The American “Coup d’etat”


Mar 16, 2017


Mar 16, 2017
You don't have a clue, do you?
Apparantly I have more of one then you do, seeing as I support ACTUALLY determining whether there was fraud and your aok with reaching that conclusion based on hearsay, rumor, and allegations prior to any investigation taking place.

I thought President genius trump put invisible barcodes on the ballots? Isn’t that what you said? Pull out a glow stick and prove it then. Should take like five seconds and cost almost zero dollars. I’ll gladly admit you were right when that happens and vote republican for the rest of my days.


Mar 16, 2017
Hillary was a sore loser because she instantly blamed Russia, and now we know that she’d decided to do that before Trump even won. Trump supporters expected fraud, and the evidence of fishiness didn’t take long at all to surface. Now we have multiple people swearing under oath that fraud was committed. Remind me again how many people swore under penalty of perjury that the Russians stole the election for Trump. Was it none? Oh yeah, it was. If you think this is just tit for tat, you’re clueless to a point not seen before this. You are literally a mouthpiece for the elite when you dismiss all allegations of fraud.

As I said, this isn’t a good look for you, or anyone else who denies out of hand that there was fraud. If you don’t think there were shenanigans, fine, let the investigations proceed and let’s get to the bottom of it. But for you and Jess and others to take the stance you have is utterly confusing. There was no fraud? How do you know? Orange man bad isn’t a good reason when the allegations are as widespread as they are. We have multiple witnesses going on record — not just beaking off from behind a mask like some Democratic whistleblower, but signing affidavits and risking prison to speak the truth — and you think there’s nothing to it. I can’t comprehend your stance at all.
Quote me saying there was no fraud or that I opposed the investigations or recounts. I never said either. Liar.


Mar 16, 2017


Mar 13, 2017
All the facts have yet to be revealed. But there's a scenario playing out in my head that seems pretty plausible. The scenario I'm about to describe is perfectly logical too.

On election night, right around the point when Florida got called for Trump, it galvanized a lot of late voters in key cities. So imagine a shitload of democrats all bugging everyone they know to get their ballot into wherever it needed to go. Moreover, this pressured sense of consciousness was not shared with Trump voters. They were all calling it an early night.
Feb 22, 2020
Trump is just laying the groundwork for the next generation of Q Tards with all his baseless claims that are all getting tossed aside in court.

Its quite pathetic, and scary how he and his team have been brainwashing this deranged cult for 4 years. It will continue even when he leaves office, as he is reported to be starting a new media venture.

As if Fox News, Breitbart, Newsmax, One America News, and the army of online trolls was not enough, we will soon get Trump News to gaslight his whacked out cult.


Oct 15, 2020
Trump is just laying the groundwork for the next generation of Q Tards with all his baseless claims that are all getting tossed aside in court.

Its quite pathetic, and scary how he and his team have been brainwashing this deranged cult for 4 years. It will continue even when he leaves office, as he is reported to be starting a new media venture.

As if Fox News, Breitbart, Newsmax, One America News, and the army of online trolls was not enough, we will soon get Trump News to gaslight his whacked out cult.
I agree; both sides are getting their sheeple whipped up into frenzies and trying to get them to go at each other to take out America.

It's like watching a Rooster fight here in Mexico. Two small animals are put in the ring to fight it out, while all the people shout on two different sides, and the pickpockets have a field day.

Apr 13, 2017
Apparantly I have more of one then you do, seeing as I support ACTUALLY determining whether there was fraud and your aok with reaching that conclusion based on hearsay, rumor, and allegations prior to any investigation taking place.

I thought President genius trump put invisible barcodes on the ballots? Isn’t that what you said? Pull out a glow stick and prove it then. Should take like five seconds and cost almost zero dollars. I’ll gladly admit you were right when that happens and vote republican for the rest of my days.
I didn't say anything concerning barcodes. I inquired about the confirmation of the QFS blockchain technology, which I personally think just serves for the Trump intel to know the actual results, while they mobilize the justice system to audit the votes.

But you're right about one thing: we are being taken for a ride. Except, you don't know the destination.

@Tidal would be like

Apr 13, 2017
All the facts have yet to be revealed. But there's a scenario playing out in my head that seems pretty plausible. The scenario I'm about to describe is perfectly logical too.

On election night, right around the point when Florida got called for Trump, it galvanized a lot of late voters in key cities. So imagine a shitload of democrats all bugging everyone they know to get their ballot into wherever it needed to go. Moreover, this pressured sense of consciousness was not shared with Trump voters. They were all calling it an early night.
I think it's more like:

The Democrats pushed for universal mail-in-voting so they could exploit ballot harvesting; they had precalculated algorithms programmed into their Dominion software with which they would manipulate tabulation by automatically switching a certain amount of Trump votes to Biden. When during election day they realized their scam wasn't working because even they underestimated how much they are disliked, and underestimated Trump's popularity, they enacted Plan C: manufacture illegal votes when America was sleeping. It was probably a panicky and rushed decision which got them in this situation where they made too many obvious mistakes and were unable to cover their tracks.

