up with scripture in Revelation 9:6 where it talks about people wanting to die in those days but cannot.

That is an excellent analogy about ARMYs and I am surely afraid that is a strong possibility.


Jan 16, 2018
I hope this shows clearly. I'm trying to post this from my phone since it is a screenshot.

What is that figurine that's circled in red at the top? It looks like one of an idol. I just can't make it out.

I don't like the ones with sharp teeth for a head. I like his shirt though! That's the only nice thing I can say lol!



Dec 22, 2017
I hope this shows clearly. I'm trying to post this from my phone since it is a screenshot.

What is that figurine that's circled in red at the top? It looks like one of an idol. I just can't make it out.

I don't like the ones with sharp teeth for a head. I like his shirt though! That's the only nice thing I can say lol!
The mickey mouse symbolism is strong with this one
I also see some bunnies in the back and some random dolls with teeth eating their heads. The whole rooom has a dark energy tbh

But I can't see what that figure you mention is, looks like a man holding an ice cream to me lol


Jan 4, 2018
The mickey mouse symbolism is strong with this one
I also see some bunnies in the back and some random dolls with teeth eating their heads. The whole rooom has a dark energy tbh

But I can't see what that figure you mention is, looks like a man holding an ice cream to me lol
That huge mickey mouse head on the wall in the back is it? Mickey is a Disney property Disney is one huge corporation that basically owns everything but seriously how are those dolls are the creepiest thing I've seen, and it's all over his room I would not be able to sleep.


May 28, 2018
Well said.

I'm not completely sure if the mark will be a chip anymore. I used to think that, not anymore. However, there are some countries who are implementing this exact technology as we speak: requiring people to receive a chip to enter their employer's office, or buy from a vending machine with a implanted chip.

I do think the mark will have something to do with people's DNA being altered. There's been a lot of talk about transhumanism: people living forever without seeing death. To me this lines up with scripture in Revelation 9:6 where it talks about people wanting to die in those days but cannot.

That is an excellent analogy about ARMYs and I am surely afraid that is a strong possibility.
It's not a microchip or something. If that was the case, people could be forced to have the chip and would be marked against their will. The sign is a belief that will separate two classes of people; a belief that will be on their minds (representing the sign on the head) and their actions (representing the sign on their hand).