Sri Lankan revolution a color revolution?


Sep 8, 2018
Is Sri Lankan upheaval just the normal end results of a recession in Sri Lanka? Was it due to supply chain issues caused by the “pandemic”?

Is it just a Sri Lankan problem? Why did the PM have to resign? The cabinet? The President? Was all of this just organic?



Jul 28, 2021
I remember some months ago Biden sent Sri Lanka some millions in aid money and corrupt politicians used that $ to buy themselves speedboats to get the f*ck out of there,instead of using it for aid.Seems the whole place was run by one corrupt family together with corrupt politicians.
That family was/is very friendly with west/globalists and Rotary club runs rampant in there(lower level masons,like Zelenski is a rotary club member).So i think that uprising is legit ,not made by globalists but rather against them.


Jan 20, 2022
I remember some months ago Biden sent Sri Lanka some millions in aid money and corrupt politicians used that $ to buy themselves speedboats to get the f*ck out of there,instead of using it for aid.Seems the whole place was run by one corrupt family together with corrupt politicians.
That family was/is very friendly with west/globalists and Rotary club runs rampant in there(lower level masons,like Zelenski is a rotary club member).So i think that uprising is legit ,not made by globalists but rather against them.
No uprising is 'legit'

I have warned many times already and will warn again, they are exposing and tearing down the world system in order to replace it wiith a new one, a new order, new world order. This 'revolution' will occur worldwide and be made to appear as a revolution of the people and will decieve even those in the truth movement, they have agents in place to lead those in the truth movement down this road of deception, some youtubers with truth channels, some are famous like Alex Jones, Russel Brand, the Corbyns, David icke.

it is designed specifically to decieve those in the truth movement. As judged by many posts on this forum and also by your post it is clear that this plan is working, and they haven't even got to the meat of it yet.
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Jul 28, 2021
I dont see how that Sri Lanka situation is helping globalists.Those 20+ million people can rip each other apart and the world will not notice or care and i doubt anything happening in there would spread to its surrounding neighbours.
I guess we gotta wait and see who is gonna grab the power in there now.
Dozens of those corrupt politicians have left the island and if the globalists dont manage to install new puppets then how this Sri Lanka situation benefits them ? Sometimes their plans dont work out or have unexpected outcome.
When Iceland put corrupt bankers behind bars then was that also part of the globalists plan ?


Jan 20, 2022
I dont see how that Sri Lanka situation is helping globalists.Those 20+ million people can rip each other apart and the world will not notice or care and i doubt anything happening in there would spread to its surrounding neighbours.
I guess we gotta wait and see who is gonna grab the power in there now.
Dozens of those corrupt politicians have left the island and if the globalists dont manage to install new puppets then how this Sri Lanka situation benefits them ? Sometimes their plans dont work out or have unexpected outcome.
When Iceland put corrupt bankers behind bars then was that also part of the globalists plan ?
You dont really understand this world.


Jul 28, 2021
You dont really understand this world.
Care to explain it to me then ?
If this Sri Lanka was the "current thing" then the msm would tell people to support the protesters ..But it has been going on for months and media has been mostly quiet about it.How does this spread to other countries when MSM aint spreading it ?

So,a puppet family who has been ruling for 2 decades loses its power ,its uncertain who will be the next one on the throne .
In your mind its gonna be some NWO guvnment,even more puppet to the globalists than the one that was before ?

"No uprising is 'legit' " - Yellow vest protests spread out all over france and lasted for months .Was getting bigger and bigger until covid came along ... Also Hong Kong protests come to mind. But i agree that most of these protests/uprisings/revolutions are started and directed by the "big boyz".Just not all of them.
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Frank Badfinger

Aug 4, 2019
No uprising is 'legit'

I have warned many times already and will warn again, they are exposing and tearing down the world system in order to replace it wiith a new one, a new order, new world order. This 'revolution' will occur worldwide and be made to appear as a revolution of the people and will decieve even those in the truth movement, they have agents in place to lead those in the truth movement down this road of deception, some youtubers with truth channels, some are famous like Alex Jones, Russel Brand, the Corbyns, David icke.

it is designed specifically to decieve those in the truth movement. As judged by many posts on this forum and also by your post it is clear that this plan is working, and they haven't even got to the meat of it yet.
As much as this scripted agenda plays out, it is NOT fixed. It's fluid. Not everything goes as planned. Shit happens. Unforeseen events occur despite careful and meticulous planning. The future is not etched in stone.

