Wearing a Mask


Mar 18, 2017
Thank you for posting that informative and insightful post, this clarifies much of the confusion and speculation regarding mask wearing. I appreciate you taking the time to go over the details.
I think the medical industry is helpful when you need it for more elaborate and advanced testing and operations,but I also think that this day and age with so much information available to all (internet), people need to take care of/control their own health and bodies, better than they do. This ties in to my belief about personal accountability.
A good amount of what you see inside a hospital pertains to preventative medicine. If people were healthier and more proactive with their own care to begin with, hospital admissions would drop significantly. It seems that if you trace the origin of many diseases it can be correlated directly to personal health choices and diet. This is not to say all, but individuals need to be more careful with their health, than they are.
Interesting to know that fact about the oxygination with the masks. I think perhaps I shall purchase myself a pulse ox to monitor myself, lol.
Like anything in my personal world, I respect others, in my dealings and personal engagements. If I'm in public I follow suite with what people are comfortable with.
In my thinking, what causes the most commotion is the loud-mouths coming at you, on both ends. Lol. See, there is a way to have civil discourse without resorting to personal attack and name calling! :) ;)
Thanks again~ and thank you for taking care of the sick population. I respect what medical professionals do, it's a very depleting vocation.
I completely agree with the idea that people have the opportunity to learn how to take care of themselves better. This is a very good point And I support advocating this.

the only downside to this is that whether people have the opportunity to take care of themselves or not, they don’t take this. it is important to consider this when people see people posting about masks and other things concerning this subject. A lot of these same people seem to fall into the category of having some bad habits that contribute to something preventable from what I can tell and they are basically putting on a show for others to make themselves feel important for one reason or the other.

I have seen many people who don’t seem to be very smart when it comes to this subject in general on social media. For example, there are videos everywhere of people confusing carbon dioxide with carbon monoxide and taking the meme about not being able to breathe and communicating it this way Like they never learned about the cycle that takes place in nature where we breathe out carbon dioxide and plants breathe in the carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen.

these same people are all up on the band wagon that masks infringe on your rights, but should you take them seriously when they don’t know the difference between carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide?

I’m not going to say organized medicine is always perfect either, but this really suggests that it is important to think for yourself and not jump on bandwagons just because they appear to be going in the opposite direction of the mainstream. This just doesn’t automatically mean someone is going in the right direction.

Thank you for hearing me out.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
This isn't meant to start an argument with anyone, nor is it meant in a disrespectful way to anyone in the medical profession.

George Orwell once said "in times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act".

We are living in times of universal deceit. And we have ALL been deceived. Every single institution on Earth is NOT what it appears to be, IF one is willing to dig down and, more importantly, have the courage to face the truth.

Regarding the current situation in the world, which is purposefully being mislabeled as a "pandemic" to incite fear, the following truths are known:

1) no "virus" has ever been isolated or positively identified;

2) proof of this fact has already been determined in the German Supreme court (research microbiologist and virologist Dr. Stefan Lanka), where it was determined there was no hard, scientific evidence of any kind isolating what is commonly referred to as the measles virus, nor is there any scientific evidence that the viruses cause disease;

"Even up to this day, there is still no scientific evidence that vaccines are effective against the so-called “viruses”. The reason why this claim has no solid scientific basis is that there are no proofs itself that these biological agents what they call “viruses” cause diseases in the first place."

3) even if one was inclined to believe that viruses do exist, and purportedly do cause disease, despite the lack of any scientific evidence proving these things, a surgical mask, or even an N95 mask, would be absolutely worthless in preventing the alleged size of what are called viral particles, from entering or exiting the masked area (mouth and nose);

4) just as with the alleged viruses themselves, there is no scientific proof that diseases are spread through droplets sprayed from one human onto another, or that unwashed hands cause disease;

5) if the first four points are properly understood, there is no reason to believe we are under any threat of a contagion, or that what is being referred to as "coronavirus" or "SARS-Cov-2", or "COVID-19" even exists;

6) there are no more deaths this year than the average over the past 3 years, according to the data collected thus far (in fact there are less); and

7) there is a very obvious agenda at work here, which WILL cause mass casualties and widespread death IF it is not correctly understood.

