
Sep 21, 2021
posting these here to show exactly
how these evils could write their great
new narrative just as they have done before

this isn't funny to me it's sad really as look at how
basic the questions are that these Children can't
answer now,imagine with all the new woke crap
being taught how much worse this will get

Ya take out everyone over a certain age that
maybe able to teach these Children something
and give them the only history Ya want them to

think a decade down the road if everyone who took
the xav is to die within 3-5 or less and tptb focused
the sexav on older Peoples in the beginning that's a
whole lot of history they're about to erase

a decade down the road most the Children won't even
remember what's happened the last 2-3 yrs it will be
gone outta mind and there will be no one left to teach
them just what these evils did during this time or through
out Our histories

The "dumbing down" of a generation because of ineffective education system...and the "take over" of social media platforms... Critical thinking is seriously in critical crisis...they can't even pass general education...


Sep 21, 2021


May 15, 2017
since We Know this is a agenda of tptb
I'm posting here

"Ya can shove Your climate crisis up You a$$"

lmbo wow,sound like someone's over lying to
the masses,she's been doing this sorta thing
a bit lately so it's strange considering she was
one of the biggest and youngest advocate for
this agenda

I do think sometimes the Children of these
elites don't wanna be apart of what they're
trying to do to Our World so the Children buck
and go against it

too bad many get put back in their place or end
up dying from drugs,suicide or an accident,not
to often murder as that brings to many questions
with it but even that sometimes is used

could this be what We are Seeing with gt she's
tired of being used and possibly abused by w/e
elites are around her since she is older now and
understands better what tptb were using her for idk



Sep 21, 2021
"The crisis of scientism..."

Depressed...? It's not because you are chemically's because you are "experiencing stress & trauma..."

Your "antidepressants" are giving you chemical imbalance...thus, hurting you more...



Sep 21, 2021
since We Know this is a agenda of tptb
I'm posting here

"Ya can shove Your climate crisis up You a$$"

lmbo wow,sound like someone's over lying to
the masses,she's been doing this sorta thing
a bit lately so it's strange considering she was
one of the biggest and youngest advocate for
this agenda

I do think sometimes the Children of these
elites don't wanna be apart of what they're
trying to do to Our World so the Children buck
and go against it

too bad many get put back in their place or end
up dying from drugs,suicide or an accident,not
to often murder as that brings to many questions
with it but even that sometimes is used

could this be what We are Seeing with gt she's
tired of being used and possibly abused by w/e
elites are around her since she is older now and
understands better what tptb were using her for idk

TPTB has been commiting a crime against this child...This poor girl has been used...misused...and systematically abused...


May 15, 2017
I agree e-Enoch
she's just becoming older and like any
Child is starting to push back against
her parents rebelling only her families
apart of tptb elite club so let's Hope
she doesn't end up disappeared/suicided
for not sticking to the script and that she
puts the Truth all out in the open for the
World to See

this interview says enough eh
I mentioned before the nazis won the war they didn't lose
other Countries took them in because they're the same
ancient evils from history that have secret knowledge
they were willing to share to get the keys to each

what We think the holocaust was isn't what it was
it was these same evils We Speak on here everyday
that has ruled over Us for decades(millennia imho)

I'm not saying Peoples were not murdered they were
but not for the reasons We were told,idk why only tptb
would Know,maybe it was a body harvest for the chrome
and meat to eat again idk

ks says he learned from that time that confrontation
doesn't work he says cooperation is better,I think the
word he meant was coercion using trickery so no one
even realizes that they're being coerced

that's what they have done in Our World for so long now
as the right hand muppet of ks says keep Us Happy using
tech,drugs and w/e,they have been doing that over the years
putting drugs on the streets,diseases to kill Us off faster and
releasing technologies that have put the Peoples to sleep all
the easier and now they have found an even easier way by making
it possible to hack Us outright



Sep 21, 2021
ks says he learned from that time that confrontation
doesn't work he says cooperation is better,I think the
word he meant was coercion using trickery so no one
even realizes that they're being coerced.

