The collective female pain body


Aug 19, 2018

Apart from a personal pain body, every person has a collective pain body. (unless fully awakened) The collective female pain body awakens particular around the pre menstrual phase. It lies dormant for most of the month and then suddenly it throws you off your feet, out of the blue.
This is the phase that most of fear and hate, it is that time of the month, that we would like to skip. It is that time that we can suddenly explode into rage, deep grief, and fear. We can also experience physical pain and other ailments. Tiredness, headaches, cramps, and muscles tightness.
It is the awakening of the female pain body.
This consists of accumulated pain suffered by women partly through male subjugation of the female, through slavery, exploitation, r*pe, childbirth, child loss, and so on, over thousands of years.
Often a woman is "taken over" by the pain-body at that time. It has an extremely powerful energetic charge that can easily pull you into unconscious identification with it. You are then actively possessed by an energy field that occupies your inner space and pretends to be you - but, of course, is not you at all.
It speaks through you, acts through you, thinks through you. It will create negative situations in your life so that it can feed on the energy. It wants more pain, in whatever form.
The number of women who are now approaching the fully conscious state already exceeds that of men and will be growing even faster in the years to come.
Men may catch up with them in the end, but for some considerable time there will be a gap between the consciousness of men and that of women. Women are regaining the function that is their birthright and, therefore, comes to them more naturally than it does to men: to be a bridge between the manifested world and the Unmanifested, between physicality and spirit.
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