Where's Hillary?


Jul 24, 2022
Some 25 years ago I worked for a law firm whose name partner was once Chairman of the Democratic Committee (Clinton era) and they were all rabid Democrats. The lawyeress who was my main boss once burst into my office and breathlessly asked, "OMG, aren't you going to the luncheon??? HILLARY is going to be there!!!!"

With my best poker face, I looked at her puzzledly and asked, "Who? Who is THAT?" and it was quite rewarding to watch that witch (my lawyeress boss who refused to touch the new-fangled computer on her desk) have an apoplexy as she "instructed" me as to why I simply HAVE to go to this creepy fund-raiser with her because I could meet her IDOL. I just looked down and continued reading the 5,000th page of some boring deposition and said, "Well, thanks, but I think I need to finish this summary you wanted done by tomorrow."

Fucking b itch. Serves her right that she was FIRED a year or two later bc she was too SMART to use that "useless" computer. I had to work twice as hard at that job bc of her useless ass. Can't wait to piss on her grave (and Hillary's, too.)


May 15, 2017
getting a jump start on their election fraud
or election denial I think it's trying to cover
both if who/e wins it's because of the peoples
stopping the coup if not they'll deny the results
which seem like a big deal right now for some

how about instead of asking Peoples to donate
in support(really just another way of saying pay
them to run and rule over Ya)instead of Peoples
showing support through a vote

they can fund with their own monies for the run at
w/e seat and show the Peoples they deserve that seat
by actually Helping and doing what the Peoples want

why doesn't each side use that line of "it's a threat
to our democracy"

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