
May 8, 2023


Humanity's stupidity, gullibility, naivety and refusal to learn will always be taken advantage of.

I will write more on The Committee of 300 in the near future since this is a huge topic in itself.

An ex-MI6 agent named John Coleman authored several books on The Committee of 300 and their organizations.
I have put the pdf files of the books on a burner Google Drive account, so everyone here can have access to and download these books.

John Coleman's books include:
1) The Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Story of The Committee of 300

2) Diplomacy by Deception

3) The Tavistock Institute for Human Relations: Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political and Economic Decline of the United States

4) Beyond The Conspiracy: Unmasking the Invisible World Government, The Committee of 300

5) The Rothschild Dynasty

6) One World Order: Socialist Dictatorship

7) Drug War Against America

8) The Club of Rome

9) The Illuminati in America (can't find this book, this book is not available)

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The Committee of 300 (also known as the British East India Company’s Council of 300) are 2nd in command, directly beneath the 13 Illuminati families (the Illuminati families are also called The Crown Council of 13).

They are the world's most powerful secret society, who are the upper level invisible government of the world, ruling above the presidents and prime ministers, that the stupid, manipulatable masses don't know of, nor care about, and refuse to believe they exist.

The Committee of 300 is a product of the British East India Company’s Council of 300 from the 1600s, set up in ~1727.

Above them is a secret Council of 33 that I don't know of yet, I still have to find more information about them.

A requirement to be part of The Committee of 300 is 33° freemasonry; only 33° masons are allowed to be part of The Committee of 300.

Every CIA director has been a Committee of 300 member (and thus a 33° freemason) at some point.

The Committee of 300 are the richest 300 families (plus 100 European Black Nobility families), who own 86% of the world's wealth as of the 1990s (this percentage may be upwards of ~95-98% as of today, with the covid lockdowns being the biggest wealth transfers in history, from the middle class to the zionists).

They are composed of 300 European Royal families (which include the British Royal Family) and 100 families of European Black Nobility.

The full member lists will be given in future posts.

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May 8, 2023
Humanity's stupidity, gullibility, naivety and refusal to learn will always be taken advantage of.

This post is a list of organizations under the control of The Committee of 300.



The Committee of 300's main organizations include:

• The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (their main organization, psychological warfare and propaganda directorate and headquarters)
• The Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA)
• The Club of Rome (the foreign-policy arm of The Committee of 300, their main organization for genocidal depopulation)
• The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR, rules the USA above presidency)
• The Trilateral Commission
• The Bilderbergers
• Freemasonry
• The Illuminati
• Bolshevik-Rosicrucianism
• The Round Table
• Order of St. John of Jerusalem
• The German Marshall Fund
• The Cini Foundation
• The Round Table
• The United Nations (U.N.)
• The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

• Stanford Research Institute (SRI)
• The Union of Concerned Scientists (run by the Royal Institute for International Affairs and is heavily infiltrated with MI-6 British intelligence agents)
• The Bank of International Settlements (BIS)
• The International Monetary Fund (IMF)

• The Fabianists
• The Venetian Black Nobility
• The Mont Pelerin Society
• Hellfire Clubs

A separate post will be written on The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, as they are not only the main organization of The Committee of 300, but are also a huge topic in itself.


Some major world-wide Committee of 300 institutions and organizations are as follows:

Americans for a Safe Israel.

Biblical Archaeology Review.
British Petroleum.

Canadian Institute of Foreign Relations.
Christian Fundamentalism.
Council on Foreign Relations, New York.

Egyptian Exploration Society.

Imperial Chemical Industries.
International Institute for Strategic Studies.

Order of Skull and Bones.

Palestine Exploration Fund.
Poor Knights of the Templars.

Royal Dutch Shell Company.

Socialist International.
South Africa Foundation.

Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (The Committee of 300's main organization)
Temple Mount Foundation.
The Atheist Club.
The Fourth State of Consciousness Club.
The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn.
The Milner Group.
The Nasi Princes.
The Order of Magna Mater.
The Order of the Divine Disorder.
The Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA).
The Round Table.
Trilateral Commission.

Universal Freemasonry.
Universal Zionism.

Vickers Armament Company.

Warren Commission.
Watergate Committee.
Wilton Park.
World Council of Churches.



Academy for Contemporary Problems.
Africa Fund.
Agency of International Development.
Albert Previn Foundation.
Alliance Israelite Universalle.
American Civil Liberties Union.
American Council of Race Relations.
American Defense Society.
American Press Institute.
American Protective League.
Anti-Defamation League.
Arab Bureau.
Arab Higher Committee.
ARCA Foundation.
Armour Research Foundation.
Arms Control and Foreign Policy Caucus. Arthur D. Little, Inc.
Asian Research Institute.
Aspen Institute.
Association for Humanistic Psychology. Augmentation Research Center.

Baron De Hirsh Fund.
Battelle Memorial Institute.
Berger National Foundation.
Berlin Center for Future Research.
Black Order.
Boycott Japanese Goods Conference.
British Newfoundland Corporation.
British Royal Society.
Brotherhood of Cooperative Commonwealth.
Bureau of International Revolutionary Propaganda.

Canadian Jewish Congress.
Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York.
Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences.
Center for Constitutional Rights.
Center for Cuban Studies.
Center for Democratic Institutions.
Center for International Policy.
Center for the Study of Responsive Law.
Christian Socialist League.
Cini Foundation.
Club of Rome.
Committee for the Next Thirty Years. Committee of Fourteen.
Committee on National Morale.
Committee to Frame A World Constitution. Communist League.
Congress of Industrial Organizations.
Council on Foreign Relations.

David Sassoon Company.
De Beers Consolidated Mines.
Democratic League of Brussels.

East India Committee of 300.
Economic and Social Control (ECOSOC).
Environmental Fund.
Environmetrics Inc.
Esalen Institute.

Fabian Society.
Federation of American Zionists.
Fellowship for a Christian Social Order. Fellowship of Reconciliation.
Ford Foundation.
Fordham University Institution Educational Research.
Foundation for National Progress.

Garland Fund.
German Marshall Fund.
Governing Body of the Israelite Religious Community.
Gulf South Research Institute.

Harvard University.
Hells Fire Club.
Horace Mann League.
Hudson Guild.
Hudson Institute.
Hudson Bay Company.

Imperial College University of London.
Industrial Christian Fellowship.
Institute for Brain Research.
Institute for Pacific Relations.
Institute for Policy Studies (IPS).
Institute for Social Research.
Institute for the Future.
Institute for World Order.
Institute on Drugs, Crime and Justice.
Inter-American Social Development Institute. International Institute for Strategic Studies. Interreligious Peace Colloquium.

Knights of Malta.

League of Nations.
Logistics Management Institute.
London Board of Deputies of British Jews.
London School of Economics.

Mary Carter Paint Company.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Mellon Institute.
Metaphysical Society.
Milner Group.
Mocatto Metals.
Mont Pelerin Society.

National Action Research on Military/lndustrial Complex.
National Center for Productivity Institute.
National Council of Churches.
National Opinion Research Center.
National Training Laboratories.
New Democratic Coalition.
New World Foundation.
New York Rand Institute.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

Odd Fellows.
Order of St. John of Jerusalem.
Order of The Golden Dawn. OXFAM.
Oxford Univac.

Pacific Studies Center.
Palisades Foundation.
Peninsula and Orient Navigation Company.
Princeton University.

Rand Corporation.
Rand School of Social Sciences.
Research Triangle Institution.
Rhodes Scholarship Committee.
Rio Tinto Zinc Company.
Riverside Church Disarmament Program.
Round Table.
Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA).
Russell Sage Foundation.

San Francisco Foundation.
Sharps Pixley Ward.
Social Science Research Council.
Socialist International.
Socialist Party of the United States.
Society for Promotion of Study of Religions.
Society of Heaven (TRIADS).
Soviet State Committee for Science and Technology.
Stanford Research Institute (SRI).
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute.
Sun Yat Sen Society.
Systems Development Corporation.

Tavistock Institute for Human Relations.
Tempo Corporation.
The High Twelve International.
The Public Agenda Foundation.
The Quality of Life Institute.
Theosophist Society.
Thule Society.
Transatlantic Council.
Trilateral Commission.

U.S. Association for the Club of Rome.
U.S. Institute for Peace.
Union of Concerned Scientists.
University of Pennsylvania Wharton School.

Warburg, James P. and Family.



Arab Bureau.
Aristotelian Society.
Asian Research Institute.

Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation.
British American Canadian Corporation.
Brotherhood of Eternal Love.

Cambridge Apostles.
Canadian Histadrut Campaign.
Canadian Pacific Ltd.
Caribbean-Central American Action Group.
China Everbright Holdings Ltd.
Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs.
Council of South America.

Endangered Peoples' Society.
English Property Corporation Ltd.

Hospice Inc.

International Brotherhood of Teamsters.
International Red Cross.

Jerusalem Foundation, Canada.

Kissinger Associates.
Kowloon Chamber of Commerce.

Organization of American States.
Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee.

Radio Corporation of America (RCA).
Royal Police of Hong Kong.




American Express.
Banca de la Svizzera d'Italia.
Banca Andioino.
Banca d'America d'Italia.
Banca Nazionale del Lavoro.
Banca Privata.

Banco Ambrosiano.
Banco Caribe.
Banco Commercial Mexicana.
Banco Consolidato.
Banco d'Espana.
Banco de Colombia.
Banco de Commercio.
Banco de Iberio-America.
Banco de la Nacion.
Banco del Estada.
Banco Internacional.
Banco Latino.
Banco Mercantile de Mexico.
Banco Nacional de Cuba.
Banco Nacional de Panama and 54 smaller Panamanian banks.

Bangkok Commercial d'Italian.
Bangkok Metropolitan Bank.

Bank al Meshreq.
Bank America.
Bank for International Settlements (BIS).
Bank Hapoalim.
Bank Leu.
Bank Leumi.
Bank of Bangkok.
Bank of Boston.
Bank of Canada.
Bank of Credit and Commerce International. Bank of East Asia.
Bank of England.
Bank of Escambia.
Bank of Geneva.
Bank of Ireland.
Bank of London and Mexico.
Bank of Montreal.
Bank of Norfolk.
Bank of Nova Scotia.
Bank Ohio.

Banque Bruxelles-Lambert.
Banque Commerciale Arabes.
Banque du Credit International.
Banque e Paris et Pays-Bas.
Banque Francais et Italienn por l'Amerique du Sud.
Banque Louis Dreyfus e Paris.
Banque Privee.
Banques Sud Ameris.

Barclays Bank.
Baring Brothers Bank.
Barnett Banks.
Baseler Handeslbank.
Basel Committee on Bank Supervision.

Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce.
Centrust Bank.
Chartered Bank.
Charterhouse Japhet Bank.
Chase Manhattan Bank.
Chemical Bank.
Citizens and Southern Bank of Atlanta.
City National Bank of Miami.
Claridon Bank.
Cleveland National City Bank.
Corporate Bank and Trust Company.
Credit and Commerce American Holdings.
Credit and Commerce Holdings, Netherlands Antilles.
Credit Suisse.
Crocker National Bank.

de'Neuflize, Schlumberger, Mallet Bank.
Dresdener Bank.
Dusseldorf Global Bank.

First American Bank of Georgia.
First American Bank of New York.
First American Bank of Pensacola.
First American Bank of Virginia.
First American Banking Corp.
First Empire Bank.
First Fidelity Bank.
First National Bank of Boston.
First National City Bank.
Florida National Bank.
Foreign Trade Bank.
Franklin National Bank.

Hambros Bank.
Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking (HSBC).

Independence Bank of Encino.
Israeli Discount Bank.

Litex Bank.
Ljubljanska Bank.
Lloyds Bank.

Marine Midland Bank.
Midland Bank.
Morgan Bank.
Morgan Et Cie.
Morgan Grenfell Bank.

Narodny Bank.
National Bank of Cleveland.
National Bank of Florida.
National Westminister Bank.

Orion Bank.

Paravicini Bank Ltd.

Republic National Bank.
Royal Bank of Canada.

Schroeder Bank.
Seligman Bank.
Shanghai Commercial Bank.
Soong Bank.
Standard and Chartered Bank.
Standard Bank.
Swiss Bank Corporation.
Swiss Israel Trade Bank.

Trade Development Bank.

Union Bank of Israel.
Union Bank of Switzerland.

Vanying Bank.

White Weld Bank.
World Bank.
World Commerce Bank of Nassau.
World Trade Bank.
Wozchod Handelsbank.

With the exception of the Basel Committee on Banking, each of the above mentioned banks have been, and may still be involved in the drug, diamond, gold and weapons trade.

BCCI*: This bank has been indicted on several charges of being heavily involved in drug money laundering throughout the world.
Its structure girds every operation of the Committee of 300.
Of interest is its corporate structure.

Middle East Interests, 35% of stock held by:
Ruling Family of Bahrain.
Ruling Family of Sharjah.
Ruling Family of Dhubai.
Ruling Family of Saudi Arabia.
Ruling Family of Iran.
Group of Middle East Businessmen.
BCCI Cayman Islands 41%.
Bank of America 24%.

BCCI Cayman Islands and BCCI Luxembourg established Agency offices in Miami, Boca Raton, Tampa, New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles.



American Bar Association.
Clifford and Warnke.
Coudert Brothers.
Cravaith, Swain and Moore.
Wilkie, Farr and Gallagher.



Price, Waterhouse.


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May 8, 2023

Humanity's stupidity, gullibility, naivety and refusal to learn will always be taken advantage of.

The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations is the mother of all organizations for The Committee of 300, and is their main organization.
Tavistock is a psychological warfare and propaganda directorate and headquarters.

This is an excerpt from John Coleman's book The Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Story of The Committee of 300.



Gets contracts from the National Institute of Health.
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Gets contracts from the U.S. Navy, analyzes data from satellites.
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Does work in the field of pollution control.
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Part of approximately 350 firms who conduct research and conduct surveys, make recommendations to government.

They are part of what President Eisenhower called "a possible danger to public policy that could itself become captive of a scientific-technological elite."
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Dedicates its work to what it calls a "national agenda."
Wrote President Hoover's program, President Roosevelt's "New Deal," the Kennedy Administration's "New Frontiers" program (deviation from it cost John F. Kennedy his life), and President Johnson's "Great Society."

Brookings has been telling the United States Government how to conduct its affairs for the past 70 years and is still doing so on behalf of the Committee of 300.
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Under the direction of Herman Khan, this institution has done more to shape the way Americans react to political and social events, think, vote and generally conduct themselves than perhaps any except the BIG FIVE.

Hudson specializes in defense policy research and relations with the USSR.

Most of its military work is classified as SECRET. (One idea during the Vietnam War was to build a moat around Saigon.)

Some of its earlier papers were entitled "Stability and Tranquility Among Older Nations," and "Analytical Summary of U.S. National Security Policy Issues."

Hudson prides itself on its diversity; it helped NASA with its space programs and helped to promote new youth fashions and ideas, youth rebellion and alienation for the Committee of 300, ostensibly funded by Coca Cola.

Hudson may be quite properly classified as one of the Committee of 300's BRAIN-WASHING establishments.

Some of its nuclear war scenarios make for very interesting reading and, if they can be obtained, I would recommend "The 6 Basic Thermonuclear Threats" and "Possible Outcomes of Thermonuclear War" and one of its more frightening papers entitled "Israeli-Arab Nuclear War."

Hudson also does corporate advising for Committee of 300 companies, Rank, Xerox, General Electric, IBM and General Motors, to name but a few of them, but its really big client remains the U. S. Department of Defense which includes matters of civil defense, national security, military policy and arms control.

To date it has not got into "wet NASA," that is to say, the National Oceanographic Agency.
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NTL is also known as the International Institute for Applied Behavioral Sciences.

This institute is definitely a brainwashing center based on Kurt Lewin principles which include so-called T-Groups (training groups), artificial stress training whereby participants suddenly find themselves immersed in defending themselves against vicious accusations.

NTL takes in the National Education Association, the largest teacher-group in the United States.

While officially decrying "racism," it is interesting to note that NTL, working with NEA, produced a paper proposing education vouchers which would separate the hard-to-teach children from the brighter ones, and funding would be allocated according to the number of difficult children who would be separated from those who progressed at a normal rate.

The proposal was not taken up.
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Founded by Eric Trist, one of the "brain trusts" of Tavistock, Wharton has become one of the more important Tavistock institutions in the U.S. in so far as "Behavioral Research" is concerned.

Wharton attracts clients such as the U.S. Department of Labor—which it teaches how to produce "cooked" statistics at the Wharton Econometric Forecasting Associates Incorporated.

This method is very much in demand as we come to the close of 1991 with millions more out of work than is reflected in USDL statistics.

Wharton's ECONOMETRIC MODELING is used by every major Committee of 300 company in the United States, Western Europe and by the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations and the World Bank.

Wharton has produced such noteworthy persons as George Schultz and Alan Greenspan.
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This is the institute set up by "brain trusters" from Tavistock Rensis Likert, Dorwin Cartwright and Ronald Lippert.

Among its studies are "The Human Meaning of Social Change," "Youth in Transition" and "How Americans View Their Mental Health."

Among the institute's clients are The Ford Foundation, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Postal Service and the U.S. Department of Justice.
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This is not a typical Tavistock institution in that it is funded by the Ford Foundation, yet it draws its long-range forecasting methodology from the mother of all think tanks.

Institute for the Future projects what it believes to be changes that will be taking place in time frames of fifty years.

The institute is supposed to be able to forecast socioeconomic trends and to blow the whistle on any departures from what it has laid down as normal. Institute for the Future believes it is possible and normal to intervene now and give decisions for the future.

So-called "Delphi Panels" decide what is normal and what is not, and prepare position papers to "steer" government in the right direction to head off such groups as "people creating civil disorder."

(This could be patriotic groups demanding abolition of graduated taxes, or demanding that their right to bear arms is not infringed.)

The institute recommends actions such as liberalizing abortion laws, drug usage and that cars entering an urban area pay tolls, teaching birth control in public schools, requiring registration of firearms, making the use of drugs a non-criminal offense, legalizing homosexuality, paying students for scholastic achievements, making zoning controls a preserve of the state, offering bonuses for family planning and last, but by no means least, a Pol Pot Cambodia-style proposal that new communities be established in rural areas.

As will be observed, many of the Institute for the Future's goals have already been more than fully realized.
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One of the "Big Three," IPS has shaped and reshaped United States policies, foreign and domestic, since it was founded by James P. Warburg and the Rothschild entities in the United States, bolstered by Bertrand Russell and the British Socialists through its networks in America which include the League for Industrial democracy, in which Leonard Woodcock played a leading, if behind-the-scenes role.

Local lead players in the League for Industrial Democracy included "conservative" Jeane Kirkpatrick, Irwin Suall (of the ADL), Eugene Rostow (Arms Control negotiator), Lane Kirkland (Labor leader), and Albert Shanker.

For record purposes only, IPS was incorporated in 1963 by Marcus Raskin and Richard Barnett, both highly-trained Tavistock Institute graduates.

Most of the funding came from Rothschild associates in America like the James Warburg Family, the Stern Family Foundation and the Samuel Rubin Foundation.

Samuel Rubin was a registered member of the Communist Party who stole the Faberge name (Faberge was "Jeweler of the Imperial Russian Court") and made a fortune out of the Faberge name.

The objectives of IPS came from an agenda laid down for it by the British Round Table, which agenda in turn came from Travistock Institute, one of the most notable being to create the "New Left" as a grass roots movement in the U.S.

IPS was to engender strife and unrest and spread chaos like a wildfire out of control, proliferate the "ideals" of left wing nihilistic socialism, support unrestricted use of drugs of all types, and be the "big stick" with which to beat the United States political establishment.

Barnett and Raskin controlled such diverse elements as the Black Panthers, Daniel Ellsberg, National Security Council staff member Halperin, The Weathermen Underground, the Venceramos and the campaign staff of candidate George McGovern.

No scheme was too big for IPS and its controllers to take on and manage. Take the plot to "kidnap" Kissinger, which was in the hands of Eqbal Ahmed, a British MI-6 intelligence agent of Pakistani origin, laundered through "TROTS" (Trotskyite terrorists based in London).

The "plot" was "discovered" by the FBI so that it could not go too far.

Ahmed went on to become the director of one of IPS's most influential agencies, The Transnational Institute which, chameleonlike, changed from its former name, Institute of Race Relations, when intelligence agents of BOSS (Bureau of State Security) in South Africa unmasked the fact that it was tied directly to Rhodes Scholarship-Harry Oppenheimer and Anglo-American-British mining interests in South Africa.

BOSS also discredited the South Africa Foundation at the same time.

Through its many powerful lobbying groups on Capitol Hill, IPS relentlessly used its "big stick" to beat Congress.

IPS has a network of lobbyists, all supposedly operating independently but in actual fact acting cohesively, so that Congressmen are pummeled from all sides by seemingly different and varied lobbyists.

In this way, IPS was, and is still, able to successfully sway individual Representatives and Senators to vote for "the trend, the way things are going."

By using key point men on Capitol Hill, IPS was able to break into the very infrastructure of our legislative system and the way it works.

To give only a single concrete example of what I (John Coleman) am talking about:
in 1975, an IPS point man persuaded representative John Conyers (D-Michigan) and forty-seven members of the House to request IPS to prepare a budget study that would oppose the budget being prepared by President Gerald Ford.
Although not adopted, the request was reinstated in 1976, 1977, and 1978 gathering sponsors as it went.

Then in 1978, fifty-six Congressmen signed their names to sponsor an IPS budget study. This was prepared by Marcus Raskin.
Raskin's budget called for a fifty percent cut in the Defense Budget, a socialist housing program "that would compete with and steadily replace private housing and mortgage markets," a national health service, "radical changes in the educational system that would disrupt capitalist control over the distribution of knowledge," and several other radical ideas.

The influence of IPS on Arms Control negotiations was a major factor in getting Nixon to sign the treasonous ABM Treaty in 1972, which left the United States virtually defenseless against ICBM attack for almost 10 years.
IPS became, and remains to this day one of the most prestigious "think tanks" controlling foreign policy decisions, which we, the people, foolishly believe are those of our law makers.

By sponsoring militant activism at home and with links to revolutionaries abroad, by engineering such victories as "The Pentagon Papers," besieging the corporate structure, bridging the credibility gap between underground movements and acceptable political activism, by penetrating religious organizations and using them to sow discord in America, such as radical racial politics under the guise of religion, using the establishment media to spread IPS ideas, and then supporting them, IPS has lived up to the role which it was founded to play.
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Jesse Hobson, the first president of Stanford Research Institute, in a 1952 speech made it clear what lines the institute was to follow.

Stanford can be described as one of the "jewels" in Tavistock's Crown in its rule over the United States. Founded in 1946 immediately after the close of WW II, it was presided over by Charles A. Anderson, with emphasis on mind control research and "future sciences."

Included under the Stanford umbrella was Charles F. Kettering Foundation which developed the "Changing Images of Man" upon which the Aquarian Conspiracy rests.

Some of Stanford's major clients and contracts were at first centered around the defense establishment but, as Stanford grew, so did the diversity of its services:
• Applications of Behavioral Sciences to Research Management.
• Office of Science and Technology.
• SRI Business Intelligence Program.
• U.S. Department of Defense Directorate of Defense Research and Engineering.
• U.S. Department of Defense Office of Aerospace Research.

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Among corporations seeking Stanford's services were:
• Wells Fargo Bank,
• Bechtel Corporation,
• Hewlett Packard,
• Bank of America,
• McDonnell-Douglas Corporation,
• Blyth,
• Eastman Dillon and
• TRW Company.

One of Stanford's more secret projects was extensive work on chemical and bacteriological warfare (CAB) weapons.

Stanford Research is plugged into at least 200 smaller "think tanks" doing research into every facet of life in America. This is known as ARPA networking and represents the emergence of probably the most far-reaching effort to control the environment of every individual in the country.

At present Stanford's computers are linked with 2500 "sister" research consoles which include the:
• Central Intelligence Agency (CIA),
• Bell Telephone Laboratories,
• U.S. Army Intelligence,
• the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), RANI),
• MIT,
• Harvard and

Stanford plays a key role in that it is the "library," cataloging all ARPA documentation.

"Other agencies"—and one can use one's imagination here, are allowed to search through SRI's "library" for key words, phrases, look through sources and update their own master files with those of Stanford Research Center.

The Pentagon, for instance, uses SRI's "master files" extensively, and there is little doubt that other U.S. Government agencies do the same.

Pentagon "command and control" problems are worked out by Stanford.

While ostensibly these apply only to weapons and soldiers, there is absolutely no guarantee that the same research could not, and will not, be turned to civilian applications.

Stanford is known to be willing to do anything for anyone, and it is my (John Coleman's) belief that if ever SRI were to be fully exposed, the hostility which would arise from revelations as to what it actually does would most probably force SRI to close.
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This major institute is not generally recognized as being a part of Tavistock U.S.A.

Most people look upon it as a purely American institution, but that is far from being the case.
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MIT Alfred Sloan can be roughly divided into the following groups:
• Contemporary Technology.
• Industrial Relations.
• Lewin Group Psychology.
• NASA-ERC Computer Research Laboratories.
• Office of Naval Research Group, Psychology. Systems Dynamics.

Forrestor and Meadows wrote The Club of Rome's "Limits of Growth" zero growth study.
Some of MIT's clients include the following:

• American Management Association.
• American Red Cross.
• Committee for Economic Development.
• GTE.
• Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA).
• National Academy of Sciences.
• National Council of Churches.
• Sylvania.
• TRW.
• U.S. Army.
• U.S. Department of State.
• U.S. Navy.
• U.S. Treasury.
• Volkswagen Company.

So vast is the reach of IDA that it would take hundreds of pages to describe the activities in which it is engaged, and IDA is fully described in my book (John Coleman's) on the role played by Institutions and Foundations in committing treason against the United States of America, which will be published early in 1992.
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Without a doubt, RAND is THE think tank most beholden to Tavistock Institute and certainly the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA's) most prestigious vehicle for control of United States policies at every level.

