Video Games & Anime Illuminati Agenda Exposed


Jul 15, 2020
As the meme goes "Well time to reinstall Deus Ex again."

This game is incredible and had a profound impact on me when I first played it in 2000. I was already aware of the conspiracy back then so it only solidified my views.
I can still remember the level design (especially of the first map) and yeah I also played it around that time. First time I played I got a horrible glitch though - around the Paris mission I was out of ammo because the game didn't register me picking it up :( :(. Good days! :D


Oct 11, 2021
How about the obvious one that just blew up the past couple weeks, ''New World'', suspicious name , notice the main picture for the game has a face with one eye lit with fire and the other not lit, may just be a coincidence, but suspicious to me that its made by 'amazon games' and its their only game release so far.
new world.jpg

There's also a game called mind scanners that had some odd looking pictures, not sure if its just the pictures that caught my eye, more of a indie game
mind scanners.jpg

Hard to tell what video games have the actual influence of NWO stuff, because when you search the studios they seem to have just ordinary people, but who knows what can go on behind the scenes now with anything entertainment related.


Nov 24, 2020
How about the obvious one that just blew up the past couple weeks, ''New World'', suspicious name , notice the main picture for the game has a face with one eye lit with fire and the other not lit, may just be a coincidence, but suspicious to me that its made by 'amazon games' and its their only game release so far.
View attachment 63822

There's also a game called mind scanners that had some odd looking pictures, not sure if its just the pictures that caught my eye, more of a indie game
View attachment 63823

Hard to tell what video games have the actual influence of NWO stuff, because when you search the studios they seem to have just ordinary people, but who knows what can go on behind the scenes now with anything entertainment related.
Hi and welcome :)

Amazon's New World definitely belongs in this thread, but you may also find the discussion here interesting on Amazon's New World game. That logo for instance may have some deeper symbolic meaning.

The Mindscanners screen shot seems packed with symbolism, but whether that's just the look they were aiming for or has some darker intent is difficult to say. Creepy either way though!


Apr 6, 2018
Jean Chalopin (Franc-Maçon), un animateur Français a créer différentes sociétés d'animation, au Japon et Corée du Sud:
Il possédait le Château Bouville, utiliser pour le clip de "GIMS" (anciennement "Maître Gims", Le prix à payer. as forcément d'origine Franc-Maçon, dés l'entrer du Château, derrière les bareilles d'entrée, après, la salle et cuisine, il a un cercle pour les feux de bois (normalement sur la terre), et à gauche, la fontaine représente l'élément de l'eau et le jet d'eau représente le phallus. La vrai position est à droite pour les symboles du feu, celle du soleil et à gauche, pour les symboles de l'eau, celle de la lune.
Dans une grotte, dont les murs sont recouverts de pierres. Il c'est fait sculpté sous la forme d'un faune, avec sa femme, positionner sous un puit de lumière.
Au fond du jardin, après un mini parc, des jardins d'enfants, est positionné, une grotte, qui comporte un numéro de club sur la porte. La grotte, semblable à une cave, comportant un mini bar à gauche d'en bas les escaliers et au fond une cheminée.
Jean Chalopin (Freemason), a French animator created different animation companies, in Japan and South Korea:
He owned the Château Bouville, used for the clip of "GIMS" (formerly "Maître Gims", The price to pay. Is necessarily of Freemason origin, as soon as you enter the Château, behind the entrance holes, after , the room and kitchen, it has a circle for wood fires (normally on earth), and on the left, the fountain represents the element of water and the water jet represents the phallus. The true position is on the right for the symbols of fire, that of the sun and on the left, for the symbols of water, that of the moon.
In a cave, the walls of which are covered with stones. He is sculpted in the form of a faun, with his wife, positioned under a skylight.
At the bottom of the garden, after a mini park, kindergartens, is positioned a cave, which has a club number on the door. The cave, similar to a cellar, with a mini bar to the left of the stairs below and a fireplace at the back.

