The Top 10 Myths that Dominate "Islam"


Mar 4, 2020
..The story of this little girl and her family is not so far fetched after all.
You should be more careful not to sweep the possibility of something so horrible under the rug with a smile. I do no wish to derail this thread any longer, just thought this needed to be said. Kind regards mate.
The US military aren't going to deliberately target civilians because that's not the way to win wars.
Remember, there are lots of liars out there saying stuff like "muslims never did 9/11", so don't let them fool you into believing their nonsense..:)

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
What does “Islam” (Mohammedanism really) mean when they use the term 'chains of narration' or 'chains of transmission'?

Simply put, they mean they put their trust in what fellow lunatics say about other lunatics, rather than putting their trust in God ALONE (faith).

Let's say, for example, Bert said Albert was a “good fella” hundreds of years ago, because he spent some time around one of God's Messengers. A generation later Charlie said the same about Bert, and then Danny said the same about Charlie, and years later Ernie said the same about Danny, etc., etc., etc., with one vouching for another. Does this necessarily mean anything these “good fellas” said was true or could be considered “testimony”? NO. And even if some of what they said was assumed to honestly be what they thought they heard, does that mean they heard it correctly, or should have written down anything other than the Koran (Quran)? Again, NO (Sura 6:112-115).

Further, and most importantly, does any of this somehow mean that God sent any of these men to do these things? Absolutely not. In fact, God has warned us repeatedly about such EVIL traditions (Deut. 4:2, 12:32), which are a capital offense to God (Deut. 17:11-13) because they make the Commandments of God of no effect (Matt. 15:1-9).

The fake Jews did it with their satanic Talmud. “Talmud” translated from Hebrews literally means “the traditions of the fathers”.

The fake Christians of pagan Roman Catholicism had the audacity to call their satanic priests “father” in direct disobedience to Christ (Matt. 23:9), so that everything they teach is nothing more than “the traditions of the fathers”.

The fake Muslims followed suit, doing exactly the same thing with their satanic Hadith. “Hadith”, translated into English likewise means “the traditions of the fathers”.

The fake Muslims (Mohammedans) go one step further though. To protect their made-up traditions, they attack God's Word, questioning the authenticity of the Old Covenant and New Covenant THAT THE KORAN (QURAN) WAS SENT TO CONFIRM (Sura 2:97-98, 3:1-3, 4:47, 5:51, 6:92-94, 6:154-157, 10:37, 12:111, 22:52, 35:31, 46:12, 61:6-7), falsely claiming that God's Word has been corrupted, EVEN THOUGH THE KORAN (QURAN) ASSURES US THAT COULD NEVER HAPPEN (Sura 15:9-10, Sura 32:23).

Sura 3:1-3
3:1. A. L. M. (Almighty. Loving. Merciful.)
3:2. Allah (God). There is no God but He,- the Living, the Self-Existing (YHWH - "I AM"), Eternal.
3:3. It is He Who sent down to thee (step by step), in truth, the Koran, CONFIRMING WHAT WENT BEFORE IT and He sent down The Law (of Moses) and The Gospel (of Jesus) BEFORE THIS, as a guide to mankind, and He sent down The Criterion (of Judgment between right and wrong).

Sura 5:51. To thee We sent the Scripture in truth, CONFIRMING THE SCRIPTURE THAT CAME BEFORE IT, AND GUARDING IT IN SAFETY (Sura 32:23): so judge between them by what "I AM" hath revealed, and follow not their vain desires (Sura 9:107-111), diverging from the Truth that hath come to thee. To each among you have We prescribed The Law and The Open Way (Matt. 7:13-14). If "I AM" had so willed, He would have made you a single people, but (His Plan is) to test you in what He hath given you: so strive as in a race in all virtues. The goal of you all is to "I AM"; it is He that will show you the truth of the matters about which ye dispute;

Sura 6:92-94
6:92. And this (Koran) is a Book which We have sent down, bringing blessings, AND CONFIRMING (THE REVELATIONS) WHICH CAME BEFORE IT: that thou mayest warn the Mother of Cities (Jerusalem - Isaiah 1:1, 21; Matt. 23:37, Gal. 4:26) and all around her (just like almost all of the previous Prophets were also told to do). Those who believe in the Hereafter (also) believe this (Book), and they are constant in guarding their prayers.
6:93. Who can be more wicked than one who inventeth a lie against "I AM", or saith, "I have received inspiration," when he hath received none, or (again) who saith, "I can reveal the like of what "I AM" hath revealed"? If thou couldst but see how the wicked (do fare) in the flood of confusion at death! - The angels stretch forth their hands, (saying),"Yield up your souls/Beings: this day shall ye receive your reward,- a penalty of shame, for that ye used to tell lies against "I AM", and scornfully to reject of His Signs!
6:94. And behold! Ye come to us bare and alone as We created you for the first time: ye have left behind you all (the favours) which We bestowed on you: We see not with you your intercessors whom ye thought to be partners in your affairs: so now all relations between you have been cut off, and your (pet) fancies have left you in the lurch!"

Sura 6:154-157
6:154. Moreover, We gave Moses The Book (The Torah), COMPLETING (Our favour) to those who would do right, and explaining ALL things IN DETAIL,- and a GUIDE and a MERCY, that they might believe in the meeting with their Lord.
6:155. And this (Torah) is a Book which We have revealed as a BLESSING: so follow it and be righteous, that YE may receive mercy (Sura 32:23):
6:156. Lest YE should say: "The Book (The Torah) was sent down to two Peoples before us, and for our part, we remained unacquainted with all that they learned by careful study:"
6:157. Or lest YE should say: "If The Book (The Torah) had only been sent down to US, we should have FOLLOWED its guidance BETTER than they (Sura 32:23)." Now then hath come unto YOU a clear (Sign) from your Lord,- and a GUIDE and a MERCY: then WHO COULD DO MORE WRONG THAN ONE WHO REJECTETH "I AM"'S SIGNS (and The Torah - Bible), and turneth away therefrom? In good time shall We requite those who turn away from Our Signs, with a dreadful penalty, for their turning away.

Sura 61:6-7
61:6. And REMEMBER, JESUS, the son of Mary, said: "O Children of Israel! I am the Apostle of "I AM" (sent) to you, CONFIRMING The Law (which came) before me (the Torah), and giving Glad Tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be the Comforter (John 16:7-15)." But when he came to them with Clear Signs (John 14:15-18), they said, "this is evident sorcery (Sura 32:23)!"
61:7. WHO DOTH GREATER WRONG THAN ONE WHO INVENTS FALSEHOOD AGAINST "I AM" (Sura 6:154-157), even as he is being invited to do His Will? And "I AM" guides not those who do wrong (Satan does).

Should any of us be judging another by any standard other than God's Law? Not according to God and His Anointed One (Matt. 7:1-4). THE MESSAGE OF TRUTH FROM GOD SPEAKS FOR (AND DEFENDS) ITSELF. All one needs to do to prove it is to DO IT, to see if it is from God.

Sura 5:102. The Messenger's duty is only to proclaim (the Message)(John 7:16-17). But "I AM" knoweth all that ye reveal and ye conceal.

John 7:16-17
7:16 Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but His that sent me.
7:17 IF any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or [whether] I speak of myself.

There are reportedly over 700,000 so-called hadiths, allegedly written by those who supposedly can confirm their 'chains of narration' or 'chains of transmission'. That is over 1000x the number of verses in the Koran (Quran) that God sent.

How obvious does it need to be made that these ALLEGED narrations (most of which contradict the Bible, Koran/Quran and even other writings in the Hadith) have been elevated ABOVE God and His Word?
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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Ibn Masud did not hear that from others rather he heard it directly from the Prophet (pbuh).
And what prophet would that be? Or are you still pretending that Mohammad (peace be upon him) was a prophet?

Sura 3:144. Muhammad is no more than an Apostle: many were the Apostles that passed away before him. If he died or were slain, will ye then turn back on your heels? If any did turn back on his heels, not the least harm will he do to God; but God (on the other hand) will swiftly reward those who (serve Him) with gratitude.

Learn to trust in God's Message of Truth rather than in the flowery discourses and lies of evil men, that Satan always sends afterwards to try to deceive those who have no faith in the Hereafter.

Sura 6:112-115
6:112. Likewise We made for every Messenger an enemy,- evil ones among men and Beings (human+beings), inspiring each other with flowery discourses by way of deception. If thy Lord had so planned, they would not have done it: so leave them and their inventions alone.
6:113. To such (deceit) let the hearts of those incline, who have no faith in the Hereafter: let them delight in it, and let them earn from it what they may.
6:114. Say: "Shall I seek for judge other than "I AM"? - when He it is Who hath sent unto you The Book (Bible), explained in detail." They, to whom We have given The Book, know full well, that it hath been sent down from thy Lord in truth. NEVER be then one of those who doubt (Sura 3:1-3, 15:9, 32:23).
6:115. The Word of thy Lord doth find its FULFILLMENT in TRUTH and in JUSTICE: none can change His Words: for He is the One who heareth and knoweth all.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
that was Funny.
Sura 18:102-106
18:102. Do the Unbelievers think that they can take My servants as protectors against Me? Verily We have prepared Hell-Fire for the Unbelievers for (their) entertainment.
18:103. Say: "Shall we tell you of those who lose most in respect of their deeds?-
18:104. Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life, while they thought that they were acquiring good by their works?"
18:105. They are those who deny the Signs of their Lord and the fact of their having to meet Him (in the Hereafter): vain will be their works, nor shall We, on The Day of Judgment, give them any weight.
18:106. That is their reward, Hell-Fire; because they rejected Faith, and took My Signs and My Messengers as a joke.

The Holy Quran you are reading was preserved by the same people who narrated Hadith.
And the Bible was kept under lock and key by the evil Roman Catholic church for over 1000 years during the "dark ages", during which time they tried to alter certain verses of it just as the evil Roman Catholic Meccans you've put your trust in did to the Koran (Quran). What's your point?

