Who is the Man on the White Horse?

King David

Mar 13, 2017
I was always taught to fear the dreaded "Man on the White Horse," because of a commonly taught interpretation of Revelation 6... But would Yahuwah really give us symbolism that is counterintuitive? Daniel 9-12, Isaiah 32, Zechariah 3-10, Ezekiel 34-37, 40-48, all tell of a righteous king that's coming who will reign in Zion and Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple, resuming sacrifices.
All this is supposed to take place BEFORE the Beast (the evil one) kills "the Prince" (Daniel 11:22) and then and sets up an abomination of desolation (Daniel 9:26). Could this NWO just be a tool for Elohim to set up His kingdom under Michael (Daniel 12:1) who will be Yahuwah in male form? That seems to be what the "Old Testament" is saying... What say you?

When's the last time you really studied what Yahuwah (The LORD) said through the prophet's? Shalom :)
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Mar 13, 2017
Well, I don't think that Daniel 12:1 says what you think it does. I have never heard that God will set up his kingdom under Michael. What I've read is that Michael standing up means he is protecting anymore and because of that the time of distress comes. We know that Christ sets up His kingdom and the saints will be the judges there or something like that. Can't recall the verse I'm thinking about.

I thought that the temple gets rebuilt before Jesus returns and the sacrifices start before He returns and then the sacrifices are cut off and then the abomination of desolation with the anti christ proclaiming himself god and making people bow down and worship him?

You know Jesus is God the Son right?


Mar 14, 2017
Ezekiel makes it very clear who will be King.

Ezekiel 34:23 I will raise up one shepherd over them, my servant DAVID, and he will feed them and become their shepherd and I will become their God.

Ezekiel 37:21 I will take the Israelites from among the nations where they have gone and I will collect them together from every direction and bring them to their land. I will make them one nation in the land on the mountain of Israel and one king will rule over all of them

They will no longer defile themselves with disgusting idols and all their detestable practices and all their transgressions. I will save them....they will be my people and I will be their God

MY SERVANT DAVID WILL BE THEIR KING, and they will have one shepherd. They will walk in my judicial decisions and carefully observe my statues. They will dwell on the land I gave my servant Jacob where your forefathers lived and they will dwell on it FOREVER, they and their children and their children's children and DAVID my servant will be their chieftain FOREVER

Psalms 89:26 He will call out to me " you are my father My God and the rock of my salvation "

And I will place him as firstborn. The highest of the kings on earth. I will maintain my loyal love for him forever and my covenant with him will never fail I will establish his offspring FOREVER and make his throne as enduring as the heavens

34 I will not violate my covenant or change what my lips have spoken I have sworn in my holiness once and for all. I will tell no lies to DAVID. His offspring will endure FOREVER. His throne will endure like the sun before me

The Word of God ( OT) makes it very clear who will be King. It does not get any clearer.

King David

Mar 13, 2017
Ezekiel makes it very clear who will be King.

Ezekiel 34:23 I will raise up one shepherd over them, my servant DAVID, and he will feed them and become their shepherd and I will become their God.

Ezekiel 37:21 I will take the Israelites from among the nations where they have gone and I will collect them together from every direction and bring them to their land. I will make them one nation in the land on the mountain of Israel and one king will rule over all of them

They will no longer defile themselves with disgusting idols and all their detestable practices and all their transgressions. I will save them....they will be my people and I will be their God

MY SERVANT DAVID WILL BE THEIR KING, and they will have one shepherd. They will walk in my judicial decisions and carefully observe my statues. They will dwell on the land I gave my servant Jacob where your forefathers lived and they will dwell on it FOREVER, they and their children and their children's children and DAVID my servant will be their chieftain FOREVER

Psalms 89:26 He will call out to me " you are my father My God and the rock of my salvation "

And I will place him as firstborn. The highest of the kings on earth. I will maintain my loyal love for him forever and my covenant with him will never fail I will establish his offspring FOREVER and make his throne as enduring as the heavens

34 I will not violate my covenant or change what my lips have spoken I have sworn in my holiness once and for all. I will tell no lies to DAVID. His offspring will endure FOREVER. His throne will endure like the sun before me

The Word of God ( OT) makes it very clear who will be King. It does not get any clearer.
Very good Yahda. "David" is Michael...

King David

Mar 13, 2017
Well, I don't think that Daniel 12:1 says what you think it does. I have never heard that God will set up his kingdom under Michael. What I've read is that Michael standing up means he is protecting anymore and because of that the time of distress comes. We know that Christ sets up His kingdom and the saints will be the judges there or something like that. Can't recall the verse I'm thinking about.

I thought that the temple gets rebuilt before Jesus returns and the sacrifices start before He returns and then the sacrifices are cut off and then the abomination of desolation with the anti christ proclaiming himself god and making people bow down and worship him?

