Why Do Empaths Attract Narcissists, Sociopaths And Psychoaths


Mar 15, 2017
I am no stranger to Christianity, I'm 35 years old and have been raised up in a born again Christian home (dysfunctional though) and I have only walked away and became prodigal four times, this being my fourth time and hopefully my last. I honestly only did it to try and find peace and get Satan off of my tail. I will be honest, he left me alone when I did. And now that I repented, the raging storm is back, the one where its constant. Some people say that God only gives you what you can handle, but I strongly disagree. If I had been Job, lol I would have probably killed myself or lost my mind. I can't imagine, this world is nuts. I eagerly look forward to when it comes time to be martyred. I'll be the first one lined up at the guillotines lol. Like get me out of this place. If it weren't for my husband.... I thank God for him.

Yeah I know scripture inside and out. I spent over 10-12 years on different kinds of theology and eschatology, spent years debating Pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib, prewrath, premillennialism, post-millennialism, Amillennialism, SDA millennialism, Calvinism, Arminianism, Pelagianism, all the TULIP points, against the Charismatic Church, monotheism vs polytheism, eternal security vs losing salvation etc

Would you like me to name more? I can keep going if you like, but I'd kinda rather get back to my animal crossing game if you don't mind. :)
This time 'round you could have Christian friends online, either here or on other forums. You do need long-term spiritual support especially now.


Mar 13, 2017
I think I actually saw the movie. I was just funning around. Myths have sure had a long life span when you think about all the cultures, comics, hollywwod and such that have adopted them.
The movie was terrible. I would rather watch Devils Advocate, or Constantine. But still the character Spawn always stuck with me for some reason. I was a kid looking at comics like wow cool, I want to be this thing. And I'm sure someone told me "bad idea kid". But I didn't listen.


Apr 6, 2017
This time 'round you could have Christian friends online, either here or on other forums. You do need long-term spiritual support especially now.
I agree and I am becoming more wiser to Satan's schemes, his snares and his traps that he has set for me.


Apr 6, 2017
For those who prefer reading over watching a video :)

3 Ways to Get a Narcissist to Leave You Alone

Narcissists can be quite bothersome. If you’re mired in a relationship with one, you may feel you’ve ceased to exist because you can barely excuse yourself to the restroom without passing a Bill in Congress. Not to mention that if your Narcissist is overt, you’re forced to deal with tantrums that make a two-year old seem like a Zen master.

Every day, readers around the world find my site by searching “how to get a Narcissist to leave you alone”. While I don’t know each person’s unique circumstances, what I do know is how to get rid of a Narcissist. Below, I share three effective strategies in the hopes that you, too, can become Narc-free and regain your ability to speak in complete sentences.

1. No Contact

There’s no way of getting around this one. In most cases, the overt Narc won’t leave you alone because you’ve left lines of communication open. In this case, you’ll need to be the one who blocks them because they likely will not block themselves, unless you’ve become an absolute basket-case with no money, no resources, and no hint of emotion left. In short, unless you’ve become a Zombie. After all, even negative supply is better than none in the Narcissist’s mind. They’ve been known to check in simply to incite in their Discards a nuclear meltdown, only to hang up feeling refreshed and invigorated. Why leave yourself open for that?

Even if they’ve found new supply, they usually cannot resist knowing that they still have power over you. So, while you’re sitting around with a white-knuckle grip on your phone, waiting for them to send you a text (with three weeks having passed since the last one), they might SMS you with “Hey” just to see what your reaction will be. That doesn’t mean they’ve been looking at engagement rings or anything, it just means their new supply is at work and can’t talk on the phone, but the Narc needs to feed their ego a little snack.

Starving their ego will force them to find another source of supply. You can do that by going No Contact.

2. Show no emotion

Narcs are persistent little critters. Sometimes, even when faced with No Contact, they don’t believe you mean it so they may feel inclined to “calm your anxieties” by showing up at your favorite coffee shop, even though it’s 25 miles out of their way. In this case, you’ll need to reward their efforts by pretending you don’t see them. This may trigger them to come over (uninvited) to your table. Even then, they’re not there!

