Thinking about leaving Christianity

Jun 26, 2022
''God doesn't want me to whoring around he is sexist''
View attachment 80981
This is super uncalled for.
Where did OP, or anybody, say anything about whoring?

Before I was a Christian i used to believe that God was sexist too. It had nothing to do with whoring. It had to do with not believing that the first human was male, and falsely believing that the Bible teaches women were to be treated as trash. This was feminist propaganda. My biggest stumbling block to become a Christian was a lifetime of hearing feminist propaganda.
Jun 26, 2022
When I look at the arguments of people like her, they usually always had problems with gender roles and restraint.
While i do not have a problem with restraint, i can relate to having a problem with gender roles. It is not hard to understand that women do not want to be seen as a walking expendable baby factory. Or to be told that they are supposed to enjoy being in the kitchen all day. Or supposed to enjoy being a housewife.

Some women genuinely don't feel this way, and to force it leads to the greater perversion known as transgenderism.

The post was about Christianity and there are examples in the Bible of exceptions. Deborah was judge and leader. Miriam and Anna were prophetesses. Priscilla/Prisca was a missionary with her husband.

it is more difficult for women, perhaps because they are less intelligent or because they are created to be sexual objects.
Women were not created to be sexual objects. That's not Bible, that's cultural constructs.

They are created with the capacity to give birth, true. But a husband is to love his wife as Christ loves the church, not see her as an object.

The internet is full of places where you can have these discussions, but reading such nonsense even in a forum where it's clear how elites code society on issues such as "progress", "women's rights" and you should be a little aware of it reveals what kind of clown world we live in.
I agree that it is puzzling why people who find themselves on this forum would hold to mainstream "leftist" views, when the whole internet is available to have those discussions.

But if this woman is thinking about leaving Christianity over her false impressions of it I think it would benefit more to show her kindness and charity, as opposed to mocking her and making assumptions.

I was once there, and I am only where I am through the grace of God.
Jul 12, 2022
It's weird, because to me, the Old and New Testaments are so much different from each other. I'm more in tune with the New Testament because it seems kinder and more merciful. I love the idea of God bringing His son down to earth to teach people in a way that's not condescending and is very loving. It is amazing that Jesus did die for our sins so we can be forgiven, and it is known that humans will have flaws and a darkness in them that can be hard to control due to the world's corruption.
It's just... The Old Testament rubs me the wrong way. I find it way too harsh, and I can see how some would think it's "sexist". For me, it's seeing stories where this one father is having sex with his daughter, another guy having two wives, and don't get me started on the book of Esther. They make this big stink about the king not wanting to bed a girl until she has had months of beauty treatments! So, unfortunately, the Old Testament is way more sexual towards women and I just don't agree with it. Plus, there are other stories I can't get with and will never believe God has ever been this way towards His people. The idea of Job and how his faith was "tested". But this doesn't mean his whole family is killed, pretty well? It just doesn't sit well with me. To me, Christianity happened after Christ came to earth. Our way is of His teachings, and the New Testament is definitely something more to live by. Please forgive me if I upset anyone on here who really believes in the Old Testament, just how I feel about it, is all.


May 15, 2017
none of Us women/men were Created
to be above the other,We were Created
together equally and We are Loved equally
by Our Creator

I find it hard to be on a forum where We recognize
all the lies and agendas of tptb but Peoples find it
so hard to believe that the evils in charge of and
only allow what they want printed,taught and shown
to Us cannot understand that,that corruption and evil
could certainly have touch even the Guide/bible in anyway

We Know the church has been corrupted,who lead the
way to Our Creator supposedly to me it's more damage
than Good but this one thing is left untouched just because
it's the Will of Our Creator

the gift of FreeWill given to Us and other Creations means
simply and Truthfully no interference We are here to walk
Our own path Good/bad,whether We walk Home to Our Creator
or to the belows is on Us,Our choices and what We are willing to
accept in Our World
Jun 26, 2022
This is what I mean when I say women are like clockworks. In the 19th or early 20th century, women had no problem being told that motherhood should be like ''baby factory'' or that they should enjoy being in the kitchen all day or being a housewife.
MOST women had no problem with it, sure. But SOME did. Throughout history.
By the way, it was mostly rich women that even had the option of being a housewife. Peasant women worked. Poor women worked.

