The Democratic Primaries


Mar 13, 2017
You have seriously got to be kidding me. Bernie has like 1 million in net real estate holdings. Do you understand what America would look like with a larger middle class in the year 2020? This is about where it would be. If we had a middle class, they should border on around 1 million in some form of investment. If you were pushing it, you would say that 1 million in net real estate holdings were upper middle class, which is still nowhere near the 1%'ers.

As it is there are countless articles about how it is not a profound thing to say you are a millionaire anymore. Being a millionaire is almost meaningless now when you consider inflation. 1 million in real estate holdings is nothing. He does not need to distribute nothing based on something like this, but no one needs to distribute anything for any reason. People should give because they want to and when they want to. When you have a million dollars in real estate holdings, you can afford to give for sure, but you are nowhere near the place where someone could accuse you of being expected to give to the extent that you are left with close to nothing. Keeping 1 million in real estate holdings is not some kind of extravagant feature.

In the early 1990's, when I was going to school, they used to tell us "if you get a bachelor's degree, you can get an average minimum of 70,000 a year." I think I posted in response to something you said that politicians are only at the high end of this average getting something like 180,000 a year.

If you really took inflation into account 30 years later, I would imagine it is reasonable to assume that an average wage for getting a bachelor's degree should be about 140,000 in the year 2020, which could still make something like 180,00 around the upper-middle class range. Personally, I like to give, so I give with a lot with less than this still. So obviously it is possible to give, but not giving does not indicate a nefarious predisposition because of something like this. You're just not going to solve the problem of hunger within America on a salary of 180,000 a year with three real estate holdings that you are still paying a mortgage on.

I still don't like centralized government, but that just means I have a problem with taxes and not whether or not someone like bernie sanders has three houses. Technically, he has two, because one of them is still owned by the bank. It is true that if people really had a problem with socialism, they would have a problem with the military budget and they usually don't and this is a shame.

That is why I always connected more with libertarians than conservatives because conservatives say they don't like communists because they really don't like some social issue that the people they call communists like. Liberals don't seem to like conservatives for the same reason in reverse.

The economy is really an important subject because more people are affected by the economy than the legal system, but people get all kinds of distracted when it is a presidential election year. They hear everything except what's important.

At this point, I would vote for Sanders just because I think they all suck so much, none of them should be allowed more than four years. I say let's get rid of trump and let's plan to get rid of Sanders next. Let's just get rid of all of them until we run out of them.
Right...a million dollars doesn’t mean much? You‘ve got to be kidding me. People go on reality shows to make a ’quick’ many years does it take a regular Joe to make a million dollars? People play the lotto to make a million or please don’t talk about how its nothing..when it’s a lot more than most people have.

Bernie the millionaire talking about how he’s still a regular Joe and wanting people to be equal is sick. Equally what? People aren’t going to be equally millionaires but equally poor. You‘re going to have people who won’t work as hard because its just all the same with the people who aren’t going to work much at all...where’s the incentive then? That’s the problem...incentive. If we all get the same whether we put much into it or not..people won’t work very hard..happens everywhere its’ll have a depressed economy and depressed people to boot! What’s interesting is that people don’t learn from history and think it won’t happen here...when it will happen here, socialism doesn’t work and it’s just a means to have bigger control over people.

And if Bernie want’s to be one of us..then he should give his millions...and be one of us, otherwise he is a hypocrite. Who can afford 3 houses? The regular Joe’s he’s talking about being like? No, regular Joe’s have the one house. Some people are able to have a summer/vacation home..but most people I know have the one place. Bernie needs to go back go nothing to be a real socialist doesn’t he? Otherwise he’s the pied piper of lies..leading people to their doom.

You will never get rid of people who want to exert control over people and get rich all at the same time. Plus, someone has to make laws and rule, that’s just life, otherwise we have people deciding what’s good on their own..and with sinners...yikes!!!


Mar 13, 2017
I suppose you could give Trump credit for not completely tanking the progress that a previous president made, like Bush II did... And I don't recall anyone seriously thinking a Trump presidency would lead to soup kitchens and market crashes. The economy was genuinely the one thing people would be alright.

"Obama didn't improve the economy at all!"

Then you get showed proof.

"Working class people are alright where I live."

I'm actually a little disappointed. You had some beliefs that I disagreed with but you were at least consistant in them. But now you're moving those goal posts.
I don’t believe that Obama improved anything..he had another agenda and it wasn’t improving peoples lives.