BTW, be mindful that there are a lot of educated, well informed and experienced critical thinkers on this forum. Your attempt to school rather than engage in constructive dialogue is revealing.
Oct 20, 2021
There is some videos on RT showing the protesters breaking in the palace and eating the food in the kitchen and swimming in the pool. Nice to see some good news for a change.


May 15, 2017
We all need to remember not every single
elite club/member is connected/agree on every
aspect to reaching their main goals or even like
one another but they are all wings on the same bird
and those goals are the same

both are True not every plan they have works
out due to unexpected reactions from the Peoples
unforeseen circumstances,w/e the reason sometimes
SH's right

however We all Know these evils never let a crisis go
to waste,We Know they will have their grubby evil hands
in certain parts of this crisis trying to steer it towards
the end goals,they could very well have had a hand
in it to steer it to this point

these evils are not like Us,We may get to a line
that is too much and We won't cross it for anything
in this World for tptb there is no line as there is nothing
they wouldn't do,just because We cannot See the use
for a part of the situation doesn't mean there isn't one
it just means We can't See it

what's happening in Sri Lanka is about to come to Our
Countries We already See the same lead up,food/water
supply crisis,supply chain problems,disaster/weather w/e

it's the exact reality playing in Our Countries right now
only tptb don't want Peoples realizing they are setting
all of Us up right now in Ours that is why msm is not
reporting those problems and are focusing Us on anything

We all better Hope/Pray that when it comes
We will come together united like Sri Lanka's Peoples
against the True enemy of Us and get tptb out of the
power seats they are in,that We have all allowed them
to be in for far too long


Jul 28, 2021
Check this article out from April of this year:
View attachment 76937
I read it through ,as soon as i saw that China has been building infrastructure there i knew immediatly that they are then probaby owning China a debt they cant pay back. Thats how china got pretty much whole africa and dozens of other countries in their pocket. Made a quick search and yup ..
Also from one other article i saw that they owe IMF like 60 billion dollars or something.
"The port cities of Hambantota and Colombo have been leased to China for 100 years. China is now the second-largest lender to Sri Lanka, holding more than 10 per cent of Sri Lanka's outstanding foreign debt in 2019," .


Jul 28, 2021
" China has played a large part in their downturn. They've entered them into an unwinnable debt prison by promising infrastructure projects that were pointless and then letting the money be wasted for political corruption.
The people of Sri Lanka were sold out to China and the IMF is unwilling to bail them out as the bailout will just directly benefit Chinese creditors."

And then to add to that...

" The roots of this chaos can be traced to Rajapaksa’s wrong-headed thinking on farming. In his 2019 manifesto, he pledged to transform Sri Lanka into an ‘organic’ nation within a decade – reducing and eventually banning chemical fertilisers, herbicides and insecticides.

It’s a pledge that would probably win votes here, too. Who wouldn’t, in principle, want a greener future, free of nasty chemicals? But the trade-off, as Sri Lanka learnt the hard way, is food production tumbling over a cliff. For them, going green meant going hungry.

In 2020, Covid struck, hollowing out Sri Lanka’s finances and causing its vital tourism industry to grind to a halt.