Specific RAND policies that became operative include our ICBM program, prime analyses for U.S. foreign policy making, instigator of space programs, U.S. nuclear policies, corporate analyses, hundreds of projects for the military, the Central lntelligence Agency (CIA) in relation to the use of mind altering drugs like peyote, LSD (the covert MK-Ultra operation which lasted for 20 years).
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Some of RAND's clients include the following:
• American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T).
• Chase Manhattan Bank.
• International Business Machines (IBM).
• National Science Foundation.
• Republican Party.
• TRW.
• U.S. Air Force.
• U.S. Department of Energy.
• U.S. Department of Health.
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There are literally THOUSANDS of highly important companies, government institutions and organizations that make use of RAND's services, and to list them all would be an impossible task.

Among RAND's "specialities" is a study group that predicts the timing and the direction of a thermonuclear war, plus working out the many scenarios based upon its findings.

RAND was once accused of being commissioned by the USSR to work out terms of surrender of the United States Government, an accusation that went all the way to the United States Senate, where it was taken up by Senator Symington and subsequently fell victim to articles of scorn poured out by the establishment press.

BRAINWASHING remains the primary function of RAND.
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It is estimated by sources of mine (John Coleman) that the total number of people employed by these institutions is in the region of 50,000 with funding close to $10 billion dollars.

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May 8, 2023

Humanity's stupidity, gullibility, naivety and refusal to learn will always be taken advantage of.

Founded in April 1968 by The Committee of 300 member Aurellio Peccei, the Club of Rome is a [ branch of The Committee of 300 ] global think tank that deals with a variety of international "political issues", including "foreign policy".

According to its website, the Club of Rome is composed of "scientists, economists, businessmen, international high civil servants".

In fact, the Club of Rome are Crowleyites, followers of the Thelemic occultist and freemason Aleister Crowley.
The Club of Rome's are responsible for, and have the main objective of, mass depopulation.

Another post on The Club of Rome will be written by me regarding their depopulation plans.

Since as far back as 1973, the Club of Rome plan to divide the world into 10 sections, called "The Ten Kingdoms".

The Ten Kingdoms - The ten regions originated with the Club of Rome “think tank”, and was established by the United Nations [ The UN and all think tanks are part of The Committee of 300 ]

The Club of Rome was given the task of uniting Europe, and dividing the world into manageable blocks.

Here's a map of the world, divided into the ten economic regions, which the United Nations and the Club of Rome call “The Ten Kingdoms”.

From Gary Kah’s En Route to Global Occupation, page 40: “The Club of Rome had its beginnings in April of 1968…

The Club of Rome has been charged with the task of overseeing the regionalization and unification of the entire world; the Club could therefore be said to be one step above the Bilderbergers in the one world hierarchy…

A notable report prepared by The Club of Rome is the 1972 report "Limits to Growth".

On September 13, 1973, the Club released one such report entitled “Regionalized and Adaptive Model of the Global World System”…

The document reveals that the Club has divided the world into ten political/economic regions, which it refers to as “kingdoms”.

As the ten kingdoms/regions come together even more in preparation for the reign of the world ruler, we will see the regionalizing of money, then a globalization of monetary exchange or the “cashless society”. (Revelation 13)

Regarding the world and its division into economic regions: Here are the countries for each region: Since this map was drawn in 1973, the first region also includes Mexico.

1) North American Union - NAFTA (America, Canada and Mexico)

2) The European Union - The E.U. – countries of the European Union, Western Europe as a whole

3) Japan

4) Australia, New Zealand, South Africa

5) Eastern Europe, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Russia and the former countries of the Soviet Union

6) Central and South America, Cuba and Caribbean Islands

7) The Middle East and North Africa

8) The rest of Africa, except South Africa

9) South and Southeast Asia, including India

10) China (Mongolia is now included with China) The islands of the seas, for the most part, fit in with the closest region.

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May 8, 2023
[Edited by me]

These are the 21 goals of The Committee of 300, which have been well underway since the inception of The Club of Rome in April 1968.

Humanity's stupidity, gullibility, naivety and refusal to learn will always be taken advantage of.

If you are Christian, please pay attention to goals (1), (3) and (13).

This is an excerpt from John Coleman's book, The Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Story of The Committee of 300.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

(1) A One World Government-New World Order with a unified church and monetary system under their direction.

Not many people are aware that the One World Government began setting up its "church" in the 1920's/ 1930's, for they realized the need for a religious belief inherent in mankind to have an outlet and, therefore, set up a "church" body to channel that belief in the direction they desired.

[This one-world religion may be a form of Luciferianism and/or Satanism, including Gnostic Luciferianism, which is a combination hybrid religion of Gnosticism and Luciferianism. They worship and believe the Gnostic demiurge Yaldabaoth created all physical matter and the universe.]

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

(2) The utter destruction of all national identity and national pride.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

(3) The destruction of religion and more especially the Christian religion, with the one exception, their own creation mentioned above.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

(4) Control of each and every person through means of mind control and what Brzezinski call "technotronics" which would create human-like robots and a system of terror beside which Felix Dzerzinski's Red Terror will look like children at play.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

(5) An end to all industrialization and the production of nuclear generated electric power in what they call "the postindustrial zero-growth society." Exempted are the computer and service industries.

United States industries that remain will be exported to countries such as Mexico where abundant slave labor is available.

Unemployables in the wake of industrial destruction will either become opium-heroin and or cocaine addicts, or become statistics in the elimination process we know today as Global 2000.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

(6) Legalization of drugs and pornography[, and to turn pornography into an "art form"].

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

(7) Depopulation of large cities according to the trial run carried out by the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia.

It is interesting to note that Pol Pot's genocidal plans were drawn up here in the United States by one of the Club of Rome's research foundations.
It is also interesting that the Committee is presently seeking to reinstate the Pol Pot butchers in Cambodia.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

(8) Suppression of all scientific development except for those deemed beneficial by the Committee.

Especially targeted is nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. Particularly hated are the fusion experiments presently being scorned and ridiculed by the Committee and its jackals of the press.

Development of the fusion torch would blow the Committee's conception of "limited natural resources" right out of the window. A fusion torch properly used could create unlimited untappeed natural resources from the most ordinary substances.

Fusion torch uses are legion and would benefit mankind in a manner which is as yet not even remotely comprehended by the public.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

(9) Cause by means of limited wars in the advanced countries, and by means of starvation and diseases in Third World countries, the death of 3 billion people by the year 2000, people they call "useless eaters."

The Committee of 300 commissioned Cyrus Vance to write a paper on this subject of how best to bring about such genocide.

The paper was produced under the title the "Global 2000 Report" and was accepted and approved for action by President Carter, for and on behalf of the U.S. Government, and accepted by Edwin Muskie, then Secretary of State.

Under the terms of the Global 2000 Report, the population of the United States is to be reduced by 100 million by the year 2050.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

(10) To weaken the moral fiber of the nation and to demoralize workers in the labor class by creating mass unemployment.

As jobs dwindle due to the post industrial zero growth policies introduced by the Club of Rome, demoralized and discouraged workers will resort to alcohol and drugs.
The youth of the land will be encouraged by means of rock music and drugs to rebel against the status quo, thus undermining and eventually destroying the family unit.

In this regard The Committee of 300 commissioned Tavistock Institute to prepare a blueprint as to how this could be achieved. Tavistock directed Stanford Research to undertake the work under the direction of Professor Willis Harmon.

This work later became known as "The Aquarian Conspiracy."

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

(11) To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another and then "managing" such crises.
This will confuse and demoralize the population to the extent where faced with too many choices, apathy on a massive scale will result.

In the case of the United States, an agency for crisis management is already in place. It is called the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), whose existence I (John Coleman) first disclosed in 1980.
There will be more on FEMA as we proceed.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

(12) To introduce new cults and continue to boost those already functioning which includes rock "music" gangsters such as the filthy, degenerate Mick Jagger's "Rolling Stones" (a gangster group much favored by European Black Nobility) and all of the Tavistockcreated "rock" groups which began with "The Beatles."

[The Beatles are named after the ancient Egyptian beetle the scarab, as scarabs are seen as sacred in the Egyptian cult of the goddess Isis.]

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

(13) To continue to build up the cult of Christian fundamentalism begun by the British East India Company's servant, Darby, which will be misused to strengthen the Zionist state of Israel through identifying with the Jews through the myth of "God's Chosen People" and by donating very substantial amounts of money to what they mistakenly believe is a religious cause in the furtherance of Christianity.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

(14) To press for the spread of religious cults such as the Moslem Brotherhood, Moslem fundamentalism, the Sikhs, and to carry out experiments of the Jim Jones and "Son of Sam" type of murders.

It is worth noting that the late Ayatollah Khomeini was a creation of British Intelligence Military Intelligence Division 6, commonly known as MI-6, as I (John Coleman) reported in my 1985 work, "What Really Happened In Iran."

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

(15) To export "religious liberation" ideas around the world so as to undermine all existing religions but more especially the Christian religion.

This began with "Jesuit Liberation Theology" which brought about the downfall of the Somoza family rule in Nicaragua and which is today destroying EI Salvador, now 25 years into a "civil war," Costa Rica and Honduras.

One very active entity engaged in so-called liberation theology is the Communist oriented Mary Knoll Mission.

This accounts for the extensive media attention to the murder of four of Mary Knoll's so-called nuns in EI Salvador a few years ago.

The four nuns were Communist subversive agents and their activities were widely documented by the government of EI Salvador. The United States press and news media refused to give any space or coverage to the mass of documentation in possession of the Salvadorian government, documentation which proves what the Mary Knoll Mission nuns were doing in the country.

Mary Knoll is in service in many countries, and played a leading role in bringing Communism to Rhodesia, Mozambique, Angola and South Africa.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

(16) To cause a total collapse of the world's economies and engender total political chaos.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

(17) To take control of all Foreign and domestic policies of the United States.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

(18) To give the fullest support to supranational institutions such as the United Nations (UN), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), the World Court and, as far as possible, make local institutions of lesser effect by gradually phasing them out or bringing them under the mantle of the United Nations.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

(19) Penetrate and subvert all governments, and work from within them to destroy the sovereign integrity of nations represented by them.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

(20) Organize a world-wide terrorist apparatus and negotiate with terrorists whenever terrorist activities take place.

It will be recalled that it was Bettino Craxi who persuaded the Italian and U.S. governments to negotiate with the Red Brigades kidnappers of Prime Minister Moro and General Dozier.

As an aside, General Dozier is under orders not to talk about what happened to him. Should he break that silence, he will no doubt be made "a horrible example of" in the manner in which Kissinger dealt with Aldo Moro, Ali Bhutto and General Zia ul Haq.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

(21) Take control of education in America with the intent and purpose of utterly and completely destroying it.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Much of these goals, which I (John Coleman) first enumerated in 1969, have since been achieved or are well on their way to being achieved.

Of special interest in the Committee of 300 program is the core of their economic policy, which is largely based on the teachings of Malthus, the son of an English country parson who was pushed to prominence by the British East India Company upon which the Committee of 300 is modelled.

Malthus maintained that man's progress is tied to the earth's natural ability to support a given number of people, beyond which point earth's limited resources would rapidly be depleted.

Once these natural resources have been consumed, it will be impossible to replace them.
Hence, Malthus observed, it is necessary to limit populations within the boundaries of decreasing natural resources.
It goes without saying that the elite will not allow themselves to be threatened by a burgeoning population of "useless eaters," hence culling must be practiced.

As I have previously stated, "culling" is going on today, using the methods mandated in the "Global 2000 Report." -- Dr. John Coleman, former British Intelligence Officer, The Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Committee of 300
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May 8, 2023

LIST 1 (1990s)

This excerpt is taken from John Coleman's book, The Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Story of The Committee of 300.

✼ •• ┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈ •• ✼

Abergavemy, Marquis of.
Acheson, Dean.
Adeane, Lord Michael.
Agnelli, Giovanni.
Alba, Duke of.
Aldington, Lord.
Aleman, Miguel.
Allihone, Professor T. E.
Alsop Family Designate.
Amory, Houghton.
Anderson, Charles A.
Anderson, Robert O.
Andreas, Dwayne.
Asquith, Lord.
Astor, John Jacob and successor,
Aurangzeb, Descendants of. (Mughal Muslim emperor that tried to genocidally conquer India and turn it into a Muslim country)
Austin, Paul.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Baco, Sir Ranulph BalFour, Arthur.
Balogh, Lord.
Bancroft, Baron Stormont.
Baring. Barnato, B.
Barran, Sir John.
Baxendell, Sir Peter.
Beatrice of Savoy, Princess.
Beaverbrook, Lord.
Beck, Robert.
Beeley, Sir Harold.
Beit, Alfred.
Benn, Anthony Wedgewood.
Bennet, John W.
Benneton, Gilberto or alternate Carlo.
Bertie, Andrew.
Besant, Sir Walter.
Bethal, Lord Nicholas.
Bialkin, David.
Biao, Keng.
Bingham, William.
Binny, J. F.
Blunt, Wilfred.
Bonacassi, Franco Orsini.
Bottcher, Fritz.
Bradshaw, Thornton.
Brandt, Willy.
Brewster, Kingman.
Buchan, Alastair.
Buffet, Warren.
Bullitt, William C. Bulwer-Lytton, Edward.
Bundy, McGeorge.
Bundy, William.
Bush, George.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Cabot, John. Family Designate.
Caccia, Baron Harold Anthony.
Cadman, Sir John.
Califano, Joseph.
Carrington, Lord.
Carter, Edward.
Catlin, Donat.
Catto, Lord.
Cavendish, Victor C. W. Duke of Devonshire.
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart.
Chang, V. F.
Chechirin, Georgi or Family Designate.
Churchill, Winston.
Cicireni, V. or Family Designate.
Cini, Count Vittorio.
Clark, Howard.
Cleveland, Amory.
Cleveland, Harland.
Clifford, Clark.
Cobold, Lord.
Coffin, the Rev William Sloane.
Constanti, House of Orange.
Cooper, John. Family Designate.

Coudenhove-Kalergi, Count.
(Freemason and creator of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan in his 1925 book, Praktischer Idealismus and founder of the EU; was awarded the first Charlemagne Prize in 1950, Coudenhove-Kalergi's father was a close friend of Theodor Herzl, the founder of Zionism)

Cowdray, Lord.
Cox, Sir Percy.
Cromer, Lord Evelyn Baring.
Crowther, Sir Eric.
Cumming, Sir Mansfield.
Curtis, Lionel.

───※ ·❆· ※───

d'Arcy, William K.
D'Avignon, Count Etienne.
Danner, Jean Duroc.
Davis, John W.
de Benneditti, Carlo.
De Bruyne, Dirk.
De Gunzberg, Baron Alain.
De Lamater, Major General Walter.
De Menil, Jean.
De Vries, Rimmer.
de Zulueta, Sir Philip.
de'Aremberg, Marquis Charles Louis.
Delano. Family Designate.
Dent, R.
Deterding, Sir Henri.
di Spadaforas, Count Guitierez, House Douglas-Home, Sir Alec. Drake, Sir Eric.
Duchene, Francois.
Du Pont.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Edward, Duke of Kent.
Eisenberg, Shaul.
Elliott, Nicholas.
Elliott, William Yandel.
Elsworthy, Lord.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Farmer, Victor.
Forbes, John M.
Foscaro, Pierre.
France, Sir Arnold.
Fraser, Sir Hugh.
Frederik IX, King of Denmark Family Designate.
Freres, Lazard.
Frescobaldi, Lamberto.
Fribourg, Michael.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Gabor, Dennis.
Gallatin, Albert. Family Designate.
Gardner, Richard.
Geddes, Sir Auckland.
Geddes, Sir Reay.
George, Lloyd.
Giffen, James.
Gilmer, John D.
Giustiniani, Justin.
Gladstone, Lord.
Gloucestor, The Duke of.
Gordon, Walter Lockhart.
Grace, Peter J.
Greenhill, Lord Dennis Arthur.
Greenhill, Sir Dennis.
Grey, Sir Edward.
Gyllenhammar, Pierres.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Haakon, King of Norway.
Haig, Sir Douglas.
Hailsham, Lord.
Haldane, Richard Burdone.
Halifax, Lord.
Hall, Sir Peter Vickers.
Hambro, Sir Jocelyn.
Hamilton, Cyril.
Harriman, Averill.
Hart, Sir Robert.
Hartman, Arthur H.
Healey, Dennis.
Helsby, Lord.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. (Head of The Committee of 300) [passed Sept 8, 2022]

Her Majesty Queen Juliana.
Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrix.
Her Royal Highness QueenMargreta.
Heseltine, Sir William.
Hesse, Grand Duke descendants, Family Designate.
Hoffman, Paul G. Holland, William.
House of Braganza.
House of Hohenzollern.
House, Colonel Mandel.
Howe, Sir Geoffrey.
Hughes, Thomas H.
Hugo, Thieman.
Hutchins, Robert M.
Huxley, Aldous. (philosopher and seller of LSD to college youth during the 1960s socially and psychologically engineered "sexual revolution" and "hippie movement")

───※ ·❆· ※───

Inchcape, Lord.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Jamieson, Ken.
Japhet, Ernst Israel.
Jay, John. Family Designate.
Keynes, John Maynard.
Jodry, J. J.
Joseph, Sir Keith.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Katz, Milton.
Kaufman, Asher.
Keith, Sir Kenneth.
Keswick, Sir William Johnston, or Keswick, H.N.L.
Keswick, William Johnston.
Kimberly, Lord.
King, Dr. Alexander.
Kirk, Grayson L.

Kissinger, Henry. (Nixon's former "defense minister", member of the RIIA, CFR and Club of Rome)

Kitchener, Lord Horatio.
Kohnstamm, Max.
Korsch, Karl.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Lambert, Baron Pierre.
Lawrence, G.
Lehrman, Lewis.
Lever, Sir Harold.
Lewin, Dr. Kurt.
Lippmann, Walter.
Livingstone, Robert R. Family Designate.
Lockhart, Bruce.
Lockhart, Gordon.
Linowitz, S. Loudon, Sir John.
Luzzatto, Pieipaolo.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Mackay, Lord, of Clasfern.
Mackay-Tallack, Sir Hugh.
Mackinder, Halford.
MacMillan, Harold.
Matheson, Jardine.
Mazzini, Gueseppi.
McClaughlin, W. E.
McCloy, John J.
McFadyean, Sir Andrew.
McGhee, George.
McMillan, Harold.
Mellon, Andrew.
Mellon, William Larimer or Family Designate.
Meyer, Frank.
Michener, Roland.
Mikovan, Anastas.
Milner, Lord Alfred.
Mitterand, Francois.
Monett, Jean.
Montague, Samuel.
Montefiore, Lord Sebag or Bishop Hugh.
Morgan, John P.
Mott, Stewart.
Mountain, Sir Brian Edward.
Mountain, Sir Dennis.
Mountbatten, Lord Louis.
Munthe, A., or family designate.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Naisbitt, John.
Neeman, Yuval.
Newbigging, David.
Nicols, Lord Nicholas of Bethal.
Norman, Montague.

───※ ·❆· ※───

O'Brien of Lotherby, Lord.
Ogilvie, Angus.
Okita, Saburo.
Oldfield, Sir Morris.
Oppenheimer, Sir Earnest, and successor, Harry.
Ormsby Gore, David (Lord Harlech).
Orsini, Franco Bonacassi.
Ortolani. Umberto.
Ostiguy, J.P.W.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Paley, William S.
Palme, Olaf.
Palmstierna, Jacob.
Pao, Y.K.
Pease, Richard T.
Peccei, Aurellio. (founder of the genocidal Club of Rome in April 1968)
Peek, Sir Edmund.
Pellegreno, Michael, Cardinal.
Perkins, Nelson.
Pestel, Eduard.
Peterson, Rudolph.
Petterson, Peter G.
Petty, John R.
Philip, Prince, Duke of Edinburgh.
Piercy, George.
Pinchott, Gifford.
Pratt, Charles.
Price Waterhouse, Designate.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Ranier, Prince.
Raskob, John Jacob.

Rees, John Rawlings. (military psychiatrist, founder of Tavistock Institute)

Rees, John.
Rennie, Sir John.
Rettinger, Joseph.
Rhodes, Cecil John.
Rockefeller, David.
Role, Lord Eric of Ipsden.
Rosenthal, Morton.
Rostow, Eugene.
Rothmere, Lord.
Rothschild Elie de or Edmon de and/or Baron Rothschild Runcie, Dr. Robert.
Russell, Lord John.
Russell, Sir Bertrand.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Saint Gouers, Jean.
Salisbury, Marquisse de Robert Gascoiugne Cecil.
Shelburne, The Salisbury, Lord.
Samuel, Sir Marcus.
Sandberg, M. G.
Sarnoff, Robert.
Schmidheiny, Stephan or alternate brothers Thomas, Alexander.
Schoenberg, Andrew.
Schultz, George.
Schwartzenburg, E.
Shawcross, Sir Hartley.
Sheridan, Walter.
Shiloach, Rubin.
Silitoe, Sir Percy.
Simon, William.
Sloan, Alfred P.
Smuts, Jan.
Sproull, Robert.
Stals, Dr. C. Stamp, Lord Family designate.
Steel, David.
Stiger, George.
Strathmore, Lord.
Strong, Sir Kenneth.
Strong, Maurice.
Swathling, Lord.
Swire, J. K.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Tasse, G. Or Family Designate.
Temple, Sir R.
Thompson, William Boyce.
Thompson, Lord.
Thyssen-Bornamisza, Baron Hans Henrich.
Trevelyn, Lord Humphrey.
Turner, Sir Mark.
Turner, Ted. (Former CNN anchor)
Tyron, Lord.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Urquidi, Victor.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Van Den Broek, H.
Vanderbilt. Vance, Cyrus.
Verity, William C.
Vesty, Lord Amuel.
Vickers, Sir Geoffrey.
Villiers, Gerald Hyde family alternate.
Volpi, Count.
von Finck, Baron August.
von Hapsburg, Archduke Otto, House of Hapsburg-Lorraine.
Von Thurn and Taxis, Max.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Wallenberg, Peter or Family Designate.
Wang, Kwan Cheng, Dr.
Warburg, S. C.
Ward Jackson, Lady Barbara.
Warner, Rawleigh.
Warnke, Paul.
Warren, Earl.
Watson, Thomas.
Webb, Sydney.
Weill, David.
Weill, Dr. Andrew.
Weinberger, Sir Caspar.
Weizman, Chaim.
Wells, H. G. (MI-6 agent and author of Brave New World and The Open Conspiracy)
Wheetman, Pearson (Lord Cowdray).
White, Sir Dick Goldsmith.
Whitney, Straight.
Wiseman, Sir William.
Wolfson, Sir Isaac.
Wood, Charles.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Young, Owen.
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May 8, 2023

LIST 2 (2010)

The 2010 list of the members of The Committee of 300 is from here:

✼ •• ┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈ •• ✼

Abdullah II, King of Jordan
Abramovich, Roman
Ackermann, Josef
Adeane, Edward
Agius, Marcus
Ahtisaari, Martti
Akerson, Daniel
Albert II, King of British
Alexander, Crown Prince of Yugoslavia
Amato, Giuliano
Anderson, Carl A.
Andreotti, Giulio
Andrew, Duke of York
Anne, Princess Royal
Anstee, Nick
Ash, Timothy Garton
Astor, William Waldorf
Aven, Pyotr

───※ ·❆· ※───

Balkenende, Jan Peter
Ballmer, Steve
Balls, Ed
Barroso, José Manuel
Beatrix, Queen of the Netherlands
Belka, Marek
Bergsten, C. Fred
Berlusconi, Silvio
Bernake, Ben
Bernstein, Nils
Berwick, Donald
Bildt, Carl
Bischoff, Sir Winfried

Blair, Tony (former Prime Minister of England; awarded the Charlemange Prize in 1999, which is the prize for implementing the Kalergi Plan; Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi himself as the first recipient of this Prize in 1950)

Blankfein, Lloyd
Blavatnik, Leonard
Bloomberg, Michael
Bolkestein, Frits
Bolkiah, Hassanal
Bonello, Michael C
Bonino, Emma
Boren, David L.
Borwin, Duke of Mecklenburg
Bronfman, Charles
Bronfman, Edgar Jr.
Bruton, John

Brzezinski, Zbigniew (Head of the North American branch of The Trilateral Commission.)

Budenberg, Robin
Buffet, Warren.

