What event "woke" you up?


Jun 19, 2021
I'm sure a similar thread(s) have been posted, but I'm just interested how people got here. For me it was definately 9/11. Ten years ago or more I would of thought that mostly everyone here were crazy, but over time I concluded that our government was involved and ever since I've been a "nut". Just wondering what opened your eyes?


Jun 28, 2020
Sandy hoax. When Robbie Parker, the alleged father of a slain 5 year old was seen laughing with his friends not even a day after his daughter got shot. Then he looks at the camera about to perform, you can literally see him slip into character and he begins his crocodile tears.

This event had many other holes when scrutinized, such as the neighbor Gene Rosen, but Robbie exposed it as no father would react that way. While 9/11 was clearly an inside job Sandy Hook was the first domino because after it occurred there were easily 50+ staged events within like 5-7 years. They seemed almost constant. They likely still happen today, but this kind of content is deleted now for hate speech / medical misinformation and is difficult to source.

9/11 wasn't the first. Pearl harbor, the US liberty. Many historical events don't hold water when scrutinized. However, 9/11 is probably the most famous due to youtube's early years. Yet there are people today who believe in the official story, hook line and sinker.


Jan 23, 2021
It happened over time, through several things, but mainly through realization that the film and music industry is not what I thought it was (mk ultra, occultists, predictive programming).

A year ago I was still listening to Korean and Japanese rock and that's what lead me to this website and this forum - TXT and Red Velvet articles by VC. It only confirmed my suspicion the MVs are full of blasphemy, masonic, luciferian, pedo, etc symbolism. Main thing that convinced me was probably seeing BTS in ritual cloaks and masks at the end of Fake Love, and how much it resembled Kubrick's movie Eyes wide shut. I was already wondering for some time how could someone quite mediocre, and sometimes ridiculous, get so popular and get such a crazy fanbase. Their album sales and YT views were several times higher than sales and views of other k-pop groups together. As I later found out their songs are mainly about selling their souls, boasting about their success or a cry for help.


Since I don't live in US and was a child when 9/11 happened, I was just aware it happened but it didn't change much our everyday life and way of thinking. It was probably first time I've heard term conspiracy theory, and found it fascinating what people were talking about. But I started to question the main narrative only years later. Mainly last year and half. 9/11 happened far away, but muzzles and lockdowns came to this part of the world as well.



Jun 19, 2021
Sandy hoax. When Robbie Parker, the alleged father of a slain 5 year old was seen laughing with his friends not even a day after his daughter got shot. Then he looks at the camera about to perform, you can literally see him slip into character and he begins his crocodile tears.

This event had many other holes when scrutinized, such as the neighbor Gene Rosen, but Robbie exposed it as no father would react that way. While 9/11 was clearly an inside job Sandy Hook was the first domino because after it occurred there were easily 50+ staged events within like 5-7 years. They seemed almost constant. They likely still happen today, but this kind of content is deleted now for hate speech / medical misinformation and is difficult to source.

9/11 wasn't the first. Pearl harbor, the US liberty. Many historical events don't hold water when scrutinized. However, 9/11 is probably the most famous due to youtube's early years. Yet there are people today who believe in the official story, hook line and sinker.
Sandy hoax. When Robbie Parker, the alleged father of a slain 5 year old was seen laughing with his friends not even a day after his daughter got shot. Then he looks at the camera about to perform, you can literally see him slip into character and he begins his crocodile tears.

This event had many other holes when scrutinized, such as the neighbor Gene Rosen, but Robbie exposed it as no father would react that way. While 9/11 was clearly an inside job Sandy Hook was the first domino because after it occurred there were easily 50+ staged events within like 5-7 years. They seemed almost constant. They likely still happen today, but this kind of content is deleted now for hate speech / medical misinformation and is difficult to source.

9/11 wasn't the first. Pearl harbor, the US liberty. Many historical events don't hold water when scrutinized. However, 9/11 is probably the most famous due to youtube's early years. Yet there are people today who believe in the official story, hook line and sinker.
Yeah there use to be a lot of videos exposing Sandy Hook on YT and there was predictive programming on the Dark Knight movie if I remember correctly.