Did I move the goal posts? I live in the suburbs..people do seem to be ok where I live. Even in the downtown area where my husband’s business is and the homeless are...there are businesses working to make it a more enviable place to have the homeless and then have a lot of new business's all around, new apartments going up and catering to people..its an up and coming area that seems to be booming now and it could only boom if the economy was getting better just like trump said it was.


Mar 16, 2017
Lmao... most people don’t work half the year in one place and half in another do they? A hotel room at $150/night, 180 nights a year over 30 years would have cost $800,000+. The only hotels in DC that charge $150/night are crappy and nowhere near the Capitol. His DC home is worth half of that, it was an economical decision that probably saved the taxpayers in his state money. Just keep chirping your bullshit Lisa.

If your husband owns a business and could afford for you to sit on your arse your whole life then you should also have a close to a million in assets by your mid50’s Lisa. @rainerann is right that that’s a middle class situation for someone in that age bracket. And for the final time DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM does not try to get rid of capitalism, only regulate its worst impulses that HURT the majority of people living under it. That does not mean you can not accumulate money or a decent standard of life for yourself. It’s quite the opposite.


Mar 16, 2017
I don’t believe that Obama improved anything..he had another agenda and it wasn’t improving peoples lives.

Did I move the goal posts? I live in the suburbs..people do seem to be ok where I live. Even in the downtown area where my husband’s business is and the homeless are...there are businesses working to make it a more enviable place to have the homeless and then have a lot of new business's all around, new apartments going up and catering to people..its an up and coming area that seems to be booming now and it could only boom if the economy was getting better just like trump said it was.
That’s called gentrification Lisa. It’s probably why you have so many homeless people, they were forced out of their homes in the same neighborhood by wealthier interests.


Mar 13, 2017
That’s called gentrification Lisa. It’s probably why you have so many homeless people, they were forced out of their homes in the same neighborhood by wealthier interests.
No, they weren’t forced out of their homes by wealthier interests..thats always been the homeless area because of the soup kitchen there.


Mar 18, 2017
If you give corporations and businesses a choice between increasing wages and profit sharing my guess is that most are going to want to increase wages. I think profit sharing would be a longer more brutal fight to have implemented. And while we fight for it people continue to suffer.

I’m well aware of medical billing and Medicaid/Medicare reimbursement issues. My wages are determined by Medicaid reimbursement - which I think I’ve explained elsewhere. I’ve seen how often the companies I work for get audited. My paperwork that I submit to support the Medicaid claims has to be exact, include certain phrases, be in black ink etc. I’ve had to go back and redo paperwork enough times to know that Medicaid will find any reason to deny a service claim in order not to pay. The same as the private insurance. Medicaid in my state is run by private insurance companies so I’m not sure how much of this issue falls to the fault of either one.

Part of the argument for universal healthcare is that it should decrease all of these issues. The need for medical billing would decrease, the part of costs written in to support profit margins and health insurance companies operating expenses will decrease etc.

In my own industry I see middle men siphoning off the providers reimbursement as the biggest issue. Medicaid reimbursed $32/hr for my services. The company I work for right now takes half, Ive worked for companies in the past that took more than half. The workers in my industry are not provided any benefits or guarantee of hours. We are not paid for any work we need to do that is not billable, if clients cancel we aren’t paid, we have no medical, pto, or retirement etc. Now that’s in Pennsylvania.. I have seen better working conditions for the same industry elsewhere in the country - on industry specific reddit boards and in indeed job searches. But even with all these problems I’d be living quite comfortable on the $32/hour my labor actually produces. My company can say they siphon off that much money because of expenses but this current company has only two people in the office that’s salaries need to be supported off 50 peoples reimbursement rates. That includes office administration, client recruitment and billing.Those two people handle all of that.

The demand for our services is really high so this isn’t an industry that needs to spend much for marketing or outreach. Clients come organically. Rents in my geographic location are very low so the cost of maintaining the office itself is minimal. The biggest expense is liability insurance. Which, yes is expensive but I’ve priced getting my own and I’d gladly trade carrying my own liability insurance for higher wages because it doesn’t cost that much on an individual basis. I’d still be way ahead of the game.