God has condemned the satanic Hadith repeatedly throughout the Old Covenant, New Covenant and Koran, and promised all that partner it with His Word will burn for it, which is certainly no joking matter.

The purpose of the posts that are personally made is to point out these deceptions to those awakened souls who genuinely strive to do God's Will, to free them from the bonds of their religious superstitions and return them back to spiritual discourse with our Creator, before Judgment Day, when Prince Michael/Christ (The One Anointed by God) is due to judge us all (John 5:22).

Sura 2:98. Whoever is an enemy to God and His angels and Apostles, to Gabriel and Michael (Daniel 12:1; Rev. 12:7),- Lo! God is an enemy to those who reject Faith."
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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
Continuing from: The Top 10 Myths that Dominate Mohammedanism aka “Islam”


4. Playing the harlot

Like the city of Mecca, there is no reference in the Holy Koran to the Hadith or Sunnah or “Sharia law” by name, nor by implication. In fact, the Koran repeatedly warns its readers NOT to assign partners to God and His Word/Truth.

Please See – Suras 3:64, 4:36, 4:48, 5:102, 6:22-24, 6:78-81, 6:136-137, 6:148, 6:163, 7:33, 7:190-199, 9:31, 10:18, 10:28, 10:34-37, 10:66, 11:55, 12:38, 12:105-108, 13:16, 13:33-36, 16:1-3, 16:27, 16:86-88, 16:98-101, 17:111, 18:42, 18:52, 18:110, 22:31, 23:59, 23:92, 25:2, 28:62-64, 28:68, 30:12-14, 30:40, 34:27, 35:14, 35:40, 40:12, 40:42, 40:84-85, 41:47-48, 42:21, 59:23, 68:41

Throughout the Old Covenant (where God’s Law is found), New Covenant and Koran, we are warned NOT to join/partner any written-down man-made “oral traditions” with God’s Message of Truth, regardless of whatever irrelevant“chains of transmission” they may claim to have.

Sura 5:4 Forbidden to you (for food) are: dead meat (Lev. 22:8, Deut. 14:21), blood (Lev. 3:17, Lev. 17:10-11), the flesh of swine (Deut. 14:8), and that on which hath been invoked the name of other than “I AM” (Num. 25:1-3); that which hath been killed by strangling, or by a violent blow, or by a headlong fall, or by being gored to death; that which hath been (partly) eaten by a wild animal (Lev. 22:8); unless ye are able to slaughter it (in due form) that which is sacrificed on stone (altars); (forbidden) also is the division (of meat) by raffling with arrows: that is impiety. This day have those who reject Faith given up all hope of your religion: yet fear them not, but fear Me (Matt. 10:28). THIS DAY* I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for YOU, submission to My will, as your religion (Matt. 6:9-13). But if any is forced by hunger, with no inclination to transgression, “I AM” is indeed Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

*This leaves absolutely NO wiggle room for men to fabricate additional sayings allegedly attributed to Muhammad AFTER the Koran, like Muhammad al-Bukhari “compiled” over 200 years after Muhammad Mustafa’s death.

God even made sure that if someone did read the Hadith they would find Muhammad specifically instructed those around him NOT to write anything from him, except the Koran (Quran).

Ibn Saeed Al-Khudry reported that God’s messenger had said:

“Do not write anything from me EXCEPT QURAN. Anyone who wrote anything other than the Quran shall erase it.”

From Ibn Hanbal: Zayd Ibn Thabit (The apostle’s closest revelation writer) visited the Khalifa Mu’aawiyah (more than 30 years after the apostle’s death), and told him a story about the apostle. Mu’aawiyah liked the story and ordered someone to write it down. But Zayd said:

the messenger of God ORDERED us NEVER to write anything of his hadith”

The famous book “Ulum Al-Hadith” by Ibn Al-Salah, reports a hadith by Abu Hurayra in which Abu Hurayra said the messenger of God came out to us while we were writing his hadiths and said:

“What are you writing?” We said: “Hadiths that we hear from you, messenger of God.” He said: “A book other than the book of God?!” We said: “Should we talk about you?” He said: “Talk about me, that would be fine, but those who will lie will go to Hell.” Abu Hurayra said: “We collected what we wrote of Hadiths and burned them in fire”.

Ibn Hanbal in his Musnad book, narrates a hadith in which Abdullah Ibn Omar said that the messenger of God one day came out to us, as if he was going to depart us soon and said: “When I depart you (die), hold to the book of God, prohibit what it prohibits and accept as halal what it makes halal.” He never mentioned the Sunna in these hadiths.

Again, in the book “Taq-yeed Al-Ilm”, Abu Saeed Al-Khudry said:

“I asked the messenger of God a permission to write his hadiths, BUT HE REFUSED TO GIVE ME A PERMISSION.”

So what does “Islam” do after all of these clear signs? It teaches its unwitting (?) victims to ignore God, His Angels, His Messengers, His Warnings, His Prophecies and His Written COMMANDS, in favour of a collection of contradictory nonsense, written by people God did NOT send, about a man none of them knew, to perpetuate a deceitful, money-making business that God has repeatedly condemned.

How can so-called Muslims make partners out of every myth and made-up writing they can get their hands on, and still have the audacity to claim they aren’t committing shirk? There are reportedly over 100 times as many fanciful sayings attributed to Muhammad Mustafa in the fabricated, satanic and contradictory Hadith as there are verses in the Holy Koran.

Sura 10:66 Behold! Verily to “I AM” belong all creatures, in the heavens and on Earth. What do they follow who worship as His “partners” other than “I AM”? They follow nothing but fancy, and they do nothing but lie.


Sura 5:102
The Messenger’s duty is only to proclaim (the Message)(John 7:16-17). But “I AM” knoweth all that ye reveal and ye conceal.

John 7:16-17
Jesus answered them, and said, My doctrine is not mine, but His that sent me.
7:17 – IF any man will do His will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God
, or [whether] I speak of myself.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019

3. Duck and Cover

The sand-cliff foundation (Matt. 7:24-27, Sura 9:109) that the organized religion, which calls itself “Islam”, is built-upon has a repeating pattern: steal historical figures and artefacts from the Bible and Koran, fabricate incredible fairy-tales about them, and then repeat these lies as often as necessary to try to discredit the Bible that the Koran was sent to CONFIRM. How else could t.h.e.y. keep “Muslims” running around in circles, instead of reading the Bible, as they’re COMMANDED to do throughout the Koran?

That’s one of the reasons why the Roman Catholic Meccans, who invented the lucrative religious business of “Islam”, wrote the Hadith, to falsely claim the Bible was corrupted, even though the Koran says that could NEVER happen (Sura 15:9-10). They couldn’t have anyone believing the Bible, or the alterations they made to the Koran would quickly come to light and their cover would be blown, exposing all of the lies in their satanic Hadith about Adam, Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Jerusalem, The Law, The Ark of The Covenant and about Jesus.

Anyone who reads the Koran should notice how often it COMMANDS us to read The Law and the Gospel, and that it assures us NOT TO BE IN DOUBT of it (the true Bible) reaching us, because God Himself promised to guard ALL of His Word/Scriptures from corruption (Sura 6:153-157, Sura 10:93-95, Sura 15:9-10, Sura 32:23).

Sura 15:9-10
– We have, without doubt, sent down the Message; and We will ASSUREDLY guard it (from corruption).
We did send Apostles BEFORE THEE amongst the religious sects (John 17:21; Sura 6:159) of old:

Sura 32:23 We did indeed aforetime give The Book (The Torah – The Law) to Moses: be then NOT IN DOUBT of its (The Torah) reaching (THEE): and We made it a Guide to the Children of Israel.

Unfortunately, the corrupt and spiritually blind imams have corrupted the word “corruption”, just as they’ve done with the words “Islam” and “Muslim”. How could God’s Word EVER be corrupted? Especially when He has told us that can NEVER happen?

Corruption is unlawful, dishonest behaviour, particularly by those in positions of power, like the leaders of church and state (Isa. 3:12), which can and does destroy a nation and its people from within. It can also be used to describe information that has been altered in such a way that it’s no longer usable, i.e. its intended message is destroyed. How could either of those ever describe our PERFECT and UNCHANGING Creator or His Word/Message of Truth?

Have alterations and intentional mistranslations been made to the Bible? Of course. Has the same thing happened to the Koran? Absolutely. Were these incorrect writings of God’s Word prophesied? YES. We’re even told exactly why God allows it, if anyone is paying attention.

Sura 6:112-115
Likewise We made for every Messenger an enemy,- evil ones among men and Beings (human+beings), inspiring each other with flowery discourses by way of deception. If thy Lord had so planned, they would not have done it: so leave them and their inventions alone.
6:113 To such (deceit) let the hearts of those incline, who have no faith in the Hereafter: let them delight in it, and let them earn from it what they may.
6:114 Say: “Shall I seek for judge other than “I AM”? – when He it is Who hath sent unto you The Book (Bible), explained in detail.” They, to whom We have given The Book, know full well, that it hath been sent down from thy Lord in truth. NEVER be then one of those who doubt (Sura 3:1-3, 15:9, 32:23).
6:115 The Word of thy Lord doth find its FULFILLMENT in TRUTH and in JUSTICE: none can change His Words: for He is the One who heareth and knoweth all.

Sura 22:52-55
– Never did We send an Apostle or a Prophet before thee, but, when he framed a desire, Satan threw some (vanity) into his desire: but “I AM” will cancel anything (vain) that Satan throws in, and “I AM” WILL CONFIRM (AND ESTABLISH) HIS SIGNS (Sura 32:23): for “I AM” is full of Knowledge and Wisdom:
22:54 And that those on whom Knowledge has been bestowed may learn that the (Koran) is the Truth from thy Lord, and that they may believe therein, and their hearts may be made humbly (open) to it: for verily “I AM” is the Guide, of those who believe, to The Straight Way (Matthew 7:13-14, John 14:6, Sura 3:55).
22:55 – Those who reject Faith will not cease to be in doubt concerning (Revelation) until The Hour (of Judgment) comes suddenly upon them, or there comes to them the Penalty of a Day of Disaster.