Yellowbunzz tasty

Dec 30, 2019
Found a video exposing the gaming industry and its actual evils.



Apr 6, 2018
Cela fait lontempts que je voulais le marquer, et vu que j'ai publiée la seconde partie, où je me suis baser sur l'idée d'un cycle..., Où j'ai apposer chaque info utiliser par les Illuminatis:
Ainsi, j'ai découvert, que les dieux principaux sont très souvent utiliser, que ce soit dans des écrits, films, séries, allant à la musique... Ainsi dans les mangas, c'est un thème récurant, en voici, quelques mangas:
Le plus visible est dans Naruto, à la fin de Naruto Shipuden, il confirme avec Kayaga Ôtsutsuki (la Déesse-Mère). Où elle annonce que Naruto est la réincarnation de son fils (le fils du second quart, le quart du soleil) et Sasuke, celui du troisième (il est le fils de la lune). Beaucoups des autres personnages représentent, les mêmes Dieux, comme Kakashi, représente le fils du second quart et Obito, celui du troisième. Sakura comme Rin représentent la déesse du premier quart. Dans Naruto, Sasuke et Sakura vont jusqu'à porter la couleur du quart (les couleurs sont très souvent les mêmes, au point que chaque quart à sa propre couleur):
- Naruto: porte la couleur porter par sa mère au premier quart, cette couleur est c'elle de Naruto, elle fait référence à la lumière, lumière du soleil: le jaune. Elle est mélanger, à c'elle de son quart: le rouge: donnant ainsi la couleur orange (la couleur faisant référence à la couleur du Dieu de ce quart, jeune).
- Sasuke: porte la couleur de la Déesse-mère, la première partie du quatrième quart, représenter par l'eau, il prendra dans Boruto, la couleur noir, la seconde couleur et dernière. La couleur violette, étant aussi possible, référence à l'association du soleil et de la lune.
- Sakura: porte la couleur de ses deux fils, la couleur rouge, pour Naruto, et Blanc, la couleur avant l'intoxication, par le vert (la couleur, lié à la Déesse du premier quart, au serpent et au temps).

Konoha ayant comme symbole est porté sur le frond par chaque Ninja... représente les feuilles de l'arbre de vie, mais une partie de l'Amérique, avec les tête des hokages, sculpter sur le flan de la montage, ce qui peut faire penser à la limite, représentatif: Comme il est très visible sur la Joconde (voir décor), le cycle est représenté par des montagnes, puis un chemin, (une forêt, cela est à verifier), une rivière, des montagnes.

Baser sur l'équipe de Kakashi, les personnages de Jutsu Kaisen: Pour Naruto, c'est Megumi. Pour Sasuke: Yuji, il est possédé par Sukuna: le démon possède, quatre bras, comme Shinji, dans Evangelion, quatre bras faisant référence au Dieu Shiva (qui peut être représenter avec quatre bras)...

Evangelion, met l'accent sur Shinji, comme précédemment fait référence à Shiva, et Rei, la Déesse-mère.

Il a aussi: Shingeki no Kyojin: Si vous suivez, l'animation, ne lisez pas, il quelques infos, spoils:
Dans cette série, on suit Eren, l'équivalent de Sasuke. Mais aussi Armin, l'équivalent de Naruto, comme le père d'Eren (malgrer, qu'il a porter, le même titan qu'Eren), la mère d'Eren représente la Déesse-mère. Et Mikasa est l'équivalent la Déesse Ymir.
L'Histoire ce déroule, dans une ville Allemande, mais à Madascar, une base Nazi devait être créer. Baser sur le mythe Nordique: Exemple: Levi est le serpent tueur des Dieux. Eren est Loki, autant qu'il Odin, d'où les nombreux oiseaux, comme les corbeaux. Armin est Thor.