This is what I see to be the problem with for profit health care systems. A whole lot of middle men at every corner siphoning off absurd portions of money to line their own pockets. This shouldn’t be happening. It hurts the patients through inflated costs and it hurts the provider through lower wages then they deserve. Universal health care should eliminate this. Clearly, your going to have a lot of pushback because none of those middle men want to lose their meal ticket.

I looked at the doctor subscription service you provided. Seems a bit like what a hmo is supposed to be in theory but on a smaller scale. I could see that working well if your generally healthy, not if you have medical conditions since most of the care you’d need would still require insurance - diagnostics, testing, prescriptions. It’s also rather expensive - $1600/person for a family of 4 is $6400 per year and only your PCP visits would be covered. I don’t think that’s financially accessible to the vast majority of people. It isn’t for me, even if I was making three times as much as I do it wouldn’t make financial sense when I can go to the urgent care when I’m sick or a regular doctor for a physical for $150/visit. We would have to collectively go to 42 PCP visits per year to break even on the cost. I’ve never gone to the dr 10+ times per year unless I was really sick, which wouldn’t be entirely covered since part of those 10 visits would need to be with neurologists/specialists. If that included my diagnostics and medications it would be different, but it doesn’t. One of my sons medications without insurance is almost $1000/month. If I have an ms attack the hospital stay costs 10s of thousands of dollars. Costs aren’t this high, even uninsured, anywhere else on earth.

Again, I don’t know the exact correct answer but even as someone who relies on Medicaid reimbursements to support my family.. universal health care is the best seeming solution to most of this. And the most morally acceptable.

Edit: I’m supposed to be getting a raise by the end of the year and possibly benefits. This happened because the autistic community lobbied my state legislature to bring the state up to par with the standards for autism care seen in most of the rest of the country. The owner of my current company told me that we will be getting a $4/hr raise and benefits because the Medicaid reimbursement rate for our position is increasing by $20-30/hr. Many other companies in my area are not giving a raise in conjunction with this increase at all and the vast majority of my peers in this field aren’t even aware that this is happening, just that they need to take new trainings and fill out paperwork a little differently. The addition of medical benefits isn’t because of the increased reimbursement rate, it is due to my company being acquired by a larger for profit company that is required to provide medical under Obamacare (more than 50 employees, not eligible for the nonprofit loophole). I do not know what percentage of my medical benefits will be covered by the company - this is still a transition and none of that has been figured out yet. But if it is the minimum amount that Obamacare requires just to comply with the law it will possibly be an improvement for me (hopefully if it is a huge portion of my pay I’d be better off keeping my kids on chip) but either way most of this is only happening because the company that is taking over is one that is subjected to federal regulations whereas the ones I worked for previously weren’t.
I'm sorry, I should have more clear about what I meant when I said a subscription service would help break up the cost of healthcare. I meant that something like this would be paid by an employer and some sort of additional insurance would have primary doctor visits removed from the premium. From an employer perspective that is paying for some of these crap premium insurance companies that charge a ton of money for nothing, this seems like it would be preferable, but it is not something that exists at all. I am totally introducing fantasy into the conversation, but I am a daydreamer. I just can't help it.

In the long run, what I could see happening is that doctors could share a practice that grows to include many basic tests. It would make sense for them to do this and not deal with insurance at all. They would get better pay this way and that would create an incentive for more students in medical schools to become primary physicians, but I do see it as something that benefits the elderly population at this point for the most part.

In a perfect world, I would say that insurance should reimburse somewhere around the 55 dollar range for what you do, and you should be getting close to 40 of that. Everyone knows there is money for something like this, but it is priorities. I realize that some things are a long shot, but I like to hope for what is best in the long run. The verse about being able to move mountains with faith has always been one of my favorites.


Mar 16, 2017
From what I understand they are starting to reimburse 50-60 for my position. I’m still only going to get $20 and hopefully some benefits. We really need to get rid of these middle men...

When I finish my masters degree I think I’m going to insist on being 1099 at a slightly higher rate of pay if the benefits package offered is not appropriately generous. Atleast if I’m self employed I can write off the cost of health insurance and all the other unreimbursed expenses the job requires - mileage to clients all over the place, materials and props and reinforcers for clients, timers and computer programs etc.

We need to seriously re-examine the state of employee-employer relations in this country and everything that stems from that. I wish I had been born in my parents or grandparents time when employees generally accepted they had a responsibility to the employees who made their success possible. Or if they didn’t the regulations in place atleast made them appear to for a while.