Any rational government would have abandoned the pledge to hobble agriculture with eco-strictures. But Rajapaksa doubled down, announcing in April last year a total and immediate ban on fertiliser, to the outrage of Sri Lanka’s two million farmers. He was lauded by the world’s pampered eco-dignitaries at Glasgow’s Cop26 conference that November, feted as a green torch-bearer for developing nations, receiving warm praise and Covid-friendly elbow bumps in every corridor."
But what was spun as Rajapaksa’s green revolution was, in fact, cynical cost-cutting. With fewer tourists, Sri Lanka’s foreign cash reserves dried up. The government wasn’t prepared to use what little it had importing fertiliser. So it must have looked to Rajapaksa as a win-win: eco-credentials burnished and the treasury saving money.

There was only one problem: farmers couldn’t produce the yields they needed.

Sri Lanka feeds itself with rice. In the six months following the fertiliser ban, domestic production collapsed by 20 per cent, while prices rose 50 per cent. The tea crop was also devastated: the country’s most important export, and from which the lost revenue outweighed any savings made by not importing fertilisers.

What started as a dream that Prince Charles, with his organic Duchy estate, would surely approve of turned into a sorry mess of over-tilled soils, empty supermarket shelves and the hungry bellies of Sri Lanka’s poorest.

Selling your country as ‘organic’ appeals to visitors jetting in from Islington and Hollywood to enjoy lush scenery in five-star retreats – and assuage their guilt about flying thousands of miles. But today, the misery it inflicted on Sri Lanka’s people can be read in the smoke signals billowing from the presidential palace.

And let me be clear: this is not some abstract crisis taking place far away. Similar chaos looms in the West. In many countries, the rock of the ‘green agenda’ is meeting the hard place of economic reality. Farmers in Italy, Germany and Poland have been objecting with increasing anger to the destructive green pressure inflicted by their governments."


Jan 20, 2022
As much as this scripted agenda plays out, it is NOT fixed. It's fluid. Not everything goes as planned. Shit happens. Unforeseen events occur despite careful and meticulous planning. The future is not etched in stone.

BTW, be mindful that there are a lot of educated, well informed and experienced critical thinkers on this forum. Your attempt to school rather than engage in constructive dialogue is revealing.
Firstly your first paragraph is irrelevant. I never argued against anything you said there, all of that has nothing to do with anything i have said. I will however say that in actual fact, alot of what is coming in the future is infact 'etched in stone'

Being educated and an experienced 'critical thinker' doesn't mean you can or will be able to know or understand anything. Your 'education' comes from the same system designed to oppress and lie to you. I have no interest in engaging 'dialogue'. The vast majority of people eho call themselves critical thinkers are just as decieved as the average, they just believe they are awake. Learned a long time ago there is no point in that. The truth movement is full of people just like the ignorant sheep of the masses that they ridicule for not being able to smell a rat, Those in the truth movement all think they know everything, and the 'truth' they claim to be seeking they will throw away and reject if it doesn't conform to whatever ideas they are comfortable with, whatever version of that 'truth' they like best.

Ultimately the 'truth movement' and the vast majority within it, will reject the truth.
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Mar 30, 2017
Firstly your first paragraph is irrelevant. I never argued against anything you said there, all of that has nothing to do with anything i have said. I will however say that in actual fact, alot of what is coming in the future is infact 'etched in stone'

Being educated and an experienced 'critical thinker' doesn't mean you can or will be able to know or understand anything. Your 'education' comes from the same system designed to oppress and lie to you. I have no interest in engaging 'dialogue'. The vast majority of people eho call themselves critical thinkers are just as decieved as the average, they just believe they are awake. Learned a long time ago there is no point in that. The truth movement is full of people just like the ignorant sheep of the masses that they ridicule for not being able to smell a rat, Those in the truth movement all think they know everything, and the 'truth' they claim to be seeking they will throw away and reject if it doesn't conform to whatever ideas they are comfortable with, whatever version of that 'truth' they like best.

Ultimately the 'truth movement' and the vast majority within it, will reject the truth.
Then why on you on this forum? You practically say this in every post since you've joined. Rather than have a defeatist attitude with basically every reply, please enlighten us all with what the real truth is, what's really going on and how to defeat these satan worshipping criminals.