The moment before they announced Joe Biden's surprise speech where he claimed he was going to win the Rust Belt when he was 4%, 9% and 15% behind in WI, MI and PA respectively, is the moment they knew they lost. Biden just had to make clear the following message:

1. Be patient,
2. Every vote must be counted,
3. We're going to win this.


Mar 16, 2017
I didn't say anything concerning barcodes. I inquired about the confirmation of the QFS blockchain technology, which I personally think just serves for the Trump intel to know the actual results, while they mobilize the justice system to audit the votes.

But you're right about one thing: we are being taken for a ride. Except, you don't know the destination.

@Tidal would be like

View attachment 45957
Why mention the blockchain nonsense from q twice if you don’t believe it at all? I read back through your posts.. they weren’t questions. You didn’t really say much but you certainly implied you believed it when you told me trump wanted them to cheat. So... do you believe it or not? And if you do why hasn’t he used that yet? According to random q friends I didn’t realize I had.. Saturday is the day isn’t it? What happens Sunday when nothings changed?
Apr 13, 2017
Why mention the blockchain nonsense from q twice if you don’t believe it at all? I read back through your posts.. they weren’t questions. You didn’t really say much but you certainly implied you believed it when you told me trump wanted them to cheat. So... do you believe it or not? And if you do why hasn’t he used that yet? According to random q friends I didn’t realize I had.. Saturday is the day isn’t it? What happens Sunday when nothings changed?
I don't think people like Pieczenik and Ward would come out publicly to say something like that and risk their credibility. They could've easily spread the blockchain theory anonymously on the web if it was a hoax. So yeah, I believe it's true without ever having affirmed it is true.

And like I said in the previous post, I think the blockchain technology served to give them the information of the true results, and possibly intel on where there has been cheated, how and to what extent. Now that they have the information they were looking for, they will try to get the audits in those states that according to the intel were hit the worst with voting fraud. Am I stating this as fact? No. I just think this is how it is.


Mar 16, 2017
My question is... if they already have the true results then why not release them. If they went through the trouble of putting in a “fail safe” why do they want to try to confirm it through the same system they claim committed the fraud to begin with? Like if the cops were out to get me and I had proof, I wouldn’t then be going to those cops to validate my proof while still keeping the proof in my back pocket. I’d go to the press. I’d plaster the proof all over the place in an undeniable manner and THEN I’d demand a recount. He has 70 million acolytes - undeniable proof given to them would ensure pressure from the masses and that’s usually the one thing they can’t back down from in a real way. As it stands I’ve been seeing these theories for a week and nothing has materialized. I’ll wait til Saturday but I don’t expect anything to materialize then either.

You have trumps own lawyers in court backing off alleging fraud. It’s like a three ring circus.. but nothing is for no reason. And if your theories turn out to all be bs.. then the reason can’t be good, can it?
Apr 13, 2017
What do you mean with "the same system"? The Dems are not the ones who will perform the audits.

This is about audits, not just recounts. A recount is just a repeat tabulation of the same votes while an audit also separates the legal ballots from the illegal ones, which is what team Trump is after.

In a couple of hours the audit will start in Georgia. An audit may be announced for Pennsylvania as well soon, which is probably the king of the 2020 election fraud. They want audits to be wrapped up by November 18, so in a short week or so we'll know more. But this isn't looking good for team Biden and I expect alot of heads will roll when Trump starts his 2nd term.
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Mar 13, 2017
I think it's more like:

The Democrats pushed for universal mail-in-voting so they could exploit ballot harvesting; they had precalculated algorithms programmed into their Dominion software with which they would manipulate tabulation by automatically switching a certain amount of Trump votes to Biden. When during election day they realized their scam wasn't working because even they underestimated how much they are disliked, and underestimated Trump's popularity, they enacted Plan C: manufacture illegal votes when America was sleeping. It was probably a panicky and rushed decision which got them in this situation where they made too many obvious mistakes and were unable to cover their tracks.

The moment before they announced Joe Biden's surprise speech where he claimed he was going to win the Rust Belt when he was 4%, 9% and 15% behind in WI, MI and PA respectively, is the moment they knew they lost. Biden just had to make clear the following message:

1. Be patient,
2. Every vote must be counted,
3. We're going to win this.
Those are serious allegations. On the one hand, people may well have been emboldened to break the law. Plus, there has been a huge spike in gaslighting, which is weird because all these liberals are supposed to be happy now. And happy people don't gaslight each other.

On the other hand, there's my faith in humanity. This might not mean much, but, surely, there's still a high-risk factor that should have mitigated the large-scale crime you described. Minorities and poor people in America literally have one job. Don't go to jail, and TDS nor BLM or C19 will change that.