Mar 18, 2017
Right...a million dollars doesn’t mean much? You‘ve got to be kidding me. People go on reality shows to make a ’quick’ many years does it take a regular Joe to make a million dollars? People play the lotto to make a million or please don’t talk about how its nothing..when it’s a lot more than most people have.

Bernie the millionaire talking about how he’s still a regular Joe and wanting people to be equal is sick. Equally what? People aren’t going to be equally millionaires but equally poor. You‘re going to have people who won’t work as hard because its just all the same with the people who aren’t going to work much at all...where’s the incentive then? That’s the problem...incentive. If we all get the same whether we put much into it or not..people won’t work very hard..happens everywhere its’ll have a depressed economy and depressed people to boot! What’s interesting is that people don’t learn from history and think it won’t happen here...when it will happen here, socialism doesn’t work and it’s just a means to have bigger control over people.

And if Bernie want’s to be one of us..then he should give his millions...and be one of us, otherwise he is a hypocrite. Who can afford 3 houses? The regular Joe’s he’s talking about being like? No, regular Joe’s have the one house. Some people are able to have a summer/vacation home..but most people I know have the one place. Bernie needs to go back go nothing to be a real socialist doesn’t he? Otherwise he’s the pied piper of lies..leading people to their doom.

You will never get rid of people who want to exert control over people and get rich all at the same time. Plus, someone has to make laws and rule, that’s just life, otherwise we have people deciding what’s good on their own..and with sinners...yikes!!!
The average age when women become millionaires is slightly lower than the average age for men, despite the persistent wage gap in the workforce. For women, the average age is 58.5 years old, while for men, the age is 59.3. Or at least that’s the case for people with Fidelity 401(k) retirement plans, according to the investment firm’s research...

Reaching that million-dollar mark may seem like a long shot, but Fidelity has found that more and more of its savings plan customers have become millionaires in recent years. One of the firm’s recent analyses found that 133,000 of its customers had $1 million or more in their accounts in 2017, compared to 89,000 in 2016. (The company oversees 401(k) accounts for around 15 million people, so that’s not exactly a huge portion of its customers, though.) Between 2005 and 2017, the number of women who had $1 million in their retirement accounts doubled.

Fidelity attributes this increase to people putting more money away for retirement than in past decades. On average, the firm’s customers making less than $150,000 a year become millionaires by saving around 22 to 25 percent of their salaries in retirement funds, including employer matches. That may seem like a lot if you aren’t making a six-figure salary, but keep in mind that the earlier you start saving, the more your money grows. Investing just a little money in your 20s is a more effective way to save for retirement than investing a lot of money in your 30s and 40s. So if you want to become a millionaire (and who doesn’t?), now would be a good time to start investing in that 401(k).
According to Fidelity research, many people become millionaire's in their late 50's. When I say millionaire, I mean they do reach a net value of a million dollars in some form whether in a retirement account or real estate holdings or something. This is actually a different way of measuring a millionaire than we commonly see. Most of the time when we hear the term millionaire, they are referring to people who have a million dollars in liquid assets not including retirement accounts or real estate holdings. Many people might think reaching a million dollars in assets is still something difficult because of this, but it isn't.

Their are a lot of industries that pay very well. The technology sector for one. It is reasonable to assume that every programmer, analyst, whatever, has the potential to have a million dollars in some form within their lifetime. Many people working in healthcare can also expect the same. Electricians, welders, and some of these specialty positions are fully capable of something like this as well.

The problem is that there is a disparity between sectors and there are many people doing work that has value and requires skill, that are not being compensated the same way. But, in terms of whether Bernie could be considered an average joe based on his real estate holdings, he still can. He is an older man who has had a six-figure job for some time. His decision to manage his money this way so that he does have assets with a net value of over a million dollars is just a sign of good money management as far as I'm concerned.

In reality, the number of million-dollar fidelity accounts could be higher, but you have to factor in that some people are spending a lot. Some people are wasting their money on junk and that is one reason that number is not higher. The fact that he didn't waste his money on junk does not mean that he no longer represents an average Joe.

Type millionaire is the new middle class in your search bar. There are a ton of articles and even books that are being published all saying the exact same thing. Millionaire status is where our middle class should be.
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Mar 18, 2017
From what I understand they are starting to reimburse 50-60 for my position. I’m still only going to get $20 and hopefully some benefits. We really need to get rid of these middle men...