Bush, George HW (former President of the United States)

───※ ·❆· ※───

Cameron, David
Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall
Cardoso, Fernando Henrique
Carington, Peter
Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden
Carlos, Duke of Parma
Carney, Mark
Carroll, Cynthia
Caruana, Jaime
Castell, Sir William
Chan, Anson
Chan, Margaret
Chan, Norman
Charles, Prince of Wales
Chartres, Richard
Chiaie, Stefano Delle
Chipman, Dr John
Chodiev, Patokh
Christoph, Prince of Schleswig-Holstein
Cicchitto, Fabrizio
Clark, Wesley
Clarke, Kenneth
Clegg, Nick

Clinton, Bill. (former President of the United States)

Cohen, Abby Joseph
Cohen, Ronald
Cohn, Gary
Colonna di Paliano, Marcantonio, Duke of Paliano
Constantijn, Prince of the Netherlands
Constantine II, King of Greece
Cooksey, David
Cowen, Brian
Craven, Sir John
Crockett, Andrew

───※ ·❆· ※───

Dadush, Uri
D'Aloisio, Tony
Darling, Alistair
Davies, Sir Howard
Davignon, Étienne
Davis, David

de Rothschild, Benjamin
de Rothschild, David René
de Rothschild, Evelyn
de Rothschild, Leopold

Deiss, Joseph
Deripaska, Oleg
Dobson, Michael
Draghi, Mario
Du Plessis, Jan
Dudley, William C.
Duisenberg, Wim

───※ ·❆· ※───

Edward, Duke of Kent
Edward, Duke of Wessex

Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom (head of the Committee of 300) [passed Sept 8 2022]

Elkann, John
Emanuele, Vittorio, Prince of Naples
Ernst August, Prince of Hanover

───※ ·❆· ※───

Feldstein, Martin
Festing, Matthew
Fillon, François
Fischer, Heinz
Fischer, Joschka
Fischer, Stanley
FitzGerald, Niall
Franz, Duke of Bavaria
Fridman, Mikhail
Friso, Prince of Orange-Nassau

───※ ·❆· ※───

Gates, Bill (founder of Microsoft, depopulator of humanity through genocidal "vaccines")

Geidt, Christopher
Geithner, Timothy
Georg Friedrich, Prince of Prussia
Gibson-Smith, Dr Chris
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Gore, Al
Gotlieb, Allan
Green, Stephen
Greenspan, Alan
Grosvenor, Gerald, 6th Duke of Westminster
Gurría, José Ángel

───※ ·❆· ※───

Hague, William
Hampton, Sir Philip
Hans-Adam II, Prince of Liechtenstein
Harald V, King of Norway
Harper, Stephen
Heisbourg, François
Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg
Hildebrand, Philipp
Hills, Carla Anderson
Holbrooke, Richard
Honohan, Patrick
Howard, Alan

───※ ·❆· ※───

Ibragimov, Alijan
Ingves, Stefan
Isaacson, Walter

───※ ·❆· ※───

Juan Carlos, King of Spain
Jacobs, Kenneth M.
Julius, DeAnne
Juncker, Jean-Claude

───※ ·❆· ※───

Kenen, Peter
Kerry, John
King, Mervyn
Kinnock, Glenys

Kissinger, Henry (Nixon's former "defense minister", member of the RIIA, CFR and Club of Rome)

Knight, Malcolm
Koon, William H. II
Krugman, Paul
Kufuor, John

───※ ·❆· ※───

Lajolo, Giovanni
Lake, Anthony
Lambert, Richard
Lamy, Pascal
Landau, Jean-Pierre
Laurence, Timothy
Leigh-Pemberton, James
Leka, Crown Prince of Albania
Leonard, Mark
Levene, Peter
Leviev, Lev
Levitt, Arthur
Levy, Michael
Lieberman, Joe
Livingston, Ian
Loong, Lee Hsien
Loong, Lee Hsien
Lorenz of Belgium, Archduke of Austria-Este
Louis Alphonse, Duke of Anjou
Louis-Dreyfus, Gérard

───※ ·❆· ※───

Mabel, Princess of Orange-Nassau
Mandelson, Peter
Manning, Sir David
Margherita, Archduchess of Austria-Este
Margrethe II, Queen of Denmark
Martínez, Guillermo Ortiz
Mashkevitch, Alexander
Massimo, Stefano, Prince of Roccasecca dei Volsci
Massimo-Brancaccio, Fabrizio Prince of Arsoli and Triggiano
McDonough, William Joseph
McLarty, Mack
Mersch, Yves
Michael, Prince of Kent
Michael, King of Romania
Miliband, David
Miliband, Ed
Mittal, Lakshmi
Moreno, Glen
Moritz, Prince and Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel
Murdoch, Rupert

───※ ·❆· ※───

Napoléon, Charles
Nasser, Jacques
Niblett, Robin
Nichols, Vincent
Nicolás, Adolfo
Noyer, Christian

───※ ·❆· ※───

Ofer, Sammy
Ogilvy, Alexandra, Lady Ogilvy
Ogilvy, David, 13th Earl of Airlie
Ollila, Jorma
Oppenheimer, Nicky
Osborne, George
Oudea, Frederic

───※ ·❆· ※───

Parker, Sir John
Patten, Chris
Pébereau, Michel
Penny, Gareth
Peres, Shimon
Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
Pio, Dom Duarte, Duke of Braganza
Pöhl, Karl Otto
Powell, Colin
Prokhorov, Mikhail

───※ ·❆· ※───

Quaden, Guy

───※ ·❆· ※───

Rasmussen, Anders Fogh
Ratzinger, Joseph Alois (Pope Benedict XVI)
Reuben, David
Reuben, Simon
Rhodes, William R.
Rice, Susan
Richard, Duke of Gloucester
Rifkind, Sir Malcolm
Ritblat, Sir John
Roach, Stephen S.
Robinson, Mary
Rockefeller, David Jr.
Rockefeller, David Sr.
Rockefeller, Nicholas
Rodríguez, Javier Echevarría
Rogoff, Kenneth
Roth, Jean-Pierre
Rothschild, Jacob
Rubenstein, David
Rubin, Robert
Ruspoli, Francesco, 10th Prince of Cerveteri

───※ ·❆· ※───

Safra, Joseph
Safra, Moises
Sands, Peter
Sarkozy, Nicolas
Sassoon, Isaac
Sassoon, James
Sawers, Sir Robert John
Scardino, Marjorie

Schwab, Klaus (head of the World Economic Forum)

Schwarzenberg, Karel
Schwarzman, Stephen A.
Shapiro, Sidney
Sheinwald, Nigel
Sigismund, Grand Duke of Tuscany, Archduke of Austria
Simeon of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha
Snowe, Olympia
Sofía, Queen of Spain
Soros, George
Specter, Arlen
Stern, Ernest
Stevenson, Dennis
Steyer, Tom
Stiglitz, Joseph
Strauss-Kahn, Dominique
Straw, Jack
Sutherland, Peter

───※ ·❆· ※───

Tanner, Mary
Tedeschi, Ettore Gotti
Thompson, Mark
Thomson, Dr. James
Tietmeyer, Hans
Trichet, Jean-Claude
Tucker, Paul

───※ ·❆· ※───

Van Rompuy, Herman
Vélez, Álvaro Uribe
Verplaetse, Alfons
Villiger, Kaspar
Vladimirovna, Maria, Grand Duchess of Russia
Volcker, Paul
von Habsburg, Otto

───※ ·❆· ※───

Waddaulah, Hassanal Bolkiah Mu'izzaddin, Sultan of Brunei
Walker, Sir David
Wallenberg, Jacob
Walsh, John
Warburg, Max
Weber, Axel Alfred
Weill, Michael David
Wellink, Nout
Whitman, Marina von Neumann
Willem-Alexander, Prince of Orange
William, Prince of Wales
Williams, Dr Rowan
Williams, Shirley
Wilson, David
Wolfensohn, James
Wolin, Neal S.
Woolf, Harry
Woolsey, R. James Jr.
Worcester, Sir Robert
Wu, Sarah

───※ ·❆· ※───

Zoellick, Robert
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May 8, 2023

This website also gives you some information, which I copied and pasted below if you want to read it here.

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"Three hundred men, all of whom know one another, direct the economic destiny of Europe and choose their successors from among themselves." --Walter Rathenau, 1909, founder of the mammoth German General Electric Corporation

The Committee of 300 is a product of the British East India Company's Council of 300. The East India Company was chartered by the British royal family in 1600.

It made vast fortunes in the opium drug trade with China and became the largest company on earth in its time.

Today, through many powerful alliances, the Committee of 300 rules the world and is the driving force behind the criminal agenda to create a "New World Order", under a "Totalitarian Global Government".

There is no need to use "they" or "the enemy" except as shorthand. We know who "they", the enemy, is.

The Committee of 300 with its "aristocracy", its ownership of the U.S. Federal Reserve banking system, insurance companies, giant corporations, foundations, communications networks, presided over by a hierarchy of conspirators-this is the enemy.
Secret societies exist by deception.

Each is a hierarchy with an inner circle at the top, who deceives those below with lies, such as claiming a noble agenda; thus, duping them into following a web of compartmentalized complicity.

The inner circle of the Committee of 300 is the Order of the Garter, headed by Queen Elizabeth Windsor II.

It is interesting to note that the Windsor's changed their name from the Germanic Saxe-Coburg-Gotha during WWI, because of anti-German sentiment.

The enemy is clearly identifiable as the Committee of 300 and its front organizations, such as the Royal Institute for International Affairs (Chatham House), the Club of Rome, NATO, U.N., the Black Nobility, the Tavistock Institute, CFR and all its affiliated organizations, the think tanks and research institutions controlled by Stanford and the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations and last, but certainly not least, the military establishment.

The Committee of 300 is the ultimate secret society made up of an untouchable ruling class, which includes the Queen of the United Kingdom (Elizabeth II), the Queen of the Netherlands, the Queen of Denmark and the royal families of Europe.

These aristocrats decided at the death of Queen Victoria, the matriarch of the Venetian Black Guelphs that, in order to gain world-wide control, it would be necessary for its aristocratic members to "go into business" with the non-aristocratic but extremely powerful leaders of corporate business on a global scale, and so the doors to ultimate power were opened to what the Queen of England likes to refer to as "the commoners".

Through their illicit banking cartel, they own the stock of the Federal Reserve, which is a private for profit corporation that violates U.S. Constitution and is a root of the problem.

The decadent American families of the unholy partnership, thoroughly corrupted and wallowing in tainted opium money, went on to become what we know today as the Eastern Liberal Establishment.

Its members, under the careful guidance and direction of the British Crown, and subsequently, its foreign policy executive arm, the Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), now known as Chatham House, located in England (across St. James's Square from the Astors), ran the United States from top to bottom through their secret upper-level, parallel government, which is tightly meshed with the Committee of 300, the ultimate secret society.

That secret, all-powerful government is now more in control of the United States than ever before.

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The Committee of 300, which has a 150-year history, we have some of the most brilliant intellects assembled to form a completely totalitarian, absolutely controlled "new" society only it isn't new, having drawn most of its ideas from the Clubs of Cultus Diabolicus.

It strives toward a One World Government rather well described by one of its late members, H. G. Wells, in his work commissioned by the Committee which Wells boldly called: "The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution".

Most of the Committee of 300's immense wealth arose out of the opium trade with China and India.
Obscene profits went straight into the royal coffers, and into the pockets of the nobility, the oligarchs and plutocrats, and made them billionaires.

The ordinary people of China, India, and England profited nothing from "opium revenues".
In the same way the people of South Africa, black and white, never profited from the gold mining industry, whose revenues were piped directly into the City of London banks and Merchant banks.

The Committee of 300 is responsible for the phony drug wars here in the U.S. These phony drug wars were to get us to give away our constitutional rights.
Asset forfeiture is a prime example, where huge assets can be seized without trail and no proof of guilt needed.

Also the Committee of 300 long ago decreed that there shall be a smaller-much smaller-and better world, that is, their idea of what constitutes a better world.

The myriads of useless eaters consuming scarce natural resources were to be culled by up to 99%. Industrial progress supports population growth. Therefore the command to multiply and subdue the earth found in Genesis had to be subverted.

This called for an attack upon Christianity; the slow but sure disintegration of industrial nation states; the destruction of billions of people, referred to by the Committee of 300 as "surplus population," and the removal of any leader who dared to stand in the way of the Committee's global planning to reach the foregoing objectives.

Not that the U.S. government didn't know, but as it was part of the conspiracy, it helped to keep the lid on information rather than let the truth be known.

Queen, Elizabeth II, is the head of the Committee of 300.

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The Committee of 300 looks to social convulsions on a global scale, followed by depressions, as a softening-up technique for bigger things to come, as its principal method of creating masses of people all over the world who will become its "welfare" recipients of the future.

The current criminal agenda of the Committee of 300 is further evidenced by recently leaked Club of Rome documents, as they describe how they will use drugs to help stifle resistance to their New World Order scheme:

"…having been failed by Christianity, and with unemployment rife on every hand, those who have been without jobs for five years or more, will turn away from the church and seek solace in drugs.

By then, full control of the drug trade must be
completed in order that the government of all countries who are under our jurisdiction have a monopoly in place which we will control by controlling supplies reaching the market… Drug bars will take care of the unruly and the discontented.

Would-be revolutionaries will be turned into harmless addicts with no will of their own…"The crowned cobras of Europe and their Eastern Liberal Establishment families will not tolerate any true war against drugs.
The war on drugs, which the Bush administration was allegedly fighting, was for the legalization of all types and classes of drugs.

Such drugs are not solely a social aberration, but a full-scale attempt to gain control of the minds of the people of the United States. At present, this is the principal task of the Committee of 300.

Nothing has changed in the opium-heroin-cocaine trade. It is still in the hands of the same "upper class" families in Britain and the United States.

It is still a fabulously profitable trade where what appear to be big losses through sometimes seizures of drug shipments are actually small interlopers trying to break into the preserves of the drug trade hierarchy, who sit in paneled board rooms in New York, Hong Kong and London over port and cigars and congratulate another success in the eradication of "competitors."

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Included in the Committee of 300 membership are:

• the old families of the European Black Nobility,
• the American Eastern Liberal Establishment (in Freemason hierarchy and the Order of Skull and Bones),
• the Illuminati, or as it is known by the Committee "MORIAH CONQUERING WIND,"
• the Mumma Group,
• The National and World Council of Churches,
• the Circle of Initiates,
• the Nine Unknown Men,
• Lucis Trust,
• Jesuit Liberation Theologists,
• The Order of the Elders of Zion,
• the Nasi Princes,
•¡International Monetary Fund (IMF),
• the Bank of International Settlements (BIS),
• the United Nations (U.N.),
• the Central,
• British Quator Coronati,
• Italian P2 Masonry-especially those in the Vatican hierarchy
• the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
• Tavistock Institute selected personnel,
• various members of leading foundations and insurance companies,
• the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank,
• the Milner Group-Round Table,
• Cini Foundation,
• German Marshall Fund,
• Ditchley Foundation,
• Club of Rome,
• Environmentalists,
• The Order of St. John of Jerusalem,
• One World Government Church,
• Socialist International,
• Black Order,
• Thule Society,
• Anenherbe-Rosicrucianists,
• The Great Superior Ones,
and literally HUNDREDS of other organizations.

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In the case of John F. Kennedy, the assassination was carried out with great attendant publicity and with the utmost brutality to serve as a warning to world leaders not to get out of line.

Pope John Paul I was quietly murdered because he was getting close to the Committee of 300 through Freemasons in the Vatican hierarchy.

His successor, Pope John Paul II, was publicly humiliated as a warning to cease and desist-which he has done. As we shall see, certain Vatican leaders are today seated on the Committee of 300.

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The Committee of 300 appears to base much of its important decisions affecting mankind on the philosophy of Polish aristocrat, Felix Dzerzinski, who regarded mankind as being slightly above the level of cattle.
As a close friend of British intelligence agent Sydney Reilly (Reilly was actually Dzerzinski's controller during the Bolshevik Revolution's formative years), he often confided in Reilly during his drinking bouts.
Dzerzinski was, of course, the beast who ran the Red Terror apparatus.

He once told Reilly, while the two were on a drinking binge, that, "Man is of no importance. Look at what happens when you starve him. He begins to eat his dead companions to stay alive. Man is only interested in his own survival. That is all that counts. All the Spinoza stuff is a lot of rubbish."

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The roots of the East India Company (chartered by Queen Elizabeth I on December 31, 1600 and dissolved in 1873) sprout from the European Black Nobility.

The Black Nobility are the oligarchic families of Venice and Genoa, who in the 12th century held the privileged trading rights (monopolies). The first of three crusades, from 1063 to 1123, established the power of the Venetian Black Nobility and solidified the power of the wealthy ruling class.

The Black Nobility aristocracy achieved complete control over Venice in 1171, when the appointment of the doge was transferred to what was known as the Great Council, which consisted of members of the commercial aristocracy, a complete triumph for them.

Venice has remained in their hands ever since, but the power and influence of the Venetian Black Nobility extends far beyond its borders, and today, is felt in every corner of the globe.

In 1204 the oligarchic family parceled out feudal enclaves to their members, and from this epoch dates the great building-up of power and pressure until the government became a closed corporation of the leading Black Nobility families.

It is important to note that the European Black Nobility is responsible for the insidious entanglements of numerous secret societies, lodges, and organizations, which are backed with high finance and powerful political connections.

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Such organizations include:

• Trilateral Commission,
• Bilderberg Group (German version of CFR),
• Council on Foreign Relations (CFR),
• United Nations (founded by CFR),
• Illuminati order Skull & Bones (inner circle of the CFR),
• International Monetary Fund (IMF),
• World Bank,
• Bank of International Settlement,
• Club of Rome,
• Chatham House (formally the Royal Institute of International Affairs - RIIA),
• Round Table,
• Tavistock Institute for Human Studies (England's psychological warfare think tank),
• Associated Press,
• Reuters (Rothschild owned news monopoly used for brainwashing the masses),

and many others, all of which, whether they are dupes or adepts, work in favor of Great Britain's aristocracy and their one world government agenda.

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Although there is a wide cross-section, all roads lead to the Queen of England.

The technique for keeping their illicit scheme secret is compartmentalization.

Only the people in the inner circle, who are part of the capstone at the top of the pyramid, know the entire extent of the fraud.

Adepts are few and dupes many. Typically, the dupes are told lies that their involvement is benevolent; thus, they become unwitting accomplices in crime.

This is why it is imperative to expose this diabolical ring of power. Illicit secret societies cannot withstand the light of day. Once exposed, the cabal and their minions will fall like a house of cards.

The European Black Nobility earned its title through dirty tricks, so when the population revolted against the monopolies in government, as anywhere else, the leaders of the uprising were quickly seized and brutally hanged.

They use secret assassinations, murder, the bankrupting of opposing citizens or companies, kidnapping and r*pe.

All the families listed are connected with the House of Guelph, one of the original Black Nobility families of Venice from which the House of Windsor and thus the present Queen of the United Kingdom, Elizabeth II, descends.

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What are the goals of the secret elite group, the inheritors of Illuminism (Moriah Conquering Wind), the Cult of Dionysius, the Cult of Isis, Catharism, Bogomilism?

This elite group that also calls itself the OLYMPIANS (they truly believe they are equal in power and stature to the legendary gods of Olympus, who have, like Lucifer their god, set themselves above our true God) absolutely believe they have been charged with implementing the following by divine right, [their 21 goals].

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May 8, 2023
This is an excerpt taken from John Coleman's book, The Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Story of The Committee of 300, p. 53-73.

Humanity's stupidity, gullibility, naivety and refusal to learn will always be taken advantage of.

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The Committee of 300 has a major bureaucracy at its disposal made up of hundreds of think tanks and front organizations that run the whole gamut of private business and government leaders.

I (John Coleman) will mention as many as I can fit in, starting with the German Marshall Fund.
Its members, and remember they are also members of NATO and the Club of Rome, consist of
• David Rockefeller of Chase Manhattan Bank,
• Gabriel Hague of the prestigious Manufactures Hanover Trust and Finance Corporation,
• Milton Katz of the Ford Foundation,
• Willy Brandt, leader of Socialist International,
• KGB agent and member of the Committee of 300, Irving Bluestone,
• chairman of the United Auto Workers Executive Board, Russell Train,
• U.S. president of the Club of Rome and Prince Philip's World Wildlife Fund, Elizabeth Midgely,
• CBS programs producer, B. R. Gifford,
• director of the Russell Sage Foundation, Guido Goldman of the Aspen Institute,
• the late Averill Harriman, Committee of 300 extraordinary member,
• Thomas L. Hughes of the Carnegie Endowment Fund,
• Dennis Meadows and Jay Forrestor of MIT "world dynamics."

The Club of Rome is indeed a formidable agency of the Committee of 300.

Although ostensibly working on American affairs, the group overlaps other Committee of 300 agencies and its United States members are often found working with "problems" in Japan and Germany.

Some of the front organizations operated by the above committee include the following, although not limited to them:


[A description of the organizations is given below.]

✼ •• ┈┈┈┈๑⋅⋯ ୨˚୧ ⋯⋅๑┈┈┈┈ •• ✼


Officials: Michael Novak, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Eugene Rostow, IRWIN SUALL, Lane Kirkland, Albert Schenker.
Purpose: To disrupt and disturb normal labor relations between workers and employees by brain washing labor unions to make impossible demands with special attention to steel, automobile and housing industries.
───※ ·❆· ※───


Officials: Leo Churn and Carl Gershman. Purpose: To spread socialist disinformation among American blue collar workers, spread dissension and dissatisfaction.
Now that these objectives have been largely realized, Gershman has been drafted by Lawrence Eagleburger to CEDC, a newly created body to stop a united Germany from expanding its trade into the Danube Basin.
───※ ·❆· ※───


Officials: Ben Wattenburg, Jean Kirkpatrick, Elmo Zumwa and Midge Dector.
Purpose: To provide a connecting link between the educated socialist class and minority groups with the intent of setting up a solid block of voters who can be counted on to vote for leftwing candidates at election time. It was really a Fabianist operation from start to finish.
───※ ·❆· ※───


Officials: Robert Strausz Hupe.
Purpose: To undermine and eventually end NASA space program.
───※ ·❆· ※───


Officials: Bayard Rustin, Lane Kirkland, Jay Lovestone, Carl Gershman, Howard Samuel, Sidney Hook.
Purpose: To spread radical socialism, especially among minority groups, and forge links between similar organizations in socialist countries. Lovestone was for decades the leading advisor to U.S. presidents on Soviet affairs and a strong direct link with Moscow.
───※ ·❆· ※───


Officials: Harland Cleveland, Willis Harmon.
Purpose: Change the way America thinks.
───※ ·❆· ※───


Officials: Barry Commoner.
Purpose: To bring "common cause" legal suits against various government agencies, especially in the defense industries. WAR
───※ ·❆· ※───


Officials: Noam Chomsky and David McReynolds.
Purpose: To organize resistance to the Vietnam War among leftwing groups, students
and the Hollywood "in crowd."
───※ ·❆· ※───


Officials: Frank Zeider, Arthur Redier and David McReynolds.
Purpose: A clearing house for leftwing socialist ideas and activities in the U.S and Europe.
───※ ·❆· ※───


Officials: IRWIN SUALL, also known as John Graham.
Purpose: A joint FBI-British intelligence operation designed to single out rightwing groups and their leaders and put them out of business before they grow too large and too influential.
───※ ·❆· ※───


Purpose: A labor oriented front for the Socialist International and a hot-bed of organized labor unrest polarizing workers and management.
───※ ·❆· ※───

Officials: Murray Findley, IRWIN SUALL and Jacob Scheinkman.
Purpose: Much the same as the Machinists Union, to socialize and polarize workers in the garment trade.

───※ ·❆· ※───


Officials: Bayard Rustin.
Purpose: To provide a means of coordinating organizations with a common purpose, an example of which would be the spread of socialist ideas among college students and workers.
───※ ·❆· ※───


Officials: Gar Apelrovitz.
Purpose: To expand on the work being done at the Institute for Policy Studies.
Founded in February 1969 by international socialist, Gar Apelrovitz, former assistant to Senator Gaylord Nelson.

Apelrovitz wrote the controversial book ATOMIC DIPLOMACY for the Club of Rome which work was financed by the German Marshall Fund.
It concentrates on research and action projects, with a stated goal of fundamentally changing American society, i.e., to create a Fabianist United States in preparation of the coming One World Government.
───※ ·❆· ※───


Officials: Dr. Aurellio Peccei.
Purpose: NATO think-tank on global economic issues.
───※ ·❆· ※───


Officials: Founder Robert Hutchins of the Committee of 300, Harry Ashmore, Frank Kelly and a large group of "Fellows."
Purpose: To spread ideas that will bring on social reforms of the liberal kind with democracy as an ideology.
One of its activities is to draft a new constitution for the U.S. which will be strongly monarchical and socialistic as found in Denmark.

The Center is an "Olympian" stronghold. Located in Santa Barbara, it is housed in what is affectionately called "the Parthenon." Former Representative John Rarick called it "an outfit loaded with Communists."

By 1973 work on a new United States Constitution was in its thirty-fifth draft which proposes an amendment guaranteeing "environmental right," the thrust of which is to reduce the industrial base of the U.S. to a mere whisper of what it was in 1969.
In other words, this institution is carrying out Club of Rome zero-growth post-industrial policies laid down by the Committee of 300.

Some of its other aims are control of economic cycles, welfare, regulation of business and national public works, control of pollution.

Speaking on behalf of the Committee of 300, Ashmore says the function of the CSDI is to find ways and means of making our political system work more effectively.
"We must change education and we must consider a new U.S Constitution and a Constitution for the world," Ashmore says.

Further goals enunciated by Ashmore are as follows:
(1) Membership of the U.N. must be made universal.
(2) The U.N. must be strengthened.
(3) South East Asia must be neutralized. (For neutralized, read "Communized.")
(4) Cold War must be ended.
(5) Racial discrimination must be abolished. [The elites are extreme racist eugenicist psychopaths and view racism as positive, and the abolishment of racial discrimination as negative].
(6) Developing nations must be assisted. (Meaning assisted to destruct.)
(7) No military solutions to problems. (Pity they didn't tell George Bush that before the Gulf War.)
(8) National solutions are not adequate.
(9) Coexistence is necessary.
───※ ·❆· ※───


Officials: Dr. Kurt Lewin and staff of 15 new-science scientists.
Purpose: To create a climate where the Committee of 300 can take unlimited power over the U.S.
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Officials: Dr. Kurt Lewin and staff of 20 new-science scientists.
Purpose: To devise a whole new set of social programs to steer America away from industry.
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Officials: Leland Bradford, Kenneth Dam, Ronald Lippert.
Purpose: A "Future Shocks" research institution at Sussex University in England and part of the Tavistock network.
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Officials: Sheldon Arenberg and a staff of hundreds, too numerous to mention here.
Purpose: To coordinate all elements of the intelligence communities of the U.S.A. and Britain.

It analyzes what "players" have to be assigned the role of a national entity; for example, Spain would come under a supine watered-down Catholic Church, the U.N. under the Secretary General and so forth.

It developed the system of "X RAY 2" where think tank personnel, military installations and law enforcement centers are all linked to the Pentagon through a nation-wide network of Teletypes and computers:
To apply surveillance techniques on a nation-wide scale.

Arenberg says his ideas are non-military, but his techniques are mainly those he learned from the military.

He was responsible for the New York State Identification and Intelligence System, a typical George Orwell "1984" project, which is completely illegal under our Constitution.
The NYSIIS system is in the process of being adopted nationwide.

It is what Brzezinsk referred to as the ability to almost instantaneously retrieve data about any person. NYSIIS shares data with all law enforcement and government agencies in the state.

It provides storage and rapid retrieval of individual records, criminal and social. It is a TYPICAL Committee of 300 project.

There is a crying need for a full investigation to be conducted into just what it is that Systems Development Corporation is doing, but that is beyond the scope of this book.

One thing is sure, SDC is not there to preserve freedom and liberty guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. How convenient that it should be located in Santa Barbara in easy reach of Robert Hutchins "Parthenon."

Some publications put out by these Club of Rome institutions are as follows:
"Center Magazine"
"Covert Action Information Bulletin"
"Human Relations"
"Industrial Research"
"Mother Jones"
"The New Republic"
"Working Papers for a New Society"

These are by no means all of the publications issued under the auspices of the Club of Rome.

