The Friend of John Podesta Who "Debunked" Pizzagate Arrested for Sexually Abusing Young Children


Aug 22, 2021
Where are the mothers of these babies if one child is molested in any latin asian or african country they be lynched but not in usa? How is it possible these monsters can commit this same crimes with unlimited amounts of children and babies wtf and why aren’t families of the victims speaking up


May 15, 2017
Where are the mothers of these babies if one child is molested in any latin asian or african country they be lynched but not in usa? How is it possible these monsters can commit this same crimes with unlimited amounts of children and babies wtf and why aren’t families of the victims speaking up
the sad Truth is some so called "parents"/evils don't care

tptb have women that are kept as what they call "breeders"
they have babies just for these evils to do whatever atrocities they
want to do with them
there are parents who are willing to sell their Children to these evils
then there are generational families that will have Children they raise
thinking it's an honour for them to be sacrificed

there are Parents out there who try to raise an alarm and try to find
their Children but they're a small voice easily quashed and if they
become to big they're easily taken out

these evils have been doing this for a longggg time they Know how
to cover their tracks and stay hidden
the Peoples like Us that are awakened to what they Truly are
get easily dismissed with 2 words "conspiracy theorists"which has
been used for decades to discredit the Truth now

that just like those Parents looking and trying to raise the alarms
We're easily silenced too,look at those "celebrities"who have much
louder voices,bigger platforms etc..even they're easily silenced enough

I don't Know what it will take to wake Peoples up to these evils and their
atrocities imho it's gonna take a big shock to the system of undeniable
Truth that they have no choice but to face it

which is why I think We've been given things like "deep fake,ai,photoshop etc.."
so no matter what comes out tptb can claim any of the above and there are
still Peoples sleeping enough to believe it,they also have greedy people that
are willing to sell out everything to get w/e gains they can while they're here