When I finish my masters degree I think I’m going to insist on being 1099 at a slightly higher rate of pay if the benefits package offered is not appropriately generous. Atleast if I’m self employed I can write off the cost of health insurance and all the other unreimbursed expenses the job requires - mileage to clients all over the place, materials and props and reinforcers for clients, timers and computer programs etc.

We need to seriously re-examine the state of employee-employer relations in this country and everything that stems from that. I wish I had been born in my parents or grandparents time when employees generally accepted they had a responsibility to the employees who made their success possible. Or if they didn’t the regulations in place atleast made them appear to for a while.
I completely agree with the middle man thing. It is why I hate traditional insurance too. Although, I think part of why people treated their employees differently before is because there were more small businesses before. I grew up in a small town that was relatively well off. 90% of the businesses there were small businesses. Even our grocery stores weren't part of major chains. When I was younger, the discussion on minimum wage was somewhat confusing because every job I had paid me more than minimum wage even though I was 16 or 17 years old with hardly any experience doing much of anything.

Now, when I remember this, I think this is the same way it was in our parent's generation. They worked for smaller companies who initiated higher wages without someone telling them they had to do this. Today, there is are a couple of companies that are monopolizing the market and this is creating some of the problems. Although, I don't think it is creating the problem in your case.

In your case, there are other factors in motion. My friend's mom was a social worker and she was always telling me how sad it is to look at the history of child services and realize that there were pet shelters before there were family shelters for victims of abuse. There is still a lot of judgment towards people living with chronic conditions or suffering from abuse.


Mar 13, 2017
So you're now calling God a retard? And you think that's smart?
No. God knows the truth.

But just so I have this straight. You think that Ashkenazi Jews are pretending to be Jews, right? And that they are actually descended from Ashkenaz, the son of Japeth. Correct?

Here's a question: If they are pretending to be Jews, why would they call themselves after an ancestor who was NOT a Jew? Isn't that kind of a giveaway?

Ashkenazi Jews are called that because they emigrated to Europe. The sons of Ashkenaz are the ones who eventually settled what became Germany and France, and Jews took that name for themselves when they ended up there.

It's the same reason Sephardic is the term used to identify Jews who settled in the Iberian peninsula, which was called by them, in ancient times, Sepharad. It's a place name, taken on by Jews who moved there from the Middle East.

Likewise, Mizrahi Jews are Jews who emigrated east, and the name is a translation of the term Ostjuden -- Eastern Jew.

Maghrebi Jews are Jews from the Maghreb region of North Africa.

Do you see how it works? Ashenazi, Sephardic, Mizrahi and Maghrebi are all REGIONAL -- not ancestral -- designations.

Even a retard should understand that.

A Freeman

Nov 11, 2019
No. God knows the truth.

But just so I have this straight. You think that Ashkenazi Jews are pretending to be Jews, right?
There is NO DOUBT that Ashkenazis are pretending to be Jews, based upon the truth that our Creator has shared with us, through His Prophets and also through His Christ.

And that they are actually descended from Ashkenaz, the son of Japeth. Correct?

Genesis 10:1-3
10:1 Now these [are] the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth: and unto them were sons born after the flood.
10:2 The sons of Japheth; Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras.
10:3 And the sons of Gomer; Ashkenaz, and Riphath, and Togarmah.

Here's a question: If they are pretending to be Jews, why would they call themselves after an ancestor who was NOT a Jew? Isn't that kind of a giveaway?
Absolutely. But that's how arrogant and ignorant these people really are. Have you not ever wondered why these counterfeit Jews use MATERNAL lineages to trace their ancestry instead of using PATERNAL lineages like the Biblical Israelites do?

EVERYTHING about the Ashkenazis is counterfeit, including their false, Zionist claim to be Biblical Jews and Semites. They are, as their name clearly states, descended from ASHKENAZ, the grandson of Noah's son Japheth (through Japheth's son Gomer), NOT Noah's son Shem/Sem. So the AshkeNAZIS are Japhethites, NOT Semites and thus have NO Biblical right to one-inch of the land of Israel, that they've stolen by fraud from TRUE Israel, with their Rothschild sponsored and co-authored Balfour Declaration, to set up their counterfeit-Jewish state. The same state that Adolf Hitler was the mid-wife of, because, without him and their scam, there would be no counterfeit-Jewish state in the land of Israel today.