There are many hundreds more, in fact each of the foundations puts out its own publication. Given the number of foundations run by the Tavistock Institute and the Club of Rome, a partial listing is all we can include here.

Some of the more important foundations and think tanks are in the following list, which includes Army think tanks.

The American public would be astounded if it only knew how deeply the Army is involved in "new war tactics" research with Committee of 300 "think tanks."

Americans are not aware that in 1946 the Club of Rome was ordered by the Committee of 300 to further the progress of think tanks which it said offered a new means of spreading the Committee's philosophy.

The impact of these think tanks upon our they will play an even greater role in the daily affairs of this nation as we come to the close of the 20th century.
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Mont Pelerin is an economic foundation devoted to issuing misleading economic theories and influencing economists in the Western world to follow models it lays out from time to time. Its leading practitioners are Von Hayek and Milton Friedman.
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Founded originally to fight Communism, the institution has slowly but surely turned toward Socialism. It has an annual budget of $2 million, funded by companies under the umbrella of the Committee of 300. It now concentrates on "peaceful changes" with emphasis on arms control and domestic U.S. problems. It is Frequently used by the news media as a "conservative" organization whose views they seek when a conservative viewpoint is needed.

The Hoover Institution is far from that, and following the 1953 take-over of the Institution by a group allied to the Club of Rome, it has become a One World-New World Order outlet for "desirable" policies.
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Founded by brewery magnate Joseph Coors to act as a conservative think tank, Heritage was soon taken over by Fabianists Sir Peter Vickers Hall, Stuart Butler, Steven Ayzlei, Robert Moss and Frederich Von Hayek under the direction of the Club of Rome.

This institute played a major role in carrying out British Labour leader Anthony Wedgewood Benn's order to "Thatcherize Reagan."
Heritage is certainly not a conservative operation although at times it may look and sound like one.
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This is an Army research establishment dealing in "psychotechnology." Most of its personnel are Tavistock-trained.

"Psychotechnology" covers GI motivation, morale and music used by the enemy.
In fact a lot of what George Orwell wrote about his book "1984" appears to be remarkably similar to what is taught at HUMRRO.

In 1969, the Committee of 300 took over this important institution and turned it into a private non-profit organization run under the auspices of the Club of Rome. It is the largest behavioral research group in the U.S.

One of its specialities is the study of small groups under stress and HUMRRO teaches the Army that a soldier is merely an extension of his equipment and has brought great influence to bear on the "man/weapon" system and its "human quality control," so widely accepted by the United States Army.

HUMRRO has had a very pronounced effect on how the Army conducts itself. Its mind-bending techniques are straight out of Tavistock. HUMRRO'S applied psychology courses are supposed to teach Army brass how to make the human weapon work.

A good example of this is the manner in which soldiers in the war against Iraq were willing to disobey their field manual standing orders and bury 12,000 Iraqi soldiers alive.

This type of brainwashing is terribly dangerous because today, it is applied to the Army, the Army applies it to brutally destroy thousands of "enemy" soldiers, and tomorrow the Army could be told that civilian population groups opposed to government policies are "the enemy."

We are already a mindless brainwashed flock of sheep, yet it seems that HUMRRO can take mind bending and mind control a step further.

HUMRRO is a valuable adjunct to Tavistock and many of the lessons taught at HUMRRO were applied in the Gulf War, which makes it a little easier to understand how it came to be that American soldiers behaved as ruthless and heartless killers, a far cry from the concept of the traditional American fighting man.
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This is HUMRRO'S sister "1984" organization situated in McLean, Virginia.

Established in 1948, it was taken over by the Committee of 300 in 1961 when it became part of the Johns Hopkins bloc.

It has worked on over 600 projects, including integrating Negroes into the Army, the tactical use of nuclear weapons, psychological warfare programs and mass population control.

Obviously there are many more major think tanks, and we shall come to most of them in this book.

One of the most important areas of cooperation between what think tanks turn out and what becomes government and public policy are the "pollsters."

It is the job of the polling companies to mold and shape public opinion in the way that suits the conspirators. Polls are constantly being taken by CBS-NBC-ABC, the New York Times, the Washington Post.

Most of these efforts are coordinated at the National Opinion Research Center where, as much as it will amaze most of us, a psychological profile was developed for the entire nation.

Findings are fed into the computers of Gallup Poll and Yankelovich, Skelley and White for comparative evaluation.

Much of what we read in our newspapers or see on television has first been cleared by the polling companies. WHAT WE SEE IS WHAT THE POLLSTERS THINK WE SHOULD SEE.
This is called "public opinion making."

The whole idea behind this bit of social conditioning is to find out how responsive the public is to POLICY DIRECTIVES handed down by the Committee of 300.

We are called "targeted population groups" and what is measured by the pollsters is how much resistance is generated to what appears in the "Nightly News."

Later, we shall learn exactly how this deceptive practice got started and who is responsible for it. It is all part of the elaborate opinion-making process created at, Tavistock.

Today our people believe they are well informed but what they do not realize is that the opinions they believe are their own were in fact created in the research institutions and think tanks of America and that none of us are free to form our own opinions because of the information we are provided with by the media and the pollsters.

Polling was brought to a fine art just before the United States entered the Second World War. Americans, unbeknown to themselves, were conditioned to look upon Germany and Japan as dangerous enemies who had to be stopped.

In a sense, this was true, and that makes conditioned thinking all the more dangerous, because based on the INFORMATlON fed to them, the enemy did indeed appear to be Germany and Japan.

Just recently we saw how well Tavistock's conditioning process works when Americans were conditioned to perceive Iraq as a threat and Saddam Hussein as a personal enemy of the United States.

Such a conditioning process is technically described as "the message reaching the sense organs of persons to be influenced." One of the most respected of all pollsters is Committee of 300 member Daniel Yankelovich, of the company, Yankelovich, Skelley and White.

Yankelovich is proud to tell his students that polling is a tool to change public opinion, although this is not original, Yankelovich having drawn his inspiration from David Naisbett's book "TREND REPORT" which was commissioned by the Club of Rome.

In his book Naisbett describes all of the techniques used by public opinion makers to bring about the public opinion desired by the Committee of 300.

Public opinion making is the jewel in the crown of the OLYMPIANS, for with their thousands of newscience social scientists at their beck and call, and with the news media firmly in their hands, NEW public opinions on almost any subject can be created and disseminated around the world in a matter of two weeks.

This is precisely what happened when their servant George Bush was ordered to make war on Iraq. Within two weeks, not only the U.S. but almost the entire world public opinion was turned against Iraq and its President Saddam Hussein.

These media change artists and news manipulators report directly to the Club of Rome which in turn reports to the Committee of 300 at whose head sits the Queen of England ruling over a vast network of closely-linked corporations who never pay taxes and are answerable to no one, who fund their research institutions through foundations whose joint activities have almost total control over our daily lives.

Together with their interlocking companies, insurance business, banks, finance corporations, oil companies, newspapers, magazines, radio and television, this vast apparatus sits astride the United States and the world. There is not a politician in Washington D.C. who is not, somehow, beholden to it.

The Left rails against it, calling it "imperialism" which indeed it is, but the left is run by the same people, the very same ones who control the right, so that the left is no more free than we are!

Scientists engaged in the process of conditioning are called "social engineers" or "new-science social scientists" and they play an integral part in what we see, hear and read.

The "old school" social engineers were
• Kurt K. Lewin,
• Professor Hadley Cantril,
• Margaret Meade,
• Professor Derwin Cartwright and
• Professor Lipssitt

who, together with John Rawlings Reese, made up the backbone of new-science scientists at Tavistock Institute.

During the Second World War, there were over 100 researchers at work under the direction of Kurt Lewin, copying slavishly the methods adopted by Reinhard Heydrich of the S.S.

The OSS [Office of Strategic Services] was based on Heydrich's methodology and, as we know, the OSS was the forerunner of the Central Intelligence Agency.

The point of all this is that the governments of Britain and the United States already have the machinery in place to bring us into line in a New World Order with only a slight modicum of resistance materializing, and this machinery has been in place since 1946.

Each passing year has added new refinements. It is this Committee of 300 which has established control networks and mechanisms far more binding than anything ever seen in this world. Chains and ropes are not needed to restrain us.

Our fear of what is to come does that job far more efficiently than any physical means of restraint.

We have been brainwashed to give up our Constitutional right to bear arms; to give up our Constitution itself;
to allow the United Nations to exercise control over our foreign policies and the IMF to take control of our fiscal and monetary policies;
to permit the President to break United States law with impunity and to invade a foreign country and kidnap its head-of-state.

In short we have been brainwashed to the extent where we, as a nation, will accept each and every lawless act carried out by our government almost without question.

I [John Coleman] for one know that we will soon have to fight to reclaim our country from the Committee, or lose it forever.
BUT when it comes right down to it, how many will actually take up arms?
In 1776 only 3% of the populace took up arms against King George III.
This time around, 3% will be woefully inadequate.

We should not allow ourselves to be led down dead-end roads, for that is what our mind controllers have planned for us by confronting us with such a complexity of issues that we simply succumb to long range penetration and make no decisions at all on many vital issues.

We shall be looking at the names of those who make up the Committee of 300 but, before we do that, we should examine the massive interfacing of all important institutions, companies and banks under the Committee's control.

We must mark them well because these are the people who are deciding who shall live and who shall be eliminated as "useless eaters"; where we will worship God, what we must wear and even what we shall eat.

According to Brzezinski, we shall be under endless surveillance around the clock for 365 days a year ad infinitum.

That we have been betrayed from within is being accepted by more and more people each year, and that is good, because it is through knowledge, a word translated from the word BELIEF, that we shall be able to defeat the enemies of all mankind.

While we were being distracted by the bogeymen in the Kremlin, the Trojan Horse was moved into position in Washington D.C.

The greatest danger free people face today is not from Moscow but from Washington D.C. We need first to conquer the DOMESTIC ENEMY, and after that we will be strong enough to mount an offensive to remove Communism from the earth together with all of its attendant "isms."

The Carter Administration accelerated the collapse of our economy and our military strength, the latter begun by Club of Rome and Lucis Trust member Robert Strange McNamara.

In spite of his promises, Reagan continued to undermine our industrial base, starting where Carter left off.

While we need to keep our defenses strong, we cannot do that from a weak industrial base for, without a well-run military-industrial complex, we cannot have a viable defense system. The Committee of 300 recognizes this and planned from 1953 its zero-growth post-industrial policies now in full flower.

Thanks to the Club of Rome our technology potential has dropped below that of Japan and Germany, nations we are supposed to have defeated in the Second World War.

How has this come about? Because of men like Dr. Alexander King and our blindfolded state of mind, we have failed to recognize the destruction of our educational institutions and systems of teaching.

As a result of our blindness, we are no longer training engineers and scientist in sufficient numbers to keep us among the industrialized nations of the world. Thanks to Dr. King, a man very few people in America know about, education in the U.S. is at its lowest level since 1786.

Statistics produced by the Institute for Higher Learning show that the reading and writing capabilities of high school children the United States are LOWER than they were among high school children in 1786.

What we face today is not only the loss of our freedom and the very fabric of our nation, but far worse, the possibility of the loss of our souls.

The steady chipping away at the foundation upon which this republic rests has left an empty void, which satanists and cultists are rushing to fill with their synthetic soul material.
This truth is difficult to accept and appreciate because there was nothing SUDDEN about these events.

If a sudden shock were to hit us, a cultural and religious shock, we would be shaken out of our apathy. But gradualism—which is what Fabianism is, does nothing to raise the alarm. Because the vast majority of Americans can see no MOTIVATION for the things I have described, they cannot accept it, and so the conspiracy is scorned and often mocked.

By creating chaos through presenting hundreds of daily choices our people have to make, we have come down to a position where, unless motivation can be clearly shown, all information is rejected.

This is both the weak and the strong link in the conspiratorial chain.

Most thrust aside anything that has no motive, so the conspirators feel safe behind the ridicule poured upon those who point to the coming crisis in our nation and our individual lives.

However, if we can get enough people to see the truth, the motivation block gets weaker until it will eventually be forced aside as more and more people become enlightened and the notion that "this cannot happen in America" is dispensed with.

The Committee of 300 is counting on our maladaptive responses to govern our reaction to created events, and it will not be disappointed as long as we as a nation continue in the present way we respond.

We must turn responses to created crises into ADAPTIVE responses by identifying the conspirators and exposing their plans for us, so that these things become public knowledge.

The Club of Rome has already made THE TRANSITION TO BARBARISM.

Instead of waiting to be "raptured," we must stop the Committee of 300 before it can accomplish its goal of making us prisoners of the" New Dark Age" planned for us.

It is not up to God, IT IS UP TO US. We have to take the necessary action. All information that I provide in this book comes from years of research backed up by impeccable intelligence sources. Nothing is exaggerated. It is factual and precise so do not fall into the trap set by the enemy that this material is "disinformation."

For the past two decades I [John Coleman] have provided information which has proved to be highly accurate and which has explained a lot of puzzling events.

My hope is that through this book, a better, clearer and wider understanding of the conspiratorial forces ranged against this nation will come about. That hope is being realized as more and more young people are beginning to ask questions and seek information about what is REALLY going on.

It is difficult for people to comprehend that these conspirators are real and that they have the power I and many others have attributed to them.
Many have written to ask how it is that our government does nothing about the terrible threat to civilization?

The problem is that our government is PART of the problem, part of the conspiracy, and nowhere and at no time has this become more clearly evident than during the Bush Presidency.

Of course President Bush knows precisely what the Committee of 300 is doing to us. HE WORKS FOR THEM.
Others have written to say, "We thought we were fighting the government."
Of course we are, but behind government stands a force so powerful and all encompassing that intelligence agencies are even afraid to mention the name "Olympians."

Proof of the Committee of 300 is found in the vast number of powerful institutions owned and controlled by it.

Listed here are some of the more important ones, all of which come under the MOTHER OF ALL THINK TANKS AND RESEARCH INSTITUTIONS, THE TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE OF HUMAN RELATIONS with its farflung network of hundreds of "branches."
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Stanford Research Center (SRC) was founded in 1946 by the Tavistock Institute For Human Relations.

Stanford was created to help Robert O. Anderson and his ARCO oil company, who had secured for the Committee of 300 the oil rights on the North Slope of Alaska.

Basically, the job was too large for Anderson's Aspen Institute to handle, so a new center had to be founded and funded.

That new center was Stanford Research Center.
Alaska sold its rights on a downpayment of $900 million, a relatively small amount for the Committee of 300.

The governor of Alaska was steered to SRI for help and advice. This was no accident but the result of judicious planning and a process of long-range conditioning.
Following the governor's call for help, three SRI scientists set up shop in Alaska where they met with the Alaskan Secretary of State and the State Planning Office.

Francis Greehan, who headed the SRI team, assured the Governor that his problem of how to handle the rich oil find would be safe in the hands of SRI. Naturally Greehan did not mention the Committee of 300 or the Club of Rome.

In less than a month Greehan assembled a team of economists, petroleum scientists and new-science scientists numbering in the hundreds. The report SRI gave to the Governor ran to eighty-eight pages. The proposal was adopted virtually without change by the Alaska legislature in 1970.

Greehan had indeed done a remarkable job for the Committee of 300. From this beginning SRI developed into an institution employing 4000 people with an annual budget of $160 million plus.

Its President, Charles A. Anderson, has seen much of this growth during his tenure, as has Professor Willis Harmon, director of the SRI Center for the Study of Social Policies, employing hundreds of new-science scientists, many of the top staffers having been transferred from Tavistock's London base.

One of those was RCA board chairman and former British intelligence agent, David Sarnoff, who was closely involved with Harmon and his team for twenty-five years.

Sarnoff was something of a "watchdog" for the mother institute in Sussex. Stanford claims to make no moral judgments on projects it accepts, working for Israel and the Arabs, South Africa and Libya but, as one would imagine, by adopting this attitude it ensures an "inside edge" with foreign governments that the CIA has found most useful.

In Jim Ridgeway's book, "THE CLOSED CORPORATION," SRI spokesman Gibson brags about SRI's nondiscriminatory stance.

Although not on the Federal Contract Research Center lists, SRI is today the largest military think tank, dwarfing Hudson and Rand.

Among SRl's speciality departments are chemical and biological warfare experimental centers.

One of Stanford's more dangerous activities is counterinsurgency operations aimed at civilian populations—just the sort of "1984" things government is already using against its own people.

The U.S. government pays SRI millions of dollars each year for this kind of highly controversial "research." Following student protests against chemical warfare experiments conducted at Stanford, SRI "sold" itself to a private group for just $25 million.

Of course nothing really changed, SRI was still a Tavistock project and the Committee of 300 still owned it, but the gullible appeared to be satisfied by this meaningless cosmetic change.

In 1958 a startling new development arose. Advanced Research Products Agency (ARPA), a contracting agency for the Defense Department, approached SRI with a top secret proposal.

John Foster at the Pentagon told SRI that what was needed was a program to insure the United States against "technological surprise."

Foster wanted to perfect a condition where the environment became a weapon; special bombs to trigger volcanos and/or earthquakes, behavioral research on potential enemies and minerals and metals with potential for new weapons.

The project was accepted by SRI and code-named "SHAKY." The massive electronic brain in SHAKY was capable of carrying out many commands, its computers having been constructed by IBM for SRI.
Twenty-eight scientists worked on what is called "Human Augmentation."

The IBM computer even has the capability to solve problems by analogy and recognizes and identifies scientists who work with it. The "special applications" of this tool can be better imagined than described.

Brzezinski knew what he was talking about when he wrote "THE TECHNOTRONIC ERA." Stanford Research Institute works closely with scores of civilian consulting firms, trying to apply military technology to domestic situations.

This has not always been a success, but as techniques improve, the prospects for massive all-pervading surveillance, as described by Brzezinski, daily becomes more real.

One such civilian consulting firm was Schriever McKee Associates of McLean, Virginia, run by retired General Bernard A. Schriever, a former chief of the Air Force Systems Command, who developed the Titan, Thor, Atlas and Minuteman rockets.

Schriever put together a consortium of Lockheed, Emmerson Electric, Northrop, Control Data, Raytheon and TRW under the name of URBAN SYSTEMS ASSOCIATES, INC.

The purpose of the consortium? To solve social and psychological "urban problems" by means of military techniques using advanced electronic systems.

It is interesting to note that TRW became the largest credit information collecting company in the creditreporting business as a result and an outcome of its work with Urban Systems Associates, Inc.

This should tell us a great deal about just how far this nation is already under TOTAL SURVEILLANCE, which is the first requirement of the Committee of 300.

No dictatorship, especially not one on a global scale, can function without total control over each and every individual.
SRI was well on its way to becoming a key Committee of 300 research organization.

By the 1980's, 60% of SRl's contracts were devoted to "Futurism" with both military and civilian applications.

Its major clients were the U.S. Department of Defense-Directorate of Defense Research and Engineering, Office of Aerospace Research which dealt with "Applications of the Behavioral Sciences to Research Management," Executive Office of the President, Office of Science and Technology, U.S. Department of Health.

On behalf of the Department of Health, SRI ran a program called "'Patterns in ESDEA Title I Reading Achievement Tests."

Other clients were the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Department of Labor, U.S. Department of Transportation and the National Science Foundation (NSF). Of significance was the paper developed for NSF, entitled "Assessment of Future and International Problems."

Stanford Research, under the tutelage of Tavistock Institute in London, put together a far reaching and chilling system it called "Business Intelligence Program."

In excess of 600 companies in the U.S. and abroad became subscribers.

The program covered research in
• Japanese Foreign Business Relations,
• Consumer Marketing in a Period of Change,
• The Mounting Challenge of International Terrorism,
• Sensory Evaluation in Consumer Products,
• Electronic Funds Transfer System,
• OptoElectric Sensing,
• Exploratory Planning Methods,
• the U.S. Defense Industry and
• Capital Availability.

Among the TOP Committee of 300 companies who became clients of this program were
• Bechtel Corporation (George Schultz was on its board),
• Hewlett Packard,
• TRW,
• Bank of America,
• Shell Company,
• RCA,
• Blyth,
• Eastman Dillon,
•Saga Foods Corporation,
• McDonnell Douglas,
• Crown Zellerbach,
• Wells Fargo Bank and
• Kaiser Industries.

But one of the most sinister of all SRI programs with the possibilities of doing tremendous damage in altering the direction in which the United States will go, socially, morally and religiously, was Stanford's Charles F. Kettering Foundation's "CHANGING IMAGES OF MAN" under Stanford official reference "Contract Number URH (489)-2150 Policy Research Report Number 4/4/74, Prepared by the SRI Center for the Study of Social Policy, Director Willis Harmon."

This is probably one of the most far-reaching investigations into how man might be changed that has ever been conducted.
The report, covering 319 pages, was written by 14 new science scientists under the supervision of Tavistock and 23 top controllers including B. F. Skinner, Margaret Meade, Ervin Lazlo and Sir Geoffrey Vickers, a high-level British intelligence officer in MI-6.

It will be recalled that his son-in-law, Sir Peter Vickers Hall, was a founding member of the so-called conservative "Heritage Foundation."

Much of the 3000 pages of "recommendations" given to the Reagan administration in January 1981 were based upon material taken from Willis Harmon's "CHANGING IMAGES OF MAN."
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I was privileged to receive a copy of "THE CHANGING IMAGES OF MAN" from my intelligence colleagues five days after it was accepted by the United States government. What I read shocked me, as I realized I was looking at a blueprint for a future America, unlike anything I had ever seen before.

The nation was to be programmed to change and become so accustomed to such planned changes that it would hardly be noticeable when profound changes did occur.

We have gone downhill so fast since "THE AQUARIAN CONSPIRACY" (the book title of Willis Harmon's technical paper) was written, that today, divorce draws no stigma, suicide is at an all time high and raises few eyebrows, social deviations from the norm and sexual aberrations, once unmentionable in decent circles, are now commonplace and excite no special protest.

As a nation we have not noticed how "CHANGING IMAGES OF MANKIND" has radically altered our American way of life forever. Somehow we were overcome by the "Watergate Syndrome."

For a while we were shocked and dismayed to learn that Nixon was nothing but a cheap crook who hobnobbed with Earl Warren's Mafia friends at the beautiful home they built for him adjoining the Nixon estate.

When too many "future shocks" and news headlines demanded our attention, we lost our way, or rather, the huge number of choices with which we were and still are daily confronted, confused us to such a degree that we were no longer able to make the necessary choices.

Worse yet, having been subjected to a barrage of crimes in high places, plus the trauma of the Vietnam War, our nation seemed no longer to want truths.

Such reaction is carefully explained in Willis Harmon's technical paper, in short, the American nation was reacting exactly as profiled.

Worse yet, in not wishing to accept truth, we took matters a step further: We looked to government to shield us from the truth.

The corrupt stench of the Reagan-Bush Administrations we wanted covered with six feet of earth.

The crimes committed under the title of Iran/Contra affair (or scandals), we didn't want uncovered.

We let our President lie to us regarding his where abouts in the period October 20-23rd, 1980.

Yet these crimes far exceed in quantity and scope anything Nixon did while he was in office.

Do we as a nation recognize it as going downhill with our brakes off?

No, we do not. When those whose business it is to bring the truth to the American people that a private, well-organized little government inside the White House was busy committing one crime after another, crimes which attacked the very soul of this nation and the republican institutions upon which it rested, we were told not to bother the public with such things.

"We really don't want to know about all this speculation," became a standard response.

When the highest elected official of the land blatantly put U.N. law above the Constitution of the United States—an impeachible offense, the majority accepted it as "normal."

When the highest elected official of the land went to war without a Congressional declaration of war, the fact was censored out by the news media and, again, we accepted it rather than face the truth.

When the Gulf War, which our President plotted and planned, began, not only were we happy with censorship of the most blatant kind, we even took it to our hearts, believing that it was "good tor the war effort."

Our President lied, April Glaspie lied, the State Department lied. They said the war was justified because President Hussein had been warned to leave Kuwait alone.

When Glaspie's cables to the State Department were finally made public, one United States Senator after another went charging to defend Glaspie, the harlot.

It mattered not that they came from both the Democrats and the Republicans. We, the people, let them get away with their vile lies. In this public attitude of the American people, the wildest dreams of Willis Harmon and his teams of scientists became a reality.

The Tavistock Institute was elated at its success in destroying the self respect and self of this once great nation.
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May 8, 2023
This is an excerpt taken from John Coleman's book, The Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Story of The Committee of 300, p. 79-83.


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America today can be compared with a soldier who falls asleep in the thick of battle. We Americans have fallen asleep, given way to apathy caused by being confronted with a multplicity of choices which has confused us.

These are the changes that alter our environment, break down our resistance to change so that we become dazed, apathetic and eventually fall asleep in the thick of battle.

There is a technical term for this condition. It is called "long range penetration strain."

The art of subjecting a very large group of people to continued long range penetration strain was developed by scientists working out of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations and their U. S. subsidiaries, Stanford Research and Rand Corporation, and at least another 150 research institutions here in the U.S.

Dr. Kurt Lewin, the scientist who developed this fiendish warfare, has caused the average American patriot to fret over various conspiracy theories, leaving him or her with a feeling of uncertainty and insecurity, isolated and perhaps even afraid, as he searches, but fails to understand the decay and rot caused by "THE CHANGING IMAGES OF MANKIND," unable to identify or combat the social, moral, economic and political changes he deems undesirable and does not want, yet which increase in intensity on every hand.

Dr. Lewin's name will not be found in any of our establishment history books which, in any event, are a record of events mostly from the side of the ruling class or the victors of wars.

Therefore, it is with pride that I introduce his name to you. As mentioned before, Dr. Lewin organized the Harvard Psychological Clinic and the Institute for Social Research under the auspices of the Tavistock Institute.

The names do not give much indication of the purpose of the two organizations. This reminds me of the infamous bill to reform coinage and mint laws passed in 1827.

The title of the bill was harmless enough or sounded harmless, which was the intention of its backers.

Through this Act, Senator John Sherman betrayed the nation into the hands of the international bankers. Sherman allegedly sponsored the bill "without reading it."

As we know, the bill's true purpose was to demonetize silver and give the thieving bankers unlimited power over the credit of our nation; powers to which the bankers were clearly not entitled under the clear and unmistakable terms of the U.S. Constitution.

