The Grand Scheme of Things: Resources for an awakening humanity.


Mar 4, 2020
Canada's a funny place, the governments there have been useless for many years.
Perhaps all the bad vibes sloshing around the country caused by the millions of beavers slaughtered by hunters in the fur trade have sort of cursed the place.
Apr 12, 2017
Ok, I’ve been waiting a long time to post this, and the timing is finally right. I have avoided mentioning any of the 3rd density drama in this topic. This is because of the possibility of it becoming counter-productive to the original intent, which is to help folks realize that while these physical manifestations are highly symbolic/metaphorical, that is ALL they are: illusions and distractions meant solely for the realm of the individual ego (which is also an illusion)

That’s my disclaimer, now for the question: How many of you have noticed something strange about almost ALL of the prominent political figures recently? Look closely at the shape and proportions of the face. If you’re alert and aware enough (most of us are at this point, thus the timing is finally right as mentioned above), it should be obvious that they’ve all been replaced by look-alikes. As to “why”, I will leave it up to individual speculation…

The Zone

Mar 13, 2017
I was hoping for a bigger payoff( But, really... you must elaborate a bit further to hold my attention for this sounds familiar to reptilians and such. When you say replaced are we talking clones or something else. Why do you think they were replaced? A general analogy and not a cryptic riddle please;) And why the need for individual speculation? I will admit that life seems like a bad movie plot these days of total discourse everywhere. Whatever is happening it is weird as can be and has amazingly fast shifts.
Apr 12, 2017
I was hoping for a bigger payoff( But, really... you must elaborate a bit further to hold my attention for this sounds familiar to reptilians and such.
sorry to disappoint
When you say replaced are we talking clones or something else.
likely both
Why do you think they were replaced?
too many reasons to list
A general analogy and not a cryptic riddle please;) And why the need for individual speculation?
no need at all really- individual speculation is inevitable though
I will admit that life seems like a bad movie plot these days
seems like?
Apr 12, 2017
A few important things I must share:

1. Our Divine Creator, The Source of All That Exists is not a “god”. A god is something else, if we’re being absolutely specific. Gods may choose to serve creation, or to serve destruction. There exist both positive and negative “godlike” beings. As we awaken, this distinction will become more apparent to everyone.

2. So much has changed recently, and these quite drastic energetic changes and reconfigurations will soon be reflected within your physical reality. You may prepare yourself for the near future by spending equal amounts of time alone and in the company of others. However, do not alter your habits all at once. Gradually work your way into balance. You will know how much more quickly or more gradually you should do this by noticing what “feels right” to you personally, and paying attention to how it changes your overall attitude for the better.


Nov 24, 2020
Ok, I’ve been waiting a long time to post this, and the timing is finally right. I have avoided mentioning any of the 3rd density drama in this topic. This is because of the possibility of it becoming counter-productive to the original intent, which is to help folks realize that while these physical manifestations are highly symbolic/metaphorical, that is ALL they are: illusions and distractions meant solely for the realm of the individual ego (which is also an illusion)

That’s my disclaimer, now for the question: How many of you have noticed something strange about almost ALL of the prominent political figures recently? Look closely at the shape and proportions of the face. If you’re alert and aware enough (most of us are at this point, thus the timing is finally right as mentioned above), it should be obvious that they’ve all been replaced by look-alikes. As to “why”, I will leave it up to individual speculation…
I view the figures that we see on the world stage as marionettes in any case, but it's true that some of the puppets are looking different. Hilary, Biden etc. Occasionally there's suggestions of technology being applied, CGI flickers, a suggestion of a mask or surgery etc. Difficult to trust anything that's put out on the web though, as the signs of fakery could themselves be fakes one could drive oneself crazy trying to work it out. I know, I tried! :)

I'm not so sure that there are replacement signs for the UK cast, but I am doing quite a good job of avoiding the news with them in any case so perhaps I'm not best placed to judge. Many of them are inverted still, which doesn't fill me with confidence as to who or what is now pulling their strings. Is there a genuine change for the better, or is this yet another duality game, a switch between the left and right hand paths, but each ultimately a spiritual dead end? If the change that seems to be coming is simply the replacement of one faction of the narrative controllers by another, can we be sure it's progress?