It is also why they are acting like the Nazis did in Germany towards the Palestinians in Palestine, because they are AshkeNAZIS and it’s in their evil Zionist nature.

So their incapacitating slur of “anti-semitism” is a complete load of nonsense and a bare-faced LIE, because it is the AshkeNAZIS that are anti-semitic – just think about what they're doing to the Palestinians, who are real Semites. The Ashkenazis absolutely HATE TRUE Israel, the British and Anglo-Saxon Americans, all of whom are likewise Semites, and thus have set out to enslave and destroy both nations through their banksterism and murderous war profiteering.

Ashkenazi Jews are called that because they emigrated to Europe.
That doesn't even begin to explain why they call themselves Ashkenazis though, does it? Is Europe known as the "land of Ashkenaz"? And even if it were, logically it would carry that name because the Ashkenazis named it after settling there, not the other way around.

Have you never heard of Occam's razor? The simplest explanation (which happens to be supported by a mountain of the evidence) is that they call themselves Ashkenazis because they are Ashkenazis; i.e. they are the descendants of Japheth's grandson Ashkenaz.

The sons of Ashkenaz are the ones who eventually settled what became Germany and France, and Jews took that name for themselves when they ended up there.
They also settled in parts of the Russian Empire, which is why almost every single president and prime minister in the counterfeit Jewish state of Israel can trace their roots back to that region of the world. It's also why they speak YIDDISH, which is yet another dead give-away that these people are the exact people Christ describes in His Revelation to John as "them which say they are Jews and are NOT, but are of the synagogue of Satan" (Rev. 2:9, 3:9).

Past Israeli presidents

The first Israeli chairman and prime minister David Ben-Gurion was born David Gruen, in Plonsk, within the Russian Empire (now in Poland).

1. Chaim Weizmann (second chairman, first president) was born in the village of Motal, located in what is now Belarus, which, at that time, was part of the Russian Empire. He attented high school in Pinsk.

2. Yitzhak Ben-Zvi was born in Poltava, in the Russian Empire (today in Ukraine). He was the eldest son of Zvi Shimshelevich, who later took the name Shimshi.

3. Zalman Shazar was born Shneur Zalman Rubashov, to a Hasidic family of the Chabad-Lubavitch denomination in Mir, near Minsk, in the Russian Empire (today in Grodno Oblast/Hrodna Voblast, Belarus).

4. Ephraim Katzir was born Efraim Katchalski, son of Yehuda and Tzila Katchalski, in Kiev, in the Russian Empire (today in Ukraine). Sometime between 1922 and 1925, he immigrated to the British Mandate of Palestine.

5. Yitzhak Navon was born in Jerusalem to Yosef and Miryam Navon, a descendant of a Sephardic family of rabbis, and had ancestry in Jerusalem going back centuries. On his father's side, he was descended from Sephardi Jews who settled in Turkey (Edomites), after the expulsion of the crypto-Jews from Spain in 1492.

6. Chaim Herzog's dad, who was Rabbi Yitzhak HaLevi Herzog, was born in Lomza, Poland and his mother Sara in Latvia, both of which were part of the Russian Empire at that time, before they immigrated to Belfast (where Chaim was born) and eventually to the British Mandate of Palestine.

7. Ezer Weizmann's dad Yechiel was born in Pinsk, Belarus, part of the Russian Empire, before he immigrated to Tel Aviv, in the British Mandate of Palestine, in 1924. Ezer Weizmann was the nephew of the first Israeli president Chaim Weizmann.

8. Moshe Katsav was born Musa Qassab in Yazd, Iran. Katsav was later forced out of office and convicted of r*pe.

9. Shimon Peres was born Szymon Perski in Wiszniew, Poland, which is now known as Vishnyeva in Belarus (formerly part of the Russian Empire).

Israeli prime ministers

1. The first Israeli chairman and prime minister David Ben-Gurion was born David Gruen, in Plonsk, within the Russian Empire (now in Poland). He later served another term after the second prime minister, Moshe Sharett.

2. Moshe Sharett was born in Kherson in the Russian Empire (today in Ukraine). Sharett immigrated to Ottoman Palestine as a child in 1906.

3. Levi Eshkol was born Levi Yitzhak Shkolnik, in the shtetl of Oratov, Kiev Governorate, Russian Empire (now Orativ, Vinnytsia Oblast, Ukraine).