Kurt Lewin gave the Tavistock Institute, the Club of Rome and NATO unlimited power over America, to which no organization, entity or society is entitled.

These institutions have used the usurped powers to destroy the will of the nation to resist the plans and intentions of the conspirators to rob us of the fruits of the American Revolution and steer us on a course leading directly to a New Dark Ages under a One World Government.

Lewin's colleagues in this long range penetration objective were Richard Crossman, Eric Trist, H. V. Dicks, Willis Harmon, Charles Anderson, Garner Lindsay, Richard Price and W. R. Bion.

Again, these names never appear in the evening news; in fact, they only appear in scientific journals—so very few Americans are aware of them and not at all aware of what the men behind the names have done and are doing to the United States.

President Jefferson once said he pitied those who thought they knew what was taking place through reading the newspaper. Disraeli, the British prime minister, said much the same thing. Indeed, down through the ages, rulers have delighted in running things from behind the scenes.

Man has always felt the need to dominate and nowhere and at no time is the desire more prevalent than in this modern era.

If it were not so, why all the need for secret societies? If we are ruled by an open system run by democratically elected officials, why the need for a secret Masonic order in every village, town and city across the United States?

How is it that Freemasonry can operate so openly and yet keep its secrets so well hidden?

We can't ask the Nine Unknown Men of the Nine Sisters Lodge in Paris that question, nor can we ask it of their nine fellows in the Quatuar Coronati Lodge in London.

Yet these eighteen men form part of an even more secret government, the RIIA, and beyond that, the Committee of 300.

How is it that the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry could brainwash John Hinckley to shoot President Reagan?

Why do we have such secret orders as the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, the Round Table, the Milner Group and so on down line upon line of secret societies?

They form part of a world-wide chain of command and control running through the Club of Rome, NATO, the RIIA and finally right up to the Conspirators' Hierarchy, The Committee of 300.

Men need these secret societies because their deeds are evil and must be hidden. Evil cannot stand in the light of truth. In this book we shall find an almost complete list of the conspirators, their institutions, fronts and publications.

In 1980 the Aquarian Conspiracy was in full swing and its success can be seen in every facet of our private and national life.

The overwhelming rise in mindless violence, serial killers, teenage suicides, the unmistakable signs of lethargy—"long range penetration" is a part of our new environment, as dangerous, if not more so, than the polluted air that we breathe.

The coming of the Age of Aquarius caught America totally unprepared. We as a nation were not prepared for the changes about to be forced upon us.

Who ever had heard of Tavistock, Kurt Lewin, Willis Harmon and John Rawlings Reese?

They were not even on the American political scene.

What we would have noticed, if we bothered to look at all, was a falling off of our ability to withstand futuristic shock as we became more fatigued, distressed and eventually entered a period of psychological shock followed by widespread apathy as an outward manifestation of long range penetration warfare.

The Age of Aquarius was best described by Tavistock Institute as the vehicle for delivering turbulence: "There are three distinct phases in the response and reaction to stress displayed by large social groups.

1) First, there is superficiality; the population under attack will defend itself with slogans; this does not identify the source of the crisis and therefore does nothing to address it, hence the crisis will persist.

2) The second is fragmentation.

This occurs as the crisis continues and social order breaks down.

3) Then, there is the third phase where the population group goes into 'self realization' and turns away from the induced crisis and there follows a maladaptive response, accompanied with active synoptic idealism and disassociation."

Who can deny that with the huge increase in
drug usage"crack" making thousands of instant new addicts each day—the shocking rise in the murder of infants each day (aborticide), which by now far exceeds casualties suffered by our armed forces in both World Wars, Korea and Vietnam, the open acceptance of homosexuality and lesbianism whose "rights" are protected by more and more laws each year, the terrible plague we call "AIDS" washing over our towns and cities, total failure of our education system, the stunning increase in the divorce rate, a murder rate that shocks the rest of the world into disbelief, satanic serial killings, the disappearance of thousands of young children, snatched off our streets by perverts, a virtual tidal wave of pornography accompanied by "permissiveness" on our television screens—who can deny that this nation is in crisis, which we are not addressing and from which we are turning away.

Well-meaning people who specialize in these things blame a lot of the problem on education, or what passes for it in the United States.

Criminals now abound in the age groups 9-15.
Rapists are quite commonly as young as 10. Our social specialists, our teacher's unions, our churches say it is all due to a faulty education system.

Witness how test scores keep dropping.

The specialists bewail the fact that the United States now ranks around 39th in the level of education in the world.
Why do we bemoan what is so obvious?



The education that [33°] Freemason Justice Hugo Black, Alexander King, Gunnar Myrdal and his wife came to give the children of the United States is that CRIME PAYS, EXPEDIENCY IS WHAT COUNTS.

They taught our children that United States law is unequally applied, and that is perfectly in order.

Our children were properly educated by a decade of corrupt examples; Ronald Reagan and George Bush were ruled by greed and became totally corrupted by it. Our education system hasn't failed.

Under the guidance of King, Black and the Myrdals it is actually a great success, but it all depends from whose point of view we look at it.

The Committee of 300 is DELIGHTED with our education system, and will not allow one comma of it to be changed.

According to Stanford and Willis Harmon, the induced trauma of long range penetration of which our education is a part, has been going on for 45 years, yet how many are aware of the insidious pressures being applied to our society and the constant exposure to brainwashing that goes on every day?

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May 8, 2023

Notable figures associated with the above include:

• Theodore W. Adorno, philosopher, musicologist, social theorist, composer for The Beatles
• Aldous Huxley, philosopher and member of The Committee of 300, seller of LSD to American college youth during the 1960s socially and psychologically engineered "sexual revolution" and "hippie movement"
• Alan Ginsberg, Tavistock agent to push LSD
• Ed Sullivan, marketer and promoter for The Beatles to the electronic media

This is an excerpt taken from John Coleman's book, The Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Story of The Committee of 300, p.85-90.

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As in the case of gang wars, nothing could or would have been accomplished without the cooperation of the media, especially the electronic media and, in particular, the scurrilous Ed Sullivan who had been coached by the conspirators as to the role he was to play.

Nobody would have paid much attention to the motley crew from Liverpool and the 12-atonal system of "music" that was to follow had it not been for an overabundance of press exposure.

The 12-atonal system consisted of heavy, repetitive sounds, taken from the music of the cult of Dionysus and the Baal priesthood by [Theodore W.] Adorno and given a "modern" flavor by this special friend of the Queen of England and hence the Committee of 300.

Tavistock and its Stanford Research Center created trigger words which then came into general usage around "rock music" and its fans.

Trigger words created a distinct new break-away largely young population group which was persuaded by social engineering and conditioning to believe that the Beatles really were their favorite group.

All trigger words devised in the context of "rock music" were designed for mass control of the new targeted group, the youth of America.

The Beatles did a perfect job, or perhaps it would be more correct to say that Tavistock and Stanford did a perfect job, the Beatles merely reacting like trained robots "with a little help from their friends"—code words for using drugs and making it "cool."

The Beatles became a highly visible "new type"—more Tavistock jargon—and as such it was not long before the group made new styles (fads in clothing, hairstyles and language usage) which upset the older generation, as was intended.

This was part of the "fragmentation-maladaptation" process worked out by Willis Harmon and his team of social scientists and genetic engineering tinkerers and put into action.

The role of the print and electronic media in our society is crucial to the success of brainwashing large population groups. Gang wars ended in Los Angeles in 1966 as the media withdrew its coverage.

The same thing will happen with the current wave of gang wars in Los Angeles. Street gangs will wither on the vine once media saturation coverage is toned down and then completely withdrawn.

As in 1966, the issue would become "burned out." Street gangs will have served their purpose of creating turbulence and insecurity. Exactly the same pattern will be followed in the case of "rock" music.

Deprived of media attention, it will eventually take its place in history. Following the Beatles, who incidentally were put together by the Tavistock Institute, came other "Made in England" rock groups, who, like the Beatles, had Theo Adorno write their cult lyrics and compose all the "music."

I [John Coleman] hate to use these beautiful words in the context of "Beatlemania"; it reminds me of how wrongly the word "lover" is used when referring to the filthy interaction between two homosexuals writhing in pigswill.

To call "rock" music, is an insult, likewise the language used in "rock lyrics."

Tavistock and Stanford Research then embarked on the second phase of the work commissioned by the Committee of 300.

This new phase turned up the heat for social change in America.
As quickly as the Beatles had appeared on the American scene, so too did the "beat generation," trigger words designed to separate and fragment society. The media now focused its attention on the "beat generation."

Other Tavistock-coined words came seemingly out of nowhere: "beatniks," "hippies," "flower children" became part of the vocabulary of America.

It became popular to "drop out" and wear dirty jeans, go about with long unwashed hair. The "beat generation" cut itself off from mainstream America.

They became just as infamous as the cleaner Beatles before them.

The newly-created group and its "lifestyle" swept millions of young Americans into the cult.

American youth underwent a radical revolution without ever being aware of it, while the older generation stood by helplessly, unable to identify the source of the crisis, and thus reacting in a maladaptive manner against its manifestation, which were drugs of all types, marijuana, and later Lysergic acid, "LSD," so conveniently provided for them by the Swiss pharmaceutical company, SANDOZ, following the discovery by one of its chemists, Albert Hoffman, how to make synthetic ergotamine, a powerful mind-altering drug.

The Committee of 300 financed the project through one of their banks, S. C. Warburg, and the drug was carried to America by the philosopher, Aldous Huxley.

The new "wonder drug" was promptly distributed in "sample" size packages, handed out free of charge on college campuses across the United States and at "rock" concerts, which became the leading vehicle for proliferating the use of drugs.

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The question that cries out for an answer is, what was the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) doing at the time?

There is compelling circumstantial evidence that would appear to indicate that the DEA knew what was going on but was ordered not to take any action.

With very substantial numbers of new British "rock" bands arriving in the U.S., rock concerts began to become a fixture on the social calender of American youth. In tandem with these "concerts," the use of drugs among the youth rose in proportion.

The devilish bedlam of discordant heavy beat sounds numbed the minds of listeners so that they were easily persuaded to try the new drug on the basis that "everybody is doing it."

Peer pressure is a very strong weapon. The "new culture" received maximum coverage from the jackal media, which cost the conspirators not one single thin dime.

Great anger was felt by a number of civic leaders and churchmen over the new cult but their energies were misdirected against the RESULT of what was going on and not against the CAUSE.

Critics of the rock cult made the same mistakes that had been made in the prohibition era, they criticized law enforcement agencies, teachers, parents -- anybody but the conspirators.

Because of the anger and resentment I feel toward the great drug plague, I make no apology for using language which is not customary for me to use.

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One of the worst drug slobs ever to walk the streets of America was Alan Ginsberg. This Ginsberg pushed the use of LSD through advertising which cost him nothing, although under normal circumstances it would have cost millions of dollars in TV advertising revenues.

This free advertising for drugs, and LSD in particular, reached a new high in the late 1960's, thanks to the ever-willing cooperation of the media.

The effect of Ginsberg's mass advertising campaign was devastating; the American public was subjected to one cultural future shock after another in rapid succession.

We became over-exposed and over stimulated and, again, may I remind you that this is Tavistock jargon, lifted from the Tavistock training manual, overwhelmed by its new development and, when we reached that point, our minds began to lapse into apathy;
it was just too much to cope with, that is to say, "long range penetration had taken hold of us."

Ginsberg claimed to be a poet but no greater rubbish was ever written by anyone who ever aspired to becoming a poet.

Ginsberg's designated task had little to do with poetry; his main function was to push the new subculture and force acceptance of it upon the large targeted population group.

To assist him in his task, Ginsberg coopted the services of Norman Mailer, a writer of sorts who had spent some time in a mental institution.

Mailer was a favorite of the leftwing Hollywood crowd and so had no problem with getting maximum television time for Ginsberg.
Naturally Mailer had to have a pretext—not even he could blatantly come out with the true nature of Ginsberg's television appearances.

So a charade was adopted: Mailer would talk "seriously" on camera with Ginsberg about poetry and literature.

This method of getting wide television coverage at no cost to themselves was followed by every rock group and concert promoter who followed the example set by Ginsberg.

The electronic media moguls had big hearts when it came to giving free time to these dirty verminous creatures and their even dirtier products and filthy ideas.

Their promotion of horrible garbage spoke volumes and, without abundant help from the print and electronic media, the drug trade could not have spread as rapidly as it did in the late 1960's-early 1970's, and probably would have been confined to a few small local areas.

Ginsberg was able to give several nationally televised performances extolling the virtues of LSD and marijuana, under the guise of "new ideas" and "new cultures" developing in the art and music world.

Not to be outdone by the electronic media, Ginsberg's admirers wrote glowing articles about "this colorful man" in the art and social columns of all of America's largest newspapers and magazines.

There had never been such an across-the-media-board free advertising campaign in the history of newspaper, radio and television and it cost the promoters of the Aquarian conspiracy, NATO and the Club of Rome not one red cent.

It was all absolutely free advertising for LSD, only thinly disguised as "art" and "culture."
One of Ginsberg's closest friends, Kenny Love, published a Five-page report in the New York Times.

This is in accordance with the methodology used by Tavistock and Stanford Research: If something is to be promoted which the public has not yet been fully brainwashed to accept, then have someone write an article, covering all sides of the subject matter.

The other method is to have live television talk shows in which a panel of experts promotes the product and or idea under the pretext of "discussing", it.

There are point and counter-point, both pro and con participants airing their support or opposition.

When it is all over, the subject to be promoted has been dinned into the public mind. While this was new in the early 1970's, today it is standard practice on which talk shows thrive. Love's Five-page pro LSD pro Ginsberg article was duly printed by the New York Times.

Had Ginsberg tried to buy the same amount of space in an advertisement, it would have cost him at least $50,000.

But Ginsberg didn't have to worry; thanks to his Friend Kenny Love, Ginsberg got the massive advertising all for free.

With newspapers like the New York Times and the Washington Post under the control of the Committee of 300, this kind of free advertising is given to any subject matter, and more especially to those promoting decadent life styles—drugshedonism—anything that will confuse the American people.

After the trial run with Ginsberg and LSD, it became standard Club of Rome practice to call upon major newspapers in America to give free advertising on demand to people and ideas they were promoting.

Worse yet—or better yet, depending upon the viewpoint, United Press (UP) picked up Kenny Love's free advertising for Ginsberg and LSD and telexed it to HUNDREDS of newspapers and magazines around the country under the guise of a "news" story.

Even such highly respectable establishment magazines as "Harpers Bazaar" and "TIME" made Mr. Ginsberg respectable.
If a nationwide campaign of this magnitude were presented to Ginsberg and the promoters of LSD by an advertising agency, the price tag would have run into at least $1 million in terms of 1970 dollars.

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Today the price tag would be nothing less than $15-$16 million dollars. It is no wonder that I refer to the news media as "jackals." I suggest that we try to find any media outlet to do an expose on the Federal Reserve Board, which is what I did.

I took my article, which was a good expose of the greatest swindle on earth, to every major newspaper, radio and television station, magazine house and several talk-show hosts.

A few made promises that sounded good—they would definitely air the article and have me discuss it—give them about a week and they would get back to me.

Not one of them ever did, nor did my article ever appear in the pages of their newspapers and journals.

It was as if a blanket of silence had been thrown over me and the subject I was endeavoring to promote, and indeed that was precisely what had happened.

Without massive media hype, and without almost around the clock coverage, the hippy-beatnik rock, drug cult would never have gotten off the ground; it would have remained a localized oddity.

The Beatles, with their twanging guitars, silly expressions, drug language and weird clothes, would not have amounted to a hill of beans. Instead, because the Beatles were given saturation coverage by the media, the United States has suffered one cultural shock after another.

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The men buried in the think tanks and research institutions, whose names and faces are still not known to but a few people, made sure that the press played its part.

Conversely, the media's important role in not exposing the power behind the future cultural shocks made certain that the source of the crisis was never identified.

Thus was our society driven mad through psychological shocks and stress. "Driven mad" is taken from Tavistock's training manual.

From its modest beginnings in 1921, Tavistock was ready in 1966 to launch a major irreversible cultural revolution in America, which has not yet ended.
The Aquarian Conspiracy is part of it.

Thus softened up, our nation was now deemed ripe for the introduction of drugs which was to rival the prohibition era in scope and the huge amounts of money to be made.

This too was an integral part of the Aquarian Conspiracy. The proliferation of drug usage was one of the subjects under study at the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at Tavistock's Sussex University facility.

It was known as the "future shocks" center, a title given to so-called future oriented psychology designed to manipulate whole population groups to induce "future shocks."

It was the first of several such institutions set up by Tavistock. "Future shocks" is described as a series of events which come so fast that the human brain cannot absorb the information.

As I said earlier, science has shown that there are clearly marked limits to the amount of changes and the nature of them that the mind can deal with.

After continuous shocks, the large targeted population group discovers that it does not want to make choices any more.

Apathy takes over, often preceded by mindless violence such as is characteristic of the Los Angeles street gangs, serial killers, rapists and child kidnapers.

Such a group becomes easy to control and will docilely follow orders without rebelling, which is the object of the exercise.

"Future shocks," says SPRU, "is defined as physical and psychological distress arising from the excess load on the decisionmaking mechanism of the human mind."
That is Tavistock jargon lifted straight from Tavistock manuals—which they don't know I [John Coleman] have.

Just as an overloaded electrical circuit will activate a trip switch, so do humans "trip out," which is a syndrome that medical science is only now beginning to understand, although John Rawlings Reese conducted experiments in this field as far back as the 1920's.

As can be appreciated, such a targeted group is ready to "trip out" and take to drugs as a means of escape from the pressures of so many choices having to be made.

This is how Drug usage was spread so rapidly through America's "beat generation."

What started with the Beatles and sample packages of LSD has grown into a flood-tide of drug usage which is swamping America. The drug trade is controlled by the Committee of 300 from the Top down.

The drug trade started with the British East India Company [BEIC] and was closely followed by the Dutch East India Company.

Both were controlled by a "Council of 300."
The list of names of members and stockholders of the BEIC read like something out of Debretts Peerage.

BEIC established the "China Inland Mission," whose job it was to get The Chinese peasants, or coolies, as they were called, addicted to opium.

This created the market for opium which the BEIC then filled.

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In much the same way the Committee of 300 used "The "Beatles" to popularize "social drugs" with the youth of America and The Hollywood "in-crowd."
Ed Sullivan was sent to England To become acquainted with The first Tavistock Institute "rock group" to hit the shores of the United States.

Sullivan then returned to the United States to draft the strategy for the electronic media on how to package and sell the group.
Without the full cooperation of the electronic media and Ed Sullivan, in particular, "The Beatles" and their "music" would have died on the vine.

Instead, our national life and the character of the United States was forever changed. Now that we know, it is all too clear how successful the "Beatles" campaign to proliferate the use of drugs became.

The fact that "The Beatles" had their music and lyrics written for them by Theo Adorno was concealed from public view.

The prime function to "The Beatles" was to be discovered by teenagers, who where then subjected to a non-stop barrage of "Beatle music," until they became convinced that they liked the sound and adopted it, along with all that accompanied it.

The Liverpool group performed up to expectations, and with "a little help from their friends," i.e., illegal substances we call drugs created a whole new class to young Americans in the precise mold ordained by the Tavistock Institute. Tavistock had created a highly visible "new type" to act as their drug-runners.

The China Inland Mission "Christian missionaries" would not have fitted in with the 1960's.

"New type" is social-science scientist jargon; what it meant was that the Beatles created new social patterns, first and foremost being to normalize and popularize the use of drugs, new tastes in clothes and hair styles which really distinguished them from the older generation as was intended by Tavistock.

It is important to note the deliberate fragmentationinducing language used by Tavistock.

The "teenagers" never once dreamed that all the "different" things they aspired to were the product of older scientists working in think tanks in England and Stanford Research.

How mortified they would have been if they had discovered that most of their "cool" habits and expressions were deliberately created for their use by a group of older social science scientists!

The role of the media was, and remains, very important in promoting the use of drugs on a nation-wide scale.
When coverage of the street warfare gangs was abruptly terminated by the media, they became "burned out" as a social phenomena; the "new age" of drugs followed.

The media has always served as a catalyst and has always pushed "new causes" and now media attention was focused on drug usage and its supporters, the "beat generation," yet another phrase fashioned at Tavistock, in its determined efforts to bring about social changes in The United States.

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Drug usage now became an accepted part of everyday life in America.
This Tavistock-designed program took in millions of American youth, and the older generation began to believe that America was undergoing a natural social revolution, failing all the while to realize that what was happening to their children was not a spontaneous movement, but a highly artificial creation designed to force changes in America's social and political life.

The descendants of the British East India Company were delighted with the success of their drug pushing program.
Their disciples became adept in the use of lysergic acid (LSD) so conveniently made available [by distribution] by patrons of the drug trade like Aldous Huxley, courtesy of the highly respected Sandoz company of Switzerland and financed by the great Warburg banking dynasty.

The new "wonder drug" was promptly distributed at all rock concerts and on college campuses in free sample packages.

The question that begs to be asked is, "What was the FBI doing while all this was going on?"

The purpose of the Beatles had become abundantly clear. The British East India Company's descendants in the upperclass society in London must have felt very good about the billions of dollars that began rolling in.

With the coming of "rock" which shall henceforth be used as shorthand to describe Adorno's fiendish satanic music, a tremendous increase in the use of social drugs, especially marijuana, was observed.

The entire dope business was expanded under the control and direction of the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU). SPRU was run by Leland Bradford, Kenneth Damm and Ronald Lippert, under whose expert guidance a large number of new-science scientists were trained to promote "future shocks," one of the chief being the dramatic increase in the use of drugs by America's teenagers.

SPRU's policy papers, planted in various government agencies, including the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), dictated the course of the disastrous "drug war" allegedly waged by the Reagan and Bush Administrations.

This was the forerunner of how the United States is run today, by one committee and/or council after another, by an innergovernment fed on Tavistock papers which they firmly believe are their own opinions.

These virtual unknowns are making decisions that will forever change our form of government and the quality of ife here in the United States.

Through "crisis adaptation" we have already been changed so much as to barely compare with what we were in the 1950's.

Also, our environment has been changed. There is much talk about environment these days and, while it mostly refers to green surroundings, pure rivers and fresh air, there is another, equally important environment, namely, the drug environment.

The environment of our life style has become polluted; our thinking has become polluted. Our ability to control our destiny has become polluted. We are confronted by changes that pollute our thinking to the extent that we do not know what to make of it all.

The "Environment of Change" is crippling the nation; we appear to have so little control that it has produced anxiety and confusion.

We now look to group solutions instead of individual solutions to our problems. We do not make use of our own resources to solve problems. In this the prolific rise in drug usage is playing a leading role.

The strategy is a deliberate one, devised by the new-science scientists, the social engineers and tinkerers, aimed at the most vulnerable of all areas, our self-image, or how we perceive ourselves, which leads us eventually to become like sheep being led to the slaughter.

We have become confused by the many choices we have to make, and we have become apathetic. We are manipulated by unscrupulous men without ever being aware of it.

This is particularly true of the drug trade and we are now in the transition stage where we can be set up for a change from the present constitutional form of government, which has taken a giant step forward under the Bush administration.

While there are those who still persist, in the face of all of the evidence to the contrary in saying, "It can't happen in America," the fact is: IT HAS ALREADY HAPPENED.

Our will to resist events not to our liking has been steadily eroded and undermined.

We will resist, some of us say, but not so many of us will do that, and we will be in the minority.

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Nov 5, 2022

Notable figures associated with the above include:

• Theodore W. Adorno, philosopher, musicologist, social theorist, composer for The Beatles
• Aldous Huxley, philosopher and member of The Committee of 300, seller of LSD to American college youth during the 1960s socially and psychologically engineered "sexual revolution" and "hippie movement"
• Alan Ginsberg, Tavistock agent to push LSD
• Ed Sullivan, marketer and promoter for The Beatles to the electronic media

This is an excerpt taken from John Coleman's book, The Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Story of The Committee of 300, p.85-90.

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As in the case of gang wars, nothing could or would have been accomplished without the cooperation of the media, especially the electronic media and, in particular, the scurrilous Ed Sullivan who had been coached by the conspirators as to the role he was to play.

Nobody would have paid much attention to the motley crew from Liverpool and the 12-atonal system of "music" that was to follow had it not been for an overabundance of press exposure.

The 12-atonal system consisted of heavy, repetitive sounds, taken from the music of the cult of Dionysus and the Baal priesthood by [Theodore W.] Adorno and given a "modern" flavor by this special friend of the Queen of England and hence the Committee of 300.

Tavistock and its Stanford Research Center created trigger words which then came into general usage around "rock music" and its fans.

Trigger words created a distinct new break-away largely young population group which was persuaded by social engineering and conditioning to believe that the Beatles really were their favorite group.

All trigger words devised in the context of "rock music" were designed for mass control of the new targeted group, the youth of America.

The Beatles did a perfect job, or perhaps it would be more correct to say that Tavistock and Stanford did a perfect job, the Beatles merely reacting like trained robots "with a little help from their friends"—code words for using drugs and making it "cool."

The Beatles became a highly visible "new type"—more Tavistock jargon—and as such it was not long before the group made new styles (fads in clothing, hairstyles and language usage) which upset the older generation, as was intended.

This was part of the "fragmentation-maladaptation" process worked out by Willis Harmon and his team of social scientists and genetic engineering tinkerers and put into action.

The role of the print and electronic media in our society is crucial to the success of brainwashing large population groups. Gang wars ended in Los Angeles in 1966 as the media withdrew its coverage.

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The question that cries out for an answer is, what was the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) doing at the time?

There is compelling circumstantial evidence that would appear to indicate that the DEA knew what was going on but was ordered not to take any action.

With very substantial numbers of new British "rock" bands arriving in the U.S., rock concerts began to become a fixture on the social calender of American youth. In tandem with these "concerts," the use of drugs among the youth rose in proportion.

The devilish bedlam of discordant heavy beat sounds numbed the minds of listeners so that they were easily persuaded to try the new drug on the basis that "everybody is doing it."

Peer pressure is a very strong weapon. The "new culture" received maximum coverage from the jackal media, which cost the conspirators not one single thin dime.