Sura 25:31 Thus have We made for every Prophet an enemy among the sinners: but enough is thy Lord to guide and to help.

COMPARE WITH: Enoch 104:8, 2 Thess. 2:7-12

So how do we recognize and correct the alterations? Again, we need only turn to the Scripture for the answer, where God has told us that when His Words have been correctly written in our own languages, all of them SHALL concur and MUST have multiple witnesses (Num. 35:30, Deut. 17:6, Deut. 19:15).

Enoch 104:9-11
They (My words) shall neither change nor diminish (Deut. 4:2, 12:32, Matt. 5:17-19, Mark 13:31); but when all shall be written correctly; ALL, which from the first I have uttered concerning them SHALL CONCUR (John 10:35; Sura 15:9-10).
104:10 Another secret also I point out. To the righteous and the wise shall be given Books of joy, of integrity, and of great Wisdom. To them shall Books be given (Rev. 10:7-10, Rev. 2:17), in which they shall believe (and Live by);
104:11 And in which they shall rejoice. And all the righteous shall be rewarded, who from these (Books) shall acquire the Knowledge of The Straight Way (Deut. 31:29, Matt. 7:13-14, John 14:6, Rev. 14:1-4, Sura 6:153-161).

Sura 39:23 –
“I AM” has revealed (from time to time) the most beautiful Message in the form of a Book (Sura 9:111), CONSISTENT WITH ITSELF, (yet) repeating (its teaching in various aspects): the skins of those who fear their Lord tremble thereat; then their skins and their hearts do soften (Ezek. 36:26) to the celebration of “I AM”‘s praises (Prov. 1:7; 9:10). Such is the Guidance from “I AM”: He guides therewith whom He pleases, but such as “I AM” leaves to stray, can have none to guide.

This is how and why ANY additions or alterations made to the Bible or the Koran stick out like a sore thumb, and how we can know when something has been removed or changed. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…it’s a duck!

An example of recognizing something has been wrongfully removed is the Book of Enoch itself. Enoch (Idris) is mentioned in The Law (Gen. 5:22-24), elsewhere in the Old Covenant (Sol. 4:10, Wis. 44:16), in the New Covenant (Heb. 11:5), and in the Koran (Sura 19:56-57). Enoch also stands out as being the only one to ever be “translated”. If Father (God) raised Enoch to such a lofty station, shouldn’t the Book that Enoch and Noah were given by Father (Allah) and Archangel Prince Michael be accepted as part of Father’s Word?

Below are a few examples of very obvious alterations made to the Koran, which have been corrected in the King of kings’ Bible:

Sura 2:125 and Sura 2:127, where Ishmael was deceitfully substituted for Isaac by the Roman Catholic Meccans. We are literally told exactly where the sacrifice was made in Sura 2:126: JERUSALEM (the City of Peace), NOT in Mecca (the city of physical altercation – Makkah not Mecca).

Sura 3:96, where “Becca” has been deceitfully substituted for “Bakkah” (the Valley of Baca near Jerusalem/Zion – Ps. 84:6-7), to pretend that Becca is somehow Mecca. An honest look at the context reveals it cannot possibly be referring to Mecca (see Sura 3:93-97).

Sura 48:24, where “Mecca” has likewise been deceitfully inserted.

There are layers, upon layers, upon layers of error correction built into the Bible, to ensure its Message of Truth can NEVER be corrupted by idiots and barbarians.

Lucifer/Iblis/Satan/Abaddon (the opposer and destroyer) working through puny humans to somehow corrupt the eternally safe-guarded Word of our ALL-POWERFUL God? How utterly ridiculous!

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019

2. Ignorance isn’t bliss; it’s just ignorance

“Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarite, whom ye crucified, WHOM GOD RAISED FROM THE DEAD, [even] by him doth this man stand here before you whole. THISis the Stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the Head of the Corner (Matt. 21:42). Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” – Acts of the Apostles 4:10-12

2000 years ago, a miracle child was born to a virgin, to set Him apart from everyone else, so people would take notice of Him and HEAR Him (Mark 9:7).

The miracle birth of Jesus to the virgin Mary is prophesied in the Old Covenant (Isa. 7:14), fulfilled and recorded in the New Covenant (Matt. 1:18-23, Luke 1:27-35), and CONFIRMED in the Koran (Sura 3:42-47, 19:16-37). We literally changed the way we keep time on this planet because of this miracle. Who then could do more wrong than to ignore such Clear Signs from our Lord?

B.C. = Before Christ

A.D. = Anno Domini = in the year of our Lord

Similarly, the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus is prophesied in the Old Covenant (Ps. 22, Isa. 53:1-11, Dan. 9:25-27, Zech. 11:11-13) and New Covenant (Matt. 12:39-40, 20:17-19, 26:2, Mark 9:31, 10:32-34), fulfilled and recorded in the New Covenant (Matt. 27, Mark 15:17-16:8, John 19:14-21:25), and CONFIRMED in the Koran (Sura 3:55, 4:157-158, 6:122, 19:33-34).

We also have recorded in the Bible, which the Koran was sent to CONFIRM(not to contradict), a list of eyewitnesses to both the crucifixion and resurrection.

Witnesses to the crucifixion of Jesus:

• Joseph of Arimathaea, Jesus’ great-uncle, who claimed the body (Matt. 27:57-60, Mark 15:43-46, Luke 23:50-53, John 19:38)

• Mary Magdelene, and Mary, the mother of Jesus (Matt. 27:55-56, Mark 15:40, 15:47, John 19:25-27)

• The mother of Zebedee’s children (Matt. 27:56)

• John, the disciple of Jesus (John 19:25-27, 19:35)

• And all Jesus’ acquaintances (Luke 23:49)

Witnesses of the resurrected Jesus:

• Mary Magdelene (Matt. 28:9-10, John 20:15-18)

• Mary, the mother of Jesus (Matt. 28:9-10)

• Simon, the Pharisee and Alphaeus Cleophas (Luke 24:13-32)

• The eleven disciples (Luke 24:33-51, John 20:19-30)

• Simon Peter, Thomas, Nathanael, James and John (the sons of Zebedee) and two other disciples on another occasion (John 21)

Despite the perfect agreement between the Bible and the Koran on the miracle virgin-birth of Jesus, despite the numerous references within the Bible and Koran concerning the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus – which likewise are in perfect agreement IF properly understood – despite the documented accounts of dozens of eyewitnesses by multiple Apostles, despite over 121 secular, non-Biblical citations for Jesus outside the New Covenant/Testament that confirm the details of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection in Jerusalem, during the same period the events in the New Covenant/Testament are described, despite dozens of COMMANDS in the Koran to read and believe the Bible, despite the Koran itself plainly stating it was sent to CONFIRM the Bible, and despite numerous warnings in the Koran against becoming an UNBELIEVER,by picking and choosing which Apostles to believe (Sura 4:150-152), what do “Muslims” do?

They ignore God’s Messengers and pretend the crucifixion and resurrection never happened.

This is what the Koran actually teaches about the crucifixion and about God raising Jesus from the dead after being buried for 3 days and 3 nights (Sura 3:42-55):

Sura 3:45, 48-55
Behold! the angels said: “O Mary! God giveth thee glad tidings of The Word (John 1:1-5) from Him: he will be called Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honour in this world and the Hereafter and of (the company of) those NEAREST to God.
And GOD WILL TEACH HIM The Book (Old Covenant) and Wisdom, The Law (The Torah) and The Gospel (John 5:20-21, John 7:15-19, Sura 7:157-158),
3:49 And (appoint him) an Apostle to the Children of Israel, (with this message): “’I have come to you, with a Sign from your Lord, in that I make for you out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, and breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by God’s leave: and I HEAL THOSE BORN BLIND (John 9), and the lepers, and I enliven the dead, by God’s leave and I declare to you what ye eat, and what ye store in your houses. SURELY therein is a Sign for you if ye did believe;
3:50 (I have come to you), to affirm The Law which was before me (Matt. 5:17-20). And to make lawful to you part of what was (before) forbidden to you (Eph. 2:15, Col. 2:14); I have come to you WITH A SIGN FROM YOUR LORD (Matt. 12:39-40). So fear God, and obey me (John 14:15, 21-24).
3:51 It is God Who is my Lord and your Lord (John 20:17) then worship Him. This is The Way that is Straight (Matt.7:13-14, John 14:6).”
3:52 When Jesus found Unbelief on their part he said: “Who will be My helpers to (the work of) God.” Said the disciples: “We are God’s helpers: we believe in God, and do thou bear witness that we are “True in Faith”.
3:53 Our Lord! we believe in what Thou hast revealed, and we follow the Messenger (John 1:14, 5:24); then write us down among those who bear witness (Luke 24:48, Acts 1:8, 2:32, 3:15, 5:32).”
3:54 And (the unbelievers) plotted and planned, and God too planned, and the best of planners is God.
3:55 Behold! GOD SAID: “O Jesus! I will take thee and RAISE THEE to Myself and clear thee (of the falsehoods) of those who blaspheme*; I will make those who follow thee SUPERIOR to those who reject faith, to The Day of Resurrection: then shall ye all return unto Me, and I will judge between you of the matters wherein ye dispute.

*Note well: those who falsely claim Jesus wasn’t crucified and raised by God from the dead after 3 days and 3 nights, are committing blasphemy by calling God a liar.