Pour finir, voici une des vidéos de cette chaine Française, d'une fan de One Piece, mais dont les vidéos sont très intéressante:
Ce n'est eut être pas la dernière publier sur les cartes: Elle a un sous titre Anglais, vous pourez mettre votre langue, par dessus:

Chaque quart est lié à une paire de carte (si je me trompe pas):
Le carreau est celui du premier quart, puis c'est le pique, celui du second quart, cela continue par le trèfle, pour le troisième quart et finit par le coeur.
It's been a long time since I wanted to mark it, and since I published the second part, where I was based on the idea of a cycle ..., where I put every info used by the Illuminati:
So, I discovered, that the main gods are very often used, whether in writings, films, series, going to music ... So in manga, it is a recurring theme, here are some manga.
The most visible is in Naruto, at the end of Naruto Shipuden, he confirms with Kayaga Ôtsutsuki (the Mother Goddess). Where she announces that Naruto is the reincarnation of her son (the son of the second quarter, the quarter of the sun) and Sasuke, that of the third (he is the son of the moon). Many of the other characters represent, the same Gods, like Kakashi, represents the son of the second quarter and Obito, that of the third. Sakura like Rin represent the goddess of the first quarter. In Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura go so far as to wear the color of the quarter (the colors are very often the same, to the point that each quarter has its own color):
- Naruto: wears the color worn by his mother in the first quarter, this color is that of Naruto, it refers to light, sunlight: yellow. It is mixed, with that of its quarter: the red: thus giving the color orange (the color referring to the color of the God of this quarter, young).
- Sasuke: wears the color of the Mother Goddess, the first part of the fourth quarter, represent by water, he will take in Boruto, the color black, the second and last color. The violet color, being also possible, reference to the association of the sun and the moon.
- Sakura: bears the color of her two sons, the color red, for Naruto, and White, the color before intoxication, by green (the color, linked to the Goddess of the first quarter, to the snake and to time).

Konoha having as a symbol is worn on the sling by each Ninja ... represents the leaves of the tree of life, but part of America, with the heads of the hokages, carving on the blank of the mount, which can make think of the limit, representative: As it is very visible on the Mona Lisa (see decoration), the cycle is represented by mountains, then a path, (a forest, that is to be verified), a river, mountains.

Based on the Kakashi team, the characters of Jutsu Kaisen: For Naruto, it's Megumi. For Sasuke: Yuji, he is possessed by Sukuna: the demon has, four arms, like Shinji, in Evangelion, four arms referring to the God Shiva (who can be represented with four arms)...

Evangelion, emphasizes Shinji, as previously referred to Shiva, and Rei, the Mother Goddess.

He also has: Shingeki no Kyojin: If you follow the animation, don't read it some info, spoils:
In this series, we follow Eren, the equivalent of Sasuke. But also Armin, the equivalent of Naruto, like the father of Eren (despite, that he has to carry, the same titan as Eren), the mother of Eren represents the Goddess-mother. And Mikasa is the equivalent of the Goddess Ymir.
The story unfolds in a German city, but in Madascar, a Nazi base had to be created. Base on the Norse myth: Example: Levi is the serpent slayer of the Gods. Eren is Loki, as much as he is Odin, hence the many birds, like crows. Armin is Thor.

Finally, here is one of the videos of this French channel, of a fan of One Piece, but whose videos are very interesting:
It may not be the last to publish on the maps: It has an English subtitle, you can put your language on it:


Feb 18, 2020
Virtual world "U" that uses a "unique body-sharing technology" to bring out a person's best traits.
There is also this beast who will likely be made out to be some kind of misunderstood hero in the end