They’re counting on the advantage of being in a public place…where they believe you’ll have no choice but to acknowledge their existence. When they initiate a conversation, assume the stance of one of the neighboring chairs, remaining completely indifferent to the Narc’s presence.

If they still don’t take the hint, pick up your coffee, exit the coffee shop, and proceed to get in your vehicle and drive away. Kind of like one of the characters in The Seventh Sense who can’t see dead people. The Narc will begin to wonder if he imagined the whole interaction, which equals instant karma for all their gaslighting attempts. *fist bump*

This may feel uncomfortable for Empathic people, or those who dislike conflict, but it’s important to remember the reason you’re being forced to behave this way.

3. Pretend you’ve developed Tourette’s Syndrome

This is especially effective if you’ve been submissive and quiet during the relationship. If you find yourself forced to engage in conversation with the Narcissist, throw in a few unexpected obscenities, at higher levels of volume than the rest of your response. It might look something like this:

“I have a few pieces of #@*%# mail for you. Should I have your mail forwarded, or should I #@*%# or #@*%# ? (This should be done without changing your facial expression).

If the first two steps don’t send the Narcissist packing, this last one surely will. Giving them the impression that you no longer have control over your speech should put to rest any remaining agendas they may have for blame-shifting and gaslighting. They won’t realize you’ve simply adopted one of their behaviors.




Apr 6, 2017
Tips to Master Self-Discipline While Going No Contact

One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself when detaching from a toxic relationship is learning to master the art of self-discipline. Learning how to tell yourself no is an important step to becoming a stronger and more resilient person. This is especially true when you are trying to maintain No Contact with an emotional abuser.

While practicing self-discipline in the midst of urges to make contact isn’t easy, there are many benefits to mastering this art of personal control:

1 – Self-discipline can help you achieve your recovery goals and realize your dream of freedom. Many times, achieving the recovery goals you set for yourself requires you to sacrifice time, money and energy you might prefer to spend on other things. Are you willing to have this dedication? Are you willing to invest in resources that will help you escape your abusive situation instead of trying to lone-wolf it?

People who are trying to escape a toxic relationship with a narcissist generally need supportive resources and people to help them through the withdrawal and emotional pain of detaching from love that hurts. Are you taking empowering steps to remove yourself from a toxic relationship?

2 – Self-discipline helps you get more done. By cutting out time wasters in your day, you can accomplish more every day and reach your healing sooner. Without the self-discipline to stick to a task, you can be easily distracted by less important details. Are you willing to remove these distractions, such as deactivating the social media profiles you use to spy on your Ex?

3 – Self-discipline helps you have greater focus. By shutting out the things that take you away from your recovery goals, you can focus on what is most important. You can’t say yes to everything and everyone; you must be able to focus on one thing at a time and do it well. This might mean not going to the bar with your best friend on Saturday night, and instead staying home to watch feel-good rom coms and eat pizza. It might mean instead of spending hours on Facebook every evening, you shut off your phone and spend time with your children or your pet.

Focus is nearly impossible to achieve without self-discipline, and your recovery goals are nearly impossible to achieve without focus. Are you willing to focus intensely on extricating yourself from your abuser? Are you willing to train yourself to engage in new, healing habits?

The keys to self-discipline are simple. If you make a commitment to yourself, guard it with your life!

Part of self-discipline is self-respect. In order to live the life you truly desire, you need to care for yourself properly.

Respect every part of yourself:

1 – Respect your body. Pay attention to the signals your body sends you. We’re masterfully created, and your body will tell you when something is out of balance. Listen to the signals and treat yourself with VIP handling to be the strongest and most productive you can be!

Consider adding exercise or yoga to your daily routine to help you achieve balance in your body and mind.

2 – Nurture your mind by filling it with positive, engaging information.

  • Read books about recovery instead of reading the 100th book about narcissists.
  • Engage in meaningful discussions with people of all backgrounds and philosophies, thereby taking your mind away from the abuse and helping your brain develop new synapses and thought patterns instead of hard-wiring it to obsess about the narcissist.
  • Avoid negative people and conversations. Stay away from nay-sayers and gossip hounds.
  • Listen to joyful, uplifting music or healing affirmations instead of letting the television flood your mind with commercialism and negativity.
3 – Respect the spiritual part of yourself. It’s important to feel connected to something larger than you are. Connect with your Creator by meditating, praying or spending time in nature.