4. Golda Meir was born Golda Mabovitch in Kiev, Russian Empire (today in Ukraine). She moved to Pinsk before moving to the U.S. as a child in 1906 where she married before immigrating to the British Mandate in Palestine in 1921.

5. Yitzhak Rabin's dad Nehemiah was born Nehemiah Rubitzov in the shtetl Sydorovychi near Ivankiv in the southern Pale of Settlement within the Russian Empire, in what today is Ukraine. Nehemiah moved to the U.S., where he changed his last name to Rabin, before immigrating to the British Mandate in Palestine in 1917.

6. Menachim Begin was born to Zeev Dov and Hassia Biegun in what was then Brest-Litovsk in the Russian Empire (today Brest, Belarus).

7. Yitzhak Shamir was born Yitzhak Yezernitsky, in the predominantly Jewish village of Ruzhany, Grodno province, Russian Empire (today Belarus) which, after World War I, returned to Poland.

8. Shimon Peres was born Szymon Perski in Wiszniew, Poland, which is now known as Vishnyeva in Belarus (formerly part of the Russian Empire).

9. Benjamin Netanyahu's dad, Benzion Netanyahu, was born Benzion Mileikowsky in Warsaw, Congress Poland, which was part of the Russian Empire in 1910. Benjamin Netanyahu is the current prime minister, serving a record 5th term.

10. Ehud Barak was born Ehud Brog. His paternal grandparents, Frieda and Reuven Brog, were murdered in Pušalotas (Pushelat) in northern Lithuania (then ruled by the Russian Empire) in 1912, leaving his father orphaned at the age of two. Ehud “hebraized” his family name from "Brog" to "Barak" in 1972.

11. Ariel Sharon was born Ariel Scheinermann in the British Mandate of Palestine, to two parents that migrated there from the Russian Republic of Georgia.

12. Ehud Olmert was born near Binyamina in the British Mandate of Palestine. According to Olmert, his parents, Bella (Wagman) and Mordechai Olmert, escaped "persecution in Ukraine and Russia, and found sanctuary in Harbin, China. They emigrated to Israel to fulfill their dream of building a Jewish and democratic state living in peace in the land of our ancestors.”

It's the same reason Sephardic is the term used to identify Jews who settled in the Iberian peninsula, which was called by them, in ancient times, Sepharad. It's a place name, taken on by Jews who moved there from the Middle East.
Do you have any idea please where the designation "Sepharad" originates? Or why it's called the Iberian peninsula?

Sepharad (/ˈsɛfəræd -ɑːd -əd/; Hebrew: סְפָרַד‎ Sp̄āraḏ; also Sefarad, Sephared, Sfard) is a biblical place name of uncertain location. It is mentioned only once in the Bible, in the Book of Obadiah (Obadiah 1:20, 6th century BC). There are, however, Old Persian inscriptions that refer to two places called Saparda (alternative reading: Sparda): one area in Media and another in Asia Minor. It is speculated that Sepharad could have been Sardis, whose native Lydian name is Sfard or Sward.[1][2]

That's what counterfeits do. They go and choose a name for themselves and then pretend to be something that they can't ever be. In fact, most so-called Sephardic Jews aren't actually Sephardic nor do many even have a connection to the Iberian peninsula.

Further, Spain is known as the IBERIAN Peninsula - WHY? Why isn't it called the Spanish Peninsula?

The word Iberia is a corruption of the word "Eber"ia / Heberia which means "Hebrew's Land". Eber (from whom the word Hebrew derives) was the grand-sire of the Hebrew Abraham (who was NOT Jewish - Jewdah was not born yet - he was the great-grandson of Abraham) who in turn was the grand-dad of "Jacob/Israel" who sired the "12 Tribes of Israel", by his 12 sons:- 1. Reuben; 2. Simeon; 3. Levi; 4. Judah [Jew-dah]; 5. Zebulun; 6. Issachar; 7. Dan; 8. GAD; 9. Asher; 10. Naphtali; 11. Joseph; 12. Benjamin (ALL 12 sons were Hebrews - NOT Jews - 1 Chronicles 1:24-28). Levi were the priests and were divided amongst the other tribes. Joseph/Manasseh took their place in battle and so substituted their own standard.