Apr 6, 2018
Attention spoilers, season 4 of Attack on Titan:
I wanted to do an article, but rereading, a book on Ninjas. I reviewed the references, which was similar to those of Naruto. I wonder, moreover, if it's just a manga about Ninjas. Why? Because the goddess the Ninjas pray to is Ymir in Attack on Titan. She is an illusion, represented by Hinata, in Naruto, who is a very shy girl, until marrying Naruto. As Sakura was shy, until the intervention of Ino, who shuns her believing that she was a rival in love, for Sasuke. Thus Naruto is the solar god, like Armin who becomes the Colossal Titan, after Berthold (who is a Man, very cold (a parallel with Eren)). Whereas Annie is the Female Titan. Representing the mother goddess, as the illusion of Ymir and Hinata. While Sasuke is the moon god, like Eren. And Sakura is the solar goddess, who for ninjas she is a healing goddess, if prayed.
The size of the Colossal Titan represents the size of the Tree of Life. A Colossal Titan is multiple, those who become the shield, and bearer of the bridge during the construction of the city (see the old illustrations). Like the Titan Armor, is a protective titan, and that despite his act of going to save Eren from the clutches of demons (the people of Paradise Island), under the order of Zeke, who represents the monkey (reference to the 'Man, early Man), his Titan is even a useless Titan, a reference to its former owner, who turned into a whale.
The form of combat, as much as the titan name of Eren as the attack on the titans, the attackers towards the wall, like the titans do. Except that instead of being mere enemies, they are the representation of matter, eliminating light. An action that will be prevented by the Armin team. Eren being the degradation of the light, which condemned him from the start to certain death. And will die, under the cheek of his mother (represent by Ymir). His mother having died because of him, to represent by the light, to carry by the mother, to represent by the Smiling Titan. Mikasa, representing, at two times, the beginning of the mother. Eren's father representing Armin and the owl Eren.
For King Fritz, it is Armin, but in a state of conquest, over Man. Except as shown, the Nordic religion (taken up by the Freemasons), The God Odin wanting to have the knowledge of the world, sacrifices his body for the knowledge of the spirit. You should know that too much energy can drive someone crazy.

BONUS: Visual inspirations:
History, needing large walls, the reference to a series, whose end to televise, is also symbolic, is Game of Throne. Members have been used to represent titans.
When Eren falls from a bad fixation, rolls over during practice is a reference to Loki's actor in Marvel, who had a problem, with the bindings, which usually holds the stuntman.
During the injection, Armin is represented in the form of a painting, representing Christ, taken down from the cross.
Levi is Franco-French, French in reference to the inspired Erwin of a French hero whose spy parents pretended to be German.
The city of the Isle of Paradise is a Nazi project, from a city to Madacascar. A city that is normally round. It is shaped like a mouth in Attack on Titan.
The pineal gland is represented by the crystallization of the carriers of the titans, which represent the soul. The location behind, the shot is both for the visuals, but also to facilitate the fight. A fight, whose weapons come from the cutters, similar to the weapons of Evangelion, which speaks of the same subject.
The white castle is the white castle, in The Lord of the Rings, which uses the Bible and Nordic tales. Ymir is also attached to the pigs, leaving the englo, represents the exit of the Titans, of the simplified world of the cycle, Earth on the ground, and starry sky, maintained by the tree. The goddess of ninjas is also carried by a pig. Who is also the star in the direction of the eastern star (the star, connore, the Freemasons), (the star like the stars are represented by an animal, but also by a horse).
Levi is for Zeke, Eren.
The scene where Eren invites himself into the conversation between Armin, Mikasa and Gabi. On a round table representing the cycle. He has a painting behind them. It has a corsair painting, which represents the role of Armin, whose mast is broken by the pirate ship, which represents Eren, which hits him on the crockery cabinet. And in the center, the boat is Mikasa, the boat represents, the boats which lead to paradise (but on earth). Gabi is next to Eren, referring to his behavior, which resembles Eren's. Falco being the reflection of Reiner and therefore of Armin.
Last edited:


