Why haven't VC published an article about The Vaccine!? the mRNA POISON!?


Aug 22, 2021
I've seen a few "mentions" of the shot but not an in-Depth mRNA focused article. I remember he published so many groundbreaking articles, even a famous news-outlet references his gaga article but the biggest issue of the century literally is this mRNA vaccine that was forced and pushed into the entire global population to kill every single one of them, I don't understand, if there's a mass genocide why does it matters whether this person is a democrat, or a pedo or w.e if they and everyone is going to experience lethal adverse injuries from the mRNA vaccine.......

it's not even a conspiracy, it has been confirmed by many studies. Even these testimonies:

Oct 20, 2021
Maybe because Vigilant Citizen is too busy giving rap groups and other celebrities free publicity with all the one eye photos? Plus let's not forget all the free press Baphomet and Aleister Crowley get here. But it's all for our own good? Also I say go back to the free Vigilant Citizen and let advertising pay for it. I use brave browser and never saw the ads anyway. Win win he makes money I don't see ads and also don't have to remember my password.


Jun 17, 2017
there are truth content creators that specifically focus on one aspect while others focus on the broader spectrum. VC is in the former group-- he focuses only on the entertainment industry because thats what he knows. james corbett never goes into illuminati 'one eye' symbolism in hollywood or reptilian bloodlines-- its not his gig.
let these people specialize in their fields; they are not experts or any more informed than you and i on those subjects. would you want to hear someone talk about something in which they really do not have a deep understanding? better to go to a knowledgeable, expert source.
Oct 20, 2021
there are truth content creators that specifically focus on one aspect while others focus on the broader spectrum. VC is in the former group-- he focuses only on the entertainment industry because thats what he knows. james corbett never goes into illuminati 'one eye' symbolism in hollywood or reptilian bloodlines-- its not his gig.
let these people specialize in their fields; they are not experts or any more informed than you and i on those subjects. would you want to hear someone talk about something in which they really do not have a deep understanding? better to go to a knowledgeable, expert source.
Ok I will go along with that I think.


Aug 22, 2021
there are truth content creators that specifically focus on one aspect while others focus on the broader spectrum. VC is in the former group-- he focuses only on the entertainment industry because thats what he knows. james corbett never goes into illuminati 'one eye' symbolism in hollywood or reptilian bloodlines-- its not his gig.
let these people specialize in their fields; they are not experts or any more informed than you and i on those subjects. would you want to hear someone talk about something in which they really do not have a deep understanding? better to go to a knowledgeable, expert source.
I don't think that's accurate, with the huge variety of masonic, political and even structure in-depth articles he used to make. He made stuff about the Denver airport, CIA, and even Masonic churches and government buildings that have symbols, there were many many stuff that didn't had absolutely anything to do with the entertainment. Unless he is a different author now and VC changed from the original owner... he didn't had to have an understanding or "knowledge" about it he provided sources and his views, he made good inputs based on common-sense knowledge, I've seen tons of people even the regular bob next door from poor latin houses publishing essays about the vax on their fb page, I don't understand why something that has so much cultural impact and global talk hasn't been shared in the VC articles yet... again I'm aware it was mentioned, he made an amazing article about the convoy protests and that's not entertainment, or is it? Anyway he has made many non-entertainment stuff, he didn't need any more knowledge about it than what we already know and it's already out-there, he just placed it together and wrote his insightful input about it, so why not yet about these shots I'm sure he could write a book about it... also if it's not about entertainment, M.I.A, Madonna, Minaj, Lebron many entertainment celebrities have recently talked about the shots, he should start too


Aug 22, 2021
Maybe because Vigilant Citizen is too busy giving rap groups and other celebrities free publicity with all the one eye photos? Plus let's not forget all the free press Baphomet and Aleister Crowley get here. But it's all for our own good? Also I say go back to the free Vigilant Citizen and let advertising pay for it. I use brave browser and never saw the ads anyway. Win win he makes money I don't see ads and also don't have to remember my password.


Jun 17, 2017
He made stuff about the Denver airport, CIA, and even Masonic churches and government buildings that have symbols, there were many many stuff that didn't had absolutely anything to do with the entertainment.
exactly my point: VC is a symbolism guy. thats it. thats his specialty.

I've seen tons of people even the regular bob next door from poor latin houses publishing essays about the vax on their fb page, I don't understand why something that has so much cultural impact and global talk hasn't been shared in the VC articles yet.
people seek out vernon coleman, dr sherri tenpenny, dr kaufman, dr mercola and others because they are experts in their field and are trained in medicine. their opinion carries more weight than a regular bob who is penning an essay (not to mention that "bob" is most likely footnoting doctors like those ive mentioned because they are experts).

anyone is entitled to their opinion and can post information, but if one is not well versed in the subject matter, why speak at all on the matter? do you want his input on CBDCs? i dont.

the only argument ill concede is perhaps he could have a link to some antivax website for more info.