The TRUE Israelites , who were Hebrews (NOT "Jews"), did at one time call the Iberian/Heberian peninsula home, with many of the tribe of Gad still living in Gibraltar today. Most of them, including the tribe of Judah-Zarah, continued their migration through modern day Spain to the British Isles, including IRELAND, which is referred to as Hibernia/Hebernia, which means "Hebrew's NEW Land".

Likewise, Mizrahi Jews are Jews who emigrated east, and the name is a translation of the term Ostjuden -- Eastern Jew.
From their own Zionist wikipedia,, they admit that name came from Germany too.
Originally, the term "Mizrahi" was the Hebrew translation[14] of Eastern European Jews' German name: "Ostjuden"

Do you ever get past the cover of a book to its actual contents please? Or do you judge every book by its cover?

Maghrebi Jews are Jews from the Maghreb region of North Africa.

Do you see how it works? Ashenazi, Sephardic, Mizrahi and Maghrebi are all REGIONAL -- not ancestral -- designations.

Even a retard should understand that.
Do you even know what the term "Jew" means? The Hebrew descendants of Jacob/Israel NEVER collectively referred to themselves (all 12-tribes) as "Jews". And once the Kingdom of Israel split into two separate "houses", i.e. the 10-tribed "House of Israel" and the 2-tribed "House of Judah", the 10-tribed "House of Israel" NEVER referred to itself as "Jews".

Even the 2-tribed "House of Judah" didn't refer to themselves as "Jews" until they were taken into captivity in Babylon, where they wrote the Babylonian Talmud and started their new, mix-raced, organized religion of Talmudic Judaism.

That's why it's so obvious that anyone claiming to be a "Jew" is a FAKE, because the Scriptures tell us that the REAL Israelites will NEVER be known as "Jews" (Isa. 62:2, Isa. 65:1, Isa. 65:15, Hos. 2:17, Matt. 21:43, Matt. 27:25, Rev. 2:9, Rev. 3:9).

And why is all of this relevant to this thread?

Because these same counterfeit Jews - who are Ashkenazis and Idumean-Edomites - control BOTH the Republican and Democrat parties, the mainstream media and the banks that finance it all, so they can continue to promote their FAKE agenda of Christian Zionism. And what is their ultimate goal? The extermination of all of the so-called Christians, that they currently have cheerleading for them. Please take the time to read about Public "Law" 102-14 and the Noahide Conspiracy.

So while you're trying to impress everyone with how smart you think you are, when you clearly don't know what you're talking about, I'm striving to help save lives by awakening others to the REALITY which America is facing.

Public elections are held for public amusement, to give people the ILLUSION of choice. The ONLY Solution to this insanity is to STOP IT, and go back to our Creator and His Law. Doing the same things over and over, and expecting them to turn out differently, is not only insanity, but a sure-fire way to get millions of people killed.
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Mar 13, 2017

According to Fidelity research, many people become millionaire's in their late 50's. When I say millionaire, I mean they do reach a net value of a million dollars in some form whether in a retirement account or real estate holdings or something. This is actually a different way of measuring a millionaire than we commonly see. Most of the time when we hear the term millionaire, they are referring to people who have a million dollars in liquid assets not including retirement accounts or real estate holdings. Many people might think reaching a million dollars in assets is still something difficult because of this, but it isn't.

Their are a lot of industries that pay very well. The technology sector for one. It is reasonable to assume that every programmer, analyst, whatever, has the potential to have a million dollars in some form within their lifetime. Many people working in healthcare can also expect the same. Electricians, welders, and some of these specialty positions are fully capable of something like this as well.

The problem is that there is a disparity between sectors and there are many people doing work that has value and requires skill, that are not being compensated the same way. But, in terms of whether Bernie could be considered an average joe based on his real estate holdings, he still can. He is an older man who has had a six-figure job for some time. His decision to manage his money this way so that he does have assets with a net value of over a million dollars is just a sign of good money management as far as I'm concerned.

In reality, the number of million-dollar fidelity accounts could be higher, but you have to factor in that some people are spending a lot. Some people are wasting their money on junk and that is one reason that number is not higher. The fact that he didn't waste his money on junk does not mean that he no longer represents an average Joe.

Type millionaire is the new middle class in your search bar. There are a ton of articles and even books that are being published all saying the exact same thing. Millionaire status is where our middle class should be.
I always thought he made his money like they all do in higher government..kickbacks.