Sura 4:157-159
That they said (in boast), “We killed Christ the son of Mary, the Messenger of God”;- but they killed Christ not, nor crucified Christ (John 1:10), but so it was made to appear to them (as they crucified the human body called Jesus, that Christ the spirit-being usedPsalm 22; Isaiah 52:13 to 54:1; Zechariah 11:10-13; Matthew 27), and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) Knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed Christ not:-
4:158 – NAY, GOD RAISED HIM UP UNTO HIMSELF and God is Exalted in Power, and in Wisdom;-
4:159 And, of the People of The Book, they all MUST believe him (Christ) before their death; and on The Day of Judgment he will be a witness against them (and you) (Sura 43:61);-

Note well: Sura 4:157 is probably the most misunderstood verse in the Koran. IF it is read properly, it provides us with CLEAR SIGNS AND CONVINCING PROOF that The Messiah/Christ, the immortal spirit-Being incarnated inside the mortal human Jesus (John 1:14, Sura 2:87, Sura 2:253, Sura 5:113), was NOT crucified; but JESUS WAS CRUCIFIED AND RAISED FROM THE DEAD BY GOD HIMSELF, as it says throughout the Bible and Koran, including in the very next verse (Sura 4:158).

Further confirmation of the crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus:

Sura 6:122
Can he who was dead (Jesus – Matt. 27:50-54, Mark 15:37-39, Luke 23:44-47, John 19:30-42) to whom We gave life (Matt. 28:5-10, Mark 16:6-8, Luke 24, John 20), and a Light (John 3:19-21, John 8:3) with which he (Christ) walks amongst men, be like him who is in the depths of darkness (Lucifer), from which he can never come out? Thus to those without Faith their own deeds seem pleasing (Deut. 4:28, Matt. 6:5).

Excerpts from Sura 19:16-38, about Mary, the virgin birth, and Jesus:
19:19 He said: “Nay, I am only a messenger from thy Lord, (to announce) to thee the gift of an HOLY SON (Rev. 15:4, Sura 59:23, Sura 62:1).”
19:27 At length she brought the (babe) to her people, carrying him (in her arms). They said: “O Mary! Truly an amazing thing hast thou brought!
– So Peace is on me the day I was born, THE DAY THAT I DIE, AND THE DAY THAT I SHALL BE RAISED UP TO LIFE (again)!”
– SUCH (WAS) JESUS THE SON OF MARY: (IT IS) A STATEMENT OF TRUTH, about which they (vainly) dispute.
It is not befitting to (the Majesty of) “I AM” that He should beget a (human) son. Glory be to Him! When He determines a matter, He only says to it, “Be”, and it is.
19:36 Verily “I AM” is my Lord and your Lord: Him therefore serve ye: this is The Way that is straight.
19:37 But the sects differ among themselves: and woe to the Unbelievers because of the (coming) Judgment of a Momentous Day!
How plainly will they see and hear, the Day that they will appear before Us! But the unjust today are clearly in error!Note well: the word “beget” in this context means to procreate through sexual intercourse. God is NOT a human [Num. 23:19, Hos. 11:9, John 4:24), and therefore does NOT have/beget human children. He did however CREATE the Angels (Spirit-Beings) which arereferred to as the Sons of God (the immortal spirit-Beings, NOT the humans they incarnate – Sura 9:30)]. And in doing so, He became our Heavenly Father.

Jesus, WAS the mortal human son (“Son of Man”), born of the virgin body of Mary. Christ, the immortal Spirit-Being, IS the Firstborn/First-created Son of God. Together they formed the human+Being referred to as Jesus+Christ. It is The Messiah/Christ that is prophesied to return in a new body (Gen. 49:10, 22-24) with a new name (Rev. 2:17, 3:12, 19:12) just before the Last Day (Mal. 4, Sura 43:61), NOT Jesus.

Until these irrefutable FACTS are clearly understood and no longer ignored, so-called Muslims (unbelievers really) will continue to vainly dispute against God and His Messenger, until they too find themselves in The Fire, exactly as the Koran warns us at least 300 times.
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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019

1. The wrongly guided ones

Just as they did with other Biblical figures and His-Story, Mohammedan folklore has fabricated its own redeemer fable and eschatology, in its cult collection of sayings referred to as the Hadith.

This redeemer, referred to as the Mahdi, will allegedly rule for 7, 9 or 19 years just before the Last Day, and will rid the world of evil and injustice, by joining forces with The Messiah/Christ, to fight against the Masih ad-Dajjal, i.e. the false messiah/antichrist and his followers.

For those who may not know the meanings of the titles involved, they are as follows:

The “Messiah”/”Christ” is a title which means “The Anointed One

The “Mahdi” is a title which means “The Rightly Guided One

“Jesus” (“Isa”) is not just a name, but is likewise a title, which means “Saviour” or “Redeemer” (specifically “YHWH saves”). Therefore, all references to Christ-Jesus after the resurrection should be rendered Christ, the Saviour, to be properly translated.

So the obvious question that begs to be asked with this fable is this: when did the number “One” suddenly become two? Or do “Muslims” mistakenly believe that The ONE Whom God Himself Anointed (Luke 4:18, Heb. 1:9) and taught (John 5:20, Sura 3:48) isn’t rightly guided?

In the Koran, it specifically states the following in Sura 43:61:

“And [Isa (Christ, the Saviour)] shall be a Sign (for the coming of) the Hour (of Judgment): therefore have no doubt about the (Hour), but FOLLOW YE ME: this is the Straight Way.”

Please note well it does NOT say “follow ye us” or “follow ye me too”. It says “follow ye ME”. And Who is the Straight (and Strait) Way that leads to Life?

Matthew 7:13-14
Enter ye in at the “Strait” gate: for wide [is] the gate, and broad [is] the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:
7:14 Because Strait [is] the gate, and narrow [is] The Way, which leadeth unto Life, and few there be that find it.

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am The Way, the Truth, and the Life: NOT one man cometh unto the Father, EXCEPT by me.

Who could be more rightly guided by God and His Holy Spirit than THE Good Shepherd (John 10:1-18), THE One and Only High-Priest for all-time (Heb. 6:20) and THE One and Only Mediator (1 Tim. 2:5) between God and men? There is NO ONE ELSE in the Koran that is described as being strengthened with the Holy Spirit (Christ) other than Jesus.

Sura 2:87 We gave Moses The Book (The Torah – The Law) and followed him up with a succession of Apostles; We gave Jesus the son of Mary Clear (Signs) AND STRENGTHENED HIM WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT (CHRISTJohn 14:15-19). Is it that whenever there comes to you an Apostle with what ye yourselves desire not, ye are puffed up with pride?- Some ye called impostors, and others ye slay (Matt. 21:33-46)!

Sura 2:253 Those Apostles We endowed with gifts, some above others: to one of them God spoke; others He raised to degrees (of honour); to Jesus the son of Mary We gave clear (Signs), AND RE-INFORCED HIM WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT (THE SPIRIT-BEING CHRISTJohn 16:7-16). If God had so willed, succeeding generations would not have fought among each other, after clear (Signs) had come to them, but they (chose) to wrangle, some believing and others rejecting. If God had so willed, they would not have fought each other; but God fulfilleth His Plan.

Sura 5:113 Then will “I AM” say: “O Jesus the son of Mary! Recount My favour to thee and to thy mother. Behold! I STRENGTHENED THEE WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT (CHRIST), so that thou didst speak to the people in childhood and in maturity. Behold! I taught thee The Book (The Torah and Prophets – John 7:15-17) and Wisdom (John 5:20), The Law (The Torah – John 5:46-47) and The Gospel (Mark 1:14-15) and behold! Thou makest out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, by My leave, thou breathest into it (Gen. 2:7), and it becometh a bird by My leave, and thou healest those born blind (John 9), and the lepers (Luke 7:22), by My leave (John 3:35). And behold! Thou bringest forth the dead by My leave (John 5:21). And behold! I did restrain the Children of Israel from (violence to) thee when thou didst show them the Clear Signs (Luke 4:16-30), and the Unbelievers among them said: ‘This is nothing but sorcery’ (Mark 6:1-6).

IF “Muslims” actually did God’s Will (Islam), and read the Bible as He has COMMANDED them to do, they would see for themselves Who the Comforter/Holy Spirit really is: CHRIST (John 14:15-19, 16:7-16), Who is mentioned directly or indirectly over 300 times in the Koran.

John 16:7, 13-16
Nevertheless I tell you the Truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I WILL SEND HIM UNTO YOU.
16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of Truth, is come, he will GUIDE you into all Truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, [that] shall he speak: and he will show you things to come.
16:14 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall show [it] unto you.
16:15 – All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall show [it] unto you.
16:16 – A little while, and ye shall not see me (3 days and 3 nights): and AGAIN, a little while (after the Ascension), and ye SHALL see me, BECAUSE I go to the Father.

John 14:17-18
14:17 – [Even] the Spirit of Truth
; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you.
14:18 – I will not leave you comfortless: I WILL COME TO YOU.

How could anyone be more rightly guided than God’s Holy Spirit of Truth? How obvious does it need to be made that Christ is The Mahdi?

Sunnis falsely claim that the Mahdi will be a descendant of Muhammad, even though the Koran plainly states that MUHAMMAD DID NOT HAVE ANY MALE HEIRS, which is how God records a human family’s lineage in His Law.

Sura 33:40 – Muhammad is NOT the father of ANY of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of “I AM”, and the Seal of the Prophets*: and “I AM” has full knowledge of all things.

*CONFIRMING what the Prophets that came before him PROPHESIED

Shi’ites falsely claim the Mahdi will be “the twelfth imam”, even though the Mahdi Himself, speaking through the mouth of Jesus 2000 years ago, condemned ALL priests, pastors, rabbis and imams, etc., because there is only ONE Who is Rightly Guided, and thus in a position of authority, able to teach others: Christ, THE Master/Teacher/Imam of the 12 tribes of Israel, i.e. those who will be redeemed from the earth (Rev. 7:4-9).

Matthew 23:8 But be not ye called priest (etc.): for ONE is your Teacher (Imam), [even] Christ; and all ye are brethren.

1 Timothy 2:5 For [there is] ONE God, and ONE MEDIATOR BETWEEN God and men, the Man Jesus Christ;

How is it even possible for there to be Sunnis and Shi’ites – and all of the other sects in “Islam” – when God and His Messiah/Christ/Mahdi CONDEMNED all division and every sect/cult/organized religion, etc., ALL of which are based upon the cultural traditions (hadiths) of men which make the Commandments of God of no effect (Matt. 15:3, 9)?

