So what woke you up then?


Mar 13, 2017
I guess I have never seen the world as others around me do. I have always been an outcast, always questioning things.

At preschool a teacher already asked me ''are you dumb or stubborn?'' to which I answered ''stubborn'' and got ''that's also dumb''. I guess I never fit into the system well. I still don't. I've managed to assymilate a bit better on the surface, but I am a loner to boot and not very interested in belonging to any clique.

What first made me question things more deeply was the 9/11 attacks, I saw how things just didn't add up. I believed from the start that there was more behind that than just some angry men from a desert. I still don't believe it was a real terror attack.

Being an introvert and a nerd, triggered by the 9-11 attacks I soon delved into the more obscure parts of the internet to search for the truth and started reading conspiracy websites and other things generally hidden from the public eye. These things and my spiritual training woke me up. I have been part of a Wicca coven for about five years, and since then have followed the path of a solitary witch/pagan because the group thing didn't suit me too well in the long term. I really don't fit in anywhere.

Buddhism comes closest to my own spiritual experience now, because it can be practiced alone and is one of the few religions which value the experience of inner contentment with self. I feel at home in it for that reason.

I don't believe the elite are spiritual at all, I believe money and materialism are the driving factors between world wars and division. If anything, they worship the earth (material things) literally above the spiritual (God).The symbolism in music etc is just something they use because symbolism is more powerful for the subconcious than anything else, and those symbols are ancient. Not because they are actual pagans.

I still don't ''belong'' anywhere, I question everything including my own beliefs. I am fluid in my thinking and will probably be somewhere else entirely in five years..


Mar 16, 2017
I was completely into all the conspiracy junk before I finally realised that governments are inept, not all in on a great Illuminati scandal. Mixing with the truly great allowed me to access their life, and made me realise none of this was true. In fact, quite the opposite, great times, great parties, great and varied sex and a heck of a lot of fun. Not sex rituals and all that shit.


Mar 13, 2017
I'm really into horror movies and have been all my life. There is a movie called "Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation" which is the 4th in the series. It's mostly known for starring Matthew McConaughey and Renee Zellweger early on in their careers before they were huge stars, and also for being just plain bizarre and so vastly different from the rest of the series. The family of killers is heavily implied to work for the Illuminati. The word "Illuminati" is even painted on the side of a truck driven by Matthew McConaughey's character.

Anyways, I didn't even notice or think anything of it until I read a thread on the now defunct IMDb (Internet Movie Database) message boards about the film making a huge deal out of it it. I thought "I don't even know what this 'Illuminati' thing is that they're talking about." I typed in the word on Google and came across some articles (I believe on the Vigilant Citizen website) talking about celebrities like Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, etc., and how they all use the same symbols in their work because they're all controlled by the same secret group. At first I thought "wow, this is too much for me." But the more I thought about it, the more sense it started to make so then I began to believe it and haven't stopped.
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Mar 15, 2017
Jan 2013. A friend had a DVD set explaining the Illuminati. I'd seen the DVD numerous of times before & never paid any attention to it. Boy, I wish I would have. I'd have been woken up years ago..


Mar 13, 2017
My dad taught me from an early age to read between the lines and be prepared. He was a smart man. With each year that passes and new books I've read, my understanding expands. My religion also puts emphasis on paying attention to the secret combinations and staying vigilant.


Mar 13, 2017
Upon being born in London, I was moved to Uganda with my parents as they had A business there. I lived there for about 7 years, ate at the best restaurants, rubbed shoulders with the rich on the regular and went to the best schools. I also had one of the biggest birthday parties in Ugandan history, at the time. My house was huge, and had a massive 360 garden that would surround my villa with Kalashnikov armed guards at our gates, and personal drives who were given shoot on sight commands by highly ranked officers in the Ugandan police. As you left our premise you would just have to drive down the road and you would see the indigenous people of the nation carrying buckets on their head while their child was on their back in the basking heat. It was definitely strange, the rich were not even Ugandan, they looked different, lighter skin tones tended to dominate a particular market, or were just generally richer then those Ugandans. These thoughts were going through my head at a very young age (Believe it or not) but just to get the point what opened my eyes, and changed my view on reality was my Dad stopped at some local village with me, and my brother in the car he got out, so it was just me and brother in the back-seat. All of a sudden the locals started surrounding our car, and screaming Muzungu! ( Muzungu mean's white man) (we are not white, but rather olive skinned but anyone with a lighter skin tone is considered a white man) and putting their hands against the glass window and shaking the car something out of a zombie flick no pun intended we were terrified! More, and more people started coming having any chance to look through the window at us. My father came and the crowd were cleared off by the help of some locals, and we drove off. That stuck with me, and from that day I was curious about the world around me..and begun the search XD and here I am today.


Mar 15, 2017
I just became more curious about my religion islam and things related to the day of judgement and the more i studied the signs i realized how they already exist in this world and when studying about things related to the anti-christ and the era before his appearance struck me hard
the idea of a world that would welcome him in it seemed too far fetched but i became more curious and here i am lol


Mar 13, 2017
I just became more curious about my religion islam and things related to the day of judgement and the more i studied the signs i realized how they already exist in this world and when studying about things related to the anti-christ and the era before his appearance struck me hard
the idea of a world that would welcome him in it seemed too far fetched but i became more curious and here i am lol
Do check out sheikh imran hosein.


Mar 18, 2017
quantum physics
if you are sensitive enough to notice the little things but cautious enough to not disturb the equilibrium, ;)
its fun i tell you :D

Red Sky at Morning

Mar 15, 2017
I have a friend who has been a bit of a rebel. For years he was fond of taunting his churchgoing Christian parents with his lifestyle and music...

Whatever was evil or caused offence would be top of the list to buy, and I encountered bands like Deicide, Cradle of Filth, Kiss, Venom etc for the first time. The singing was rough and angry and the message was all satan. He later abandoned the whole scene...

Years later, when looking into something almost at random I came across a name I recognised. Jonas Ackerlund. He used to be involved with Venom (truly nasty, satanic group) and bells started to ring. He was now producing music videos packed full of imagery from the occult into sweet sugary artists from the mainstream. Same message, different packaging.

I quickly realised the Hegalian Dialectic involved - the in your face evil of overt satanic black metal with a sound and style straight from the popular imagination of what evil looks like, then perform a switch and slide in amongst the bubblegum pop and sensual R&B artists.

Lucifer masquerading as an angel of light, and everyone swallowing it because it's not like that 'evil rock music'. The heart of the message is the same.

P.s. Just to give an interesting line of enquiry to those who feel the same way, have you ever pondered on the similarities between Harry Potter and the message of Rosicrucianism? I must admit, I hadn't till I came across

If anyone else picks up on this, I would be interested in your take?


Mar 15, 2017
These stories are very interesting. Sounds like ancient history now, but in the 80s I remember reading the book titled something like Warning. It was about how this man had pieced all the bible prophecies together and concluded that the world was going to end in 1988. It would be the year of Jesus' Second Coming, everyone would be forced to get the mark of the Beast, etc etc. I was quite scared. Obviously it came and went.
He got some things right though.I still kept my curiousity about what we're not being told by the media and the Elite.