Somehow:rolleyes:, this has started to seem like a problem in the last 50 years, it's all about preconceptions and social coding.
In the last 50 years many women that would have previously been fine in the stay at home role have now been "brainwashed" that they should have a career. I am not denying that there is social engineering.

But there have always been exceptions.

It was hard to hold back my laugh when I read the part where this leads to transgenderism.

Yeah ''I must be a man because I have problems with my feminine side teheee''
When people like you say that "ALL" women are a certain way, or enjoy certain things, or think a certain way, the next logical conclusion is that if a woman DOESN'T she must not be a woman.

Combine that with the agenda to trans everyone and you have a pipeline to transgenderism.

I realy don't care if you believe it or not, or find it funny.
Jun 26, 2022
I hope it is ok if I address some of your points.
It's ok if we disagree, but hopefully it will be informational for anybody reading.

In general, in will say that the Bible tells us many stories of people committing sin, but that doesn't mean it is endorsing it or commanding it.

love the idea of God bringing His son down to earth to teach people in a way that's not condescending and is very loving. It is amazing that Jesus did die for our sins so we can be forgiven, and it is known that humans will have flaws and a darkness in them that can be hard to control due to the world's corruption.
There are examples of Jesus being very harsh with people when they were not getting it, like in his many interactions with the Pharisees.
Jesus does love us, and he loved us before we loved him, but the image of a completely non-judgmental Jesus is a modern construct that liberals now take advantage of. Transforming doing the will of God into "do as thou wilt".
For me, it's seeing stories where this one father is having sex with his daughter
If you mean Lot and his daughters, it was them that got him drunk and had sex with him, for the purpose of conceiving children. The Bible never says this was correct action, and the peoples descended from these two lineages are enemies of Israel for some time.

Later on, after Levitical law is given, these actions of incest are explicitly condemned.
another guy having two wives,
I agree that could be seen as sexist.
There are different instances of a man having multiple wives, so Im not sure which one you are referring to.
If you mean Abraham and his wife and concubine, that was because his wife asked him to have sex with her maid in order to have a son. This was an example of his wife not trusting God and God's timing.

If you mean Jacob and his two wives, he was tricked by his father in law to marry the wrong woman.

If you mean Solomon and his many wives, he is given as an example of many things to not do, and the kingdom pretty much falls apart after his reign.

My main point is, people do sinful things and God allows it, but that is not the same as God commanding it.
In the new testament Jesus clears it up that marriage is, and should have been from the beginning between one man and one woman. Many of the things that occurred in the old testament were because of the hardness of their hearts.

They make this big stink about the king not wanting to bed a girl until she has had months of beauty treatments!
To be fair that is telling the story of what a pagan culture does. Has nothing to do with what God wants for his people.
The idea of Job and how his faith was "tested". But this doesn't mean his whole family is killed, pretty well?
A careful study of the book of Job will show that Job's children were revived by God. This is a foreshadowing of God's ability to ressurect. God also restored Job of all the material things he had lost. And it is a story of God allowing, it was Satan who did all these things.
To me, Christianity happened after Christ came to earth. Our way is of His teachings, and the New Testament is definitely something more to live by
This is factually true. The word "Christian" does not appear in the Bible until the book of Acts in the new testament.
And the letters of Paul and the decision of the council of Jerusalem in Acts 15 would show we are not bound to the law as Christians. We also need to keep in mind that many of the things that occurred in the old testament were not allowed by the law, and are examples of people doing wrong, and often showing the consequences.

I do have to say that I don't recommend people read the old testament until they have a very solid grasp on the new testament, including Revelation. Jesus and the apostles quote from the old testament often, so it is really cool finding the quotes.

But my first time through the old testament was rough! It was tedious and i did not feel the love. I had to take a break partway. A good way of doing it when ready is to read a couple chapters on new testament, then a couple chapters of old testament, and go back and forth.


Sep 4, 2020
I hope it is ok if I address some of your points.
It's ok if we disagree, but hopefully it will be informational for anybody reading.

In general, in will say that the Bible tells us many stories of people committing sin, but that doesn't mean it is endorsing it or commanding it.

There are examples of Jesus being very harsh with people when they were not getting it, like in his many interactions with the Pharisees.
Jesus does love us, and he loved us before we loved him, but the image of a completely non-judgmental Jesus is a modern construct that liberals now take advantage of. Transforming doing the will of God into "do as thou wilt".

If you mean Lot and his daughters, it was them that got him drunk and had sex with him, for the purpose of conceiving children. The Bible never says this was correct action, and the peoples descended from these two lineages are enemies of Israel for some time.

Later on, after Levitical law is given, these actions of incest are explicitly condemned.

I agree that could be seen as sexist.
There are different instances of a man having multiple wives, so Im not sure which one you are referring to.
If you mean Abraham and his wife and concubine, that was because his wife asked him to have sex with her maid in order to have a son. This was an example of his wife not trusting God and God's timing.

If you mean Jacob and his two wives, he was tricked by his father in law to marry the wrong woman.

If you mean Solomon and his many wives, he is given as an example of many things to not do, and the kingdom pretty much falls apart after his reign.

My main point is, people do sinful things and God allows it, but that is not the same as God commanding it.
In the new testament Jesus clears it up that marriage is, and should have been from the beginning between one man and one woman. Many of the things that occurred in the old testament were because of the hardness of their hearts.

To be fair that is telling the story of what a pagan culture does. Has nothing to do with what God wants for his people.

A careful study of the book of Job will show that Job's children were revived by God. This is a foreshadowing of God's ability to ressurect. God also restored Job of all the material things he had lost. And it is a story of God allowing, it was Satan who did all these things.

This is factually true. The word "Christian" does not appear in the Bible until the book of Acts in the new testament.
And the letters of Paul and the decision of the council of Jerusalem in Acts 15 would show we are not bound to the law as Christians. We also need to keep in mind that many of the things that occurred in the old testament were not allowed by the law, and are examples of people doing wrong, and often showing the consequences.

I do have to say that I don't recommend people read the old testament until they have a very solid grasp on the new testament, including Revelation. Jesus and the apostles quote from the old testament often, so it is really cool finding the quotes.

But my first time through the old testament was rough! It was tedious and i did not feel the love. I had to take a break partway. A good way of doing it when ready is to read a couple chapters on new testament, then a couple chapters of old testament, and go back and forth.
You have explained things very eloquently!
To add to your suggestion about reading the OT and NT, I'd like to add that it will be infinitely more easier to feel a connection to the OT if you read the OT passages immediately after you read Jesus quoting them. Such quotations can usually be found in a small numbered box next to the NT quote or the bottom of the website if you are reading online. Seeing the revelation (in the NT) before seeing the mystery/secret (in the OT) is very helpful to appreciate the fuller picture presented by the Bible. So just let Jesus guide you thru the OT until u learn it love it thru your faith!


Apr 15, 2021
I still believe in God. I have been questioning and questioning. Thinking about whether God loves humans, support gender equality and whether the Bible really is a holy, just, right and moral book. But it seemingly appears to be flawed, sexist and down bad wrong.

I still believe in the existence of God and the supernatural though.

What should I do?
You've received a lot of advice here already but the only thing I can tell you is that it's up to you. White-knuckling through faith doesn't work for everyone and to pretend someone who finds themselves desperate for answers and is lost isn't "trying hard enough" is both pointless and insulting. You need to weigh up whether or not you're willing to press deeper to find answers, though I personally don't believe anyone this side of life can find 100% absolute truth. Think also about WHY you would want to stay and why you would want to leave. Or why you'd be afraid to leave, why you're hesitating. I'm in the process of deconstructing and walking away and it can be very lonely and scary, especially if you were raised Christian and now have to deal with uncharitable people who would rather judge you than offer any real help. I don't think you'll find your answers on this site. I wish you all the best!


Oct 2, 2017
Errrr?.....what for?

I don't do religion, ain't my thing at all.
Ah! I didn't realize you were being facetious in your original statement. Look at all the likes you got, though. Over their heads, obviously. People believe what they want to believe. Those dramatizing their fears live in Pretension. Deep down we all know the Truth.

"You cannot wake a person who is pretending to be asleep." ~ Navajo Proverb
Dec 22, 2019
''God doesn't want me to whoring around he is sexist''
View attachment 80981
That's not what the OG post meant. I'm against the idea of women objectifying themselves as a way to show feminism and female empowerment because I think women are amazing. They can do anything, literally.

We are more than just "sexual beings". Because we are not. Women have done amazing things throughout history. We are just not being given enough credibility.
Dec 22, 2019
Just ignore the old testament. No one really understands it, because even in Jesus' time, Jesus said all of the high priests didn't understand it and were interpreting completely wrongly. You can imagine how much more true that is today.

Focus on the teachings of Jesus in the gospels and the rest of the new testament, they are holy and perfect and moral, and they are the true spirit of the old testament that was lost or killed by the traditions of the pharisees.

My favorite is the gospel of John. Read the first chapter and pause on every sentence, letting its significance and meaning come alive in your inner soul. Those verses have a lot of power to give strength, as does Matthew 5 6 and 7, and John from 11 until the end.

Also seek to make your relationship with God stronger. Pray the Our Father, the prayer Jesus left us in a slow and meditative way, just lay down and pray each line, pausing and searching for God inside yourself. That prayer has immense power.

God bless
Idk the New Testament where Paul gives advice to women, "submit to your husband" is misogynistic. We aren't sex slaves to men, although I always interpreted this as the female version of chivalry, but to men, I remember times where I was taught, "If you don't submit to your man, he'll leave you."


I rather have that jerk leave me, than for me to do what he says. Religion was the Devil's greatest work.
May 18, 2018
Idk the New Testament where Paul gives advice to women, "submit to your husband" is misogynistic. We aren't sex slaves to men, although I always interpreted this as the female version of chivalry, but to men, I remember times where I was taught, "If you don't submit to your man, he'll leave you."


I rather have that jerk leave me, than for me to do what he says. Religion was the Devil's greatest work.
In that passage he says for husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church, which was to give his life for it, and to be holy and blameless without a spot or a wrinkle. So both parties are submitting to a greater power, love. So he's not saying to submit to abuse or anger or anything contrary to love. In the end of the passage he says for wives to respect their husband, and for the husband to love his wife as he loves his own flesh. I understand the word submit is off-putting but if you read respect, would that make sense to you? The passage doesn't seem oppressive to me in context. the passage in whole isnt telling women to submit blindly and let themselves be taken advantage of, its talking about the whole scope of love, under which the man is responsible for his wife as his own flesh. So if the man doesn't fulfill that the whole passage is moot.

25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, 26 that He might [a]sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, 27 that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish
"So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. 29 For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as the Lord does the church. 30 For we are members of His body, [h]of His flesh and of His bones. 31 “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” 32 This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church. 33 Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband"
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Jan 22, 2018
Ah! I didn't realize you were being facetious in your original statement. Look at all the likes you got, though. Over their heads, obviously. People believe what they want to believe. Those dramatizing their fears live in Pretension. Deep down we all know the Truth.

"You cannot wake a person who is pretending to be asleep." ~ Navajo Proverb
From time to time I like to add some satire to the boards.

I learned about the pits of fire and gnashing of teeth from Lisafer before she got raptured out of here...sounds awful.


Dec 13, 2017
Idk the New Testament where Paul gives advice to women, "submit to your husband" is misogynistic. We aren't sex slaves to men, although I always interpreted this as the female version of chivalry, but to men, I remember times where I was taught, "If you don't submit to your man, he'll leave you."


I rather have that jerk leave me, than for me to do what he says. Religion was the Devil's greatest work.
Women's liberation movement was a Rockefeller Foundation program to tax both sexes and break up the family unit.

The world was a much better place back when most women were home raising the kids... and that was not acceptable for team evil.

Welcome to the Apocalypse.


May 18, 2022
I still believe in God. I have been questioning and questioning. Thinking about whether God loves humans, support gender equality and whether the Bible really is a holy, just, right and moral book. But it seemingly appears to be flawed, sexist and down bad wrong.

I still believe in the existence of God and the supernatural though.

