What is Bad about Bad Bunny? How to Convince someone Bad Bunny is negative influence?


May 2, 2021
Hello fellow formers, i was wondering if anyone has information ( media, post, images) i could show someone who is obsessed with bad bunny. Information showing how he has sold his soul for materialistic things and thus leading his followers astray. I see all the subliminal things, how the ears are a window to our heart and mind. What is fascinating is it seems all ethnicity's know or indulge in his music and cannot see that they are being deceived into feeling these emotions being harmonized into ones soul if they consume it ? Usually theres a youtube about old sell outs like the beatles and such, but none on this bad bunny. Thank you for your time, i hope i was clear enough with my question. Have never posted here.

Also, God whom we reach through Jesus Christ , through the Holy Spirit has put on my heart to tell you : Your pain is not in vain. You are not alone in this sea of agony. If you repent from your sins ( turn away from the sin that is eating away at your soul) he will comfort you and never leave or forsake you. Christ has kept record of all your pains and will redeem you if you keep his word and Faith in him on Judgment Day. If you are luke warm, i suggest you watch the Gospel movies : Gospel According to Matthew, Luke, and Mark. It depicts what Christ was when he was on earth. The real Christ ( not the christlike figure you find in secular religions) showed and kept a record ( The Bible) of who he really was and is! If you think your situation is only yours, i suggest you read The Holy Bible ( i read from KJV but compare and contrast w others) and look for certain situations which others overcame with the strength and guidance of God, The Son Jesus Christ, and The Holy Spirit. You will be surprised that many things like being cheated on, being left out of things, being lonely, is nothing new to God. I encourage you to keep seeking the Truth and it WILL set you free. Have a blessed day and thank you for readin all of this :)

1 Corinthians 15:58

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.”

Matthew 11:28
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest