Who Changed the Sabbath day from Saturday to Sunday?


Jun 4, 2017
"Or some impracticalities - for example, total ceasing of any work every 7th day. In the warm climate of Levant for a pastoral people group it's very possible, where rain was crucial. In much more rigid climate and more labour-intensive agriculture of Europe, it wasn't feasible. Two seasons a year it was impossible to break work for a day in the fields - sowing and harvesting."

Pagans-- slaves to the weather, rather than the one Who controls it, along with the yield. So simple, yet it eludes.

Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof...


Jun 4, 2017

"The Jesus of Christianities is a direct replacement of the Sun-god, therefore he's worshipped on Sun-days."

This is good.

The clip of Bill Maher-- wow. The lengths he has gone, not only to deny, but to mock the resurrection of Christ, are astonishing. I had no idea. It cannot be called disbelief. Disbelief would (one would think) inspire indifference. He believes-- but He believes He is a liar (he's got the wrong guy), and appears to be a missionary for the cause. Kind of like old Richard Dawkins who would rather believe we were crafted by little green men, than a holy God.

And lol.. I had to Google for Dawkins name, because I couldn't remember it, and found this: [Bill] Maher received the 2009 Richard Dawkins Award from Atheist Alliance International.

Birds of a feather, and all that.. :D

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017

"If the Sabbath "rest" is obtained by cessation of "works," why should one "labor" to enter it? Does labor not imply works? It sounds tantamount to trying to force one's self to go to sleep."

I grew up on a farm and as kids my brother and I were always called on to help with the harvest. We would get up early, stack bales by hand in the field then unload them into the barn before setting out standing on the trailer together to stack some more!

At the end of the day, the sun would set and we could do no more work. Having put in the effort, sitting chatting on a cake watching the sun go down with a cold drink out of a bucket full of ice tasted all the better.


For the Sabbath, you work hard during the week to take a day off and set aside the time for worship, fellowship and to grow in the Lord. This time is precious because you have worked hard to create the time for it.

From the perspective of our own lives, the efforts we put in for Jesus now, the time we give to the things that are close to God's heart, be it evangelism, caring for others, standing against evil or seeking His face will all be worth it when "night comes and no more work can be done". In a way, all believers labour to enter into rest, and sometimes the harder we labour, the hotter the sun, the better the drink will taste on the bale at the end of our Day.


Oct 2, 2017

"The Jesus of Christianities is a direct replacement of the Sun-god, therefore he's worshipped on Sun-days."

Good video. I am afraid that both the atheists and Christians have been focusing on a strawman though, which is that these ancient deities all had a similar story. There is no mention of Jesus truly being a Solar God, which can be seen easily in the verses of the Bible. The number 12 for example, represents the Zodiac with the Sun (Jesus) in the center.

There are many similarities between Solar caracteristics and Jesus that are too numerous to mention here, I recommend reading this:


The basic principle is that a lot of these pagan deities ended their lives by ascending to Heaven. They all existed and Jesus was simply the latest incarnation of the Solar Logos, which I think is what Bacsi meant to say.


May 3, 2018

"The Jesus of Christianities is a direct replacement of the Sun-god, therefore he's worshipped on Sun-days."

We live in the age of Wikipedia and YouTube misinformation. A lie being debunked by another lie. How wonderful.

Archaeology, historiography, textual criticism etc. etc. are for old-school losers?


Jun 4, 2017
Good video. I am afraid that both the atheists and Christians have been focusing on a strawman though, which is that these ancient deities all had a similar story. There is no mention of Jesus truly being a Solar God, which can be seen easily in the verses of the Bible. The number 12 for example, represents the Zodiac with the Sun (Jesus) in the center.

There are many similarities between Solar caracteristics and Jesus that are too numerous to mention here, I recommend reading this:


The basic principle is that a lot of these pagan deities ended their lives by ascending to Heaven. They all existed and Jesus was simply the latest incarnation of the Solar Logos, which I think is what Bacsi meant to say.
The video did a good job showing the lack of similarities between these pagan gods and Jesus-- but to call Him the latest incarnation, I have to ask -- who made the 'zodiac' as we see it, in the first place?

Dost thou bind sweet influences of Kimah? Or the attractions of Kesil dost thou open? YLT

The modern version renders...

Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades
or loosen the belt of Orion?
Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons
or lead out the Bear and her cubs? [Ursa]
Do you know the laws of the heavens?

JOB 38:31-33

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
We live in the age of Wikipedia and YouTube misinformation. A lie being debunked by another lie. How wonderful.

Archaeology, historiography, textual criticism etc. etc. are for old-school losers?
In what way have you demonstrated that the claims of Zeitgeist were not effectively addressed? Did I miss something?!