You are right. Notice the kind of languaging and linguistic style KS and the rest of TPTB use...

"Glittering generalities...ethical words" which "appeal" to the masses...

For example, who dislikes the words such as "cooperation...sustainability...happy...?"

They use nice, good-sounding words to entice, seduce...much like giving "bait" to their prey so they can easily catch them...

These evil people are simply copying/using the age-old satanic approach.. Didn't satan, disguised as a reptile (serpent) lured Eve to eat the "forbidden" fruit by saying nice-sounding words...? Then gave the false declaration..."you shall not will be like God..." And it turned out to be the biggest lie ever!


May 15, 2017
exactly e-Enoch
same things most politicians do
when running say all the things they think
Peoples wanna Hear

same with the elite wearing a fake mask and
using words that sound great/good when We
Hear them but with Us being awake We Know
now it's just evil wrapped in pretty packaging

this is what they've been doing to rule over
Us for ever now,We are dealing with the ancient
evils that have always been,they want to be "gods"
in Our World to rule Us and have Us worshipping
them cause they want to be like Our Creator
Jul 12, 2022
TPTB has been commiting a crime against this child...This poor girl has been used...misused...and systematically abused.
Much agreed. Since she first came out, it seemed evident to me that she was a puppet. They took such advantage of her.
I will be so happy for her if she truly is rebelling from them, now.


May 15, 2017
this is what I been saying
these evils think they own all Naturals in
Our World when it was meant for all of Us
they claim ownership and then use the resources
from the plants for their meds,while making it illegal
for Us to try using those same Naturals,they use and
control all Our resources for themselves first

nothing Naturally occurring in Our World was meant
to be owned by one person/entity

of course I'm talking in general not like restaurants/farms
and such,I'm talking big pharma,the bg's/tptb of Our World
Hope that makes sense,if Your not producing Your own then
of course Ya will need to get it elsewhere before money We
would barter for Our needs

there is more than enough space in Our World for all that are here
there is more than enough resources in Our World for all that are here
We have been lied to beyond lied too they have robbed humanity
of those things meant for all so that it can be controlled by the few

after the droughts We've been Seeing,the water rationing,how long
til what the nestle guy says is truth I betchya not too long,after the
water tptb will come for Our air We breath



May 15, 2017
I really enjoy the videos this man puts
out,he is great at making common sense
points impactfully in a quick easily digested



Sep 21, 2021
this is what I been saying
these evils think they own all Naturals in
Our World when it was meant for all of Us
they claim ownership and then use the resources
from the plants for their meds,while making it illegal
for Us to try using those same Naturals,they use and
control all Our resources for themselves first

nothing Naturally occurring in Our World was meant
to be owned by one person/entity

of course I'm talking in general not like restaurants/farms
and such,I'm talking big pharma,the bg's/tptb of Our World
Hope that makes sense,if Your not producing Your own then
of course Ya will need to get it elsewhere before money We
would barter for Our needs

there is more than enough space in Our World for all that are here
there is more than enough resources in Our World for all that are here
We have been lied to beyond lied too they have robbed humanity
of those things meant for all so that it can be controlled by the few

after the droughts We've been Seeing,the water rationing,how long
til what the nestle guy says is truth I betchya not too long,after the
water tptb will come for Our air We breath

The "biggest food corp..." deserves the strongest "bitchslap" one for every year of defrauding humanity... that's a total equivalent to more than a century... (just saying this with much sarcasm...seriously, they should be facing big lawsuits for massive scams...)

Last edited:


Jul 28, 2021

The summer deadlock in the ongoing, but undeclared, World War 3 is about to end, multiple sources agree. This is because the collective West is about to face a catastrophic systems failure if events continue on their present course.

The question now is: will the Khazarian mafia try to surrender or are they planning a new offensive led by a slave African pope, possibly involving a fake alien invasion?

The biggest sign that something big is about to happen is this announcement by the Vatican:

The Holy See and the Institutions connected with the Holy See that are holders of financial assets and liquidity, in whatever form they are held, in financial institutions other than the IOR must inform the IOR and transfer them to it as soon as possible within 30 days from 1 September 2022.