Apr 6, 2018
Attention spoilers, season 4 of Attack on Titan:
I wanted to do an article, but rereading, a book on Ninjas. I reviewed the references, which was similar to those of Naruto. I wonder, moreover, if it's just a manga about Ninjas. Why? Because the goddess the Ninjas pray to is Ymir in Attack on Titan. She is an illusion, represented by Hinata, in Naruto, who is a very shy girl, until marrying Naruto. As Sakura was shy, until the intervention of Ino, who shuns her believing that she was a rival in love, for Sasuke. Thus Naruto is the solar god, like Armin who becomes the Colossal Titan, after Berthold (who is a Man, very cold (a parallel with Eren)). Whereas Annie is the Female Titan. Representing the mother goddess, as the illusion of Ymir and Hinata. While Sasuke is the moon god, like Eren. And Sakura is the solar goddess, who for ninjas she is a healing goddess, if prayed.
The size of the Colossal Titan represents the size of the Tree of Life. A Colossal Titan is multiple, those who become the shield, and bearer of the bridge during the construction of the city (see the old illustrations). Like the Titan Armor, is a protective titan, and that despite his act of going to save Eren from the clutches of demons (the people of Paradise Island), under the order of Zeke, who represents the monkey (reference to the 'Man, early Man), his Titan is even a useless Titan, a reference to its former owner, who turned into a whale.
The form of combat, as much as the titan name of Eren as the attack on the titans, the attackers towards the wall, like the titans do. Except that instead of being mere enemies, they are the representation of matter, eliminating light. An action that will be prevented by the Armin team. Eren being the degradation of the light, which condemned him from the start to certain death. And will die, under the cheek of his mother (represent by Ymir). His mother having died because of him, to represent by the light, to carry by the mother, to represent by the Smiling Titan. Mikasa, representing, at two times, the beginning of the mother. Eren's father representing Armin and the owl Eren.
For King Fritz, it is Armin, but in a state of conquest, over Man. Except as shown, the Nordic religion (taken up by the Freemasons), The God Odin wanting to have the knowledge of the world, sacrifices his body for the knowledge of the spirit. You should know that too much energy can drive someone crazy.

BONUS: Visual inspirations:
History, needing large walls, the reference to a series, whose end to televise, is also symbolic, is Game of Throne. Members have been used to represent titans.
When Eren falls from a bad fixation, rolls over during practice is a reference to Loki's actor in Marvel, who had a problem, with the bindings, which usually holds the stuntman.
During the injection, Armin is represented in the form of a painting, representing Christ, taken down from the cross.
Levi is Franco-French, French in reference to the inspired Erwin of a French hero whose spy parents pretended to be German.
The city of the Isle of Paradise is a Nazi project, from a city to Madacascar. A city that is normally round. It is shaped like a mouth in Attack on Titan.
The pineal gland is represented by the crystallization of the carriers of the titans, which represent the soul. The location behind, the shot is both for the visuals, but also to facilitate the fight. A fight, whose weapons come from the cutters, similar to the weapons of Evangelion, which speaks of the same subject.
The white castle is the white castle, in The Lord of the Rings, which uses the Bible and Nordic tales. Ymir is also attached to the pigs, leaving the englo, represents the exit of the Titans, of the simplified world of the cycle, Earth on the ground, and starry sky, maintained by the tree. The goddess of ninjas is also carried by a pig. Who is also the star in the direction of the eastern star (the star, connore, the Freemasons), (the star like the stars are represented by an animal, but also by a horse).
Levi is for Zeke, Eren.
The scene where Eren invites himself into the conversation between Armin, Mikasa and Gabi. On a round table representing the cycle. He has a painting behind them. It has a corsair painting, which represents the role of Armin, whose mast is broken by the pirate ship, which represents Eren, which hits him on the crockery cabinet. And in the center, the boat is Mikasa, the boat represents, the boats which lead to paradise (but on earth). Gabi is next to Eren, referring to his behavior, which resembles Eren's. Falco being the reflection of Reiner and therefore of Armin.
Added for analysis:
Ymir is the first titan in Norse mythology. She is the titan, who constitutes the landscapes, of our world. Yet this founding titan wants to destroy, the world, why?
The first reason is that the titan, like the earth, can associate with a human body. People, who inhabit it, can associate themselves with parasites, which help, our body. Even if there, it is, more than one dead body, of which parasites, exploit, this body. This titan, lives again, or perishes in this moment, and its body, whose natural disasters, come from this body of titan (associated with the goddess Gaïa). Thus, Eren, representing the degrading spirit, in contrast to Armin, who represents Christ, the true saviour. And what gives life to matter.