Aug 22, 2021
exactly my point: VC is a symbolism guy. thats it. thats his specialty.

people seek out vernon coleman, dr sherri tenpenny, dr kaufman, dr mercola and others because they are experts in their field and are trained in medicine. their opinion carries more weight than a regular bob who is penning an essay (not to mention that "bob" is most likely footnoting doctors like those ive mentioned because they are experts).

anyone is entitled to their opinion and can post information, but if one is not well versed in the subject matter, why speak at all on the matter? do you want his input on CBDCs? i dont.

the only argument ill concede is perhaps he could have a link to some antivax website for more info.
There's plenty of symbolism in this issue, especially since it's clearly paving a massive path for the anti-christ system, yes VC should def bring to the mainstream focus CBDCs as well, why not , he is not an expert in many of the subjects he publishes , he made an article about the CONVOY protests and ukranian labs com'n man u can't deny VC is actually good at collecting & recompiling valid sources and connecting the dots I believe in him, we all do (idk about u tho)


Sep 11, 2023
This youtube video was banned years ago, a week after its release. That's when you know its truthful, ha! Found this years later (will not come up on a search) once inside the bitchute application. Sinister utube moderators took it an extra step and put up an empty video with a desicrated image of this rabbi face with male anatomy and a yamaka and sidelocks. It is good information. Save.


Aug 22, 2021
i can’t believe i wrote this post & certainly forgot all about it, at the time of posting it I do remember it was a time of overwhelming desperation, massive nation wide censorship, we couldn’t discuss this related topics anywhere in facebook, whatsapp, instagram, youtube, tiktok, etc including keywords like vaccine or adverse reactions would trigger an automatic shadow ban & later a full account limitation disabling your functions to send messages or share content. And that was only in the online platforms, in the physical real world it was worst, and we all know what they did, in some areas it was partially normal but Canada, Australia, China, Puerto Rico & many others had full dictatorship refusing to serve or give medical attention to anyone who didn’t present a clot jab passport total abuse of anyone who said anything against the corrupt narrative and many other unfair & criminal things


Sep 11, 2023
i can’t believe i wrote this post & certainly forgot all about it, at the time of posting it I do remember it was a time of overwhelming desperation, massive nation wide censorship, we couldn’t discuss this related topics anywhere in facebook, whatsapp, instagram, youtube, tiktok, etc including keywords like vaccine or adverse reactions would trigger an automatic shadow ban & later a full account limitation disabling your functions to send messages or share content. And that was only in the online platforms, in the physical real world it was worst, and we all know what they did, in some areas it was partially normal but Canada, Australia, China, Puerto Rico & many others had full dictatorship refusing to serve or give medical attention to anyone who didn’t present a clot jab passport total abuse of anyone who said anything against the corrupt narrative and many other unfair & criminal things
I posted this on a political website when Dr. Fauci dragged RFK Jr. for being a 'conspiracy theorist' and refused to debate him. I got eleven downvotes quickly (moderators are paid by big pharma?)
"Three years into pandemic, "Americas Doctor" Fauci should have the answers tip of tongue. He's been public health and research cushy desk jobs (never treating patients) for fifty years. Fauci pays 6.1 billion taxpd. dollars annually, and therefore gets to dictate the NIH, CHC research and outcomes he bought. With $417k salary, highest paid public official we pay him to debate and remove doubt, (about origins, effective medications vs. expensive non-effective, vaccine profits) but he doesn't. Nor will he ever. He backed down from Rand Paul, RFKJr, Americas Frontline Doctors, and hundreds of others, refuses to answer or name calls immediately without answering timely and appropriate questions. He will however, try to cancel Ivy League educated Dr. Oz (Cardiothoracic surgeon, much more rigorous specialty than Allergy) with the help of owned media. In 2000, Fauci cemented a deal with Gates (in a $147million mansion), to control $60 billion global vax initiative."

11View in discussion


Aug 22, 2021
I posted this on a political website when Dr. Fauci dragged RFK Jr. for being a 'conspiracy theorist' and refused to debate him. I got eleven downvotes quickly (moderators are paid by big pharma?)
"Three years into pandemic, "Americas Doctor" Fauci should have the answers tip of tongue. He's been public health and research cushy desk jobs (never treating patients) for fifty years. Fauci pays 6.1 billion taxpd. dollars annually, and therefore gets to dictate the NIH, CHC research and outcomes he bought. With $417k salary, highest paid public official we pay him to debate and remove doubt, (about origins, effective medications vs. expensive non-effective, vaccine profits) but he doesn't. Nor will he ever. He backed down from Rand Paul, RFKJr, Americas Frontline Doctors, and hundreds of others, refuses to answer or name calls immediately without answering timely and appropriate questions. He will however, try to cancel Ivy League educated Dr. Oz (Cardiothoracic surgeon, much more rigorous specialty than Allergy) with the help of owned media. In 2000, Fauci cemented a deal with Gates (in a $147million mansion), to control $60 billion global vax initiative."

11View in discussion
The RFK Jr film is incredible based on his book, def an eye opener. Also If you posted stuff on Reddit then you AUTOMATICALLY get Downvoted and all your next posts stay in 0 votes. Their platform advance AI to triggered by key words to detect comments & their context, most mods are also fake bots. There is No point in sharing there, everything that goes against mainstream narrative get shadowbanned/deleted. Even if u complain about an Apple product or a famous singer, your post is instantly attacked with generic automated hateful messages, ur thread or comment gets closed & then deleted. Many Doctors called Fauci on his AIDS genocide during the 80's he is a total fraud & scam and a lot of Professional Doctors & government members know it since way before the Covid Plandemic.

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