  • Attend worship services at a local church, if that’s part of your belief system.
  • Allow the spiritual side of yourself to become stronger and more important to you.
  • Base decisions on the greater good rather than simply what feels good at the time.
4 – Respect your physical health. Taking good care of your health requires self-discipline. Your body will help you accomplish amazing things if you treat it properly!

  • Eat a healthy diet. Empaths and Highly Sensitive people in particular need to eat a healthy diet to avoid adrenal burnout.
  • Get plenty of rest and exercise. Exercise not only helps release endorphins, it clears out your lymphatic system.
  • Strive to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Refuse to smoke.
  • Avoid over indulging in caffeine or alcohol.
  • If quitting both cigarettes and alcohol at the same time seems like too much of a burden, quit one first and work on the other later.
5 – Respect your time. This includes your work time, family time, playtime and personal time. Make space in your life for every area. Schedule family time and alone time just as you do work time and other obligations.

  • By adding everything to your written agenda, you create a priority within yourself and self-discipline helps you stick to your priorities.
If you want to live your life to the fullest and achieve your goals, self-discipline is a must. Learning how to control your impulses and make strong decisions is one of the best things you can do for yourself. This kind of discipline can bring you the life and peace of mind you desperately need.



Mar 13, 2017
Interesting information, Tanya.
I now realize that I have known a narcissist in the past. My brother married one and I always wondered why I could not figure her out. They divorced, but she still is in his life, and attempts to stay in the rest of the family's lives-not in a good way, either!


Apr 6, 2017
Interesting information, Tanya.
I now realize that I have known a narcissist in the past. My brother married one and I always wondered why I could not figure her out. They divorced, but she still is in his life, and attempts to stay in the rest of the family's lives-not in a good way, either!
You have to cut off all contact with them. You should try and inform your brother so he can get out of her grip and untangle himself from her nasty web she's weaved for him. She's most likely trying to destroy his life. My brother's ex-girlfriend was like that, she was working us good trying to turn us against my brother. Her real name was Angel, but she wasn't any angel.


Mar 13, 2017
I will share that info with him as I can. He is very introverted regarding himself and his feelings, emotions, problems, etc. He may not want me to run interference in his life.

I was successful at cutting her off due to the fact that I turned our relationship into a chance to discuss spiritual things, which she did not like. It worked with her for some reason when nothing else did.


Apr 6, 2017
I will share that info with him as I can. He is very introverted regarding himself and his feelings, emotions, problems, etc. He may not want me to run interference in his life.

I was successful at cutting her off due to the fact that I turned our relationship into a chance to discuss spiritual things, which she did not like. It worked with her for some reason when nothing else did.
Then the best way would be to do it most likely is sending this information by email, text, or if you guys are friends through facebook etc, I am sure he would probably prefer to receive the information privately and then decide for himself and maybe further discuss it with you if he feels comfortable enough doing so. Men are funny that way lol, my hubby is the exact same way.

Yeah her ibbie jibbies did not like that at all! I would definitely say that narcissism is probably 80% spiritual, Ah the light, RUN! lol :p

Lucky you though haha.


Mar 15, 2017
I will share that info with him as I can. He is very introverted regarding himself and his feelings, emotions, problems, etc. He may not want me to run interference in his life.

I was successful at cutting her off due to the fact that I turned our relationship into a chance to discuss spiritual things, which she did not like. It worked with her for some reason when nothing else did.
You were reminding her that there is another God to the one she already worships - HERSELF.


Mar 15, 2017
Tips to Master Self-Discipline While Going No Contact

One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself when detaching from a toxic relationship is learning to master the art of self-discipline. Learning how to tell yourself no is an important step to becoming a stronger and more resilient person. This is especially true when you are trying to maintain No Contact with an emotional abuser.