You know Jesus is God the Son right?
Hey Lisa! You're right...

None of us ever heard of Yahuwah setting up His kingdom under Michael, because Daniel 12:1 has been glanced over, concealed, and misinterpreted. Why would Yahuwah tell Daniel that Michael is going to stand up in the end times, if in fact Michael does not in fact stand up?

But what does "Standing Up" really mean? This a mystery as well... :)

You said "we know that Christ sets up his kingdom...or something like that..." The truth is that Christ (meaning Anointed One) is Michael, not Jesus, whose name actually means "Hail Zeus" in ancient Greek.

You're also right about the third Temple. It will get rebuilt again and Michael (also called David, Zerubbabel, and the Branch in Ezekiel and Zachariah) is the one who will rebuild it. After Michael (the "Prince" from Ezekiel 40-48 as well as Daniel 9:26) is killed (Daniel 11:22), then the Beast will come and set up the abomination of desolation.

So good the king that everyone will call the "Antichrist" will actually be Michael (the Arm of Yahuwah and Yahwuah in male flesh form). So where does this leave Jesus? Well ask yourself... If Jesus was supposedly the sacrifice to end all sacrifices (Heb 10-1-18), then why will the sacrifices even be necessary to continue under "the Prince?"

You need to ask yourself who this "Prince" is Lisa... The Prince that is swept away (killed) according to Daniel 11:22. It can't be Jesus can it? I mean, this "Prince of the covenant" dies... according to Daniel 11:22. This Michael will even have a Queen according to Psalm 45:9.

It's a big mystery Lisa! "Who will believe it?...And to whom has the arm of Yahuwah been revealed?" Isaiah 53:1
To you Lisa, The arm of Yahuwah has been revealed to you... Shalom :)

King David

Mar 13, 2017
Ezekiel makes it very clear who will be King.

Ezekiel 34:23 I will raise up one shepherd over them, my servant DAVID, and he will feed them and become their shepherd and I will become their God.

Ezekiel 37:21 I will take the Israelites from among the nations where they have gone and I will collect them together from every direction and bring them to their land. I will make them one nation in the land on the mountain of Israel and one king will rule over all of them

They will no longer defile themselves with disgusting idols and all their detestable practices and all their transgressions. I will save them....they will be my people and I will be their God

MY SERVANT DAVID WILL BE THEIR KING, and they will have one shepherd. They will walk in my judicial decisions and carefully observe my statues. They will dwell on the land I gave my servant Jacob where your forefathers lived and they will dwell on it FOREVER, they and their children and their children's children and DAVID my servant will be their chieftain FOREVER

Psalms 89:26 He will call out to me " you are my father My God and the rock of my salvation "

And I will place him as firstborn. The highest of the kings on earth. I will maintain my loyal love for him forever and my covenant with him will never fail I will establish his offspring FOREVER and make his throne as enduring as the heavens

34 I will not violate my covenant or change what my lips have spoken I have sworn in my holiness once and for all. I will tell no lies to DAVID. His offspring will endure FOREVER. His throne will endure like the sun before me

The Word of God ( OT) makes it very clear who will be King. It does not get any clearer.
Michael is also called "Joshua and Zerubbabel" in the Book of Zechariah... Shalom :)

King David

Mar 13, 2017
Well, I don't think that Daniel 12:1 says what you think it does. I have never heard that God will set up his kingdom under Michael. What I've read is that Michael standing up means he is protecting anymore and because of that the time of distress comes. We know that Christ sets up His kingdom and the saints will be the judges there or something like that. Can't recall the verse I'm thinking about.

I thought that the temple gets rebuilt before Jesus returns and the sacrifices start before He returns and then the sacrifices are cut off and then the abomination of desolation with the anti christ proclaiming himself god and making people bow down and worship him?

You know Jesus is God the Son right?
Oh hey Lisa, for a hint on what it means for Michael to "stand up," (Daniel 12:1) read Zechariah 3. Super Hint: Joshua is another name for Michael, just like "Zerubbabel" (Builder of the Temple) as well as "The BRANCH"... Shalom! :)

King David

Mar 13, 2017
Sorry Lisa, I had an error in the text... the "righteous king" from 32:1 will be called the Antichrist...

King David

Mar 13, 2017
Why did you leave Christianity for that? :confused:
Hey Lisa, read the thread I just created as well as my first post asking "what we all believe" if you like... It was a process of learning and discovery that I am so glad I made! It was difficult, but I am no longer blinded by the goSPELLS anymore...

Give it some time and research and you will find the truth too...
Shalom :)

King David

Mar 13, 2017
No David is David. Michael has his own duties to fulfill. Now what are those duties according to SCRIPTURE?
Read the new thread I just created Yahda... It takes a lot of research, which it seems you have already started in on... Keep going! Shalom :)