A few important things I must share:

1. Our Divine Creator, The Source of All That Exists is not a “god”. A god is something else, if we’re being absolutely specific. Gods may choose to serve creation, or to serve destruction. There exist both positive and negative “godlike” beings. As we awaken, this distinction will become more apparent to everyone.

2. So much has changed recently, and these quite drastic energetic changes and reconfigurations will soon be reflected within your physical reality. You may prepare yourself for the near future by spending equal amounts of time alone and in the company of others. However, do not alter your habits all at once. Gradually work your way into balance. You will know how much more quickly or more gradually you should do this by noticing what “feels right” to you personally, and paying attention to how it changes your overall attitude for the better.
1. I have been thinking much on the meaning of the word 'ineffable'.

2. Given how bad things have been over the past couple of years, I've been feeling surprisingly good, at least until quite recently. Although this world has appeared increasingly grotesque and I'm worried both for those closest to me and the wider world, I'm not so concerned for myself. I've lost much of the fear of death that I used to have for instance. I accept now the idea of a world of spirit, of planes beyond this one. For someone who was not that long ago a committed atheist these have been big steps to take.

Just recently I've not felt so good, as if something negative has been turned on or turned up. It's not overwhelming, but it's there. Now a part of this could be staring too long at the abyss. I can't view a tv show, movie, listen to a song without hearing or seeing references that I never used to realise were there. Even out walking I see obelisks disguised as war memorials, pyramids in the strangest places, odd choices of street names or river tributaries. The world I exist in is built around the harvesting of energy and the entrainment of those that live in. At times it feels like a hellscape. Of course I could be cracking up, or I could be getting more perceptive. The jury's out on that one. ;)

This is a video I've watched a few times now. Would this be an accurate depiction of life as you see it?

I think I feel awful because I've fallen back into that fear of what's being done to me/those I love. To be honest I may not be scared of death or whatever nonsense the puppets have planned, but I am scared of seeing those around me suffer and leave me alone. That's a terrifying thought and not one it's easy to leave behind, however much of a sense of stillness that I can feel.
Apr 12, 2017
I view the figures that we see on the world stage as marionettes in any case, but it's true that some of the puppets are looking different. Hilary, Biden etc. Occasionally there's suggestions of technology being applied, CGI flickers, a suggestion of a mask or surgery etc. Difficult to trust anything that's put out on the web though, as the signs of fakery could themselves be fakes one could drive oneself crazy trying to work it out. I know, I tried! :)

I'm not so sure that there are replacement signs for the UK cast, but I am doing quite a good job of avoiding the news with them in any case so perhaps I'm not best placed to judge. Many of them are inverted still, which doesn't fill me with confidence as to who or what is now pulling their strings. Is there a genuine change for the better, or is this yet another duality game, a switch between the left and right hand paths, but each ultimately a spiritual dead end? If the change that seems to be coming is simply the replacement of one faction of the narrative controllers by another, can we be sure it's progress?

1. I have been thinking much on the meaning of the word 'ineffable'.

2. Given how bad things have been over the past couple of years, I've been feeling surprisingly good, at least until quite recently. Although this world has appeared increasingly grotesque and I'm worried both for those closest to me and the wider world, I'm not so concerned for myself. I've lost much of the fear of death that I used to have for instance. I accept now the idea of a world of spirit, of planes beyond this one. For someone who was not that long ago a committed atheist these have been big steps to take.

Just recently I've not felt so good, as if something negative has been turned on or turned up. It's not overwhelming, but it's there. Now a part of this could be staring too long at the abyss. I can't view a tv show, movie, listen to a song without hearing or seeing references that I never used to realise were there. Even out walking I see obelisks disguised as war memorials, pyramids in the strangest places, odd choices of street names or river tributaries. The world I exist in is built around the harvesting of energy and the entrainment of those that live in. At times it feels like a hellscape. Of course I could be cracking up, or I could be getting more perceptive. The jury's out on that one. ;)

This is a video I've watched a few times now. Would this be an accurate depiction of life as you see it?

