Woke Watch - TV shows + movies

Jun 26, 2022
Upcoming movie "Bros".
Doesnt seems so much a movie as blatant propaganda. As fas as I could tell 99% of the adult characters in this movie were part of the rainbow group. The world as they imagine it.

"Do you guys remember straight people?"
"Yeah, they had a good run."

Oct 2, 2017
so I watched the new Hocus Pocus. Ill admit the first one is a guilty pleasure/Halloween tradition. I watched it with trepidation, disney are well into the woke smog and sequels have a habit of ruining the original.

Spoiler for those who dont want to know

1/The first film - never made witches out to be good. From the first few minutes we know the witches are evil. They eat children's souls and the protagonists need to get rid of them for humanity.

The second film - totally flips this. Suddenly the witches have a backstory that shows them as abused, misunderstood kids forced into social norms of the time (Winifred is being pushed into marrying a man as a 16 year old). They are the victims. A witch gives them a book which helps them escape these social pressures. They suddenly have power.

When they end up back int he present they are viewed as semi hero's. No longer are they a scary story to tell children on Halloween but some sort of heros to emulate. Kids want pictures with them. people dress up as them not as evil witches but because they want to be them.

2/ first film - The protagonists are a white boy whose sister is killed by the sisters in the 16th century and a white boy and his sister, plus a girlfriend in the modern age. Non are witches, have powers or even cool. In fact, the modern boy is bullied. They are the good guys that have to fight satanic witches.

The second film - the main protagonists are three girls, one black, one in the middle and a white girl and the white girls idiotic boyfriend (like beyond idiotic) there are no bullies, the boy doesn't even know he was being rude. The lead girl is later discovered to be a natural witch when she turns 16. Her birthday being Halloween. suddenly being a witch is good, its something amazing. Everyone thinks she is amazing. All three girls enjoy doing witchcraft since children and this is pointed out throughout the movie. The main story seems to be witchcraft is amazing and totally fun. The sisters live for each other and the three friends from the present find witchcraft is a bonding experience and people just dont understand how bonding it is.

3/First movie - Throughout the movie its about kids being kids, messing about who end up igniting a candle that brings witches back. Families go trick or treating, adults go to a party or house parties. Everything is just family fun. The only evil is the Sanderson sisters who the kids go out to destroy. Wholesome but spooky. And yes there are some 'adult ' jokes only the adult would understand but are pretty innocent and would go over the head of kids. So fun for all the family. For example, Winifred asks a coach driver ''we desire children,' meaning to catch and eat but the bus driver says ''ell it might take me a couple of tries but ill give it a go'' pretty innocent but a bit of fun.

Second movie - oh we have the trans agenda straight away. A boy is dressed up as a Sanderson sister. They really make the point this is a boy but he is dressing as a girl. During a Sanderson sister lookalike contest we have a group of trannies dressed up as the women, doing classic drag queen woman face. They are the main focus of this scene.

The main thing about this second movie is the sisters are no longer evil. They are now fun, something to copy. Which the young girls do by the end. People want to be the witches when in the last movie they were something to worry about. Its all about kids look how cool it is to do witch craft. Its also worth noting all the white men are stupid. Like full on idiots even the white mayor who is so childlike its almost insulting. There are two white men and both are idiots. This really stood out.


Its worth mentioning during the premier I found Bettys clothes fascinating.



Sep 28, 2018
She looks pretty neutral to me. Its going to be difficult to find an actress with jet black hair, "snow white skin" and brown eyes. I get the re-imagining of these things and how problematic it can be... but imo that cartoon image is pretty open for interpretation and seems like a strange issue to flex on.
That's literally the physical description of Anne Hathaway. I'm sure there's plenty of younger actresses with similar look. It's not as rare as people think.


Jun 17, 2017
has anyone seen the new dahmer show?

PJWs take on it:

The Truth About the Dahmer Netflix Show



Jan 29, 2018
That's literally the physical description of Anne Hathaway. I'm sure there's plenty of younger actresses with similar look. It's not as rare as people think.
Jessica Alba could have rocked Snow White, but the incels already threw a fit when she was cast as Susan Storm so doubtful there is much hope on this front...


Mar 23, 2018
has anyone seen the new dahmer show?