What should I do?
I would advise that firstly, you pray to Him. Definitely let Him know how you are feeling and that you are struggling with these thoughts.
Part of the mystery is WHY all the bad things happen. I understand how challenging of a concept that can be. Many times I've begged him "Why?" whether quiet yet distraught or screaming/crying my heart out at the circumstance.
As a Christian, I too have been having issues understanding why women seem to be "lesser", when we are clearly intelligent and important. There have been many instances, though, where women who sought God with their whole hearts have been rewarded graciously. I have found that it does take a lot of practice to be a wholesome woman, as well. Have you ever heard of the "Proverbs 31 woman"? This is a good and righteous wife (or woman in general), as described by King Solomon. Truly, even Biblically, women have a lot of value. Look at both Marys (Jesus' mother and Magdalene), Hannah, Ruth, Martha, and David's wives, one of which was a prophetess! There are many others as well who were commended for doing wonderful things. God did make women to be the helpers of men, but they are no less valuable. Without Eve, Adam wouldn't have been able to do much of anything. :eek:
Men are also held to their own standards, such as being courageous, patient, righteous, loving, and the support beams for society.
Both genders should be wise, discerning and full of love! There is no doubt that men and women have many differences, no matter how you look at it (religiously or scientifically), and this is okay, because they are two, one of each half and both have qualities that are needed in this world and in a family unit!
There are many accounts of things that happened that seemed very bad, but remember why BAD things exist. God wanted us to live perfectly in a beautiful garden He made for us, but *someone* had just been thrown out of Heaven and decided to break the things God made for us, with what little power he was given. It's interesting because, literally, Satan can't make us do anything, BUT he can do basically everything to convince you to sin. He will distort the truth, make it look good/right/fun/like the best option, and tell you it won't have any of the drastic consequences that it does!
If you would like to elaborate on anything, please do!
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Jul 29, 2019
I still believe in God. I have been questioning and questioning. Thinking about whether God loves humans, support gender equality and whether the Bible really is a holy, just, right and moral book. But it seemingly appears to be flawed, sexist and down bad wrong.

I still believe in the existence of God and the supernatural though.

What should I do?
You cant claim to be a Christian yet think that the Bible is "flawed, sexist and down bad wrong"

You cant claim to believe in God yet reject the Word of God which is the Bible.

Well, one doesn't have to leave when one doesn't belong to the group in the first place. Perhaps you haven't been truly called by Him yet.

I pray to God that you come to repentance so that He may give you discernment and the true understanding of His Words.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
It's weird, because to me, the Old and New Testaments are so much different from each other. I'm more in tune with the New Testament because it seems kinder and more merciful. I love the idea of God bringing His son down to earth to teach people in a way that's not condescending and is very loving. It is amazing that Jesus did die for our sins so we can be forgiven, and it is known that humans will have flaws and a darkness in them that can be hard to control due to the world's corruption.
It's just... The Old Testament rubs me the wrong way. I find it way too harsh, and I can see how some would think it's "sexist". For me, it's seeing stories where this one father is having sex with his daughter, another guy having two wives, and don't get me started on the book of Esther. They make this big stink about the king not wanting to bed a girl until she has had months of beauty treatments! So, unfortunately, the Old Testament is way more sexual towards women and I just don't agree with it. Plus, there are other stories I can't get with and will never believe God has ever been this way towards His people. The idea of Job and how his faith was "tested". But this doesn't mean his whole family is killed, pretty well? It just doesn't sit well with me. To me, Christianity happened after Christ came to earth. Our way is of His teachings, and the New Testament is definitely something more to live by. Please forgive me if I upset anyone on here who really believes in the Old Testament, just how I feel about it, is all.
You do realize that the New Covenant is actually in perfect harmony with the Old Covenant don't you please? Christ plainly stated He did NOT come to destroy The Law, which will NEVER go away, and that anyone who taught differently was the lowest of the low in God's Eyes (Matt. 5:17-20).

God's Law contains the perfect system of governance, the perfect system of justice, the perfect agricultural system, the perfect economic system and the perfect healthy diet. Why wouldn't any rationally-minded individual want the perfect, Utopian Kingdom of Heaven here on Earth for everyone?

The only Scripture that Jesus, the disciples, Paul and the early followers had to share with others was the Old Covenant.

What is found to be personally loathsome is the world that we have today, that we made, where oppression, slavery and injustice are rampant, where are agricultural policies are destroying everything with chemicals, GMOs and farming techniques that wipe out topsoil, where usury (which most refer to as "interest") and fiat currencies have been used by the banksters to plunge the entire world into debt slavery, where the oceans are fished out and then stripped of the bottom-feeding, vacuum-cleaning organisms,, while dumping nuclear waste and every other garbage and chemical into it, and where sexual depravity of every kind is heralded as a "freedom" that everyone should enjoy at everyone else's expense, including the children.

