Why the Church and the Lodge Disagree / A Lutheran Perspective / by Pastor Walter P. Snyder


Nov 8, 2017
A lengthy writeup discussing the many inconsistencies in Freemasonry related to Christianity.

The Church and the Lodge* disagree because of a very fundamental Scriptural truth: "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9)" The disagreement of the Church with the Lodge is because of the religion of the Lodge, which is a false religion. Matthew 15:9 says, In vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men."

The Lodge is deceptive, false, and a tool of the devil. In dealing with the Lodge we haven't time to treat of all the teachings of all lodges, or even of all the teachings and practices of one lodge. But we will deal with the main points of difference between the Word of God and religious Lodgery as outlined above. And because Freemasonry is admittedly the father of the lodge system, to prove our points we will quote from accepted Masonic sources such as the Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, written by Albert G. Mackey, past General Grand High Priest, and once Secretary General of the Supreme Council, 33rd Degree, for Southern Jurisdiction of U.S. Mackey spent 30 years in study and research in behalf of Masonry, and then labored 10 years to write his Encyclopedia. Other Masonic sources will be listed after each quotation. Note that in disagreements with many Masons, when any of these sources are cited, they will disavow the author, saying, in effect, "What he says may be what another lodge in another place says, but that doesn't hold true with us." Yet the bottom line holds true: The Lodge teaches falsely, since it claims salvation through human effort.