I think I feel awful because I've fallen back into that fear of what's being done to me/those I love. To be honest I may not be scared of death or whatever nonsense the puppets have planned, but I am scared of seeing those around me suffer and leave me alone. That's a terrifying thought and not one it's easy to leave behind, however much of a sense of stillness that I can feel.
Duality, ha! There are no coincidences. I was just replying to another thread regarding this idea. I have not yet watched the video you posted, but take a look here. I think you’ll find it relevant:“i-am-a-christian-and-i-can-tell-you-why…”.9385/post-446509
Apr 12, 2017
Look inside, and take notice of how you view your life at this time.

Do you have an overall sense of purpose, a sense of presence, and a sense of your own self-worth? Or do you abuse yourself with a sense of worthlessness, of feeling lost, stifled or tied down? Which of these mindsets is more important to you, personally, right now, at this point in your life?

Are you being kind to yourself, or are you abusing yourself with your own thoughts? If you’re not kind to yourself, how will you possibly be truly kind to others?

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
1. On Sept. 23, 2015, Pope Francis discussed a global constitution, a world court, and world government at the White House.

2. Two days later, he went to the UN to discuss these same issues.

3. The UN started considering a document called "Transforming our World : the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development".

4. In essence, the document calls for a one-world government, a one-world religion, and a one-world economic system.

5. Notice these 5 things from the Pope's speech and the UN document : A world constitution, a world court, a world government, a world religion, and a world economic system.

6. Here is information about the UN Sustainable Development goals for 2030

a. "ALL countries WILL implement this plan".​
b. By 2030, the UN WILL be transformed into a body that can REQUIRE all nations to obey.​

7. One government official said NOT A SINGLE HUMAN BEING will be allowed to escape this next great leap forward.

8. We should expect the "Transformation of the World" to start impacting EVERY nation BEFORE 2030.

9. One reporter said the world's CHILDREN WILL NOW BE INDOCTRINATED with the idea that we are all "global citizens".

10. UN calls this "START OF A NEW ERA".

11. On Jan. 1, 2016, it was reported that the UN document for creating a world government, world religion, and world economic system by 2030 is now in effect, and everyone should expect ALL nations to make a strong push to bring it to pass.
Apr 12, 2017
1. On Sept. 23, 2015, Pope Francis discussed a global constitution, a world court, and world government at the White House.

2. Two days later, he went to the UN to discuss these same issues.

3. The UN started considering a document called "Transforming our World : the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development".

4. In essence, the document calls for a one-world government, a one-world religion, and a one-world economic system.

5. Notice these 5 things from the Pope's speech and the UN document : A world constitution, a world court, a world government, a world religion, and a world economic system.

6. Here is information about the UN Sustainable Development goals for 2030

a. "ALL countries WILL implement this plan".​
b. By 2030, the UN WILL be transformed into a body that can REQUIRE all nations to obey.​

7. One government official said NOT A SINGLE HUMAN BEING will be allowed to escape this next great leap forward.

8. We should expect the "Transformation of the World" to start impacting EVERY nation BEFORE 2030.

9. One reporter said the world's CHILDREN WILL NOW BE INDOCTRINATED with the idea that we are all "global citizens".

10. UN calls this "START OF A NEW ERA".

11. On Jan. 1, 2016, it was reported that the UN document for creating a world government, world religion, and world economic system by 2030 is now in effect, and everyone should expect ALL nations to make a strong push to bring it to pass.
Which Pope Francis? That would be the first one, but he hasn’t been around lately. Hmmm, I wonder why.

If anyone still believes this is the same person, it’s understandable. He’s almost a match. Close but no cigar.
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Apr 12, 2017
Many timelines are dissolving, converging, and generally being corrected. This is the reason they quite desperately want you to engage with worrisome thoughts at this time- it pulls you back into their 3rd density timeline.

Do you want your planet back, or do you want final confirmation of full NWO enslavement? You can’t have both.

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
Do you want your planet back, or do you want final confirmation of full NWO enslavement? You can’t have both.
Binary choices… Either take back our world from the evildoers and establish a utopia ourselves, or yield passively to the totalitarian plans of the “elites”.

Such a view would be based on the assumption that we are the only thing going on. I don’t believe that, which leads me to suggest that the greatest days for humanity are yet to come, but we will not be the ones to establish it…
