Why is it that many celebs seem to chenge looks i.e they look more older more zombie when they become famous?


Mar 8, 2018
My question may be a bit misleading but what I am trying to say is that very many celebrities before becoming famous they look innocent and more chilled out. However when they become famous or post famous they look worn out and more zombieisch. Some seem to age like ten yars in one year. Is that because of the satanic rituals, drug use or are they just over workers?


Feb 5, 2018
Because engaging in the works of darkness literally changes you, inside and out. You can tell when someone is a joyful, kind hearted person. Their eyes smile, their smile and words are always warm. You feel it when you speak to them...The same goes for people who are evil spirited, sometimes you just get bad vibes from them, if not immediately then eventually.

Ecclesiasticus 37:17 The countenance is a sign of changing of the heart.


Jul 28, 2018
Part of it is just old age, and body wear. People get old and look it eventually. (look at some of your classmates from age 17 and now) Then if you throw in the drugs, long hours, and harrowing schedules, hollywood crazies, etc, that add more wrinkles and wear. I've begun to notice the "jaw line" adjustment I've noticed a lot of celebrities seem to get after the 30s, At first I thought something was wrong with their faces, but then I realized it was their way of making themselves "look better." Or at least not as old. FAIL.

It's hard to face that at some point, you just won't look as "cute" as you did when you were young (and that's even if you're already ugly!). Its especially worst as an actor when so much of your career depends on your look. If you don't have it anymore, there are so many someone elses that can pick right up where you left off. But if you've lived well, that won't be all you'll have in your favor when you age, and people can enjoy your great non-looks character features even more, instead of mourning the lost of what they can see.


Mar 13, 2017
People tend to ignore all criticism of alcohol in America. And like a million other things that are technically dangerous. It's all about keeping those big corporate accounts. Infrastructure decay will only be a problem when the beer deliveries are too slow. Suddenly billions will be spent to fix all the roads.

But seriously though. I think you can drink a little alcohol and not be a zombie. The main problem is if you are enjoying the people you are with, you shouldn't need alcohol. So it's just fueling this culture of people forcing themselves to be around people they don't enjoy. That's when zombification starts to set in.

If anyone is a real social butterfly I say more power to you. But I think my description of party culture is accurate. It seems like it will sap the life out of you. So that's why I refuse to try to keep up appearances. It's completely pointless, and exhausting. If people aren't real friends than they shouldn't have to pretend like they are.


Mar 26, 2017
Some seem to age like ten yars in one year. Is that because of the satanic rituals, drug use or are they just over workers?
You're probably right about all points but the main factor I think is just stress. Most people sadly don't recognize that stress is really bad for your mind and body.

But who cares:



Jun 20, 2018
I remember some girl told me once that her sister's boyfriend was once a contestant in The Voice. She said that he got to party with Christina Aguilera and the other judges. While he was in the party he saw Christina and the other judges snorting coke. They even offered him some and he took it.

The girl who told me said that is normal for celebrities to do drugs and Halsey's latest pics where she's snorting coke proves that a lot of them fall victim to substance use.


Sep 13, 2017
I remember some girl told me once that her sister's boyfriend was once a contestant in The Voice. She said that he got to party with Christina Aguilera and the other judges. While he was in the party he saw Christina and the other judges snorting coke. They even offered him some and he took it.

The girl who told me said that is normal for celebrities to do drugs and Halsey's latest pics where she's snorting coke proves that a lot of them fall victim to substance use.
Why would a contestant be able to party with them? That seems odd.


Jun 20, 2018
Why would a contestant be able to party with them? That seems odd.
I don't exactly know how it happened since I wasn't there or know the guy personally but the girl told me that it was like an event made for the contestants so they could get business/record deals or something like that. The guests were probably people that had connections in the music industry (including the judges) and contestants were given the opportunity to impress them.


Sep 13, 2017
I don't exactly know how it happened since I wasn't there or know the guy personally but the girl told me that it was like an event made for the contestants so they could get business/record deals or something like that. The guests were probably people that had connections in the music industry (including the judges) and contestants were given the opportunity to impress them.
That makes more sense... people who know people.


Mar 16, 2017
Because engaging in the works of darkness literally changes you, inside and out. You can tell when someone is a joyful, kind hearted person. Their eyes smile, their smile and words are always warm. You feel it when you speak to them...The same goes for people who are evil spirited, sometimes you just get bad vibes from them, if not immediately then eventually.

Ecclesiasticus 37:17 The countenance is a sign of changing of the heart.
This ^ The more evil you get, it shows on the outside. Goodness also shows in the form of beauty, a radience.

I also think they get worn out fast because they got famous and have tons and tons of work which takes its toll on the health, never being able to sleep late and recouperating. So that in combination with the evil, shows after a while.


Jul 31, 2018
I guess, they just want to attract more attention, this is their lifestyle. And usually they have a team of professionals who work on their look.