While practicing self-discipline in the midst of urges to make contact isn’t easy, there are many benefits to mastering this art of personal control:

1 – Self-discipline can help you achieve your recovery goals and realize your dream of freedom. Many times, achieving the recovery goals you set for yourself requires you to sacrifice time, money and energy you might prefer to spend on other things. Are you willing to have this dedication? Are you willing to invest in resources that will help you escape your abusive situation instead of trying to lone-wolf it?

People who are trying to escape a toxic relationship with a narcissist generally need supportive resources and people to help them through the withdrawal and emotional pain of detaching from love that hurts. Are you taking empowering steps to remove yourself from a toxic relationship?

2 – Self-discipline helps you get more done. By cutting out time wasters in your day, you can accomplish more every day and reach your healing sooner. Without the self-discipline to stick to a task, you can be easily distracted by less important details. Are you willing to remove these distractions, such as deactivating the social media profiles you use to spy on your Ex?

3 – Self-discipline helps you have greater focus. By shutting out the things that take you away from your recovery goals, you can focus on what is most important. You can’t say yes to everything and everyone; you must be able to focus on one thing at a time and do it well. This might mean not going to the bar with your best friend on Saturday night, and instead staying home to watch feel-good rom coms and eat pizza. It might mean instead of spending hours on Facebook every evening, you shut off your phone and spend time with your children or your pet.

Focus is nearly impossible to achieve without self-discipline, and your recovery goals are nearly impossible to achieve without focus. Are you willing to focus intensely on extricating yourself from your abuser? Are you willing to train yourself to engage in new, healing habits?

The keys to self-discipline are simple. If you make a commitment to yourself, guard it with your life!

Part of self-discipline is self-respect. In order to live the life you truly desire, you need to care for yourself properly.

Respect every part of yourself:

1 – Respect your body. Pay attention to the signals your body sends you. We’re masterfully created, and your body will tell you when something is out of balance. Listen to the signals and treat yourself with VIP handling to be the strongest and most productive you can be!

Consider adding exercise or yoga to your daily routine to help you achieve balance in your body and mind.

2 – Nurture your mind by filling it with positive, engaging information.

  • Read books about recovery instead of reading the 100th book about narcissists.
  • Engage in meaningful discussions with people of all backgrounds and philosophies, thereby taking your mind away from the abuse and helping your brain develop new synapses and thought patterns instead of hard-wiring it to obsess about the narcissist.
  • Avoid negative people and conversations. Stay away from nay-sayers and gossip hounds.
  • Listen to joyful, uplifting music or healing affirmations instead of letting the television flood your mind with commercialism and negativity.
3 – Respect the spiritual part of yourself. It’s important to feel connected to something larger than you are. Connect with your Creator by meditating, praying or spending time in nature.

  • Attend worship services at a local church, if that’s part of your belief system.
  • Allow the spiritual side of yourself to become stronger and more important to you.
  • Base decisions on the greater good rather than simply what feels good at the time.
4 – Respect your physical health. Taking good care of your health requires self-discipline. Your body will help you accomplish amazing things if you treat it properly!

  • Eat a healthy diet. Empaths and Highly Sensitive people in particular need to eat a healthy diet to avoid adrenal burnout.
  • Get plenty of rest and exercise. Exercise not only helps release endorphins, it clears out your lymphatic system.
  • Strive to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Refuse to smoke.
  • Avoid over indulging in caffeine or alcohol.
  • If quitting both cigarettes and alcohol at the same time seems like too much of a burden, quit one first and work on the other later.
5 – Respect your time. This includes your work time, family time, playtime and personal time. Make space in your life for every area. Schedule family time and alone time just as you do work time and other obligations.

  • By adding everything to your written agenda, you create a priority within yourself and self-discipline helps you stick to your priorities.
If you want to live your life to the fullest and achieve your goals, self-discipline is a must. Learning how to control your impulses and make strong decisions is one of the best things you can do for yourself. This kind of discipline can bring you the life and peace of mind you desperately need.

This is very good and instructive material.
I know I spent way too long focusing on the pathology and should have focused on healing myself way earlier.