Matthew 12:25 And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and EVERY CITY OR HOUSE DIVIDED AGAINST ITSELF SHALL NOT STAND:

From The Messiah/Christ/Mahdi, in the Gospel of Jesus according to John:-

John 10:16 And other sheep I have (the “House of Israel”), which are not of this fold (the “House of Judah”): them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, [and] one Shepherd (Eze 37:22 and Genesis 49:10).

John 13:34-35
A new COMMANDment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
13:35 By this shall all [men] KNOW that ye are my disciples, IF ye have love one to another.

John 15:12-14
This is my COMMANDment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.
15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his “Self” life for his friends.
15:14 Ye are my friends, IF ye DO whatsoever I command you.

John 17:11; 17:21-23
And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to Thee. Holy Father, keep through Thine own name those whom Thou hast given me, that they may be ONE, as We [are].
17:21 That they all may be one; as Thou, Father, [art] in me, and I in Thee, that they also may be one in Us: that the world may believe that Thou hast sent me.
17:22 And the glory which Thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as We are One:
17:23 I in them, and Thou in me, that they may be made perfect in ONE; and that the world may know that Thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as Thou hast loved me.

Sura 6:159 – As for those who divide their religion and break up into sects, thou MUST have NOTHING whatsoever to do with it, even in the least: their affair is with “I AM”: in the end He will tell them the truth of all that they did.

Sura 42:13-14
The same religion has He established for you as that which He enjoined on Noah – the which We have sent by inspiration to thee – and that which We enjoined on Abraham, Moses, and JESUS: namely, that ye should remain steadfast in Religion (bonded obligation to “I AM”), AND MAKE NO DIVISIONS THEREIN: to those who worship other things than “I AM”, hard is The (Way) to which thou callest them. “I AM” chooses to Himself those whom He pleases, and guides to Himself those who turn (to Him).
42:14 – And they became DIVIDED only AFTER Knowledge reached them,- through selfish envy between themselves. Had it not been for a Word (John 1:14) that went forth before from thy Lord, (tending) to a Term appointed, the matter would have been settled between them: but truly those who have inherited The Book (Bible) after them are in suspicious (disquieting) doubt concerning it (Sura 32:23).

Sura 49:10 – THE BELIEVERS ARE BUT A SINGLE (ONE) BROTHERHOOD: so make peace and reconciliation between your two (contending) brothers; and fear “I AM”, that YE may receive Mercy (Matt. 5:9).

Please See – Suras 3:103-105, 11:17, 13:36, 15:10-11, 15:90-91, 19:37, 21:92-93, 23:52-53, 30:30-33, 38:1-2, 43:64-67


Anyone who doesn’t break free of their organized religion’s superstitions, and learn to follow Christ’s Example of DOING God’s Will, precisely as it says throughout the Bible and Koran, will face The Fire on Judgment Day. We will ALL be judged by The Messiah/Christ/Mahdi (Matt. 25:31-46, John 5:22), so who could do more wrong (Sura 18:56-57) than someone who doesn’t get to know Him NOW, after all of these clear Signs from God (John 17:3)?

The best and ONLY Way to make the most of what little time you have left is to read, study and put into practice The Survival Plan, which is the “little book” that God promised to deliver during the end-times (Rev. 10:6-10) entitled The Way home or face The Fire by JAH. The title is self-explanatory.

Start anew today, by learning some fresh and real humility, this time DOING what the Lord says and not what you decide or make-up yourself. The “self” has to be crucified DAILY(Matt. 10:38, Mark 8:34, Luke 9:23, Luke 14:26-27, Gal. 2:20, Sura 6:162) until it is DEAD and you want only to serve the Lord and the common good, keeping the COMMANDments; Covenants; His Laws and Ways (found ONLY in His Bible) and NOT your own.

All Scriptural quotes are from the King of kings’ Bible (Rev. 5:1-5, Rev. 19:16), where the Old Covenant, New Covenant and Koran are together (Sura 9:111) and fully cross-referenced, for the first time in human history. ONE Book for ONE Brotherhood of Believers.

Peace be upon you.
May 12, 2019
How does it in anyway lower one or make them a troll to politely ask an honest question about the "proof" you are posting? Why not just answer the question honestly instead of pretending you're being "derailed" by a single post?
There is no point in asking questions when your mind is already made up.

Why did Saladin (Salah ad-Din) fight for control over Jerusalem please? It makes absolutely no sense unless Saladin knew that Jerusalem (City of Peace -- Sura 2:126) was the area where all of Abraham's children were born and raised (including Ishmael), and where Solomon's Temple (where animals were sacrificed -- Sura 5:3) was located.
This is a non-sequitur; Salahuddin's defense of al Aqsa, as its defense and protection by all the caliphs, does not mean that they regarded it as the true place of pilgrimage. One of the reasons Masjid al Aqsa is sacrosanct is because it is the where Allah took the Prophet on the Night Journey. Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al-Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing. [17:1] Besides this, the Prophet spoke many times of the virtue of prayer at al Aqsa, and the need to protect it. As such, Umar ibn al Khattab, Salahuddin, Sultan Abdul Hamid, and others, took great lengths to acquire it, protect it, and preserve it. Madina and Makka by contrast, have consistently remained in Muslim hands, it is unthinkable that they would not: they are the place of origin, a ground zero, the setting of the Prophet's life and death, the place of revelation and pilgrimage.

On Salahuddin: As vizier, Salahuddin protected, accomodated and fed the pilgrim caravans travelling to and from Makkah; when the Franks, who had intended to storm Makkah and Madina and desacrate the grave of the Prophet ﷺ, had been defeated, it was Salahuddin who ordered that they be executed; he buried his own father and uncle in Madinah near the grave of the Prophet ﷺ; when Ibn al Muqaddam went on the pilgrimage, he raised Salahuddin's banner at the Mount of Arafat; and lastly, towards the end of his life, it was only ill health and the need to consolidate Jerusalem's fortifications that prevented him from performing the obligation of hajj himself.

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When Salahuddin took Jerusalem back from the Crusaders, he followed in the footsteps of Umar ibn al Khattab who had conquerered Jerusalem five hundred years before him. So your underlying assumptions are wrong. You are propounding a revisionist outlook that has no basis in historical fact. Salahuddin, as all Muslims, know Makkah and Medina to be the places of pilgrimage, and recognise Masjid al Aqsa to be blessed by God, and in need of protection from those who would defile it and fill it with idols.
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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
There is no point in asking questions when your mind is already made up.
More evasive maneuvers. The point of asking these questions should be self-evident: it's to help those who have been indoctrinated in lies face the truth, for their own benefit.

Isn't that why "Muslims" refuse to answer such a simple question? Because they would have to admit there is absolutely ZERO evidence that Abraham or Ishmael or Hagar ever went to Mecca (which didn't exist until the 4th century AD)? Here's the question again, in case you missed it:

One very simple question, to ask of any and all that call themselves Muslims, if you please.

IF Abraham and Ishmael traveled from Jerusalem to Mecca, and allegedly built a physical temple there, why is there no mention of Mecca anywhere in the Bible, which the Koran (Quran) was sent to confirm?

Perhaps a follow-up question to that would be this: why did Saladin (Salah ad-Din) fight for control over Jerusalem please? It makes absolutely no sense unless Saladin knew that Jerusalem (City of Peace -- Sura 2:126) was the area where all of Abraham's children were born and raised (including Ishmael), and where Solomon's Temple (where animals were sacrificed -- Sura 5:3) was located.

This is a non-sequitur;
Please stop pretending you understand what that means. It's your attempt at answering the question that doesn't follow, the question itself logically follows.

IF Abraham and Ishmael went to Mecca, and built a physical temple/mosque there as "Islam" alleges, then why would ANY true Muslim need to go anywhere else, much less fight over another city?

Salahuddin's defense of al Aqsa, as its defense and protection by all the caliphs, does not mean that they regarded it as the true place of pilgrimage.
Then why fight for it?

One of the reasons Masjid al Aqsa is sacrosanct is because it is the where Allah took the Prophet on the Night Journey. Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al-Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing. [17:1] Besides this, the Prophet spoke many times of the virtue of prayer at al Aqsa, and the need to protect it. As such, Umar al Khattab, Salahuddin, Sultan Abdul Hamid, and others, took great lengths to acquire it, protect it, and preserve it. Madina and Makka by contrast, have consistently remained in Muslim hands, it is unthinkable that they would not: they are the place of origin, a ground zero, the setting of the Prophet's life and death, the place of revelation and pilgrimage.

On Salahuddin: As vizier, Salahuddin protected, accomodated and fed the pilgrim caravans travelling to and from Makkah; when the Franks, who had intended to storm Makkah and Madina and desacrate the grave of the Prophet ﷺ, had been defeated, it was Salahuddin who ordered that they be executed; he buried his own father and uncle in Madinah near the grave of the Prophet ﷺ; when Ibn al Muqaddam went on the pilgrimage, he raised Salahuddin's banner at the Mount of Arafat; and lastly, towards the end of his life, it was only ill health and the need to consolidate Jerusalem's fortifications that prevented him from performing the obligation of hajj himself.

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When Salahuddin took Jerusalem back from the Crusaders, he followed in the footsteps of Umar al Khattab who had conquerered Jerusalem five hundred years before him. So your underlying assumptions are wrong. You are propounding a revisionist outlook that has no basis in historical fact. Salahuddin, as all Muslims, know Makkah and Medina to be the places of pilgrimage, and recognise Masjid al Aqsa to be blessed by God, and in need of protection from those who would defile it and fill it with idols.
What prophet are you speaking about? Are you still erroneously assuming that Muhammad was a prophet, even though he didn't prophecy anything and Allah has told us that Muhammad was only an Apostle/Messenger?