Jan 20, 2022
Care to explain it to me then ?
If this Sri Lanka was the "current thing" then the msm would tell people to support the protesters ..But it has been going on for months and media has been mostly quiet about it.How does this spread to other countries when MSM aint spreading it ?

So,a puppet family who has been ruling for 2 decades loses its power ,its uncertain who will be the next one on the throne .
In your mind its gonna be some NWO guvnment,even more puppet to the globalists than the one that was before ?

"No uprising is 'legit' " - Yellow vest protests spread out all over france and lasted for months .Was getting bigger and bigger until covid came along ... Also Hong Kong protests come to mind. But i agree that most of these protests/uprisings/revolutions are started and directed by the "big boyz".Just not all of them.
You have the same problem everyone in the world does, you dont think enough. More accurately you dont engage your brain in thinking to challenge the things you already believe. Most of your thoughts are devoted to defending your current world views, evidenced by the fact that all the questions you asked here you could have very easily answered yourself if you actually read and really paid attention to what i said and suggested in my post previous to the one you replied to here. If you actually pondered on what was said and thought about it in relation to whats going on you could have answered those questions yourself. However you never really pondered on anything i said, rather only enough to come up with a retort that in your mind would defend your existing position.

You said in your post, '..if sri lanka was the current thing then msm would tell people to support the protesters'

Im gonna repeat what i said to you originally.
'I have warned many times already and will warn again, they are exposing and tearing down the world system in order to replace it wiith a new one, a new order, new world order. This 'revolution' will occur worldwide and be made to appear as a revolution of the people..... '

Now THINK and ask yourself one question. If the goal is to make the revolutions and protests appear as revolutions of the people, WHY WOULD YOU HAVE MSM REPORT IT?? Heavy MSM reporting and support WOULD EXPOSE THAT IT IS NOT a revolution of the people as MSM is an agent of the current world system.
I said again in my post '.. it is designed specifically to decieve those in the truth movement....' If you read that and actually pondered what was said you would know why no MSM is reporting it or calling for the support of it, IT WOULD BE EXPOSING THEIR HAND IN IT TO THE VERY SEGMENT OF PEOPLE THEY ARE TRYING TO DECIEVE. If your goal is to give them impression that this is a people's uprising, a revolution of the oppressed againsz the system , then the agents of the system must act in ways that SELL THAT IMPRESSION. Simple thought process that could easily have been reached if the time was actually ever taken to try and reach it.

Your talking about puppet governments and 'how does it benefit them if they can't install another puppet government' I said to you they are exposing and tearing down this current world system. Puppet governments are a fixture of this current world system is it not? So why are you assuming the goal involves having more pupprt governments?

Again i am warning again as i have warned many many times, READ, UNDERSTAND AND PONDER WHAT IS BEING SAID IN THIS WARNING. THEY are exposing and tearing down this current world system to replace it with the one thats coming. IT WILL BE MADE TO SEEM LIKE A REVOLUTION OF THE PEOPLE. Like a rising of the people against the oppressive regime. They are sacrificing their pawns, sacrificing their puppets in order to do so. In order that when the new world comes it seems like a world designed by the people for the people. The agents and figures of the current world regime cannot bring the New world order into existence, people will rebel, people will know it is not for them. THEY ARE MANIPULATING THE PEOPLE AND USING THEM TO BRING IN THE NEW WORLD SYSTEM THIS WAY THE WORLD WILL ACCEPT IT THINKING IT IS OF THE PEOPLE. Thinking it is a revolution of the people. IT IS THROUGH THE TRUTH MOVEMENT THAT THE NEW WORLD ORDER WILL BE ESTABLISHED.

If you manage to really ponder and understand what in telling you, then you can go back and ask yourself about those yellow vest protests you mentioned before.