Mar 14, 2017
I answer yes to nearly all of these questions:

From http://www.willieverbegoodenough.com/narcissistic-mother-survey/

(Check all those that apply to your relationship with your mother)

  1. When you discuss your life issues with your mother, does she divert the discussion to talk about herself?
  2. When you discuss your feelings with your mother, does she try to top the feeling with her own?
  3. Does your mother act jealous of you?
  4. Does your mother lack empathy for your feelings?
  5. Does your mother only support those things you do that reflect on her as a “good mother"?
  6. Have you consistently felt a lack of emotional closeness with your mother?
  7. Have you consistently questioned whether or not your mother likes you or loves you?
  8. Does your mother only do things for you when others can see?
  9. When something happens in your life (accident, illness, divorce) does your mother react with how it will affect her rather than how you feel?
  10. Is or was your mother overly conscious of what others think (neighbors, friends, family, co-workers)?
  11. Does your mother deny her own feelings?
  12. Does your mother blame things on you or others rather than own responsibility for her feelings or actions?
  13. Is or was your mother hurt easily and then carried a grudge for a long time without resolving the problem?
  14. Do you feel you were a slave to your mother?
  15. Do you feel you were responsible for your mother’s ailments or sickness (headaches, stress, illness)?
  16. Did you have to take care of your mother’s physical needs as a child?
  17. Do you feel unaccepted by your mother?
  18. Do you feel your mother was critical of you?
  19. Do you feel helpless in the presence of your mother?
  20. Are you shamed often by your mother?
  21. Do you feel your mother knows the real you?
  22. Does your mother act like the world should revolve around her?
  23. Do you find it difficult to be a separate person from your mother?
  24. Does your mother appear phony to you?
  25. Does your mother want to control your choices?
  26. Does your mother swing from egotistical to a depressed mood?
  27. Did you feel you had to take care of your mother’s emotional needs as a child?
  28. Do you feel manipulated in the presence of your mother?
  29. Do you feel valued by mother for what you do rather than who you are?
  30. Is your mother controlling, acting like a victim or martyr?
  31. Does your mother make you act different from how you really feel?
  32. Does your mother compete with you?
  33. Does your mother always have to have things her way?
My answer is yes to 80 percent of the questions


Mar 16, 2017
At first glance at these videos one may think these women are bitter cause of their exes but there actully are people as twisted as these, I personally even know a few. Maybe not as badly manipulative as this but right up there! These days many people seem so disturbed that one really has to think twice about whom to befriend.


Apr 6, 2017
Games Narcissists Play

Narcissists are masters at playing mind games. They play to win and take no prisoners. They are poor losers and if they don’t win they will often react in a fit of rage and stomp away like a little child. The only way for the other person to win is to not play. Here are some of the more common games narcissists play:

#1 Ping-Pong
When a person begins to understand how a narcissist works, he or she realizes that it’s a bit like playing ping-pong. Anytime a narcissist has to self-reflect about anything, they will immediately throw the ball back to the person they consider their opponent. Narcissists will always throw the ball back to the other person. They do this in the expectation that they won’t have to take responsibility for their behavior. Narcissists hope that by not taking responsibility for their own actions (by using blaming, shaming, projection, denial, etc.) their partner will do what they have always done-forgive the narcissist, make excuses for the narcissist’s behavior, claim the narcissist couldn’t help himself because he was having a bad day, and so on.

The narcissist is a moving target and you are always on the firing line. To get away from them (or expose them), you always have to keep an eye on the ball i.e., their actions and motives for playing their games with you. You have to stop wanting to play.

You can stop catching the ball and put it back in the narcissist’s court by setting boundaries and making him aware of his actions. He then realizes he has no one to play with anymore. He will either drop the person like a hot potato, try to punish the person, or run away.

#2 Gotcha!
The narcissist can be a master of phony empathy. He appears to take you in, appears to understand what you are experiencing, and appears to genuinely be able to put himself in your shoes. These acts cause you to let your guard down; just when you think there is a genuine give-and-take in your relationship, he pulls a fast one on you-a “gotcha”- most often when you’re at a low point. He will suddenly tell you about his extraordinary new career move, a luxurious trip that he’s taking, or a huge shift in financial status that will make you feel even more diminished. Narcissists perfectly execute an unexpected psychological pounce; their purpose is to grind you down, to humiliate you, and make you feel small and inferior.