Jun 19, 2021
Well it wasn't an event but my cousin showed me a video where a guy exposed Rhianna's "umbrella" video where the devil can be seen and from that point on I've been interesting in learning the truth about things
I declined to karaoke that song with my cousin at Six Flags years ago. Glad I did . I saw the exposee of that after


Aug 8, 2021
I declined to karaoke that song with my cousin at Six Flags years ago. Glad I did . I saw the exposee of that after
Yeah actually don't! I REFUSE to even listen to it every time I hear it on the radio I turn it off!! Why? Because my cousin told me that the ELLA ELLA part is actually a satanic chant! Hell nah I ain't inviting no demon into my house!! It's so scary!!!


Jun 28, 2020
Yeah there use to be a lot of videos exposing Sandy Hook on YT and there was predictive programming on the Dark Knight movie if I remember correctly.
Ya, there was a town called Sandy Hook on a map in the movie. Many false flags involve Batman programming. Idk what it is but if you research you'll find something about batman in nearly all of them.

There was one false flag, the Virginia reporter shooting (clearly a hoax). A report named Alison Parker was allegedly shot. The youtuber Montgraph (october reigns) claimed to find her boyfriend and this guy was weird. Kept claiming he was batman and Alison was with him.

Look into it if you wish, its a rabbit hole, the Batman / masons and false flags. Perhaps it has something to do with a dark guy doing good, while everything is "as above, so below" with these people.
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Jul 27, 2017
Sandy Hook was a big one for me. Also the Boston Marathon bombing & the Aurora, Colorado movie theater shooting. They all happened within a year of each other too, mostly 2012-2013 time period.
Same time for me as well


Jun 28, 2020
Yeah actually don't! I REFUSE to even listen to it every time I hear it on the radio I turn it off!! Why? Because my cousin told me that the ELLA ELLA part is actually a satanic chant! Hell nah I ain't inviting no demon into my house!! It's so scary!!!
ella ella means "no god". Pretty sure i mentioned this to you before. Its not a satanic chant per say, its kabbalists mocking people who only know English, while normal people think its a catchy tune and repeat it themselves.

To be honest so much music out there has satanic intent. Have you ever heard "twinkle twinkle little star" backwards? You can find it on youtube.


Mar 4, 2020
..For me it was definately 9/11. Ten years ago or more I would of thought that mostly everyone here were crazy, but over time I concluded that our government was involved..

Problem I have with accepting the "Muslims never dun 9/11" consp-theory is that Al-Qaeda ADMITTED doing it-





Jun 28, 2020
Problem I have with accepting the "Muslims never dun 9/11" consp-theory is that Al-Qaeda ADMITTED doing it-



I like how you make yourself irrelevant, even to new people Tidal.

Its always fun to see people bring the CNN/BBC news narrative here.

Yes yes, me being Muslim makes me bias, but still you ignore every non Muslim on here (dozens from what I've seen) trying to wake you up to the psy-ops. Alas there is no hope for you Tidal.

Atleast get some new articles, if i had a dime for every time i seen that guardian post I'd have several dollars.



Aug 23, 2021
I believed from the get go 911 likely had our own involved. No believed me when I mentioned they would use the event to take away rights and freedoms in the name of security.
Many of the ones y'all mentioned I came across as well.
There is much more I don't just think is possible or likely I know from personal experience. Our society is built upon a covert illusion of smoke an mirrors that most accept, as I once did. Once you see past it...life has been interesting to say the least and it is heartbreaking to see and to know most won't believe if you attempt to warn.
Ended up here oddly while looking into various govnmt psyops zersetzung and somehow ended up here reading about Gaga Telephone video.
Speaking truth within a kingdom of lies makes one very unpopular to say the least.


Jun 28, 2020
I believed from the get go 911 likely had our own involved. No believed me when I mentioned they would use the event to take away rights and freedoms in the name of security.
Many of the ones y'all mentioned I came across as well.
There is much more I don't just think is possible or likely I know from personal experience. Our society is built upon a covert illusion of smoke an mirrors that most accept, as I once did. Once you see past it...life has been interesting to say the least and it is heartbreaking to see and to know most won't believe if you attempt to warn.
Ended up here oddly while looking into various govnmt psyops zersetzung and somehow ended up here reading about Gaga Telephone video.
Speaking truth within a kingdom of lies makes one very unpopular to say the least.
I remember when 9/11 happened. I remember seeing the plane on every channel constant for like a week. Literally non stop. All channels, 24/7. I got sick of it because none of my regular programing was on during the brainwashing of America.

Sadly i was asleep back then and thought nothing of it. Much like many today, questioning nothing.

It seems the con-vid is waking up alot today though. Atleast half of the planet refuses the death jab.