Great anger was felt by a number of civic leaders and churchmen over the new cult but their energies were misdirected against the RESULT of what was going on and not against the CAUSE.

Critics of the rock cult made the same mistakes that had been made in the prohibition era, they criticized law enforcement agencies, teachers, parents -- anybody but the conspirators.

Because of the anger and resentment I feel toward the great drug plague, I make no apology for using language which is not customary for me to use.

───※ ·❆· ※───

marijuana, under the guise of "new ideas" and "new cultures" developing in the art and music world.

Not to be outdone by the electronic media, Ginsberg's admirers wrote glowing articles about "this colorful man" in the art and social columns of all of America's largest newspapers and magazines.

There had never been such an across-the-media-board free advertising campaign in the history of newspaper, radio and television and it cost the promoters of the Aquarian conspiracy, NATO and the Club of Rome not one red cent.

It was all absolutely free advertising for LSD, only thinly disguised as "art" and "culture."
One of Ginsberg's closest friends, Kenny Love, published a Five-page report in the New York Times.

This is in accordance with the methodology used by Tavistock and Stanford Research: If something is to be promoted which the public has not yet been fully brainwashed to accept, then have someone write an article, covering all sides of the subject matter.

The other method is to have live television talk shows in which a panel of experts promotes the product and or idea under the pretext of "discussing", it.

There are point and counter-point, both pro and con participants airing their support or opposition.

When it is all over, the subject to be promoted has been dinned into the public mind. While this was new in the early 1970's, today it is standard practice on which talk shows thrive. Love's Five-page pro LSD pro Ginsberg article was duly printed by the New York Times.

Had Ginsberg tried to buy the same amount of space in an advertisement, it would have cost him at least $50,000.

But Ginsberg didn't have to worry; thanks to his Friend Kenny Love, Ginsberg got the massive advertising all for free.

With newspapers like the New York Times and the Washington Post under the control of the Committee of 300, this kind of free advertising is given to any subject matter, and more especially to those promoting decadent life styles—drugshedonism—anything that will confuse the American people.

After the trial run with Ginsberg and LSD, it became standard Club of Rome practice to call upon major newspapers in America to give free advertising on demand to people and ideas they were promoting.

Worse yet—or better yet, depending upon the viewpoint, United Press (UP) picked up Kenny Love's free advertising for Ginsberg and LSD and telexed it to HUNDREDS of newspapers and magazines around the country under the guise of a "news" story.

Even such highly respectable establishment magazines as "Harpers Bazaar" and "TIME" made Mr. Ginsberg respectable.
If a nationwide campaign of this magnitude were presented to Ginsberg and the promoters of LSD by an advertising agency, the price tag would have run into at least $1 million in terms of 1970 dollars.

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Today the price tag would be nothing less than $15-$16 million dollars. It is no wonder that I refer to the news media as "jackals." I suggest that we try to find any media outlet to do an expose on the Federal Reserve Board, which is what I did.

I took my article, which was a good expose of the greatest swindle on earth, to every major newspaper, radio and television station, magazine house and several talk-show hosts.

A few made promises that sounded good—they would definitely air the article and have me discuss it—give them about a week and they would get back to me.

Not one of them ever did, nor did my article ever appear in the pages of their newspapers and journals.

It was as if a blanket of silence had been thrown over me and the subject I was endeavoring to promote, and indeed that was precisely what had happened.

Without massive media hype, and without almost around the clock coverage, the hippy-beatnik rock, drug cult would never have gotten off the ground; it would have remained a localized oddity.

The Beatles, with their twanging guitars, silly expressions, drug language and weird clothes, would not have amounted to a hill of beans. Instead, because the Beatles were given saturation coverage by the media, the United States has suffered one cultural shock after another.

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The men buried in the think tanks and research institutions, whose names and faces are still not known to but a few people, made sure that the press played its part.

Conversely, the media's important role in not exposing the power behind the future cultural shocks made certain that the source of the crisis was never identified.

Thus was our society driven mad through psychological shocks and stress. "Driven mad" is taken from Tavistock's training manual.

From its modest beginnings in 1921, Tavistock was ready in 1966 to launch a major irreversible cultural revolution in America, which has not yet ended.
The Aquarian Conspiracy is part of it.

Thus softened up, our nation was now deemed ripe for the introduction of drugs which was to rival the prohibition era in scope and the huge amounts of money to be made.

This too was an integral part of the Aquarian Conspiracy. The proliferation of drug usage was one of the subjects under study at the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU) at Tavistock's Sussex University facility.

It was known as the "future shocks" center, a title given to so-called future oriented psychology designed to manipulate whole population groups to induce "future shocks."

It was the first of several such institutions set up by Tavistock. "Future shocks" is described as a series of events which come so fast that the human brain cannot absorb the information.

As I said earlier, science has shown that there are clearly marked limits to the amount of changes and the nature of them that the mind can deal with.

After continuous shocks, the large targeted population group discovers that it does not want to make choices any more.

Apathy takes over, often preceded by mindless violence such as is characteristic of the Los Angeles street gangs, serial killers, rapists and child kidnapers.

Such a group becomes easy to control and will docilely follow orders without rebelling, which is the object of the exercise.

"Future shocks," says SPRU, "is defined as physical and psychological distress arising from the excess load on the decisionmaking mechanism of the human mind."
That is Tavistock jargon lifted straight from Tavistock manuals—which they don't know I [John Coleman] have.

Just as an overloaded electrical circuit will activate a trip switch, so do humans "trip out," which is a syndrome that medical science is only now beginning to understand, although John Rawlings Reese conducted experiments in this field as far back as the 1920's.

As can be appreciated, such a targeted group is ready to "trip out" and take to drugs as a means of escape from the pressures of so many choices having to be made.

This is how Drug usage was spread so rapidly through America's "beat generation."

What started with the Beatles and sample packages of LSD has grown into a flood-tide of drug usage which is swamping America. The drug trade is controlled by the Committee of 300 from the Top down.

The drug trade started with the British East India Company [BEIC] and was closely followed by the Dutch East India Company.

Both were controlled by a "Council of 300."
The list of names of members and stockholders of the BEIC read like something out of Debretts Peerage.

BEIC established the "China Inland Mission," whose job it was to get The Chinese peasants, or coolies, as they were called, addicted to opium.

This created the market for opium which the BEIC then filled.

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In much the same way the Committee of 300 used "The "Beatles" to popularize "social drugs" with the youth of America and The Hollywood "in-crowd."
Ed Sullivan was sent to England To become acquainted with The first Tavistock Institute "rock group" to hit the shores of the United States.

Sullivan then returned to the United States to draft the strategy for the electronic media on how to package and sell the group.
Without the full cooperation of the electronic media and Ed Sullivan, in particular, "The Beatles" and their "music" would have died on the vine.

Instead, our national life and the character of the United States was forever changed. Now that we know, it is all too clear how successful the "Beatles" campaign to proliferate the use of drugs became.

The fact that "The Beatles" had their music and lyrics written for them by Theo Adorno was concealed from public view.

The prime function to "The Beatles" was to be discovered by teenagers, who where then subjected to a non-stop barrage of "Beatle music," until they became convinced that they liked the sound and adopted it, along with all that accompanied it.

The Liverpool group performed up to expectations, and with "a little help from their friends," i.e., illegal substances we call drugs created a whole new class to young Americans in the precise mold ordained by the Tavistock Institute. Tavistock had created a highly visible "new type" to act as their drug-runners.

The China Inland Mission "Christian missionaries" would not have fitted in with the 1960's.

"New type" is social-science scientist jargon; what it meant was that the Beatles created new social patterns, first and foremost being to normalize and popularize the use of drugs, new tastes in clothes and hair styles which really distinguished them from the older generation as was intended by Tavistock.

It is important to note the deliberate fragmentationinducing language used by Tavistock.

The "teenagers" never once dreamed that all the "different" things they aspired to were the product of older scientists working in think tanks in England and Stanford Research.

How mortified they would have been if they had discovered that most of their "cool" habits and expressions were deliberately created for their use by a group of older social science scientists!

The role of the media was, and remains, very important in promoting the use of drugs on a nation-wide scale.
When coverage of the street warfare gangs was abruptly terminated by the media, they became "burned out" as a social phenomena; the "new age" of drugs followed.

The media has always served as a catalyst and has always pushed "new causes" and now media attention was focused on drug usage and its supporters, the "beat generation," yet another phrase fashioned at Tavistock, in its determined efforts to bring about social changes in The United States.

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Drug usage now became an accepted part of everyday life in America.
This Tavistock-designed program took in millions of American youth, and the older generation began to believe that America was undergoing a natural social revolution, failing all the while to realize that what was happening to their children was not a spontaneous movement, but a highly artificial creation designed to force changes in America's social and political life.

The descendants of the British East India Company were delighted with the success of their drug pushing program.
Their disciples became adept in the use of lysergic acid (LSD) so conveniently made available [by distribution] by patrons of the drug trade like Aldous Huxley, courtesy of the highly respected Sandoz company of Switzerland and financed by the great Warburg banking dynasty.

The new "wonder drug" was promptly distributed at all rock concerts and on college campuses in free sample packages.

The question that begs to be asked is, "What was the FBI doing while all this was going on?"

The purpose of the Beatles had become abundantly clear. The British East India Company's descendants in the upperclass society in London must have felt very good about the billions of dollars that began rolling in.

With the coming of "rock" which shall henceforth be used as shorthand to describe Adorno's fiendish satanic music, a tremendous increase in the use of social drugs, especially marijuana, was observed.

The entire dope business was expanded under the control and direction of the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU). SPRU was run by Leland Bradford, Kenneth Damm and Ronald Lippert, under whose expert guidance a large number of new-science scientists were trained to promote "future shocks," one of the chief being the dramatic increase in the use of drugs by America's teenagers.

SPRU's policy papers, planted in various government agencies, including the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), dictated the course of the disastrous "drug war" allegedly waged by the Reagan and Bush Administrations.

This was the forerunner of how the United States is run today, by one committee and/or council after another, by an innergovernment fed on Tavistock papers which they firmly believe are their own opinions.

These virtual unknowns are making decisions that will forever change our form of government and the quality of ife here in the United States.

Through "crisis adaptation" we have already been changed so much as to barely compare with what we were in the 1950's.

Also, our environment has been changed. There is much talk about environment these days and, while it mostly refers to green surroundings, pure rivers and fresh air, there is another, equally important environment, namely, the drug environment.

The environment of our life style has become polluted; our thinking has become polluted. Our ability to control our destiny has become polluted. We are confronted by changes that pollute our thinking to the extent that we do not know what to make of it all.

The "Environment of Change" is crippling the nation; we appear to have so little control that it has produced anxiety and confusion.

We now look to group solutions instead of individual solutions to our problems. We do not make use of our own resources to solve problems. In this the prolific rise in drug usage is playing a leading role.

The strategy is a deliberate one, devised by the new-science scientists, the social engineers and tinkerers, aimed at the most vulnerable of all areas, our self-image, or how we perceive ourselves, which leads us eventually to become like sheep being led to the slaughter.

We have become confused by the many choices we have to make, and we have become apathetic. We are manipulated by unscrupulous men without ever being aware of it.

This is particularly true of the drug trade and we are now in the transition stage where we can be set up for a change from the present constitutional form of government, which has taken a giant step forward under the Bush administration.

While there are those who still persist, in the face of all of the evidence to the contrary in saying, "It can't happen in America," the fact is: IT HAS ALREADY HAPPENED.

Our will to resist events not to our liking has been steadily eroded and undermined.

We will resist, some of us say, but not so many of us will do that, and we will be in the minority.

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Greatly appreciate your taking time to post all of this. So many are completely unaware, oblivious to the truth. They may realise something is seriously amiss, yet are so lost & wouldn't know where to begin to seek truth. Social media has destroyed so much, turned many into self entitled narcissists, along with normalising behaviours that were once frowned upon. People are into what may serve them personally, have lost sight of community & togetherness. Helping others instead of just helping oneself. Looking out for the welfare of each other. It has turned into a me, me, me society. Greedy, a lack of accountability, not my problem type mentality. People totally glued to their phones, unable to look up and see the world around them. Walking zombies. Apologies for the mini rant, again, glad you've posted much to share. Hopefully this will reach those who have yet to grasp the downfall of humanity.


May 8, 2023

Below is a description of the goals of The Committee of 300, taken from John Coleman's book, The Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Story of The Committee of 300, p. 151-162.

Please view this as additional information to add to the list of the 21 goals of The Committee of 300, from post #5 of this thread.

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It is appropriate to provide an overview of what the Committee of 300 hopes to achieve, what its aims and objectives are before we proceed to its vast, far flung interlocking interfacing of banks, insurance companies, corporations, etc

The following information has taken years of investigative research to put together from hundreds of documents and sources of mine who gave me access to some of the papers in which the details are hidden.

The Committee of 300 consists of certain individuals specialists in their own fields, including cultus diabolicus, mind altering drugs, and specialists in murder by poison, intelligence; banking, and every facet of commercial activity.

It will be necessary to mention former members since deceased, because of their former roles and because their places were given to family members of new members considered worthy of the honor.

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Included in the Committee of 300 membership are:

• the old families of the European Black Nobility,
• the American Eastern Liberal Establishment (in Freemason hierarchy and the Order of Skull and Bones),
• the Illuminati, or as it is known by the Committee "MORIAH CONQUERING WIND,"
• the Mumma Group,
• The National and World Council of Churches,
• the Circle of Initiates,
• the Nine Unknown Men,
• Lucis Trust,
• Jesuit Liberation Theologists,
• The Order of the Elders of Zion,
• the Nasi Princes,
• International Monetary Fund (IMF),
• the Bank of International Settlements (BIS),
• the United Nations (U.N.),
• the Central,
• British Quator Coronati,
• Italian P2 Masonry-especially those in the Vatican hierarchy
• the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
• Tavistock Institute selected personnel,
• various members of leading foundations and insurance companies,
• the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank,
• the Milner Group-Round Table,
• Cini Foundation,
• German Marshall Fund,
• Ditchley Foundation,
• Club of Rome,
• Environmentalists,
• The Order of St. John of Jerusalem,
• One World Government Church,
• Socialist International,
• Black Order,
• Thule Society,
• Anenherbe-Rosicrucianists,
• The Great Superior Ones,
and literally HUNDREDS of other organizations.

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What then are we looking at? A loosely-knit gathering of people with weird ideas? Certainly not.

In the Committee of 300, which has a 150-year history, we have some of the most brilliant intellects assembled to form a completely totalitarian, absolutely controlled "new" society only it isn't new, having drawn most of its ideas from the Clubs of Cultus Diabolicus.

It strives toward a One World Government rather well described by one of its late members, H. G. Wells, in his work commissioned by the Committee which Wells boldly called:

It was a bold statement of intent, but not really so bold since nobody believed Wells except the Great Superior Ones, the Anenherbes and those who were what we would call "insiders" today.

Here is an extract of what Wells proposed:
"The Open Conspiracy will appear first, I believe as a conscious organization of intelligent, and in some cases wealthy men, as a movement having distinct social and political aims, confessedly ignoring most of the existing apparatus of political control, or using it only as an incidental implement in the stages, a mere movement of a number of people in a certain direction, who will presently discover, with a sort of a surprise, the common object toward which they are all moving. In all sorts of ways, they will be influencing and controlling the ostensible government."

Like George Orwell's 1984, Wells'account is a mass-appeal for a One World Government.

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Summarized, the intent and purpose of the Committee of 300 is to bring to pass the following conditions:

A One World Government and one-unit monetary system under permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchists who self select from among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in the Middle Ages.

In this One World entity, population will be limited by restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases, wars, famines, until 1 billion people who are useful to the ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly defined, remain as the total world population.

There will be no middle class, only rulers and servants.

All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One World Government police force and a One World unified military to enforce laws in all former countries where no national boundaries shall exist.

The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will simply be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target for anyone who wishes to kill them.

Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be prohibited.

Only one religion will be allowed and that will be in the form of a One World Government Church, which has been in existence since 1920 as we shall see.
Satanism, Luciferianism and Witchcraft shall he recognized as legitimate One World Government curricula with no private or church schools.

All Christian churches have already been subverted and Christianity will be a thing of the past in the One World Government.

To induce a state where there is no individual freedom or any concept of liberty surviving, there shall be no such thing as republicanism, sovereignty or rights residing with the people.

National pride and racial identity shall be stamped out and in the transition phase it shall be subject to the severest penalties to even mention one's racial origin.

Each person shall be fully indoctrinated that he or she is a creature of the One World Government with an identification number clearly marked on their person so as to be readily accessible, which identifying number shall be in the master file of the NATO computer in Brussels, Belgium, subject to instant retrieval by any agency of the One World Government at any time.

The master Files of the CIA, FBI, state and local police agencies, IRS, FEMA, Social Security shall be vastly expanded and form the basis of personal records of all individuals in the United States.

Marriage shall be outlawed and there shall be no family life as we know it. Children will be removed from their parents at an early-age and brought up by wards as state property.

Such an experiment was carried out in East Germany under Erich Honnecker when children were taken away from parents considered by the state to be disloyal citizens.

Women will he degraded through the continued process of "women's liberation" movements. Free sex shall be mandatory.

Failure to comply at least once by the age of 20 shall be punishable by severe reprisals against her person.

Self-abortion shall be taught and practiced after two children are born to a woman; such records shall be contained in the personal file of each woman in the One World Government's regional computers.

If a woman falls pregnant after she has previously given birth to two children, she shall be forcibly removed to an abortion clinic for such an abortion and sterilization to be carried out.

Pornography shall be promoted and be compulsory showing in every theater of cinema, including homosexual and lesbian pornography.

The use of "recreational" drugs shall be compulsory, with each person allotted drug quotas which can be purchased at One World Government stores throughout the world.

Mind control drugs will be expanded and usage become compulsory. Such mind control drugs shall be given in food and/or water supplies without the knowledge and/or consent of the people.
Drug bars shall be set up, run by One World Government employees, where the slave-class shall be able to spend their free time.

In this manner the non-elite masses will be reduced to the level and behavior of controlled animals with no will of their own and easily regimented and controlled.

The economic system shall be based upon the ruling oligarethical class allowing just enough foods and services to be produced to keep the mass slave labor camps going.

All wealth shall be aggregated in the hands of the elite members of the Committee of 300. Each individual shall be indoctrinated to understand that he or she is totally dependent upon the state for survival.

The world shall be ruled by Committee of 300 Executive Decrees which become instant law. Boris Yeltsin is using Committee of 300 decrees to impose the Committee's will on Russia as a trial run.

Courts of punishment and not courts of justice shall exist.

Industry is to be totally destroyed along with nuclear powered energy systems.

Only the Committee of 300 members and their elitists shall have the right to any of the earth's resources. Agriculture shall be solely in the hands of the Committee of 300 with food production strictly controlled.

As these measures begin to take effect, large populations in the cities shall be forcibly removed to remote areas and those who refuse to go shall be exterminated in the manner of the One World Government experiment carried out by Pol Pot in Cambodia.

Euthanasia for the terminally ill and the aged shall be compulsory.

No cities shall be larger than a predetermined number as described in the work of Kalgeri. Essential workers will be moved to other cities if the one they are in becomes overpopulated.

Other non-essential workers will be chosen at random and sent to underpopulated cities to fill "quotas."

At least 4 billion "useless eaters" shall be eliminated by the year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal rapid-acting diseases and starvation.

Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for the non-elite, starting with the White populations of Western Europe and North America and then spreading to other races.

The population of Canada, Western Europe and the United States will be decimated more rapidly than on other continents, until the world's population reaches a manageable level of 1 billion, of which 500 million will consist of Chinese and Japanese races, selected because they are people who have been regimented for centuries and who are accustomed to obeying authority without question.

From time to time there shall be artificially contrived food and water shortages and medical care to remind the masses that their very existence depends on the goodwill of the Committee of 300.

After the destruction of housing, auto, steel and heavy goods industries, there shall he limited housing, and industries of any kind allowed to remain shall be under the direction of NATO's Club of Rome as shall all scientific and space exploration development, limited to the elite under the control of the Committee of 300.
Space weapons of all former nations shall be destroyed along with nuclear weapons.

All essential and non-essential pharmaceutical products, doctors, dentists and health care workers will be registered in the central computer data bank and no medicine or medical care will he prescribed without express permission of regional controllers responsible for each city, town and village.

The United States will be flooded by peoples of alien cultures who will eventually overwhelm White America, people with no concept of what the United States Constitution stands for and who will, in consequence, do nothing to defend it, and in whose minds the concept of liberty and justice is so weak as to matter little.

FOOD and shelter shall be the main concern.

No central bank save the Bank of International Settlement and the World Bank shall be allowed to operate.

Private banks will be outlawed.

Remuneration for work performed shall be under a uniform predetermined scale throughout the One World Government.

There shall be no wage disputes allowed, nor any diversion from the standard uniform scales of pay laid down by the One World Government.

Those who break the law will be instantly executed.

There shall be no cash or coinage in the hands of the nonelite.

All transactions shall be carried out by means of a debit card which shall bear the identification number of the holder.

Any person who in any way infringes the rules and regulations of the Committee of 300 shall have the use of his or her card suspended for varying times according to the nature and severity of the infringement.

Such persons will find, when they go to make purchases, that their card is blacklisted and they will not be able to obtain services of any kind.

Attempts to trade "old" coins, that is to say silver coins of previous and now defunct nations, shall be treated as a capital crime subject to the death penalty.
All such coinage shall be required to be surrendered within a given time along with guns, rifles, explosives and automobiles.

Only the elite and One World Government high-ranking functionaries will be allowed private transport, weapons, coinage and automobiles.

If the offense is a serious one, the card will be seized at the checking point where it is presented.
Thereafter that person shall not be able to obtain food, water, shelter and employment medical services, and shall be officially listed as an outlaw.
Large bands of outlaws will thus be created and they will live in regions that best afford subsistence, subject to being hunted down and shot on sight.
Persons assisting outlaws in any way whatsoever, shall likewise be shot.
Outlaws who fail to surrender to the police or military after a declared period of time, shall have a former family member selected at random to serve prison terms in their stead.

Rival factions and groups such as Arabs and Jews and African tribes shall have differences magnified and allowed the wage wars of extermination against each other under the eyes of NATO and U.N. observers.
The same tactics will be used in Central and South America.

These wars of attrition shall take place BEFORE the take-over of the One World Government and shall be engineered on every continent where large groups of people with ethnic and religious differences live, such as the Sikhs, Moslem Pakistanis and the Hindu Indians.

Ethnic and religious differences shall be magnified and exacerbated and violent conflict as a means of "settling" their differences shall be encouraged and fostered.

All information services and print media shall be under the control of the One World Government.

Regular brainwashing control measures shall be passed off as "entertainment" in the manner in which it was practiced and became a fine art in the United States.

Youths removed from "disloyal parents," shall receive special education designed to brutalize them.
Youth of both sexes shall receive training to qualify as prison guards for the One World labor camp system.

It is obvious from the foregoing that much work remains to be done before the dawning of the New World Order can occur.

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The Committee of 300 has long ago perfected plans to destabilize civilization as we know it, some of which plans were made known by Zbignew Brzezinski in his classic work "THE TECHNOTRONIC ERA" and the works of Aurellio Peccei who founded the Club of Rome, especially in his book, "THE CHASM AHEAD."

In "THE CHASM AHEAD," Peccei spelled out Committee of 300 plans to tame man, whom he called "THE ENEMY."

Peccei quoted what Felix Dzerzinski once said to Sydney Reilly at the height of the Red Terror when millions of Russians were being murdered:
"Why should I concern myself with how many die? Even the Christian Bible says what is man that God should be mindful of him? For me men are nothing but a brain at one end and a shit factory at the other. "

It was from this brutish view of man that Emmanuel The Christ came to rescue the world.

Sydney Reilly was the MI6 operative sent to watch over Dzerzinski's activities.
Reilly was allegedly shot by his friend Felix while attempting to flee Russia.

The elaborate plot was devised when certain members of the British Parliament raised a hue and cry and began to loudly demand an accounting of Reilly's activities in Russia, which threatened to expose the role of the Committee of 300 in gaining control of the Baku oilfields and its major role in assisting Lenin and Trotsky during the Bolshevik Revolution.

Rather than have the truth dragged out of Reilly, MI6 thought it expedient to stage his death. Reilly lived out his days in utter luxury in a Russia villa usually reserved for the Bolshevik elite.

Arguing that chaos would ensue unless the "Atlantic Alliance," a euphemism for the Committee of 300 ruled post industrial America, Peccei proposed a Malthusian triaging on a global scale.

He envisioned a collision between the scientifictechnological-military apparatus of the Soviet Union and the Western world.

Thus the Warsaw Pact countries were to be offered a convergence with the West in a One World Government to run global affairs on the foundations of crisis management and global planning.

Events unfolding in what was formerly the USSR and the emergence of several independent states in a loose federation in Russia, is exactly what was envisaged by Peccei and the Club of Rome and this is clearly spelled out in both the books I have mentioned.

A USSR thus divided will be easier to cope with than a strong, united Soviet nation. Plans that were laid down by the Committee of 300 for a One World Government, which included the prospect of a divided Russia, are now approaching a point of rapid escalation.

Events in Russia at the close of 1991 are all the more dramatic when viewed against the 1960 longrange planning by the Committee of 300. In Western Europe the people are working toward a federation of states within a one government framework with a single currency.

From there the EEC system will be transferred bit by bit to the United States and Canada. The United Nations is benign slowly but surely transformed into a rubber stamp of One World Government, with policies dictated to it by the United States as we saw in the case of the Gulf War.

Precisely the same thing is happening with the British Parliament.
Discussion on Britain's participation in the Gulf War was kept to a ridiculously minimal level and belatedly took place only during a motion to adjourn the House.

This has never happened before in the ancient history of parliament, where so important a decision had to be made and so little time was allowed for discussion.

One of the most noteworthy events in parliamentary history has gone virtually unnoticed. We are close to the point where the United States will send its military Forces to settle any and all disputes brought before the United Nations.

Departing Secretary General Perez de Cuellar, heavily laden with bribe money, was the most compliant U.N. leader in history in granting demands of the United States without discussion.
His successor will be even more inclined to go along with whatever the U.S. government places before him. This is an important step along the road to a One World Government.