This appears to signal the end of the Rothschild and other Khazarian mafia families’ control over this institution. This is historic as they have been the Vatican’s private bankers since at least since the 19th century.

This is also extremely important because almost all so-called “world leaders” who appear at the UN are given a Vatican Bank account when they assume power. The leaders are then told “welcome to the rich persons club. You are free to use this money as you wish but, if you disobey us, we will kill you.”

The entire Covid nightmare, it now turns out, involved using an artificially created “pandemic” to launder over $1 trillion of FRB funny money into the world economy. This was done by bribing government leaders with money from the World Bank, the IMF, etc. to go along with the KM attempt to create a totalitarian world government. Lesser leaders were given shares in vaccine, mask and hand sanitizer companies etc. in order to join the chorus.

Also, many leaders who refused to go along, such as the president of Tanzania, were killed or removed.

This is now blowing up in the Khazarian mafiosis’ faces as side effects from vaccines and scientific scrutiny expose the entire “pandemic” as one of the greatest war crimes in world history.

This headline is typical of what is now beginning to dominate even the corporate news about the “pandemic:”

“Attorneys for Pfizer Whistleblower Say Company Could be Liable for $3.3 TRILLION in Damages.”

Now that the fear of bankruptcy, jail or execution is weighing more on leaders’ minds than the temptation of bribes, the ability to use Covid to launder funny money into the world economy is ending.

In retaliation for the “pandemic” attack, most of the world’s countries are being even more diligent in refusing to accept all forms of “money” created out of thin air by the Khazarian mafia and Vatican-controlled Federal Reserve Board. This is the real reason why the Vatican-controlled collective “West” is facing an energy crisis and imminent social collapse.

The question now is will the Khazarian Mafiosi who control the Vatican try to negotiate a surrender or double down with a new offensive?

That is why all eyes are on this weeks big gathering of Cardinals in Rome.

After naming over 20 new Cardinals (mostly from developing countries) this weekend, Francis has chosen 83 out of the 132 cardinals eligible to elect a new pope. This is enough to elect a new pope.

Vatican watchers noted that when the Pope traveled to Aquila on August 28th to visit the tomb of St. Celestine V (he resigned from the papacy in 1294 A.D.) he said that by relinquishing power, Celestine showed the strength that comes from humility.

“In the eyes of men, the humble are seen as weak and losers, but in reality, they are the real winners because they are the only ones who trust completely in the Lord and know His will,” Francis said.

The two-day meeting with cardinals taking place on August 29th and 30th is the only time during Francis’s nine and a half years as Pope (March 2013 to the present) that all the cardinals have met and talked in this way, says Vatican expert Dr. Robert Moynihan.

According to P3 Freemason sources the real purpose of this meeting is to prepare the way for an individual they have designated to play the role of “Messiah.” The Pope plans to travel to North Korea, China and Moscow to try to convince these countries to support this plan.

However, other P3 sources say the Pope will resign “because he did not do enough to stop p***philia.” This second scenario is the one most likely to lead to an “African Pope.”

In what may be a sign of high-level intrigue, the rumored new African Pope, Ghanaian Cardinal Richard Kuuia Baawobr, 63, fell ill upon his arrival in Italy on Friday and spent Saturday in the hospital.

The KM wants an African slave Pope, because less than one-third, or 58 of the 193 members of the UN signed a statement last week criticizing Russia about Ukraine. Only the West and its direct satellites signed. India and China did not sign nor did most of Africa. An African Pope would hopefully convince more African countries to support the KM agenda, the source says.

North Korea, for its part, stopped working with the KM-controlled G7 after their leader Kim Jong Un was murdered by electromagnetic weapons at the second summit between Kim and then US president Donald Trump in 2019, North Korean sources say. Kim’s sister Kim Hye Kyung is working with the alliance to overthrow the current KM leadership of the G7 and the UN etc, the sources say.