We have a Satanic World Government: What's next?


Jan 21, 2021
I believe in God, but I also believe in the power of the people. The protest is just the start, what we need here is a freaking revolution in the structures of power.
Can we make it?
Yes, why not?
Every revolution is orchestrated by Freemason. You think the protest is working? After one and half year, they introduced passport. Right on time.

But even though it probably won’t work, you should at least try. I agree that part.
If it doesn’t work, then you may pray to God to save us. Lol
But we collectively meditate to a higher conscious is not working, I can’t even convince my friends.

Lionel m

Sep 7, 2021
Do you think all people in the army and police will stay in silence for a long time?
Do you think they will like to be zombies and then murdered?
I don't think so.
You can do what you want @cyt456 but I won't give up.


Jun 23, 2021
At the beggining, I didn't wanted to believe that "the Illuminati" is a Luciferian/Satanic organization.
I searched a lot... For years... and now the proofs are clear and I can't deny the truth.

The illuminati/Stablishment is evil.
They pretend to be good with the excuse to make 1 religion, 1 government and bring peace to the world, but they are satanics. So, somebody can explain how a satanic organization can bring peace to the world ?

There is no logical explanation, how a group of people who commited murders and will continue commit murders, can bring peace to the world?!
I understand the desire of some people to join the opposite church (satan's church). This is a frecuent desire of polarity and rebelion completly natural in somes humans...

And I understand that somes groups are angry about the christian church, specialy jews, pagans and decenders of templars.
But I questioned myself about the illuminati.. why are they going so far? is the angry so big that worth to kill almost all the humanity? Is the angry so big that worth to lose their soul?

After we realize that we have a satanic world governmemt... we may be in shock for a while.. and then we need to come back to reality..
And think, What's next now?
What is next is that we collectively dismantle it by revolting against the secular-atheist-capitalist-liberal west instead of bowing down to them and pretending that we've been defeated.