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The International Court of Justice at The Hague will be used in increasing measure in the next two years to settle legal arguments of all types.
It is of course the prototype for a One World Government legal system that will supplant all others.

As for central banks, essential in the planning of the New World Order, this is already very much a fait-accompli with the Bank of International Settlements dominating the scene at the close of 1991.

Private banks are fast disappearing in preparation for the Big Ten banks that will control banking the world over under the guidance of BIS and the IMF.

Welfare states abound in Europe, and the United States is fast becoming the largest welfare state in the world.

Once people come to depend on government for their subsistence, it will be very hard to wean them away from it as we saw in the results of the last mid-term election held in the United States where 98% of incumbents were returned to Washington to enjoy the good life in spite of their utterly deplorable records.

The abolition of privately owned firearms is already in force in three quarters of the world.

Only in the United States can the populace still own guns of all types, but that legal right is being chipped away at an alarming rate by local and state laws which violate the Constitutional right of all citizens to bear arms. Private gun ownership will have become a thing of the past in the United States by the year 2010.


The standard of education in the United States has already sunk to such a deplorable level that today it can barely be classified as education at all.

This is according to plan; as I described earlier, the One World Government does not want our youth to be properly educated.

Destruction of national identity proceeds apace. It is no longer a good thing to be patriotic unless it is in the cause of some One World Government project such as the war of genocide being waged against the nation of Iraq, or the impending destruction of Libya

Racial pride is now frowned upon and deemed to be an illegal act in many parts of the world, INCLUDING THE UNITED STATES, BRITAIN, WESTERN EUROPE AND CANADA, ALL COUNTRIES HAVING THE LARGEST CONCENTRATIONS OF THE WHITE RACE.

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Led by the secret societies in America, destruction of republican forms of government has proceeded apace since the close of WW II.

A list of such governments destroyed by the U.S. is long, and it is difficult for the non-informed to accept that government of a country allegedly wedded to republicanism under a unique constitution would engage in such conduct, but the facts speak for themselves.

This is a goal which was set over a century ago by the Committee of 300. The United States has led the attacks on such governments and continues to do so even as the United States republican base is being steadily undermined.

Starting with James Earl Carter's legal counsel, Lloyd Cutler, a committee of constitutional lawyers has been working to change the U.S. Congress into a non-representative parliamentary system.

Work has been in progress since 1979 on the blueprint for such a change, and because of his devotion to the cause, Cutler was made a member of the Committee of 300.

The final draft for a parliamentary type of government is to be presented to the Committee of 300 at the end of 1993.

In the new parliamentary system, members will not be responsible to their constituents, but to parliamentary whips and will vote the way they are told to vote.

Thus, by judicial and bureaucratic subversion will the Constitution vanish as will individual liberty.

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Preplanned degrading of man through licentious sexual practices will be stepped up. New sexually degenerate cults are even now being set up by the British Crown-working through the SIS and MI6 services.

As we already know, all cults operating in the world today are the product of British intelligence acting for the oligarchical rulers.

We may think this phase of creating a whole new cult which specializes in sexual degenerate behavior is still far off, but my information is that it is due to be stepped up in 1992.

By 1994 it will be quite commonplace to have "live shows" in the most prestigious clubs and places of entertainment.

This type of "entertainment" is already in the process of having its image cleaned and brightened.

Soon the big names in Hollywood and the entertainment world will be recommending this or that club as a "must" for live sex shows. Lesbianism and homosexuality will not be featured.

This new socially acceptable "entertainment" will consist of heterosexual displays and will be written up in reviews as one finds in today's newspapers about shows on Broadway, or the latest hit movie.

An unprecedented assault on moral values will go into high gear in 1992. Pornography will no longer be called "pornography," but adult sex entertainment.
Sloganeering will take the form of "why hide it when everybody does it. Let's take away the image that public displays of sex are ugly and dirty."

No more will those who care for this type of unbridled sexual lust have to go to seedy porno parlours. Instead, the upper-class supper clubs and places favored by the rich and famous will make public sexual displays a highly "artistic" form of entertainment.

Worse yet, some church "leaders" will even recommend it.
The voluminous all-pervading and enormous social psychiatry apparatus put in place by the Tavistock Institute and its huge web of related capabilities has been under the control of one single entity, and that entity is still in control as we enter 1992.

That single entity, the conspirators' hierarchy, is called THE COMMITTEE OF 300.

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May 8, 2023

The following is an excerpt taken from John Coleman's book, The Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Story of The Committee of 300, p. 159-165

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From my days in the intelligence business I know that heads of foreign governments refer to this all-powerful body as "The Magicians."
Stalin coined his own phrase to describe them: "The Dark Forces," and President Eisenhower, who was never able to get beyond the "hofjuden" (court Jew) grade, referred to it in a colossal understatement as "the military-industrial complex."

Stalin kept the USSR heavily armed with conventional and nuclear forces because he did not trust what he called "the family."

His ingrained mistrust and fear of the Committee of 300 proved to be wellfounded.

Popular entertainment, especially the medium of movie making, was used to bring discredit upon those who tried to warn of this most dangerous threat to individual liberty and freedom of mankind.

Freedom is a God-given law which man has constantly sought to subvert and undermine; yet the yearning for freedom by each individual is so great that up to now, no system has been able to tear that feeling from the heart of mad.

The experiments that have gone on in the USSR, Britain and the USA, to blunt and dull mans yearnings for freedom, have thus far proved to be unsuccessful.

But with the coming of the New World Order-One World Government, far-reaching experiments will be stepped up to drive mans God-given yearning for freedom out of his mind, body and soul.

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What we are already experiencing is but nothing, a mere bagatelle, when compared with what is to come.

Attacking the soul is the thrust of a host of experiments being readied, and I regret to say that institutions in the United States will play a leading role in the terrible experiments which have already been carried out on local small-scale levels at such places as Bethesda Naval Hospital and Vacaville prison in California.

The movies we have seen thus far include the James Bond series, the "Assassination Bureau," the "Matarese Circle" and so on.
They were make-believe movies, designed to hide the truth that such organizations do exist and on a far greater scale than even Hollywood's fertile idea-men could dream up.

Yet the Assassination Bureau is absolutely real. It exists in Europe and the United States solely to do the bidding of the Committee of 300 to carry out high-level assassinations where all other remedies have failed.

It was PERMINDEX which ran the Kennedy assassination under the direction of Sir William Stephenson, for years the Queen of England's number one "pest control" operative.

Clay Shaw, a contract agent of the CIA, ran PERMINDEX out of the Trade Mart Center in New Orleans.

Former New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison came very close to cracking the Kennedy assassination plot up to the level of Clay Shaw until Garrison was "dealt with" and Shaw was found not quilty of involvement in the Kennedy assassination plot.

The fact that Shaw was eliminated in the manner of Jack Ruby, another CIA contract agent—both died of induced quick-acting cancer—speaks volumes that Garrison was on the right track.

A second assassination bureau is located in Switzerland and was until recently run by a shadowy figure of whom no photographs existed after 1941. The operations were and probably still are financed by the Oltramaire family—Swiss Black Nobility, owners of the Lombard Odier Bank of Geneva, a Committee of 300 operation.

The primary contact man was Jacques Soustelle—this according to U.S. Army-G2 intelligence files.

This group was also closely allied with Allen Dulles and Jean de Menil, an important member of the Committee of 300 and a very prominent name in the oil industry in Texas.

Army-G2 records show that the group was heavily involved in the arms trade in the Middle East, but more than that, the assassination bureau made no less than 30 attempts to assassinate General de Gaulle, in which Jacques Soustelle was directly involved.

The same Soustelle was the contact man for the Sendero Luminosa-Shining Pathway guerilla group protecting the Committee's Peruvian cocaine producers.

When all of the best that the assassination bureau could do had failed, thanks to the excellent work done by DGSE (French intelligence-formerly SDECE) the job was assigned to MI6-Military Intelligence Department Six, and also known as Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), under the code name "Jackal."

SDECE employed clever young graduates and was not infiltrated by MI6 or the KGB to any measurable extent.

Its record in tracking down foreign agents made it the envy of the secret services of every nation, and it was this group that followed "Jackal" to his final destination and then killed him before he could fire on General de Gaulle's motorcade.

It was the SDECE who uncovered a Soviet mole in the cabinet of De Gaulle, who also happened to be a liaison man with the CIA in Langley.

In order to discredit the SDECE, Allen Dulles, who hated De Gaulle, (the feeling was mutual) had one of its agents, Roger De Louette, caught with $12 million worth of heroin in his possession.

After a great deal of expert "interrogation," De Louette "confessed" but was unable to say why he was smuggling drugs into the United States.

The whole thing stank to high heaven of a set-up.

Based upon an examination of SDECE methods in protecting De Gaulle, especially in motorcades, the FBI, Secret Service and the CIA knew exactly how to strip President Kennedy of his security and make it easy for the three PERMINDEX shooters to murder him in Dealey Plaza in November 1963.

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May 8, 2023

This is an excerpt taken from John Coleman's book, The Conspirator's Hierarchy: The Story of The Committee of 300, p. 165-169

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Another example of FACT disguised as fiction is the Leon Uris novel, "TOPAZ."

In "TOPAZ" we find a factual account of the activities of Thyraud de Vosjoli, the very KGB agent uncovered by SDECE and denounced as the KGB's liaison man with the CIA.

There are many fictionalized accounts of the MOSSAD's activities, nearly all of which are based on fact.

The MOSSAD is also known as "The Institute."

Many would be writers make nonsensical statements about it, especially one writer who is much in favor with the Christian right wing, which is accepted as truth.

One can pardon the offender because he has no intelligence training, but that does not stop him from dropping "Mossad names" all over the place. Such disinformation exercises are routinely run against American right wing patriotic groups.

Originally the MOSSAD consisted of 3 groups, the Bureau of Military Intelligence, the Political Department of the Foreign Office and the Department of Security (Sherut Habitachon).
David Ben Gurion, a member of the Committee of 300, received some considerable help from MI6 in putting it together.

But it was not a success, and in 1951 Sir William Stephenson of MI6 restructured it into a single unit as arm of the Political Department of the Israeli Foreign Office, with a special operations group for espionage and "black job" operations.

British intelligence gave further assistance in training and equipping for servicing the Sarayet Maktal, also known as the General Staff Reconnaissance unit, in the format of Britain's Special Air Service (SAS).

This service unit of the MOSSAD is never mentioned by name and is known simply as "The Guys."

"The Guys" are merely an extension of British intelligence's SAS unit who continually train and update them in new methods. It was "The Guys" who killed the leaders of the P.L.0. and kidnaped Adolph Eichmann.

"The Guys" and indeed ALL MOSSAD agents, operate on a war-time footing.

The MOSSAD has a tremendous advantage over other intelligence services in that every country in the world has a large Jewish community.

By studying social and criminal records, the MOSSAD is able to pick agents among local Jews it can have a hold over AND MAKE THEM WORK FOR IT WITHOUT PAY.

The MOSSAD also has the advantage of having access to the records of all U.S. law enforcement agencies and U.S. intelligence services The Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) ELINT services the Mossad at no cost to Israel.

Citizens of the United States would be shocked, angered and dismayed if ever it was discovered just how much the MOSSAD knows about the lives of millions of Americans in every walk of life, even those who are not political in any way.

The first head of the MOSSAD, Reuben Shiloach, was made a member of the Committee of 300, but it is not known whether his successor enjoyed the same privilege. Chances are that he does.

The MOSSAD has a skillful disinformation service.
The amount of disinformation it feeds to the American "market" is embarrassing, but even more embarrassing is how it is swallowed hook, line and sinker and all.

What we are actually witnessing in the microcosm of the MOSSAD is the extent of control exercised by the "Olympians" [The Committee of 300 refer to themselves as "Olympians"] over the intelligence services, entertainment, publishing, opinion-making (polls) and the television "news" media on a global scale.

Ted Turner was recently given a seat on the Committee of 300 in recognition for his "news" (making) CNN broadcasts.

The Committee has the power and the means to tell the people of this world ANYTHING, and it will be believed by the vast majority.

On every occasion that a researcher happens upon this astounding central control group, he is either successfully bought off, or else he undergoes some "speciality training" at the Tavistock Institute after which he becomes a contributor to more fiction, of the James Bond type, i.e., he is derailed and well rewarded.

If such a person as John F. Kennedy should stumble onto the truth about who directs world events, and cannot be bought, he is assassinated.

In the case of John F. Kennedy, the assassination was carried out with great attendant publicity and with the utmost brutality to serve as a warning to world leaders not to get out of line.

Pope John Paul I was quietly murdered because he was getting close to the Committee of 300 through Freemasons in the Vatican hierarchy.

His successor, Pope John Paul II, was publicly humiliated as a warning to cease and desist—which he has done.

As we shall see, certain Vatican leaders are today seated on the Committee of 300.

It is easy to put serious researcher off track of the Committee of 300 because Britain's MI6 (SAS) promotes a wide variety of kookery such as the New Age, Yogaism, Zen Buddhism, Witchcraft, Delphic Priesthood of Apollo (Aristotle was a member) and hundreds of small "cults" of all kinds.

A group of "retired" British intelligence agents who stayed on the track labeled the conspirators' hierarchy "Force X," and declared that it possesses a super-intelligence service that has corrupted the KGB, the Vatican Intelligence, the CIA, the ONI [Office of Naval Intelligence, dwarfs the CIA], DGSE, U.S. military intelligence, the State Department intelligence service and even the most secret of all U.S. intelligence agencies, the Office of National Reconnaissance. [This "Force X" is The Committee of 300 and their agents].

The existence of the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) was known to only a handful of people outside of the Committee of 300, until Truman stumbled upon it quite by accident.

Churchill had a hand in setting up the NRO and he was reportedly livid when Truman discovered its existence.
Churchill more than any other servant of the Committee of 300, considered Truman His-Little-Man from independence "without an independence at all."
This referred to Truman's every move being controlled by Freemasonry.

Even today, NRO's annual budget is not known to the Congress of the United States, and it is responsible to only a selected few in Congress.

But it is a creature of the Committee of 300 to whom its reports are routinely sent every few hours.
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May 8, 2023

I will write more posts on The Club of Rome (COR), including a separate post on their plans/goals (depopulation is their main goal), including a separate post for their goals concering Japan in particular (to economically destabilize it like the USA).

Below are excerpts taken from John Coleman's book, THE CLUB OF ROME, p. 1, 27-30, 31-36.

All books on The Committee of 300, including The Club of Rome, can be found in pdf the Google Drive link in the first post of this thread.

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The Club of Rome (COR) is the chief "think tank" for the New World Order that was unknown in America until exposed by Dr. Coleman in 1969 for the very first time and published under the same title in 1970.

Set up on the orders of the Committee of 300, its existence was denied until the silver anniversary celebrations of its founding held in Rome 25 years later.

The COR plays a vital role in all U.S. government planning, internal and external. It has nothing to do with Rome, Italy or the Catholic Church.

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The Club of Rome has an American chapter, which grows stronger each year. Here follows a list of its members:

• William Whipsinger. International Association of Machinists
• Sir Peter Vickers Hall. Behind-the-scenes controller of the Heritage Foundation
• Stuart Butler. Heritage Foundation
• Steven Hessler. Heritage Foundation
• Lane Kirkland. AFL CIO chief executive
• Irwin Suall. MI-6 and ADL operative
• Roy Maras Cohn. Former Counsel to the late Sen. Joe McCarthy
• Henry Kissinger. Needs no introduction
• Richard Falck. Princeton University (selected by the COR to wage war on South Africa, Iran and South Korea)
• Douglas Frazier. United Auto Workers Union
• Max Fisher. United Brands Fruit Company
• Averill Harriman. Doyen of the Democrat Party, Socialist confidant of the Rockefeller family
• Jean Kirkpatrick. Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.
• Elmo Zumwalt. Admiral, U.S. Navy
• Michaeel Novak. American Enterprise Institute
• Cyrus Vance. Former secretary of state [wrote Global 2000 Report]
• April Glaspie. Former Ambassador to Iraq
• Milton Friedman. Economist
• Paul Volcker. Federal Reserve banks
• Gerald Ford. Former President
• Charles Percy. Former U.S. Senator
• Raymond Matthius. Former U.S. Senator
• Michael Harrington. Member of Fabian Society
• Samuel Huntington. Chief planner destroying nations targeted by the COR
• Claiborne Pell. U.S. Senator
• Patrick Leahy. U.S. Senator

This is by no means a complete list of the COR's members of the American chapter. Few people have the full list.

The Club of Rome is an important international foreign policy arm of the Committee of 300.
It is the executor and overseer of the Committee's foreign policy decisions.

The COR gets financial backing from the German Marshall Fund, which has nothing whatever to do with Germany, the name chosen with the intent to dissemble.

German Marshall Fund members include, but are not limited, to the following:

• Milton Katz. Ford Foundation
• David Rockefeller. Chase Manhattan Bank
• Russell Train. President of the World Wildlife Fund, Aspen Institute
• James A. Perkins. Carnegie Corp., a branch of Carnegie Trust of the U.K. and Society of Friends (Quakers)
• Paul G. Hoffman. Designer, Morganthau Plan, New York Life Insurance Co.
• Irving Bluestone. United Auto Workers Exec Board
• Elizabeth Midgeley. CBS producer
• B.R. Gifford. Russell Sage Foundation
• Willy Brandt. Former President, Socialist International
• Douglas Dillon. Former U.S. Treasury Sec.
• John J. McCloy. Harvard University, overseer of the Morganthau Plan
• Derek C. Bok. Harvard University
• John B. Cannon. Harvard University

A short summary follows of the objectives of the German Marshall Fund sponsors of the COR meetings in Washington, D.C.

It is a strong supporter of Socialism around the world.

Its core leaders are drawn from the old Black Nobility and European aristocracy.
Their political aims are to introduce all of the worst features of autocracy, theocracy and occult theocracy into government.

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The dominant inner-group of the Morganthau planning commission who are members of the German Marshal Fund, include the following:

• Averill Harriman, Brown Bros., Harriman, Wall Street bankers

Harriman was the key U.S. official in the efforts to get the Soviets to join the One World Government, but Stalin's opposition and mistrust of the New World Order run by the United States remained strong and he refused.

• Thomas L. Hughes Partner in Brown Bros. Harriman.

Designer of Morganthau Plan.

• Robert Abercrombie Lovett

A partner in Brown Bros. Harriman and a designer of the Morganthau plan.

• Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands

A Royal Dutch Shell Executive (one of the major companies of the Committee of 300 and founder of the Bilderberg Group).

• Katherine Meyer Graham (now deceased)

Doyen of the established press, was a member of the Meyer family and friend of Bernard Baruch and President Wilson.

Her father is said to have duplicated WWI bonds and to have kept the millions of dollars generated by the fake bonds.
He was never prosecuted.
Graham's husband died in very suspicious circumstances.
Intelligence sources say they believe he was murdered and that his wife had a hand in it — but nothing was ever proved.
The Meyer family controlled the huge Lazard Freres investment bank.

• John J. McCloy

The controller of multiple Committees of 300 companies attached to European royalty to whom he acts as financial adviser.

• Professor Samuel Huntington

An ardent Zionist-Socialist involved in the downfall of most of the right-wing governments targeted by the Committee of 300 in the post WWII-era.

• Joseph Rettinger

The Jesuit-Socialist responsible for recruiting Bilderberg members and introducing them to the Harriman group, once worked for Winston Churchill.

Rettinger is believed to be the man who recruited Clinton as a possible future Socialist leader and then turned him over to Pamela Harriman for grooming for high office. Rettinger's plan was to make a central European Jesuit state out of Poland, Hungary and Austria, but the post-WWII plan was not approved by the Committee of 300.

Most of the Black Nobility and European royalty are connected through marriage to Britain's oligarchial families going back to Robert Bruce, who founded the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

Take Lovet for instance. He is a member of the European Union closely allied with McCloy. Both men were inner-circle friends of the Auchincloss and Astor families who have close relations with British, Dutch, Danish and Spanish "nobility."

Also working with the group were the Radziwills and Zbignew Brzezinski, Carter's national security advisor. All are servants of the Committee of 300.

In the Royal Dutch Shell grouping there was Sir Bazil Zaharoff, the former president of Vickers Arms Company, the British arms manufacturing company that imade billions out of supplying munitions for the Bolshevik Revolution, WWI and WWII.

The family of Sir Peter Vickers Hall, (behind the scenes controller of the Heritage Foundation in Washington D.C.), were the inheritors of this vast fortune.

The control figures of the American chapter of the COR are:

• Jean Kirkpatrick,
• Eugene Rostow,
• Irwin Suall,
• Michael Novack,
• Lane Kirkland,
• Albert Chaitkin,
• Jeremy Rifkin,
• Douglas Frazier,
• Marcus Raskin,
• William Kunsler.

These worthies need no introduction.
They are Socialist leaders of great importance in the war to socialize the United States.

Coworkers in the struggle to overturn the republican form of government enjoyed by the United States are the following:

• Gar Apelrovich,
• Ben Watenburg,
• Irving Bluestone,
• Nat Weinberg,
• Sol Chaikan,
• Jay Lovestone,
• Mary Fine,
• Jacob Shankman,
• Ron Dellums,
• George McGovern,
• Richard Bonnett,
• Barry Commoner,
• Noam Chomsky [notable "psychologist"],
• Robert Moss,
• David McReynolds,
• Frederik von Hayek,
• Sidney Hook,
• Seymour Martin Lipsit,
• Ralph Widner.

The above-named were affiliated with various Socialist organizations like
• the AFL-CIO International Affairs Department,
• the Cambridge Institute for Contemporary Studies,
• the Institute of Policy Studies [IPS],
• the Auto Workers Union and
• the International Ladies Garment Workers Union with its long ties to Fabian Socialism.

Von Hayek is dearly beloved by conservatives as their economist of choice.
Senators George McGovern and Ron Dellums both served in the United States Congress.

Some of the Socialist publications put out by the abovementioned are:
• The New Republic — Richard Stuart and Morton Condrake
• The Nation - Nat Hentoff, Marcus Raskin, Norman Benorn, Richard Faulk, Andrew Kopkind
• Dissent - Irving Hall, Michael Harrington Commentary — Carl Girshman
• The Working Paper for a New Society - Marcus Raskin. Noam Chomsky, Gar Apelrovich, Andrew Kopkind, James Ridgway
• Enquiry -- Nat Hentoff
• WIN - Noam Chomsky

With so many levels in its serried ranks, it might be useful to view the Club of Rome as a giant Socialist think-tank [for The Committee of 300].

How the COR got started is very interesting.

When the Club of Rome needed to coordinate some of the aspects of its program for the New World Order, it sent Aurellio Peccei to England for training at the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, the mother of all brainwashing institutions in the world.

At the time, Peccei was the most senior executive of the Fiat Motor Company, a giant multi-conglomerate of the Committee of 300 through its Black Nobility members, the aristocratic Agnelli family, the same family who rejected Pamela Harriman as the wife of one of the Agnelli sons.

Pamela went on to marry Averill Harriman, a senior 300 Statesman and U.S. foreign policy specialist, a true "insider."

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Thus it behooves We, the People, to wake up to the fact that we are in contention with spiritually wicked men in high places.

We are not up against mere physical entities. The unseen force is stronger than the seen force.
These forces are in control of the United States and we see it in the fact that more than 75 percent of the Democrat members of the House and Senate are out-andout Socialists

Perhaps the best-known member of the USACOR is Harlan Cleveland, former U.S. ambassador to NATO during the 1960s and a former vice chairman of the Atlantic Council, NATO'S main presence in the United States. Cleveland headed the Princeton, New Jersey office of the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, the branch office in America of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations.
Aspen is supposedly a "think tank" dedicated to environmentalist issues, but this is merely a fig leaf, a smoke screen to cover its real activities - making war on United States industry and agriculture.

A member of the Atlantic Council and a director of Tomack Associates, the front for circulating COR's Limits of Growth, 1972-1973 study purporting to show how industry and "excess agricultural development" is ruining the ecology.
Watts is in charge of distributing Aspen's disguised version of the old Thomas Malthus theory of zero growth, which actually has its origins in the ancient cult of Dionysus.

A member of the Atlantic Council, is a former Undersecretary of State for the political affairs wing of NATO and a former U.S. ambassador to Turkey. Later he served as U.S. ambassador to Bonn, Germany.

Pell was the United States Senator from Rhode Island and a former U.S. parliamentary representative to the Atlantic Council.
Pell is strong advocate of the COR's policy that NATO forces should oversee enforcement of environmental standards around the world.
Pell strongly supports deindustrialization of all nations, including the United States.
He has often expressed sympathy with Russell's theory about "excess population" being culled.
Pell served with Cyrus Vance in drafting the terms of the Global 2000 Report. Pell cooperates with Cyrus Vance and NATO Secretary-General Joseph Lunz, and often attends Bilderberg meetings.

A former employee of Tomack Associates, Lesh is executive director of USACOR.
He also served at one time on the National Security Agency (NSA) and helped Kissinger put together the European apparatus of the NSA, in which endeavor he worked with Helmut Sonenfelt, who has been tied to Kissinger like a Siamese twin since the discovery of the Bamberg Files.
William Highland, touted as a Soviet specialist also worked for NSA's European office.

Better known for drafting the fraudulent unconstitutional Panama Canal Treaty, Linowitz became a Carter confidant, and he enjoyed high standing in the Committee of 300's Rank Xerox
Corporation and is a member of the Committee of 300.

Slater is a director of Aspen Institute, the Socialist headquarters for the Committee of 300 in the United States.
He was formerly a U.S. ambassador to NATO. These are some of the chief players in a nest of seditionists who are located in the United States.
Their chief function is to speed up the Post Industrial Zero Growth plan developed by the COR and to turn the former northeastern industrial cities into slave labor entities under the title of "enterprise zones."
A target was President Reagan's SDI program, which would forever put an end to Kissinger and Robert McNamara's MAD strategy.
NATO is deployed to bring together all aspects of the anti-American program.

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May 8, 2023

Below are excerpts taken from John Coleman's book, THE CLUB OF ROME, p. 7-8, 18-26, 30-31, 37-38, 45

I have split up their goals into 3 posts, since one post would be too long.

All books on The Committee of 300, including The Club of Rome, can be found in pdf the Google Drive link in the first post of this thread.