Sura 3:144. Muhammad is no more than an Apostle: many were the Apostles that passed away before him. If he died or were slain, will ye then turn back on your heels? If any did turn back on his heels, not the least harm will he do to God; but God (on the other hand) will swiftly reward those who (serve Him) with gratitude.

The same question logically applies to Omar and to Muhammad (peace be upon him) as well. Why was Omar fighting for Jerusalem if Mecca was where Abraham allegedly built the foundations of the House of God? And why would God take Muhammad to Jerusalem, and make him a Freeman (1 Cor. 7:22) of that city (Sura 90) in the first place, if not to show him the Holiest Place on Earth, and try to set all true Muslims on a path of enlightenment about the place where God put His Name, His House and where His Servants are instructed to pray towards?

Also, why do you feel the need to lie so often? It is the evil organized religion that calls itself "Islam" that has created an entirely fictional, revisionist history about Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Hagar, Jerusalem, The Law, The Ark of The Covenant and about Jesus, in a vain and utterly illogical attempt to discredit the Bible that God said could NEVER be corrupted, and which the Koran (Quran) was sent to CONFIRM. So it seems particularly desperate on your part to accuse me yet again of doing what you are actually doing.

Salahuddin, as all Muslims, know Makkah and Medina to be the places of pilgrimage, and recognise Masjid al Aqsa to be blessed by God, and in need of protection from those who would defile it and fill it with idols.
Of course Jerusalem (City of Peace) was blessed by God, just as Abraham asked (Sura 2:126).

Is it not an extremely well-documented historical fact that the pagan temple/mosque in Mecca was built for and housed hundreds of different idols for at least a couple of hundred years before Muhammad, and sadly is still home to idols today, like the little black stone that so-called Muslims turn toward from all over the world, and even circle around and try to kiss when they make their pilgrimage to pagan Mecca?

Again, why would God take His Apostle/Messenger Muhammad on a night journey to Jerusalem (City of Peace) if Mt. Moriah wasn't home to THE HOLIEST PLACE ON EARTH, I.E. THE EXACT SPOT WHERE ABRAHAM OFFERED UP ISAAC?

The Children of Israel are descended from Abraham's miracle son Isaac, NOT from Ishmael.

Surah 17. Isra', The Night Journey, Children Of Israel

17:1. Glory to ("I AM") Who did take His servant for a Journey by night from a place where he was praying to the Holiest Place, whose Precincts We did bless (Mt. Moriah),- in order that We might show him some of Our Signs: for He is the One Who heareth and seeth (all things).
17:2. We gave Moses The Book (The Torah), and made it a Guide to the Children of Israel, (commanding): "Take no-one and nothing other than Me as Disposer of (your) affairs."
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A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019

"Islam" (Mohammedanism) has made a partner out of Mohammad with God.

"Islam" (Mohammedanism) has made a partner out of the Hadith with the Word of God.

"Islam" (Mohammedanism) has made a partner out of a little black rock with God.

"Islam" (Mohammedanism) has made a partner out of its pagan mosques with God.

"Islam" (Mohammedanism) has made a partner out of its imams with God.

"Islam" (Mohammedanism) has made a partner out of its made up traditions, sects and religious superstitions with God.

Sura 4:48. God forgiveth not that partners should be set up with Him; but He forgiveth anything else, to whom He pleaseth; to set up partners with God is to devise a sin most heinous indeed.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
The PROMISE from God to raise/resurrect Jesus (in the Koran/Quran)
And confirmation of the virgin birth of Jesus and that Jesus is THE Example for all those who are “True in Faith”

Sura 3:42-55
3:42. Behold! the angels said: "O Mary! God hath chosen thee and purified thee- chosen thee above the women of ALL nations.
3:43. O Mary! worship Thy Lord devoutly: prostrate thyself, and bow down (in prayer) with those who bow down."
3:44. This is part of the tidings of the things unseen (Luke 2:10-14, John 1:10), which We reveal unto thee (O Messenger!) by inspiration: thou wast not with them when they cast lots with arrows, as to which of them should be charged with the care of Mary (John 19:26-27): nor wast thou with them when they disputed (the point).
3:45. Behold! the angels said: "O Mary! God giveth thee glad tidings of The Word (John 1:1-5) from Him: he will be called Christ Jesus, the son of Mary, held in honour in this world and the Hereafter and of (the company of) those NEAREST to God.
3:46. He shall speak to the people in childhood (Luke 2:40-47) and in maturity. And he shall be (of the company) of the righteous."
3:47. She said: "O my Lord! How shall I have a son when no man hath touched me?" He said: "Even so: God createth what He willeth: when He hath decreed a plan, He only saith to it, 'Be,' and it is!
3:48. And God will teach him The Book (Old Covenant) and Wisdom, The Law (The Torah) and The Gospel (John 5:20-21, John 7:15-19, Sura 7:157-158),
3:49. And (appoint him) an Apostle to the Children of Israel, (with this message): "'I have come to you, with a Sign from your Lord, in that I make for you out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, and breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by God's leave: and I heal those born blind, and the lepers, and I enliven the dead, by God's leave and I declare to you what ye eat, and what ye store in your houses. SURELY therein is a Sign for you if ye did believe;
3:50. (I have come to you), to affirm The Law which was before me (Matt. 5:17-20). And to make lawful to you part of what was (before) forbidden to you (Eph. 2:15, Col. 2:14); I have come to you with a Sign from your Lord (Matt. 12:39-40). So fear God, and obey me (John 14:15, 21-24).
3:51. It is God Who is my Lord and your Lord (John 20:17) then worship Him. This is The Way that is Straight' (Matt.7:13-14, John 14:6)."
3:52. When Jesus found Unbelief on their part he said: "Who will be My helpers to (the work of) God." Said the disciples: "We are God's helpers: we believe in God, and do thou bear witness that we are "True in Faith".
3:53. Our Lord! we believe in what Thou hast revealed, and we follow the Messenger (John 1:14, 5:24); then write us down among those who bear witness (Luke 24:48, Acts 1:8, 2:32, 3:15, 5:32)."
3:54. And (the unbelievers) plotted and planned, and God too planned, and the best of planners is God.
3:55. Behold! God said: "O Jesus! I will take thee and raise thee to Myself and clear thee (of the falsehoods) of those who blaspheme*; I will make those who follow thee SUPERIOR to those who reject faith, to The Day of Resurrection: then shall ye all return unto Me, and I will judge between you of the matters wherein ye dispute.

*Note well: those who falsely claim Jesus wasn't crucified and raised by God from the dead after 3 days and 3 nights, are committing blasphemy by calling God a liar

They Killed The Messiah/Christ NOT
but they did crucify the body of Jesus, son of Mary, that Christ incarnated

Further proof of the crucifixion, and of the resurrection of Jesus by God Himself

King of kings' Bible - Sura 4:154-163, 170-174
4:154. And for their Covenant We raised over them (the towering height) of Mount (Sinai); and (on another occasion) We said: "Enter the gate with humility" (Matt. 7:13-14); and (once again) We commanded them: "Transgress not in the matter of the Sabbath." And we took from them a solemn Covenant.
4:155. (They have incurred divine displeasure): in that they broke their Covenant; that they rejected the Signs of God; that they slew the Messengers in defiance of right; that they said, "Our hearts are the wrappings (which preserve God's Word; we need no more)";- nay, God hath set the seal on their hearts for their blasphemy, and little it is that they believe;-
4:156. That they rejected Faith; that they uttered against Mary a grave false charge;
4:157. That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ the son of Mary, the Messenger of God";- but they killed Christ not, nor crucified Christ, but so it was made to appear to them (as they crucified the human body called Jesus, that Christ the spirit-being used - Psalm 22; Isaiah 52:13 to 54:1; Zechariah 11:10-13; Matthew 27), and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) Knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed Christ not:-
4:158. NAY, GOD RAISED HIM UP UNTO HIMSELF and God is Exalted in Power, and in Wisdom;-
4:159. And, of the People of The Book, they all MUST believe him (Christ) before their death; and on The Day of Judgment he will be a witness against them (and you) (Sura 43:61);-
4:160. For the iniquity of the Jews We made unlawful for them certain (foods) good and wholesome which had been lawful for them;- because they hindered many from God's Way;-
4:161. In that they took usury, though they were forbidden; and that they devoured men's substance wrongfully;- We have prepared for those among them who reject Faith a grievous punishment.
4:162. But those among them who are well-grounded in Knowledge, and the Believers, believe in what hath been revealed to thee and what was revealed before thee: and (especially) those who establish constant prayer and practise regular charity and believe God and in The Last Day: to them shall We soon give a great reward.
4:163. We have sent thee inspiration, as We sent it to Noah and the Messengers after him: We sent inspiration to Abraham; Ishmael; Isaac; Jacob-Israel and the (twelve) Tribes (of Israel); to Aaron; Job; Solomon son of David; Jonah; Jesus; and to David We gave the Psalms (in the Old Covenant/Testament. Note well Psalm 22).

4:170. O Mankind! The Messenger hath come to you in truth from God: believe him: it is best for you (John 3:14-17). But if ye reject Faith, to God belong all things in the heavens and on Earth: and God is All-knowing, All-wise.
4:171. O People of The Book! Commit no excesses in your religion: nor say of God aught but the Truth. Jesus the (human) son of Mary was (no more than) an Apostle of God; and His Word (John 1:14), which He bestowed on Mary's (human) son; was a spirit-Being (Christ) proceeding from Him (making the human+Being called Jesus+Christ – see Sura 2:87, Sura 2:253, Sura 5:113): so believe God and His Apostles. Say NOT "Trinity": DESIST (1 John 2:22-23): it will be better for you: for "I AM" is one God. Glory be to Him:
(far exalted is He) above having a human son. To Him belong all things in the heavens and on Earth. And enough is God as a Disposer of affairs.
4:172. CHRIST COMMANDETH YE to serve and worship God, so do the angels, those nearest (to God): those who scorn His worship and are arrogant,- He will gather them all together unto Himself to (answer).
4:173. But to those who believe (John 3:16) and do deeds of righteousness, He will give their (due) rewards,- and more, out of His bounty: but those who are scornful and arrogant, He will punish with a grievous Penalty; nor will they find, besides God, any to protect or help them.
4:174. O mankind! Verily there hath come to you a convincing proof from your Lord: for We have sent unto you a Light (that is) manifest (John 1:14, John 3:19-21).