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
The video did a good job showing the lack of similarities between these pagan gods and Jesus-- but to call Him the latest incarnation, I have to ask -- who made the 'zodiac' as we see it, in the first place?

Dost thou bind sweet influences of Kimah? Or the attractions of Kesil dost thou open? YLT

The modern version renders...

Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades
or loosen the belt of Orion?
Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons
or lead out the Bear and her cubs? [Ursa]
Do you know the laws of the heavens?

JOB 38:31-33
Downloaded and added to reading list ;-)



May 3, 2018
In what way have you demonstrated that the claims of Zeitgeist were not effectively addressed? Did I miss something?!
Zeitgeist is full of misinformation. It's an epitome of our modern age of uneducated people loaded with random "facts".


Oct 2, 2017
The video did a good job showing the lack of similarities between these pagan gods and Jesus-- but to call Him the latest incarnation, I have to ask -- who made the 'zodiac' as we see it, in the first place?

Dost thou bind sweet influences of Kimah? Or the attractions of Kesil dost thou open? YLT

The modern version renders...

Can you bind the chains of the Pleiades
or loosen the belt of Orion?
Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons
or lead out the Bear and her cubs? [Ursa]
Do you know the laws of the heavens?

JOB 38:31-33
The discovery of the Zodiac is much older than Christianity though.

I highly recommend reading the info at the link I posted. It explains things like why we celebrate Christmas on December 25th, which was the date of the winter solstice for the Romans. It's the period of time where days start to get longer, so the light of the Sun becomes more prevalent. Basically Christmas is about Osiris more than Jesus, as we set up pine trees, which are symbols of the greenness of Osiris being a God of fertility.


May 3, 2018
The discovery of the Zodiac is much older than Christianity though.

I highly recommend reading the info at the link I posted. It explains things like why we celebrate Christmas on December 25th, which was the date of the winter solstice for the Romans. It's the period of time where days start to get longer, so the light of the Sun becomes more prevalent. Basically Christmas is about Osiris more than Jesus, as we set up pine trees, which are symbols of the greenness of Osiris being a God of fertility.
Even Christian historians admit that the cult of Sol Invictus (the invisible Sun) was at its height during appearance of Christianity and it greatly influenced Christian doctrines and liturgy.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
The discovery of the Zodiac is much older than Christianity though.

I highly recommend reading the info at the link I posted. It explains things like why we celebrate Christmas on December 25th, which was the date of the winter solstice for the Romans. It's the period of time where days start to get longer, so the light of the Sun becomes more prevalent. Basically Christmas is about Osiris more than Jesus, as we set up pine trees, which are symbols of the greenness of Osiris being a God of fertility.
I think it is fairly common to confuse the pagan things Catholicism mixed with Christianity, many of which go back to Nimrod and Babel with the idea that Christianity borrowed them. If you think this through a bit further it becomes clearer what occurred.


May 3, 2018
"Or some impracticalities - for example, total ceasing of any work every 7th day. In the warm climate of Levant for a pastoral people group it's very possible, where rain was crucial. In much more rigid climate and more labour-intensive agriculture of Europe, it wasn't feasible. Two seasons a year it was impossible to break work for a day in the fields - sowing and harvesting."

Pagans-- slaves to the weather, rather than the one Who controls it, along with the yield. So simple, yet it eludes.

Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof...
If you are of European descent (I am partially), then the majority of our great ancestors were pagans. Pagans were extremely wise and knowledgeable people, unlike what is pictured by the modern Judeo-Christian version of history. If you read the works of the early church fathers arguing with pagans, it's very evident that the pagans were highly moral and well educated, sincerely and honestly thinking people. No wander 80% of Christianity is pagan religion.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Even Christian historians admit that the cult of Sol Invictus (the invisible Sun) was at its height during appearance of Christianity and it greatly influenced Christian doctrines and liturgy.
Interesting. Do you ever consider the various parallels that have taken place through history and wondered what spiritual forces may have lay behind them?

The Great Inception: Satan's Psyops from Eden to Armageddon https://g.co/kgs/T6o2q9


Oct 2, 2017
I think it is fairly common to confuse the pagan things Catholicism mixed with Christianity, many of which go back to Nimrod and Babel with the idea that Christianity borrowed them. If you think this through a bit further it becomes clearer what occurred.
True but let me ask you, who was able to spread Christianity as widely as the RCC? Without the Romans I doubt that it would have gone very far.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
True but let me ask you, who was able to spread Christianity as widely as the RCC? Without the Romans I doubt that it would have gone very far.
I guess we will never know. Romans 8:28 reveals something about the nature of God though:

"28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."