Eren represents the action of light (and therefore the multitude, of light). So let Armin represent unity, living energy, gaining power, in space, dead. Moreover, the parallel, between the smiling titan (for the sun), with the female body (for the earth), like the goddess Ymir, parallel Mikasa and Historia by her role of Queen. To Eren's mother, who despite her role as a mother, close to Eren. Represents, the goddess of death (goddess who is also the goddess, of sexuality, and who represents).

A land, which is punishing, while the world is waging useless wars.


Jun 2, 2021
Has anyone here watched Naoki Urasawa's Monster?? the main Villian Johan liebert is literally portrayed as the AntiChrist the show even has a character utter revelation 13 to describe him that same author wrote another manga 20th Century boys which has references to secret societies, illuminati, antichrist etc I think Naoki Urasawa is one of their big ones probably one of their agents working in Japan I suspect industry giants like Hideaki Anno and Miyazaki Hayao to be involved too


Apr 25, 2021
Has anyone here watched Naoki Urasawa's Monster?? the main Villian Johan liebert is literally portrayed as the AntiChrist the show even has a character utter revelation 13 to describe him that same author wrote another manga 20th Century boys which has references to secret societies, illuminati, antichrist etc I think Naoki Urasawa is one of their big ones probably one of their agents working in Japan I suspect industry giants like Hideaki Anno and Miyazaki Hayao to be involved too
Yeah I did. Both Monster and 20th century boys. What I was concerned the most when I swimmed trough Monster was to know worryingly if such orphenages like Kinderheim 511 did exist. Not a orphanage who just treat badly people because people working there are jerkass, but one where the mood of the place is specifically made bad and maleovelent in order to create ruthless humans with heart of stone who can do bad thing without switching an eye brow for an hidden political party/power governement.


Jul 15, 2020
Has anyone here watched Naoki Urasawa's Monster?? the main Villian Johan liebert is literally portrayed as the AntiChrist the show even has a character utter revelation 13 to describe him that same author wrote another manga 20th Century boys which has references to secret societies, illuminati, antichrist etc I think Naoki Urasawa is one of their big ones probably one of their agents working in Japan I suspect industry giants like Hideaki Anno and Miyazaki Hayao to be involved too
From this: "the main Villian Johan liebert is literally portrayed as the AntiChrist the show even has a character utter revelation 13 to describe him that same author wrote another manga 20th Century boys which has references to secret societies, illuminati, antichrist etc" to this:"I think Naoki Urasawa is one of their big ones probably one of their agents working in Japan I suspect industry giants like Hideaki Anno and Miyazaki Hayao to be involved too" is a big leap. What makes you think that? Especially since Monster's main character is actively working against the evil secret societies while still retaining his integrity. Same for Miyazaki - where in his works does he further the objectives of the secret societies? I may fault him for being a workaholic and thus for Ghibli's work hours in general. I also don't care about his opinion on Tolkien. IMO he has become too anti-western minded, even though his stance against american imperialism has been consistent throughout the years and seems very incompatible with him being an agent of "the dark side". If anything Miyazaki strikes me as someone who has a profound love for humanity as well as for the natural world we live in but who is now perhaps too jaded seeing the chaotic state of the world. Just look at Mononoke Hime, there is a drive towards harmony instead of towards chaos in it. Anno though... his stuff is weird.