This certainly isn't an all-inclusive list, but instead to highlight what we are facing, to save lives. Western medicine is almost exclusively based on the chemical and pharmaceutical industry for one reason, and one reason only: MONEY. It is a trillion dollar industry that wields enough power to have legislation banned which would hold them accountable for their deadly vaccines. A history of cover-ups, e.g. the fact that in the U.S., the CDC is a drug company (NOT a regulatory agency) has been hid from the American people, along with the crippling, sterilizing and deadly nature of drugs and vaccines.

Medical textbooks have been written, and tens of thousands of doctors and nurses have been trained in this industry to believe these ASSUMPTIONS about how disease is caused are true, despite the complete lack of scientific evidence. They have based their reputations and careers on this misinformation, and thus are extremely unwilling to even consider the possibility that they have been duped. And then there is the complacent public, most of which are willing to believe anything they're spoonfed from the government propaganda machine: the mainstream media. Joseph Goebbels would be so proud. Josef Mengele too.

"If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.'" -- Adolf Hitler

It is very difficult for people to wrap their heads around the fact that there are extremely evil people in positions of power that are hell-bent on murdering over 90% of the global population, which they deem to be "useless eaters" (consumers/goyim). We are being poisoned for profit, and the new phase we have entered is their "end-game", where billions will be murdered through wars and vaccines

The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst." -- J. Edgar Hoover

This thread is specifically about wearing a mask. There are those who are convinced that infection is spread through physical contact who advocate wearing masks, even though there isn't one single shred of evidence indicating it will effectively stop anyone from getting sick. There are others who believe it couldn't hurt to wear the masks, and/or that they are "saving lives" by doing so. And there are those who question not just the efficacy of wearing a mask, but WHY we are being asked to wear mask, and WHERE this is headed (what's next?).

We have been told for decades there will be a "global reset" on the economy, aka a global, economic collapse, purposefully brought upon us by the same small group of people that wish to eliminate "non-essential human resources". If you want to know what an economic collapse looks like, this is it.

Farmers are turning over their crops (plowing them back into the soil) because they cannot harvest them "due to COVID-19". Those who are "non-essential" are left without jobs, or a means to put a roof over their heads or food on the table. People that have homes and enough money for now don't seem the least bit concerned that there are millions who don't have the basic necessessities of life. And it will only get worse from here.

What really causes disease? POVERTY (which would be eliminated IF we kept The Law - Deut. 15:4). It manifests itself in fear, a lack of nutritional food, and sanitary conditions. And that is exactly where all of this insanity is headed.

If enough people were awakened to the truth that we are being played, and that there is absolutely NO benefit to wearing a mask and that it is actually detrimental to our spiritual and physical health to do so, we could put a stop to this madness. Anyone who tells you that masks don't decrease the amount of clean air and O2 that you're breathing in, which the body NEEDS, doesn't know what they're talking about. Of course masks decrease the amount of clean air one is able to breathe in. That's why people are warned not to exercise in them.

ANY barrier that restricts the free flow of air through the mouth and nose, as well as the free exhaling of CO2 is detrimental to one's health. So if you want to show your government leaders and their medical witch doctors how obedient you are, just put on your mask and show everyone you're willing to slowly suffocate and sicken yourself for no good reason.

No one is saving anyone else's life by wearing a mask. In fact, the exact opposite is true.

Anyone wearing a mask is harming themselves, spreading fear, and making it possible for the parasitic ruling criminal class to carry on this charade, which will only get worse from here, causing BILLIONS of deaths. Like with drugs, JUST SAY NO to save lives.


Mar 18, 2017
There is already a visible increase in excess deaths showing that is taking place over an extended period of time in comparison to past years.

even if you were to argue that other causes of death will increase at a certain point because of the decline in the number of people seeking care. This wouldn’t account for an increase like this within a short time frame. These will be secondary and will potentially cause this extended period of excess deaths to take longer to get back to normal.

The virus is making people sick and some people will die from this. Arguing about masks until the extinction of humanity will not change that reality.

and A mask doesn’t reduce your oxygen intake. If anyone really wants to be vigilant about this, they should get their own pulse oximeter instead of listening to internet cult leaders Spreading ignorance.