I must warn you, the Club of Rome, as are The Committee of 300 and the zionist Jews (some of whom are members of The Committee of 300), are extreme psychopathic racist eugenicists, who believe that they have the highest IQs in the world, and that blacks and "coloured races" are "genetically and intellectually inferior" and that these races should be "depopulated", a euphemism for genocide.

The Club of Rome, as well as The Committee of 300, also believe that the white race is "genetically and intellectually inferior", and want to also genocide off the white race, and that's why 33° freemason Count Richard Nikolaus Coudenhove-Kalergi was a past member of The Committee of 300, who created the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan.

This is why the Coudenhove-Kalergi Plan is being implemented today, with forced mass immigration and the media, 96% of which is owned by the Jews.

Warning, they are extreme psychopathic racist eugenicists. They are worse than Nazis.

They still classify human races as the old anthropologists did in the early twentieth century using derogatory terms, such as:
"Caucasiod (white people),
Mongoloid (Central Asians)
Negroid (black people)
Australoid (Australian aboriginal)
Dravidian (South Indian)"
And lots more, elaborated in this document

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These leaders think it perfectly normal to kill off millions of people they consider as "surplus to their requirements."

This evil "kill" philosophy has crept into the U.S. military through men like Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz.

It is a thoroughly alien concept that does not belong in a Republican form of Government. The leaders of evil secret societies threaten our entire civilization.

Some of the secret cults who are very active in our affairs today are Gnosticism, the cult of Dionysus and the subject of this work, the cult of the Club of Rome.

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An order to begin to understand world events, it is necessary for us to realize that the many tragic and explosive events of the 20th century did not just happen by themselves; but that they were planned according to a well laid out blueprint. Who were the planners and creators of significant events?

The creators of these often violent and revolutionary events belong in the main to secret societies that infest our world, just as they have always done.

Mostly, these secret societies are based upon the occult and occult practices, but as with all secret societies to make up secret governments, they are controlled by the Committee of 300.

Those poorly informed persons, who believe that devil worship, demons and witchcraft have vanished from modern society, are misinformed.

Today, occult-based secret societies along with Luciferianism, Black Magic and Voodoo, are flourishing and appear to be far more widespread than was originally thought.

It is the tolerating of these secret societies in our midst, many of whose principals pose as Christians, added to our permissible attitude toward these organizations and their leaders who are the cause of our problems, national and international.

Every unrest, revolution and war can inevitably be traced back to one or another or a combination of several secret societies.

Secrecy indicates a problem, for if the secret societies were working for the good of the individual and the state, why the need for such profound secrecy in which they cloak themselves, their organizations and their deeds?
I recall that the practice of voodoo, attributed to black Africa, really sprang from Jethro, the Ethiopian.

Like Voodoo, most occult practices and their attendant secret societies are anti-Christian, and they make no apology for it, although some in Freemasonry try to dissemble or hide their anti-Christian teachings.

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On November 11, 1912, Harker was elected Grand Imperial Master, a degree higher than the 96th degree of the Rite of Mizraem. After his death in 1913, Harker was succeeded first by Henry Mayer and then by Alistair Crowley, 33rd, 90th and 96th Degree Patriot Grand Master.

Thus it is clear that American Masons are part and parcel of European Masonry, whether they know it or not, and the truth is, most do not. Crowley was one of the most beastly figures in the history of secret societies; a man who was to greatly influence the policies of the Club of Rome (COR).

Crowley was fond of quoting Malthus and Adam Smith, servants of the British East India Company (BEIC) today known as the Committee of 300. Both men played a leading role in the concerted drive by King George III to ruin the American colonists through the one-way street of "free trade."

Malthus and Smith became "favorite sons" of the COR. It is very easy to see the connecting link between the plans of the BEIC and the present policies of the COR, particularly in the COR "Post Industrial Zero-Growth" policies to put an end to the industrial dominance of the United States.

The basic religion followed by the Club of Rome is Gnosticism and the cult of the Bogomils and Catharis.
Members of the British monarchy are firm believers in these "religions" and in the main, it is accurate to say that certainly, the royal family members are not Christians.

It is also quite easy to see the connection to the "Committee of 300."
Crowley is believed to have taken part in more than 150 ritual murders, an important part of occult demonology.
Most of the victims were children, slain with a silver knife.

Such bestialities continue to this very day, which may account for the large number of missing children who are never found.

Crowley is still greatly admired by COR hierarchy, as he was by several of the leading British figures in the atom spy case. Anthony Blunt, the Keeper of the Queen's Art (a very high title) before he was unmasked as a KGB agent, was a great devotee of Crowley.

The bottom line is that Masonry starting at the Knights of Kadosh degree is an ongoing revolt against the existing order of things and dedicated to the overthrow of Christianity and the Republic of the United States of America — as indeed is the COR.

As long as Masonry continues to flourish in our midst, for so long will chaos and unrest continue, for that is the intent and purpose of all revolutionary secret societies.

The modern Club of Rome is but an ongoing, unbroken succession of secret societies that have as their goal, the destruction of liberty and freedom, which happened in the period we now know as the Dark Ages.

Thus, it may be safely assumed that the COR is a New World Order-One World Government project designed to facilitate a swifter transition to universal slavery known as the New Dark Age, under the control of the Committee of 300.

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The very name was chosen to deceive the unwary, because the Club of Rome has nothing to do with the Vatican or the Catholic Church. While the evildoers work night and day, Christian America slumbers on.

When I wrote the First Edition of this work back in 1970, only a handful of people in intelligence knew of the existence of this, the most powerful secret society in the hands of the Committee of 300.

The Club of Rome consists of the oldest members of the socalled Black Nobility of Europe, decedents of the ancient families, who owned, controlled and ran Genoa and Venice in the 12th century.

They are called "Black Nobility" because of their use of dirty tricks, murder, terrorism, unethical behavior, and worship of Satan -- "black" deeds.

They never hesitated to use force against anyone who dared to stand in their way, and this is no less true today than it was during the 13th to the 18th Centuries.

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p. 18-26

In case it is not known, the Socialist International is a particularly dangerous, subversive organization, which fully supports legalization of drugs and pornography as "destabilization tools," to be used against the United States.

Details of the discussions were never made public, but according to the documents with which I was provided, the COR planned to isolate the United States, leaving open a single channel to the worst elements in the State Department and the KGB.

Here was a situation that smacked of treason and sedition, not to mention conspiracy charges that should have been filed against those who attended the two COR meetings.

Apparently, a full day was devoted to how best to implement Lord Russell's plan to stifle industry and rid the world of more than 2 billion "useless eaters."

It was resolved to redouble efforts to end construction of nuclear power stations and promote the policy of zero growth in conformity with the Adam Smith and Malthus economic theories and the writings of Russell. (See my coming book, "Nuclear Power.")

The Socialist International (SI) has long championed the idea of breaking up large cities and moving the population into smaller, more manageable (i.e., more easily controlled) towns and the countryside.

The first experiment in this regard was carried out by the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia, with the knowledge of Thomas Enders, a high-ranking U.S. State Department official.

The Club of Rome, like the SI is strongly anti-national and favors the suppression of scientific development in the United States, Britain and Europe, and latterly, Japan.
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The December 5, 1980 follow-up to the original COR meeting in Washington D.C., endorsed and accepted the COR's Global 2000 Report - a blueprint for global genocide.

The report called for the death of 2 billion people by the year 2010 (hence the title).
There is much evidence to tie the plan into several catastrophic events that are taking place throughout the world, like the recent disastrous earthquake in China.

The second conference also adopted the policy of euthanasia as policy for getting rid of the growing population of elderly people, and the delegates enthusiastically adopted the Russell term, "useless eaters," as a code word to describe millions of people who, in the eyes of the COR, are "surplus to requirements."

There are some who may consider "depopulation" of blacks, Asians and other colored races as a good idea.
"There are far too many Indians (Asian Indians), Chinese and blacks already," a man wrote me, "so why are you against this?"

The truth is that it is not only these races that are slated to be culled; the "surplus to requirements" industrial workers in the United States are also the targets of the Global 2000 Report.

Delegates to both COR meetings, one after another, expressed confidence in the ability to successfully promote their plans.
Twenty-fifth anniversary celebrations held in Germany in December of 1993 were to mark what had been achieved thus far.
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The American people are the most lied to, connived and cheated people in the world. We are also the most censored people - in this case, censorship by omission. What did the delegates want? [Global social upheaval]

Michael Harrington explained it:

"Willy Brandt wants social upheaval in Europe," and we should remember that the present social upheaval taking place in Germany is part of that plan. It is no accident. We should not think that social upheaval will not come to the United States."

The COR had the cooperation of the most Socialist government America has ever had; the Carter administration, which is dedicated to implementing the Communist Manifesto of 1848, as we saw in the Carter foreign policy which sat the blaze of revolution in South Africa, the Philippines, Iran, Central America and South Korea.

President Clinton and G.W. Bush picked up the mantel as we saw in Yugoslavia. Poland was destabilized through the removal of President Gereck, which was arranged by Richard Gardner, the former U.S. ambassador to Rome.

One of the principal achievements arising out of the COR meeting was the pressure applied to President Reagan to retain the service of the Bank of International Settlements representative in the U.S., Paul Volcker, as head of the illegal Federal Reserve Banks.

The Federal Reserve is not a U.S. Government institution, well-described by Louis T. McFadden, who called it "the greatest swindle in history."

It was Anthony Wedgewood-Benn, a very prominent Labor leader in Britain who insisted on the retention of Volcker, notwithstanding Reagan's campaign promises to rid America of the Volcker scourge.

Benn felt that Volcker was the best man to bring "class war" to America. Benn nominated Rifkin to assist Volcker in this endeavor, which he said, "will polarize the Americans."

The COR adopted a plan to destabilize currency through higher, and constantly fluctuating interest rates.

They wanted to get rid of Helmut Schmidt, then Chancellor of Germany, because he had been instrumental in stabilizing international interest rates. Sir Peter Vickers Hall called for interest rates in the United States to be hiked to 20 percent, as the best way to end capital investments in industry.

Volcker was careful not to show his face at the COR meeting, but it is believed that he was briefed by Hall of the Heritage Foundation. Stuart Butler, who was chief executive officer at Heritage, had this to say to the COR delegates:

"In the Reagan administration we have a right-wing government that will impose some radical left-wing ideas.
There is no reason why Communists, anarchists, libertarians or religious sects (he was talking about Satanism, Voodoo, Black Magic, witchcraft etc.) should not put their philosophies forward."

Butler suggested the old Socialist doctrine of "free enterprise zones" be pushed onto the Reagan administration.
Free enterprise zones are found in places like Manila and Hong Kong, not to mention Mainland China.
They are literally, "slave shops."

Butler called for free enterprise zones to be established in areas where industries had been uprooted and destroyed.
Butler envisaged silent steel mills, shuttered machine tool factories and closed shipyards. Cottage-type "industries" so common in Hong Kong would be a suitable means of employment for displaced persons from depopulated cities, according to the Post Industrial Zero Growth plan.
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I knew that not many readers were going to pay attention to this warning, written in 1981 a promise of a boom under the Reagan administration.
But remember, nobody believed the documents that were found on the body of Lange, messenger of the Illuminati.

The crowned heads of Europe were not in any mood to listen to "scare reports" issued by the Bavarian government about the Illuminati's plans for a bloody upheaval in France! People do not like their equanimity disturbed.

As pointed out earlier, the COR represents the command structure of the Illuminati and the 13 top Illuminati families in the United States.

Remember that the French Revolution Jacobin plan called for the murder of millions of "surplus to requirements" French nationals, especially Breton Celtic Christians who bore the brunt of the savagery.

With that in mind, the statement made by Mitterand at the COR meeting in December of 1980 is not to be taken lightly:

"Industrial capitalist development is the enemy and the opposite of freedom."

By that Mitterand meant industrial development has given people a better life through cooperation, i.e. industrial development, and when people have a better life they are inclined to have larger families.

Therefore, industrial capitalist development is the "enemy of freedom," simply because large areas of cooperation (industrial development) are prone to consume more of their (the Committee of 300) natural resources.

[The Committee of 300 and the 13 Illuminati families believe that Earth and ALL its resources belong only to them, and that no individual besides them has the right to use and/or have access to x,y,z resources, and that they will "inherit the Earth" after the completion of mass depopulation.]

This was the twisted logic behind the Club of Rome policies.

Club of Rome delegates undertook to prevent deployment of U.S. nuclear missiles in Europe, the fulfillment of which we saw on December 5, 1981.
Hundreds of COR-instigated "Jacobin" mobs took to the streets of Paris and Hamburg: there were riots and civil commotions, which went on for several days and nights.

Note: Mob action succeeded in 1989.

Because France's Giscard d'Estaing favored a nuclear umbrella for Europe, the COR disposed of him and replaced him with Socialist Mitterand.

One of Mitterand's leading advisers was Jacques Atally, an occultist, who believed in suicide:

"In a democratic society, the right to commit suicide is the most fundamental of human rights."

[I will write a post on Mitterand and Jacques Atally, as these two men are important COR servants]

This is consistent with [Aurellio] Peccei's beliefs that man is some kind of an accident within creation and that the majority of the world's population groups are not needed and should not have their views considered.

This is the type of occult theocracy that thrived in Egypt, Judea and Syria and in many other parts of the ancient world, in which the cult of Dionysus played such an important role.

It emerged very clearly from Club of Rome meetings that its main purpose and objective was to:

• retard industrial development,
• hold back scientific research,
• depopulate cities, especially the formerly industrialized cities of North America,
• move population to rural areas,
• cull the population of the world by at least 2 billion people,
• prevent reorganization of political forces who oppose COR plans,
• destabilize the United States through massive layoffs and loss of jobs and class and racial wars,
• destroy capital incentive through high interest rates and high capital gains taxes.
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In a follow-up COR meeting held in Paris in March of 1982, Aurellio Peccei, founder of the Club, made the following statement:

"Men are like insects. They proliferate too much . . . It is about time to put on trial the concept of nation states obstacles to world culture. Christianity makes proud men; a mercantile society, which creates nothing but dead culture and classical music, oppressive signs on paper."

Whether believed or not, my paper is intended as a warning to the citizens of the United States that the equivalent of the Jacobin terror mobs will be unleashed upon our unsuspecting nation in due time.

Jacobin-style mobs will be employed to bring about drastic changes in the way that we live in America, changes which could last for as long as a thousand years.

The COR's policy is FEWER AND FEWER PEOPLE, consuming less and less and requiring less services, by whatever means.

It is a complete reversal of our society where more and more people demand better goods, services and life style, which is the essence of a productive society in a republican form of government.

Significantly, Peccei said nothing about the one occult theocracy which passes itself off as a religion, but which it is not, being a political and economic system designed to control the lives of men, down to the last detail, as we saw in the Bolshevik Revolution.

Peccei and the Club of Rome are the successors of the French and Bolshevik Revolutions, the Socialists, Illuminati and the myriads of secret societies that are seeking to transform the United States into a slave-state, which they euphemistically call, a democracy.

The United States is a Confederated Republic or a Constitutional Republic. It can never be a democracy, which has a long history as the wrecker of free societies.

As our Founding Fathers once said, every pure democracy in history has been a total failure, and they did not intend that the United States should end up as a failed democracy.

The ultimate aim of Florence Kelley's legislative action was to Socialize America, and it began to take shape with frightening speed under the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt and James Earl Carter.

Florence Kelly was a notable Fabian Socialist from whom Roosevelt sought and obtained advice that went into the making of many of his policy decisions.

Looking back, we see that large areas of our industrial heartland have been laid waste, 40 million industrial workers are permanently laid off, and racial conflicts are a daily occurrence.

There are also many Socialist bills that impinge directly on the future of this great country, agricultural bills designed to rob the American farmer of his lands, "crime" bills, and "education bills," which are 100 percent unconstitutional.

Do not think our government will hesitate to carry out Socialist undertakings in the United States, and they won't need foreign troops to carry out these plans.

Europe and the United States are being decimated by drugs, sex, rock music and hedonism. We are losing our cultural heritage, so despised by Aurellio Peccei.

The United States hierarchy has been the biggest troublemaker in the world. Since the close of WWII, we have been responsible for destabilizing countries and destroying their national character and identity.

Look at South Africa, Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia), South Korea, the Philippines, Nicaragua, Panama, Yugoslavia and Iraq to name but a few countries that have been betrayed by the United States.

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A short summary follows of the objectives of the German Marshall Fund sponsors of the COR meetings in Washington, D.C.

It is a strong supporter of Socialism around the world.

Its core leaders are drawn from the old Black Nobility and European aristocracy. Their political aims are to introduce all of the worst features of autocracy, theocracy and occult theocracy into government.

The destruction of national identity and sovereignty of nations is one of its top goals. There are literally hundreds of their agents in government in the United States at local, State and Federal levels.

We have only to examine the record of scores of members of the House to see just how far the German Marshall Fund has progressed in the overall plan to socialize the United States. People ask me, "Why are you bothered by Socialism?"

The answer is; because Socialism is the most dangerous of the "isms" faced by Western civilization. It is in essence, creeping Communism.


As one of the leaders of Fabian Socialism once said: "Socialism has nowhere to go, but to Communism and Communism is merely Socialism in a hurry."

The American people will not accept outright Communism; hence it is necessary to feed the unsuspecting masses doses of Socialism until the Communizing process has been completed

In the case of the COR, they utilized hard cores Socialists like the late Willy Brandt, the former German Socialist President, and John J. McCloy, who were inner-sanctum members of the Morganthau Group.

McCloy was the post-WWII "high commissioner" of a defeated Germany and lobbied hard to turn it into a pastoral nonindustrialized nation.

In this he was greatly aided by Leslie Gelb and Jimmy Carter's Secretary of State Cyrus Vance, both deeply committed Socialists. Gelb and Vance worked tirelessly to disadvantage the United States during the protracted SALT treaty talks.

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What were the aims and objectives of the COR?

Essentially, they followed the Communist Manifesto of 1848, and were Socialist in character and origin, motivated by dark spiritual forces in play in Gnosticism, Chaldean Black Magic, Rosicrucianism, the Cults of Isis-Osiris and Dyonysis, Demonism, Occult Theocracy, Luciferianism, Freemasonry and the like.

The overthrow of Western Christian civilization was paramount to COR activity.

The destruction of national sovereignty and nationalism of all nations and with it, the destruction of billions of human beings "surplus to requirements" was also high on the COR's agenda.

Peccei believed that nation-states, individual liberty, religion, and freedom of expression had to be ground to dust under the boot of the New World Order-One World Government, through COR was established to do in the shortest as possible time.

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Rather than discard the beauty and purity of the Renaissance, we need to cling to it all the harder and protect its priceless heritage. Here is an outline of some of the steps advocated by Harmon, in order to make the COR's plans for a New World Order work:

• Youth involvement in the political processes.
• Women's liberation movements.
• Black consciousness. [The racist COR view this as a mind-control tool and psychological operation (psyop) to manipulate blacks.]
• Youth rebellion against "wrongs" in society.
• Greater interest in Social responsibility of business.
• The generation gap.
• Induced bias against industry and technology in the youth.
• Experimenting with new family structures (i.e. single parent, homosexual "couples" and lesbian "households.") [This has already been implemented.]
• Conservative ecology groups must be formed.
• Interest in Eastern religions to be diligently applied in schools and universities.

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COR think-tanks had the task of bringing together under one umbrella organization, the many Socialist organizations already striving to end Western Christian civilization. Japan cannot be left out of COR-Committee of 300 plans.

Japan is also an industrial nation, a highly nationalistic homogenous people; the kind of society much hated by the would-be rulers of the New World Order.
Therefore, Japan, although not Western or Christian, presented a problem to the COR planners.

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I will write a separate post on The Club Of Rome's goals for Japan, which will be Part 2/3.

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May 8, 2023

Below are excerpts taken from John Coleman's book, THE CLUB OF ROME, p. 38-40

I have split up their goals into 3 posts, since one post would be too long.

All books on The Committee of 300, including The Club of Rome, can be found in pdf the Google Drive link in the first post of this thread.

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Japan cannot be left out of COR-Committee of 300 plans.

Japan is also an industrial nation, a highly nationalistic homogenous people; the kind of society much hated by the would-be rulers of the New World Order.
Therefore, Japan, although not Western or Christian, presented a problem to the COR planners.

Using David Rockefeller's Japan Society and Suntory Foundation, the plan was to undermine Japan's most successful use of the American economic system — a legacy left to it by General Douglas MacArthur, by applying indirect means.

"Indirect means" meant indoctrinating Japan with Socialist ideals, so-called "cultural changes" according to the blueprint, the "Age of Aquarius-New Age."

Japan's institutions and traditions were to be slowly but surely undermined in the manner and by method adopted against the United States.

The COR fanatics who waged war on America to "change its public image" were unleashed against Japan.

Daniel Bell of Tavistock and Daniel Yankelovich, the number 1 American "image makers" were called in to divert, at least on a temporary basis, and wage their war against Japan's industrial base.

Those of you, who have followed my work since I [John Coleman] began in 1970, will know that the interfacing of British Intelligence MI6 and David Sarnoff of the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) led to British agents being placed in key positions inside the CIA and the FBI's Division Five - its counterintelligence arm.

Yankelovich, of the firm Yankelovich, Skelly and White was coopted by MI6 to wage a ceaseless war on the American people.

Yankelovich, an anti-Christian Socialist who had been in the vanguard of the onslaught against an unsuspecting American people for two decades was now ordered by the COR to concentrate his resources on attacks against heavy industry in Japan, what they called, "belching smoke stacks."

Light industry was to be praised and commended. The hope was that the postindustrial zero-growth collapse of the United States and Volcker's credit crunch tactics could be repeated against Japan.

In a postindustrial society, according to the COR, close to 50 million Americans were to be deprived of their jobs and be left permanently jobless, and many millions more, would be underemployed.

This, the COR reckoned, would lead to social and moral decay, making the nation an easy victim for the New World Order-One World Government takeover. The collapse of the American middle class would have a profound effect on Japan's exports to the United States.

Like the American people, who have never been made aware of the war raging against them since 1946, COR-planners hoped to catch the Japanese nation off-guard. Peter Berger of the infamous Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) - the upper-level, parallel government of the United States under the Committee of 300, and the so-called anthropologist, Herbert Passon — the man who stepped into the shoes of the late, unlamented Margaret Mead, happily took up their new challenge.

As a result, a flood of "New Age" literature hit the Japanese market, purporting to show just how far industry in Japan had driven the average Japanese away from national, traditional values.

Made for television movies of street gangs of "Rock and Roll" youths were made popular with being care taken not to disclose that this aberration came from, the same source that gave us the Beatles, Mick Jagger, Keith Richard and all manner of decadent, depraved amoral reprobates are the creation of the Tavistock Institute under the aegis of the COR.

Jagger and Richards were often honored by European royalty.
The image thus created is that such degeneracy is the consequence of the industrialization of the United States.
Unless there is a concerted effort made to prevent it, Japan is slated to undergo the same moral decline, or at least equal in severity to that which was experienced by the United States of the "Beatles-Jagger-Rolling Stones" era roughly from the 1960s to the 1980s.

Incidentally, Jagger and Richards belong to the occult club established by Luciferian Alestair Crowley ~ the Isis-Osiris Order of the Golden Dawn.
The principal objective of Isis-Osiris is the moral destruction of the youth of the West through unlimited drugs abuse, "free sex," homosexuality and lesbianism.

The "music" provided by degenerates like Jagger and some later rock band leaders, set the tone for the lowering of inhibitions, making the youth of the nations more easily to induct into these evil practices.

The problem facing the COR is now to deal with the backlash that will surely come when unemployment as in Japan reaches U.S. levels.
The Japanese are unlikely to meekly submit and accept unemployment's their American counterparts have already done. Japan is a tough country to crack, but by feeding its poison slowly, in measured doses, the COR hopes to achieve a revolution in Japan, which will not arouse the populace - in other words, the American model is to be followed in the coming attack on Japan.

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In the United States, the Club of Rome's "Aquarian Conspiracy" has enjoyed stunning success. A summarized version of COR's [Professor] Willis Harmon's paper on the subject is all that we need to understand what is going on:

Images and fundamental conception of human nature and potentialities can have enormous power in shaping the values and actions in a society. He (that is Harmon and the COR) have attempted to study this by:

• Illuminati ways.
• Explore with respect to contemporary society problems, the deficiencies of currently held images of mankind, and to identify needed characteristics of future images.
• Identify high-level activities that could facilitate the emergence of a New Image (emphasis added) and new policies approaches to the resolution of key problems in society.

"We use the image of man or man in the universe to refer to the set of assumptions held about the human being's origin, nature, abilities and characteristics, relationship with others and place in the universe.

A coherent image might be held by any individual or group or political system, a church or civilization. Most societies have an image of man, which defines his social nature. For example, an image of man is thus a gestalt perception of human kind, both individual and collective in relation to self the society and the cosmos."

This is unadulterated nonsense, occult hocus-pocus designed to deceive the unwary. For most, assumptions about the nature of human beings are held subconsciously. But to continue with Harmon's attempt to brainwash us:

"Only when these hidden assumptions are recognized and brought into awareness is an image of man constructed, the image can be carefully examined with perspective retained and discarded or changed (emphasis added.)

Many of our present images appear to have become dangerously obsolescent. An image may be appropriate to one phase in the development of a society, but once that stage is accomplished, the use of the image, as a continuing guide to action will likely create more problems than it solves.

Science, technology and economics have made possible really significant strides toward achieving such basic human goals as physical safety and security, material comfort and better health. But many of these successes have brought with them the problem of being too successful.

Problems which themselves seem insoluble within the set of social value premises that lead to their emergence. Our highly developed technological system led to vulnerability and breakdown. The interconnected impact of society problems that have emerged now pose a serious threat to our civilization."

In other words, our Western ideals, belief in family, the sanctity of marriage, belief in one's country, national pride, national sovereignty, pride in our religious beliefs, pride of race, our trust in an omnipotent God and our Christian beliefs, are all obsolescent — according to the COR's Harmon.

The illuminist and high priest of the COR believes that "being too successful" springs from being too successful as an industrialized nation with full employment and a people enjoying a decent standard of living.

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I will write Part 3 of the COR's goals very soon.

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