More importantly than that, when i say 'they' do you people even understand who they are? I see posts on here where people mention 'the powers that be' but by reading their post it is clear they don't even know who the powers that be are. 'You wrestle not against flesh and blood....' DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?? BECAUSE IF YOU DONT YOU KNOW NOTHING, AND EVERYTHING YOU THINK YOU KNOW IS EXACTLY WHAT WILL BE USED TO DECIEVE YOU. But again as i have said before, ultimately the 'truth' movement will reject the truth.
Mar 30, 2017
You have the same problem everyone in the world does, you dont think enough. More accurately you dont engage your brain in thinking to challenge the things you already believe. Most of your thoughts are devoted to defending your current world views, evidenced by the fact that all the questions you asked here you could have very easily answered yourself if you actually read and really paid attention to what i said and suggested in my post previous to the one you replied to here. If you actually pondered on what was said and thought about it in relation to whats going on you could have answered those questions yourself. However you never really pondered on anything i said, rather only enough to come up with a retort that in your mind would defend your existing position.

You said in your post, '..if sri lanka was the current thing then msm would tell people to support the protesters'

Im gonna repeat what i said to you originally.
'I have warned many times already and will warn again, they are exposing and tearing down the world system in order to replace it wiith a new one, a new order, new world order. This 'revolution' will occur worldwide and be made to appear as a revolution of the people..... '

Now THINK and ask yourself one question. If the goal is to make the revolutions and protests appear as revolutions of the people, WHY WOULD YOU HAVE MSM REPORT IT?? Heavy MSM reporting and support WOULD EXPOSE THAT IT IS NOT a revolution of the people as MSM is an agent of the current world system.
I said again in my post '.. it is designed specifically to decieve those in the truth movement....' If you read that and actually pondered what was said you would know why no MSM is reporting it or calling for the support of it, IT WOULD BE EXPOSING THEIR HAND IN IT TO THE VERY SEGMENT OF PEOPLE THEY ARE TRYING TO DECIEVE. If your goal is to give them impression that this is a people's uprising, a revolution of the oppressed againsz the system , then the agents of the system must act in ways that SELL THAT IMPRESSION. Simple thought process that could easily have been reached if the time was actually ever taken to try and reach it.

Your talking about puppet governments and 'how does it benefit them if they can't install another puppet government' I said to you they are exposing and tearing down this current world system. Puppet governments are a fixture of this current world system is it not? So why are you assuming the goal involves having more pupprt governments?

Again i am warning again as i have warned many many times, READ, UNDERSTAND AND PONDER WHAT IS BEING SAID IN THIS WARNING. THEY are exposing and tearing down this current world system to replace it with the one thats coming. IT WILL BE MADE TO SEEM LIKE A REVOLUTION OF THE PEOPLE. Like a rising of the people against the oppressive regime. They are sacrificing their pawns, sacrificing their puppets in order to do so. In order that when the new world comes it seems like a world designed by the people for the people. The agents and figures of the current world regime cannot bring the New world order into existence, people will rebel, people will know it is not for them. THEY ARE MANIPULATING THE PEOPLE AND USING THEM TO BRING IN THE NEW WORLD SYSTEM THIS WAY THE WORLD WILL ACCEPT IT THINKING IT IS OF THE PEOPLE. Thinking it is a revolution of the people. IT IS THROUGH THE TRUTH MOVEMENT THAT THE NEW WORLD ORDER WILL BE ESTABLISHED.

If you manage to really ponder and understand what in telling you, then you can go back and ask yourself about those yellow vest protests you mentioned before.

More importantly than that, when i say 'they' do you people even understand who they are? I see posts on here where people mention 'the powers that be' but by reading their post it is clear they don't even know who the powers that be are. 'You wrestle not against flesh and blood....' DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?? BECAUSE IF YOU DONT YOU KNOW NOTHING, AND EVERYTHING YOU THINK YOU KNOW IS EXACTLY WHAT WILL BE USED TO DECIEVE YOU. But again as i have said before, ultimately the 'truth' movement will reject the truth.
TLDR. Clearly, you're here because you're lonely and have antisocial tendencies. I think you need to get out more and talk to some people in rl. :D I'll keep this in mind when I see your posts.

Maybe take up a hobby or learn a new skill...?