Air isn’t really clean either. Air is filthy and getting more polluted every day which is why people wear masks regularly in many countries—because of pollution.

here we have people trying to say the air is just so clean and fresh like everyone lives At the Matterhorn. Give me a break. I’m probably healthier wearing a mask and not sharing germs with everybody in contained spaces like stores

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
From: https://jennifermargulis.net/wearing-mask-can-harm-your-health/


Wearing a Mask Can Harm Your Health

Wearing a mask can harm your health. woman wearing a mask courtesy of Ani Kolleshi via Unsplash. | Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D.
“I just don’t get it. Why don’t you want to wear a mask?”
It’s not just that masks most likely don’t work to stop the spread of coronavirus. Wearing a mask can harm your health.
Earlier this month an Australian news outlet reported that two 14-year-old Chinese boys collapsed and died six days apart while exercising wearing masks.
“It happened within two to three minutes during his physical training class. He was wearing a mask while lapping the running track, then he suddenly fell backwards and hit his head on the ground. I suspect it was because he was wearing a mask,” one of the grieving fathers told reporters.
Both handmade cloth masks and N95 masks can severely limit oxygen intake, making breathing more difficult.

9 ways that wearing a mask can harm your health:
  1. Wearing a mask reduces blood oxygenation, especially in people over 35. Indeed, a team of researchers from the Department of Neurosurgery at Ufuk University in Ankara, Turkey reported that the longer a mask is worn the more the blood is desaturated. These researchers also assert that: “Surgeons in the operating room frequently experience physical discomfort, fatigue, and possibly even deterioration of surgical judgment and performance. Although considerable information exists about the effects of ambient environment on both mental and physical performance, the final “personal” environment for the surgeon beneath the surgical mask is often very inadequately conditioned…it is known that heat and moisture trapping occur beneath surgical masks…” (source).
  2. Wearing a mask increases blood carbon dioxide levels. Citing four different scientific studies, Dr. Zheng Zhaoshi, PH.D. M.D. at the Department of Neurology, The Third Hospital of Jilin University, “Oxygen concentration inhaled by healthy subjects wearing a surgical mask covering an N95 respirator decreases to about 17%, and the concentration of carbon dioxide increases to about 1.2% – 3% in a short period of light work (2-3). Although participants did not show any obvious changes in physical function and did not have any discomfort ratings, the average carbon dioxide concentration inhaled was far higher than the limit of 0.1% of indoor carbon dioxide concentration in many countries. With prolonged mask wearing, untoward reactions may gradually appear. In another long-term study, after wearing an N95 mask for 12 hours the CO2 concentration of subjects increased to 41.0 mmHg, far higher than the baseline value of 32.4mm Hg at the beginning of the test (4). The subjects mainly reported headache, dizziness, feeling tired and communication obstacles. In real life, the situations and time of wearing masks are much longer than the above experimental research settings” (source).
  3. Wearing a mask increases risk of headaches (source).
  4. It also increases risk of brain fog, difficulty concentrating, and exhaustion, most likely due to insufficient oxygen and increased exposure to carbon dioxide.
  5. Masks made overseas have been found to be faulty and inadequate.Nearly all of them contain known carcinogens. This is why there is a warning label on the carton. Breathing in carcinogens during the day and having them in contact with your skin may increase your risk of cancer.
  6. Masks may increase your risk of infection, mostly because they are worn inappropriately, and also because mask-wearers fiddle with them, frequently touching their face. There is no scientific evidence that shows that cloth masks will help reduce the spread of COVID-19, according to Lisa Brousseau, ScD, and Margaret Sietsema, Ph.D. (source).
  7. Wearing a mask concentrates the exhaled viruses in the nasal passages. Our bodies have several effective detoxifications pathways. One of the ways we rid ourselves of a viral infection is by exhaling. If you are sick with COVID-19 or any other viral infection, the last thing you want to do is impede your ability to breathe (source).
  8. Wearing a mask causes problems for people with special needs. Deaf people who rely on lip reading, people with autism who have trouble understanding verbal cues and need visual cues to help them, and anyone who is hard of hearing suffer the most when people are wearing masks (source).
  9. Wearing a mask can cause severe and painful contact dermatitis, painful rashes, and other skin damage on your face (source).
Russell Blaylock, M.D., a retired neurosurgeon, does not mince words about how wearing a mask can harm your health. Especially if worn for extended periods, while exercising, or in hot weather, face masks can be deadly.