Note well: Sura 4:157 is probably the most misunderstood verse in the Koran. IF it is read properly, it provides us with CLEAR SIGNS AND CONVINCING PROOF that Christ (the immortal spirit-Being) wasn't crucified; but Jesus WAS crucified and raised from the dead, by God Himself, as it says throughout the Bible and Koran.

Further confirmations of the crucifixion, death and resurrection of Jesus:-

Sura 6:122. Can he who was dead (Jesus – Matt. 27:50-54, Mark 15:37-39, Luke 23:44-47, John 19:30-42) to whom We gave life (Matt. 28:5-10, Mark 16:6-8, Luke 24, John 20), and a Light (John 3:19-21, John 8:3) with which he walks amongst men (Christ), be like him who is in the depths of darkness (Lucifer), from which he can never come out? Thus to those without Faith their own deeds seem pleasing.

Sura 19:33-34
19:33. So Peace is on me the day I was born, the day that I die, and the day that I shall be raised up to life (again)!"
19:34. Such (was) Jesus the son of Mary: (it is) a statement of truth, about which they (vainly) dispute.

And further, the Koran (Quran) specifically tells us that it was sent to CONFIRM (not to contradict) the Bible (the Book) which came before it (both The Law and the Gospel), NOT to start a new organized religion
(Sura 2:97-98, 3:1-3, 4:47, 5:51, 6:92-94, 6:154-157, 10:37, 12:111, 22:52, 35:31, 46:12, 61:6-7).

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
New article:-

The Sacrifice You Cannot Live Without

There is a mistaken belief among “Muslims” that Jesus, the sacrificial Lamb of God, wasn’t crucified, even though the Koran (Quran) – if read and understood properly – CONFIRMS the Biblical account of the crucifixion and resurrection (Sura 3:55, 4:157-158, 6:122, 19:33-34).

This error is then compounded in multiple ways, by wrongly assuming the Bible has been corrupted (even though God said that could never happen – Sura 15:9-10) and/or that sacrifice for sins is allegedly unnecessary, because God promised that no SOUL will ultimately be punished for the sins of another on Judgment Day which, of course, is true.

Ezekiel 18:20-22
The SOUL that sinneth, IT shall DIE. The son shall not bear the inequity of the father, neither shall the father bear the inequity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.
18:21 But if the wicked will turn from all his sins that he hath committed, and keep all My Statutes, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall surely live, he shall not die.
18:22 All his transgressions that he hath committed, they shall not be mentioned unto him: in his righteousness that he hath done he shall live.

The reason these very simple concepts are not understood is because they are not being seen from a spiritual point of view. That’s why Christ told us through the mouth of Jesus that unless one is reborn as their true, spirit self, they cannot understand the difference between the spirit (Being/Soul) and the flesh (human-animal), and thus can NEVER properly understand the Scriptures, including the Koran (John 3:3-7).

-------please visit the hyperlinked title at the beginning of this post for the rest of the article-------

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
If You Are Still Doing The Crime, You Are Rapidly Running Out Of Time

Excerpt below from the article linked above:

Building on the article “The Sacrifice You Cannot Live Without”, and to further illustrate how absurd and illogical it is to assume there is no penalty for our post crucifixion sins, please consider the following:

In this world, those who are convicted of a crime are sentenced to some form of punishment, up to and including the death penalty for capital offences (offenses).

The convicted criminal could make a plea to the judge or jury to be released without punishment, based solely on their word to never commit such a crime again. But has that ever worked? And why would anyone take a convicted criminal at his or her word?

Most understand this basic concept, and argue that “the punishment should fit the crime”, even though the punishment should really be so severe that it deters and thus prevents the crime, which is exactly how God’s Law functions in practice.

Unfortunately, people have been conned into believing that “sin” is somehow different, and that we can continually repeat our broken promise to “go and sin no more” while carrying on the criminal rites, rituals and superstitious nonsense of whatever satanic organized religion we choose, be it Judaism, Christianity, Mohammedanism, Hinduism, etc.

Sin is defined in Scripture as the transgression (breaking) of The Law (1 John 3:4) which, simply put, means:


Who do you follow when you commit sin=crime against God?

A crime, by definition, is harming another or their property in defiance of the second of the two Great Commandments (Mark 12:29-31). Is it realistic to believe that God, Who is just and fair in ALL things, to ALLpeople, will allow us to harm others indefinitely, with impunity? That must be what people who don’t think they are in need of a Saviour believe, which is totally illogical, isn’t it?

Every one of us has committed numerous crimes against God and others during this lifetime and all of our previous ones. And sadly, most have not only never stopped, but have actually increased their sinning, which is why the world is so filled with darkness, violence and evil today, despite record numbers of “Jews”, “Christians” and “Muslims”.

The Old Covenant, New Covenant and the Koran (Quran) all warn us of Judgment Day, and of The Fire that we will face on that great and dreadful Day of The Lord (Mal. 4, Rev. 20:12-15, Sura 3:185), if we don’t learn The Way home, to heaven.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
In the book of Ezekiel, the Hebrew name "David", which means "well-beloved" in English, has wrongly been left untranslated in most translations of the Bible.

Ezekiel 34:23 (KJV) -- And I will set up One shepherd over them, and he shall feed them, [even] My servant David; he shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd.

Ezekiel 37:25 (KJV) -- And they shall dwell in the land that I have given unto Jacob my servant, wherein your fathers have dwelt; and they shall dwell therein, even they, and their children, and their children's children for ever: and my servant David shall be their prince for ever.

Leaving the term "well-beloved" untranslated renders these verses unintelligible, since David had been dead for several hundred years when these verses were written, and there are no prophecies about David returning to be a shepherd to anyone. Only about the Davidic Throne being given by God to His Christ, Whom God refers to as His "Well beloved" Son and Servant (Matt. 3:17).

There are, however, numerous prophecies of Christ returning right before Judgment Day, to reunite the "House of Israel" and the "House of Judah", and gather the "Elect".

Ezekiel 34:23 (King of kings' Bible) -- And I will set up One shepherd over them, and he shall feed them, [even] My "Well-Beloved" servant; he shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd.

Ezekiel 37:25 (King of kings' Bible) -- And they shall dwell in the land that I have given unto Jacob My servant, wherein your fathers have dwelt; and they shall dwell therein, [even] they, and their children, and their children's children for ever: and My Well-Beloved servant [shall be] their prince (Daniel 10:21) for ever.

The above references are obviously about Christ, as confirmed by dozens of other verses which prophecy Christ's Second Coming.

The Koran (Quran) has similarly and wrongly left the term "Samiri" as a proper name in most (if not all) translations, rather than as the descrptive title of "Overseer" in Sura 20:85 and Sura 20:95, thereby creating a mythical character out of thin air, in a vain attempt to contradict the Biblical account, which God sent the Koran to CONFIRM.

Sura 20:85 (Yusuf Ali) -- (Allah) said: "We have tested thy people in thy absence: the Samiri has led them astray."

Sura 20:95 (Yusuf Ali) -- (Moses) said: "What then is thy case, O Samiri?"

The Overseer being referenced in the above verse is Dathan (Num. 26:9), who conned Aaron into making the golden calf.

Sura 20:83-97 (King of kings' Bible)
20:83. (When Moses was up on the Mount, "I AM" said:) "What made thee hasten in advance of thy people, O Moses?"
20:84. He replied: "Behold, they are close on my footsteps: I hastened to Thee, O my Lord, to please Thee."
20:85. ("I AM") said: "We have tested thy people in thine absence: the "Overseer" (Dathan) has led them astray."
20:86. So Moses returned to his people in a state of indignation and sorrow. He said: "O my people! Did not your Lord make a handsome promise to you? Did then the promise seem to you long (in coming)? Or did ye desire that Wrath should descend from your Lord on you, and so ye broke your promise to me?"
20:87. They said: "We broke not the promise to thee, as far as lay in our power: but we were made to carry the weight of the ornaments of the (whole) people, and we threw them (into the fire), and that was what the Overseer suggested.
20:88. Then he brought out (of the fire) before the (people) the image of a calf: it seemed to moo: so they said: 'This is your god, and the god of Moses, but (Moses) has forgotten'!"
20:89. Could they not see that it could not return them a word (in reply), and that it had no power either to harm them or to do them good?
20:90. Aaron had already, before this said to them: "O my people! Ye are being tested in this: for verily your Lord is ("I AM") Most Gracious: so follow me and obey my command."
20:91. They had said: "We will not abandon this cult, but we will devote ourselves to it until Moses returns to us."
20:92. (Moses) said: "O Aaron! What kept thee back, when thou sawest them going wrong,
20:93. From following me? Didst thou then disobey my order?"
20:94. (Aaron) replied: "O son of my mother! Seize (me) not by my beard nor by (the hair of) my head! Truly I feared lest thou shouldst say, 'Thou has caused a division among the Children of Israel, and thou didst not respect my word'!"
20:95. (Moses) said: "What then is thy case, O Overseer?"
20:96. He replied: "I saw what they saw not: so I took a handful (of dust) from the footprint of the Messenger, and threw it (into the Calf): thus did my soul suggest to me."
20:97. (Moses) said: "Get thee gone! But thy (punishment) in this life will be that thou wilt say, 'Touch me not'; and moreover (for a future penalty) thou hast a promise that will not fail: now look at thy god, of whom thou hast become a devoted worshipper: we will certainly (melt) it in a blazing fire and scatter it spread out in the water!"

Please compare the above passage from the Koran (Quran) with the Biblical account of the Exodus (see Exodus 32 and Numbers 16, 26:9-11) found in God's Law.