PJWs take on it:

The Truth About the Dahmer Netflix Show

Nobody should watch whatever rubbish netflix produces or has in its platform.
Feb 12, 2022
Upcoming movie "Bros".
Doesnt seems so much a movie as blatant propaganda. As fas as I could tell 99% of the adult characters in this movie were part of the rainbow group. The world as they imagine it.

"Do you guys remember straight people?"
"Yeah, they had a good run."

Its getting on my nerves now. Why the world has suddenly changed so much. I shudder everytime I see these people. Its nauseating. Yes I'm a homophobe. Call me that.


Sep 8, 2018
has anyone seen the new dahmer show?

PJWs take on it:

The Truth About the Dahmer Netflix Show

Whole thing probably phony. NGL That makes way more sense than the "mainstream story."



Sep 8, 2018
So I was watching Arcane and of course, the same-sex subtext had to come in for no apparent reason. And then I decided I didn’t have to watch the show anymore…
Last edited:


Feb 18, 2020
so I watched the new Hocus Pocus. Ill admit the first one is a guilty pleasure/Halloween tradition. I watched it with trepidation, disney are well into the woke smog and sequels have a habit of ruining the original.

Spoiler for those who dont want to know

1/The first film - never made witches out to be good. From the first few minutes we know the witches are evil. They eat children's souls and the protagonists need to get rid of them for humanity.

The second film - totally flips this. Suddenly the witches have a backstory that shows them as abused, misunderstood kids forced into social norms of the time (Winifred is being pushed into marrying a man as a 16 year old). They are the victims. A witch gives them a book which helps them escape these social pressures. They suddenly have power.

When they end up back int he present they are viewed as semi hero's. No longer are they a scary story to tell children on Halloween but some sort of heros to emulate. Kids want pictures with them. people dress up as them not as evil witches but because they want to be them.

2/ first film - The protagonists are a white boy whose sister is killed by the sisters in the 16th century and a white boy and his sister, plus a girlfriend in the modern age. Non are witches, have powers or even cool. In fact, the modern boy is bullied. They are the good guys that have to fight satanic witches.

The second film - the main protagonists are three girls, one black, one in the middle and a white girl and the white girls idiotic boyfriend (like beyond idiotic) there are no bullies, the boy doesn't even know he was being rude. The lead girl is later discovered to be a natural witch when she turns 16. Her birthday being Halloween. suddenly being a witch is good, its something amazing. Everyone thinks she is amazing. All three girls enjoy doing witchcraft since children and this is pointed out throughout the movie. The main story seems to be witchcraft is amazing and totally fun. The sisters live for each other and the three friends from the present find witchcraft is a bonding experience and people just dont understand how bonding it is.

3/First movie - Throughout the movie its about kids being kids, messing about who end up igniting a candle that brings witches back. Families go trick or treating, adults go to a party or house parties. Everything is just family fun. The only evil is the Sanderson sisters who the kids go out to destroy. Wholesome but spooky. And yes there are some 'adult ' jokes only the adult would understand but are pretty innocent and would go over the head of kids. So fun for all the family. For example, Winifred asks a coach driver ''we desire children,' meaning to catch and eat but the bus driver says ''ell it might take me a couple of tries but ill give it a go'' pretty innocent but a bit of fun.

Second movie - oh we have the trans agenda straight away. A boy is dressed up as a Sanderson sister. They really make the point this is a boy but he is dressing as a girl. During a Sanderson sister lookalike contest we have a group of trannies dressed up as the women, doing classic drag queen woman face. They are the main focus of this scene.

The main thing about this second movie is the sisters are no longer evil. They are now fun, something to copy. Which the young girls do by the end. People want to be the witches when in the last movie they were something to worry about. Its all about kids look how cool it is to do witch craft. Its also worth noting all the white men are stupid. Like full on idiots even the white mayor who is so childlike its almost insulting. There are two white men and both are idiots. This really stood out.


Its worth mentioning during the premier I found Bettys clothes fascinating.

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Agree, lots of gay and transgender nonsense. More witchcraft = female empowerment
Can’t imagine anyone allowing their kids to watch anything Disney. Not to mention how cringe everything is on Disney+

There was also the “eating children makes us young” which really stood out to me. One of the witches respond “how else do we stay this young?”
Equating face lotions with potions. Asking if they have the souls of children to make them work.