“In essence, your mask may very well put you at an increased risk of infections, and if so, having a much worse outcome,” Blaylock writes (my emphasis.)

Paul Thomas, M.D., a Dartmouth-trained pediatrician with over 30 years of medical experience, agrees. Wearing a mask “promotes fear, which we know is bad for the immune system,” Thomas, who is also my colleague and co-author, says. “It reduces breathing in fresh air, which is also bad for the immune system, and it does little to nothing to prevent spread of a virus.”


Mar 18, 2017


Mar 16, 2017
So here’s what I’m going to say and I know no one is going to like it. I’m sitting outside the hospital as we speak waiting on the results of a million tests they ran because my husband probably has Covid. He’s been sick as hell since Wednesday but we thought it was from something else and no one in the house took any precautions either in the home or outside of it. He’s vomiting, sweating through dozens of articles of clothing a day, intermittently burning hot with fever but feels like he’s freezing, every fiber of his body hurts like he got hit by a Mac truck on meth, he can’t sleep at all, his mood is all over the place... it’s an absolute shit show. The nurses took so much blood from him and ran so many tests he almost passed out and this is a guy who could literally be stabbed close to death without batting an eye and keep moving. Tylenol and Advil are not helping at all.. the results aren’t back yet but the nurses said they are almost positive he has Covid.

I’ve been living with and sharing his space every day just like always not thinking anything of it. Same for the kids. Same for his employees. His clients. My clients. My sons friends..

And I have tried ridiculously hard to keep that shit out of my house because of my own health issues. But my husband (and my son too) never has taken social distancing or masks at all seriously. So now we’re all exposed. Plus god knows how many other people we have been in close contact with over the last two weeks. He is sicker than I’ve ever seen him in twenty years and for him to come to a hospital it has to be real bad because he’s not a complainer. We have no where that he can go to “isolate” so now we are all going to be stuck in together and I have health issues and we have a toddler and a sixteen year old son that at this point I can’t even send to stay elsewhere because both grandmas are high risk and we don’t want to expose anyone else.

I got a bit complacent. Numbers in my area have been down and stuffs reopened. It’s summer. We were going stir crazy. Blah blah blah. I wish I hadn’t. That is all. Believe me or not I don’t care. I’m a lot of things but a liar ain’t one of them and anyone who knows me should know that by now.

The conspiracy is that they’ve managed to politicize this so completely that we are falling for the divide and the story that it’s fake instead of investigating who did it and why and what it means in the grand scheme. That’s always been the damn conspiracy... why do they want to kill us?


Mar 14, 2017
Pulse oximeter is 20 bucks.

A very helpful device in the pursuit of independent thought.
Ordered. Will give honest results.

Did you round down the price or is Amazon just giving me a higher price?


Mar 14, 2017
So here’s what I’m going to say and I know no one is going to like it. I’m sitting outside the hospital as we speak waiting on the results of a million tests they ran because my husband probably has Covid. He’s been sick as hell since Wednesday but we thought it was from something else and no one in the house took any precautions either in the home or outside of it. He’s vomiting, sweating through dozens of articles of clothing a day, intermittently burning hot with fever but feels like he’s freezing, every fiber of his body hurts like he got hit by a Mac truck on meth, he can’t sleep at all, his mood is all over the place... it’s an absolute shit show. The nurses took so much blood from him and ran so many tests he almost passed out and this is a guy who could literally be stabbed close to death without batting an eye and keep moving. Tylenol and Advil are not helping at all.. the results aren’t back yet but the nurses said they are almost positive he has Covid.

I’ve been living with and sharing his space every day just like always not thinking anything of it. Same for the kids. Same for his employees. His clients. My clients. My sons friends..

And I have tried ridiculously hard to keep that shit out of my house because of my own health issues. But my husband (and my son too) never has taken social distancing or masks at all seriously. So now we’re all exposed. Plus god knows how many other people we have been in close contact with over the last two weeks. He is sicker than I’ve ever seen him in twenty years and for him to come to a hospital it has to be real bad because he’s not a complainer. We have no where that he can go to “isolate” so now we are all going to be stuck in together and I have health issues and we have a toddler and a sixteen year old son that at this point I can’t even send to stay elsewhere because both grandmas are high risk and we don’t want to expose anyone else.