#3 Crazy Eights
This is a favorite game of narcissists…YOU are called crazy anytime you try to confront them, bring up past issues or behaviors, or expose them when they’re doing something appalling. The game goes like this: you are told that you have an overly active imagination, you don’t know what you’re talking about, they have no idea what you’re talking about, or that you’re simply making things up to cause problems. They’ll tell you that it’s obvious that you are the one who is crazy (and tell you that everyone around you agrees with them about you being crazy).

They will claim not to remember even unforgettable events, flatly deny they ever happened, and will never entertain the possibility that they might have forgotten. This is an extremely aggressive and infuriating tactic called “gaslighting”, a common technique used by abusers of all kinds. Your perceptions of reality are continually undermined so that you end up without any confidence in your own intuition, memory, or reasoning.

#4 Death by a Thousand Cuts
This is a really fun game that all narcissists like to play! It involves destroying your soul, your ego, your accomplishments and any belief system you have that does not agree with their beliefs. The way the game is won is for them to try to turn everything about you, and everything you do, into a complete failure. Extra points are given when they can take all the credit for anything good that has ever happened and put it all in their own pot. Double points are earned when they manage to put all blame for anything bad onto the other player.

#5 Twenty-One
In this popular game, you’re not allowed to ever reach the emotional age of 21. Even if you are 50 years old, you will still be treated like a child (a stupid child, a bad child, a silly child, etc.). You don’t get to have face cards and if you do get an ace, it’s only worth one point.

#6 The King/Queen Game
The most important part to remember about this game is that no one can know the rules except the king or queen. Either the king or queen gets to make up rules as they go along; they don’t have to tell the other players the new rules and they can change the rules whenever it suits them. They are the king or queen and, therefore, always win the game. You can be penalized for breaking the rules, even if they chose not to tell you the rules.

#7 Cat and Mouse
This is a kind of competitive patience (solitaire) game for two players. It is also known as Spite and Malice. The cards are arranged from low to high with the Kings being wild. Suits (the normal order of things and\or common societal rules) are irrelevant in the game. The game ends when someone wins by playing the last card of their “pay-off” pile. The game can also end if the players run out of cards, in which case the result is a draw.

Cat and Mouse (or Spite and Malice) is a perfect game for a narcissist because it is actually a form of solitaire, it requires “one upmanship”, and involves pulling out “better” cards to beat the opponent.

It involves a “payoff” and for the narcissist, that usually means hurting you somehow. They keep track of real or imaginary things you do, have done, or might do. This is their “pile” and they will pull a card from it and use it against you whenever possible.

#8 Liars Poker
Individuals with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) play this game fantastically. They are accomplished liars. Their complete persona and their entire world are totally based in lies. Their positive attributes and alleged actions are all made up in order to get other people to give them their fix of narcissistic supply-praise, adulation and accolades.

#9 Keep Away
This is a game that you, yourself, must learn to play. It is important to recognize that the narcissist will never acknowledge that any games are being played; it is up to you to stop playing. To do this, you need to stop bringing up past events/behaviors because you will always be told you’re wrong, they are right, and that you need help. Don’t try to get them to acknowledge or take responsibility for their words or actions because they will always say they didn’t do it or it never happened.

If you are in a relationship, you can walk away from the toxic narcissist in your life. If your boss is an abusive narcissist, you can find another job. You can walk away from your parents, too, if they are abusive.

If you choose to stay, one way to stop playing their game is to not respond to jabs, barbs, pleas, put-downs etc. It is difficult to stop, but perhaps thinking of it this way will help: if you’re playing a game of catch with a ball, the only way to stop the game is to not catch the ball when thrown or not pick up the ball and throw it back. It is possible to stop playing games with a narcissist but just be prepared for an onslaught of negativity, accusations and histrionics. Ignore inciting words, do not respond back to inciting words, hang up the phone (with proper notice such as “I’ve got something I need to do “-not slamming it down) or leave the location where he is at. There are many ways for you to refuse to catch the ball or put the ball down and not throw it back. This is the game of “Keep Away”-you stay away, walk away, and refuse to play.