This story is an extremely important lesson, which no so-called Muslim has ever understood because of this error.

The priests of this world (pastors, rabbis, imams, etc.) have helped build the golden calf (the beast system of mammon/materialism), working in conjunction with, and at the behest of, their state (government) overseers, thereby misleading the people into the Pit/Fire that awaits most of mankind on the Last Day.

Shared as a true friend to all Muslims. Peace be upon you.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
you said :
"The Koran (Quran) has similarly and wrongly left the term "Samiri" as a proper name in most (if not all) translations, rather than as the descrptive title of "Overseer" in Sura 20:85 and Sura 20:95,"

and then continued:
"thereby creating a mythical character out of thin air, in a vain attempt to contradict the Biblical account, which God sent the Koran to CONFIRM.

So, God sent The Holy Quran, yet God wrongly left the term samiri.

are you on drugs ???
Are you?

Where in anything that was shared was it said that GOD wrongly left the term "samiri"? It is men, misled by Satan, who have improperly translated certain things in both the Bible and the Koran (Quran), which God uses as a test, to weed out the true believers committed to doing God's Will, from the unbelievers.

Sura 22:52-55
22:52. Never did We send an Apostle or a Prophet before thee, but, when he framed a desire, Satan threw some (vanity) into his desire: but "I AM" will cancel anything (vain) that Satan throws in, and "I AM" WILL CONFIRM (AND ESTABLISH) HIS SIGNS (Sura 32:23): for "I AM" is full of Knowledge and Wisdom:
22:54. And that those on whom Knowledge has been bestowed may learn that the (Koran) is the Truth from thy Lord, and that they may believe therein, and their hearts may be made humbly (open) to it: for verily "I AM" is the Guide, of those who believe, to The Straight Way (Matthew 7:13-14, John 14:6, Sura 3:55).
22:55. Those who reject Faith will not cease to be in doubt concerning (Revelation) until The Hour (of Judgment) comes suddenly upon them, or there comes to them the Penalty of a Day of Disaster.

See also: Sura 6:112-115, Sura 25:31 and compare with Enoch 104:8 and 2 Thessalonians 2:7-12.

And please stop attempting to use illogical stawman arguments, particularly (and blasphemously) using God as the strawman.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
The Holy Quran is in its original form, so you dont need no translation at all. (if you know Arabic language of-course [wink])
The Holy Koran (Quran) has been restored to its correct meaning, as it was originally provided to Muhammad by Gabriel (at the direction of Prince Michael -- Sura 2:98) only in The King of kings' Bible.

The first published Koran (Quran), over 18 years after the death of Muhammad (peace be upon him) already had errors in it, some intentionally included in it by those who prepared it, many of which have already been addressed in the article that's the subject of this thread (e.g. Suras 2:125, 2:127, 3:96, 20:85, 20:95, 48:24, and 62:9).

The Koran (Quran) was originally provided in Arabic, as a blessing and an invitation (Sura 61:6-7) to the descendants of Ishmael. Unfortunately, they've used and abused God's Word to create yet another evil organized religion, just as their predecessors did.

Sura 61:6-7
61:6. And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary, said: "O Children of Israel! I am the Apostle of "I AM" (sent) to you, CONFIRMING The Law (which came) before me (the Torah), and giving Glad Tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall be the Comforter (John 16:7-15)." But when he came to them with Clear Signs, they said, "this is evident sorcery!"
61:7. Who doth greater wrong than one who invents falsehood against "I AM", even as he is being invited to do His Will? And "I AM" guides not those who do wrong (Satan does).

No Arabic-speaking person has ever correctly understood God's Message in the Koran (Quran), including Muhammad, who was JUST A MESSENGER (Apostle) of God.

Sura 3:144. Muhammad is no more than an Apostle: many were the Apostles that passed away before him. If he died or were slain, will ye then turn back on your heels? If any did turn back on his heels, not the least harm will he do to God; but God (on the other hand) will swiftly reward those who (serve Him) with gratitude.

The fact that someone can shrug off blasphemously using God as a strawman with a wink, is further proof of this fact.

billy t

Aug 2, 2020
Islam has nothing to do with the Quran? Well that's a new one.

To be honest i don't read posts that usually contain more then a page. If i have to scroll i will usually skip. Attention span of a gold fish and all of that.

My reactions aren't emotional. Truth be told Islam doesn't need me to defend it. The Almighty doesn't need a single Muslim to propagate his path. I can die in 5 minutes and the Creators deen will still outshine all the rest. I just find you to be a strange one. I've heard of Quranist's. Those who accept the Quran and reject the hadith. I've never heard of one who accepts the Quran but rejects Islam.

These threads you make hoping to lead people away from Islam.. is just sad. Like every other thread on here that hopes to direct people away from Islam, they are absolutely fruitless. Here's an example, I reverted to Islam about a decade ago, a little over. Islamaphobia absolutely everywhere across the net. "Moon god" and the whole 9 yards. But in my search for truth i seen none of it. Absolutely none of it. Those the Creator guides you have no hope of reaching.

TLDR? Your posts fall on deaf ears for those seeking truth.

Let me leave you with a few messages from "I am"

"This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islām as religion."
(5:3 Quran)

"O you who have believed, enter into Islam completely [and perfectly] and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy." (2:208 Quran)

May God guide you.
I have discussed these issues with Freeman before and he ignored direct questions. He says prayers are "pagan ritual" yet when you ask him what is the meaning of Allah saying "the prayers are prescribed on the believers at appointed times"? He just diverts and goes on a new tangent.

billy t

Aug 2, 2020
The reason it felt so uncomfortable is because only heathens and hypocrites go to churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, etc. to be seen by others, according to God and His Christ.

Matthew 6:5-8
6:5 And when thou prayest, thou shalt NOT be as the hypocrites [ARE]: for they love to pray standing in the churches and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward (they have been seen by men, but God will not answer them).
6:6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and WHEN THOU HAST SHUT THY DOOR, pray to thy Father IN PRIVATE (Enoch 56:5; Sura 7:55); and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly (by answering you).
6:7 But when ye pray, use NOT vain repetitions, as the heathen [DO]: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking.
6:8 Be NOT ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, BEFORE ye ask Him.

Of course the disciples and apostles reiterated Christ's condemnation of the churches, etc., with their priests, pastors, rabbis and imams (fake teachers).

Acts 7:48 Howbeit the Most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands; as saith the prophet,

Acts 17:24 God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that He is Lord of heaven and Earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;

As does the Koran (Quran):

Sura 4:142. The Hypocrites - they think they are over-reaching God, but He will over-reach them: when they stand up to prayer, they stand without earnestness, to be seen by men (Matt. 6:5), only little do they hold God in remembrance;

Sura 7:55. Call on your Lord with HUMILITY and in PRIVATE (Enoch 56:5; Matt. 6:6): for "I AM" loveth not those who trespass beyond bounds.

Sura 9:107-111
9:107. And there are those who put up mosques (churches; synagogues; etc.), by way of mischief and BETRAYAL - to disunite the Believers - and in preparation for one who warred against "I AM" (Revelation 12:7) and His Messenger aforetime. They will indeed swear that their intention is nothing but good; but "I AM" doth declare that they are certainly LIARS.
9:108. NEVER stand thou forth therein. There is an Holy Place (Mt. Moriah) whose foundation was laid from the first day on piety; it is more worthy of the standing forth (for prayer) therein. In it are men who love to be purified; and "I AM" loveth those who make themselves pure.
9:109. Which then is best? - he that layeth his foundation on piety (a Rock - Matthew 7:24-27) to "I AM" and His Good Pleasure? - or he that layeth his foundation on an undermined sand-cliff ready to crumble to pieces? And it doth crumble to pieces with him, into The Fire of Hell. And "I AM" guideth not people that do wrong (if they are doing wrong Satan is guiding them).
9:110. The foundation of those who so build is never free from suspicion and shakiness in their hearts, until their hearts are cut to pieces. And "I AM" is All-Knowing, Wise.
9:111. "I AM" hath purchased from the Believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is The Garden (of Bliss): they fight in His Cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on Him in Truth, through The Law (The Torah), The Gospel (New Testament/Covenant), and The Koran: and who is more faithful to His Covenant (in the Bible) than "I AM"? Then rejoice in the bargain which ye have concluded (to fulfill The Covenant of "I AM" written in the Bible): that is the achievement supreme.

Sura 33:33. And stay quietly IN YOUR HOUSES (Sura 9:107-111), and make not a dazzling display, like that of the former Times of Ignorance (Sura 4:142, Sura 7:55); and establish constant Prayer (1 Thes. 5:17), and give regular Charity (Matt. 6:1-8); and obey "I AM" and His Messenger. And "I AM" only wishes to remove all abomination from you, ye Members of the Family, and to make you pure and spotless (Matt. 5:8).

Sura 107:5-6
107:5. Who are neglectful of their Prayers,
107:6. Those who (want only) to be seen (by men - Matt. 6:5),

Interesting note about the title "Jesus": it means "Saviour" or, more specifically "YHWH Saves".

John 5:30 I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the Will of the Father which hath sent me.
The Quran says "the masjids are for Allah alone so do not associate anyone in worship with Him". This refutes your understanding that there are no places for worship and it also refutes the idea that praying in the masjid necessitates showing off because Allah says don't associate anyone with Allah in worship in the context of MASJIDS. Those who enter the masjid should not do it for praise which is the way if the hypocrites. However, just because some people show off in prayer doesn't make the masjid bad. What foolish logic. This is your logic. Hitler wore clothes. He was evil. I also wear clothes hence I should stop doing so or I will be evil like Hitler.

billy t

Aug 2, 2020
Yes, Paul had to warn the stroppy Corinthian church that he was coming to kick their butt--
"I already gave you a warning when I was with you the second time. I now repeat it while absent: On my return I won't spare those who sinned earlier or any of the others" (2 Cor 13:2)
"If the truth increases due to my LIE, by His glory why do you call me a liar???". "Saint" Paul.