I got a bit complacent. Numbers in my area have been down and stuffs reopened. It’s summer. We were going stir crazy. Blah blah blah. I wish I hadn’t. That is all. Believe me or not I don’t care. I’m a lot of things but a liar ain’t one of them and anyone who knows me should know that by now.

The conspiracy is that they’ve managed to politicize this so completely that we are falling for the divide and the story that it’s fake instead of investigating who did it and why and what it means in the grand scheme. That’s always been the damn conspiracy... why do they want to kill us?
I'm sorry for what you're going through and I don't want to compound your worries but there was that guy from the WHO talking about separating families.
Do up your vitamin intake and get plenty of rest, fluids and sun.


Mar 16, 2017
I'm sorry for what you're going through and I don't want to compound your worries but there was that guy from the WHO talking about separating families.
Do up your vitamin intake and get plenty of rest, fluids and sun.
As far as the government knows we don’t live together. I’ll be keeping it that way as long as needed. We thought about that before he walked in but it’s a constant for us anyway.
Thanks for the tips :)


Mar 18, 2017
Ordered. Will give honest results.

Did you round down the price or is Amazon just giving me a higher price?
I could have sworn it was 19 and change when I was looking it up but it is 23 for me too now.


Jun 17, 2017
It is your choice to make this political and presume that there is no risk that you are creating for yourselves and others that will create an effect if you are wrong that you will be accountable for on a personal level.
"we" didnt make this political. it became political (at least in the US) when the left hypocrisy set in: when it was wrong for groups/church congregations/etc. to get together but when it came to protesting BLM, distancing and masks werent a issue, and then again when state mandates were treated as laws... which they are absolutely NOT.

i am not wearing a mask for constitutional issues and because they flat out do not prevent the spread of covid, not because they do or do not limit oxygen intake.
the worthlessness of a mask is not my opinion, its research which has been covered on this thread extensively in scientific studies like the new england journal of medicine.

again, the mere fact that MSM is shutting down the discussion on this (twitter just banned bitchute videos on its platform) should tell you that what the "medical authorities" are telling you cannot hold up to scrutiny and debate.


Jun 17, 2017
As a recap...
Masks may or may not help control the spread of covid-19.
Wear them as a courtesy.
Pray and have your fingers crossed.
sorry, but i have to disagree with the "courtesy" part of this. anyone who is overly concerned about contracting covid should take precautions themselves and not heave their worry and paranoia on others by making them wear masks. i will not be guilt tripped into wearing a mask, especially when masks do not work. guilt tripping me wont work, MSM brainwashing wont work, nor will begging celebrities, like toms hankie.


Mar 18, 2017
"we" didnt make this political. it became political (at least in the US) when the left hypocrisy set in:
that’s an absolute joke. It became political for people who didn’t see evidence of it and then they started on their crusade over this.

In other news, people are stupid when it comes to healthcare. Most politicians know nothing about the subject either and this fumbled mess is the result.

however, the only ones making this political are the people who are trying to say they shouldn’t have to wear masks that have a demonstratively effectiveness. They are just not a panacea.
Last edited:


Mar 18, 2017

After multiple violent and even relentless incidents involving people refusing to wear masks amid the COVID-19 pandemic, several big retailers are instructing staff to still serve people who don’t want to wear masks out of concern for the safety of the employees.

According to CNN, Walmart, CVS, Lowe’s, Walgreen, and Home Depot are among the major retail chains who announced to still serve customers who defy wearing masks to avoid confrontation between shoppers and employees.”

It’s not 2016, and all people need to be accountable for their actions. The anti mask crowd is completely political and aggressive when it comes to this subject. This is thoroughly demonstrated. Anyone denying this is hanging on to an illusion from the past that labeled the left as more of a threat than they ever demonstrated becoming.

the right is still trying to paint the left as the boogie man in order to try to control the way people think overall. There is No boogie man. There are just millions of people who are not prepared for something like this in terms of education and experience.