We have literally "legalized" theft and murder. And we traffic women and children. And most must be okay with this because the lawyers and politicians who work all of this legislation up and use physical force to enforce their made-up rules are still drawing breath instead of being lawfully executed by the public, who has lost virtually any sense of decency.

Why is the world like this? Because we haven't kept The Law, found in the first five books of the Bible's Old Covenant, that ensures freedom and justice for all.

What may seem harsh about The Law to some, is actually loving, merciful, just and fair for everyone upon closer examination, exactly as required to build a healthy, sustainable, civilized society based on the fundamental building block: a family unit based on Love (spiritual love, not sex).

Doesn't a world based on Love, Honor, Truth and Justice sound preferable over the oppression we are presently experiencing?


May 15, 2017
You cant claim to be a Christian yet think that the Bible is "flawed, sexist and down bad wrong"

You cant claim to believe in God yet reject the Word of God which is the Bible.

Well, one doesn't have to leave when one doesn't belong to the group in the first place. Perhaps you haven't been truly called by Him yet.

I pray to God that you come to repentance so that He may give you discernment and the true understanding of His Words.
yes @sugarprincessxox/anyone can,Ya don't need a
material object of any kind to connect or Love Our Creator,
all that is required is that Love and that Ya walk path of
Good of Your Own FreeWill that is the gift of FreeWill it's
Your choice

anything made by Us has the potential of being corrupted
by the ancient evils/evil that is here no person impervious
to that as We are all human and We all have FreeWill and
unfortunately there are those here in Our World that have
been spelled by the riches and such Ya can have here while
Your here

many have had their Hearts spelled against there being
anything such as Our Creator,by w/e reason,they were in
need of Help and cried out to no answer,those who've been
abused by the men/women of the church/all religions and
some that had atrocities done to them or have Seen the
atrocities done/being done in Our World that have just lost

how often do ya Hear the phrase "if god was real why is he
allowing blah blah blah"in Our World today cause I Hear/See
it a whole lot it's all the medias We See of any kind do,nothing
but promote the evil more than Good

We have FreeWill some Peoples get blinded by what is
possible while they're here so fall to the corruption,not
everyone chooses the path of Good some do chose the
other for those gains and if they're willing to sell their Own
Children/any Child and some of the biggest perpetrators
of that evil do lead and reside within every single religion

they will tamper,taint and corrupt w/e the greed and hunger
to live a easy life that they have Seen/Heard in all medias
Peoples are bombarded now a days with these messages
and images and that's only the stuff We take at surface value

not including all the subliminal tptb use in all medias be it
movies/tv/social medias etc..the imagery/neurological/audio
tampering they're doing to all of Us

unfortunately if any human has had access to helping to
print the guide/bible they have had a chance at that evil/
corruption bleeding through it's in every aspect of Our
societies all around Our World

being We already Know the reach of all these evils,We're all
on this site for that reason We can See those evils because
We're lucky enough to be awake to See them

to believe that these evils even pretend to uphold some
sorta moral values or some line in the sand not to cross
and that it's a book that they have printed/reprinted how
many times now,have change and translated into the
tainted languages they've given Us

used/use Peoples to do all that work that are susceptible
to that that suriv didn't touch anything in there that was
meant to be for Us but kept how many books out of it
because it may cause harm to Peoples believing in the
religions they want Us to believe in

I cannot Help Ya See otherwise Ya will Believe what Ya

the evil in Our World used these religions til it was of no use
to them and they are tired of living in the shadows with their
sickness of evil now they're flipping script and are gonna take
Our Creator out and bring in theirs and that is what will be the
next religion We Know this

in the end they want one and it isn't the one We Believe in
a book ain't gonna matter to them any sorta Love or acceptance
of Our Creator will be enough for them to punish Us

they will hunt every single one equally to snuff that Love
out of Us and their world,so these younger generations
coming up will only know one and accept that one without

until someone starts waking up,that Love and Hope spreads
again and out number the evil again for this same battle

We already Know least We should by now what world they want

sorry for the rant
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