Vaccine making people ANGRIER AND STUPIDER


Aug 22, 2021

working at a new different school for the late summer, it’s not your typical class. It’s for the “homeless” program, small group of around 11 little kids (ages 4 to 6) removed from their home due to violence or family abuse. So they are practically abandoned by their family possibly forever for most or all of them from what was confirmed; our boss advices us all (3 teachers) multiple times to be extra nice and kind, the 3 of us don’t know anyone in this new place, but they received us with hugs and called us “mom/dad/etc”

right away on the 2nd day, both of the new teachers are already very grumpy & appearing angry at some children, yelling non-stop since early 9am
like com’n is the morning we’’re all used to a slow peaceful start , specially with strangers and kids, so I keep trying to be pleasant , and just dismiss any childish playful action because obviously they are just kids and on top of that “homeless” who just want to play, anyway today one of the other teachers had the nerve to even request me something nobody has asked me to do ever in my job. She asked me not to be “too nice”, to also engage in a tone and react to negative attitudes and im like WHAAT!? So strange
idk this does not seem normal to me
I worked with older teenagers, in regular longer semesters, way worst than these little babies, huge groups of around 20, nobody ever requested me “not to be nice” or to “react” to their challenges ever. in decades. In fact, all the opposite , I was advised to basically just ignore bad attitudes and chill, not to “over react” or even react at all to small arguments or micro lil fights or such but to instead just focus on continuing the class to not give attention or fuel such negative actions.

back to my current kids school, strangely I noticed the babies suddenly becoming more angrier at those teachers as well, some became violent.
NEVER seen this in a class
maybe it’s”normal” to them since they’re females
I saw a kid hit the teacher I knee to see if he would do the same to me, instead he hugged me and cried for minutes
vaccinated teachers don’t give.a fuck
right away started acting like im an out of this planet Monster Alien because i’m cool and friendly and actually let the kids be themselves and play in an educative learning way.

vaccinated teachers with sus intentions
talking behind my back, antagonizing early morning for no reason, confirmed by a staff member
having an attitude even with me
ironically the place got cameras, the Director Headmaster praised my work ethic, and told them to their faces they are doing a very poor work

anyway i do kinda feel bad they need to be so consistently upset at good people
it’s like they loath happiness, you try to bring a pleasant conversation they quickly want to shut it down too, because they rather need to derail & complain about the kids
and they’re not the only vaccinated ppl i’ve seen with this strange Shrek personality, ive seen others with a similar or even worst resentment like they need to see everyone around them be miserable, offended and at war with one another

anyone else have experiences with normal ppl who suddenly their personality changed after the vax or they seem to be more mean spirited