The Democratic Primaries


Mar 13, 2017
It is not entitled to think that if you get a good education and training and work hard you deserve to be able to afford basic housing and have the ability to see a doctor when your sick. No Lisa, that’s not entitled.
It kinda is entitled though. Getting a good education and working hard doesn’t guarantee anything does it? It’s just means you may be able to afford what you need. And..I would say that getting a good education..going to college was a lie in was a good place to get indoctrinated while you’re still young or so it seems now.

and I would add..that you put the blame for your circumstances on the wrong people..your parents.


Mar 16, 2017
What do you think Lisa that we are all just laying around playing video games all day eating hot pockets expecting someone to support us? Cuz that’s not the case.. half the women I work with have two or three jobs and on top of it are going back for more advanced degrees because their bachelors degree is meaningless - you assholes could get by with just high school. I have a full time job, go to school full time, raise two kids, manage my husbands business and am a partner in yet another business. Everyone I know is HUSTLING in some fashion (not illegally) to try to sustain the bare minimum that your age bracket was able to maintain with one full time job for a whole family.

The only people who are entitled is you and your age group. Your age group felt entitled to tank the economy, destroy the planet and leave your kids a mess with no intention or care to help clean it up so that you could have McMansions and luxury cars.. at the expense of your descendants basic well being.

I’m not blaming my parents dingbat. I’m blaming your generation as a whole - macro, not micro. Your wealth and well being was built with HIGHER TAXES ON THE WEALTHY. You then cut those taxes as you gained wealth. Leaving no middle class left for the people who came behind you.. and now, when faced with this reality refuse to acknowledge that maybe cutting taxes on the wealthy didn’t work. Despite mountains and mountains of evidence proving this - because again, you are more worried about yourselves. If we are entitled to believe that hard work should at minimum translate to bare subsistence levels of wages then you are greedy and selfish to think your investment portfolios are more important then other peoples basic welfare.



Jan 29, 2018
By most reports, they get a lot of that from the spicy Mexican food and hot sauce they eat with their beer. Otherwise, and speaking of petrol, a five-gallon container gets too heavy for most of them to carry across the pedestrian bridge at border patrol.
I think you mean "Tex-Mex" for the gas lol


Mar 13, 2017
It is not entitled to think that if you get a good education and training and work hard you deserve to be able to afford basic housing and have the ability to see a doctor when your sick. No Lisa, that’s not entitled.
I guess that’s the difference between you and I..I would like those things and hope that I could have them...I don’t think I deserve them.


Mar 16, 2017
I guess that’s the difference between you and I..I would like those things and hope that I could have them...I don’t think I deserve them.
If you were working your ass off and being paid slave wages you’d be singing a different tune Lisa. But you don’t work. So it’s easy to say.

I have no idea what kind of business your husband owns but I can assure you he wouldn’t be doing it for free or if it wouldn’t provide a life for his family. Expecting honest pay for honest work isn’t entitlement dingbat.


Jan 10, 2019
This should be VIRAL!!!!!!
That was golden! I loved watching #CIAPete scampering away like the rat he is.

Interesting points made at the end of the video. The MSM outlets show up at to events late without any background to what or who is involved, get 5 minutes of random shots, then pretend they're accurately reporting. PuppetPete did the same thing- showed up late for a photo-opp without connecting with the groups protesting for living wages and the entire thing backfired. I also hope that video goes viral.


Jan 29, 2018
Public Enemy ripped the stage apart on the '98 Smokin Grooves tour. They closed the show and Terminator X was housin the scene on an elevated DJ display with a giant red, black and green X on/infront of it. It was more like an all-out rock concert, Key Arena went berserk and the trendies fled. Chuck D tore down the EMP w/his band as well.


Jan 10, 2019
"[Anton J. Gunn] is also a board member of the group the Democratic Majority for Israel, an AIPAC-affiliated organization that aired multiple attack ads aimed at Sanders in Iowa and Nevada, though he does not disclose that relationship during appearances on MSNBC, as Electronic Intifada's Michael F. Brown pointed out on February 24.

'Gunn ought to explain his connection to the organization and should consider either stepping away from DMFI during the presidential campaign or insist that his affiliation with the group be prominently noted during his television speaking engagements,' wrote Brown."